#Dr. J Kratt AU
kaynai-sama · 1 year
I can picture Chrizach (From my Dr J Kratt AU) with the song "Rewrite the stars" from the greatest showman
Chris was the one who started kinda flirting with Zach (For the joke at first) It was when he had recently became a villain and still didn't want to let the crew knew why he left.
When they realized they loved each other, Chris was insecure because even if he was a villain now it shouldn't be wrong, then... Why does it still feel wrong?
Zach knows Chris has a lot of insecurities due to how his face looks like after a big accident, that was another reason Chris felt unsure, since he felt that Zach would stop liking him because it was a big change. Zach loves him anyway and he's willing to prove it.
I ship it... I ship so much... :)
Kaynai out 😎
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kaynai-sama · 9 months
Primero, hola Kaynai!!
Segundo, ¿Podríamos tener más infor sobre tu AU “Dr J Kratt”?, tipo, ¿En qué trabaja Chris ahora?, ¿Que tipo de cicatriz tiene? (Quemadura?, desfiguración?, corte profundo?), ¿Cómo ocurrió?, o bueno, en general cualquier otro tipo de información que podamos saber de momento ^^
Primero; Hooooola, Velvet!
Segundo; Claro! Digamos que la cosa fue un poco así. Chris en este universo está más centrado en la biología y química con esto de los animales. Era miembro del equipo durante sus inicios, sin embargo, mientras más observaba a los animales, más era su sed de conocimiento por ellos, tanto que incluso los tendría inmovilizados (según él, sin lastimarlos) para verlos más de cerca e inclusive hacerles algunas pruebas "inofensivas" en ellos para saber cómo reaccionaban. Su interés estaba sobre todo en animales venenosos. cuando empezaron a tener problemas con los villanos, Chris propuso usar veneno de animales alterado para detenerlos de una vez. Sin embargo, el resto del equipo sabía que eso era peligroso. Tras mucho tiempo de hacer pruebas que, Chris no tenía suficiente y se salió del equipo con la excusa de que solo haría investigaciones más de cerca a animales venenosos y que no necesitaba de su ayuda. Todos estaban preocupados, sobre todo Martin, obviamente, pero respetaron su decisión. Lo que no sabían era que Chris poco a poco se convertía en villano, haciendo pruebas con animales y cualquier sustancia que estos tengan sin importar que los lastimaba. Mezclando estos con otros tipos de químicos raros de los que no tengo idea yo porque no soy científica UwU.
Se consiguió dos ayudantes, Devon y Mary. Devon es un médico/cirujano y Mary es otra científica. Pasaron los meses e incluso dejó de contestar las llamadas del equipo. Zach se interesó debido a que él mismo fue testigo de lo que hace y lo invitó a convertirse en villano, muy "únete al lado oscuro" la onda. Chris aceptó.
Ahooora, hablando del accidente. Chris estaba probando una mezcla nueva, un veneno en el que había estado trabajando, sin embargo, las primeras pruebas no habían salido bien, y esta mucho menos. Básicamente, la cosa se salió de control y el químico le saltó a Chris en la cara, Chris estaba usando lentes, pero estos se empañaron tanto que Chris se los tuvo que quitar para ver, fue en eso en donde le saltó el químico en la cara y le derritió pues... media cara. El lado izquierdo, para ser específicos. Incluso su ojo. Devon le tuvo que hacer una cirugía para salvarle la vida, pero le tuvo que sacar el ojo porque estaba demasiado infectado. Al final el químico sí funcionó... Martin lo sabe más que nadie.
Chris tiene una especie de media máscara porque no le gusta cómo se ve. La máscara se la hizo Donita, se supone que debería ser sencilla, pero a Donita le valió madres.
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
AU List (Updated)
Sooooo, I’ve realized I have 18 Wild Kratts AUs... so I updated the AU list I made a long time ago... when I only had like nine AUs or something like that...
WK Hazbin Hotel AU: Hazbin Hotel but with the Wild Kratts characters.
Wolfwalker AU: After getting a bite from a wolf cub, Jimmy starts seeing things. He barely sleeps ever since.
Mystichal brothers AU: Part 1: The bros discover the flewin DNA in their family thanks to Chris, but he runs away for five year, why? Part 2: Martin is attended in a strange hospital, after that, he senses dark enery coming from himself, but he can’t control it.
Experiment 351 AU: Chris curses the day when his old childhood friend murdered his brother to turn him into a doll... He’s a crazy pshycopath... wait, is that 350?
Spy Japan AU: Working for an independent force from the former Kanaichi agency, the bros dedicate their lives to protect the town of Korosaki from the other forces.
Collision AU: The WK survivor has to get back the souls of all the Wild Kratts of the multiverse which were stolen by the villains of each universe, it’s been 1 year and a few months already and yet... nothing.
Demon & Ghost AU: Chris discovers that William is not his real dad. Martin and his family know this, expect for Chris, obviously. They wanted to keep his real dad away from him, and it worked... until now...
The WK Resistance AU: Zach released a slight zombie virus to kill the wk crew, but he ended up starting the apocalypse.
Spy Robot AU: Zach had some good three years creating and calibrating the new robot clones of the wk crew to finish them once for all, let’s hope it works.
Fairy princess AU: Aviva is interested in Chris since she was a little girl. But, she’s a princess and she can’t be with a little farmer boy like him, can she? Meanwhile, the Kratt family hold a secret, no one can know about it, especially the royal family.
Criminal AU: Chris and Martin enter the criminal career to get enough money to afford the so-called cure for Martin’s unique dissease, but they have to deal with the police and stuff, especially a new symptom Martin will develop soon.
Dr J. Kratt AU: Fascinated by all the scientific wonders of animals and blinded by the wish of knowdlege, he quits the WK crew and becomes a villain. Martin still can’t belive that new villain is his little brother.
Matrix error AU: Omar dissapeared five weeks ago. Desperated and with no other choice, Koki, his older sister, calls an old “friend”, Jimmy, the only one who can help her with this case.
Snake's Garden AU: Martin reunites with his college band. But now he has a new challenge from their old rivals and the return of a speciall someone, someone he thought he would never meet again.
Next Gen AU: Agatha makes a deal with his own father, earn some approval from him in exchange of finishing the new wild kratts crew. But she never thought of what could happen to her next.
Witchcraft AU: The bros are abandoned by her mother in a strange ride which takes them to the Fenix Witchcraft academy. Jus in time for a big event, where they team up with Aviva, Jimmy and Koki, the youngest of her class and witch rank.
Wild Animals AU: Martin runs a band with Chris and his friends, Jimmy and Koki. One day, a girl named Aviva shows up asking for a place to stay. She ends up making new music with them, changing the vibe almost completely, and Martin does not like this.
Creepy AU: The Kratt siblings had the perfect life, until Hanna was murdered... Martin suffered from depression and guilt, Chris’s schizophrenia was getting worse, everything was wrong!... Martin couldn’t hang on to this anymore... and he made a horrible mistake.
Alright... For now because I know myself) This are all the AUs I have. Bro, the last list I made about this was so much short, but hey! It’s always good to come up with new stuff.
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
PODEMOS SABER MAS DE ESTE NUEVO AU? Se ve muy interesante!
Dr J. Kratt va de como Chris se aleja del equipo y (como se ve en el diálogo) Se vuelve un villano. El accidente que se menciona no lo voy a mencionar ahora (jeje) Pero como es uno de mis AUs favoritos voy a publicar bastante de esto. :)
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kaynai-sama · 1 year
"You need to be more careful with your experiments, doctor. You barely die that one time."
"I know, I know."
Devon finished bandaging Chris's arm... Or well, James' arm.
"Doctor...?" Mary showed up by the door. "It's your brother... Again."
James groaned. "It's been one year already, why does he keep calling?"
"Probably Donita spread the word."
"No, she wouldn't do that."
Mary lowered her head a little. "So, should I-...?"
"No." Chris scolded. In a way that even Devon stepped away. "I'm not letting him find out..."
"Oh... Okay." Mary walked away. "I better make another check up to the lab... I'm not sure if you can go in again. At least your condition has gotten better."
"Yeah, yeah..."
Devon looked at Mary walking away, and then back at James. He was the one James trusted the most.
"Are you okay, doc?"
"Okay? Half of my... Ugh, I never thought that my appearance would ever affect me in this way."
"Well..." Devon knew he had to shut up. He knew Chris's face wasn't in it's best form... But he couldn't speak about it. "You know you can't fix it in anyway. Your skin is really sensitive to almost everything."
"I need to work on a new formula... I just can't leave this job unfinished."
"You could cause a big deal with what you have now."
"The explosion ended up with all of my samples. Few of them were saved."
"Worry not. Let's just focus on today's accident."
"I know, those gloves weren't thick enough."
Devon chuckled.
"What's so funny?"
"Well, you used to be a Wild Kratts and now you work against them."
"Hmm. I just got a little carried away..."
But... I have to deal with my brother...
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