somelazyassartist · 1 year
I should revamp some of my old DnD characters that I never got the chance to play. Alastor, Ranch Dippingsauce, Nameless, Dolly, Fang The Werebear Carebear, Leavitt Tumee, Treasure, Dricielle Dawnspark, Cupiditas, Bear Withagun......... I miss them :(
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imaginelovewrite · 1 month
A price for peace part two
The palace halls of elfhame are gilded in gold and crowned in silver, gemmed flowers decorate it. A crowd of courtiers murmur in the room. Their eyes bright. They look for fresh gossip, as the king of elfhame sits on his throne. He has summoned his youngest son.
Enough of a rarity that Courtiers wonder if he is here for punishment or a reward.
a pretty noble woman named Driclellewhose skin is pink as a petunia and whose eyes are bright with hunger whispersWhat do you think the prince is summoned for?
Conrad a nobleman who would be considered handsome by humans if not for his bug like eyes says Idon’t know. But I hear the princess of the undersea was summoned as well
another woman named Forstyhia with gills on her neck wearing a dress so see through you can see the hairs of her pussy chuckles. “that’s nothing, I heard the general’s ward was summoned”
Both Conrad and Dricielle gasp. “No!” They say at the same time
“Yes!” Forsythia says.
“You think the king will make her his whore?”
Conrad who had been hoping to make one of the general’s wards one of his mistresses has a dirty smile on his face. “I hope the king is fond of sharing.”
The doors swing open Cardan’s POV
“Father.” I say bowing. The high king looks at me as if I’m garbage. I wonder if rolling my eyes would be considered treason. He does acknowledge me with a “son.” Though the words sound bitter and resentful coming from his lips.
My gaze goes to the blue haired Baphen. Who, to his credit has his eyes meet the floor. The astrologer is dressed in a purple robe of stars. The very same outfit he was said to wear when he ruined my life.
I continue to stare holes into the man, who seems to be sweating. A smirk enters my lips. Good. He should feel guilty for ruining my life. He didn’t interpret the full scope of the prophecy. And for that I have lived unloved and uncared the moment I was born.
Finally I turn my attention to father. “Why am I here?” I find myself relieved my voice sounds bored and uncaring. I am anything but. Father only summons me for revels, family feasts or punishment. And there is no revel or feasts right now. I can feel my heart thump against my chest.
High king Eldred gives a satisfied smirk. I want to rip that smirk off my father’s face.
The door swings open again.
I turn and see both Grand general Madoc and his ward Jude Duarte. The grand general is dressed in a red doublet and black pants. He is a large man with fangs. His eyes settle on me. I can feel his glare. But my attention is to the girl beside him.
Jude Duarte the ward of grand general Madoc. She is an exquisitely lovely girl whose willow brown hair soft brown eyes make her seem doll-like. Her shapely figure shows even in the modest white dress she wears. The noble men all look at her with lusts. But at a distance as the grand general is very protective of his ward. His sharp sword causes many of them to back away
I can’t stop looking at her however. I can feel my pants tighten, as I wonder what it would be like to rip that dress off her body. To feel her smooth skin against mine. I must be blatantly ogling her. Madoc’s blood lust can be felt a mile away, his sword is slightly unsheathe.
I know what the male courtiers are all thinking as Madoc’s attention focuses on me. That they’re glad they’re not me at the moment.
Jude keeps staring at me. There is a look of hate in her eyes. Not that I can blame her. Just yesterday I threw her down a river. I know she thinks the worse of me.
Madoc’s blood lust has gotten more volatile. I know for certain he is thinking of killing me right now.
Eldred watches this go on. A vein bulges in his head. I know what he’s thinking. He’s thinking my idiot son…. Good for nothing. But he coughs and our entire attention is on him. “We have one more quest.” He says, his voice booming down the halls.
There is a nervous titter among the courtiers. When the door opens again.
Nicasia the princess of the undersea. Orlaugh’s daughter is a great beauty in faerie. Her body exactly like what a faerie woman is, flat chested long limbs and coral pink lips. She gives Jude a haughty smile as she sees the get up Jude is wearing. Nicasia wears a dress so transparent it shows of her skin.
Jude’s hand shake. She knows her mortal body is very different from the bodies of fae. Her hands shake as the women give her cruel smiles. Their eyes judging at how her breast stand out even in this modest dress, how her curves still show.
But Jude must know, her body is provocative. That all fae men are attracted to her. They don’t bother to hide the lusts in their eyes after all.
Nicasia is looking at my father. And I know what she’s thinking “When I am queen I will have your head.” He hate is obvious. In fact I see father smirk. He must enjoy this. Enjoy having the princess in his power. When Nicasia turns to Madoc, there is so much anger and rage, I know she wants to kill him. Madoc however does not flinch.
Eldred his voice booming down the halls all looks at them. There is a magnanimous smile on his face. It puts the four of us summoned on edge. That type of smile on a king, usually meant punishment. Eldred’s eyes land on Jude. She visibly flinches. I see her hand shake.
It takes a while for me to understand. She’s terrified. Eldred’s lips curl into a smile. It takes me one second, one second longer than it should to realize his enjoying this. Father is enjoying this. Having Jude and everyone under his mercy.
Well since father hates me anyway, I wonder if I should punch him in the jaw.
Father’s eyes glitter with mirth. He loves having a beautiful girl on his mercy. A gnawing feeling hits me. What if Father wishes to make Jude his consort?” I shake my head at the thought. Surely Jude is too young for even father to stomach it. There is a grin on father’s face as he looks at me.
Son of a bitch. Now I will enjoy destroying that crown he loves so much. “Grand general Madoc, to honor you for your defeat of the undersea.” Nicasia cannot hide her rage and humiliation. She is trembling. There are a few snorts I hear from the gentry.
They hate Nicasia as they all hate the undersea. They love seeing her brought down. “You are to marry Princess Nicasia and Prince Cardan shall marry your ward Jude Duarte!”
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