droewyn · 7 years
Give Me a Reason (4/9)
<Part 1>     <Part 2>     <Part 3>
November, 2013
The boy on the ice was new to the Grand Prix series, and it was clear that he wouldn’t be advancing to the final.  His triples were shaky and he wasn’t even attempting a quad.  Not that quads were required, Victor reminded himself.  Just last year he’d taken them out of his programs at Euros on a dare and had still won by a comfortable margin, purely on the strength of a clean skate and high PCS marks.  Yakov had been apoplectic, of course, and had forbidden him from pulling such a stunt at Worlds, but it had honestly been the most fun Victor had had at a competition in years.
The boy – Chulanont, from Thailand – was fun to watch, though.  He danced his program with a cheerfulness that was infectious, and he had the audience clapping along to the music within moments.  A popped triple axel and a two-footed landing on a triple-double combination didn’t seem to bother him in the slightest, though Victor knew he had to be disappointed.  But Chulanont’s spins were solid, and his steps…
Who does that step sequence remind me of, he wondered.  A flash of blue and silver teased at Victor’s memory, crowned in a mop of dark hair.  Oh yes, that Japanese skater. Yuuki something?  Yoshi?  I wonder if Chulanont is his fan.  It bothered him, a little, not to be able to remember the man’s name.  Victor had it written down somewhere in one of his notebooks – he still researched all of the skaters that he shared ice with, Yakov having drilled respect for his competitors into him at an early age – but he didn’t used to need the physical notes the way he did now.  When had the names and faces all started to blur?  I really must be getting old, Victor thought dismally.
Chulanont ended on a slide, his arms outstretched.  He was all smiles as he took his bows, but his eyes gleamed in a way that almost made Victor smile.  He’s determined.  Good.  He’ll take this experience and grow from it.
Victor zoned out during the scoring, already knowing how he’d be judged.  Chulanont had been the last to skate the short program, and he wasn’t close to challenging Georgi’s first place standing.  Georgi’s own skate had been the cleanest Victor had ever seen it, and if he was able to carry that energy over into the free skate they’d be in the Final together for sure, Victor already having secured his own place with a pair of easy golds in Skate Canada and NHK.
Yakov found Victor still sitting in the stands as the crowd was thinning.  “You’re joining us for dinner?” the old coach rumbled.  It was barely a question.  He frowned as Victor shook his head.
“Tonight is Gosha’s, and if I go I’ll just draw attention away from him.”  He sighed with just the right amount of rueful, “what can you do?” disappointment in it.  “I’ll hide in my room and let him enjoy his well-earned spotlight.  Think of me when I’m scrounging scraps from vending machines?”
“Running up the room service bill outrageously, you mean.”  But Yakov’s face had softened into something like fondness.  “It’s true that the fans and the press tend to focus on you whether you skate or not,” he said finally, and Victor knew that he’d won.
It wasn’t that Victor didn’t want to give Georgi the opportunity to shine on his own – of course he did, Gosha had more than earned it – but the real truth was far more selfish. If he went to dinner and someone recognized him – and in Moscow, during Rostelecom, the chances of that happening were pretty damn high – they weren’t just going to ignore Georgi.  They would want, no, insist that he be Living Legend Victor Nikiforov for them, Russia’s Golden God, St. Petersburg’s Hope—
—Victor the Oft Photoshopped, He Whose Shit Is Not Allowed to Stink, Whose Hair Is Discussed More Than His Skating, Subject of Seven Hundred RPF Smut Fics and Supposedly Beloved by All but Actually Having Only a Single (Admittedly Really Great) Dog to Love—
—and he just didn’t want to be that mask.  Not tonight. Not when he didn’t have to be.  Victor the dancing monkey thinks that Victor the Living Legend is an asshole, and just for tonight the dancing monkey is on strike.
Yakov was probably right about the room service bill.
 * Joined channel #therapycouchfort
* Topic is ‘Tomb Raider: Best portrayal of PTSD in a video game ever, or ONLY portrayal of PTSD in a video game ever?  Discuss.’
* Set by StevenMultiverse on Nov 21 19:11:58 2013
suicideflirtsback: holy shit mercy are you okay
iamworthy: *hugs*
mercyslovechild: im ok
mercyslovechild: i guess
KingElsa: What happened?
mercyslovechild: its just
lukewarm_mess: mercy’s parents got CPS called on them
KingElsa: ?
mercyslovechild: tried to tell them once bfore and they blew me off
iamworthy: Child Protective Services, King.
mercyslovechild: they asked if i cut an it was like they stoppd listenning after i said no
/msg lukewarm_mess I don’t understand.
/msg lukewarm_mess Did Mercy’s parents hurt her?
mercyslovechild: now there all sad and ilu and what can we do to help
*lukewarm_mess>> no but she hurts herself and a teacher noticed she was hiding bruises
mercyslovechild: i hate it
iamworthy: At least you’re into therapy now though, right?
/msg lukewarm_mess !!!
mercyslovechild: like, u cant be bothered to give a rats ass until someone else thinks your a bad parent
mercyslovechild: yea but
mercyslovechild: they keep asking if im bullied at school or have bad relationshisp and i dont
mercyslovechild: theres no reason for me to feel this way
mercyslovechild: im just fuckn broken
KingElsa: Mercy.  You are not broken.
suicideflirtsback: ^^^^^^^^
iamworthy: *hugs mercy tight* What King said.
mercyslovechild: yes i am
KingElsa: Am I broken?  Is Iam?  Is Mess? Is Socks?
mercyslovechild: no
lukewarm_mess: so what if you are?
mercyslovechild: but
suicideflirtsback: holy shit mess that’s cold
mercyslovechild: u all have real problems and real illnesses w like diagnoces n stuff that u need help for
lukewarm_mess: broken DOESN’T mean garbage
KingElsa: I don’t.
mercyslovechild: im just some stupid kid crying over nothing
lukewarm_mess: https://www.google.com/search?q=kintsugi&source=lnms&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjz6PXqzJvWAhVj3IMKHbLMBhsQ_AUICigB&biw=1094&bih=626
lukewarm_mess: we fix broken things
lukewarm_mess: we glue them together with gold so everyone can see the scars
KingElsa: I don’t have a diagnosis.
lukewarm_mess: they’re stronger and more beautiful after
lukewarm_mess: more valuable
lukewarm_mess: and more worthy of love
iamworthy: King?
KingElsa: I’ve… never seen anyone.
KingElsa: You’re the only people I’ve ever talked to about this kind of thing.
*lukewarm_mess>> !
mercyslovechild: why
KingElsa: I don’t know, lots of reasons?
*lukewarm_mess>> you havent talked to anyone irl??
KingElsa: But they all kind of boil down to I’m scared.
/msg lukewarm_mess I can’t… I’m under a ton of scrutiny at work…
/msg lukewarm_mess Lots of people hoping for the guy on the top to fall.  If I show weakness…
KingElsa: So if you’re broken what does that make me?  You’re at least trying to reach out for help.
mercyslovechild: …
*lukewarm_mess>> family?  someone else you’re close to?
/msg lukewarm_mess Why Mess, trying to find out if I’m single?
*lukewarm_mess>> not funny
mercyslovechild: i
mercyslovechild: i think i like that pottery thing mess
mercyslovechild: i think i like it alot
/msg lukewarm_mess I am not on speaking terms with my family.
lukewarm_mess: i’m glad, mercy <3
/msg lukewarm_mess For the rest…. I’m kind of married to my work.
lukewarm_mess: we broken people have to stick together
*lukewarm_mess>> +1 313-XXX-XXXX
/msg lukewarm_mess ?!?
*lukewarm_mess>> okay i HATE talking on the phone
*lukewarm_mess>> it’s one of my anxiety triggers
*lukewarm_mess>> but
*lukewarm_mess>> you could text me sometime?  if you want to?
*lukewarm_mess>> and maybe if it’s an emergency you could call
*lukewarm_mess>> if there’s really nobody else
/msg lukewarm_mess I
/msg lukewarm_mess Wow
/msg lukewarm_mess You trust me that much?
*lukewarm_mess>> i just want to know you have someone to reach out to
/msg lukewarm_mess (•̩̩̩́ ᴗ •̩̩̩̀)
/msg lukewarm_mess Thank you.  I don’t know what else to say.
*lukewarm_mess>> say you’ll use it if you need to
/msg lukewarm_mess I will.  I promise.
mercyslovechild: yea i guess we do ^^
<Part 5>
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