#Duct Clean Regina
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Dun-Rite Vac Regina is a Nadca Certified Furnace & Duct Cleaning. We are a 4th generation family business and have been in business for over 23 years. All our work is 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed.
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justsomewhump · 3 years
Memories Revealed (13/?)
When you realize you'd written a whole ass chapter and just forgot to share the spoils...
Summary: After Killian and Emma discover a box full of dreamcatchers with Killian's lost memories that Gold kept, Killian makes the hard decision to watch what they contain. Post S7.
@killian-whump’s original piece is here, and you can read my additions from the beginning here.
Warnings: Rape, memory wipe, a bit of blood, bondage, sex toys, being forcibly washed.
Tagging @hookaroo, @hollyethecurious, @mathildia, @kingofmyheart14, @wyntereyez and @cocohook38. If you want to be tagged/untagged, hit me up!
Word count: 3.1k AO3
Set in 4x14
It had become nearly a habit, to walk Emma back to her parents' loft, be invited inside and stay for a while, before deciding that the things he wanted to do with her wouldn't be appropriate in an open plan apartment and going back to his room in Granny's.
However, he was still feeling guilty over keeping Emma in the dark about Ursula, and she was pretty preoccupied with her search for Regina and the newcomers so, while justified, it still felt strange to walk straight to his room that night. He wondered if the distance would give him the courage to come clean to Emma about his past with Ursula.
He sighed, taking off his coat and boots and starting to undo the buttons of his vest. Magic smoke appeared in front of him and, in an instant, Gold was standing right there.
Killian froze. He... he wasn't-
His momentary reaction was enough for Gold to reach forward and put his hand over Killian's mouth. Killian resisted, moving his head to the side and trying to push away from him.
"Help!" he managed before he received a knee to the groin. He gasped in pain, leaning forward - and straight into Gold's arms.
"Quiet, now," Gold whispered.
Killian groaned and tried to pull away, but Gold's arms were hard as stone. He heard Gold breathe a quiet laugh.
A cold rush spread through him; it felt like a shiver, but he quickly realized he couldn't move, even after Gold let him go.
And Gold was smiling.
Without another word, Gold started undoing the rest of the buttons on Killian's vest. He hadn't even stepped back from him.
Killian's throat tightened. He couldn't speak, no matter how many words found themselves begging to be told. His lips started trembling, but not in a crying way.
"Ah," Gold said. "Six weeks without any use of magic, and one tends to overdo it when it comes back."
Another cold rush; he was still frozen, but he could finally speak.
"How- whe- when did you come back?"
Killian's vest undone, Gold threw it off and went for the buttons of his shirt.
"Cruella and Ursula. Very helpful ladies."
His jaw clenched. Ursula helped him get back in Storybrooke?
He tried to shake his head - and failed - bringing himself back into what Gold was actually doing.
"Wha- what are you doing?"
"I'd think it's obvious," he replied, eyebrows furrowing in mock confusion. "I'm stripping you naked."
Shirt undone, Gold touched his chilly fingers on Killian's chest.
Killian groaned and struggled to move away.
"Let me go!"
Gold didn't move. He dragged his fingers across Killian's chest as if he hadn't heard him.
"Let me go, crocodile!"
Abruptly, Gold grabbed Killian's face, bringing his own only an inch away.
"Six weeks," Gold whispered, his breath landing on Killian's lips.
This time the shiver down his spine had nothing to do with magic.
Gold moved, biting down on the skin of Killian's neck, and sucking. Killian couldn't hold back the helpless whimper. Gold breathed hard against Killian's neck as he pushed the shirt off his shoulders, then with one swift move lowered Killian's jeans and underwear.
The room spun, and before he even realized it was magic, he found himself on his bed, wrists and ankles tied down on the bedposts.
Gold removed Killian's socks then climbed up on the bed between his legs.
Killian could now move on his own, though restrained as he was, it wasn't much of a relief.
Gold touched Killian's thighs, looking at him with vivid eyes, his lips parted.
Killian's limbs felt cold, collapsing against their bonds.
Gold reached forward, making Killian nearly close his eyes in terror, then a strip of duct tape appeared on his hand, which he stuck across Killian's mouth. Gold's hands trailed down Killian's naked body as he sat back on his haunches and sighed.
"I've got some... errands to run," Gold said in a low voice. "Then I will be back to fuck you until you scream."
An involuntary whimper left Killian.
"And just to keep you waiting for my return..."
Gold's hand reached under him, then something hard entered him. Killian yelped in pain; it wasn't... it wasn't Gold's...
Gold smiled, then stood up and disappeared just the way he'd come.
Killian was frozen. There was something inside him, and he didn't dare move out of fear of intensifying the feeling - he was already feeling it, too much.
Tears filled his eyes. He couldn't move, wouldn't even move if his limbs were free - at least until he got that blasted thing out - and was left there, naked, awaiting Gold's return.
Awaiting him and the moment he'd take it out, only to put his own cock in its place.
His arms started shaking. He moaned against the tape in his mouth, but he was too terrified to force his throat into producing a louder sound.
He looked around the room helplessly. The ropes were too tight, nothing was in his reach, even if he dared to move and feel the object as it'd move with him.
He closed his eyes. There was no forgetting it, for sure; what did it matter if he felt it a bit more...
A sob left him as the tears finally spilled. He had been in dire situations before, tied up and restrained, but never in such a humiliating, invasive way...
At least, not combined.
He let his head fall back on the pillow and allowed himself to cry. Better let it out before Gold came back.
A small part of his mind trembled to think how even then, he was being practical.
The ropes were starting to chafe his wrist and ankles. He turned to look at his left wrist, bewildered as to how the rope held the handless limb in place, as if it had been stuck on the brace over it - and in such a position, Killian couldn't reach to undo the buckles that kept the brace in place.
His eyes caught sight of the alarm clock on the bedside table. It was still early, though it was already dark; what errands did Gold have to do, and why did he even leave him like this?
His breath picked up. Gold would be coming back, only to hurt him, violate him...
He yelled through the tape, an incomprehensible call for help, but felt devoid of hope. Gold wouldn't be as careless as to just leave him there with the chance of someone hearing him.
He unconsciously tried to roll into himself and was immediately reminded of Gold's "souvenir" left inside him.
What was Gold going to do? Would he... would he rip out his heart again? It would certainly help in what Gold was- What was he thinking?!
Had... had Gold done that already? While he'd had his heart?
No, he would've remembered it, wouldn't he?
Would he? If magic was involved...
He found himself going through all possible scenarios, about what had happened and what could still happen, as he watched the time go by.
About half an hour of terrifying thoughts, weakening limbs and an aching backside later, Gold appeared in a cloud of smoke.
Holding his dagger in his hand.
No. No, no, no.
Killian moved, ignoring the ever-growing pain in his hole, struggling against his bonds and trying to cry out for help.
The Dark One's dagger - that had been the last hope they all had. To have him running amok and free in town... to have him there, with no-one to stop him as Killian lay, restrained and vulnerable...
Gold appeared thoughtful. He was looking at the dagger as he slowly sat down on the bed next to Killian. Killian tried to squirm away, wincing as the thing inside him moved as well. Gold looked up, still lost in thought, and his brows seemed to perk up in reminder. With a swift move of his hand, the tape over Killian's lips disappeared.
"You've been spending a lot of time with my wife," Gold said.
"She's- she-" His voice sounded way weaker than he had anticipated.
Gold interrupted him. "I didn't ask you a question. You will only speak when asked."
"Fuck off."
Gold's expression didn't change; Killian barely saw his hand move, he moved it too fast and grabbed his balls in his fist, squeezing hard.
Killian wailed in pain.
"You will only speak when asked, you filth," Gold said in the same tone, relaxing the hold only by a fraction. "Do you understand?"
Killian could barely breathe. He was all but collapsed on the mattress, arms and legs limp against the ropes.
"See, when actually asked something, you keep silent as a fish. I said, do you understand?"
He squeezed harder, and Killian cried out again.
Gold sighed and let go. "I'll take that as a yes."
Killian bit back his agonized whimpers, his hand struggling to reach the aching spot.
Gold simply looked at him, seemingly waiting for him to relax. When Killian's breath returned back to somewhat normal, Gold spoke.
"What do you know of her relationship with Will Scarlet?"
Killian closed his eyes, confusion mingling his already upset thoughts. "What?"
"She must have told you something. She's as open about it as to walk hand in hand with him in public."
"I don't... I don't know..."
"She hasn't told you anything about him?"
"She has told me..." His slowly growing courage was countered by his respect for Belle's privacy. It was none of his business - and she hadn't told him anything about Will, anyway - but he could probably still hurt Gold. "She said that you broke her heart."
Gold's brows furrowed, first in anger, then in... regret? He looked away, turning his back at him, casting his eyes back down on the dagger.
Killian shivered again. The control the dagger would have on him - and why, it seemed, one of his first actions as soon as he was back in Storybrooke was to get hold of it again - only reminded Killian of what Gold had done to him just a few weeks ago, how he seemed ready to strip him of his autonomy again at this exact moment.
Gold looked up and the dagger disappeared in a cloud of smoke. He turned around and reached between Killian's legs. He was so quick that the sudden pain of the object's removal had Killian gasping in shock. Gold held the object high, staring at the drops of blood shining across its length.
A... a plug? He had seen others like these before, though far longer ago than he could pinpoint.
Gold made it disappear, then climbed back between Killian's legs and leaned down. With his own limited movement, Killian strained his neck to look; there were blood splotches on the sheet right under his ass. He bit back a whimper and let his head fall back.
"First, some precautions," Gold said and raised his hand. A set of dreamcatchers appeared in it, then started to glow with magic.
Killian felt his head spin for a few moments. When he came to again, the dreamcatchers weren't glowing anymore, and Gold made them disappear.
"I had ordered you to forget about these two times, in the unlikely event of me failing to kill you. I was sure I wouldn't fail, but oh, can you imagine if you hadn't forgotten? If you had gone back to Ms Swan, tail between your legs, and cry about how horrible I was to you?"
"You raped me?" Killian's voice was weak.
"I've been engaging in that activity, yes. And I'll be doing the same now."
Killian sobbed. He had been forced to submit to him...
"Come on," Gold said and Killian saw him undo his pants. "I'm pretty sure the plug prepared you a little for me." He lowered his pants and underwear, his member already hard and pulsating. He grabbed Killian's buttocks and raised them, pulling him up uncomfortably right before entering him and sighing in pleasure.
And Killian had thought it was difficult before.
He whimpered in pain, limbs shaking in an effort to break free.
"What are you gonna do?" Gold said as he thrusted inside him and gasped. "If you break free? How will you fight me off?" Gold took on a steady rhythm, closing his eyes and throwing his head back, as he moaned and gasped with every thrust. His fingers grasped on Killian's thighs, and Killian could feel his fingernails pinching against the skin.
Killian bit down on his trembling lip, fractions of whimpers escaping him. He trembled to admit that Gold was right; he had magic again, what hope did Killian have against him?
Still, he couldn't quell the energy that drew his hand to struggle against the rope, despite how his wrist felt irritated enough to start bleeding. His eyes were too unfocused and too full of tears to clearly see if there was blood there.
"I'm tempted," Gold breathed, "to let you free, just once. See what you'll scramble for..."
In that moment, the rope around his right wrist disappeared.
A small part of Killian's mind thought that that was barely an advantage; the rest was focused on slamming his fist against Gold's face and sitting up as much as he could. But it felt as if his hand hit against stone, and any mere movement of his body made the feeling of Gold's cock inside him even more intense. Killian groaned and fell back down, his aching hand going for Gold again. Gold let go of one of Killian's thighs and grasped his wrist, fingernails scratching against the sore skin.
In the state Killian was, he barely registered that.
Gold turned a bit to the side, taking advantage of the new position to go even deeper.
Killian blacked out in pain.
It couldn't have been long that he was out, but when he did come back, Gold was slowly, with each thrust, turning him to lie on his left side. Gold undid the rope around Killian's right ankle and moved the now free leg over him. The movement changed the angle of Gold's entrance and Killian moaned in pain. Now with both of Killian's legs on one side, Gold lay down behind him. He wrapped his arm over Killian's flank and pulled him close, thrust two more times, then paused.
"It's... amazing," he said breathlessly. "How much I can do..." His hand trailed along Killian's chest. "How I can do anything to you and you'll just..."
With one last thrust, he came inside him.
Killian came slowly to his full senses. Gold stayed where he was, arm wrapped around him, cock still inside him, hot breath landing on the back of his neck.
"Let me go," Killian whispered. He couldn't feel he had the strength to use any more volume.
He felt Gold's quick breath on his neck as he laughed. Gold pulled out quickly, making Killian gasp at the sudden move, then shudder as he felt something spill out.
"Come on," Gold said as all the ropes disappeared. "Let's get you cleaned up."
He removed Killian's brace from his arm, then grabbed him by the hair and started dragging him.
Killian couldn't bite back the agonized cry in time; his hand instinctively rose to grab Gold's, but Gold kept dragging... and laughing. He saw the edge of the bed, but was too slow to react. His body dropped to the ground with a loud thump, and he cried out again as all the weight of his upper body seemed to hang from his hair.
"Wait!" he said. "Stop!"
Gold ignored him, and by the time Killian managed to put his feet under him, Gold had already painfully dragged him to the bathroom. Before Killian could properly stand up, Gold kicked him behind his right knee and pushed him inside the shower. Killian barely had the energy to resist him.
Killian put his hand on the shower wall and breathed hard, as Gold all but rubbed him clean. It was then that he realized how much of an object Gold saw him as; he rubbed and threw cold water over him, like he was washing something, not someone.
There was no warning when Gold pushed two cold fingers inside Killian's hole. Killian could feel the warm liquid that was dripping from inside him, soon to be washed off with the cold water. His stomach turned, and when Gold slid his fingers back inside, Killian reached forward to vomit.
Leaning his forehead on the cold wall, he let himself think Gold would take his time. Instead, Gold turned off the water and once again grabbed him by the hair.
Killian struggled to find any energy to resist, to make the pain less, to even make any sound.
When Gold unceremoniously dropped him on the floor next to the bed, Killian allowed himself the morbid thoughts he'd been avoiding since Gold entered him.
This wasn't the first time Gold did that to him. It was that realization, and the back of his mind imagining the unspeakable things Gold might have done to him while holding his heart in his hands, along with the fresh misery of having just been violated that made him like this.
And just as before, Gold was going to make him forget.
Gold grabbed Killian's nightwear and, just as before, dressed him like he was a toy. Unresponsive as Killian was, it mustn't have been that difficult for him.
Killian felt his heart beat fast. His limbs wouldn't move, but this time not out of any magic hindrance. He was simply in too big of a shock to move.
Then Gold put his arms under Killian and lifted him up. Killian felt all his hair rise; this time, Gold was almost delicate as he placed him back on the bed and covered him with the blanket. To be treated so carefully, nearly intimately, after all that...
"Sheets are clean, so you won't suspect anything when you wake up in the morning," Gold said. He then took Killian's right wrist and examined it. "How I'm always tempted, to leave you a small souvenir..." He trailed a finger across the rope burns, then looked at Killian's neck. "Oh, those would have to do. I'd love to be there to see you try to explain those hickeys to Ms. Swan, when you yourself won't remember how they got there."
Gold then raised his hand over Killian's body. Killian tensed as he felt the muscles around his wrist and his backside tighten. It took him a moment and a good look at his wrist to realize that Gold had just healed him; the pain was gone, but the mental exhaustion was not.
Wearing a relaxed smile, Gold summoned another dreamcatcher; it glowed with magic, and Killian's head was spinning again.
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shadowdianne · 6 years
Sunshine: SQ Story
Imagine person a singing you are my sunshine as person b slowly dies in their arms asked by @swxnqeenmagic 
Emma saw the blast, a bright flash that blinded her for a moment, forcing her to turn her upper body so her eyes didn’t burn off, a sudden push moving her a few feet at her right, the blast sweeping past her. The heat of the wave charred away the attack she had been brewing, her dirty white colored magic blinking for a moment before it disappeared completely, gone in the nighttime breeze. The moment she opened her eyes again, however, her body still buzzing from the unspent magic, she didn’t focus on the retreating figure but on another one, smaller. The still standing lampposts creating enough lights within the shadows that felt as if having been taken the city for Emma to distinguish Regina’s ragged breathing, her chest expanding ever so slowly as she tried to breathe. A pool of nasty red had begun to stain the white blouse Regina was wearing, patches of skin glowing purple where her magic shield had been shattered away by the blast.
Boots slipping in the wet road, hands first onto the pebbled floor, Emma fuddled for the other woman’s pulse only to find it sluggish, tired as Regina’s face turned to her, dark eyes widening as pain was registered.
“Don’t move.” Emma’s voice lacked strength but, as she said, it, calling for her magic while she did so, she felt better for it. She, however, was lost beyond that and, as magic pooled on her wrists, she licked her lips, nervous. She wasn’t good at none of this, her mind supplied, she was the one who punched her way through, knowing that Regina would be there, mending and explaining whatever she had missed.
Now, as she stared at Regina’s quickly dropping eyelids, Emma could feel her throat closing, sizing, as the burning feeling of tears climbing up her tear ducts made her shake her head. The blood was beginning to darken her own clothes as well but she didn’t mind, pushing Regina’s head until she had it safely on her lap, the brunette seemingly unable to stand.
“Emma. Is useless.”
The even tone, the admission beneath it, froze Emma’s heart but kept trying to channel as much magic as possible, instructing it to funnel through Regina’s wounds, blouse and all. Regina was eyeing her with something that, at any other given moment, would make Emma take a step backwards, afraid of herself, of what she would do, of what she would admit. In that moment, however, she just let out a small “no” that resonated through them, eliciting a small smile from the older woman. One that was quickly broken a trickle of blood Emma quickly tried to clean with her thumb, magic still oozing out of her.
“We’ve been through far too much Regina, for me to let you go in the middle of Storybrooke.”
Regina didn’t answer to that, no directly, but a tired chuckle made her frame tremble as the beginning of thundering footsteps and screams began to reach the two of them, a tired David screaming “Zelena killed it!” that Emma didn’t find any strength within herself to answer to.
“It’s not a matter of choice, dear.”
A wet, short coughing fit punctuating each word, Regina wheezed before looking at Emma, Snow’s screams beginning to fade, the faintest rain starting to fall, the rice-size drops impossibly cold.
“No.” Emma shook her head before repeating herself, locks bouncing. “No, no. Regina. No. It’s just a wound, we will get you patched up. I just need a second. Ok?”
She was rambling, delirious even but she hated, hated, whenever Regina walked first into a dangerous situation, not seeming to care twice of what the consequences for her could be. She refused that a blast that had been directed at herself turned to be anything else but something they could both talk about in a few hours, a glass of cider on her hand and the never going wish to be strong enough to kiss Regina’s lips, to tell her…
Blood was starting to come slower now but the wounds didn’t seem to be closing, the magic of the blast still working, keeping them open. A detail Emma realized she hadn’t realized before.
But Regina had, her mind told her. Regina had seen that her magic was useless.
“Please, Regina.” Desperate, Emma glanced at the brunette, chin quivering. “Don’t.”
“You are my sunshine
My only sunshine.”
Later, much later, Emma would say that she had simply seen the words writing themselves on the back of her eyelids, clear and bleeding as Regina’s wounds. Perhaps, she would admit with a broken, jagged voice, she had done it just so Regina could mock her, her terrible voice, the way she never seemed able to hit a note right.
At the end, however, Regina simply smiled at her and whispered Henry’s name. A last promise that Emma answered blindly with a nod, a yes.
“Don’t take my sunshine away…” As Emma’s voice finally broke, tears running down her cheeks Regina’s eyes closed, her lips parting as she exhaled her last breath. Her body was still warm and Emma closed her hand tighter on her hold on the other woman’s shoulder, her fingertips aching as the last verse of the song clung between them, the wet road cold beneath her jeans. It didn’t matter to her, however, as she took on Regina’s clammy skin, the magic that had become a constant on Emma’s subconscious ever since the first curse had been broken dimming as she sobbed, shoulders trembling as she clung onto the other woman’s clothes, wishing for her to return.
She could hear Snow’s voice, calling for her from a place that felt too far away. Licking her chapped lips, Emma’s chest heaved, a fresh wave of tears burning their way up her eyes, turning everything else blurry except for Regina’s body, its weight the only thing anchoring her as her mind reeled.
“You won’t know…” She began again, quieter this time, off-tune and voice shaking. Caressing the brunette’s cheek with her left hand, she called for her magic, a rain of sparkling dots falling from her fingertips, dusting the older woman’s face with a fractal of the light she now felt leaving her body; swallowed by her grief.
She hadn’t been fast enough, her mind whispered, the insidious tone reminiscent of Cora, of Rumplestiskin back when she had transformed into the Dark One. If she had been stronger, wiser, if she had dared to tell her…
This time the voice did seem closer but still as if being underwater, her ears not working properly as she bent, her chest expanding while trying to breath, sobs slipping through her lips as she tried to close them, a distant whine she recognized later as hers filling the air.
It was Snow’s hands what made her blink, the smell of ozone, of magic, entering her nostrils as she, bleary, eyes her mother whose eyes were wet as well, a note of profound regret echoing on her voice as she called for her, one hand taking hers, trying to pry her fingers from Regina’s shoulder.
“She is gone, Emma.”
“You'll never know, dear,
How much I love you.”
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
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randallsproperties · 4 years
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When is the last time you cleaned your Dryer ducts? Pretty common cause of fires is dryers/dryer ducts. During your quarentine/self isolation- great time to do some home maintenance #stircrazy #quarentine #selfisolation #homemaintenancetips #dryerfires #dryerventcleaning #stayhome #staysafe (at Regina, Saskatchewan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-sbw9alwXM/?igshid=14i3pw63sevlp
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yeehawbisexualold · 7 years
You're a Marshmallow, Emma Swan
A CS Veronica Mars AU.
Rated T. 4.3k words. (1/?)
A/N The first chapter very closely follows the pilot in order to set up the characters and plot. Future chapters may not be as verbatim. Also, words in italics are used to represent voice-overs. Although David will be her father, I decided to keep Emma’s last name as Swan because Veronica Mars is such a distinctive name and so is Emma Swan and I don’t think Emma Nolan or the Nolan family would pack quite the same punch.
Welcome to Storybrooke high school. If you go here, your parents are either millionaires or work for millionaires. Storybrooke, California, a town without a middle class. If you’re in the second group, you get a job—fast food, movie theaters, mini-marts. Emma Swan’s after school job means tailing philandering spouses or investigating false injury claims.
She gets out of her car, a beat up, yellow bug, to see a crowd formed around the school’s flagpole. The source of the crowd’s interest, she finds, is a naked boy, duct taped, precariously to cover his private bits, to the pole with the word snitch (misspelled as “snich”) painted across his bare chest. She pushes through the hoard of spectators, gawking at the scrawny boy’s misfortune. “Who’d that guy rat out?” “Why doesn’t somebody cut him down?” “Yeah, I’ll do it. I wanna be the guy up there tomorrow.”
Reaching into her pocket, she tells the guy snapping a selfie on his phone to move.
“Who died and made you the queen?” the jack ass asks as she pulls out her pocket knife. He backs away silently when she snaps it open near his face.
“You’re new here, huh?” she asks the kid as she begins sawing away the duct tape near his wrists. He nods. “Welcome to Storybrooke High.” The bell for class rings and as the crowd begins to disperse, she sardonically cheers “Go Pirates!”
She cuts away enough to free him but leaves him with the pieces that protect his modesty.
In advanced placement English, she rests her head on her desk, falling asleep to the sound of her droning teacher’s voice.
“Did anybody complete the reading?” the woman inquires, removing her glasses. “Emma? Emma Swan, congratulations you’re my volunteer. Pope, An Essay On Man, lesson one.”
“Hope springs eternal in the human breast: Man never is, but always to be blest. The soul, uneasy and confined from home, rests and expatiates in a life to come,” she speaks from memory.
“And what do you suppose Pope meant by that?” the teacher quizzes.
She twiddles her fingers. “Life’s a bitch until you die.”
“Thank you, Miss Swan, for that succinct and somewhat inappropriate response.”
Random locker searches are the latest tactic the administration has adopted in its losing war on drugs. Except for Emma Swan, the searches aren’t random. She knows when they’re going to happen before Vice Principle “Grumpy” does. (His real name is Leroy but the students of Storybrooke aren’t much for respecting authority.
“Emma Swan. This should be good,” one of Sheriff Zelena Mills’ lackeys says with a smirk.
“Will you please open your locker?” Grumpy asks.
She twists in her combination and swings open the door to reveal a perfectly bare locker. Well, bare to the exception of a photo of Grumpy framed by a red heart and taped to the metal door
“Wow,” she huffs with a grin. “This is a little embarrassing.”
Emma sits alone at a round, red plastic lunch table, stabbing her disposable fork into the atrocity the school calls lunch. She stares blankly across the outdoor cafeteria at a group of rowdy students.
I used to sit there, at that table. It’s not like my family met the minimum net worth requirement. My dad didn’t own his own airline like Greg Mendell’s or serve as Ambassador to Belgium like Tamara’s. But my dad used to be the sheriff and that had a certain cache. Let’s be honest though. The only reason I was allowed past the velvet ropes was Neal Hood, son of software billionaire Robin Hood. He used to be my boyfriend. Then one day, with no warning, he ended things.
The most obnoxious of the students perches himself on Neal’s lap, rubbing his chest as he smirks at Emma.
And let’s not forget Killian Jones. His dad makes 20 million a picture. You probably own his action figure. He built his career on being the British bad boy and his son tries his damnedest to upstage his levels of naughtiness. Every school has an obligatory, psychotic jack ass. He’s ours.
Neal pushes him off and turns his attention back to Tamara who’s snuggled herself up against his side and Killian simply sits next to him clapping his hands together and pointing at Emma with a wild grin.
A figure sits down across from her, partially blocking her vision of Killian’s antics.
“You ok?” they ask, startling her out of her focused glare.
It’s the kid she cut down earlier.
“You look, I don’t know, hypnotized.” He explains, opening his lunch.
“Did I say you could sit here?” she snaps at him. As soon as he stands, shoving his lunch back in the bag, she feels remorse. Killian pisses her off but that’s no reason to treat the new kid, who’s already had a rough enough first day, like shit. “Wait. Of course, you can sit here.”
He sits back down with a smile.
“That was cool what you did.”
Before she can respond, she’s interrupted by a voice behind her.
“My bitch. Weren’t you supposed to wait for me at the flagpole?” The bare sleeved, tattooed interrupter crouches down and gets in the kids face. “I’m not sure I could have made that any clearer.”
The kid looks like he’s going to shit his pants. 
“Leave him alone,” Emma demands and the guy turns his attention to her.
“Love, the only time I care what a woman has to say is when she’s riding my big ole hog and even then it’s not so much words as just a bunch of oohs and aahs, ya know?” He asks planting himself in front of her.
“So it’s big, huh?”
“Well, let’s see it. I mean if it’s as big as you say, I’ll be your girlfriend.” She smiles brightly and gasps as if she’s just had a thought. “We could go to prom together!”
When he just laughs and leans back she continues “What seems to be the problem? I’m on a schedule here.”
“Dude, don’t let blondie talk to you like that!” his friend chimes in.
“Sounds like your buddy here wants to see it too.”
“Hell, I’ll show you mine!” the buddy shouts but is interrupted by Grumpy, arriving to break up the disturbance and ask Emma why trouble follows her around.
“So what did you do?” she asks the ‘snitch,’ who’s name she learns is Henry, after everyone clears away from the table. If she just confronted Will Scarlet, the leader of the local biker gang, she deserves to know what she was standing up for.
He explains how he works at the local gas station and while he was working alone last night, some of the guys walked in and stole alcohol from the store, stuffing bottles in their jackets and only paying for a pack of gum. He tripped the silent alarm but when the police came—"We don’t have police here. We have a sheriffs department.“—and he went outside, he realized an entire gang sat in the parking lot. Intimidated by all of the guys, he told the sheriff he pressed the alarm by accident. “You need to go see the wizard, ask him for some guts.” The sheriff told him before hauling the two bikers away.
“Go see the wizard? She said that?” Emma asks once he’s finished his story. “Congratulations, in your short time here, you’ve already managed to piss of the biker gang and the local sheriff.”
She heads to her fathers P.I. office, Swan Investigation, after school and is surprised to find Regina Hood’s car there. She hates Emma almost as much as she loves her son.
She sits down at the reception desk and busies herself with paperwork, waiting for Regina to walk out. Ingrid, the local, low-level lawyer walks in and offers “her father” a case to discover how the strip club her client works for keeps their liquor license and help her client make a deal.
After Ingrid leaves, Regina walks out of her father’s office.
“Don’t get the wrong idea, David. I don’t like you,” she says coolly, strutting past in her clean, pressed, white pantsuit, her chin tilted back in an air of arrogance. She turns her icy gaze to Emma. “I hate the fact that I’m here. But I know if anyone will be dogged and resourceful in this matter, it’ll be you. Don’t call me at home, I’ll call you.”
And then she’s gone, the air feeling decidedly less chilly without her presence.
Sure she’s a bitch. But can you blame her? After all, dad did try to send her husband to jail for life.
Her dad joins her to eat and she attempts to figure out why Regina was here. He ignores her attempts at questioning him, joking about the plastic resemblance of the cheese on their sandwiches. But after enough grilling, he reveals that Regina believes her husband Robin is having an affair—late nights and motels—and that he took the case because they need the money.
“Good, I would have been pissed if you hadn’t.”
“I wouldn’t have cared if you were.”
They continue eating together until the phone rings and her father announces he has to leave for a trip to El Paso, demanding she leaves the Hood case alone. She nods in response, knowing full well she’s lying.
She follows Robin Hood to his office. As she sits in her car, staring up into the windows of the building, she thinks about her best friend Milah, Robin’s daughter. Leaning back against the seat she recalls the pep squad car wash they worked in October of last year, both of them wearing the tight t-shirt and shorts combo, Emma with her hair in pigtails and Milah with hers long and loose.
“I’ve got a secret, Emma Swan,” she giggled, conspiratorially as she rubbed a soapy sponge along the hood of a car. 
Those were the last words Emma ever heard from Milah. Later that night, she was found dead by her pool.
Emma’s father had been driving her home when he received a call about a disturbance at the Hood estate. When they arrived, David instructed her to stay in the car. But she saw Neal, sitting on a bench with his arms tucked around himself, rocking back and forth, his face ashen and his eyes wide, filled with an emotion to this day she can not name. All it took was one look at him and she was rushing in the house to see what happened.
“Where’s Milah?” she asked, her chest tight. All he could offer in response was a scrunched brow and a mouth, shaking into a frown.
Outside she found the area swarming with cops, a grieving couple, and by the pool, the lifeless body of her dead best friend—eyes wide and unseeing, blood dripping down her face from the gaping wound above where her temple met her scalp.
But everyone knows the story, the murder of Milah Hood. It was on the cover of People Magazine. It made entertainment tonight. The town was flooded with journalists. And of course, everyone remembers the bumbling, local sheriff. The one who went after the wrong man.
That bumbling sheriff was my dad.
Six weeks after Milah’s death, her crime scene video was leaked by someone in the sheriff department. In a matter of hours, millions of people around the world had seen the grizzly footage. Someone had to be held responsible and that someone was David Swan.
“So, Swan, does your dad still think that Milah’s father did this?” Killian confronted her in the school computer lab. “That’s my girlfriend. Your friend. Neal’s sister. Your dad is destroying the Hood family. What’s the matter with you people? What’s the matter with you?”
She knew he was lashing out because he was hurt but so was she. When he maliciously spit out the words, “I’m done with you.” She thought good because she couldn’t help but hate him a little bit for the way he was treating her.
Her father’s belief that Robin was the murderer no longer mattered. An emergency recall removed him from office and the investigation was no longer in his hands. Her mother wanted to move out of Storybrooke. The loss of status and loss of income was too much for her.
They had to move because they could no longer afford to stay in their house but Emma and David were not going to be run out of town.
A pair of Milah’s shoes were later discovered on the house boat of one Triton King and her father’s successor, Sheriff Zelena Mills’ face was plastered across the news for her amazing arrest.
Emma’s dad may not have been right about Robin but, sitting in the parking lot of a skeezy motel named the Camelot, she knows Regina is right about him now. She can’t imagine it’s a business meeting that’s being conducted at one in the morning, behind the door of one of the upper-level rooms.
Before she can get any substantial evidence, her car is swarmed in the parking lot by none other than Will’s gang.
“Car trouble miss?” he asks with a smirk.
“Might be a loose belt but if you wouldn’t mind checking under the hood,” she answers sweetly.
One of the guys walks up to her open window and her dog Wilby, affectionately nicknamed backup, jumps out. The guy lands flat on his back as the dog snarls at his throat. Another stomps up, yelling at her to call off her dog and she tazes him in the chest. Down he goes.
She calls Wilby off.
“I’ll tell you what. I’ll call it a draw,” she tells Will.
“Love, come on, it’s too late for that.”
“Here’s the deal,” Emma informs him, no bull shit face in place. “Leave that kid at school alone for a week and I’ll make sure your boys walk.”
“Why do you care for that kid so much, anyway? Things I heard about you… You must really lay the pipe right.”
“Yeah, that’s it,” she says cheerfully with a sarcastic nod of her head.
Mr. Electricity begins to lift himself up, using her door as leverage, and she charges her tazer in front of his face as a warning.
“Alright, one week. But if you don’t get them off, I’m coming for you, your boy, and your little dog too. And remember, if you get lonely out here, Will love you long time.” He kisses the air at her as he revs his engine.
Quite a reputation I’ve got, huh? You wanna know how I lost my virginity? So do I.
It happened at a party at Tamara’s, that much she knows. She’d curled her hair and put on one of her favorite dresses—white, knee length, and flowy. Her reason for going was simply to show everyone that the way they treated her didn’t affect her.
It was a mistake.
As she walked through the crowded room of people from whom the only attention she received was pointed whispers and giggles, people whom she once considered friends, she was handed a drink. She didn’t know who handed it to her but she chugged it down.
Before long she was stumbling around dizzily and then everything went blank. She woke the next morning, alone in bed, a soreness between her legs and her underwear on the floor. She walked through the house, crying silently, an entirely new type of pain tightening her chest.
She’d thought she’d felt all the pain a person could feel—being unceremoniously dumped by whom she thought was the love of her life, having her best friend murdered, all of her old friends turning against her, and her mother leaving her and her father. But there was at least one thing left the world had to throw at her, one more thing to show her that life truly was a bitch and things would never be the same.
In the present, Robin Hood steps out of the motel room door and Emma snaps as many pictures as she can before he shuts it behind him.
She doesn’t actually get a shot of the woman’s face but she gets some pretty good images of him talking through the door way and the license plates of each car in the lot. That should be enough to get her started.
The next day at school, she sits at her usual table. The kid she’d saved is already there.
“You should hear the things people say about you,” he begins.
“You didn’t have to sit at my table,” she grumbles. Who is this kid? She saves his ass and he chooses to sit at her table for what? To make fun of her?
“And what a fine table this is. What do you suppose it’s made of?” he ponders, tapping his closed fist against the shiny top. “Oak?”
“Look, if people are saying such awful things…” she trails off, shaking her head.
“Well, I figure I’ve got a choice. I could either go hang out with the jerks who laughed at me, took pictures of me while I was taped to that flagpole. Or I could hang out with the chick who cut me down.”
It feels good, his kindness, and a warmth blooms in her chest at the thought of a possible new friend.
“So you wanna get the bike club off your ass?”
“Can we come up with a code name?” he asks, eyes wide with hope.
“Sure, kid.”
She laughs at school for the first time she can remember since Milah’s death.
Her dad returns that night and as he prepares steak on the grill, Emma tells him she got pictures of Hood at the Camelot. He reprimands her for disobeying him but then asks to see the photos. He looks through the stack of images and pauses on one of the license plates of a car.
“I want you to stay away from Robin. You hear me?” he commands firmly, in the serious father voice he so rarely uses.
“But dad, why?”
“Listen to what I said, Emma. Stay away from him. I’m telling Regina I’m dropping the case.”
He storms into the apartment, leaving the grill unmanned.
When Grumpy conducts his next “spontaneous” locker search at school, he makes a stop at Killian Jones’. Killian opens the door, expecting to be in the clear, only to showcase a lovely bong in the shape of a naked man, one hand on his hip, the other grasping the bowl placed where it’s penis should be.
“What’s this, Killian? This appears to be a device used to smoke marijuana.”
Killian looks around the hallways, flooding with people now that the class bell has run and as he’s lead away, his confused eyes land on Emma standing beside Henry.
“I know it was you!” he shouts, angrily, jamming his finger in her face. “This isn’t over, ok?”
She fake yawns at him, patting her hand over her mouth. Henry grins at her side.
“You’re so cute and innocent. I’ll get you for this,” he threatens as he’s pulled away by Grumpy and the deputy.
Jefferson, the residential stoner, passes by and offers her a high five. She’d recruited him in art class the day before to make the bong for her.
Phase two of operation freedom was done.
After school, she drove home to the sheriff’s department. Phase three. With a remote control detonator, he sets off a spark in the bowl of the phallic bong residing in the evidence lock up. The smoke from that sets off the fire alarm and the woman behind the counter calls the fire department.
Then, after the flaming crisis is handled, she heads to the fire department.
“Did you make the switch?” she asks the fire chief who then hands her a large envelope with a video tape inside.
A lot of people in this town still love dad. That comes in handy.
The residual love of her father only gets her so far though and sometimes she is left to her own devices.
Using a phony accent she makes a phone call pretending to be the secretary of the sheriff’s department, claiming to be having trouble with the computer’s system. She asks the man on the phone to run a set of plates involved in a hit and run for her. Except there was no hit and run and the plate number she if reading off is from the car parked at the Camelot the night she watched Robin.
“I’ll be damned, that’s some family,” the man on the other line says, chuckling.
“What is it?”
“That car is registered to one Kathryn Swan.”
She hangs up the phone in shock just as her father opens his office door.
“Explain to me again why we’re dropping the Hood case.”
She’s going to give him one more chance to explain himself, to tell her the truth, to tell her why her mother’s car was parked outside the Camelot the night Robin Hood visited it. But he doesn’t take it. Instead, he sips his coffee and gives her some bullshit excuse about corporate espionage, telling her it’s dangerous and they don’t get paid enough.
He asks if she wants to rent a movie and she walks out, leaving him alone in the office.
She heads to the court house and asks the receptionist which direction the bikers case is.
“Emma! I haven’t seen you since…” the woman trail off uncomfortably.
The last time I was here? Come on. That’s easy.
The last time she was there was the morning after Tamara’s party. She’d limped up to the counter, eyes smudged with mascara, and said she needed to report a crime.
After she sat in front of Zelena and reported what happened, Zelena chuckled in her face and asked “Is there anyone in particular you’d like me to arrest? Or should I just round up the sons of the most important families in town.”
Emma sat silently, shocked and dismayed. She knew Zelena was mean but this was downright wicked.
“I’ve got not a shred of evidence to work with here. But that doesn’t matter to your family now does it?” The woman continued on ignoring the tears streaking down Emma’s face. Ignoring her disheveled appearance, her wild hair, her red eyes, her torn dress. Ignoring the pulsing pain Emma could feel through out her entire body, not a pain physical in its origin but manifesting itself as such and causing her anguish never the less. “Look at this, she cries. I’ll tell you what Emma Swan. Why don’t you go see the wizard, ask for a little backbone.“ 
Emma left Zelena’s office with no answers to what had happened to her and no hope of ever finding out.
Now she sits in a courtroom, watching a smug Miss Mills deliver her testimony of her account of the night she arrested the two bikers at Henry’s place of work.
“Your honor, can we show the tape?” the opposing lawyer requests.
When the tape is loaded, no robbery is to be seen. Instead, an officer walks a prostitute to his car and is seen opening the door for her, getting in on his own side, and then guiding her head down to his lap.
Phase one of operation freedom had been staking out the strip club and recording the footage of their interesting ways of keeping a valid liquor license.
“Sheriff Mills is this how you run your department?” the judge questions.
Emma finger guns at Zelena and walks out of the court room.
She meets Henry at the beach and presents him with the actual footage of the robbing. He thanks her and tells her that “Underneath that angry young woman shell there’s a slightly less angry young woman just dying to bake me something. You’re a marshmallow, Emma Swan.”
She grins and turns her head away, amused but unwilling to admit it.
They spend some time flying around his remote controlled airplane. Just as she’s getting the hang of it and actually having some fun, Henry interrupts her.
“Emma, look at your car.”
She turns to see Killian lounging across the hood, crowbar in hand, surrounded by his 09er buddies (the richest of the rich, those residing in the the prestigious 90909 zipcode.)
“Do you know what your little joke cost me?” he asks, hopping off the car and swinging the crowbar.
“Well, I’m pretty sure you won’t be getting your bong back.”
He smashes a headlight. “Wrong answer.” He twirls the metal in his hand. “Would you care to guess again?”
She crosses her arms across the chest of her red leather jacket, keeping her face impassive, unwilling to let him phase her no matter what.
“Clearly, your sense of humor.”
And he smashes another head light.
“Nope, the correct answer is my car. That’s right my daddy took the Jolly away. And you know what I won’t be having?” He questions, resting the bar behind his neck and stepping closer to her. He leans in her face and answers his own question with a smirk and raised brows. “Fun, fun, fun.”
She wants to smack his British accent right out of his mouth.
“Uh, Killian,” his friend warns as a heard of bikes pull up along side them.
It doesn’t take long for Will and his friends to flip the situation in her favor.
“What do we have here? Vandalism?” Will asks. “No, the only vandalism that happens in this town goes through me.”
Killian tells Will he doesn’t have a problem with him and Will tells him he’s wrong. With Will smashing in the hood of Killian’s friend’s car (with the crowbar he’d pulled out of Kilian’s hands) and his biker buddies tearing apart the inside, they’re easily convinced to “head for the hills.”
Emma sits in her car outside of her father’s office building, watching him move around through the window.
This morning, when I woke up, I had one person in the world I could count on. But if there’s one thing you learn in this business, the people you love let you down.
David leaves, driving away in his car and she heads into the building. Her dad thinks she doesn’t have the code to the safe but he’s wrong and until now she hasn’t had to use it. She types the code in and opens it to find a large file, stuffed with folders and papers. As she pulls the contents out she realizes it’s the Milah Hood murder file, some of the evidence less than a month old, including the photo of her mother’s car she took the Camelot.
If the confessed killer is already in jail, why hasn’t dad given up on the case?
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 Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
 Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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Duct cleaning regina - Smile Heating & Cooling Inc
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gs-homecleaner · 4 years
Features of Air Duct Cleaning
Air Duct cleaning is an important activity for a healthy life. This should be practiced by every household for a quality life. There air duct of a house is very important as it circulates the air from your heating and cooling system into and out of each room which maintains a pleasant atmosphere in the room. So given below are the reason that why it is important.
● To Stay Disease Free- It is very important to practice air duct cleaning to finish off the microorganisms or the contamination which are present in the air ducts. They can be bacteria, pollen or any other type of toxins which may be quite dangerous. Cleaning of the air duct will remove them otherwise they will keep rotating in the room which can result in illness.
● Improves Airflow Efficiency- The air ducts have a heavy build up where layers of dust can be formed. The dust can lead to slow functioning of air from the furnace. It can even result in load while cooling or heating the room. So cleaning the air duct will help the airflow to be more efficient. To the more cleaning on regular basis will help you to increase the life of the airduct.
● Removes Unpleasant Smell- You might face unpleasant smell in the household. The smell may be because of pets, household cleaning agents, paint fumes, tobacco. Even the food you prepare adds stale smells in the airducts. So whenever the airduct runs the odour will repeatedly flow through the house. Even if dust and dirt are there for a long time can result in a foul smell. A proper cleaning will result in removal of all smells and will provide you with fresh air.
● Helps to breathe easier- Cleaning of airducts remove all the toxins and particles which can be an obstruction to the nose while breathing. Air Duct cleaning is very important to get the best form of air at least at your home.
● Clean Environment- Cleaning of air ducts results in a clean environment. When the airducts are not cleaned professionally you may find dust on sofas, chairs and other furniture. When you give them a proper cleaning service you won't end up with a messy house and even feel good about your surroundings.
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Dun-Rite Vac Regina 23 Coleman Crescent, Regina, SK S4N 5J4 Phone: (866) 865-3515
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Website: https://www.dun-ritevac.com/air-duct-cleaning-regina/ Email Address: [email protected]
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the-abqhauler505nm · 3 years
Responsible Appliance Recycling Appliance Removal Services In Albuquerque NM | ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving
More information is at: https://albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/appliance-recycling-near-me/
Need appliance recycling service in Albuquerque? Local responsible Appliance Recycling & Removal Service: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving is the preferred service provider for appliance recycling and environmentally friendly appliance removal and disposal in the Albuquerque area! No need to lift a finger because we do all the work. Cost of Appliance Recycling? Free estimates! Call today or book Appliance Recycling online fast!
If you’ve ever tried to move a fridge or stove, you know it’s a difficult job without help. Aside from the heavy lifting dangers associated with trying to haul a heavy appliance to the dump, improper disposal can also harm the environment. Many old house hold contain ozone-depleting chemicals that disperse into the air when left to break down in a landfill. Taking the proper steps to handle your appliance removal responsibly not only preserves your back health, but the health of the environment, too. At ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving, we’re experts in responsible appliance disposal. We’ve got the inside scoop on proper recycling practices, and the equipment necessary to safely remove your old appliances without you having to damage your back, or your home. And if your old appliance still works, we’ll donate it to charity.
One of the easiest ways to save energy around the house is by purchasing energy-efficient appliances. Be sure to recycle your old ones, though, because they’re mostly made up of metal.
Large Appliances Recycling Preparation • Unplug your appliance for several days before recycling to let it cool down. • In the case of older air conditioners, freezers and refrigerators, you’ll need to confirm whether the recycler removes Freon. If not, you’ll need to contact a professional for Freon removal. • If you bought a new appliance and it’s being delivered, ask the company if it will haul away your old appliance. In many cases, the truck will accept multiple appliances for recycling even if only one is being delivered. • If you’re getting rid of a still-working product that is less than five years old, consider donating it. Habitat for Humanity operates Restore locations throughout the U.S. that sell building supplies to raise money for new houses, and they will often accept newer, working appliances. • Tape any doors with masking or duct tape so they don’t fly open during transport. • If you need to transport the appliance to the curb or a truck, use a dolly. Large appliances are far too heavy for one person to carry them. • WHY RECYCLE LARGE APPLIANCES • Steel (the most recycled material in the U.S.) makes up 75 percent of the average appliance, and home appliances account for 10 percent of steel recycled in the U.S. each year. • Refrigerators and air conditioners use fluorocarbons to chill air, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a leading contributor to ozone depletion. CFCs are released from a trashed refrigerator but will be safely processed by a recycler. • Many utility companies will provide you with a credit to buy a new appliance and recycle the old one, not to mention the money you’ll save on your monthly bill.
CALL US FOR: • Recycle Old Appliances For Cash • Refrigerator Recycling $50 • Appliance Disposal Near Me • How To Get Rid Of Old Appliances For Free • Who Will Pick Up Old Appliances For Free • Free Appliance Pick Up Near Me • Free Haul Away Appliances • Appliance Recycling Near Me
CONTACT: ABQ Hauling Junk & Moving CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Junk Removal Hauling Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 7:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 Website: http://www.albuquerquejunkremovalhaulingmovers.org/ http://www.serviceabq.com/ SERVICE AREA: Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico #junkremoval #hauling #moving #trashremoval #cleaning #newmexico #Albuquerque
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shadowdianne · 7 years
AAA thanks! (Translation, adapted) I was her Guardian, like an angel, her friend / But I didn't know that inside of meI carried feelings for her / I saw her in other's arms / And left counting steps, feeling so aloneIn my body, the bitter taste of jealousy (1/2)
Time went by andI suffered alone / I couldn’t take her off my mind / I was going to say I wasin love when I got an invitation for her weding / With golden letters, on afancy paper / Emotional, I cried, when I finished reading / On the verse,scribbled in a corner / She said"My love, I must confess / I’m gettingmarried, but the great love of my life is you…“ (2/2)
Thanks for the prompt, I hope you like it! And if you want link me the original song so I can link it here ;)
Set in: A slightly different reality in whereEmma and Hook’s wedding wasn’t with the whole Black Fairy ordeal but a littleafter she was defeated.
The wine felt strange on her mouth, the darkcolor of it standing against the white colored desk in where a small dribblingdrop could be seen. Regina, however, swallowed the drink as she lookedstraightly in front of her, to the closed door of her office as she played withthe tall stem of the glass, running her fingers up and down through it, feelingthe slowly warming surface beneath her fingertips.
Silence filled the place and she relished on itas she mentally counted each breath she drew, the memory of that day bleedingthrough her apparent tranquility in the way the muscles of her back burnt withthe same strength her eyes did, unleased tears thronging on her tear ducts.
Between her other hand, completely creased, anold envelop waited for her, the letter it had brought with it splayed in frontof Regina as she, carefully unseeing it, tried her best not to look at it.
It didn’t matter, however, since she knew thelines by heart already, the words buzzing mockingly on the back of her mind asshe worded each one of them, carefully, not wanting her voice to break thesilence in the settling sun’s light.
“I’m sorry.” The added words scribbled in blacksaid. “I fucked up. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you sooner. I’m sorry I’m eventelling you this right now. I… you needed to know. I needed to tell you.
I will probably be gone in less than a month.But you suspected that already, I’m sure of it.
I’m sorry I wasn’t able to tell you that Istarted to fell in love with you before. I’m sorry I wasn’t the hero. I’m sorryto even have asked you to be there. We didn’t really talk about it, did we,Regina? But I know, you know that in the same way you knew I was being acoward.
I’m sorry.”
Regina sighed and, despite her best intent,thought again on the wedding in where Emma had turned to stare at her for thebriefest moments before stuttering her vows, her voice reaching Regina, herwords as cutting as the glass she was currently holding. She had wondered inthat moment if those vows had been for her and she did again as she finishedthe last mouthful of wine, picking her keys in the same movement and standingafter a brief moment of doubt.
“I love you.”
Those words, half-shouted by the pirate afterthe rings had been exchanged had created rippling waves of pain and magicinside of Regina. They did again as she thought on the smirk that had adornedhis face as the newlywed couple turned to their guests with their hands proudlydisplaying the same gold shade than the words written in the invitation thatnow laid, unattended, in that too cold desk.
Jealousy bite the back of her mouth as shechoked on a sob and walked towards the office desk.
“I’ll be gone in less than a month.”
The door closed, the echo of Regina’s footstepsdisappearing with growing speed.
The street lights illuminated the, otherwise,dark mayoral office in where only the white papers neatly stacked one atop ofthe other glimmered under the warm orange light. Rumpled, an envelope ruinedthe clean angles of the office as it casted long shadows in one corner of the desk,accompanied by a tall empty glass in where blotchy stains of red wine could bedistinguished at its bottom.
The envelop was empty, rumpled as it was andtouched by the street lights but the letter it had brought with it was still onthe office’s floor, gold ink almost getting lost in the creamy colored thickpaper. Abandoned, the beginning of a wedding invitation could be made out of italongside with a quicker writing to the right top of it in black ink, toosquiggly to be understood, not even by the shadows growing thick on the cornersof the building.
The street light titillated and died, leavingthe office in the dark. By the time the next morning’s sun touched the roomboth letter and envelop were gone.
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Responsible Appliance Recycling Appliance Removal Services In Albuquerque NM | ABQ Household Services (505) 225 3810
More information is at: http://www.serviceabq.com/appliance-recycling.html
  Need appliance recycling service in Albuquerque? Local responsible Appliance Recycling & Removal Service: ABQ Household Services is the preferred service provider for appliance recycling and environmentally friendly appliance removal and disposal in the Albuquerque area! No need to lift a finger because we do all the work. Cost of Appliance Recycling? Free estimates! Call today or book Appliance Recycling online fast!
 If you’ve ever tried to move a fridge or stove, you know it’s a difficult job without help. Aside from the heavy lifting dangers associated with trying to haul a heavy appliance to the dump, improper disposal can also harm the environment. Many old house hold contain ozone-depleting chemicals that disperse into the air when left to break down in a landfill. Taking the proper steps to handle your appliance removal responsibly not only preserves your back health, but the health of the environment, too.
At ABQ Household Services, we’re experts in responsible appliance disposal. We’ve got the inside scoop on proper recycling practices, and the equipment necessary to safely remove your old appliances without you having to damage your back, or your home. And if your old appliance still works, we’ll donate it to charity.
 One of the easiest ways to save energy around the house is by purchasing energy-efficient appliances. Be sure to recycle your old ones, though, because they’re mostly made up of metal.
 Large Appliances Recycling Preparation
·         Unplug your appliance for several days before recycling to let it cool down.
·         In the case of older air conditioners, freezers and refrigerators, you’ll need to confirm whether the recycler removes Freon. If not, you’ll need to contact a professional for Freon removal.
·         If you bought a new appliance and it’s being delivered, ask the company if it will haul away your old appliance. In many cases, the truck will accept multiple appliances for recycling even if only one is being delivered.
·         If you’re getting rid of a still-working product that is less than five years old, consider donating it. Habitat for Humanity operates Restore locations throughout the U.S. that sell building supplies to raise money for new houses, and they will often accept newer, working appliances.
·         Tape any doors with masking or duct tape so they don’t fly open during transport.
·         If you need to transport the appliance to the curb or a truck, use a dolly. Large appliances are far too heavy for one person to carry them.
·         Steel (the most recycled material in the U.S.) makes up 75 percent of the average appliance, and home appliances account for 10 percent of steel recycled in the U.S. each year.
·         Refrigerators and air conditioners use fluorocarbons to chill air, and chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) are a leading contributor to ozone depletion. CFCs are released from a trashed refrigerator but will be safely processed by a recycler.
·         Many utility companies will provide you with a credit to buy a new appliance and recycle the old one, not to mention the money you’ll save on your monthly bill.
·         Recycle Old Appliances For Cash
·         Refrigerator Recycling $50
·         Appliance Disposal Near Me
·         How To Get Rid Of Old Appliances For Free
·         Who Will Pick Up Old Appliances For Free
·         Free Appliance Pick Up Near Me
·         Free Haul Away Appliances
·         Appliance Recycling Near Me
ABQ Household Services
CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING
CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL
CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING
Best Cleaning Company in Albuquerque NM
Open Monday to Sunday
6:00 am – 11:00 pm
Located in Albuquerque NM 87120
WEB:  http://www.serviceabq.com/
·         Office Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM
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·         Carpet Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM
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·         Basement Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
·         Refrigerator Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
·         Spring Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
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·         Floor Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
·         Dish Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
 Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas
Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
 Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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Residential Carpet Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM | ABQ Household Services (505) 225 3810
More information is at: http://www.serviceabq.com/residential-carpet-cleaning.html
Looking for Residential Carpet Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM? ABQ Household Services specializes in Residential Carpet Cleaning Services. Call today for a free quote on Residential Carpet Cleaning Services. Best carpet cleaning, carpet cleaning company near me, carpet cleaning companies Albuquerque, cheap carpet cleaning services near me, house cleaning, commercial janitorial cleaning services in Albuquerque NM. Free estimates. Quick professional reliable service!
At ABQ Household Services, we also know that every Residential Carpet Cleaning Services situation is unique. That’s why we begin our Residential Carpet Cleaning Services with a complete analysis of your carpet, noting any heavily-soiled or high-traffic areas. Then our cleaning specialists use our highly-effective hot-water extraction method to remove ground-in dirt and debris that may or may not be visible to the naked eye with our Residential Carpet Cleaning Services. Our powerful, truck-mounted vacuum system extracts most of the moisture from your carpet or rug with Residential Carpet Cleaning Services, but it may still be damp to the touch. It’s okay to walk on it—just not in your street shoes. You can accelerate the drying time with fans or air conditioning. Just be sure to leave the protective pads in place until the carpet and furniture are completely dry to avoid any possible transfer of color. And be careful not to slip when leaving damp, carpeted areas. ABQ Household Services Residential Carpet Cleaning Services is quick, convenient and hassle-free. Your home is back to normal in a flash. We even return the furniture to its original position. It’s one more reason our Residential Carpet Cleaning Services sets the standard in high-quality carpet care.
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CONTACT: ABQ Household Services CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Cleaning Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 WEB:  http://www.serviceabq.com/ EMAIL:  [email protected] http://www.serviceabq.com/
SERVICES: • Office Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Janitorial Services Albuquerque NM • House Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Carpet Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Junk Removal Service Albuquerque NM • Home Organization Services Albuquerque NM • Office Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Janitorial Services Albuquerque NM • Maid Services Albuquerque NM • Housekeeping Services Albuquerque NM • Move Out Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Deep Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Post Construction Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Presale Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • House Cleanout Services Albuquerque NM • Foreclosure Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Weekly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Bi-Weekly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Monthly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • One Time Deep Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Same Day Services Albuquerque NM • Residential Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Commercial Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Bathroom Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Kitchen Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Window Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Pet Cleanup Services Albuquerque NM • Move In Move Out Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Attic Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Oven Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Basement Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Refrigerator Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Spring Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Summer Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Floor Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Dish Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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Green Carpet Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM | ABQ Household Services (505) 225 3810
More information is at: http://www.serviceabq.com/green-carpet-cleaning.html
Looking for Green Carpet Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM? ABQ Household Services specializes in Green Carpet Cleaning Services. Call today for a free quote on Green Carpet Cleaning Services. Best carpet cleaning, house cleaning, commercial janitorial cleaning services in Albuquerque NM. Free estimates. Quick professional reliable service!
Are you afraid to lie down on your carpet? ABQ Household Services live on our carpets. There is no better place for family get-togethers, curling up with a good book, or a Sunday afternoon nap when you get our Green Carpet Cleaning Services. You shouldn’t have to worry about the chemicals left behind by carpet cleaning. You can rest assured that safety, purity, and gentleness are the hallmarks of our cleaning products with our Green Carpet Cleaning Services. The Natural®, an amazing, proprietary general cleaner, is at the heart of our cleaning process. The Natural® combines a perfect balance of ingredients copied from Mother Nature to produce carbonating bubbles that clean carpets thoroughly, quickly, and safely with Green Carpet Cleaning Services. Because it contains no soaps, detergents, solvents, enzymes, or other harsh chemicals, The Natural® is safe for your entire family--including your pets. Only ABQ Household Services uses The Natural®, a proprietary carpet cleaning solution that is non-toxic and safe for kids and pets. This phenomenal Green Carpet Cleaning Services mixture lifts dirt to the surface where it is whisked away with the vortex power of the Power Head®, a high-performance unit that applies the cleaning solution and then sucks away the dirt and water.
Air Duct Cleaning | Apartment Carpet Cleaning | Apartment Complex Floor Cleaning | Area & Oriental Rug Cleaning | Auto Upholstery Cleaning | Baby Safe Carpet Cleaning | Best Carpet Cleaning Company | Blinds Cleaning | Building Carpet Cleaning | Building Floor Cleaning | Business Carpet Cleaning | Carpet Cleaner | Carpet Cleaning | Carpet Cleaning Company | Carpet Cleaning Service | Carpet Cleaning Service Area | Carpet Deep Cleaning | Carpet Installation | Carpet Steam Cleaning | Commercial Carpet Cleaning | Commercial Floor Cleaning | Concrete Floor Care | Concrete Floor Cleaning | Couch Cleaning | Curtains And Drapery Cleaning | Driveway Cleaning | Fabric Cleaning | Floor Buffing | Floor Care | Floor Cleaning | Floor Cleaning Services | Floor Maintenance | Floor Polishing | Floor Refinishing | Floor Shining | Floor Stripping | Floor Waxing | Furniture Cleaning | Garage Floor Cleaning | Granite Countertop Renewal | Green Carpet Cleaning | Grout Cleaning | Hard Surface Floor Cleaning | Hardwood Floor Cleaning | Home Carpet Cleaning | House Carpet Cleaning | Leather Cleaning & Restoration | Mall Floor Cleaning | Marble Floor Cleaning  | Marble Polishing | Mattress Cleaning | Mold Remdeian | Office Carpet Cleaning | Office Floor Cleaning | Organic Carpet Cleaning | Pet Stain & Pet Odor Removal | Pet Urine Odor Removal | Power Washing  | Pressure Washing | Residential Carpet Cleaning | Residential Hardwood Floor Cleaning | Restaurant Floor Cleaning | Retail Floor Cleaning | Rug Cleaning | Rv Cleaning | Shopping Center Floor Cleaning | Sofa Cleaning | Specialty Stain Removal | Steam Cleaning | Stone And Marble Restoration | Stone Cleaning | Stone Floor Polishing | Stone, Tile And Grout Cleaning | Store Carpert Cleaning | Store Floor Cleaning | Tile Cleaning | Upholstery Cleaning | Vacuuming Service | Wahoo Carpet Cleaning | Wall Washing | Warehouse Floor Cleaning | Water Damage Restoration | Water Damage Services | Water Extraction And Deflooring | Window Covering Cleaning | Wood Floor Cleaning
CONTACT: ABQ Household Services CALL (505) 225 3810 CLEANING CALL (505) 570 4605 JUNK REMOVAL CALL (505) 850 3570 MOVING Best Cleaning Company in Albuquerque NM Open Monday to Sunday 6:00 am – 11:00 pm Located in Albuquerque NM 87120 WEB:  http://www.serviceabq.com/ EMAIL:  [email protected] http://www.serviceabq.com/
SERVICES: • Office Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Janitorial Services Albuquerque NM • House Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Carpet Cleaning Service Albuquerque NM • Junk Removal Service Albuquerque NM • Home Organization Services Albuquerque NM • Office Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Janitorial Services Albuquerque NM • Maid Services Albuquerque NM • Housekeeping Services Albuquerque NM • Move Out Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Deep Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Post Construction Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Presale Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • House Cleanout Services Albuquerque NM • Foreclosure Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Weekly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Bi-Weekly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Monthly Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • One Time Deep Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Same Day Services Albuquerque NM • Residential Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Commercial Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Bathroom Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Kitchen Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Window Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Pet Cleanup Services Albuquerque NM • Move In Move Out Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Attic Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Oven Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Basement Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Refrigerator Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Spring Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Summer Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Floor Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM • Dish Cleaning Services Albuquerque NM
Albuquerque Metropolitan Area: Bernalillo, Sandoval, Torrance, Valencia Counties NM, Albuquerque, Belen, Moriarty, Rio Communities, Rio Rancho, Bernalillo, Estancia, Mountainair, Peralta, Bosque Farms, Corrales, Cuba, Encino, Jemez Springs, Los Lunas, Los Ranchos de Albuquerque, San Ysidro, Tijeras, Willard, Algodones, Carnuel, Casa Colorada, Cedar Crest, Chilili, Cochiti, El Cerro-Monterey Park, Isleta Village Proper, Jarales, Jemez Pueblo, La Jara, Los Chavez, Los Trujillos-Gabaldon, Manzano, Meadow Lake, North Valley, Paradise Hills, Pena Blanca, Placitas Ponderosa, Pueblo of Sandia Village, Regina, Rio Communities North, Rio Communities, San Felipe Pueblo, Santa Ana Pueblo, Santo Domingo Pueblo, South Valley, Tajique, Tome-Adelino, Torreon (Sandoval County), Torreon (Torrance County), Valencia, Zia Pueblo New Mexico
Zip Codes: 87101, 87102, 87103, 87104, 87105, 87106, 87107, 87108, 87109, 87110, 87111, 87112, 87113, 87114, 87116, 87119, 87120, 87121, 87122, 87123, 87125, 87131, 87153, 87154, 87158, 87176, 87181, 87187, 87190, 87191, 87192, 87193, 87194, 87196, 87197, 87198, 87199.
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