#Drain cleaning Dorset
Implementing these preventative measures and investing in regular drain cleaning can prevent major issues. Neglecting maintenance can lead to severe clogs, blockages, pipe damage, compromised water quality, and potential health risks.
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teruyalab · 8 years
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Read more at teruyalab.com
Source: practicalfishkeeping.co.uk
The type of substrate you decide on will have big effect on how much time you’ll need to spend on its maintenance. Our guide will ensure you stay on top of what’s on the bottom.
A couple of weeks into owning your set-up, you’re probably looking at the bottom of your layout and thinking ‘that doesn’t look right…’
Different types of substrate need different approaches when it comes to cleaning. If you’ve gone for bleached white sand under a barrage of intense lighting, you’ll probably need to be in there, sifting away daily. If you’ve gone in for a planting substrate, you might never clean it, once.
Here’s how to deal with some of the more readily available substrates out there.
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Planting substrates
Controversial, but if you have a tank decked out with high-end, high cost planting substrates like ADA Powersand, you either know what you’re doing or you’ve made a big mistake.
Planting substrates are mainly designed to trap and slowly release nutrients to plant roots, and often come pre-loaded with food — that means ammonia. The moment you start trying to rake through them, you release those nutrients into the water column, and that in turn will lead to an outbreak of algae.
How to clean them
Before going in the tank: Usually you don’t!
Once in the tank: Some aquascapers suggest removing a section of the substrate every few weeks or months, and cleaning before replacing. Others don’t. My own advice is to run a gravel cleaner about an inch above the surface of any exposed parts, so that you lift any waste without disturbing the substrate itself.
Heaving with nutrients and perfect for almost all kinds of plant growth.
Useless for burrowing catfish or excessively dirty tanks.
Limited choice of colors and grain size.
Often tends to have a slightly acidic (and rarely alkaline) influence on water chemistry.
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Fine natural gravel
Some modern aquarists might be a bit sniffy about this ‘outdated’ substrate, but it still has its place — by which I mean it is a total breeze to clean.
Gravels, and most famously the classic ‘Dorset pea gravel’ became a hobby staple during a time when tanks relied on undergravel filtration. Subsequently they have found themselves on the fringe of fashion, but many tank owners still persevere!
How to clean it
Before going in the tank: Rinse thoroughly to remove any fine dust. A sieve is fastest, if you blast around 1 or 2kg at a time under a coldwater tap, shaking and swilling like chips in a fryer. Alternatively, place into a bucket and stir continuously while applying running cold water and letting the bucket overflow. Ensure the water is running off clean before draining and adding to the tank.
Once in the tank: Use a gravel cleaner with syphon to draw water out of the tank and plunge the gravel cleaner deep into the gravel at the same time. The water will lift the gravel, swill and rinse it, then when the gravel cleaner is lifted it will drop back out. A battery or air powered vacuum will do a similar job, but less effectively. You’ll need to do this at least every two weeks, though weekly is considerably better. Monitor how dirty the gravel is each time and adjust as needed.
The easiest gravel to clean by a mile.
Inert in freshwater, rarely causes a slight alkaline elevation.
Looks good in many settings.
Hides obvious small particles of waste from view.
Awful rooting medium for most plants.
Can harm catfish bristles and burrowing species.
Improper cleaning will lead to nitrate spikes and disease hotbeds.
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Silver sand
Silver sand is the choice for numerous biotopes, as it’s similar to substrates found in lakes and rivers the world over. It can be bought in almost any aquatic store, and similar looking substitutes like playpit sand are available where it isn’t.
Despite some detractors claiming potential gut or gill problems associated with using it, it remains one of the most popular modern substrates going.
How to clean it
Before going in the tank: Slowly, slowly is the key here. Place around 5–8cm depth in a bucket at a time, and stir continuously and vigorously while flushing with cold water. Note, this stage may take a long time, but you need to be thorough as it is hard to remove sand dust once it is in the tank. Don’t try putting it in a sieve as you’ll lose the lot!
Once in the tank: A gravel cleaner and syphon will just lift the sand out of the tank, though you can use that to your advantage. When particularly dirty, it may pay to remove some sand with a hose this way and rinse it as though going in the tank for the first time — just be careful to limit this to 25% of the total sand, in order not to disrupt filtration. Personally, I like to gently rake my fingers through silver sand on a weekly basis, allowing any muck to lift and drop back down to the surface. Then using a syphon hose, I skim just above the surface of the sand, removing the deposits. This method will result in a fractional loss of sand, which is cheap enough to replace as needed.
Natural looking.
Great for catfish whiskers and fish that burrow.
Almost always inert, doesn’t affect chemistry.
Many plant roots love it.
Cannot be used for deep substrates as it can turn anaerobic.
Can look dirty very quickly.
Can find its way into filters easily.
Excitable fish may stir up a tank into a sandstorm.
Strong filter flows may move it, leaving craters and sand drifts.
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Colored gravels
Love them, hate them, ignore them, but colored gravels are often part of the appeal for a new fishkeeper. Not all colored substrates are the same, either in size, quality or durability, so even cleaning for the first use can be a disappointment.
Before anything, get some of your proposed gravel, put it in a jug with some water, give it a couple of days and test for ammonia. Some colored gravels are reported to leach ammonia compounds, and if they do, I’d personally bin them — or you can soak them until it goes away.
How to clean them
Before going in the tank: Rinse gently in a colander or sieve under gently running tapwater. In many cases, some of the color will run off, leading the aquarist to panic and stop rinsing. You need to keep going until the water runs clear, but do be gentle! The same problem will arise if placing the gravel in a bucket and stirring while gently flushing. Note that some gravels come coated in a resin that will hold in the color, and for these you can be vigorous, though paradoxically they’ll be amongst the cleanest out of the bag.
Once in the tank: Gravel cleaners and syphons will need to be used at least weekly to keep colored gravel clean. The lighter the color, the quicker algae will start to smother it, and you may find that white gravel only lasts one or two days before needing syphoning again. Be particularly careful with black gravel as it can harbor a lot of solid waste without you noticing, and may turn your tank into a ticking time-bomb of sewage.
Pretty, if you like that sort of thing.
Easy enough to clean once in place.
Some fish will freak out over bright substrates.
Some types may contain ammonia sources.
Colors may bleach over time.
Coarse grains will affect catfish and burrowing fish.
Can get dirty very fast.
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Coral sand
Coral sand has a limited use these days, being restricted to marine set-ups, and hardwater tanks (usually African). It’s actually the product of fish that eat corals, and pass the tiny coral ‘sand’ fragments out in their feces.
Because it is riddled with calcium carbonate, it will make soft water hard, and subsequently alkaline. Never be inclined to use it in acidic tanks!
How to clean it
Before going in the tank: Place around 5–7cm of sand in a bucket and flush with cold water while stirring vigorously. Ensure all the sand is turned over as you do this. When the water eventually runs clear, the sand is ready for use.
Once in the tank: Use a gravel cleaner and syphon weekly or fortnightly and clean as though you would fine gravel (see previous page). In between syphoning sessions, waste from the surface can be removed with a battery powered gravel vacuum, or by wafting a fine net above it and lifting out any waste.
Acts as a buffer in hardwater tanks.
Fine enough for some burrowing species such as eels.
Very attractive in the right setting.
Intense light will cause algae growth.
Useless in acidic and softwater tanks.
Some grades can be very dusty initially, requiring prolonged cleaning.
Fine particles are sometimes implicated in gill problems in some fish.
Top tips for healthier substrates
Never leave the roots of plants behind when extracting them, as they’ll decompose and churn out nitrates. Rather than pulling plants out, try digging them out.
When cleaning substrates before adding them to your tank, use cold water instead of hot. Some substrates can give the illusion of cloudy run-off water when hot water is used, when in reality they are clean. Microbubbles may be a culprit here.
Use nets to remove uneaten food and debris rather than letting it settle on the base.
For marine tanks, lay your sand out thinly on a tray and run over it with a powerful magnet before use. It’s rare, but occasional metal fragments in substrates are not unknown.
The joy of snails! While poorly managed snail populations can become epidemics, having a few Malaysian trumpet snails among the substrate can help turn it over and prevent stagnant patches.
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emicorntech · 6 years
Give your domestic chores a lift with water treatment system
Man and science have taken gigantic steps and it has become almost imperative to keep in sync with them. Those who do not stay updated often face embarrassment before their peers. After all, today it is essential to give your home a refined touch and also to give your family maximum possible comforts. One product that is redefining our domestic lives is water softener. It is a new-age device that aims at controlling the hardness of your local tap water. Tap water, in several pockets of UK, give water that is quite hard and is, hence, not very appropriate to do your dishes or clothes. Depending on the hardness level of water, your drain pipes will face the strain too. The role of the water treatment system is to soften the hard water and make it more suited for our domestic works.
Any work involving detergent or soap will be best done if the water used is soft water. Hard water is basically that water that has dissolved mineral salts in copious amounts. The more the salts the more difficult it gets for the soap to lather itself. So, hard water comes inherently with difficulties in cleaning, washing and even bathing. For instance, if you are washing your car you will find that the soap does not produce enough lather if the water in your area is very hard. Some people do not even notice it as one often attributes it to the poor quality of the detergent used. But if you get a water treatment system in place and treat the water before using them, you may be surprised to discover how the soap seems magically good. The lather produced will be very helpful and will enable you to facilitate stronger soaping.
Buying the water softener may seem a hassle at first. But there are very convenient options of shopping these days. There are reliable water softeners UK sellers and manufacturers. They go out of their way to help first-time customers, explaining in meticulous details the entire procedure of using the device and the many advantages it has. They also help you in installing it and familiarise you with every aspect of the machine. Even if you are not new to water softening treatments, you can acquaint yourself with the updated devices that are emerging every year.
While the websites keep flashing all the details and merits of having a water softener (which includes among others the fact that they will help the soap to lather easily thereby helping in dishing, cleaning, mopping, bathing and car-washing), another merit is that the best water softeners Dorset suppliers are also coming up with tantalisingly beautiful products so that they can add to the appeal of your kitchen. The attractive features, stocked in a diverse range and at mouth-watering prices, have together contributed to the soaring popularity of these products.
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ethankburkeuk · 7 years
Be Organised Plan Your Packing For Self Storage
Self-storage doesn’t have to be a space you visit a couple of times a year to dig something out of a stack of boxes. It can be a highly organized, easily accessible space that frees up necessary space in your home or office. To get the most out of your unit, it’s best to plan ahead (…. before you start loading the truck). This step-by-step plan should help you along the way:
1. Depending on what you plan to store, you may want to think about making an inventory.
2.  Start by identifying items that will be packed in boxes and stacked.
3. Prioritize boxed items you will want to access most (they’ll go closer to the front of the unit).
4. Group by fragility and/or weight – heavier, substantial items should be stored on the bottom of stacked items, delicate items on top.
5. Consider awkward-sized items that won’t stack well, including how often you will need to use them, and how heavy they are.  Group these items in a similar way you did the boxes.
Nobody wants to pay for space they don’t need. But a little extra space makes moving around within the unit much easier and gives you room to add unplanned items.
Only you know how much stuff you have to store, but the friendly Self Storage staff are always happy to help if you are unsure.
Organizing and efficiently packing your items will take time and concentration. However, the up-front effort will be well worth it when you’re able to easily unload and organize your items at the storage unit. Here are some tips for packing:
Invest in supplies
•Use boxes rather than plastic bags. Boxes are sturdier and stack well, taking up less space. Many removals companies require that goods be packed in boxes for transport. Also, sealed plastic bags can trap humidity which can cause damaging mildew.
•Invest in good quality, sturdy boxes and packing materials. Boxes should be sturdy enough to hold up for years under the weight of the stack. You may be tempted to get boxes for free from supermarkets and liquor stores; however, the mismatched shapes and sizes will impede your ability to organize most effectively. You can buy standard-sized boxes and specialty boxes for items such as TVs, videotapes and pictures. If you’re storing long-term, you may want to invest in plastic stacking boxes.
•For wrapping breakables, paper will do, but bubble wrap can be used repeatedly, is cleaner, and because it is transparent, makes identifying contents easier.
Packing supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap and tape are available for purchase at most Self Storage facilities.
Packing boxes
•Box up everything that you can. Anything un boxed has an increased risk of being damaged when you access you unit.
•Fill boxes to capacity. The contents in half-empty boxes can shift during transport or lifting. Corners and sides can collapse if there’s nothing to support them. Foam peanuts or paper is useful  for filling in the gaps in boxes.
•Distribute the weight in packed boxes evenly. Make sure they are not too heavy to be lifted. It’s better to have lots of small light boxes, rather than a few large heavy boxes if possible.
•Wrap all fragile items and breakables such as dishes, glasses, ornaments, etc. separately. Pack these items tightly into strong or reinforced boxes, filling any gaps with paper or filler. Mark “Fragile” on any boxes containing breakable items.
•Clearly label all boxes on more than one side so you can easily identify the contents.
•Pack books flat to avoid damaging their spines.
Packing other items
•If you plan to store clothes, it’s worth investing in a wardrobe box with a built-in hanging rod. These are available for purchase from self storage facilities.
Large appliances must be prepared correctly for storage:
Defrost fridges and freezers thoroughly.  This avoids water damage and mildew growth. Tie down the appliance doors during transport, but leave them slightly ajar once in storage.
Drain washing machines, and tie down hoses and cords before storing them.
Wipe down the inside of appliances with baking soda before you store them to keep them dry.
•Wrap mirrors and pictures in protective covering such as bubble wrap and mark them as “Fragile.” Cardboard corners can be purchased to protect the sharpest, weakest areas of frames.
•If storing photographs, consider a climate controlled unit where temperature fluctuations will not damage your photos. If you do store loose photographs, place them between pieces of clean cardboard and consider taping them together to avoid curling.
•Separate lamp bases and lampshades and wrap them for protection.
•If you’re storing upholstered products such as mattresses and sofas, consider investing in covers, bags or sheeting for additional protection. Storage and moving facilities often sell large heavy-duty bags for this purpose.
•Vacuum-sealed bags work really well for draperies, bedding, and clothing.
•Electrical equipment such as TVs, stereos, and computers should be packed in their original boxes whenever possible. If using other boxes, choose ones that are as close in size to the original as possible, and fill all gaps with paper. Make sure you secure the player arm of a record player and turntable.
•Disassemble furniture such as beds and tables before you store them. Wrap and cover the separate sections, clearly mark them and keep them together. Keep assembly components such as screws and bolts together in a plastic bag, mark them clearly, and tape the bag to the appropriate piece of furniture. (Use tape that is safe for use on furniture, or tape the bag to an inconspicuous place on the piece.) Cover chair legs with bubble wrap or rags for extra protection.
•Spray your wood furniture with a good quality furniture polish before storing it to give it some added protection.
•Treat leather items with a leather conditioner before you store them.
•Wipe down metal objects and tools with a little oil before storing them to avoid rust formation that can occur when the tools are not used regularly.
•When storing a vacuum cleaner, clean out the bag or canister first; bacteria, mold and vermin can accumulate otherwise.
•Consider having awkward or heavy pieces such as exercise equipment packed professionally. Man and Van Move can offer a specialist packing service.
As you go, keep an inventory of every item you’ve packed. Ideally, include an estimate of the replacement value of each item you store so that you have some idea of what to insure the stored goods for.
• Your storage unit should already be clean and swept out, consider putting down protective canvas sheeting, cardboard or wooden boards on the floor for cleanliness.
•Keep a fold-up step stool in your space for accessing hard-to-reach areas.
•Based on the climate in which you live or work, consider putting up moisture absorbers, to protect your belongings.
•Frequently-used items should be placed near the entrance for easy access. This holds true for file boxes and other business items, too.
•To ensure security of valuable items such as computers or TVs, place them farthest from the door, with other items concealing them.
•Unload the largest items and place them against the far wall, as well as along the sides of the unit. See if the storage facility has dollies or other machinery that you can use to unload and place these heavy items. Some self-storage companies will offer these free of charge.
•For archived business documents that you won’t need to access frequently, place them against the far wall of the unit.
•When arranging items, leave an aisle space for easy access to your items.
Planning, preparing and setting up your self-storage unit may seem like a big chore. However, you will certainly find the time and effort are worth it, when you know that your belongings are properly protected, conveniently accessible and well-preserved.
 The post Be Organised – Plan Your Packing For Self Storage appeared first on Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset.
from http://manvanmove.co.uk/be-organised-plan-your-packing-for-self-storage/
from   Man Van Move Bournemouth - Blog http://manvanmove.weebly.com/blog/be-organised-plan-your-packing-for-self-storage
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sosplumbingdrainage · 2 years
At SOS Drainage & Plumbing, we are proud to be your same-day blocked drain specialists in Bournemouth & Poole and offer fast, effective drain services with competitive rates! We have engineers on standby 24 hours a day, 365 days of the year to service your blocked drains specialist in Bournemouth.
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seandfraseruk · 7 years
Be Organised – Plan Your Packing For Self Storage
Self-storage doesn’t have to be a space you visit a couple of times a year to dig something out of a stack of boxes. It can be a highly organized, easily accessible space that frees up necessary space in your home or office. To get the most out of your unit, it’s best to plan ahead (…. before you start loading the truck). This step-by-step plan should help you along the way:
1. Depending on what you plan to store, you may want to think about making an inventory.
2.  Start by identifying items that will be packed in boxes and stacked.
3. Prioritize boxed items you will want to access most (they’ll go closer to the front of the unit).
4. Group by fragility and/or weight – heavier, substantial items should be stored on the bottom of stacked items, delicate items on top.
5. Consider awkward-sized items that won’t stack well, including how often you will need to use them, and how heavy they are.  Group these items in a similar way you did the boxes.
Nobody wants to pay for space they don’t need. But a little extra space makes moving around within the unit much easier and gives you room to add unplanned items.
Only you know how much stuff you have to store, but the friendly Self Storage staff are always happy to help if you are unsure.
Organizing and efficiently packing your items will take time and concentration. However, the up-front effort will be well worth it when you’re able to easily unload and organize your items at the storage unit. Here are some tips for packing:
Invest in supplies
•Use boxes rather than plastic bags. Boxes are sturdier and stack well, taking up less space. Many removals companies require that goods be packed in boxes for transport. Also, sealed plastic bags can trap humidity which can cause damaging mildew.
•Invest in good quality, sturdy boxes and packing materials. Boxes should be sturdy enough to hold up for years under the weight of the stack. You may be tempted to get boxes for free from supermarkets and liquor stores; however, the mismatched shapes and sizes will impede your ability to organize most effectively. You can buy standard-sized boxes and specialty boxes for items such as TVs, videotapes and pictures. If you’re storing long-term, you may want to invest in plastic stacking boxes.
•For wrapping breakables, paper will do, but bubble wrap can be used repeatedly, is cleaner, and because it is transparent, makes identifying contents easier.
Packing supplies such as boxes, bubble wrap and tape are available for purchase at most Self Storage facilities.
Packing boxes
•Box up everything that you can. Anything un boxed has an increased risk of being damaged when you access you unit.
•Fill boxes to capacity. The contents in half-empty boxes can shift during transport or lifting. Corners and sides can collapse if there’s nothing to support them. Foam peanuts or paper is useful  for filling in the gaps in boxes.
•Distribute the weight in packed boxes evenly. Make sure they are not too heavy to be lifted. It’s better to have lots of small light boxes, rather than a few large heavy boxes if possible.
•Wrap all fragile items and breakables such as dishes, glasses, ornaments, etc. separately. Pack these items tightly into strong or reinforced boxes, filling any gaps with paper or filler. Mark “Fragile” on any boxes containing breakable items.
•Clearly label all boxes on more than one side so you can easily identify the contents.
•Pack books flat to avoid damaging their spines.
Packing other items
•If you plan to store clothes, it’s worth investing in a wardrobe box with a built-in hanging rod. These are available for purchase from self storage facilities.
Large appliances must be prepared correctly for storage:
Defrost fridges and freezers thoroughly.  This avoids water damage and mildew growth. Tie down the appliance doors during transport, but leave them slightly ajar once in storage.
Drain washing machines, and tie down hoses and cords before storing them.
Wipe down the inside of appliances with baking soda before you store them to keep them dry.
•Wrap mirrors and pictures in protective covering such as bubble wrap and mark them as “Fragile.” Cardboard corners can be purchased to protect the sharpest, weakest areas of frames.
•If storing photographs, consider a climate controlled unit where temperature fluctuations will not damage your photos. If you do store loose photographs, place them between pieces of clean cardboard and consider taping them together to avoid curling.
•Separate lamp bases and lampshades and wrap them for protection.
•If you’re storing upholstered products such as mattresses and sofas, consider investing in covers, bags or sheeting for additional protection. Storage and moving facilities often sell large heavy-duty bags for this purpose.
•Vacuum-sealed bags work really well for draperies, bedding, and clothing.
•Electrical equipment such as TVs, stereos, and computers should be packed in their original boxes whenever possible. If using other boxes, choose ones that are as close in size to the original as possible, and fill all gaps with paper. Make sure you secure the player arm of a record player and turntable.
•Disassemble furniture such as beds and tables before you store them. Wrap and cover the separate sections, clearly mark them and keep them together. Keep assembly components such as screws and bolts together in a plastic bag, mark them clearly, and tape the bag to the appropriate piece of furniture. (Use tape that is safe for use on furniture, or tape the bag to an inconspicuous place on the piece.) Cover chair legs with bubble wrap or rags for extra protection.
•Spray your wood furniture with a good quality furniture polish before storing it to give it some added protection.
•Treat leather items with a leather conditioner before you store them.
•Wipe down metal objects and tools with a little oil before storing them to avoid rust formation that can occur when the tools are not used regularly.
•When storing a vacuum cleaner, clean out the bag or canister first; bacteria, mold and vermin can accumulate otherwise.
•Consider having awkward or heavy pieces such as exercise equipment packed professionally. Man and Van Move can offer a specialist packing service.
As you go, keep an inventory of every item you’ve packed. Ideally, include an estimate of the replacement value of each item you store so that you have some idea of what to insure the stored goods for.
• Your storage unit should already be clean and swept out, consider putting down protective canvas sheeting, cardboard or wooden boards on the floor for cleanliness.
•Keep a fold-up step stool in your space for accessing hard-to-reach areas.
•Based on the climate in which you live or work, consider putting up moisture absorbers, to protect your belongings.
•Frequently-used items should be placed near the entrance for easy access. This holds true for file boxes and other business items, too.
•To ensure security of valuable items such as computers or TVs, place them farthest from the door, with other items concealing them.
•Unload the largest items and place them against the far wall, as well as along the sides of the unit. See if the storage facility has dollies or other machinery that you can use to unload and place these heavy items. Some self-storage companies will offer these free of charge.
•For archived business documents that you won’t need to access frequently, place them against the far wall of the unit.
•When arranging items, leave an aisle space for easy access to your items.
Planning, preparing and setting up your self-storage unit may seem like a big chore. However, you will certainly find the time and effort are worth it, when you know that your belongings are properly protected, conveniently accessible and well-preserved.
The post Be Organised – Plan Your Packing For Self Storage appeared first on Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset.
from Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset http://manvanmove.co.uk/be-organised-plan-your-packing-for-self-storage/ from Man Van Move Bournemouth https://manvanmove.tumblr.com/post/162118594837
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bkwatson-blog1 · 8 years
Resin Bonded Driveways
Spring Cleaning for Resin Bonded Driveways in Dorset, Paths, and Parking Areas
Numerous of these older homes are now entered by exactly what was once the back or side door, and a new approach has been necessarily created, frequently including some type of driveway and parking space. In the suburban areas, it might be a short suburban tarred strip; in the country, a longer shaled driveway leading to the home.
Whether you have a short or a long driveway, it will need certain upkeep from time to time. Make your assessment after you make certain the last snow has come and gone. Clean up and rake back any gravel that may have been snowplowed off (normally onto the adjoining lawn)if yours is a gravel driveway.
Check for fractures and holes if you have resin bonded driveways in Bournemouth. They can easily be fixed with unique tars offered from hardware shops and lumberyards if these are minor. Periodically, the entire driveway can gain from a coat of blacktop sealant that creates a new using surface.
Small repair services to concrete driveways are easily made at this stage consuming a concrete mix that can be bought in little sacks from developing providers, lumberyards, and numerous hardware shops. (See pages 21-24 for more information on concrete repair service.).
If yours is a longer driveway made from shale, crushed stone, split rock, or gravel, it will probably require more routine maintenance than either blacktop or concrete. Snowplowing, if required in your area, can specific a heavy toll by getting rid of surface product together with the snow.
Any hole or rut-even a small one-will be bigger by the action of rain and overflow and eventually become a significant risk. No matter how thoroughly a graded driveway is initially graded, eventually it will establish ridges and depressions that start to gather water. The holes seem to grow of their own accord; in attempting to skirt them, drivers progressively change a smooth, straight encounter a winding obstacle course.
This process, nevertheless, can be slowed greatly by a little rake-work once in a while. When all the frost is out of the ground and any heaved areas have subsided-and the ground is fairly dry-fill in holes and anxieties with material raked from the high areas. If long-term ruts across the driveway continue from heavy rains and runoff, think about installing brand-new or extra culverts to complete the excess water.
Despite the fact that it is necessary not to start to level your resin bonded driveways in Poole or parking lot till you are specific that cold weather has decreased and all the frost is gone, early spring is the best season to do this type of work, specifically if you are undertaking more comprehensive repairs like significant reshaling or adding extra parking area. Spring repair works permit the resin bonded driveways in Weymouth to be compacted securely (by utilize) throughout the summertime, reducing the portion of loose surface area material that snowplows might later on scrape away.
Much of exactly what has been stated about driveways is pertinent to paths. Courses and sidewalks that are not well drained or that are constructed over bases unsuited to their climate can suffer considerable e-raised paving product, loosened bricks, and misplaced flagstones. Before attempting any repair work, await the effects of winter season the rainy season to diminish.
Many of these older homes are now entered by what was once the back or side door, and a brand-new approach has actually been always developed, frequently including some kind of driveway and parking space. Modern houses are designed with their primary entryway oriented to the vehicle's requirements, typically up a personal driveway. In the suburban areas, it may be a short rural tarred strip; in the nation, a longer shaled driveway leading to the house.
If yours is a gravel driveway, clean up and rake back any gravel that might have been snowplowed off (normally onto the adjacent lawn).
If permanent ruts throughout the driveway continue from heavy rains and runoff, consider installing new or extra culverts to bring off the excess water.
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sosplumbingdrainage · 2 years
SOS Drainage & Plumbing provide a variety of drainage services that can be undertaken at your residential or commercial property in Bournemouth or Poole. If you need a blocked drain in Bournemouth clearing, a blocked toilet or sink unblocked or gullies and stack pipes cleared, our team are on hand 24/7 to attend to your drainage problems. Get in touch today.
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sosplumbingdrainage · 2 years
SOS Drainage & Plumbing is here to provide a comprehensive 24/7 drains service with drain jetting and CCTV drain survey capabilities as well as loads of other really helpful drains services for you at home or at your work. Whether day or night, weekend or bank holiday, you can rely on blocked drain Bournemouth to come to the rescue and resolve any drainage issue you might have.
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sosplumbingdrainage · 2 years
We provide expert drain cleaning in Poole, Dorset, as a local drain cleaning service. Since clogged drains frequently happen at the worst possible times, we offer each of our customers with 24/7 drain cleaning service. By solving the issue while we are there, we will save you money by preventing future costs.
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seandfraseruk · 7 years
Useful Tips For Moving
Make Lists and Labeling Your Boxes
Labels for moving house
Make up a list to help you to record what’s in each box or container. Devise your own system but keep it simple and ensure that it will allow you to easily identify where everything is packed. For example you could use numbered labels and cross refer these to a list or notebook. In other words you could have a box numbered “6” and a reference to this in your notebook listing the contents of box number “6”.
Heavy packaging
Do not overfill! Please ensure that you do not overfill your boxes and cartons, remember that they have to be lifted. Your furniture removal men are fully trained but they are not supermen. Also, boxes that are overfilled may break under the strain.
Do not underfill! This may seem stupid after the previous tip but partially filled boxes may collapse if heavy items are placed on top of them. Try to distribute your things evenly in the available boxes.
Ensure that you have sufficient packing materials It is essential that you have plenty of paper, bubble wrap, cartons and containers. You will also need lots of adhesive tape.
Beware of news print! When packing your valuable and fragile possessions please remember Packing for home removals with newspapers that newsprint will rub off. Use plain paper where this may be a problem. Your ornaments, glassware and other delicate items can first be wrapped using newspaper. The containers holding these items should be clearly marked as “fragile”.
Consider a color code system You may want to consider using colored labels or otherwise marking your containers with a different colour for each room in the house. This will allow the removal men to place the containers in the appropriate room.
Take care with your soft furnishings Ensure that you don’t place heavy items with sharp corners on top of sofas and other upholstery. These can be damaged quite easily if you do this.
Pack ahead Start packing two or three weeks in advance. Keep only essential items aside until the last day or two.
Small items Boxes are preferred to bags for small items. Bags are easily torn and difficult to stack.
Suitcases and luggage Where possible use your suitcases and other luggage to pack some of your things.
Do not pack important documents Remember to keep important documents aside. This will obviously include any documents related to the house sale and your removal.
Packing food Food should be removed from cupboards and packed before the move. Ensure that all caps and screw fittings on jars and bottles are secured.
Paint and other liquids Ensure that any paint or other liquids is contained in leak proof containers. Pack in plastic bags before placing in boxes to minimize the effect of any spillages.
Children If you have young children it would be advisable to look for baby sitters while the move is taking place. You will be stressed enough without trying to look after the kids.
Pets If you have pets you should consider what is to happen to them on the day of removal. It is generally better that they are removed from the premises before the move takes place.
Fridge and freezer Remember to defrost your fridge and freezer no later than the day before your move. Ideally you should run the contents of these down over the last couple of weeks before you go.
Appliances Kitchen appliances such as fridges, freezers or washing machines that contain water should be drained and allowed to dry before removal.
Garden tools and equipment Ensure that any petrol driven equipment is cleaned and drained of fuel well before the move.
Evening meal You should make arrangements for your evening meal in advance of your move. You don’t want to be trying to cook whilst the place is in turmoil. However people can get short tempered when hungry so treat yourselves to a take-away if necessary.
Painting and carpet fitting It goes without saying that it is far easier if you can get your decorating and carpet fitting done in advance where possible.
Lamps Remove all lamp shades before the move. this would include table lampshades, ceiling and wall lamps if you are taking these with you.
Beds Most beds require to be dismantled before they can be moved. Consider this and plan accordingly.
Elevator and parking If you need to use an elevator or if parking spaces are a problem ensure that you get these organised beforehand.
Flat pack (Self assembly) Furniture Self assembly furniture does not usually move well. It is better if you can make arrangements to have this dismantled before your move. You should also arrange for someone to reassemble it at your new home.
Plants If you have plants you may want to consider leaving these with a friend or neighbor. Some plants are delicate and may be affected by dust and paint fumes. It is better to leave these until you are settled in.
Administrative matters related to moving home Utilities (Telephone, Gas and Electric) You should ensure that you have read your utility meters before leaving. You should also have made the appropriate arrangements with the utility and telephone companies for transfer of your services.
Essential items Keep all your essential items together in a suitable box for the day of the move. These will include things like your credit cards, keys, wallets and mobile phones.
Medication If anyone in the household requires regular medication or items such as asthma inhalers ensure that these are kept safely aside. Remember that you may be working in dusty conditions.
Your old house Should your old house be getting left empty for a period ensure that everything is turned off and that you pass the keys on to the estate agent.
Scheduled deliveries Remember to cancel your milk, newspapers and any other items that are delivered to your old house.
Television supply Should you subscribe to any satellite or cable television services arrangements will have to be made to get this transferred.
IMPORTANT Please ensure that you have spoken to your neighbors and where necessary, arranged to leave parking places clear. Also all walkways, pathways, stairs and passages should be clear of any obstruction to allow us free movement to your property.
The post Useful Tips For Moving appeared first on Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset.
from Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset http://manvanmove.co.uk/useful-tips-moving/ from Man Van Move Bournemouth https://manvanmove.tumblr.com/post/161543707707
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ethankburkeuk · 7 years
Useful Tips For Moving
Make Lists and Labeling Your Boxes
Labels for moving house
Make up a list to help you to record what’s in each box or container. Devise your own system but keep it simple and ensure that it will allow you to easily identify where everything is packed. For example you could use numbered labels and cross refer these to a list or notebook. In other words you could have a box numbered “6” and a reference to this in your notebook listing the contents of box number “6”.
Heavy packaging
Do not overfill! Please ensure that you do not overfill your boxes and cartons, remember that they have to be lifted. Your furniture removal men are fully trained but they are not supermen. Also, boxes that are overfilled may break under the strain.
Do not underfill! This may seem stupid after the previous tip but partially filled boxes may collapse if heavy items are placed on top of them. Try to distribute your things evenly in the available boxes.
Ensure that you have sufficient packing materials It is essential that you have plenty of paper, bubble wrap, cartons and containers. You will also need lots of adhesive tape.
Beware of news print! When packing your valuable and fragile possessions please remember Packing for home removals with newspapers that newsprint will rub off. Use plain paper where this may be a problem. Your ornaments, glassware and other delicate items can first be wrapped using newspaper. The containers holding these items should be clearly marked as “fragile”.
Consider a color code system You may want to consider using colored labels or otherwise marking your containers with a different colour for each room in the house. This will allow the removal men to place the containers in the appropriate room.
Take care with your soft furnishings Ensure that you don’t place heavy items with sharp corners on top of sofas and other upholstery. These can be damaged quite easily if you do this.
Pack ahead Start packing two or three weeks in advance. Keep only essential items aside until the last day or two.
Small items Boxes are preferred to bags for small items. Bags are easily torn and difficult to stack.
Suitcases and luggage Where possible use your suitcases and other luggage to pack some of your things.
Do not pack important documents Remember to keep important documents aside. This will obviously include any documents related to the house sale and your removal.
Packing food Food should be removed from cupboards and packed before the move. Ensure that all caps and screw fittings on jars and bottles are secured.
Paint and other liquids Ensure that any paint or other liquids is contained in leak proof containers. Pack in plastic bags before placing in boxes to minimize the effect of any spillages.
Children If you have young children it would be advisable to look for baby sitters while the move is taking place. You will be stressed enough without trying to look after the kids.
Pets If you have pets you should consider what is to happen to them on the day of removal. It is generally better that they are removed from the premises before the move takes place.
Fridge and freezer Remember to defrost your fridge and freezer no later than the day before your move. Ideally you should run the contents of these down over the last couple of weeks before you go.
Appliances Kitchen appliances such as fridges, freezers or washing machines that contain water should be drained and allowed to dry before removal.
Garden tools and equipment Ensure that any petrol driven equipment is cleaned and drained of fuel well before the move.
Evening meal You should make arrangements for your evening meal in advance of your move. You don’t want to be trying to cook whilst the place is in turmoil. However people can get short tempered when hungry so treat yourselves to a take-away if necessary.
Painting and carpet fitting It goes without saying that it is far easier if you can get your decorating and carpet fitting done in advance where possible.
Lamps Remove all lamp shades before the move. this would include table lampshades, ceiling and wall lamps if you are taking these with you.
Beds Most beds require to be dismantled before they can be moved. Consider this and plan accordingly.
Elevator and parking If you need to use an elevator or if parking spaces are a problem ensure that you get these organised beforehand.
Flat pack (Self assembly) Furniture Self assembly furniture does not usually move well. It is better if you can make arrangements to have this dismantled before your move. You should also arrange for someone to reassemble it at your new home.
Plants If you have plants you may want to consider leaving these with a friend or neighbor. Some plants are delicate and may be affected by dust and paint fumes. It is better to leave these until you are settled in.
Administrative matters related to moving home Utilities (Telephone, Gas and Electric) You should ensure that you have read your utility meters before leaving. You should also have made the appropriate arrangements with the utility and telephone companies for transfer of your services.
Essential items Keep all your essential items together in a suitable box for the day of the move. These will include things like your credit cards, keys, wallets and mobile phones.
Medication If anyone in the household requires regular medication or items such as asthma inhalers ensure that these are kept safely aside. Remember that you may be working in dusty conditions.
Your old house Should your old house be getting left empty for a period ensure that everything is turned off and that you pass the keys on to the estate agent.
Scheduled deliveries Remember to cancel your milk, newspapers and any other items that are delivered to your old house.
Television supply Should you subscribe to any satellite or cable television services arrangements will have to be made to get this transferred.
IMPORTANT Please ensure that you have spoken to your neighbors and where necessary, arranged to leave parking places clear. Also all walkways, pathways, stairs and passages should be clear of any obstruction to allow us free movement to your property.
The post Useful Tips For Moving appeared first on Man and Van Move Bournemouth | Removals Service | Moving company | House Clearance across Dorset.
from http://manvanmove.co.uk/useful-tips-moving/
from   Man Van Move Bournemouth - Blog http://manvanmove.weebly.com/blog/useful-tips-for-moving
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