a-singer-of-songs · 10 months
Ok so every time I go to the Ecological Society of America meeting, I remember the year that ESA and Bronycon overlapped for one weekend, in Baltimore. And you'd think there wasn't much overlap between the Ivory Tower Mad Scientists and the Manic Pixie Dream Ponies, but you would be wrong.
In fact I made an afternoon of watching in delight as staid, suited scientists snuck over to the Bronycon artist's alley to buy stuff and came back with bags full of rainbows and stuffed toys and dayglo.
But EQUALLY delightful was the Bronycon attendees who walked up to scientists and asked what was going on, and then got genuinely curious and wanted to know MORE. I overheard the best conversation where one of them explained to his friends that the ones on the other side of the building were there for "some environmental conference thing. Ecocon?"
Anyway I have forever called ESA Ecocon as a result, which sure confuses people, but I enjoy causing confusion so I think it's great.
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