#Eddsworld fictive
spydrrr · 6 months
Tord fictive doodles
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It's Tord, Rust and Axel actually
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a-tords-memories · 7 months
The End... The End...
I always find myself wanting to speak about this the most. I feel that most fans of the show, and most other Eddsworld fictives or kin, feel the most strongly about these episodes.
It hurts, all the time. The regret. The mistakes. How stupidly, immature I was. For someone so cold and calculating, it was the one thing I didn't calculate properly. My mind was running wild, with so many emotions. The most imposing emotion: fear.
You see, I never left. I was by my friends sides, all up til that day. I left for long trips back home to Norway, to work on the army business. My friends, unknowing of my secretive hobbies.
The day is so vivid. It's one of the few things, that I remember so well.
It was supposed to be simple:
Send Edd, Matt, and Tom to the store. Get my robot. They come home like nothing happened, and for me? There's a note saying an unexpected emergency arose, and I needed to fly back home.
Simple. It should've been simple.
But, as always, things are NOT simple.
I insisted on staying home. And then Tom insisted on staying home. And guess who got their way?
No one was supposed to get hurt. I know how stereotypical that sounds, coming from Tord. But it's the truth. I didn't want to hurt my friends.
As I was begged by the one person who made me so weak, to come to the store, I crumbled and gave in. I shouldn't have crumbled. I should've been firm. I shouldn't have gone to the store with them.
As of course, from there, we all know what happened. But what about my motives? Unlike the show, I cared about them. So what gives? Why'd I say those hurtful things to Edd?
The way he looked at me, seeing me up in that robot. The way, I could see it in his eyes: his entire reality was shattering around him. I knew what he was already thinking.
Why try to tell the truth? Would he have really believed me? Would he understand my plans, to make the world a better place? (It was never about world domination). Would he, see me?
No. He wouldn't have. Maybe in the future, but not at that moment. And I lied. I proved his thoughts right. I didn't want him to think I could come back after this. I didn't want him to try to look for me. I thought, if I hurt him now, it'd spare him the pain. If he thought I never cared, it'd hurt less. No leading on... Just, quick.
I wanted to runaway, the moment he saw me. The me, that I never wanted him to see.
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Jsut found out we've been posted to r/SystemsCringe!
Teh post can be found here: https://www.reddit.com/r/SystemsCringe/comments/1bdc9vi/eddsworld_alter_hacks_friends_account_blames - we like to read the posts here and see if any accounts we like have been posted... and we didn't expect to see oursleves!!!!! Teehee!!!! >w<
Also, I need to tga my dear friend, @thegardengrows-infrozenrain - they've unfortunately put your post there too, at the end... :( ButI know you guys can take the heat! You'ev done it before and yuo can do it again!!!!!!!
P.S. Yes, the capton they pu ton th screenshot of Ry's post is correct, "Making fun of a bad fanfiction is transphobic"! He literally says that the people are listed via Shinigami Eyes (an broeser extesion he introduced us to, 'cause he uses it and it helps a ton!) as bad, and aslo, that the story is iterally oart of his idetnity as a transmasc!!!!!!!!!!!!! It really is trasnphobic!!!!
P.P.S. Not that you meant it that way!!!!!! You jerks and your sarcasm... >m<
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hehehehe meeee :333 kitty cat version under the cut
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miffybnuy · 2 years
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hi, im tord. im a pond child au fictive, im a reformed alter of a normal tord fictive so... yeah? i dont know how else to really introduce myself besides in a drawing, which i thought turned out nice
[do not tag as id/kin etc for myself, reblogging if fine]
pond child au is by @pond-child-edd​
- tord (he/aer)
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creeprcore · 5 months
🎶 i'll send you my love, on a wire... /lyr 🎶
☆ call me edd!
☆ it/its | traumagenic system host | bodily 21, i personally am 23
i'm a fictive of edd from eddsworld! i'm currently VERY obsessed with animal crossing and would love to talk to anyone about it; feel free to drop in and say hello! sourcemates are welcome to interact, i'd love to be friends! :)
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fictiveheavy-systim · 2 years
Can u make some bi pride tord icons? - tord fictive anon 🍓
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Wasn't sure if you had a preference over which era, so I went with legacy (mainly because it has cleaner lines, so it's easier to cut out, but I can redo em in a different style if you'd prefer)! The aro ones were more of a joke for funsies, we don't usually do these but yk for you, random strawberry tord fictive anon? I felt like it so you get yours.
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tordlette · 2 years
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The grand reopening of the server! After a bit of time I decided to reopen and let people start joining again!
This server is made for the eddsworld community as a place to discuss aus, for systems to meet other systems in the ew fandom, and to hang out and just chat! We have a good selection of rooms and things to do, and we hope you join!
There are a lot of rules to be aware of, so when you join make sure to read them and you’ll be allowed inside the full server!
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seamstress-kin-stop · 10 months
hey! canon call for eddsworld here, we have a paul, a jackson (fun dead kid), and a tom. paul has /r mems with patryck and tom has /r memories with matt edd and tord. plz like or reblog this post and we'll reach out !!
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moodboard for a tord fictive with red and anime
for @rodleder-69
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amberfossils · 2 years
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✨finished the collage! As usual on Tumblr clicking on it makes it slightly more coherent. Also, please don't tag as kin or selfship because this is a drawing of ME (fictive)!!! I'm putting it in the main tags anyway because I deserve it <3
p.s. Just the art under the cut
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^^ me <333
v proud of this actually
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ripped-seams-inc · 1 year
A Red Leader themed stimboard with red, globes, guns and themes of affection. for me. because i miss Paul and Pat.
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Sometimes a family is the leader of an army and his two severely under qualified, overbearing, generals
This was made by an introject, Dont tag as Me/Kin/Id/Fandom
Normal DNI stuff + singlets are on thin ice/if you interact dont clown.
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a-tords-memories · 7 months
Living with Edd, was wonderful. He was exactly what I needed in my life and we never missed a beat.
I hate to sound so fanon, but I remember him being so motherly. He was protective and always looking out for me. He cared about me and always wanted what was best.
Problems didn't arise until Tom and Matt moved in.
Sure, we were friends in highschool. We had a pretty close knit gang, the four of us... But, in the beginning, I honestly couldn't stand either of them. And they couldn't stand me either. It was very clear.
Tom, with his nasty remarks and sullen attitude always being spit my way.
And Matt, oh the arguments. We'd have screaming matches until 3 am... We fought all the time.
I wouldn't have put up with it, if it weren't for Edd. He gave me purpose and made me want to do something with my life. I'm aware now, how... Unhealthily attached I was to him. But he was my entire world.
Everytime I see the phrase 'it's Edd's World, and we're just living in it.' .....
Yea, I was.
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are you fucking serious, did you fucking actually fucking send anon hate to people? starboy that is your fucking typing style.
for fucks sake. and i thought you all were cool.
My defense, they deserved it!!! ^^
I mean, seripsly!!!! B*y*nd fan!!!!!!!!! Cringe as fuck!!!!!!
Especially sincw Matt and Bing are ableists who think systems aren't real~!!!!!!!
And by the way - I've been TOLERSTING your whole thing about Balls's art. I'm sick of pretending that shit's okay. You're basically supportinjg someone who in the past has drawn fucked-up inc*st art of Rick and Morty. Even if only implied!!!!
Oh, by the way - you showed your firefox saved passwords list on a discord call a couple weeks back trying to sign in to things - so who says it was US sending the hate? On a technicality anyhow. ;)
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findthebae · 2 years
I'm a Patryck fictive from eddsworld and I'm looking for a Tord and Paul /r, but I suppose anyone from the red army will do /p. I miss all of you and I really hope I can find you again. I'm already in a few relationships but my heart is always open for you and it always will be. I might not be the same as you remember but I hope you can accept me like I'll accept you. I miss you. My systems main is @the-anhedonia-collective if you wish to contact me. I'll give you my sideblog from there.
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tord-larrson · 2 years
i wonder if i'll ever meet any eddsworld fictives outside our polycule that. don't hate me?
like i go into the eddsworld fictive tags and all the posts are so old and mostly other tords. nothing against doubles, i love finding other me's, but... :/
if you're an endo-safe system and have eddsworld fictives PLEASE reach out thx
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