#turning off reblogs because i know people will agree with this person and i dont want to hear it
mauveberries · 6 months
first of all, i'll give you a fair warning, euphemia; this is not going to be as nice an ask like the one sent before by someone who was clearly far too polite to your thick skulled self. especially considering you didn't even answer their question. i'm sure you won't publicly answer this ask anyways, since you're a quivering pussy.
(this is the point of no return. feel free to not read the rest of this ask, since you claim to not like confrontation.)
anyways, to be quite honest with you, i don't think you even truly comprehended what was being said in that ask other than your being wrong, which you took immediate offense to like an impulsive hothead with no self control would. speaking of which, congratulations! congratulations on finally admitting to being a victim-playing, self-righteous hypocrite, who is dumb enough to publicly hate on one half of a ship that you actively participate in the community of. seriously, what did you THINK was going to happen?
really, just...wow. never before have i ever seen such a whiny little bitch in the tomarry community, and that's saying something. this entire community is composed ONLY of whiny little bitches. i mean, be real with me for a second. for someone who claims to not want confrontation, you sure seem to keep asking for it by spewing your hot rancid takes all over the place. have you never heard of the T.H.I.N.K. (is it true? is it helpful? is it inspiring? is it necessary? is it kind?) acronym before? you'd greatly benefit from it. you MUST like the attention to some extent, but can't handle criticism in any way, shape, or form, so you have to play the victim card so people are forced to infantilize you and pull their punches. meanwhile, you can get off mostly scott-free, and get the "thrill" of being in a "debate", when really it's just another person trying their best to give you honest critique on your character and the way you act, and you vehemently, and rather ignorantly, not acknowledging any of it, and making an entirely different point on why you're not in the wrong. it's the most nonsensical and inane form of recrimination you can do, not that recrimination is something to be proud of either. and for the record, blocking them after saying your a whole lot of nothing is also not a "debate". i won't even go into the whole 'immediately blocking someone for breathing an inkling of criticism my way' system you've got going on. that's certainly not any form of debate. it's not even the sort of "debate" YOU like to do, which you previously had claimed to enjoy. it's pathetic.
(frankly, this is sickening behavior. i am genuinely sickened by you. you have zero consideration for others, and that is why i am utterly disgusted by you.)
i am aware that you are young, but you should be old enough that you hold at least a modicum of self awareness for christ's sake. you're legally considered an adult in most countries; act like it. i'm also hoping that your young age means you'll eventually grow out of whatever strange "criticizing" phase that you're in right now. oh, and for the record, it's not "criticizing" that you're doing, or whatever other bullshit name you call it. you're actively pissing all over people's passions and interests, and don't seem to feel guilty about it in the least when they freely admit to you that what you're doing affects them negatively. you just don't acknowledge it. not even the slightest bit of accountability from you. so disgraceful.
this is a side note more than anything, but the way you throw out "facts" and "evidence" to support your hot takes are just...well, plain wrong? i honestly question why you'd even think these things, or put them in your posts since they're either not true, or don't correlate to whatever point you're trying to make. i sometimes wonder if we're even reading the same material.
i won't be citing any direct sources in this ask from either the books or your posts, because in all honesty, i don't want to waste my time trying to talk to a brick wall if i have the choice. but if you'd actually like to have a real, intelligible debate, just post something on your account, or even better, shoot me a pm so we can talk. i'll cite direct examples to disprove, or at least broaden your mind a bit, regarding most of your volatile posts either in pms or in another ask if you'd like. but again, i'm sure you won't do either of those things, because you simply can't handle the fact that you can't shit in someone's cereal, and expect them to be fine with it, with no repercussions to yourself.
i hope this rant at the very least made you think about your actions moving forward. remember the T.H.I.N.K. acronym?
have a lovely day 😊
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for the record, i did not block anyone interacting with my posts, they blocked me. they could've replied, but they didn't.
calling me a "quivering pussy" while hiding behind a burner account... why don't you say it to my face you dumbass bitch.
anywaysssss do i at least get an award for being the Whiniest Thick-skulled Bitch with a Quivering Pussy number 1?
wdym repercussions? bro this is tumblr . com i am talking about fictional men in the Harry Potter universe boning each other it's not that serious 🙄 if you wanted to contradict me with your sources you could have replied instead of sending me this threatening wall of text. i do answer them, so i'm not the best brick wall unfortunately. maybe i should try harder.
and it's not my job to coddle strangers on the internet. if they don't like what they see, they should do something about it, not RUDELY scream at me under my own posts.
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theoccultz · 2 months
How do they really see you ?
Minors dni (18+ mention's )
General reading, take what resonates , leave what doesn't
Pics and dividers not mine , credits to their rightful owners
Thank you for all the reblogs , likes and comments i appreciate it 🖤
See ya at your pile !!
Pile l . Pile ll. Pile lll.
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Pile 1 .
Queen of wands , 8ofpentacles, 4ofpentacles
They see you as helpful and relient you will pass the opportunity if you feel like others need it more ,you guys are good at guiding others you may be a teacher or you're just that friend who is able to decode easily you can read faces like a book you guys look well put together you may know what suits you and what doesn't very well . They think you get a lot of attention although you look interested in what others have to say , your mind wonders somewhere else you may have r-b-f so its hard to read to read your expressions , you're professional in a sense . you look relaxed most of the time they may see you working a lot you always seem to be focused on something, they think others bother you ,people want to talk to you but they dont respect your boundaries and they kinda feel you get annoyed when someone is interrupting you in your day to day life , they thought you were arrogant when they first met you but they've gotten used to your rbf ,they understand it was them projecting.
They think you love food and you take care of your health, they think you have good hygiene, you may style your hair or they like your hair , you respect others space ,if you say No others wouldn't force you because there's this sternness in your voice , they think you're closed off though you may interact with others you kind of hate spending too much time with others , they love whatever language you can speak i'm picking up on an accent here , they think you have a graceful presence like say there's a meeting or a party you have dressed up exactly how the dress code expect you to be , they think you are a minimalist . You are not that person who sings like they own the party there's something very ethical and well mannered.You seem to do your own thing i dont think you need help in almost anything, you can figure out things for yourself this person seems to be impressed with your qualities or persona because they're somewhat like this too and they think its a rare quality to have . They think you're more head than heart /intellectual maybe ? They dont like to think of themselves as helpless and you exactly seem to replicate that , they think people are fake these days and would stab you without a second thought , this person is not like this they are loyal until they die , either you are this gossip bee just trying to be someone you're not LMAO this person has seen you turn down others it was satisfactory, there's a lot of gossip bess here hmmm , anyway they think you dont give a shit ☠️✋🏼 although its risky and you have to give in to social pressure but you just mind your own business even though you know about the disadvantages . Yeah
They think you shouldn't be disturbed for some reason , not like you're a wild person who'll start yelling at them but they just see you enjoying your presence and being relaxed?they dont think you get excited about a lot of things like you're very Sophisticated, you dont play games . I dont know if you speak to this person but this person is down bad for your voice ,for your vocabulary like what ...???they think you're kind of cutthroat that you can hurt them with your words if they mess with you ,thry think you have anger issues but they like it 😭a bad bitch with anger issues ? yes sir ....they may have seen you lash out and they think its for everyone's good you are silent fff this person was turned on .
They think you're very sweet & cute although no one would agree with them , they seem to look for you when you're not there like they randomly start to think about you , they kinda miss you when you're not around, this person unknowingly observes you i'm seeing a vision of someone working and the other person is like 👁️👄👁️ , this person is atrracted to your essence they're addicted to your mannerisms idk who is this ...could be a boss , a friend, but they really admire you , this person is a powerful person themselves, they share a good connections with others, they're more good at understanding & convincing others than you . They think how you're are a free thinker , you love to learn about things , you guys are great advice givers ,you guys are very open and direct to the point it intimidates them , you look youthful and dress creative you have energetic boundaries they wouldn't wanna touch , you guys carry individualistic quality,you dont get easily influence by societal norms , you're not gonna follow everything the world puts out , you use your own guidance.This is someone who has gained interest in you after a long time , you may knew each other or knew of each other but you didn't really care at first , i see even if this is a platonic connection the feelings are developing, this person finds you really beautiful physically and wants to be closer but they themselves is a little aloof and doent like to get attach to anyone ,they're everyone's friend but who is actually "their" friend? This person seems be a professional, they are mindful and careful unlike pile 3's person , this person do not wear this heart on their sleeve , they are over prorective of themselves, this person is still on that stage of getting to know you , like they think a LOTT.
Song : damn is this an ex?
Thanks for reading !!
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Pile ll.
Ace of pentacles, king of swords , the high priestess
Black swan
They see you as someone who'll be victorious wherever you are , you have a likeable personality and a charming aura that really draws others to you, they love your company, they love your smile the most, they love your hair , your lips , your dressing sense , your piercings, they think you ALWAYS look fabulous, they think you're a breathe of fresh air ,you light up their world , they're very grateful to have you in their life , they love to talk to you and they really look forward too .They kind of put you on a pedestal, this person really see "you" the crazy you , the childish you , the sweet you, the angry you and they love everything version of you 😭they think people are really lucky to have you , they think you have a healing presence , they see you as someone that needs to be protected you're just so kind , generous and welcoming ...they feel jealous that your energy is put there , they love your personality they love to spend time with you or they want too , you could be an introvert and they are like an open book .
This person is telling me that they feel accepted in your presence , they love your music taste, you feel s if you're their lost missing piece , your interets ate very similar,they think their inner child really flourish in your presence, i'm getting this .....when i'm with them all of my worries are taken by god kinda vibe ....they think you keep your issues to yourself and that you need to release and let go they want to help you in the process of it , you have a positive effect pn people,they think there are some people in your life who troubles you and they fucking hate that, they think you are photogenic, they love your hair , they think you're really fun to be around, you bring a lot to the table , they wanna heal & grow with you even if you lose contact someday they'll remember you as if you're there to celebrate every best thing that happened in their life , this person kind of feel pressured to do more because they see you doing so much , they're insecure and sad about something and nobody knows it and there isn't a lot of thing's that gets them excited or bring joy but you do , you may travel together, study together, you may know their family, they could be your cousin , they could be someone you have a crush on .
If this is someone not platonic & the feelings are Mutual , you should find out and openly give them hints . They think their efforts are ignored sometimes like they're that friend who do the most and they get ignored, they want to ignore you but they cant , there are some thing they dont communicate because they dont want to ruin this relationship but they really dont like others interference in your connection ,they think you ignore them when you have others company
Alright k thats it (: looking back at your reading, they seem to be someone you have helped in some way and that's why they like you so much because that was something really heavy weigh-in them down ,you helped them unknowingly or knowingly , they also seem conglict free and likeable but they dont like a lot of people thats the issue .
Your song: i love when the song matches the vibe of the reading .
Thanks for reading!!
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Pile lll.
Death, the devil , the world rx
Well what do i say , the cards speak for itself + i dont get any different vibe from the original interpretation of cards
Alright let's start this is about to be confusing......this person finds you attractive, they think about you obsessively and they dont want you to know , you're a though that cross their mind and stays there forever, this is someone who is sexually attracted to you or they admire your body , they kinda have wild assumptions so stick with me ,i'm not getting toxic vibe rather a really enamoured one ,they think you are more sexually experienced than them , they compare themselves to you a lot , they think you'd up for fwb without emotional connection, this person thinks of you as a mystery they want to know "Everything" about you , you intrigue them , wouldn't be surprised if they stalk you online , this person try to hide so much its Insane , they dont want to let you know that they are interested in you they feel as though you will avoid them or you will make fun of them ? They could annoy you on purpose, this person is a little annoyed themselves, they feel stuck and they want to take action , they cant just keep fantasizing about whats not real . They want to be friends with you .
This person wants to be involved in your life and be there for " you" , they think you guys are compatible although they are more sociable than you , I'm feeling surprised because they seem to be wayy invested than they think they would be , they would analyse your mood and wonder about it , they think you dont pay much attention to them like heck you dont even seem to know them that well even though you may have known them longer than they think , this person's energy is straight up hopeless i think this is someone who gets a lot of attention and praise , they seem to have it all , they could be in a authoritive position in life , like they could own libraries or they are the big sister /brother of the family or their friends rely on them for support, they have this natural ability to make others feel secure , they are helpful and sweet , they dont like drama and they are big on action and manifestations , they are also very stubborn and wants things their way , they could fit in to societal expectations but they feel as though they put up a front and pretend to be someone else , they get drained easily and they seem to like books especially mystery books , they like to have their own space they could own a bigg ass house as well , they seem to work a lot like they're damnn busyy in their life but they still like to check up on you its their daily routine, this person has had a lot of hope from the very beginning, they kind of accepted they liked you, this person is possesive asf , it ticks them off its their insecurity. How would you recognise this person? Others see them as a fun but a disciplined person , They are the well liked cool person in their community and they are intelligent with their words , they have attractive eyes and they wear lighter colours , they are their neighbours favourite, they also dont seem very fashionable, they stick to formals and basic . Yeah , this person also think you are imaginative and artistic and they want to like your interests so bad to connect deeper with you and to make themselves familiar , they could have water placements specially pisces , i feel like they may look tough and big but as a child ??? they were just everyone's little troublemaker but also a sweetheart awwww this is so cute . Their friend circle is influential tho , they are judgemental as well hmm interesting. This could be an online connection but it doesn't have to be , you guys just don't interact that much although both of you are intrigued, this person could have a controversial past lol ,its just something about their eyes they seem like a deep thinker although they may not look like one , this person reminds me of suga from bts , you know how he's so tough on the outside like he doesn't care but he's so aware & invested about his friendsdislikes & likes , he knows them better than they think he does
ahhhh anyways this was heavy .
Your song : see i told you
Thanks for reading!!
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rrcenic · 3 months
sorry for posting so much about the neil gaiman thing im very opinionated but heres my general take on neil gaiman (TW FOR S/A AND SU1C1D3!!!!)
good omens fandom please read this. yall need it
i wanna start with: believe victims. it might not be as bad as it was claimed to be bc the reporter was an anti bdsm terf who considers all bdsm 🍇 (including the bdsm w neil), but there was still clearly manipulation, weaponized power imbalance, and dubious consent. even if it wasnt s/a, it was fucked up. neil did some fucked up things
while we dont know if he actually s/ad those women, neil gaiman is clearly flawed
ive seen time and time again that his fans (specifically the good omens fandom) can get so viciously defensive of him that they refuse to see any flaws he has
as someone who was ruthlessly attacked because of neil, i hesitate to give him the benefit of the doub
when i had just turned 13, id just gotten on tumblr. i was thrilled that good omens season 2 was coming out. i was even more thrilled to see neil gaiman on tumblr. so i sent him an ask where i asked if crowley and aziraphale would kiss. i get why that was annoying. he probably got those asks all the time. but i worded it respectfully, and i was genuinely unaware that he was annoyed by this question
he responded to my ask with a multi paragraph callout post talking about how sick of this question he was. harsh, but not necessarily nefarious
the response wasnt the problem. it was that i got so many hate comments and death threats and people telling me i didnt deserve joy and i was ruining neils life and so many fucking anon "kys" asks that i had to quit tumblr. i tried to apologize to neil, i sent him countless apology asks where i begged him to ask people to stop cyber bullying me, but he never responded. it took years before i was able to communicate to him all the hate id received. his response was a basic "sorry for the miscommunication" and that he wished there was a way to convey tone on the internet (someone said "there is! tonetags!!" and he responded with "i dont like those"). the SAME COMMUNITY who told me to kms was suddenly saying "oh neil your such a saint" (THE TERM SAINT WAS USED MULTIPLE TIMES!!!!!) and "this poor ignorant child"
i was a kid and i was bullied off the internet and neil didnt respond to my pleas for forgiveness for almost 2 years. i was also in the most unstable time of my life. i was EXTREMELY suicidal. people telling me to kms deeply affected me
plus he reblogs a ton of "vote blue no matter who" stuff. i dont agree w that statement but i think its okay for people to say if they actively support palestine. but neil gaiman doesnt post about palestine ever other than reblogging posts that say "sure maybe the stuff in palestine is bad but if you dont support biden 100% democracy will crumble!!!" also im pretty sure he never apologized for some older zionist posts
ive seen a lot of stuff where people are saying "hey shhh its okay i see good omens fans getting sad bc of the stuff with neil but its ok!! youre still a good person even if you ignore this issue!!" and like. huh??? i dont think ignoring it makes you evil but its certainly fucked up to not be critical of the media you consume. pretending nothings going on is immature. you all sound like jk rowling fans smh
his general attitude towards fans makes me uncomfortable. ive seen people bare their souls in his asks (all of them start with something along the lines of "oh sir mister gaiman sir i am nothing but a disgusting peon compared to you you saved my life id die for you!!!") and he gives rude cold responses. i mean of course he gets annoyed and of course he gets spam but no one is forcing him to respond to asks. he doesnt seem to care very much??? this doesnt make him a bad person ofcourse but it does give me the ick
summary: even if he didnt s/a those women his fans need to grow up. he is not a pure perfect person. he might not be evil but he makes some extremely damaging choices. hes not a saint and never has been. at the end of the day, hes a rich cishet white man
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pea-brain · 2 months
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example donation link
if you are an artist or something and want to offer the same commissions, please feel free to take any of these images and use them yourself (edit however you want, remove my art, obviously), the text is free to use.
*in the unlikely event i receive a ton of these, i might have to close them. will let you know. reblogs will be turned off if i close commissions
extra information below v
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thank you so much for reading! i used all caps for ease of read, it comes across super agro lol sorry <3 i will be nice in person
also, small note, i dont consider mobility aids (including wheelchairs) to be props, those are free to add.
any further questions DM away!
+75% extra character, complex background/ scene*, full render, complex outfit design by meee ;)
+50% medium background/ scene*, flats (will include nice lineart), complex outfit/ design, simple outfit design by me
*scene means a complex pose or it looks like they're actually in the background. interpretation of this is up to me
addition prices are calculated based off of the base price and do not compound
example calculation: half body ($30) + extra character (+75% of $30 = $23) + medium background/scene (+50% of $30 = $15) = 30+23+15= $68
for stuff not covered here (like a complex prop) just shoot me a DM
will draw: furry (not great but i can try), gore (incl extreme), horror, artistic/ casual nudity, fanart, your roc's, my doc's, romantic/ ship art, anything LGBT+ (people might not know me i felt i should add that)
wont draw: porn, fetish (up to me to interpret what i consider that), ship/ romantic/ nude art involving persons who are or appear to be under the age of 18 (even if they are 'aged up'.) even if its like kids kissing, i'm not comfortable with that cheers, anything i consider 'hateful' (i dunno man i felt i had to add it)
if i am uncomfortable i reserve the right t refuse aspects or the entire request
ownership of the art is yours, if you dont want me to post it to my account i wont
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miiilowo · 1 year
what's endogenic if you don't mind me asking? i have seen that as a dni in a lot of blogs and idk what it is
note: this does get sort of ranty as i explain, sorry about that. im not upset with You or anything im just upset about the subject in general
its a term that describes systems (e.g. DID or other similar things; when theres a bunch of personalities living in the same brain) that formed without trauma being the inciting factor in them being plural. Typically, systems are formed because some traumatic incident occurred (usually in early childhood) that caused their brain to sort of section itself off for protection. great, good, whatever. a lot of people dont like the idea that systems can exist without that trauma being there. and while i can see where these people are coming from, its generally an assholeish move to deny the existence of a large swathe of people & invalidate their experiences on the basis of them not fitting their idea of what they should be.
im not a system myself, but i am friends with a few & am dating a member of a system, (both traumagenic & endogenic) and i can confidently say that people who are anti-endogenic are kind of stuck in the same mindset that transmeds/truscums are. the idea that you have to meet THIS SPECIFIC LIST OF REQUIREMENTS for your experience to be valid is dumb as hell and i simply do not agree with it. ive known endogenic systems who were presented this diagnosis by mental health professionals, which kind of proves in of itself that 1. this can happen. not every system has to be formed through trauma. sometimes people are just like that 2. to assume we know everything about the human brain and how it works is absolutely ridiculous 3. clearly, not every non-traumagenic system is faking it. which leads into my next point
a lot of people who are anti-endo think that all endogenic systems are faking it for attention (which is, of course, not true). im sure there are some people who do fake being a system, but imo, its 10000000000x worse to be an ass to a bunch of people on the basis that some of them might be faking it.
i would rather be kind to 99 people faking a disability or illness, than deny any sort of courtesy or help to the one person in that group of 100 who is genuinely disabled. and being a dick to endogenic systems falls under that most of the time. like, its kind of hard to miss when youve got a whole bunch of people milling around with you in your head, you know? and its a lot harder to keep up that act in a convincing manner
even those who are "faking it" aren't harming anyone, at least, not on the scale that anti-endos seem to claim that they do. theres subreddits dedicated to bullying these people just sharing their experiences and it is deeply fucked up. hope this helps genuinely. sorry for ranting this just genuinely bothers me as someone who is close to so many systems
edit: (pasted from replies)
im turning off reblogs because i cannot handle any kind of discourse To Be Frank and this is gaining more notes than i'd like it to + some of the stuff said here was slightly wrong, though the overall point is not
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melobin · 2 months
Hi Melo! <3
I hope you‘re doing better…if you don’t want to re-engage in this topic definitely feel free to ignore this!
I was never really a smut consumer, most definitely not when it comes to the r@pe stories on Tumblr. So they weren’t really on my radar, but I did stumble upon your discussion about it and since then, I keep noticing the creepy amount of such stories as if they‘re a thorn in my eye.
I‘m now blocking creators left and right because I struggle to comprehend how writing about a real person in such a light isn’t sexual harassment in itself. I get that it‘s used by some as a coping mechanism, just like you said you understand them as well, but it‘s still written about a real person who most likely would be scared to see such things about them. We don’t have their consent for any of this…I think creating a non-existent character for such topics should suffice.
I don’t know, ever since I saw your discussion about it, it has been weighing heavy on me (as a victim myself), because this feels like a cyber-victim-turning-perpetrator situation and I‘m getting goosebumps at some of the things I‘ve seen since noticing the existence of that type of content.
Sorry for the wall of text.
hi sweetheart <3
it’s okay !! i don’t mind. i’ve been blocking people too LMAO. yeah i just …. i think the funniest part of the whole situation to me is the attacks ive been getting both in other peoples dms and indirectly because of me saying i dont wanna deal with this bullshit anymore. i think it’s more than valid for us to have our own stance on this situation, it’s not something we want to see and it’s not something we think she be normalised. like i said i understand using it as a way to cope but after having things trigger me after it not happening for so long, i just thought enough was enough. im happy to keep my opinion to myself if it pisses people off that bad but i will be and have been actively blocking people who write and reblog noncon.
i’m tired of it tbh. i’ve never said anything bad about these authors personally and i’ll continue not to. i just simply don’t like what they write and i think i that’s valid, no? we’re all entitled to our own opinion. personally, i don’t get mad when someone doesn’t agree with something i like. but i do support your agenda of blocking people.
you should protect yourself and set your boundaries. put yourself and your safety first !!!! you being comfortable is what matters the most to you.
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eldritchmochi · 6 months
(i hope this doesn't come across as rude, i'm just genuinely confused) i saw your tags on a post you reblogged about how you like to jerk off to the thought of your work crush, and that you're aspec. but i thought the whole point of being aspec is that you *don't* feel sexual attraction? isn't thinking of someone to gain sexual pleasure also sexual attraction to that person? isn't wanting to have sex with someone sexual attraction to that person? i can't imagine jerking off to someone i'm not attracted to so maybe i'm just close-minded but what you said really doesn't sound aspec at all. again i'm not trying to be rude, i'm just not aspec so i really don't understand how *not* feeling sexual attraction can be a spectrum, but feeling sexual attraction apparently isn't a spectrum??
not rude imo! i am happy to play educator!!
so tldr, i have a particularly complicated relationship to.... relationships. i tend to label myself as broadly "aspec" as a whole as shorthand for expressing that i dont really experience attraction but it, like basically all the labels i use, isn't wholly accurate for my personal experience because labels--especially queer identity labels--are a broad stroke generalization for very individualized personal experiences of the same general gestures thing. not everyone who shares the labels i use for myself will agree with the way i use them or even the fact that i DO use them (hi, he/him bi lesbian here, eat me) and thats totally okay, as long as they mind their manners
i find "aspec" used as a specifically nonspecific umbrella micro label is convenient shorthand for the whole not really experiencing attraction thing because its more true than not. i really dont "really" experience attraction, either sexual or romantic..... except for when i do. those instances of attraction however are so incredibly rare that they're an exception, not the rule. i'm in my thirties and consider that tally to be two people i have legit thirsted after and possibly two??? people i am Romantically In Love With (as opposed to just In Love With, which is different for me, because i love all my friends in unique ways because they're unique people i have a unique relationship with, but i digress) (ftr i am not 100% sure on the romance bit because its *incredibly* hard for me to sus out the difference between my feelings for these particular people compared to everyone else i love because i just kinda go on vibes: if i'm happy with someone, i'm happy, and i dont really feel the need to Officially Label things)
btw, "aspec" as in asexual (and in my case aromantic) spectrum is very much a spectrum my dude, and that spectrum people generally report on does include occasional incidental attraction. other axis often involved in the spectrum are things like libido or even general willingness or interest in interactions that involve sex (or romance, or both!). some folks enjoy having sex and seek it out despite not experiencing sexual attraction, with or without a libido. some people are completely sex adverse when it comes to sexual situations involving themselves but will engage with sexual content, such as porn/erotica/virtual roleplay. some people want nothing do do with bumping uglies literally or figuratively. some people are absolutely baffled when it turns out no they just wanna bump uglies with this one particular person and they will DIE if they dont why are humans wired like this its SO INCONVENIENT (shhhhh dont ask me how i know). there are a ton of microlabels for any and all generalization of experience within the a-spec spectrum because there is just a HUGE variety of experiences but i personally dont like them for myself cos im a vague-as-possible kinda guy
so: complicated relationship with relationships and a complete disregard for the "rules" some people wanna insist on when it comes to identity labels. a buddy of mine has described me as her friend who is "all queer identities at once" which, yeah, i'm into that, its a good summation
i would also like to note for our viewers at home that you are totally allowed to stick yourself in whatever box feels right at the time, even if you change boxes a bazillion times or put a peet in a bunch of different boxes all at once, or play musical chairs with the boxes, or whatever. theyre made up and the points dont matter, what matters is having some facsimile of language to communicate an aspect of your experience to allow for communication and conversation about that experience, not that you tick off a check list of required traits to get your box assigned to you by The Committee. go forth, be weird, love freely, eat the rich, and fuck the (thought) police
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dissociativedoe · 1 year
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[ ID: a reply by @vaguewaves that reads: "Wouldn't you rather them use the word honestly then so you know who to trust and who to block? What do you think about what's trans-wojak said in the notes?" End ID ]
[ original post ]
asking for my opinion and then turning off reblogs. yeah sure okay. didnt like that people dont agree with you huh?
anyways i love that you still havent actually acknowledged why what you said is getting harsh feedback, which at the root of it is why are you so insistent on speaking over higher support needs autistic people? why are you so insistent on talking over nonspeaking autistic people, who already have to fight to make themselves heard or known at all? why is it so fucking hard for you to listen to why people dont like what youre saying?
that person's comment was interesting because there was a heavy focus on "not everything is about you" which like. yeah, not everything is about you. just like how not every word is meant for you. also im a big hater of this aggressively individualistic approach where you dont owe anyone anything ever, even in a situation where your words/actions could be hurting someone. why do you not care in the slightest about the feelings of other people.
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berryunho · 2 years
HI BESTIE it's san anon and IT'S BEEN A WHILE
i hope you're still enjoying your time in sk hehehe i see your posts sometimes and am like *nods* having a good time, nice
it's been a busy couple of weeks sjdghsfj HONESTLY i don't think that ppt will ever like. get there. IM SORRY DSJHGFJ i loved the idea of it but i don't think i can find the time to make you the amazing ppt you deserve SIGH i do however have reasons written down for why you SHOULDN'T k word san so bet you'll be hearing from me shortly
ANYWAY that was all i just wanted to pop by and ask how you're doing <3 i hope life is going well for you !!!!!!! love u mwah
(also this is me trying to fix my english bc you > u istg i've evolved)
WAUT SAN ANON AGAIN I JUST SAW THAT ASK ABT NOT TRUSTING SAN'S MANIPULATIVE ASS i love him i'm so sorry it's so bad but i LOVE cult freak san the same way i love hongjoongism (yes i'll keep using this name) and hongjoong's wicked little brain i love it all idk i'm just. waiting for the day you don't k word san off but instead turn him into this crazy wicked insane evil cult freak instead of the cute cult freak we've seen up until now KJHDSGFKJHSD kq please give us a dark concept. i need an actual culteez concept. don't just break that wall murder it san anon again because what the FUCK i missed so many san reblogs HELP???? it makes sense now bc apparently i had the for you page open instead of the following page wtf tumblr
dont worry about being busy and PLSDJFASLKDF THE PPT LOL ITS OKY I DIDNT REALLY EXPECT YOU TO MAKE ONE E VERJKLJASFLKD PSKLJFSKLDF .... i also love cult freak san and evil hongjoong LKSJDFLASKDJF last night i was writing .... a scene that will happen in ... the next few chapters probably and i was (s)creamin-- I MEAN i was having a very good time writing it even though its like the most diabolical angst to ever come from my hands i was giggling biting my lip SO ANYWAYS thats gonna be so fun to release into the world but it has to simmer for a bit still ... not to confirm nor deny any san allegations of course mwuahaha AND ANYWAYS YES I AGREE bring back mvs where kpop boys would kill people ... or like graphic vampire concepts ... PLEASE I NEED IT SO BAD FJASLDJFSJ AND ???? NOT THE FOR YOU PAGE omg i do the same thing though like it switches and i dont realize and im like "where tf is sanchelinz rn" SKJFKALSDFJ
but anyways to answer your question ... im very good still ehehe my classes are all going well i even went up korean levels LAKJDFLASD and changing topics im not really a makeup person but i walked into olive young 2 days ago and blacked out and now i own a bunch of makeup and im trying to learn how to use it and i actually ... feel so cute KASDJLFSADJ like i have some on rn and its all pink and glittery and i did my eyelashes the wonyoung way and I FEEL SO CONFIDENT ACTUALLY its crazy like i think im pretty wo makeup lol and idk i normally feel so goofy when i try to do makeup but im actually proud of what ive been able to learn in ... 3 days lol
AND ??? you probably saw lol BUT I WENT TO IDOL RADIOAFLSJDFK;ASJ that was ... so anxiety inducing LKJKLAJSDFKJS there were SO many people and our foreign asses didnt reserve seats and didnt think to bring. idk. LADDERS BC PEOPLE BRING FUCKING LADDERS (*%)($*@)#()@ and anyways idk WHAT i was doing so wrong just by standing in one spot and not moving but i was being CURRRSSEDDDD out by ktinys like i accidentally looked at one of them for too long apparently and she turned to her friend and was like "this fucking foreigner is staring crazy bitch" I WAS LIKE (*$)(*$_)(#)(@_(#_????@$?$?@?4 and another girl saw me and was like "i fucking hate when foreigners come they never know whats happening" (*409*@)@(-#(0 I HAVE NEVER IN MY LIFE BEEN SPOKEN TO LIKE THAT I WAS LITERALLY LIKE ............................ simply pretended i didnt know what they were saying bc i wouldve started swinging and gotten deported if i engaged like ... HOOOOO DEEP BREATHS IM NOT MAD anyways yunho and hongjoong waved to me and i got so many good pictures and i was just happy to get to see them ehehehe all that matters is that THIS is hongjoong waving at me and my friend
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and anyways i stay winning <3 life is amazing im so happy everyday <3 I HOPE YOURE GOOD AS WELL BESTIE !!! PLS LMK HOW YOU ARE AND DW ABOUT BEING BUSY AND HAVE A NICE REST OF YOUR WEEK AND ILY <3333 MWAHHH :]]] <33 <33 <33
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cuchufletapl · 2 years
I want your personal opinion. We see a lot of shipping controversy when it comes to MHA, but none of the ships have actually been confirmed, just teased. And I find that the biggest tease is Tododeku, honestly. Do you think there is even the slightest possibility that Horikoshi could just bless us with this ship? Do you think there is something there, genuinely? I want this ship canon, and honestly I'm really not feeling it with Ochako at all. What are your opinions on her? I dont know if you agree, but her character revolves around the main character in a way that makes it annoying and unbearable and I cant stand the interactions, yet it seems that Horikoshi seems to have given up as of recently. Do you think so?
Please don't take this as hostile because I don't mean it as such, I just struggle with tone. But.
This ask is kind of strange to me because 1) I don't write meta that often; 2) I've never written meta about BNHA; and 3) actually, in the past four months I've reblogged a grand total of nine posts about BNHA.
It's a fandom that I'm a part of but that I barely talk about on Tumblr — if you only followed me on here you'd think that I'm barely into it.
So what on Earth would make you ask me my opinion on this, anon?
Like, you see a profile with a Fullmetal Alchemist icon talking about Sonic, Ladybug, and Spy x Family and go: "Yeah. This is the person I'm gonna ask about Boku no Hero shipwars"?
Besides, considering how this ask is worded, it looks to me like you have a fully formed opinion and just want some sort of validation for it.
And I checked the recent stuff in the tododeku tag and I saw at least one more person responding to a very similar ask to this one, so there's that.
I'm prefacing with this to clarify that I'm aware that this is some sort of bait (even if I'm not completely sure what you're baiting for, anon) and that you probably went through a bunch of people that had posted/reblogged tododeku stuff recently and sent them similar asks.
However, I do have an opinion, and my ego can't resist sharing it, so here we go. Buckle up, I started rambling.
Honestly, I'm not entirely sure of what you are talking about when you say that tododeku has been the most teased ship.
Their dynamic is solid and well-written, and they've had a lot of page/screen-time to develop together. They're close friends (Midoriya is Todoroki's best and favourite friend, without a doubt), they're at ease around each other, understand and trust one another — in sum, they care and there is a lot of proof of that over the nearly 400 chapters of the manga (plus spin-off media).
This would be a good basis for a romantic development in their dynamic, it'd make for a good love story, but I don't think Horikoshi has ever intended to go in that direction, not even in subtext. I don't think he would even if a gay/bi protagonist was allowed in a battle-action shonen.
I think the "tododeku teasing" is the inevitable outcome of having two characters impact each other's narratives in such a way. Of course there are a lot of Moments™ between them that can easily be read in a romantic light — fighting Izuku in the Sports Festival was literally a turning point in Shoto's life! But Horikoshi just wrote them that way because he wanted to advance their character arcs through their friendships.
(It's a huge theme in BNHA, in my opinion. Class 1-A constanly inspire each other, make each other better. They don't just develop on their own, it's with the support of other people that the characters move forward. Deku is the epitome of this: his gifted power born out of the sacrifices of eight other people, his fighting style inspired by his mentors and his friends. And he's not the only example: Tamaki and Mirio; Kirishima with Bakugo and Ashido; Uraraka, Iida, and Todoroki himself of course. Horikoshi is good at writing admiration and friendships.)
And after all, good friendships tend to (although not always) make for compatible romantic pairings.
Listen, if tododeku ever became canon, I'd end up in the ER because my heart wouldn't be able to handle the joy and the surprise bursting out of it. I don't hope it to, nor do I particularly want it to be canon (romantic subplots are not my priority in BNHA), but it would definitely make me very happy. I've been on this boat for, what? Five years, give or take a couple of months? Tododeku is probably my actual OTP (as in the meaning of the acronym, my one and only true pairing).
(And that's without taking into account how massive it would be in terms of queer representation in Japan. The male protagonist of a top Shonen Jump nekketsu manga, bisexual and in an overt relationship with another major male character? Kohei Horikoshi would make history.)
But back in 2017 I went in fully expecting it not to be endgame, and that hasn't changed in 2022.
First of all, because regardless of Horikoshi's intentions, this is shonen manga, c'mon. It's Shonen Jump Magazine. The only gay action we see in this demographic is questionable yuri pandering to male audiences.
Although to be completely fair, BNHA does have confirmed queer characters: Tiger, Big Sis Mag, and Toga. However, you'll notice that none of them are gay men, only one of them has any relevance whatsoever, and not all of them are handled with the same care (Magne is... oof. People make excuses for it but I'm too familiar with Japanese media not to recognise that her design looks just like a transmysoginistic charicature, and the theory that Horikoshi is doing a social critique by making medical transitioning not accessible to her due to marginalisation is utterly fanon interpretation. It's not anywhere in the text, it was made up outright. It'd be amazing if it were true, but considering how unsubtle Horikoshi is with the politics of BNHA, as manga tends to be, if it's not there, it's because it wasn't supposed to be).
Second, because if Horikoshi wanted to make his main characters boy lovers and was allowed to... Well, in all honestly, I think he'd go for bakudeku (if, ya know, Bakugo makes it, which he probably will). They're one of the central dynamics of this story, their arcs don't make any sense without each other. They're not up to the level of, say, sasunaru, but they're not that far off. It's the most popular pairing in this fandom, both in the West and in Japan, for a reason.
(And if not bakudeku, I think kiribaku would have the biggest chance. Mostly because there's quite a lot of evidence to support a queer reading of Kirishima, and I'm not entirely sure it was accidental.)
Of course, if anyone gave me the reigns, I'd make Bakugo and Midoriya queerplatonic and make Todoroki and Midoriya marry but alas, 'tis not the case.
Nevertheless, there might be no canon ships whatsoever.
I'm still holding out for a time-skip and a sequel, despite what Horikoshi said earlier this year about ending the manga — a lot of things feel unfinished in ways that can't be resolved in one single arc. So hey, maybe he'll surprise us and pull a Shippuden.
But if he keeps his word and this is the end of Boku no Hero Academia, then he definitely does not have the time to include a romantic subplot of any kind. Not at this stage, not so near the end and with all characters in the middle of battle like this.
So, yeah, maybe you're not feeling it with Ochako because you're not supposed to. Midoriya had some mild interest in her at the beginning and she used to have a crush on him, but that was that. Which would be a nice subversion, to be honest, since an izuocha endgame is what everyone and their mother expected ever since their first interaction, based on the usual romantic tropes of this genre.
But, another thing, because this interpretation of Uraraka ("her character revolves around the main character in a way that makes it annoying") is one that I see echoed everywhere in this fandom and it does annoy me a little. It's a parroted opinion at this point, because the absolute lack of nuance implies that most people saying it haven't actually analysed Uraraka's character and are just repeating what other people said before them. Not saying that you're in that group, anon, maybe you did think it through and just disagree with me, and that's fine.
This critique of Uraraka comes from a larger criticism of Horikoshi's writing of female characters — criticism that is not undeserved. He is capable of writing good three-dimensional female characters (look at Rei Todoroki, or at Himiko Toga), and I think Momo Yaoyozoru's character arc is one of the best that he's written for a supporting secondary character of any gender (it's simple but well-executed!). But it's true that he has way fewer female characters than male ones, and a lot of them are underdeveloped and underutilised to boot.
(Part of that has to do with a more general problem. Horikoshi ended up biting way more than he could chew with his gigantic cast of characters, which is a conversation for another day, but long story short: it's not easy to juggle that many plotlines and character arcs, and sometimes he pulls it off but a lot of the time, particularly in the later half... eh. But it just so happens that a lot of the characters he's unable to give the time and space needed happen to be the few female ones that he has. Well.)
I do feel this is somewhat the case with Uraraka, because considering how she started out, she should've pulled more narrative weight than she has, at least for the arcs that she participated in (the Overhaul Arc did her dirty, let's be honest here). And she's the main female supporting character, it makes it more evident.
But I think that people get so focused in looking for what should have been there that they miss that already is there. People will criticise her arc for revolving around Deku and then completely ignore the parts of it that have nothing to do with him, funnily enough. You guys don't look past Deku's shadow either.
Midoriya inspires Uraraka in a similar way that he does the rest of his classmates and his friends specifically. That's what he is to her — an inspiration, a friend. Much like Midoriya himself does with Bakugo and All Might, she decides to go on her own hero path while taking some of Midoriya's determination as an incentive for her.
Her childhood in poverty shaped her desire to be a hero, and the kind of hero that she wanted to be — she wants to make people happy through helping and saving them. And when she starts the race towards her dream, and she sees her teachers and friends hurting, she's the one to ask the question no one else does: who saves the heroes? Who heals them? Who makes sure they're okay and happy?
And now she's going one step further, and she's trying to save a villain — Toga. And this has nothing to do with Midoriya. He isn't even in the picture right now! Hell, their last conversation before the final battle was about Toga (and other things, but it was obvious Toga was at the forefront of Uraraka's mind)!
Yes, her relationship with Deku is important (he's the protagonist, c'mon), but not the end-all be-all of her character arc. She sees Iida decline Midoriya's offer to join his team in the cavalry battle and decides that she's not going to be all dependent on friends either — and then comes up with a better strategy to fight Bakugo than even Midoriya had thought of. She catches feelings and immediately tries to shake them off because they're a distraction she can't afford for the sake of her own goals. She becomes an inspiration for him, as much as he is for her.
Their friendship is pretty neat, and while Uraraka could be more, let's not act as if she was nothing but Deku.
To conclude.
Look, anon, from your words I can tell that you're obviously very invested in tododeku. I understand that, I really do, but I'd advise you to get over it. At the end of the day, it's just ink on a page. The emotions that they make you feel are real and valid (that is what art and storytelling are for) but if it gets to a point where it genuinely upsets you that two characters don't end up together, that it feels like a need that they be together in canon, it might be the time to take a step back.
I say this as someone who still gets angry over klance lol. But it's true.
I think you can find a lot more joy than you realise in simply not giving a shit about canon. And while shipping is very fun, I don't find it recommendable to look at all media only through that lense.
As I said before, all the "tododeku teasing" you mention is just one particular interpretation of their interactions, and at times it can be one that removes the actual themes written into their dynamic.
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sir-klauz · 2 years
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I posted 2,886 times in 2022
That's 1,886 more posts than 2021!
808 posts created (28%)
2,078 posts reblogged (72%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 2,163 of my posts in 2022
Only 25% of my posts had no tags
#manga - 483 posts
#genshin impact - 302 posts
#anime - 197 posts
#requiem of the rose king - 126 posts
#mcr tag - 110 posts
#baraou no souretsu - 100 posts
#genshin posting - 99 posts
#mcr - 97 posts
#therapy game - 94 posts
#genshin impact forum - 94 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#‘you’re so happy and you love this so much dont you’ no i’m actually manic and can’t think can’t think right now n squealing to expel energy
My Top Posts in 2022:
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See the full post
203 notes - Posted June 18, 2022
“Do your chores!”
Me: “ok..!” *adhd brain possession midway thru washing a bowl* *5 hours later* “how did I get up here”
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210 notes - Posted November 10, 2022
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𖤐 found in a charity shop, gorgeous 𖤐
254 notes - Posted September 24, 2022
How are you watching Heartstopper and taking in the entire plot whilst bullying the actor who has an undefined sexuality off of their own social media in the same way the story literally shows the bullies behaving. You’re quick to attack someone who’s not even defined. If this wasn’t a celebrity, and was alone, then deleting social media over this bullying could further isolate them, which if someone is queer, we get pushed into isolation enough as it is. It could be dangerous, it could result in much worse things.
God forbid someone might be bisexual as well, because all bisexuals are totally queer baiting fake gays and fake straights (sarcasm).
Someone said on Twitter: “If I was Kit Connor I wouldn't come out either. He's not exactly been welcomed with open arms."
And I absolutely agree, you’re creating an unsafe environment. Did you even watch the series properly? Look at yourselves.
The start and predominant part of the story is literally about a guy being forced out before he was ready and then experiencing bullying, fear and being alone pretty much for the rest of the school year until he met Nick.
It’s swinging to “you have to come out or else we will destroy your life” vibes yet even if he did, he would still very much have to experience homophobia straight away/bullying if he is, because it is still risky to come out in our society, and people can take as long as they want to feel like doing that. He’s comfortable in his sexuality, and that’s all that matters and it’s no one’s business but his but jumping to “faking it” to someone who doesn’t wanna define it, is 100% disgusting. You don’t know anything about what he likes so don’t dish your judgment, bully.
Come out and be attacked by homophobes or don’t come out and be attacked by us (tbh that behaviour in some cases is homophobic bc of the instant denial and bullying surrounding their potential queerness being real despite not even knowing them or anything).
9/10 queer baiting massacres I’ve personally seen have be towards queer people, or those who later come out as queer. Ya think?? Yeah lemme just make out with the same gender for the lols despite knowing it could end my career in this pretty homophobic industry.
Jessie J came out much later because she was told her career would be over if she came out as gay, and was barely “allowed” to come out as bi, many more older celebrities are finally able to come out now as well and have recently too, which shows how much the industry repressed them and how unsafe it still is and has been, to come out as a celebrity.
283 notes - Posted September 14, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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It’s the Irodori grand festival in Inazuma and Venti just gets wasted and passes out the night before and turns up very confused on a ship the next morning
Credits: s_selyn
584 notes - Posted April 17, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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lolothesilly · 1 year
to comment about your rss feed post- i never stopped using rss feeds, when google tried to strike them down and many large websites gave up i kinda was just out of the loop because i never use corporate stuff in the first place. so remembering that there are still places that use rss feeds like tumblr is important to getting people to migrate from phone models to legacy ones, but i think at the end of the day the greatest evil is all the ui changes that came with the smart phone i have a flip phone and my daily driver is my laptop i am never off of, theres so many ui differences in endless scroll feed based websites that the people on neocities RESENT and desperately do not want to emulate so i really hope people are happy with how small and cute and sincere it is right now and use ANOTHER website maker to do more of what that post was talking about. because neocities is a spiritual successor of geocities and the traditions of webrings and guestbooks and emailing people directly and following the breadcrums of links is all apart of the learning curve and to disrupt that for the lesser endless feed scroll model is going to get us back to what corporate hell has entrapped us in. since twitter migration started on tumblr nobody makes real blog posts, people are alergic to paragraphs and intimacy and sincerity. i just appreciate neocities for having that and being too desperate for EVEN MORE USERS when we already have so many scares me, i already got to get off of tumblr for the expansion reasons that made it unusable and out right dangerous for me as a queer person. theres benefits many in being obscure and small.
im sorry i cant tell if im having a hard time processing this ask or what, im not 100% sure what youre saying here but ill try to respond as best i can, sorry if i misinterpret anything!!
so like i definitly agree with the "allergic to paragraphs and intimacy and sincerity" thing, i was thinking about it more last night and i think its a good thing that neocities doesnt really lend itself as much to the short-form posts you see on tumblr and twitter. bc like. i remember when i was a kid/teen, that kind of shortform flow-of-consciousness posting was mostly found in:
chatrooms (chatzy, IRC, guestbooks, shoutboxes, etc)
early social media status updates (like on myspace or facebook, the "had starbucks today lol 😜" kind of stuff)
and like. the niche chatrooms used to fill is now mostly filled by discord (though i know discord has Problems and i Think ive heard of alternatives to it?? havent looked into that as much) but. i think neocities being a home for longer posts about your interests is SO valuable honestly and i want more people to embrace that kind of thing!!
i feel like theres a sort of craving that sites like tumblr or twitter currently fulfill (badly) of like. throwing your thoughts into the void. not necesarily looking for a discussion but like. idk. its like if you wrote in a journal and then turned the pages into paper airplanes and threw them out your window.
(actually i remember in the 10s there was this site... i forget what it was called but it was like an anonymous "email" sort of service but your emails just went to random other users? literally shouting into the void, knowing someone will hear but can not respond because its all anonymous. idk it was neat)
but yeah. sorry. this is disjointed im really just thinking out loud. i just miss personal sites and fansites and forums and chatboxes and IRC chats..... i miss the way we used to use the internet, the way we used to share things with each other....
as far as RSS and feeds go i dont think its really all that comparable to the endless scrolling hell we have on modern social media sites, but i DO think it might scratch the same brain-itch while being less destructive. its hard to doomscroll if your "feed" is literally just "new articles posted by your friends on their personal websites" instead of like, "10000 reblogs and 1000000 random things the algorithm has decided to show you", yknow? its like. home grown organic media. idk
0 notes
areislol · 3 years
♡ childe having a shy! s/o
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you're just so cute! gn! s/o
• now, we all know that childe is a big flirt, and it just so happens that u, a shy person have stumbled upon him.. • he would use ur shyness to his advantage - not in a bad way! he just loves to see ur flustered face. • childe LOVES u so much. it's kind of scary.. • childe quite literally fawns over you. you're just so shy! • bc ur so shy, childe has this big urge to "protect you from the danger that lurks outside ur house" - childe • he does not allow anyone to take advantage of your kindness/shyness(p.s just bc they're shy doesn't mean that they're nice lmfao) • childe would teach u how to say no(LMAO), he doesn't want u to just stand there awkwardly when someone asks u a question. • if ur a bit too shy and can't really communicate with other people well, childe will help u, he'll talk for u. • i feel like childe would make a "secret hand gesture" with u, so when ur uncomfortable or want to leave in any situation - u just send a signal to childe and u two would be off within 2 seconds. • when u dont want to go outside because of whatever reason, childe will be a bit sad bc he can't go shopping with u but he still nods and smiles at u. • childe LOVES to flirt with you out in public, the way ur head hits his chest from embarrassment, the way u just stand there awkwardly and then turn red as a tomato is very "fascinating to look at". • he would NEVER EVER judge u for being shy! sure he might be a bit disappointed bc u dont talk much, but he still respects u and will and would never by any means disrespect u. • childe would most definitely buy fancy and cute clothes for u, sometimes revealing clothes but if ur not comfortable with that he would 100% return it. • if u do try on childes clothes of choice, he would be so ecstatic about it! his future wife was trying on clothes that HE picked! he's so lucky.. anyways- • he would compliment ur every curve. ur so sexy wtf • loves seeing u get all red just by him complimenting u lol • if u agree with his compliments, or just say something like "this dress is pretty.." he WILL buy that same clothing again, but in different colours. mostly his colour scheme • he wants to match w/ u lmfao • power couple ngl, he LOVES showing u off • although u two are opposite, an outgoing and flirty man with a shy and timid person • u two are meant for each other • did i mention that he loves u sm?
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a/n: if u liked this pls check out my other genshin hcs/follow + like + reblog or criticize my work tyvm
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eulangelo · 3 years
callout for @genderfluidlucifer
google docs
tw for transmisogyny + TERFs + emotional manipulation
Lucifer is a huge transmisogynist who will complain 24/7 about how TERFs hurt the ace community, but the moment @randomclustermissile , a trans girl (who is not an exclusionist at all) tries to point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles (in the most vague and general way possible, without pointing fingers nor calling anyone names) Lucifer will immediatly jump to block her and so they did with me (another inclusionist) and i have to suppose to everyone else who agreed with that post, even arriving to vagueing about us in private group chats to suggest that we were “sympathizing with exclusionists”. all because we dared point out transmisogyny in inclusionist circles. lucifer is TME but apparently they think they’re the authority on TERFs and their talking points but actual trans women are not, according to them, since this is the stuff that they would go and spew to other people. (screenshots from @enbyoctoling​)
here’s more examples of Lucifer (again, a transmasc person) going deep in detail about how according to them, TERFs/SWERFs hate aro/ace people and are an active threat to us
1. link
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[Image ID: Three screenshots of a post by Genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot is of a paragraph that reads, "Hey. So I can actually answer this. Anon your commentary about how you thought terfs would approve of sex repulsed aces is sort of it. Except...not. Basically terfs hate ace people for not wanting sex in the approved by terfs way. Terfs are actually extremely interested in [forcing] amatonormativity onto everyone. Because for as sex negative as terfs are...they don't want to actually acknowledge or change the fact that amatonormativity is at the root cause of rape culture and misogyny."
The second screenshot is a zoomed in section of the post that reads, "So yeah no I have NO idea where exclus allies are getting this idea from that terfs would even remotely care about the sexual rights of ace people. Terfs generally hate any sexualities in the LGBTQ+ acronym that aren't LGB because they can't force a gender binary onto those sexualities. At least, not as easily. That's why it's actually a massive sign of someone who doesn't call themselves a terf being a crypto terf if they use the term LGB in a positive manner. Along with the term SGA, as it is deliberately exclusive of nonbinary and not inherently SGA centric queer-aligned sexualities. /END ID]
link to the full post, these are just excerpts but the whole thing is just a very long rant about how TERFs hate ace people and so on (i think it’s worth noticing that although the actual post is kinda long, trans women are never once brought op in a conversation about TERFs issues and the only time transmisogyny is mentioned is not relevant to the conversation)
2. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is nothorses. It reads, "Because apparently I have to say it: Testosterone is not a 'violent' hormone. It doesn't make you 'more aggressive' or a worse person, it doesn't make you 'dangerous,' or 'toxic.' Transmascs do not need to be 'warned of the dangers of T.' We do not need to spend our transitions terrified that we're going to become a danger to those around us - that HRT is going to turn us into a monster.
Everyone experiences mood swings during hormonal shifts (pregnancy, menstruation, menopause, estrogen HRT, etc.) and while you might have grumpy moments or feel anger/frustration that you need to learn to handle differently, that doesn't make you a bad person.
Testosterone can change the way you access/process emotions somewhat, but if you're already thoughtful about how you handle your feelings and treat others, you're going to be fine. It's normal to lash out on occasion, by accident, then apologize and work to do better. It doesn't make you a bad person. Everyone on HRT is prone to this, and everyone experiencing hormonal changes is prone to this.
Getting HRT should be positive and affirming; you should not have to spend your entire transition terrified of becoming a monster."
The post then has a reblog by captainlordauditor that reads, "The big danger of T is that needle ouchy." /END ID]
here’s them reblogging from known transmisogynist user @nothorses (once again, the irony that a post about how testosterone is seen as the "aggressive hormone" does not mention transfem at all which are literally the main victims of this rethoric in the first place)
3. link (1), link (2)
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[Image ID: Two screenshots of posts by genderfluidlucifer. The first screenshot reads, "Queer exclus: We're not repackaging terf rhetoric! Saying that is transmisogynistic! Also queer exclus: Remove the plus from LGBT!" and has tags that say, "I will pay these people to grow some god damn self awareness. Imagine being this dense. Queer discourse." The post has 15 notes.
The second screenshot reads, "Honestly it is so stupid and frustrating to see ace exclus continue to deny that the ace discourse was started by terfs. Proof was given countless times. And a big name terf like galesofnovember even admitted to starting it. Those of you who demand proof but ignore all of this never wanted proof to begin with." and is tagged with, "ace discourse. The post has 38 notes. /END ID]
heres another two post of theirs conflating TERFs with ace exclusionism
4. link
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblogged post by furbearingbrick. The original poster is boxlizard, Lucifer's old account. The original post reads, "By the way for people still in denial about it, here's galesofnovember, a terf, admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement. She's taking credit for it. Normally if the victims of this behavior weren't ace/aro or other queer identities y'all be ready to rightfully lynch her. But since it's us, y'all just still wanna stamp your feet and go, 'Nuh uh!' instead of acknowledging facts." The part that says, "admitting that she intended to start the ace exclus movement" is a link to a galesofnovember post.
There is then a reblogged addition from furbearing brick that reads, "archived versions of the receipts" and has two links to the webarchive. The tags read, "Bringing this back since it's apparently still relevant. Terfism mention. Aphobia mention. Queerphobia mention. Blocklist." and has 1,455 notes. /END ID]
this is their post that ive already talked about but basically they found a 52 notes post made by a TERF in 2012 and this one person said "i dont know why i dont get to be the princess of the anti-ace-brigade" and apparently they are convinced that this means TERFs started the ace exclusionism movement and that this is one of their goals. which is insane when TERFs in real life only care about making life miserable for transfem people first and foremost.
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[Image ID: A screenshot of a reblog by genderfluidlucifer. The original poster is yu-gay-fudo. It reads, “Just in case you happen to be unaware, some of the “radfem lite” they post to warm you up to their rhetoric, just off the top of my head:
- Ace/aro exclusionism
- Bi exclusionism or claims that bi people are “less queer” bc of “straight passive privilege”
- Saying you have to be dysphoric to identify as transInvalidating nonbinary people
- Calling queer a slur regardless of context, saying people can’t identify as queer, and saying that it can’t be reclaimed
- “Mogai hell”, “kweer”, or otherwise mocking less common labels and claiming they are “just cishets who want to feel special”
- Excluding sex workers from feminist discussions or claiming that sex work is inherently evil
- Basically anyone who thinks they can determine what other people identify as”. The tags read, "queerphobia tw. twerfs tw. no id." and has 70,727 notes. It was reblogged on March 22nd, 2021 /END ID]
another example of conflating radfems to things that, while wrong, have little to nothing to do with them because being a radfem, again, is something very specific that has all to do with transfem oppression.
Emotional manipulation
Lucifer has done nothing but block, break boundaries, spread lies and vague about people, some of which were even mutuals with them knowing they would see the posts. when confronted about it Lucifer's only answer was "just say you hate me and block me" but they actually ended up blocking everyone first, making it impossible for anyone to set some boundaries with them or even just to calmly confront them about anything.
[proof: Io(popncourse) and Lucifer had a disagreement in a shared discord server, which prompted Lucifer to vague Io in a vent post. Io confronted them, as being vagued is one of buns triggers, to which Lucifer initially agreed to delete the vent post, but then proceeded to victimize themself and immediatly blocked Io. later on, Jude(malewifedeckard) was confronted by Lucifer, then after Jude told them “I’m worried that you’ll vague me just like you did with Io” they proceeded to block Jude and vagued about him too. when Io made a post (which was not a callout, it was just bun setting buns boundaries) explaining what Lucifer did, Lucifer immediatly jumped to victimize themself, acting like they were being called out and straight-up lying, even going so far as to say that no one tried to hear them out, which is a blatant lie if you consider the aforementioned Io and Jude’s attempts at doing so, with Lucifer immediatly blocking and cutting ties with the both of them. ] 
(screenshots taken by @popncourse and @malewifedeckard)
as seen in the proof above Lucifer’s behaviour is not ok because they don’t accept any kind of confrontation and immediatly jump to blocking, and after blocking, they'd immediatly go and vague about the people who confronted them pacificly, spreading more lies and painting themself as the victim and even arriving to say “no one hears me out at all” which is simply not something you can say when you block people who are trying to hear you out in the first place.
this is by no means an invitation to go and harass them, send them hate or anything like that. i absolutely don’t want anything even remotely hateful or negative to be sent their way after this post. 
this post was only made because:
1. as an ace person who fully supports the inclusion of aspec identities in the lgbt+ community i don’t want to support an enviroment that costantly downplays transmisogynistic oppression in order to be taken seriously. there are hundreds of ways to make aspec activism without acting like we(as in TME aspecs)are the victims of a system that seeks for the annihilation of transfemenine people in real life everyday. i especially don’t want to support TME individuals who act transfem-friendly but then block any transfem who tries to speak on transmisogyny without a second thought.
2. Lucifer’s behaviour has hurt two friends of mine and i don’t want to associate with someone who actively breaks people’s boundaries without taking accountability when messing up.
3. i cannot associate with someone who spreads lies about me accusing me of sympathizing with exclusionists all while having me blocked so that i can’t see it nor defend me. they complain about people not hearing them out but they’re the very first person who does not try to hear people out, and instead jumps to spread baseless rumors. this is not someone i can nor want to associate with. 
(image descriptions provided by @malewifedeckard)
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sokkagatekeeper · 2 years
i don't mean to be rude to either you at all but i do just want to say gently as a mutual-in-law of both of you who was a fan of atla but who never posted about it and that this blog and the attitude with it is basically the reason who if that makes sense? like i understand it both because a lot of your takes are really good and its clear you both put a lot of effort into them and because there are 100% some awful takes in this fandom (including ones based in bigotry that 100% need to be called out) but something about the "our takes are the only right and correct ones" attitude that come across with this blog (im not even saying either of you have that attitude in just saying its very much the impression you give off) made the idea of being in the fandom and engaging in with this show with my mutuals and the groups they're part of honestly kinda terrifying just because the fear of being judged or having the wrong opinions to the point were its totally turned me away from the show and the idea of enjoying it at all. im not saying this to attack either of you but i do just want to say that at least in my experience the way you present this blog does create a really judgmental attitude and i just wanted to let you know because i dont think its at all helpful for anyone involved and just causes more harm than good. thank you for reading and hopefully listening.
look. i'll say off the bat that it upsets me that there are people whom i've caused pain with the fact that, to some, i give off the impression that im very judgemental and need people to agree with me. i understand that people can take those things more seriously than i mean them, and can feel judged because of it. if you, anon, are expressing this sentiment, it's likely that there are at least a couple other people who feel similarly. and i hate that! i wish that this blog didn't make people scared to make their silly little posts. as im gonna get to in the rest of this answer, i don't know that there's anything i can/should do to stop people from feeling this way, but i wanted to acknowledge it.
one thing that i consistently try to impress upon people, especially when i get the sense that people are (somehow?) developing parasocial relationships with me, is that i am just some guy. i know that's a common statement in this corner of the internet, but i truly, deeply mean it. i think that i have a very good understanding of this tv show that i am quite abnormal about, and im gonna say so. and it's true that on this blog i put on a bit of a persona as if im far cockier than i am irl, or even than i am on my main (which is y'know. related to the fact that, as i said, avatar: the last airbender is indeed a subject i know very well and i can therefore act confident when talking about it). but at the end of the day, i am just a guy. i am a teenager with an internet connection and i often use it to make posts on tumblr dot com. you have no obligation to take me seriously.
there are so many popular posts on this website that essentially say “omg it's so hard being the only person who has good takes on my favorite show :(.” when i reblog those posts, i promise that am self-aware about them (and i assume that most people who reblog them are self-aware about them). this means that i understand that there is not, in fact, any sort of morality tied to one's takes on one's blorbos (unless y'know. said takes are bigoted, as they often are). when i reblog those posts, i am simultaneously saying that i relate to the sentiment expressed (that it greatly annoys me when i see posts about my blorbos that i don't like), and making fun of myself for having such an outsized reaction. no, i do not actually believe that im carrying some great burden by having a good understanding of this show. when i claim that i am, im satirizing myself. because again, im self-aware about how abnormal i am about this show. also, im sorry if it doesn't come across as self-aware, but im personally against the online practice of putting a million disclaimers on joke posts. i think it assumes that people are reading things in bad faith (which they often are to be clear), but i try not to assume that.
the thing is. like i said, i do think i have a very good understanding of this show. and sometimes i'll be annoyed at people, even mutuals, for disagreeing with me. sometimes i'll even dm my friends a post bc the post annoyed me. this is all, imo, normal? like yes, i have stronger opinions than most on this relatively inconsequential topic, but like. it's normal to get annoyed at people you care about sometimes. im not gonna unfollow a mutual just because they annoyed me. im certainly not gonna make a callout post. im sure i annoy my mutuals sometimes. which is.... genuinely fine. as long as we don't cause drama over pointless things and get other people involved, it's fine to cause each other annoyance.
(this is the part where i begin psychoanalyzing you likely more than is warranted).
you say you can be scared to post, so what exactly are you scared of? that your mutuals will think you're wrong? i don't mean to minimize your feelings, but if you don't have incredibly mean mutuals, nothing bad is going to happen because of that. believe me, i really do understand fear of judgement, but the solution isn't to tell virtual strangers to stop having/expressing strong opinions, it's to stop caring as much about those opinions. i get that that can be difficult, but it's important for like. your long-term mental health.
so like. ultimately. there are definitely times when i've been more judgemental than warranted on this blog, but please do not feel scared to share opinions. worst-case scenario is that you annoy people. and also like... i really do love it when people express disagreement with me, as long as they're not saying something that particularly annoys me. sometimes people contradict me and are more correct than me, which is great! maybe this is just because im jewish but. i don't want people to always agree with me. i want for people to think critically, and that includes questioning my takes on things, even if you've (rightfully, imo) decided that i usually have true and insightful things about this show.
anyway this got very long but. anon im sorry that this blog has hurt you in whatever way it has, and i hope this explains the way i think about things better.
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mizunetzu · 4 years
haha it's me again! could i get iida dating a delinquent male reader? (stuff like he smokes and breaks rules) like iidas trying to get the reader to follow the rules and he's like "i'll do that if you go on a date with me" so he does and the readers actually a really chill guy and they have a fun time, some fluff please?
IIDA DUDE MY GOD. MY RELIGION. MY SAVIOR. ok. Okok so. You said fluff and I delivered. But like-I mayyyyybe sprinkled in some angst. No worries. Fluff ending guaranteed. Also you know I enjoyed writing something when I broke my 1000 words rule. Like sheesh this is 3000 pLUS WORDS-
Also if iidareaders reblogs I’ll eat my shirt in joy
Iida x reader - Selfish Promise
⚠️warnings - delinquent reader? Selfish-y Iida? Idk. None lmao
Pronouns - male, he/him
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(Y/n) wasn’t going to lie. Iida really got on his nerves. He’s always up his ass about sagging his pants down low, or running in the hallways. It’s not like it was his business. He was in class 1-B, for god sakes.
Everyone in 1-A knew him as that “1-B boy” who always liked fucking with Iida. And he did, it was fun to see him get all pissy and red when he unbuttoned his dress shirt to the point you could easily flash him if you tugged hard enough. Iida was pretty, but even more pretty when he’s flustered. He wasn’t going to deny the fluttery feeling in his chest when he sees an opportunity to interact with Iida.
Which is how (y/n) found himself smoking outside the UA dorms, sitting outside on the steps and staring up at the sky. He didn’t smoke much, only when he really needed to destress, but something felt compelling to just pull one out today.
He already heard the engine boosted footsteps hurling his way, a smile growing on his lips. Once the blue haired boy was in sight however, he wiped it off and replaced it with a neutral expression.
“You shouldn’t be smoking on school property, (L/n)-kun!”
“Mm? And you shouldn’t be on 1-Bs dorms. Wait til Vlad or Monoma finds out.”
Iida stumbled back, biting back the scowl forming on his face. He took the cigarette out from (y/n’s) fingers, and stomped on it. (Y/n) clicked his tongue as Iida hiked his glasses up his nose further.
“Stop acting like such a ruffian!”
“Then go on a date with me.”
Iida choked on his own spit. He knew that (y/n) joked around a lot, but this was just excessive.
“(L-L/n), you shouldn’t joke about such intimate matters like that with someone you barely kn-“
“I’m not joking.” (Y/n) stood up from his step, and stood infront of the taller boy. “I’m dead serious.”
Iida opened his mouth, then closed it. “(L/n) it is highly inappropriate for two students, let alone boys, to go on a romantic outing! This is a place for learning!”
“How bout we make a promise then? A deal if you must.” (Y/n) seemed completely calm, but inside he was sweating like a clam. He had said it on impulse, and there was no going back. Either sell it till he declines or hell, he has a date.
“If you be my boyfriend and go out with me for one full day, I’ll stop acting like a ‘ruffian’ or something. I’ll follow the rules and whatnot.”
“B-boyf...” Iidas words got caught in his mouth. “W-WHY?”
“I’m not going to try anything...! It’s..it’s just for my own...reasons...! If...that makes sense...”
Iida ran a hand through his hair. Did (L/n), a delinquent, like-like him? A proper former man from the Iida family? He wasn’t romantically attracted to the shorter boy at all, but this was a good chance! He could finally be set on the right path if he agreed to be his significant other for one day! Easy enough!
Iida pushed up his glasses once more. “Fine. I will do it. But afterwards you better keep your end of the bargain.”
(Y/n) held the tiniest smile and extended his pinky. Iida looked at him confused, before hesitantly interlocking their fingers and shaking it.
“Gimme your number. I’ll text you the info later.” They exchanged phone numbers, and Iida bid him goodbye.
(Y/n) felt like he was on top of the world.
“Oi Iida! Over here!” (Y/n) waved his arms around frantically, trying to get the boys attention. Iida spotted him, and made a beeline towards him. He gave a smile and bowed slightly.
“Good morning, (L/n)-kun.”
“Morning! Haha, I’m glad you came! I didn’t think you’d actually show...and you’re on time aswell! As expected of uptight iida.”
(Y/n) was in a pink, slightly oversized hoodie and black sweatpants. Iida was expecting him to be in full black, ripped clothing with skulls on it. He wasn’t expecting him to look so...soft? If you looked at him, you wouldn’t think he was the same person smoking on the steps of a prestigious school.
“Oh well, what time did you get here?”
“An hour ago.”
Iida deadpanned. Even he wasn’t that extra. “Why...”
(Y/n) rubbed the back of his neck shyly and chuckled. “I was so happy I couldn’t wait, ahaha!”
(Y/n’s) probably smiled more times today then the whole time he’s been enrolled into UA. It was an odd sight, but Iida felt a sort of proudness that he was probably the only one who got to see this side of him. He glanced at his face one more time, this time, looking at his red eyes and cheeks.
“...are your eyes swollen..?”
“Oh I...I couldn’t sleep...”
(Y/n) awkwardly chuckled for the 100th time that morning. Iida was about to go on a tangent about how sleep is important to you, but (y/n) suddenly grabbed his wrist, and pulled him forwards. He was practically dragging the poor boy.
“Is there anything specific you wanna do, Iida?” (Y/n) mused, looking around the plaza.
Iida shrugged.
“No, not really. Today’s more of your day, so I’m fine with anything.”
A bright red painted itself onto (y/n’s) cheeks, as he turned back around to hide it. It was usually iida getting all red and flustered, (y/n) wasn’t used to it. Still, it felt kinda nice.
“Awesome dude!”
(Y/n) went on rambling about places they could go to or eat at, but Iidas ears drowned out the noice as he looked at his smiling face. He didn’t know someone so...rude, could look so sweet. (Y/n) tugged at Iidas shoulder.
“...though I suppose, we could just go to a field and train, right?”
(Y/n) got back up to his feet for the 5th time, and charged at Iida. He knew he couldn’t beat him with speed, so he’d have to rely on his quirk as much as he could. They were sparring in a little patch of grass near a small clearing, with a big tree providing the two boys shade. Iida swerved out of the way, making the smaller boy tumble onto the ground face first.
“Ah! (Y/n)! Are you okay?”
Iida rushed to the boys side and tangled his fingers in his hair. “It’s a little swollen but it’s not bleedi...(L/n)-kun...?”
(Y/n) hid his blush with the back of his hands and tensed up. “You..called me...(y/n)...dude..”
It was Iidas turn to tense up. His glasses fogged up as he swung his arms around madly. “IM TERRIBLY SORRY! IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, I SWEAR! IJUSTGOTWORRIEDANDSAIDITONACCIDEN-“
“Dude it’s fine! I-I dont mind..!” (Y/n) jabbed him lightly on the chest.
“L-let me treat you to some food! As apology for your head I mean!” Iida stood up, pulling (y/n) to his feet aswell.
(Y/n) was rambling on nervously again, with chopsticks resting nimbly between his fingers. Iida couldn’t help but gaze at his face. His eyes were softer than he expected, softer than the mockingly hardened eyes he pointed like a sword towards people at UA. His gentle clad smile could raise the heavens, with one crinkle near his left eye and a dimple dangerously close to the corner of his mouth. He had unusually long eyelashes for a guy, but it made him look even more pretty for a bad boy.
“Why are you a delinquent at school when you’re such a sweet and funny person?” The words dripped out of Iidas mouth unconsciously, quickly covering his mouth too late.
(Y/n) flushed bright red, squeezing his chopsticks a little too tightly. “W-well...I don’t know. It’s not like I’m doing it on purpose. People just think I am because i don’t like socializing with everyone I meet? Like-id rather hang out with someone I know and like than go out of my my way to befriend all of class B, y’know? Does that make sense? Ahaha sorry I’m rambling again. I don’t get to talk much with my few friends. And they’ve pretty much heard everything I have to say so it’s refreshingtotalktoa-“
Iida cut him off before he talked his tongue off. “If you don’t talk to people you don’t know well, then why are you talking to me so openly?”
“Because I like you.”
(Y/n) said it like it was the most obvious thing in the world. He wasn’t tripping over his words, or laughing nervously. He looked at Iida and said it like saying “the sky is blue” with so much certainty, it made a knot tighten in iidas throat.
Iidas question was, why though? Why did his heart thump along the buttery smooth rhythm of (y/n’s) voice? Why did his head reel every time he saw (y/n’s) eyes light up talking about something he found interesting? Why was he at such a loss for words when his gaze fell on him so attentively?
Iida cleared his throat. Maybe he was just excited to have a new friend. He didn’t see him in a romantic light! How could he? He’s just worked up on the fact that this hardass delinquent boy wasn’t who he thought he was.
“Shall we go, then?”
The date went by like a dream. Technically it wasn’t over yet, as the promise was for a full “day”, but window shopping and dicking around while Iida chops aggressively really tires you out. They both ended the day by sparring at the same clearing, before taking refuge on a bus stop bench. The sun was completely gone. Leaving behind the pasty purple and blue sky, washing over and killing the clouds.
“Ahhh, time flies by so fast! Damn, well, the days still not yet over soooo.”
“Yes, yes I know.” Iida chuckled. He thought he was going to have to bear through this day, but it was actually quite splendid. He definitely feels like he’s made a new friend.
“Well, is there anything you wish to do before the day is over?”
“Yeah um, so,” (y/n) cast his eyes down, fiddling with his fingers. “C-can we hold hands..?”
Iida wordlessly set his hand on top of (y/n’s) smaller one, waiting as he interlocked their fingers together. His hand was warm, way warmer than (y/n) was expected. He didn’t know, Iida seemed like a cold hands guy.
They sat quietly under the ambient streetlight, occasionally rubbing a thumb over the others hand, feeling it’s warmth and staring off into the distance. Iida didn’t notice his eyes drooping lower and lower until they were finally closed.
Iida let his thoughts roam. It was something he did when he was going to bed, or simply just resting his eyes for a bit. He thought of his family, what he would do for class on Monday, and finally, (y/n). It was the most prominent thing on his mind, and not because he was unconsciously resting his head on his shoulder, softly but firmly gripping the warm hand underneath his own.
The idea of (y/n) so soft and vulnerable in front of anyone else didn’t sit right with him. He wanted that sweet, kind side all to himself. It was selfish, and even wrong if he thought about it. (Y/n) was so sweet and respectable during this “date” of theirs. Perfect manners for when inside the classroom. If anything, he should be more than glad to have the world share this side of him.
So why was he feeling this way?
He felt a shoulder nudge from under his head, before a hand started vigorously poking at his cheek. He initially ignored it, but once he registered the current situation he jerked up and
“Iida. Iida wake up. It’s 11:40. We should be heading back before midnight. A-at least I want to so we can um...we can still technically legally hold hands by promise-“
Iida rubbed at his eyes in embarrassment. “My sincerest apologies for falling asleep! It was not my intention-“
”oh no it’s all good! I-I kinda fell asleep too. It’s been like...2 hours.”
Iida checked his watch. (Y/n) was right. 11:45 pm. He knocked his glasses up higher on the bridge of his nose and stood up. He extended a hand to (y/n) who tiredly accepted it and pulled himself off the bench.
They spedwalked towards the train station to catch a train back to UA, when (y/n) tugged on his sleeve, halting temporarily.
Iida turned around with a hum. (Y/n) kept his eyes fixated on the ground, but held on to the sleeve of Iidas jacket like a lifeline.
“Today...is almost over.”
“Yes, um, it’s about 11:57 so we should hurry back-“
“Before the day officially ends,...can you kiss me?”
Iida focused on (y/n’s) downcast face. It wasn’t an expression of nervousness or any sort of flustered emotion. Instead it held a look of unreadable shame.
“If you do, then I would have no regrets. My feelings for you will also end here. I’ll try my best to end it. My feelings grow stronger for you everyday when we bicker or when I simply just see you, so I want to end this with a grand fina-“
“I refuse.”
(Y/n) looked up. Iida glasses glared white, preventing him from seeing his cerulean eyes. But he got his answer from the frown Iida was sporting on his face. Even he could agree, it was a silly request, but he couldn’t help by feeling just a tad bit hurt by how quickly he was shut down.
“I understand.”
(Y/n) averted his eyes, flushing with embarrassment. He scanned the area for something other than Iida to look at, before his eyes landed on the parks clock.
12 am.
The date was officially over.
(Y/n) was quick to let go of the sleeve he’d been clutching for a while now. “A-ah! The day has ended. The dates over.”
He stepped back and ducked his head into a 90 degree bow. “Thank you so so much for coming with me today.”
“I’m really happy.”
His expression betrayed his words. If there was one word to describe it, Iida would say it looked dead. Hollow, even. It looked hollow, like the sinking feeling harboring itself in his chest. He knocked against his ribcage multiple times to shake the achy feeling in his chest, but it never went away.
“Well, let’s head back now. It’s late.”
(Y/n) silently walked past Iida. It wasn’t until seeing his watery face drenched in silent hot tears walk by that Iida realized,
He was in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
He was in love with the sweet delinquent boy who smokes and sits on desks, but also has the most hypnotizing laugh. He was in love with the boy who wore saggy pants to school, but also wore an oversized pink hoodie that made Iida reluctantly imagine him wearing one of his own jackets. Oh, how cute he would look.
He was hopelessly, graciously, entirely in love with (L/n) (Y/n).
Iida ran up to (y/n), who had walked past him and kept going with the assumption that he was behind him. His breath crystallized in the form of fog when he ran, faster than he ever did without using his engines. There wasn’t enough time to hike the fabric of his pants up, and he’d rather not burn them to a crisp with the steam from his engine.
He wasn’t sure if he heard him. He was still a great length away.
He was closer now. Close enough for him to hear. He was either lost in his thoughts or outright ignoring him.
The boy whipped his head around so fast, his tears flung into the cold air and landed beside him on the ground. Iida didn’t think far ahead as to brace for landing, choosing instead to glomp (y/n) into a soul crushing hug. Though, it was more of a tackle with the the way they both tumbled over and hit the ground with a thud.
(Y/n) was able to soften the blow with his quirk, but the impact of Iida landing on his chest still knocked the wind out of him. He was waiting for Iida to start swinging his hands and start apologizing profusely, but instead got pulled up to his knees and encased in a more gentle hug.
He was buried in the crook of Iida neck, who in return nuzzled himself into (y/n’s) hair. They stood, or rather kneeled, in a stiff silence, rocking back and forth ever so gently.
“Wah! Don’t apologize! You did nothing wrong, you had the full right to deny my request-“
“No, not for that.” Iida untangled himself from the warmth of (y/n’s) body to look at him seriously. “I’m sorry for breaking our promise. Our deal.”
(Y/n) wiped his stray tears away, all bitterness turning itself into lighthearted confusion. “But you didnt-“
(Y/n’s) words fizzled out in his throat when a pair of lips shut him up. His eyes fluttered closed as he wrapped his arms shakily around Iidas neck, drawing him closer than he already his. After what seemed like forever, Iida suddenly jumped back with fogged up glasses and heavy blush on his face.
“I’m sorry! I’m sorry! I wasn’t thinking! Forgive me!”
“You know, all you’ve done was apologize all day. Is this what you normally do in class?”
“NO!” Iida fell back on his ass, a yelp escaping from his throat. (Y/n) chuckled ironically, pushing himself up to his feet and extending a hand towards the blue haired boy.
“I still don’t see how you broke our deal.”
Iida dusted himself off and adjusted his glasses. “Well-listen I-“ For once in his life, he was at a loss for words.
“I...want to e-extent it. O-Our date, I mean.”
Iida stood rigid as a board as (y/n) blinked.
“Wait-so like, you’ll go out with me tomorrow?”
“And the day after that.”
“Yes I suppose so.”
“A-and how bout a week from now-“
Iida grabbed (y/n’s) shoulders and shook him roughly. And by rough, I mean rough. This boy has enough beef to throw (y/n) into the sun.
Iida has never considered himself selfish. He wasn’t the type to want something all to himself. If his friends wanted to be friends with someone he disapproved of, so be it. If he bought food but a fellow classmate was starving, he’d be eating only half as his classmate would be happily munching on their portion. If it was reasonable, he’d be willing to give up anything. It was the right thing to do.
Surely all of those good deeds would permit him to be selfish just this once. He’d never known the feeling of wanting something so bad to the point you felt like you were boiling. Of wanting no one else to have someone look at them the same way they looked at him. And how utterly satisfying it felt to have someone to claim as your own. Just this once couldn’t hurt anyone.
And by god, the impossibly wide smile (y/n) held was one thousand percent worth it.
“Halt! No running in the hallways, (L/n)-Kun!”
(Y/n) slowed down to a stop and sighed. “Dude, get off my dick.”
“Still pestering (L/n) huh? As expected of Iida!” Mina and Uraraka giggled, as they both disappeared inside the 1-A classroom. The hallway was empty now, making both Iida and (y/n) relax. (Y/n’s) pissed off expression softened, a smile now growing on his face. Iida swears it’s like talking to two different people. It’s kind of scary.
“Good morning, Tenya-Chan~”
“Uh-uh. Don’t ‘Tenya-Chan’ me. You know the rules. You owe me a kiss for breaking a rule. Gimme.”
Iida made grabby hands at (y/n), puckering his lips jokingly. God, he didn’t want to admit it but (y/n’s) sense of humor was rubbing off on him.
(Y/n) snorted at his boyfriends antics, pressing a gentle kiss onto his mouth. “Well-I gotta go, bye bye, Tenya! See you later. Call me, you sexy lamppost.”
(Y/n) timpered off to his classroom, his bad boy attitude returning once he stepped inside. Iida stood there, in utter confusion, before turning around and walking inside his own class.
“Ne ne, Iida, I’ve noticed you’re kinda like...less strict with that 1-B baddie. What’s up?”
Mina followed behind Iida with a curious, shit eating smile on her face.
“Ah. We...became good friends. He’s not as bad as I thought, I suppose.”
Mina looked at Iida unconvinced.
“You know, I saw you and bad boy kissing out there. My god. Iida. You gay liar.”
Iida, along with probably everyone else in class 1-A, collectively choked on air.
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