#Duckblr mod speaks
down-in-duckburg · 5 years
Hello! I love your blog, this is the good content I needed! And, btw, I wanted to ask you if you have references for the different art styles the ducks are drawn in? Im new to drawing ducks, and feel like I should study different sources, but everything it's so overwhelming! ;(
Aww, thank you! ^^
As for references, I’ve got a few!  This got long so I’m putting it below a cut because the images got huge.  Also before I go deep into this, any and all references other people feel like adding would be more than welcome!
Now, as for what I’ve got here:
There’s plenty of model sheets floating around thanks to extensive appearances of ducks in animation and comics, like:
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And once a while back I made a post on another social media site about different comic styles that you can read here.  (Disclaimer: It’s a broad overview at best and comes from just some observations I’ve made that I haven’t studied so some bits may be off-base XD )  That can give you ideas of some other specific artists you might want to seek out to look at their work.
I know that what helped me a lot when I was first drawing ducks was to just pick different images and go for it from there. Caps or singular panels are really good for this, even if you don’t aim to redraw it all.
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That helped me learn the form and then I just went on from there to eventually define my own duck style. I know it can seem pretty overwhelming, especially with how much media is out there, but it could help to pick a character you really wanna get good at, and then just branch out from there~  Ducks can be difficult to figure out how they go together but I feel like once you got it, you got it, and then it’s all experimentation and style play from there.
The beaks will take you a WHILE though. Don’t worry, everybody hates the beaks.
Hope that helps!  Thank you again so much for the message and just for visiting, it really does make my day to know you guys all enjoy what I do
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down-in-duckburg · 5 years
So, I uploaded that video and it was immediately flagged as inappropriate. I appealed it and it opened back up in the same minute, all before it even finished processing.
Confirmed, Goldie O’Gilt too hot for Tumblr
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down-in-duckburg · 5 years
This is probably a long shot, but does anyone know where I can find or order Duck comics in Norwegian? From a US-based location where that would matter. I’m learning the language (specifically bokmål), and figure that’d be a good way to practice (alongside reading books, newspapers, other articles, what have you...).
Thanks for help anyone can give~
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down-in-duckburg · 5 years
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@youngbagelcloudllama The Status Seeker!  Episode 58 of Season 1.
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
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I know that in the fandom, my friends or otherwise, there’s a few trans people (as well as myself), as well as those who create trans headcanons for the characters, so someone might get a kick/thought experiment out of this conversation with @usami-chan13 I know I know, charge my damn phone etcetc. Before anyone calls me out for the “weird” bit it’s mostly because what we were talking about before was in no way related XD  Hence the blurred out bits, which were more for older talk than this one.  I myself kinda wanna take this and write a ficlet, though probably nothing posting-worthy (if only because it’d involve an off site RP AU I don’t often talk about here, so the characters would be unfamiliar).
(Incidentally I looked this up after the fact and the best I could find for what causes drake feathers is “/shrug” which I think usually just means it’s for show and strut, but if anyone with duck experience wants to weigh in that’d be great~ )
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
Maybe someone can give me a hand.
I’ve been looking for a panel ALL DAY, of Scrooge floating barely submerged in water like the buoyant little duck he is, but I can’t find it. The best I’ve got for memory is it’s prrrobably in one of the IDW Uncle $crooges, but I’m not sure...? I’ve been up and down blogs I thought I’d seen it reblogged, plus have checked my own comic stores, and by now I’m all but firmly convinced I hallucinated it.
If anyone can help me find it you will have my eternal gratitude o/;
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
Hey there, everybody. I want to apologize for not updating and in general being out of touch lately.  I’ve been going through a real depressive slump lately, and it’s been hard to get up the will to do things I enjoy, and maintaining this blog was one of the affected.  That compounded on top of some other stresses I had regarding this blog (nothing that’s anything worth talking about), and updating this became more of a chore than anything else. 
That being said, I want to continue this.  I just passed 800 followers, which is really incredible, and makes me want to continue putting out content for you guys.  But with that I also wanted to be upfront about where I’ve been, and it’s been all depression and stress. I’ve been out of touch on Tumblr and on Discord, and I’m sorry about that.  Effective immediately this blog is getting updates again, and I’m going to start being around... more.  It might be slow at first because I’m still mentally kneecapped, but I’m going to do my best.
Thank you for your patience, your shared fandom love, and for following me. Onward to ducks, for the forseeable future o/
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
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Okay so I’m still feeling pretty “[radio static]” but DAMN if finding these wasn’t the highlight while I was out today
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
I think it’s cool how everyone who’s read the comics has a different favorite story based on their own experiences, what’s printed in their country, or just their own personal tastes.  
Like, I’ve mentioned it a couple times before but my own favorite is The Money Well. It’s a perfectly standard Duck story- the Beagles are a threat, Scrooge messes things up worse by trying to stay a step ahead of them, there’s a final showdown -but for me, this one is extra special because I remember it so clearly from my youth. I remember being told that I learned to read on the box of comics my parents had (which were a mixture of ones including ducks), and The Money Well is the story I remember best.
Plus, how iconic is it where Scrooge BLOWS HIMSELF UP because the running theme is how his glasses are wearing out and he can’t see a damn thing anymore?
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And don’t forget this excellent cover by Don Rosa when the story was reprinted in Uncle Scrooge Adventures in 1994. 
So!  I’m curious.  What’s your favorite and why?  Is it a story you remember from a kid, or is it something you found as you got older?  Maybe it’s the comic form of a DuckTales episode, or it’s something unique to your country.  Could be an obscure little tale, or hell even something you saw in Disney Adventures once.  I just wanna see what wide gamut we run of different stories because like I said at the start, this is just fascinating to me.  And my favorite thing about Duck fandom, how there’s SO MUCH that it’s unique for everybody.
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
Oh wow! a veteran Uncle Scrooge fan and do you prefer original Ducktales with Alan Young or the new one with David Tennant? I've been an Alan Young girl since I was kid.There's that grandfatherly classiness in the way Young does Scrooge which is why I like him and I found out about Scrooge from watching Twice Upon a Christmas on DVD with my cousins and started having a fascination with his aristocratic snobbishness and fierce temper (like Donald).I loved him since and I have wishes of wealth.
Alan Young will always be my Scrooge.  Like, there’s something enjoyable about the way any of Scrooge’s VAs have done him– Bill Thompson (”Scrooge McDuck and Money”) and the charming rhymes; Will Ryan (”Sport Goofy in Soccermania”) and his spirit and the immortal “A͘N̸D͟ ͠WI͠N BĄCK ḾY͠ ̀TRO̵PH̛YY̧Y̧YY̢Y̶Y“; Tennant and his…. Scottishness and everything else –but Young has exactly what you said.  A grandfatherliness to him that still has potential for that McDuck temper and stinginess.  He’s the Scrooge I grew up with, and nobody’ll ever top him in my own personal book, even with as good a Scrooge as Tennant is (and he’s a GREAT Scrooge, don’t get me wrong).
Besides, nobody does Scrooge’s laugh quite like Alan Young did.
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
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Tagged for photo and phone screen thingie by @sarroora so here you go. My lock screen can’t be customized so it’s the same as my wallpaper. Featuring tiny little Christmas tree, robe (baby it’s cold outside?) and slightly frizzy post-shower hair for the selfie, which I almost didn’t post but I need to feel better about my face >_>
I don’t know who has/hasn’t been tagged or has done it so if you wanna do this, GO FOR IT.  I tag you.
Duckblr Bonus: Clearly the best ornament on said tree:
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
New side platform!  Out of Context Ducks over on Twitter, for postings of exactly what it sounds like.  Duck images taken out of context.  Images there will be from here 95% of the time so if you don’t have both don’t worry, this is just a fun little extra thing for any Twitter users who might like to follow~
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down-in-duckburg · 6 years
Only do if you want to: Hug, Kiss, Resist (a sorta kid friendly FMK): Scrooge, Donald, and Launchpad?
Shoot I forgot this was in here, sorry anon!  Okay let’s see here...
Launchpad would get Resist, mostly by process of elimination.  Sorry LP!  We’ll catch a movie sometime...?
Donald would get Hug because lbr here Donald needs all the hugs ever
And I would Kiss Scrooge. Probably right smack on the temple/forehead somewhere because dammit duck you’re utter shitlord trash but I love you anyway.
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down-in-duckburg · 7 years
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I’ve been meaning to draw this for a while now but ducks are hard, man >_>
600+ followers. I can’t believe it! This blog hasn’t even been open a year, and yet there’s so many duck fans gathering here. I get new followers every day, and I appreciate every single one of you here sharing this fandom with me. Y’all posting, liking, blogging, asking, theorizing, drawing, writing, RPing, EVERYTHING, are what makes being here worthwhile.
Thank you to everyone here so far, and any new followers in the future. You guys are alright ♥
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down-in-duckburg · 7 years
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replied to your photo
“Inktober #1.  I was going to follow a prompts list but couldn’t drum...”
What do you use to edit your photos? It looks great, including the artwork!
This got buried in my notifications, sorry for the delay!  At the moment I use GIMP, which admittedly wasn’t my first choice. I used to use Photoshop but it bugged out on me and Pixlr is good but I’d rather have something I can use offline. ...Besides, GIMP is free.
It’s pretty useful all the same; for example’s sake I’ll show my latest Inktober before and after editing as a comparison.
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If I still need to repair something I use SAI as backup, which I’m more comfortable straight up drawing in since that’s what I use for digital pictures. If anyone wants I can do a walkthrough of how I got from Point A to Point B.
....What you DON’T see are the dozens of pictures I have to take beforehand (with my phone, for the record) to find one good shot worth editing in the first place.
Hope that helps!
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down-in-duckburg · 7 years
Hey, duck fans!
Do you like to draw, or get yourself drawn?  Do you want to see yourself in a giant group collage of the fandom?  Keep reading!
An idea was started in the Duckburg Discord chat to have a big collab of different people in the fandom.  Whether you can draw yourself, get some art from a friend or commission, or even just use a dollmaker or the All Ducked Out app, we want YOU to be a part of this!  Here's what you need to know:
Make a picture of yourselves in whatever form you want.  Human, duck, or worm it doesn't matter
Drawings can be done traditionally or digitally, it doesn't matter.  Bonus if you can get a transparent background for editing later, but no big deal if not!  Just make the background as solid color as you can
If you can't draw, no big deal!  You can get someone else to draw it, use All Ducked Out if it's in your country, or try any number of different dollmakers on the web, there’s no restrictions on this
NO DEADLINE.  You get it in when you can!  This'll mean there'll probably be many different versions, as we update people
**BONUS**: Add in your country's flag somewhere, so we can see just how global Donaldism really is
That should be everything!  If you have any questions feel free to drop a line.  Art can be submitted to @debeste-fan either directly or by being pinged in a post of your own, and it'll be saved to a Google Drive.  Once we get enough, we'll start editing them together.
Now let's get out there and get creative, duck people!
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