#EWG 1677/88
fddoh · 7 years
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“EWG 1677/88”
digital-print, A0, 2017
The straightened domesticated cucumber as a symbol of economic and social aspirations for normalized conditions.
Regulation (No 1677/88 / EEC) was adopted in 1988. The European Commission suspended the 2009 regulation. In wholesale and retail, however, it is still practiced. Accordingly, cucumbers of the Extra and Class 1 were allowed to have a maximum curvature of ten millimeters by ten centimeters, and a maximum of twenty millimeters was permitted for Class 2. The cucumber of the extra class should be "practically straight", that of the commercial class 1 "pretty well shaped".
The cucumber as a sculptural object created by domestication. Without the cultivation of nature, it would not have been possible for man to become sedentary 10,000 years ago. In the cultivation of food, man found the security he needed to settle down.
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