#Edda Killman
This story take place in November. The characters, the ones who want to be heroes, became heroes after finishing summer camp. Warning: Please be advise, you are reading this story that contain spoilers of Neighbour and The Guardians of The Supernatural. You can ignore this and wait for Volume 1 of the Cappyverse main storylines, The Neighbors and The Guardians of The Supernatural to come. Or just read it and keep this informations to yourself and not share with others. You have been warned.
Andrew Cunningham, Antonie Diaz, Ethan Corduroy, Nebula Lucitor, Sandra Possible (mentioned), Raymond Pedrosa, and Travis Mystery (mentioned) belong to @ej-cappy-universe.
Aurelia Killman (mentioned), Beppi Creecher, Edda Killman (mentioned), Hannibal Demrest (mentioned), Holly Test, Janaya A. Blood worth-Thomason, Joby Test (mentioned), Josie Test, Mirage B. Fagry, Niko Corduroy belong to me.
Anty Diamond (mentioned) belongs to @cooltmoney95.
Morgan Morningstar (mentioned) belongs to @aprilbrowines.
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