#EKG Technician Training Long Island
joyfulcareercenter · 2 years
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cambridgeinstitute · 2 years
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Access Careers is Nationally Accredited. Our school's Nursing Assistant / Nurse Aide Program has been established on Long Island since 2004. Our students are employed at the top nursing homes and hospitals on Long Island.
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Accesscareers Provides Best CNA Training In Long Island
Mеdiсаl аѕѕiѕtаnt trаining рrоgrаmѕ in Long Island рrераrе individuals tо work аѕ еntrу-lеvеl med assistants. This is done by рrераring students tо аѕѕiѕt during medical оr ѕurgiсаl procedures, uрdаtе раtiеnt сhаrtѕ, tаkе vital ѕignѕ, drаw blood or соllесt specimens fоr diаgnоѕtiс рurроѕеѕ. Suсh CNA Trainings аrе аlѕо typically required tо perform аdminiѕtrаtivе tаѕkѕ.
Aѕрiring mеd assistants hаvе ѕеvеrаl орtiоnѕ to сhооѕе frоm, inсluding dеgrее and diрlоmа рrоgrаmѕ, аѕ wеll аѕ оnlinе courses. Each option iѕ аѕѕосiаtеd with specific features аnd bеnеfitѕ, аnd thе оnе ѕеlесtеd will largely depend uроn thе ѕtudеnt’ѕ personal preferences аnd lifestyle.
Thе curriculum is tурiсаllу dividеd between сlаѕѕrооm trаining аnd сliniсаl еxреriеnсеѕ, thе lаttеr of which is асԛuirеd аt a mеdiсаl facility. Hоwеvеr, with Medical Training Long Island, оnе’ѕ clinical еxреriеnсе will be obtained аt the specific facility where hе оr ѕhе hаѕ secured employment.
Medical Assistant Training Long IslandPrоgrаmѕ Courses
Pаtiеnt Cаrе аnd Cоmmuniсаtiоn
In оrdеr tо рrоvidе a high level оf саrе for patients аnd соmmuniсаtе еffесtivеlу with doctors аnd оthеr hеаlthсаrе рrоfеѕѕiоnаlѕ, one muѕt take courses in EKG Technician Training, Pharmacy Tech Training, CNA Training. A briеf соurѕе in еtiоlоgу mау аlѕо bе раrt of the curriculum. Thrоughоut thе соurѕе a student will also lеаrn how tо рrераrе раtiеntѕ fоr exams, tаkе thеir vitаl ѕignѕ, аnd trаnѕроrt thеm frоm оnе аrеа of thе fасilitу tо аnоthеr in a ѕаfе mаnnеr.
Pharmacology соurѕеѕ are part оf mоѕt Medical Training programs Long Island. During such courses, students will lеаrn essential infоrmаtiоn about vаriоuѕ mеdiсаtiоnѕ, соntrаindiсаtiоnѕ, ѕidе еffесtѕ and drug classifications. Althоugh assistants do not рrеѕсribе оr аdminiѕtеr mеdiсаtiоnѕ, thеу аrе often саllеd uроn tо communicate bеtwееn dосtоrѕ аnd рhаrmасiѕtѕ, making a bаѕiс understanding of pharmacology an essential aspect оf trаining.
Laboratory Prосеdurеѕ
Almost аll аѕѕiѕtаntѕ will bе саllеd upon аt some роint in their career to аѕѕiѕt with lаbоrаtоrу рrосеdurеѕ. This may inсludе blооd work, urinаlуѕiѕ, ѕаlivа tests аnd оthеr diagnostic procedures. For thiѕ rеаѕоn, аll medical аѕѕiѕtаnt еduсаtiоn рrоgrаmѕ inсludе аt lеаѕt оnе course in laboratory рrосеdurеѕ.
Cаrdiорulmоnаrу and Elесtrосаrdiоgrарhу
Mаnу mеdiсаl аѕѕiѕtаntѕ are аlѕо asked to аѕѕiѕt with tеѕtѕ ѕuсh аѕ EKG Technician Training оr other diagnostic procedures invоlving the heart. Undеr аррrорriаtе supervision, ѕtudеntѕ will lеаrn how tо аѕѕiѕt during саrdiорulmоnаrу рrосеdurеѕ and how to accurately log the results оf such tests in the patient’s chart.
Nutrition аnd Firѕt Aid
Mоѕt programs inсludе classes in first аid аnd nutritiоn. Prоѕресtivе mеdiсаl assistants Long Island will learn hоw tо реrfоrm cardiopulmonary rеѕuѕсitаtiоn and hоw tо properly administer firѕt аid. A briеf course in nutrition аnd dietary procedures is аlѕо included in the сurriсulum.
In addition tо the аfоrеmеntiоnеd courses, ѕtudеntѕ will also tаkе classes in medical ethics аnd healthcare law. Depending оn thе type оf соurѕе in whiсh оnе еnrоlѕ in, еlесtivеѕ mау inсludе рѕусhоlоgу, endocrinology, аnd rеligiоn.
There iѕ no dоubt thаt jоb opportunities in thе field оf hеаlthсаrе will inсrеаѕе аt a rapid расе throughout thе nеxt dесаdе. Fоr thiѕ rеаѕоn, ѕtudеntѕ will find that рurѕuing Medical Аѕѕiѕtаnt Trаining in Long Island iѕ a wоrthwhilе еndеаvоur.
Cliсk hеrе [ http://accesscareers.net/ ] if you are thinking аbоut bесоming a medical аѕѕiѕtаnt in Long Island. Gаin frее ассеѕѕ tо a plethora оf invаluаblе infоrmаtiоn and rеѕоurсеѕ about Long Island Pharmacy Tech Training, EKG Technician Training Long Island, and CNA Training.
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genratestatus · 3 years
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fast track surgical tech programs | dignity educational consulting
Register with Confidence and attend a colleges for surgical technologist, but affordable program. In just 4 months, you can finish with two certifications (A national certification as an Electrocardiogram Technician and a school certification of completion as a surgical Technician) without a loan on your neck! Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician training is far superior than other online Surgical Technician programs because it includes the training, exam review and national certification exam for the EKG technician and a comprehensive, but simple tailored program for the Surgical Technician. The fees for the EKG national certification exam is offered as a bonus for those who wish to certify in EKG. However, the fees for the surgical Tech exam  is not included in the tuition. Student also have the option of choosing other certifying agencies. So a completion of our course enables the graduate to practice as an EKG Technician in any State of the United States, as well as practice as a Surgical Tech in any state.  At the completion of the EKG technician course, we register the student for the EKG national certification.   Our school is a  testing site for surgical technician national certification exam through Healthcare Professionals Competency Testing (HPCT) and we do offer exam registration assistance for the surgical technologist once the course work have been completed.  Students would be able to sit for the surgical tech national certifying exam at the end of the course work even before completing scrub hours.   They will also receive the school certificate of completion. Since we have students taking this course from different states, each student is expected find an externship site to fulfill the hands-on practice after the how long is surgical tech school. Please note that if you do not need the EKG Tech certificate, the cost is still the same. It is only a bonus.   Course Duration: 4 months (Must be completed in 4 months) At the end of the program, student will graduate with these certifications: 1. EKG Technician (optional) 2. Surgical Technician 3. Patient Care Technician PCT ( Optional - Patient care & Surgical Tech combo is $4800)   Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician certification is accepted in all the following 50 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.   Cost: $2400 for surgical tech or $4800 for surgical tech & Patient Care Tech combo You can pay on this website or call 951 637 8332 to pay over the phone   How it works: 1. Register , choose your payment options and pay 2. Receive the study materials at your doorstep within five business days 3. Take the program and the exam review with the help of an online instructor.(Surgical Tech alone (2 months or faster), Surgical Tech & EKG (4 months or faster) Surgical Tech, EKG & Patient Care Tech  (6 months or faster). The first 8 weeks is for the EKG Technician Course (If you want the EKG course),  the second 8 weeks is for the Surgical Technician course, and last 8 weeks for patient care tech if you chose that combo 6 week surgical tech program. 4. Assignments are due every week. (Your online instructor will guide you) 5. Register for the national certification exam (Your instructor will guide you) 6. Test at the nearest national testing center to your zip code, usually within 40 miles from you or test from your computer with a proctor monitoring you on web cam. 7. Join hundreds of Dignity College of Healthcare graduates and Become a nationally certified healthcare professional! 8. Since we have students taking this course from different states, each student is expected find an externship site to fulfill the hands-on practice after the surgical technician national certification exam. Please visit our website: https://dignityeducationalconsulting.com/online-surgical-technician
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Week 3, day 23
My overall cognitive decline continues. Which is to be expected with this sort of treatment, but it’s still scary when you observe yourself sort of crumbling (and it’s even scarier to realize that this might be one of your better days, because you’re aware of your decreased capacity). In complete honesty, the big complaint today is a dramatic reduction in focus, and although it’s at a noticeable level, it’s probably at what I’d experience if I’d just stepped off a cross-country red-eye flight. Which could also be caused by the fact that I got all of ten minutes of sleep last night (or it feels like it, anyway), and spent a fair chunk of my now-limited IQ running down a prescription (even though my physicians are fairly generous about keeping me as comfortable as possible,* when you’re getting some of the more exotic drugs, pharmacies might require a little extra time to back order things). Still, it shouldn’t require all of my energy to make a few relatively-pleasant phone calls - that’s not some sort of smear on the folks I called, it’s just an indicator of how horribly exhausted I am. Which causes further brain damage (this is true), which leads to more neurological disease/symptoms, which then becomes this terrible self-sustaining cycle of illness.
This is ridiculous. If you go into an ER with chest pains, no one tells you that the symptoms are going to get worse, and, maybe, in a few months, they might go away, or the disease might progress, and we have no way to test in the meantime. No. They hook you up to an EKG, put you on clot busters and/or get a cardiac surgeon, and get it done. This is not an indictment of modern medicine; cancer is a complex disease, the brain is hilariously poorly-understood - these are both the result of things that have only been known to science for less than 500 years. But, good God, it’s preposterous to be told “You know those symptoms of the very disease you’re suffering? Yeah, we’re going go make those worse.” And I know we can do better, cognitively, because I have actually done that. Twice (possibly three times; I’m trying for a hat trick), but it does take lots of work, and EEGs. Admittedly, my brain is far more adaptable and resilient than the standard-issue model (and that is the only ace I have in my sleeve, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything)(okay, so I’d trade it for a healthy body and a big house on a tropical island, but that offer isn’t on the table), but, come on, folks; imagine if we made all elected officials pass an IQ test before taking office? We’d have brain damage cures yesterday.
But that’s really just me bitching about the pre-game festivities, because today I did see Radiation Oncologist (I see her on a weekly basis), and she did finally convince me to accept a steroid prescription. Side-note; these are not fun, sexy steroids that make you all Arnold Schwarzenegger-y, this refers to a broad class of drugs that do many thing. And have many, many, oh so many, side-effects, which I’ll bring up in just a second (this is also why I dislike this class of meds, as a general rule). But, Hell with it, she thinks it’ll help with my suture-coming-apart-at-the-seems headaches, and I had to go to Costco anyway. So I now have a  very low-grade decadron prescription, which I hate, because it makes me feel weird and aggressive (and/or weirdly aggressive). I also have a prescription to counteract some of the tummy-based side-effects of decadron. No one’s giving me any prescriptions for the more-subtle affects of decadron (namely, it will keep you awake for a week straight)(because it’s not like sleep deprivation is linked to heart disease, brain damage, or metaboloic diseases).
I feel like I have to give a brief educational aside - because I do consider myself something of a science facilitator, in the grand tradition of Carl Sagan, Neil deGrasse Tyson, and Pat Sajak - about the singularity. “The singularity” is a previously-theoretical moment in human development when our machines - or, more precisely, some sort of artificial intelligence - becomes completely independent of human support, and starts reshaping the world in its image. I’m taking a little poetic license in that description, but for a not-inaccurate portrayal of the concept, consult the Terminator films - or the proper, James Cameron-directed ones, anyway (or just watch the Terminator films because that’s never a bad way to fight existential dread). That was my understanding of the concept, prior to 3:30 PST this afternoon. In order to appreciate the vortex of madness I’m in - and, I apologize to my physician friends reading this if my neo-deconstructivist logic over-simplifies things - I am now taking Drug A. To counteract the side-effects of Drug B. Which was prescribed to counteract the side-effects of Treatment C (radiotherapy, to be completely precise). Which will cure me of Disease D (glioblastoma). If you listen carefully, you can hear space-time folding in on itself whenever I stand up.or sit down. I wouldn’t have consented to another prescription, but the subtext of the conversation seemed to be - and I could be totally wrong, I’m not a subtle man (I wear a cowboy hat in public) - that it wasn’t so much about fixing my suture pain, as much as it was about preventing all the worstest side-effects. Again, I could be completely misreading the scenario - I haven’t had the time to train my SoCal team as well as the NoCal folks. And I don’t mean that in some sort of creepy, sociopathic way; merely that I have a good working relationship with the mad scientists up north, and it took a few years to establish that (again, it is beyond fucked up that I have long-term relationships with cancer researchers, but I digress). At this point, they’re all well-aware that I dislike small-talk and I’m usually somewhat tense when I see them (the Nocal folks are), so they usually cut to the chase, and they know I don’t appreciate redundancies. I’m apparently back at square one with this lot, because Radiation Oncologist did ask if I was feeling okay. I might have overreacted with a 50-decibel “NO,” but I still think I get a gold star for not strangling her. We are taught in America that there are no stupid questions, but that is a lie; if you insist on asking a question that was asked ten minutes ago, it’s a stupid question. I realize that there are multiple double-checks in the medical system, but it’s still beyond aggravating to recount them to the doctor, then have her ask, “So, you’re not feeling very good?” Pro-tip for all future cancer patients, if the nurses and technicians are first-rate, the hospital isn’t likely to skimp out on the doctors. And research physicians, although excellent in many other respects, do insist on completely filling out the paperwork, which is both a blessing and a curse.
A final bit of good news about exhaustion; I’m now way too tired to be scared. I mean, I’m still way past the standard level of fear, but I no longer feel like I’m in some sort of horrible parallel universe of terror. Admittedly, diminishing terror using pain and fatigue sounds like something Josef Mengele would do, but, focusing on the positive, less frightened! And, perhaps, getting through the worst of the potential symptoms (with many, many unpleasant medications)(but, hey, no seizures or puking).
*The phrase “keep them comfortable” is not one you ever want to consider when discussing your current medical status, because it has some rather negative connotations.
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
CNA Occupations and the Significance of Nature of CNA Preparing
CNA Occupations are standing out from the downturn hit adolescents. Shockingly one essential truth about any schooling is advantageously forgotten with regards to  CNA Training Queens. The nature of instruction matters and the nature of CNA Preparing matters a great deal.
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What do we mean by quality of CNA Training?
That is a critical and appropriate inquiry. To save your time I will characterize that in list items. The nature of CNA preparing is a blend of
Amount of preparing that you get. If your cna instructional course gives extremely less long stretches of homeroom preparing or useful preparation then you won't have the option to appropriately realize all ideas.
Nature of preparing that you get: Assuming you are shown CNA for 100 hours yet by somebody who is clueless about the calling, then, at that point, anybody can think about the amount you will learn.
Your own work: The nature of CNA Preparing for everybody in a similar class won't be something similar. The more exertion you put, better will your learn.
Why should I care about the quality of CNA Training?
It influences the work that you get: I'm mindful that there is an intense lack of medical caretakers in America and subsequently anybody with CNA certificate is almost certain to find a new line of work. Anyway there is a distinction between finding a new line of work and finding a new line of work of your decision. What you have realized in the instructional courses will decide whether you can land the CNA Position that you need.
It influences the nature of work that you do: CNA is a truly extraordinary work. On the off chance that you don't know something, then it turns out to be quickly clear and that can get very humiliating. All the more significantly on the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea how to do some errand, you will take more time to finish it. That is the essential justification for why some CNAs get no opportunity to do something besides their work. Islandia NY Drug store Professional are too in the middle of doing things that they won't ever learn.
In particular it influences your work fulfillment: Assuming you take a gander at the over 2 places, you will understand that they are probably the main parts of occupation fulfillment. On the off chance that you don't do your illustrations competently, you can not land your preferred position and you will battle in the gig that you figure out how to get. That is the surest approach to being unsatisfied with your work.
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Contact us
Hempstead Campus
🏢: 474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201 Hempstead, NY 11550
📞: (516)-433-0034
Islandia Campus
🏢:  1930 Veterans Highway, Suite 10 Islandia, NY 11749
📞: (631)630-9410
🌐 : https://accesscareers.net/
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cambridgeinstitute · 3 years
EKG Technician Certificate Program in NYC
Become a certified EKG technician by enrolling in an EKG technician certificate program in NYC at Cambridge Business Institute. Our instructors ensure you have a stimulating learning environment so you can learn at your own pace. Contact us today to know more.
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cambridgeinstitute · 5 years
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wedesignyouny · 2 years
Nurse Aide/Assistant (CNA) training in Queens, NYC | Access Careers
As a crisis clinical expert (EMT), you will get to know measurements with an end goal to qualify you to deal with crisis ailments, complete crisis clinical procedures including heart pneumonic revival (CPR), and play out a rescue vehicle with an end goal to conveyance an individual craving crisis medical clinic therapy to CNA Training Queens a wellbeing office. An EMT is regularly the essential man or lady to arrive at on a scene with respect to harmed people, who will promptly look at the situation of these who've been hurt in an auto happenstance, have suddenly end up being extremely unwell, or are associated with other genuinely pessimistic events. EMT's will attempt to balance out an individual's condition sooner than moving them to a wellbeing place with the guide of the utilization of mediations which incorporates treating shock, applying harmed bone braces or tourniquets, and defibrillation for those current interaction a coronary heart attack. Filling in as an EMT, specifically in enormous, metropolitan regions wherein there is a horror cost, might stress, every once in a while disappointing cycle to do however individuals who select to be crisis specialists say they would never again need to works of art in another work region.
To be a guaranteed EMT you must finish and sidestep a crisis logical professional program presented through an approved personnel, for the most part at a yr school or professional school. You ought to have an exorbitant professional education or GED (standard equivalency confirmation) sooner than starting your clinical tutoring as an EMT. Authorize guides will meet or surpass the prerequisites of the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs or the Committee on Accreditation of Educational Programs for the Emergency Medical Services Professions. You should actually look at along with your local area college or professional workforce to guarantee this framework you are coming into has either this kind of associations certifying it.
Your clinical experience as an EMT will include distributions on human body design and life structures, which manage how the body well elements and what happens when it breakdowns, records you should comprehend while measuring a harmed person's situation. Knowing the exact consideration and procedures to use on an individual sooner than their circumstance deteriorates is positively the key reason for a crisis logical expert. While going to school and instruction to be an EMT, you'll be shown how pleasantly to utilize mobile gadget which incorporate programmed external defibrillators (Aed's), backboards, blood pressure sleeves, and the utilizations of supports to broken bones.
You will likewise investigate what relevant inquiries you need to welcome the harmed individual while surveying what is going on, comprehensive of "How extended have you at any point had this throb?" or "Are you having issue respiratory?" Learning the correct way to raise a harmed patient out of a destroyed vehicle or off the floor minus any additional stinging them is additionally another piece of your clinical schooling.
EMT logical tutoring need to now not be troubled with paramedic preparing, nonetheless. Paramedic training is extra finished and incorporates getting to realize positive clinical cycles along with putting I.v.'s, performing endotracheal intubation, and infusing a couple with pills, which can manage the heart mood of an individual having a coronary heart attack.
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Contact us
Hempstead Campus
🏢: 474 Fulton Avenue, Suite 201 Hempstead, NY 11550
📞: (516)-433-0034
Islandia Campus
🏢: 1930 Veterans Highway, Suite 10
📞: (631)630-9410
🌐 : https://accesscareers.net/
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cambridgeinstitute · 3 years
Is Now The Right Time To Become A Professional EKG Technician?
To become a professional EKG technician, get enrolled in our accredited EKG technician training program at Cambridge Business Institute. Our training program will help you prepare for a successful career in this field. It is specifically designed to prepare students with comprehensive knowledge and hands-on training to become quickly certified within less than a year. Our team will guide you every step of the way.
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cambridgeinstitute · 3 years
Now Is A Great Time To Pursue A Career As An EKG Technician. Here’s Why!
Read this blog and know that why you should get enrolled in an accredited EKG Technician Certificate course to start a career as an EKG technician.
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cambridgeinstitute · 3 years
Now Is A Great Time To Pursue A Career As An EKG Technician. Here’s Why!
Read this blog and know that why you should get enrolled in an accredited EKG Technician Certificate course to start a career as an EKG technician.
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cambridgeinstitute · 4 years
Join Cambridge Business Institute for EKG Technician Training in NYC!!
If you think that a four-year degree is expensive for you and can be a time-consuming activity, look no further than Cambridge Business Institute that offers a short term EKG Technician training course. Enroll today and have a prosperous career in the healthcare industry. For more information, call: 516-874-5059.
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cambridgeinstitute · 5 years
EKG Technician Training in NYC
Are you looking to get enrolled in EKG Technician Training in NYC? Cambridge Business Institute is the best in NYC for the EKG technician certificate program. We have qualified and certified personnel that trains you to become proficient in the EKG program. We are a renowned medical training institute in NYC. For more info, contact us at 516-874-5059.
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genratestatus · 3 years
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fast track surgical tech programs | dignity educational consulting
Register with Confidence and attend a colleges for surgical technologist, but affordable program. In just 4 months, you can finish with two certifications (A national certification as an Electrocardiogram Technician and a school certification of completion as a surgical Technician) without a loan on your neck! Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician training is far superior than other online Surgical Technician programs because it includes the training, exam review and national certification exam for the EKG technician and a comprehensive, but simple tailored program for the Surgical Technician. The fees for the EKG national certification exam is offered as a bonus for those who wish to certify in EKG. However, the fees for the surgical Tech exam  is not included in the tuition. Student also have the option of choosing other certifying agencies. So a completion of our course enables the graduate to practice as an EKG Technician in any State of the United States, as well as practice as a Surgical Tech in any state.  At the completion of the EKG technician course, we register the student for the EKG national certification.   Our school is a  testing site for surgical technician national certification exam through Healthcare Professionals Competency Testing (HPCT) and we do offer exam registration assistance for the surgical technologist once the course work have been completed.  Students would be able to sit for the surgical tech national certifying exam at the end of the course work even before completing scrub hours.   They will also receive the school certificate of completion. Since we have students taking this course from different states, each student is expected find an externship site to fulfill the hands-on practice after the how long is surgical tech school. Please note that if you do not need the EKG Tech certificate, the cost is still the same. It is only a bonus.   Course Duration: 4 months (Must be completed in 4 months) At the end of the program, student will graduate with these certifications: 1. EKG Technician (optional) 2. Surgical Technician 3. Patient Care Technician PCT ( Optional - Patient care & Surgical Tech combo is $4800)   Dignity College of Healthcare online surgical technician certification is accepted in all the following 50 states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming.   Cost: $2400 for surgical tech or $4800 for surgical tech & Patient Care Tech combo You can pay on this website or call 951 637 8332 to pay over the phone   How it works: 1. Register , choose your payment options and pay 2. Receive the study materials at your doorstep within five business days 3. Take the program and the exam review with the help of an online instructor.(Surgical Tech alone (2 months or faster), Surgical Tech & EKG (4 months or faster) Surgical Tech, EKG & Patient Care Tech  (6 months or faster). The first 8 weeks is for the EKG Technician Course (If you want the EKG course),  the second 8 weeks is for the Surgical Technician course, and last 8 weeks for patient care tech if you chose that combo. 4. Assignments are due every week. (Your online instructor will guide you) 5. Register for the national certification exam (Your instructor will guide you) 6. Test at the nearest national testing center to your zip code, usually within 40 miles from you or test from your computer with a proctor monitoring you on web cam. 7. Join hundreds of Dignity College of Healthcare graduates and Become a nationally certified healthcare professional! 8. Since we have students taking this course from different states, each student is expected find an externship site to fulfill the hands-on practice after the surgical technician national certification exam. Please visit our website: https://dignityeducationalconsulting.com/online-surgical-technician
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