#Edit: i blocked them because i realised i truly don't care ๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค—๐Ÿค— peace and love
mauveberries ยท 6 months
first of all, i'll give you a fair warning, euphemia; this is not going to be as nice an ask like the one sent before by someone who was clearly far too polite to your thick skulled self. especially considering you didn't even answer their question. i'm sure you won't publicly answer this ask anyways, since you're a quivering pussy.
(this is the point of no return. feel free to not read the rest of this ask, since you claim to not like confrontation.)
anyways, to be quite honest with you, i don't think you even truly comprehended what was being said in that ask other than your being wrong, which you took immediate offense to like an impulsive hothead with no self control would. speaking of which, congratulations! congratulations on finally admitting to being a victim-playing, self-righteous hypocrite, who is dumb enough to publicly hate on one half of a ship that you actively participate in the community of. seriously, what did you THINK was going to happen?
really, just...wow. never before have i ever seen such a whiny little bitch in the tomarry community, and that's saying something. this entire community is composed ONLY of whiny little bitches. i mean, be real with me for a second. for someone who claims to not want confrontation, you sure seem to keep asking for it by spewing your hot rancid takes all over the place. have you never heard of the T.H.I.N.K. (is it true? is it helpful? is it inspiring? is it necessary? is it kind?) acronym before? you'd greatly benefit from it. you MUST like the attention to some extent, but can't handle criticism in any way, shape, or form, so you have to play the victim card so people are forced to infantilize you and pull their punches. meanwhile, you can get off mostly scott-free, and get the "thrill" of being in a "debate", when really it's just another person trying their best to give you honest critique on your character and the way you act, and you vehemently, and rather ignorantly, not acknowledging any of it, and making an entirely different point on why you're not in the wrong. it's the most nonsensical and inane form of recrimination you can do, not that recrimination is something to be proud of either. and for the record, blocking them after saying your a whole lot of nothing is also not a "debate". i won't even go into the whole 'immediately blocking someone for breathing an inkling of criticism my way' system you've got going on. that's certainly not any form of debate. it's not even the sort of "debate" YOU like to do, which you previously had claimed to enjoy. it's pathetic.
(frankly, this is sickening behavior. i am genuinely sickened by you. you have zero consideration for others, and that is why i am utterly disgusted by you.)
i am aware that you are young, but you should be old enough that you hold at least a modicum of self awareness for christ's sake. you're legally considered an adult in most countries; act like it. i'm also hoping that your young age means you'll eventually grow out of whatever strange "criticizing" phase that you're in right now. oh, and for the record, it's not "criticizing" that you're doing, or whatever other bullshit name you call it. you're actively pissing all over people's passions and interests, and don't seem to feel guilty about it in the least when they freely admit to you that what you're doing affects them negatively. you just don't acknowledge it. not even the slightest bit of accountability from you. so disgraceful.
this is a side note more than anything, but the way you throw out "facts" and "evidence" to support your hot takes are just...well, plain wrong? i honestly question why you'd even think these things, or put them in your posts since they're either not true, or don't correlate to whatever point you're trying to make. i sometimes wonder if we're even reading the same material.
i won't be citing any direct sources in this ask from either the books or your posts, because in all honesty, i don't want to waste my time trying to talk to a brick wall if i have the choice. but if you'd actually like to have a real, intelligible debate, just post something on your account, or even better, shoot me a pm so we can talk. i'll cite direct examples to disprove, or at least broaden your mind a bit, regarding most of your volatile posts either in pms or in another ask if you'd like. but again, i'm sure you won't do either of those things, because you simply can't handle the fact that you can't shit in someone's cereal, and expect them to be fine with it, with no repercussions to yourself.
i hope this rant at the very least made you think about your actions moving forward. remember the T.H.I.N.K. acronym?
have a lovely day ๐Ÿ˜Š
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for the record, i did not block anyone interacting with my posts, they blocked me. they could've replied, but they didn't.
calling me a "quivering pussy" while hiding behind a burner account... why don't you say it to my face you dumbass bitch.
anywaysssss do i at least get an award for being the Whiniest Thick-skulled Bitch with a Quivering Pussy number 1?
wdym repercussions? bro this is tumblr . com i am talking about fictional men in the Harry Potter universe boning each other it's not that serious ๐Ÿ™„ if you wanted to contradict me with your sources you could have replied instead of sending me this threatening wall of text. i do answer them, so i'm not the best brick wall unfortunately. maybe i should try harder.
and it's not my job to coddle strangers on the internet. if they don't like what they see, they should do something about it, not RUDELY scream at me under my own posts.
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