#EarthIsBlue HabitatMonth RecreateResponsibly ILoveMySanctuary GetIntoYourSanctuary
noaasanctuaries · 4 years
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Earlier this year, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary teamed up with Leave No Trace Center for Outdoor Ethics. They teach principles of responsible recreation, aiming to create sustainable and healthy ecosystems for everyone to enjoy. Through workshops, outreach, and service projects, trainers taught "The Seven Principles of Leave No Trace." These principles emphasize the best ways to recover and preserve this beautiful sanctuary. To learn more about this collaborative effort, visit:  https://sanctuaries.noaa.gov/news/jul20/seven-principles-of-fknms.html (Photo: Matt McIntosh/NOAA. Image description: Snorkeler beneath the water trying a mooring buoy line.)
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