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erpnews · 2 years
What is Hot Desk?
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Hot Desk is a hybrid work model emerged during COVID-19 which is a flexible approach of resource sharing. In Hot Desk working model, employees do not have a fixed desk and can choose their seats every day. Under Hot Desk working model, one’s creativity and lateral communication within the enterprise are stimulated and strengthened. It also increases the flexibility of operation and save office space effectively. According to the research from MANA-Biz, Japanese media, nearly 40% of enterprises have implemented or are about to implement the concept of Hot Desk in Japan. Web-based system is the Key for the Concept of Hot Desk!!! Traditional business software requires installation in every device (notebook, PC etc.) which definitely frustrates employees under Hot Desk mode: 1️⃣ As number of notebook/PC in office does not match number of employees, some staff need to wait for others to logout before they start their work; 2️⃣ System cannot be logged in by employees anytime and anywhere, etc. 3️⃣ Remote staff who choose to use their old business software by 'remote desktop' their PC in office will find lagged screen response and inferior operation efficiency. Therefore, web-based business system will be the first choice for enterprises because it does not need to be installed in each work computer. The only requirement is to open the browser in a stable network environment to log in. Come and learn about Multiable Web-based ERP! 📍Multiable M18 ERP📍 M18 ERP is a highly configurable cloud-native business software which runs on cloud or on-premise, allow users to customise the system to meet different business challenges without expensive customisation fee to vendor. Besides backend (ERP) solutions, Multiable M18 provides frontend solutions for Point-of-Sales & seamless integration for eCommerce portal. Discover more on https://multiable.com.sg/
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