#ESPECIALLY tsu she wants to be his friend sm and he's like 'i will take you DOWN'
plusultraetc · 1 year
i've been playing one's justice 2 and shinsou's voice lines with 1-a so far have boiled down to "friend!!!" "associate"
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beanst0ck · 4 years
omg bby ur requests are open!! yesss i missed ur writing sm can i request some hcs for ukai w a latina s/o?? like she has tanned skin & sum curves and how the karasuno meets her? love u girl <3
i don’t write for ukai but you said tsukishima was ok so i hope you like it 👉👈
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whether you’re a new student, transfer student, or whatever, tsukishima probably isn’t gonna notice you at first, sorry :p
don’t get salty tho, i said at first
when he does catch glimpses of you around school, cause let’s face it you’re probably gonna stick out, he’s gonna ask yamaguchi about you
“oh (y/n)? she’s new here, i think she arrived about a week ago.”
tsukishima was kinda shocked that it took him that long to notice you, but he went back to doing his thing
i don’t see him actually going up and talking to you, so let’s say that you two end up working together as partners for a group project
that way he HAS to talk to you and he’ll see just how wonderful you really are, cause let’s face it, you’re wonderful! if anyone disagrees istg ill throw hands
surprise surprise, you two got into a relationship, congrats you lucky son of a-
you don’t know what you love about him.. maybe it’s his sarcastic personality? maybe it’s his height? is it the fact that he’s on the volleyball team? the world may never know let’s be honest who doesn’t love him
tsukishima finds you and your culture very intriguing!
he’ll probably straight up ask you about it too, he’s not gonna tell you why, but it’s pretty obvious it’s because he cares and wants to know more about you :’)
he’ll also do some research!! bc he wants to impress you with how much he knows 😼
teach him your language pls pls pls
if you start talking in another language he’s gonna ask you for a translation
“hm? what does that mean? ahh ok”
totally isn’t taking notes nope no sir
he’ll probably pick up some things from you curse words and use the phrases when he’s yelling at hinata and kageyama bonding with his teammates! such a nice guy
oh the music
he’s definitely gonna wanna know about your music
make a playlist consisting of famous songs from where you’re from and send it to him, trust me, he’ll love you forever
in return he’ll also make you a playlist from some songs he likes :) that’s when you know he’s in deep
if you’re skin is lighter or darker, he’s gonna love you either way, he doesn’t care about looks a king yes we stan ✊
what he’s gonna care about is if you can handle his salty ass attitude
but, if you don’t love how you look, when you’re cuddling and napping together he’s gonna trace your features with his finger and mumble how beautiful you look and how much he loves you 👉👈
you two decide not to go bragging to the whole school just yet that the two of you are together
but tsukishima is so tempted to do just that because he doesn’t like how other people at school look at you
he’s really tempted to grab you by the waist and kiss you infront of everyone to show them that there’s no way in hell they have a chance with you
but he doesn’t because he knows people would ask questions and he would find that extremely annoying yamaguchi knows tho, best friend rights
bby gets a little a lot jelly heuheu
so that means that the volleyball team doesn’t know you’re together
and it’s no surprise that tanaka and nishinoya have noticed you walking around school
one day when he entered the gym to practice, he heard tanaka and nishinoya talking about a new girl
they always do that so he ignored them, until he heard your name
“i swear man, have you SEEN (y/n)?”
“of course ive seen her! ive also seen her coming to our games👁👁”
tsukishima was not happy to find out they were talking about you, but he kept his composure
that is until they commented on how pretty and curvy they thought you were
“it’s not like she’ll pay attention to you guys, she’s already with someone.”
when i tell you nishinoya and tanaka went “what👁👄👁”
shit tsukishima immediately regretted saying anything at all because now they were bombarding him with questions about you
tsukishima thought he could’ve avoided their questions until yamaGUCCI spoke up
“that’s because (y/n)’s dating tsu-”
crap and he immediately shut up once he felt tsukishima’s glare on him, he had forgotten that it was supposed to be a secret
tsukishima hoped that tanaka and nishinoya didn’t hear yams, but they did
and OH BOY, they were so happy that their tsukishima had finally found someone
so happy in fact, they wanted to meet you! like, right now-
it went on for a couple of days, every time at practice the team would ask about you
how you were doing, if you were eating well, all that good stuff
now, you already knew tsukishima was on the volleyball team as mentioned before, you’ve gone to their games before but when he told you his team wanted to meet you, you were excited!
you asked to meet his friends and when tsukishima saw your exited face, he couldn’t say no he has a soft spot for you
so you walked with him and yamaguchi to practice and you were kind of nervous
you’ve seen how serious they could be on the court especially that little orange speedy gonzales and ngl, they were kind of scary
yamaguchi reassured you tho, telling you that they were all nice and friendly and that they couldn’t hurt a fly
meanwhile tsukishima was scoffing and calling them all idiots, telling you that there’s nothing to be worried about with them if any of them hurt you they would not live to see tomorrow
when you guys arrived at the gym you saw that they were all waiting for you at the door, literally
kinda felt weird having so many eyes on you, but you couldn’t begin to imagine how they must’ve felt during a game
the whole team was ✨mesmerized✨
they wondered why the hec you chose tsukishima out of all people
like, YOU ARE YOU, so pretty, amazing, wonderful— how did the salt shaker manage to catch your interest?
everyone was especially interested in your culture! they asked you questions a translation to what tsukishima would tell them during practice and you would happily answer all of them!
they wanted to know about your language, food, music, etc
you felt so appreciated :’)
you vibed really well with yachi and kiyoko, they were so nice and beautiful now you guys are best friends
you we’re happily chatting amongst his teammates and tsukishima was lowkey getting jealous he’s used to you giving him most of your attention ok??
daichi and sugawara noticed and told the boys to back off and get back to practice
you observed them and realized that tsukishima’s teammates were really nice people, dedicated and determined
when practice was over they all waved to you and tsukishima goodbye, telling you that you should visit them more often
on your walk home you noticed that tsukishima was a little jealous, so you gently intertwined your fingers with his
“as much as i love your teammates, i love you more :)”
you’re gonna make tsukishima bust an uwu lmao he’s so in love with you, but he won’t say it outloud yet
so instead, he squeezes your hand a little tighter and gives your forehead a little kith, hoping that you’ll realize he’ll love you no matter where you come from
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haikyuu mlist
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mha-adore · 4 years
I just discovered your blog and I’m in love 💜 I was hoping to request a matchup? My pronouns are it/its or aey/aeir. I’m sapphic aroace. I’m an introvert, and painfully shy, but once I open up I’m sarcastic and have a dark sense of humor. I’m sorta the mom friend, and I’m very protective of the people I love. I also have dpdr, which makes me spacey and forgetful at times. I love animals (esp birds and cats), forensics, the paranormal, and art. My dream job is working as a coroner! Thanku sm!!
Hi sweetie tysm 😊 you're so sweet
I match you with Tsuyu!
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(I scrolled forever to find this gif I love it) Also I got your message about your age so I picked a fitting match for you ❣
Tsu is the mom friend who adopts introverts. She sees an introvert and thinks "new child". So naturally upon meeting you and seeing how sky and nervous you were she made it her goal to befriend you and bring out your more open side. She's very open minded and non judge mental and immediately picks up on your pronouns. She will never misgender or dead name you it's physically impossible. If someone were to do that however, she won't jump into a physical fight but will defend you like her life depends on it.
She's not obvious about it but she lives for dark humor. In public she'll look a little shocked at a dark joke but in private with people she trusts she's cackling. She finds your dark humor and stinging sarcasm to be absolutely hilarious, your sharp tongue leaves her and others speechless.
She's the first to notice you begin to space out and will pull you away from anything and take you to a room with just you two so you can sit it out together. If it'll help for her to read you a book or talk to you she will, but if you prefer she just be quiet she doesn't mind just holding your hand or reading a book to herself. She keeps an eye on you all the time and will look up at the slightest movement. If you happen to walk around when you space out she may put a bell on your wrist so she can hear you if you happen to wander off. She just wants to make sure you're out of harm's way.
Concerning being aroace. She is absolutely understanding and will never push anything sexual or romantic with you. She wants to ensure you're comfortable and your sexuality isn't challenged. Any comments from purple balls is returned with a harsh smack in the face or, if one of the guys steps in, a hearty kick to the nuts. With your permission she'll tell everyone in Dekusquad about youe pronouns and identity so they can correctly refer to you.
Although Tsu's quirk is frog related, she isn't only a fan of frogs. She thinks parrots are great and doesn't mind watching a kitten crawl around. She likes African Grey parrots, they're huge, intelligence and good at talking. Cockatoos are also neat. She enjoys her share of ghost videos, occult speculation, etc. She would fall down the MK Ultra hole and stay there for a week. She's also a fan of shows like Law and Order, Criminal Minds etc, shows that focus on forensic files alongside murders and exploring why murders occurred on a personal scale.
Also, she would love to see your art!! If you're secretive about it she gets it and won't share it, but would be honored to see it and maybe take a pic for her to look at on her own. If you were willing to she would love to see you draw a little froggie for her and she can use the pic as her lock screen wallpaper (and if you prefer, won't tell anyone you made it). She totally supports your dream job and goes out of her way to take you on dates to coroner's offices to ask questions, get tours and learn about work in the field. She loves to learn about it because she's learning with and for you.
And a couple head canons to finish off
* She is very cool and collected on the outside but in private she can get a little loud and exciteable. Especially in the heat of roast sessions.
* She's into football and watches a fair bit of it. She isn't a major fan of the sport but finds it interesting when players do cool plays or moves. She'll make memes on plays as well. Totally wasn't voting for the Chiefs on Super Bowl.
* No, she doesn't eat bugs. She much prefers basical human food. But if she had to eat a bug it would be a bee. Get it to sting something other than her then eat the bee.
* Owns a stuffed frog she named Bubbles. He's her little baby and would love to see you hold him for a minute or so. She only trusts you to hold Bubbles.
I hope you enjoyed!! 😘
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i am once again asking for a kinmatch 👉🏻👈🏻 but not for me!! it’s for my sister. we have an ongoing joke that she’s irl kokichi, and i just wanna see what you think about her. danganronpa as the source, if you could !!!! okay to start, she has a short temper, brags a lot ( especially about her height ), LOVES to lie for her entertainment, and loves to take advantage of little things ( like my flinching LMAO ). she also loves to debate. ( i might need to continue this WHOOPS )
she HATES loosing/being wrong, and gets really into an argument. so much so that she might say some mean things. she usually feels bad after it, though. she might be a jerk on the outside, but she cares. she just might not show it. that’s all! thanks so much and once again have a nice day LMAO ( i might come around just to chat sometimes if you don’t mind ) -👉🏻👈🏻
i’m gonna cry, this is my second time writing this post out because i accidentally closed out the tab,,, note to self to keep backup copies haha. but anyways! i can totally get this done for you! actually, i think i’ve seen a similar ask on another profile... small world hehe~ you and your sister seem really cool! i don’t mind at all if you stop by and chat sometimes! oh, but... without further ado, let’s give it everything we’ve got!
first off, i match your sister with...
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kokichi ouma!
you probably saw this coming, haha... your sister is very reminiscent of kokichi, though. the two definitely have short tempers, though in kokichi’s case, it’s more understated since a lot of stuff actually goes his way ingame. at least, at first- jumping a bit later into your ask, a strong example of kokichi’s short temper as well as notes of him caring about the people around him come out in the ch4 trial. so, spoilers- i’ll put a * at the end. but, whenever his plans aren’t going how he wants them to, not only does he get the angriest we’ve seen him all game, but this is also partially because of what many speculate to be his guilt for manipulating gonta. he isn’t showing it as actual guilt, of course, since i’m not gonna write a whole kokichi essay here, but still. * tying it into your sister, trial four in v3 really strongly shows a lot of traits both her and him share. hating losing/being wrong, being a jerk on the outside but caring deep down, having a short temper, loving to get into debates/arguments, saying mean things but feeling guilt afterwards, i mean. your sister is kokichicore. i’m not gonna go into detail since it would just make the post redundant and even longer than it probably will be, but all of these traits align almost perfectly with him!
but oh no, anon, i’m not done yet. the only thing that i see as a slight difference between kokichi and her is that kokichi lies for both entertainment and for his own ulterior motives, typically for the best, even if it comes out malicious. i of course don’t know your sister, and don’t know her specific reasons for being a liar- she could lie for the same reasons that i believe kokichi to or not. however, the two of them do seem to share that sort of peppy attitude, while being almost-jokingly condescending to others. he brags a lot, especially about his talent(different than his height, but you know), and i personally see him as very perceptive- that thought mostly being from how he can tell when others are lying at the drop of a hat. i wouldn’t be surprised if that’s the only thing he can pick up on, since he’s sort of a master manipulator when he wants to be, and again while i don’t know your sister both of them can take advantage of other people’s little nuances.
secondly, i match your sister with...
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kotoko utsugi!
she’s been here a lot lately, huh? forgive me using the same sprite as the last one, i jus... love it sm. anyways, it was only when i was halfway done writing this post that i moved kotoko up to second place haha. first off, i think that your sister and kotoko are definitely both short-tempered, heck, the wiki’s first describing word for her is hot-headed! she isn’t a big bragger, however the persona she puts on makes her have a lot of theatre-based aspects to her personality, like being more loud and excited, as well as adding extra pizzazz to a lot of her speech and movements. kotoko and your sister are both big liars, and while a lot of kotoko’s lies are defense mechanisms, there are also lots of things she does purely for her own enjoyment. i won’t talk about it in depth here, but her chapter three interactions with komaru... yeah. she also takes advantage of small things about other people, as while examples aren’t specifically pointed out, she was able to lie to the other warriors of hope about her intentions and mindset while she was in the group- this requires at least a basic understanding of how to trick, or take advantage of, other people.
surprisingly, it doesn’t end there? kotoko is definitely the type to get into lots of debates and arguments- sometimes she doesn’t see them through to the end or get really riled up, but my lord, she is very passionate about peelings. plus, i mean, she is a bit of a bully, but it doesn’t seem to be out of a defense mechanism, she seems mean to her friends(despite probably caring about them, actually- after all, they were probably her first actual friends) just for the sake of her own enjoyment. she struggles to properly show when she does care, and i think that that’s a big coping mechanism thing- again, i don’t personally know your sister, but that’s just something i think the two of them can share. anyways! this post is already over 1,000 words and i’m not even done with the last major matchup... so! a!
finally, i match your sister with...
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hiyoko saionji!
okay, i’ll be a bit more concise with this one. but fun fact! i was originally gonna do hiyoko as the first choice?? but ultimately decided not to, will elaborate in the tags. however, while your sister isn’t directly linked to hiyoko in some ways, i think that the general personalities of them are similar. first, hiyoko hates being wrong- in fact, a large part of her is that she’ll refuse to take care of herself or be around others, since she doesn’t want to be perceived as stupid or wrong, all for not being able to tie her own kimono. while hiyoko is more of a crier than a rager, like your sister is, i think that that’s a strong parallel- plus, with hiyoko being, um, kind of a bully, she’s very good at finding people that are easy to take advantage of. that’s for lack of a better term, though, i’m not saying that your sister’s a toxic person asdjfjsjf!!!!
plus, hiyoko and your sister both brag a lot- while hiyoko’s is more passive and setting up a sense of superiority(about her traditionalism, economic status and talent), they both establish a sense of “i see myself as higher than the rest of you”. also, this is probably the longest point, but hiyoko does care for people like mikan whenever she picks on them- she typically doesn’t show it, and only does for fleeting moments, but her steadily growing kindness towards them is a big indicator of this. there are lots of times in the manga where hiyoko, despite being a bit gruff on the outside, does show that she cares for others, even if she’s not open enough to really say it genuinely and honestly.
your sister also reminds me a bit of miu iruma, and a little bit of junko enoshima! (er... as in, a nondespair junko with a similar personality. please don’t think i’m calling your sister the same as someone who’s caused as much destruction as junko has, haha.)
whew! i’m sorry this came out so late! it might’ve been a bit earlier, but when my kokichi description was accidentally deleted it drained my motivation a bit. none of that is your fault though, anon! so try not to worry,, thank you very much for requesting!! i hope that you and your sister like this sdjfjadfs
-mod tsu
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