#ES’s reformation was hard line so not sure much would be different on that front
historyartthings · 4 months
‘Against the Pilgrims’ wishes, Henry retained his right to bequeath the crown to whomsoever he liked, in the event of a lack of direct heirs; but by 1540 this no longer had sinister implications, thanks to the removal of Cromwell, whom the Pilgrims had feared Henry would make his successor, and to the birth and survival of Prince Edward’
- Bush, Bownes ‘The Defeat of the Pilgrimage of Grace…’ - p. 399.
I find it hard to believe Henry would ever have done that lol. But I suppose the more important thing is the Pilgrims thought it was possible, which is an interesting idea. It also says a lot about their political awareness imo - their engagement and their understanding.
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