cerealandchoccymilk · 11 months
Trigun Bookclub: Trigun Vol.1-2, Chapter #10
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I’m doing a deep-read of the Japanese original print (reread) and Overhaul 1.0 (first read) side-by-side, and writing down everything I notice from small details, version differences, translation differences, etc.
The volume numbers will be mismatched for most of the remainder of Trigun, since the Japanese first edition is 3 volumes while all later versions are 2 volumes.
As always, here are the non-analysis panels:
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And the rest is under the cut.
[link for if the images aren’t in horizontal rows]
A lot of annotation transcriptions for this entry.
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My 3 girlies!!!!!!!!!!! Ever!!!!!!!!
I was waiting for Vash's antennae to go back up, but it looks like 2 of them are permanently bent now. I think it's stayed half-bent since his first encounter with Kaito in the last arc. Haven't double checked to make sure though.
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Milly my beloved..... (I keep spelling it Millie every time. help) In the Japanese version, the speech bubble is "good morning," but in a barely comprehensible yawn. The yawning onomatopoea is written in small text.
Various translation corrections -
「先輩は書いても絵ハガキ程度ですよねー」 "Ma'am, you only send postcards at most, right?"
「ソレが普通ですわよ それにもともと家訓からして「自立せよ」ですからね」 "And that's the normal amount. Besides, our family motto was 'be independent!'"
「ドライといえばドライなのかも…」 "Maybe it could be a bit unemotional/pragmatic [now that you mention it], but..."
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Badwick's first appearance. Just looked ahead to check his name... I forgot how stupid it is... Badwick...... The first time we see one of my favorite art style aspects, single forms!! Love seeing black blocks and non-distinguishable limbs!! This is used a lot with Wolfwood's suit and I love it so much...
I would say Vash's line here is more like "I get it now."
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Images I can hear!! I loved this scene in '98... 聞いておるのかご老体!! By the way, Vash uses polite speech here, but in a (half-)sarcastic way. (If that makes sense...)
The background mob in this panel is... unique for sure. Skin-and-bones, some guy holding (eating?) seaweed, and a sparkly prince?
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Badwick's「笑うね!!」line here is more like "You make me laugh!!" or "Ha ha, very funny!!" I know Vash jumping in front of the old couple is probably intended to just be an instinctive act of protection, but thinking about my analysis in the previous arc (#08 I think?), I can't help but think about his self-sacrificial tendencies...
On a lighter note, Meryl ends her rant with マヂ(ジ)で!! which is kind of like... "FR!!" lol Also Vash is literally dead. Honestly he might've been better off taking the bullet than getting bonked.
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Classic MillyMeryl manzai routine (not a single braincell between them). Featuring a pissed Vash.
Milly's joke is a bit hard to translate.... She's actually saying an idiom wrong. The correct phrase (what she says in Overhaul) is 大事の前の小事, which literally means "a small event before/in front of the big event." (this idiom is also an contranym but I won't get into that lol) However, the kanji she uses for 小事(shōji, small event) is switched for 障子(shōji, wood-and-paper sliding door). They look the same in romaji, but they have different tones.
Meryl's response uses English loanwords/Japanglish that's all slightly incorrect for the situation.
So, the Gramps's comments are about the fact that they're using the words wrong. Apparently Granny didn't notice!? lol
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Another silly Milly... Gramps's line is a sort of double-meaning, since ボケる(bokeru) means both to be silly (as in the funny man role in manzai)(which Milly has been doing throughout) and to go senile. I love how Vash is 100% tired of this shit and just stares at us.
Japanese-only thing, but I love how he says「わーかってますって 超OKっスよ」. silly goober....
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「ジオ・プラント―― 肥沃化プラントの影響を受けて植物が育つ事ができる土地の総称である」 "Geoplant— The general term for land that is capable of growing flora due to the effect of a fertilizing Plant."
The term "geoplant" is actually for the affected land, not the Plant itself. Which is... confusing to be honest....
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The Plants mentioned here are the capital P generator Plants, not lowercase p flora plants. This line means that among the Plants on the ships, some of them were also of the fertilization variety necessary for geoplant land. "Naturally" is continued into Gramps's line, so it should end with an ellipsis.
He says that the property became worth about the same as the area of a 300-yard radius around a ship (which I would imagine is INSANELY valuable), whether they wanted the price to rise or not.
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These two lines are actually by Vash.
「おそらく地脈を伝って影響が『飛び地』したんだろうな」 "Perhaps the effects of a Plant spread along a mineral vein and ended up forming an 'enclave' here."
「でもここまでになるにはただそれだけじゃ駄目だ」 "But just that's not enough for it to get to this scale."
I love how quickly he could tell this is a geoplant and recognize how much work and love the couple has put into it.
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「それにどれだけ我々が支えられてきたか言葉にならんよ」 "I can't even begin to describe how much hope it has given us."
The word he uses is actually "support," but I couldn't think of a way to make it sound decent other than the next closest word, "give hope."
Not really a translation fix - in Japanese, he says something more like "This is where our lives and hopes are."
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I missed it during the annotation (will mark it later), but I think the article for "tycoon" should be "the" or "a," since Morgan hasn't appeared yet. Gramps mentions that the incident from earlier that day was also one of Morgan's threats. (The annotation should be "like what happened this morning/noon." Will also fix that later.)
I feel like this line by Gramps comes across as a bit too harshly apologetic in English compared to the original? I'm not sure how to convey it accurately though... it's more of a Japanese cultural thing.
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The first speech bubble is probably by one of the elderly couple, most likely Gramps, since it says "Vash-kun". Milly calls him "Vash-san."
Also about the "lover's quarrel" tease and Meryl's response:
A common tease for male+female character pairs (and real life...), but the nice thing about this is that there's no hinting of hidden romantic feelings whatsoever (stammering, blushing, etc.). Even through a Vash/Meryl truthing lens, I think at this point there truly is nothing (realized) there yet. There's no forced hetero-amatonormative romance!! (my pet peeve in manga)
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These lines are actually an exchange between Badwick and Marilyn.
「うわーーっ いくらすっと思ってるんだその門柱!!」 "Aaahh!! [Watch what you're doing!] Just how much do you think that pillar's worth!?"
「ケチくせー事いいっこなし!!どうせアコギなマネして建てたんでしょ」 "Oh, don't be so stingy!! I bet you guilt it with shady money(/through shady means) anyways."
And that’s it for Chapter #10! As always, the Japanese annotations will be in the reblogs.
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