#Eel River Brewing Company
auraeseer · 10 months
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It's the season . . .
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wineninja · 3 years
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【ブログ更新しました!】ビール イール リバー/オーガニック ポーター https://ift.tt/3mJP77t
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retobeer · 3 years
La Universidad de Maryland y Flying Dog Brewery publican las notas de campo de 2020 Pale Ale
FREDERICK, Md. – Flying Dog Brewery anunció hoy el lanzamiento de 2020 de Field Notes Pale Ale, una cerveza creada en asociación con la Facultad de Agricultura y Recursos Naturales de la Universidad de Maryland (UMD). Flying Dog y UMD han estado trabajando mano a mano durante los últimos 5 años en el futuro de la agricultura centrada en la cerveza en el estado de Maryland.
Field Notes, elaborada con lúpulos cultivados en el Centro de Educación e Investigación de Western Maryland de UMD en Keedysville, MD, es una cerveza pálida al 5.6% crujiente y deliciosa con notas de lúpulo afrutadas y cítricas que dominan tanto el perfil de aroma como de sabor. Los lúpulos utilizados, Lyon, Glacier y Southern Cross, se eligieron después de tres rondas de análisis sensorial ciego de las variedades de lúpulo cosechadas por UMD este año.
“No hay mejor manera de evaluar los lúpulos que ponerlos en una cerveza, que es exactamente la razón por la que proyectos experimentales como Field Notes son vitales para nuestro trabajo con la Universidad de Maryland”, dijo James Maravetz, vicepresidente de marketing de Flying Dog. “No hay pruebas piloto o de prueba para esta cerveza, es una oportunidad única para ver qué notas brillan”.
UMD y la cervecería artesanal independiente más grande de Maryland han estado cultivando lúpulo en Maryland desde que comenzó la asociación de las organizaciones en 2015. En ese momento, la Facultad de Agricultura y Recursos Naturales de UMD se asoció con Flying Dog para estudiar la producción de lúpulo en el estado de Maryland. El objetivo del estudio era recopilar investigaciones y sentar las bases para una industria de producción de lúpulo comercialmente viable en Maryland que refleje el éxito de las empresas de cultivo de lúpulo en el noroeste del Pacífico.
“Durante los últimos cinco años hemos luchado contra varios obstáculos, tanto ambientales como artificiales, y es evidente que podemos producir lúpulo en Maryland”, dijo Bryan Butler, agente de extensión, UMD College of AGNR. “Sin embargo, la pregunta que queda es, ¿se puede producir un cultivo rentable, consistente y de alta calidad? Esperamos continuar nuestro trabajo para determinar la respuesta definitiva a esa pregunta “.
Se han estudiado 24 variedades de lúpulo para tratar de identificar las variedades más adecuadas para la producción en el clima de Maryland y para determinar los desafíos potenciales que los productores de Maryland pueden encontrar a lo largo de toda la cadena de producción, desde el cultivo hasta la cosecha y el procesamiento.
De cara a la siguiente fase del proyecto, el equipo se centrará en las 6 cepas de lúpulo más prometedoras, trabajará en el genotipado de un lúpulo que puede ser nativo de Maryland y lanzará un nuevo curso de estudio en la Universidad de Maryland centrado en fermentación.
Field Notes comenzó a enviarse a los distribuidores de Maryland el lunes 12 de octubre de 2020 en paquetes de 4 latas de 16 oz. Para localizar la cerveza, visite el buscador de cerveza de Flying Dog (https://ift.tt/3u97PpP).
Acerca de Flying Dog Brewery
Como una de las cervecerías artesanales regionales de más rápido crecimiento en los Estados Unidos, Flying Dog ha estado elaborando cerveza de clase mundial que supera los límites de los estilos tradicionales durante 30 años. Flying Dog atrae a todo el mundo, desde los conocedores de la cerveza artesanal hasta los que están simplemente tomando la ola, con hasta 20 estilos disponibles en un momento dado. Presentado a Flying Dog por el escritor de Gonzo Hunter S. Thompson, el artista Ralph Steadman ha producido arte original para las etiquetas de Flying Dog desde 1995. Los galardones recientes para Flying Dog incluyen su Pale Ale clasificada como la American Pale Ale número 1 en los EE. UU. Por The New York Times. Para obtener más información, visite www.flyingdog.com.
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from Noticias – Cerveza Artesana https://ift.tt/2PD04JU via IFTTT
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texasdevin · 3 years
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After a winding day riding along Route 1, we cut over to redwood country and stopped in at @eelriverbrewing for a flight. Turns out, it’s a doozy! #2022brewerytour (at Eel River Brewing Company) https://www.instagram.com/p/CbBh7nkpt5K/?utm_medium=tumblr
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maryryan58 · 6 years
Day 2
Pepperwood CA
We drove to Fortuna and walked along the Eel River, then had lunch at Eel River Brewing.
They have a new product there called Clarity. It is alcoholic sparkling water. We bought a six pack of the ginger lime flavor.
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We drove a long loop along the Lost Coast and let the dogs run along one of the spectacular beaches. Through the redwoods, ending up back near Rt 101.
We saw several cars parked on a sandbar next to the river and drove down to join them. It is called Leatherwood Bar. The dogs played fetch in the water.
We tried to drive out and got stuck in the sand and rocks.
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We tried lots of things. I did a lot of digging with my bare hands to clear out around the tires. You might thin that that would ruin my gel manicure, but you would be wrong! Some of the glossiness is gone but my nails are perfect.
AAA said no. The other tow truck company said $1300. We said yes. In the meantime 2 people with 4WD trucks tried to help. The first guy did not know how to put his brand new truck into 4WD and almost got stuck himself. The second guy Pulled us out. He was traveling from Louisiana with his wife, daughter and two grandchildren.
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Back to the Kreb’s cottage for a shower and a late dinner. Glen and his family were kind and generous, We are so grateful.
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english-fruit-sake · 3 years
Hananomai Brewing Co., Ltd.
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Address 632 Miyaguchi, Hamakita Ward, Hamamatsu, Shizuoka Prefecture Date Established 1864 Representative President and Representative Director Kanenojo Takada History Hananomai Brewing Co. seeks to bring you the highest quality local sake crafted using only 100% local rice from Shizuoka Prefecture. Renowned for its agricultural products such as tea and mandarin oranges, Shizuoka Prefecture is blessed with what could be described as the highest quality, most ideal rice for sake production in Japan. At Hananomai Brewing Co., expert craftsmanship and dedication to the brewing process come together with the top-notch facilities needed to bring out the very best of the region's locally produced rice in their unbeatable local Shizuoka sake. Hananomai Brewing Co. brings an unparalleled level of expertise to the industry thanks to over 1,000 years spent dedicated to perfecting the art of brewing Japanese sake. Combining the spirit and technique passed down for generations with the latest in technology, Hananomai has managed to craft the highest quality Japanese sake through an unbeatable combination of innovation and tradition. Warehouse Features, Manufacturing Philosophy Hananomai Brewing Co. is proud to bring you its 100% Shizuoka Prefecture sake. The company's mission is to bring out the authentic one-of-a-kind taste of local sake crafted using exclusively local ingredients from Shizuoka Prefecture from start to finish. Features of the Area (Geography/Weather/Local Culture, etc.) Bordered by the Akaishi Mountains to the north, the Tenryu River to the east, the Enshunada Sea to the south, and Lake Hamana to the west, Hamamatsu is surrounded by an infinite variety of picturesque natural scenery all year round. Thanks to its location right in the Akaishi Mountains (the Southern Alps), which serve as a natural dam, Hananomai Brewery is continuously blessed with copious amounts of fresh, pure groundwater that they use to craft their one-of-a-kind sake. Likewise blessed with a temperate climate and plenty of hours of sunshine each year, the area boasts a diverse variety of local specialties from the sea, land, and mountains, such as Lake Hamana eel, wild Japanese pufferfish and whitebait from the Enshunada Sea, and "Mikkabi Mikan" mandarin oranges. The region is also home to a variety of industries, such as a robust musical instrument and automobile industry, as well as countless tourist destinations including historical sites such as Ieyasu Tokugawa's Hamamatsu Castle. Annual rainfall/snowfall/sun Annual rainfall: 2,200 mm, Annual snowfall: 0 cm, Annual hours of sunshine: 2187 hours Annual high/low temperatures (°C) Annual high and low temperatures: High 41℃, Low 3℃
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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Shuswap Joe was not yet a teenager when he left the Adams River behind, hiking through the forest with no belongings other than his pilfered logging outfit. For three days he followed a small off-shoot waterway through the woods that eventually led him to a fledgling community called Salmon Creek. It was 1910, and the storm clouds of the Great War were forming on the horizon. The streets were pot-holed and muddy, and still featured more horses than automobiles. The wooden buildings were ramshackle, the amenities scarce. There was far too few women but it was lousy with beast-like men who lived feral existences fueled by black market hooch. Mountain air swept through the rank alleyways and side-roads until it brought him the sweet tinkling of some far-off speakeasy piano on the wind. Joe swayed in time as slovenly criminals joined their voices together in chorus.
Human beings were still a marvel to Joe, who felt more at home in the arms of a tree than those of a person. He had never felt his mother’s touch. But there was something deep inside of him that yearned to sing a song that somebody else would truly understand. Besides the fisherfolk and Nanor, he’d never had a conversation with somebody who understood his language. The salmon trusted him, the eagles kept him company and the river eels had ignited his imagination. Now it was time to find his place in the land of people, a prospect that scared him more than swimming through the Canyon. He was hungry for the future, and Salmon Creek had the flavour of destiny. 
Right then a voice called out to him from nearby, accompanied by the twang and strum of a banjo. It echoed through the leaves. As Joe jumped from one branch to the next, trying to find the source of this soulful ballad, the night time throbbed with a magical purple energy. He balanced on a thick bough overlooking the creek, where a shirtless man was dangling his feet into the current. His voice was high-pitched and mournful, and in the low light he looked exactly like a frog.
It was a sad song this man was singing, but a beautiful one. 
“I sold my soul for a beautiful face, I sold my soul for cash. I sold my soul for lovely lace, how could I have been so rash?” he sang.
“My love has gone and left me, my love has hit the road, left nothing but her memory, she’s left this lonesome toad.”
When the song was finished, the man sighed and lingered for a moment in silence. The creek burbled along in front of him. There was a large barrel beside him with the letters XXX scrawled on the side. Joe watched as the man wrestled off the lid and dipped his tin cup into the brew. The moon’s glow made him appear in silhouette as he took a deep swig. That set him to coughing, which he did violently, until eventually he was ready for more. 
“Why do you drink if it makes you sick?” Joe asked, from his perch twenty feet above the man’s head. He hadn’t meant to ask the question out loud, but he had. His voice startled the man, who spun around flustered. He searched the nearby branches for danger.
“You have to take the sweet with the sour in this life,” the man shouted into the night. “If you’re not willing to suffer then you’re never going to succeed. Now who exactly am I speaking to?”
Joe jumped down from the tree, into the glare from the man’s fire. He already had the look of a full grown man, though his baby face was still bare of beard. He shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the next. “What is that you’re drinking, then? It seems to make all the men in town vomit.”
“What, this? This is my own concoction,” the man said, climbing to his feet unsteadily. “I’m sure you’ve heard of Scotch. Well, this is Shu-Scotch, made right here in the Shuswap.”
“What is it?”
“What do you mean, boy? It’s alcohol!” 
The man introduced himself as Clif Garcia, and reached out a thickly callused hand. He was slightly hunched, with a pointed pink nose, and his bare shins were riddled with scars and burns. His patriarch had been a hugely successful Mexican rancher and had employed his many children herding livestock, but Clif had immigrated to Canada to chase after a woman and to become his own man. He was an entrepreneur, always looking for the next opportunity, and his most recent endeavour was the creation of this signature brew. He’d been perfecting it for two years, brewing batch after batch, but was now facing an issue he hadn’t anticipated. There was no way to actually transport his barrels of precious liquor to the buying customers, since the road system was insufficient, which meant his artistry was going to waste. He was stuck with a warehouse full of Shu-Scotch, no cash, and to add insult to injury? His love had left him.
“She never believed in my vision. She always wanted me to sell the inferior product to make a quick buck. She said the people drinking it will never appreciate my endless work. She never understood that a man is his reputation, and once it’s been created it’s deadly hard to change,” he said.
“I wanted them all to say ‘that’s Clif Garcia, he makes the best Scotch in the Shuswap’. Genius, they would call me. The history books would remember me. This would be my one real contribution to this world.”
He shook his head, and took another swig. “What a joke.”
Joe listened to Clif’s story while taking careful sips from the Scotch barrel. Heat rivulets ran down his throat, then collected in his chest like some great inner lake of energy. He could feel his limbs loosening, and the same sort of giddy intoxication he’d experienced with the river eels. He threw his arm around Clif and they clinked their cups, their feet splashing happily in the water. He’d never felt this close to a person before, and it was like he’d been maneuvered here by the universe for precisely this moment. He was meant to learn something from this man, but what?
“A true love affair can kill you just as well as a bullet,” Clif said. “There are plenty of dangerous things in this world, but love is the most dangerous of all. If you fall in love with the wrong woman, well, nothing can ruin you like that.”
“Who was this wrong woman?” Joe asked.
Clif smiled to himself. “Her name was Serena Silverspoon, and her voice was louder than any man’s. She was the most talented juggler I’ve ever seen, and she traveled around the Shuswap performing. I’ve never seen such a lust for adventure in a woman. Her head was full of dreams, of trips to faraway places and mansions where our many children would grow. She knew the type of life she wanted and she wouldn’t settle for anything less. I should’ve known the moment we got together that there was no way I would be able to provide that type of life for her. I was doomed from the start to let her down.”
“Did you get married?”
Clif shook his head. “We always said once I had my recipe complete, once I had a perfect barrel of Shu-Scotch and the operation was underway, then we’d be able to fulfill our dreams. That day kept getting further and further away, until finally she met some circus performer and ran away in the middle of the night. She took everything I had, every last cent, but I don’t blame her for a moment. The thing is, I still love her, Joe. No matter how villainous she is, and no matter how much she hurt me, I still love her. Goddamnit, I do.”
Joe could feel the alcohol pumping through his veins as he staggered to his feet. He could feel a revelation taking form in his mind, could see the crashing of a river current as barrels bobbed, and he blinked into the late night darkness. The trees were singing a holy song. He looked down at the Scotch barrel they had just emptied, then at Clif’s feet hanging in the creek. Then he reared back and gave the barrel a mighty kick.
“What the hell, kid?” Clif yelled, jumping up. “Them barrels are expensive.”
Joe smiled. “You said you were having trouble with distribution, right? The roads aren’t good enough? You said you have a warehouse of hooch and no way to get it to your customers?”
He paused for a moment, watching the light of inspiration dance across Clif’s face. They turned and watched the barrel make its way around a corner and disappear into the darkness.
“Who needs a road, when you have a river?”
The Kootenay Goon
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tsgmobilebayalabama · 6 years
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The arrival of March always feels like a breath of fresh air. Between the promise of more daylight and warmer weeks ahead, we always feel extra-motivated to get out into our communities during the month, and fortunately there are plenty of exciting events coming up to entice us out of our cozy retreats. Here, we’ve outlined some of the activities we’re looking forward to in March, from the late arrival of Mardi Gras to the Azalea Trail Run. 
Upholstery Sale
March | Atchison Home
30% off all Upholstery Lines (Lee Industries, Cisco Brothers, Highland House, Hickory Chair, and Century Furniture) In stock and custom orders included. Learn More
Haley Dermatology March Specials 
March | Haley Dermatology 
SkinMedica is 15%off, Eskata is $50 off, $500 off CoolSculpting. 
The Ivy Cottage’s Linen Sale
March | The Ivy Cottage 
Annual linen sale, select styles 50% off and all others 20% off bed/bath linens. Learn More
  Mardi Gras
March 1st-March 5th | Downtown Mobile
The birthplace of Mardi Gras celebrates the 2019 Carnival Season with mystic revelry, parades and parties all week long. Learn More
Live Music on the Patio
Reocurring every Friday and Saturday | 5:30pm-8:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bayside Grill
Join Bayside Grill for live music on the patio every Friday & Saturday night from 5:30pm-8:30 pm  Learn More 
Joe Cain Classic
March 3rd | 8:00am | Downtown Mobile
5K Run/Walk, 1 Mile Run, and "Moonpie Dash" Flat, Fast, Ugly course through Downtown Mobile, AL.
$5 Mommy & Me Yoga
March 5th | 11:00am-11:45am | Soul Shine Yoga
Practice yoga and bond with your baby! This class will focus on providing physical, mental, and emotional support for new mothers. They will focus on correcting imbalances created during pregnancy, and rebuilding strength in the body. Specific movements and songs will be integrated throughout class to entertain baby as well as support their physical and emotional development. The class will include 45 minutes of movement, then time to connect with other moms. Moms and moms-to-be are welcome to join without baby, with the understanding that this will not be a quiet class. Learn More
Zac Brown Band
March 10th | 7:00pm | The Wharf Amphitheatre
Zac Brown Band live at the Wharf in Orange Beach, Alabama. Learn More 
Prenatal Yoga / 4 Week Series
March 10th | 4:30pm-5:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
Prenatal yoga gives a woman energy to enjoy her pregnancy, serenity to build a deeper intimacy with her own body and baby, and the presence of mind to expect the unexpected and be present. The benefits are numerous: release stress, enhance the ability to relax, boost physical strength, increase flexibility, improve balance, ease discomforts of pregnancy, open hips and pelvis, strengthen pelvic floor, build confidence, and expand a woman’s circle of community support. Take this time to foster a deeper connection to your self, to your body, to your baby. Learn More
Cider Day
March 10th | 2:00pm-7:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Save the date for their second ever Cider Day at Fairhope Brewing Company! They will have TEN different varieties of hard cider on tap, plus music courtesy of the Steel City Jug Slammers. Learn More
Yoga for Beginners / 3 Week Series
March 12th | 5:30pm-6:30pm | Soul Shine Yoga
New to Yoga or Need a Refresher? Start March off with something for you! This series takes place one evening a week for three weeks and is designed for beginners. In this series learn and explore the principles of alignment for the most common poses in Vinyasa & Hatha Yoga classes, as well as basic breathing and meditation. If you're brand new to yoga or if you need a refresher for your current practice, then this series is also for you! Classes are unheated and will meet on 3 consecutive weeks. Learn More
Kids Yoga / 3 Week Series
March 12th | 4:30pm-5:15pm | Soul Shine Yoga
It’s never too early to explore the world of Yoga! This series of classes is designed to be FUN and taught by a Licensed Next Generation Kids Yoga Instructor. Alive with flowing sequences, balancing poses, breathing exercises, creative relaxation techniques, and cooperative yoga games, children are sure to relish in their selves. These classes encourage a deeper sense of body awareness, self-exploration and interpersonal skills resulting in a more confident, flexible, focused and joyful child! Learn More
Tasting with Goat Island Brewing 
March 14th | 6:00pm-7:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s Bayside Grill
Learn about Goat Island Brewing and taste a variety of beers presented by John Dean. Tasting includes appetizers provided by Bayside Grill. Learn More
Piece, Love and Hippiweizen-German Hefeweizen Richter's Pils-Pilsner Big Bridge-IPA Duck River Dunkel-Dark Lager
Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival
March 15th-17th | 10:00am-5:00pm | Downtown Fairhope
The Fairhope Arts & Crafts Festival celebrates it's 67th year in 2019.  A committee of volunteers work together with the Fairhope community, City of Fairhope, Downtown Merchants, Eastern Shore Art Center, Chamber of Commerce and many sponsors to bring top artists, a variety of art, delicious food vendors, children's activities and overall great time for 3 full days in March on the beautiful streets of downtown Fairhope, AL. Learn More
Beverage Academy: Bourbon Demystified
March 15th | 5:30pm-6:30pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, the Beverage Team at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the resorts’ Beverage Academy. The classes are aimed at expanding the participants’ knowledge of beverage basics while also incorporating more advanced techniques. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your beverage skills. In each Grand Beverage Academy, you will receive a one- hour beverage demonstration, recipes and beverage sampling. In this class we salute Bourbon, an American legend. Their beverage team will discuss the history, production and myths of this southern staple. Menu includes Bucky’s Mint Julep and Old Fashioned. Participants must be 21 years of age and older to attend. Learn More
Sugarcane Jane Live @ FBC
March 16th | 6:00pm-9:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Sugarcane Jane, Alabama’s Americana sweethearts released their seventh studio album, Southern State of Mind, in October ‘18 on Nashville’s ArenA Recordings which has remained #1 on the Alabama Top Album Chart (Roots Music Reports-2018/19) for eight weeks and counting. Learn More
Culinary Academy: Cooking Essentials III: Basic Butchery
March 16th | 10:00am -2:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa
Each month, a Chef at the Grand Hotel will be teaching classes at the Resort’s Culinary Academy. These classes focus on expanding the participants’ knowledge of the culinary basics while also incorporating techniques that are more advanced. Whether you are a beginner or an expert, the Chef’s classes are fun, hands-on experiences that will have people raving about your culinary skills. In each Grand Culinary Academy, you will receive an in depth cooking demonstration, recipes, food sampling and a diploma. Learn butchery techniques and how to fabricate whole poultry, pork, seafood and beef. We will simply cook and taste different cuts of each animal. Learn More
St. Patricks Day Celebration
March 17th | Callaghan’s Irish Social Club
A festive celebration at one of Mobile’s oldest establishments. Learn More
Fairhope Sushi Class
March 19th | 6:00pm-8:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
In this two hour, hands-on class, we'll teach you to make perfect sushi rice, how to make all of your favorite sushi sauces (from eel sauce to BangBang & more), where to shop/what to buy and how to safely serve raw fish at home with confidence, according to health department standards. You'll get two rolls to eat (we make one, you make the other) and a take home cheat sheet filled with tips, tricks and recipes! Learn More
Botox Event 
March 21st | 8:00am-7:00pm | Haley Dermatology 
Appointments available all day, $50 off treatment of 25+ units. (Includes $50 BD rebate)  Learn more. 
Tasting with Heaven Hill Distillery
March 22nd | 6:30pm-8:00pm | Grand Hotel Golf Resort & Spa’s 1847 Bar
Nick Braud, from Heaven Hill Distillery, will be on site for an informative tasting of a variety of Whiskeys. The Tasting includes Larceny, Elijah Craig Small Batch, Henry McKenna, Pikesville Rye, and Elijah Craig Barrel. Southern Roots appetizers will be offered during the event.  Be sure to get your tickets today before they sell out - only twenty intimate seats available for this event in our 1847 Bar at the entrance to Southern Roots Restaurant. Learn More
Mobile Ballet’s Little Mermaid
March 23rd 7:30pm & March 24th 2:30pm | Mobile Civic Center
Mobile Ballet is excited to share this spellbinding new production journeying from the human realm to a mystical underwater world-sure to entrance all ages! Learn More
Grayson Capps Live @ FBC
March 23rd | 7:00pm-10:00pm | Fairhope Brewing Company
Grayson Capps and the band at Fairhope Brewing Company. Learn More
Azalea Trail Run
March 23rd | 8:00am | Mobile Civic Center  
10k run! Some will be walking, some jogging, some both and exploring and PARKOURING along the way! No stress. No pressure. Just looking to have a fun experience! There will be food and good times afterward! We will post a meeting spot in advance before the day of! Learn More
Chilli Cook Off  
March 30th | 11:00am | Mardi Gras Park
The American Cancer Society is the nationwide, community-based, voluntary health organization dedicated to eliminating cancer as a major health problem by preventing cancer, saving lives, and diminishing suffering from cancer, through research, education, advocacy, and service. Learn More
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fumee-dimanche · 8 years
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I love seeing new things in a place I've been for so long :3 (at Eel River Brewing Company)
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biofunmy · 5 years
$400,000 Homes in California – The New York Times
Fresno | $409,000
A 1935 single-story house with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, on a 0.16-acre lot.
Taylor-Wheeler, a company founded in Fresno in 1927, built this Tudor-style cottage in what is now a residential neighborhood of vintage houses and gardens less than four miles northwest of downtown. Elementary schools, a high school, Fresno City College and Gazebo Gardens, a nursery that dates to 1922, are all within easy walking distance. A shopping mall is less than two miles east, and the Fresno Yosemite International Airport is a 15-minute drive.
Size: 1,996 square feet
Price per square foot: $205
Indoors: The seller, a designer, made infrastructural and surface improvements, inside and out, most evidently in the colorful custom wall and ceiling treatments, updated kitchen and bathrooms and refinished brick and hardwood floors. She also worked on landscaping and hardscaping the grounds to create continuity with the gabled, fairy-tale architecture.
Passing through a vestibule with an ornamental niche, you enter a living room with faux-finished plaster walls and ceiling and an elaborate tiled fireplace. An original pointed arched window with dozens of panes dominates the front-facing wall. Next to this room is a formal dining room, followed by a sunny breakfast nook with built-in cabinets, and a narrow kitchen. Both sides of the kitchen are lined in pale wood cabinets with decorative hardware and blue-and-white-tile countertops. Decorative tile is used on backsplashes, and the appliances include a Wolf range with six gas burners.
A breakfast bar divides the kitchen from a brick-floored sitting room with bead-board walls and a ceiling that are painted glossy white. French doors open to a den that can also serve as a third bedroom; the room has an electric fireplace and another set of French doors leading out to the backyard.
The master suite includes a bedroom with leaded glass double doors that open to a hallway with marble-and-terrazzo-tile floors. Doors along this corridor reveal a pair of closets (there is also a niche for a dresser). At the other end is the master bedroom, which includes double sinks set in a blue tile vanity top, a walk-in shower trimmed in floral tile and a bidet. A second bedroom has use of a hall bathroom with vintage aqua tile, patterned floral wallpaper, a combined tub and shower and a makeup vanity.
Outdoor space: A cottage garden ornaments the front, while the lush backyard includes a stone-and-brick patio and a gazebo-like outdoor kitchen with a grill, sink and refrigerator. A detached one-car garage and a fountain can also be found there.
Taxes: $4,908 (estimated)
Contact: Gene V. Gonzales, Iron Key Real Estate, 559-351-1645;
Fortuna | $440,000
A 1903 Victorian-style house with four bedrooms and two bathrooms, on a 0.2-acre lot.
This house, which is on the northwest side of town, two blocks from Main Street, has a rare amount of original detail — the flooring, woodwork, decorative glass and light fixtures have survived intact, and period patterns have been restored to the walls through hand painting. All of the mechanicals have been updated in the last 10 years, the foundation was reinforced and the roof replaced.
Fortuna is a city of more than 12,000 on the Eel River in Humboldt County, 10 miles east of the Pacific Ocean and 125 miles north of Mendocino. The area attracts lovers of redwoods and late-19th-century architecture. (Ferndale, a historic Victorian village, is 12 minutes southwest.)
Size: 2,843 square feet
Price per square foot: $155
Indoors: Passing through the front door, with its pane of original etched glass, you enter a living room with a wood-burning stove and several decorative wall patterns in paper, paint and tile. Millwork frames the windows and doorways from the floor to the carved ceiling cornices. To the right is a room with a bead-board wainscot that started out as a men’s parlor and is now used a study. Straight ahead is a central hall that includes a staircase with a spider web pattern carved into the base and a built-in sideboard. French doors on one side open to a hexagonal sunroom. On the other side is a formal dining room hand painted with green-, gold- and rose-colored floral borders. This room can be used as a fourth bedroom.
The central hall and dining room both connect to the kitchen, with its white-painted vintage cabinets and navy tile countertops. The central seating island is built around a four-burner range. Off the kitchen is a bathroom with a stained-glass window and a combined tub and shower.
The three upstairs bedrooms have carpeted floors and quirky configurations. The largest includes windows on five walls and a walk-in closet. The hall bathroom has a tub-and-shower combination.
Outdoor space: A rocking chair back porch looks out to a lawn bordered by tall hedges and planted with evergreens. The original carriage house has a restored foundation
Taxes: $5,500 (estimated)
Contact: Debi August, Coldwell Banker Six Rivers Real Estate, 707-498-6439;
Fort Jones | $429,000
A 1993 log home with three bedrooms and two bathrooms, on a 45.5-acre lot
Located 15 minutes southwest of Yreka, this Scott Valley house is in a county (Siskiyou) with 60 percent public park land and has views of Mount Shasta, about 50 miles southeast. Fort Jones, a city with some 700 people, is three and a half miles northeast and includes a market and several restaurants. A number of distilleries, breweries and eating places have opened in the surrounding area in the last several years, following in the tradition of the nearby Etna Brewing Company, which was founded in 1868.
Size: 2,001 square feet
Price per square foot: $214
Indoors: The seller bought the property three years ago and added built-in bookshelves, cabinetry and other decorative features in wood. Because the building faces south, it gets a great deal of winter sun.
The home can be entered from all four sides; the front door is near the parking area and opens to a hallway that leads to a large, double-height room at the back. This room has two sets of French doors opening to a covered deck that faces the mountains and windows that rise to a corrugated tin ceiling. A wood-burning stove sits between the French doors, and a kitchen with wood cabinets topped in granite occupies a corner. A staircase ascends to a lofted landing that contains a closet with a sliding barn door used to store recreational gear. French doors open from there to a bedroom and an en suite bathroom with wood floors and vaulted tin ceilings. The bathroom includes a claw-foot tub.
An additional two bedrooms with spruce log walls are off the downstairs hallway, along with a bathroom with a corner shower and a vessel sink attached to a retrofitted dresser with a mirror.
Outdoor space: The property includes rolling hills and usable dry pastureland.
Taxes: $4,700 (estimated)
Contact: Jim Peluso, Siskiyou Partners Real Estate, 530-340-1984;
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wikitopx · 5 years
The Hawaiian Islands are known for beautiful weather all year round, but conditions can vary at different heights, so we want you to be prepared on arrival.
 1. Snorkel with Sharks, Oahu
One Ocean Diving offers a shark tour, unlike all others, the only one in which guests snorkel without a cage, and the only one that goes to where the sharks live rather than attracting them with food, so they can be observed in a calm, natural state.
This is an exhilarating experience, perhaps even life-changing, a chance to get up close with the oceans’ apex predators and gain new insight and understanding of these magnificent creatures.
Owned and run by marine biologists and experts in shark behavior patterns, One Ocean is part of a conservation and scientific study group. There are no age requirements, but guests must be at least 4 feet tall and strong swimmers: children must be accompanied by two adults. Tours are two hours long, with about 30-45 minutes in the water.
Operating out of Haleiwa, close to the river for an amazing SUP experience, surfing spots Banzai Pipeline and Waimea Bay, and famous Matsumoto’s shave ice (though Anahulu’s down the street is more flavorful, shorter line, and less expensive).
2. Doors-Off Helicopter Tour, Kauai
Jack Harter Helicopters is a must! About seventy percent of gorgeous Kauai is inaccessible by foot; the only way to see it all is by helicopter, and flying with the doors off means the stunning views are completely unobstructed. Spectacular views surround the guests, including Na Pali Coast, Waimea Gorge, Mount Waialeale, and Jurassic Falls.
For doors-off tours, passengers must be at least ten years old. They do offer tours with the doors on (and air conditioning) that are suitable for younger guests; however, this can wind up being an expensive nap for little ones!
Tours last 60 or 90 minutes in total air time; plan for additional time for safety instructions and transportation to and from the helicopters (provided by the company). Flying out of Lihue, Jack Harter Helicopters is close to Kalapaki Beach and Backcountry Adventures tubing tours.
3. Manta Ray Night Dive and Snorkel Ecoadventure, Big Island
Neptune Charlie’s Ocean Safari helps guests get up close to these gentle giants, averaging a twelve-foot wingspan. At sunset, the boats leave the Kona coast to reach the offshore focus of hundreds of rays.
Manta rays are attracted to the area using lights, held onto by guests, and they put on a show of waving and rolling in search of plankton within inches of the snorkelers. There are no age restrictions, but six years and up is recommended.
The three-hour tour leaves from Honokohau Marina, close to Pine Trees Surfing Beach and Ocean Rider Seahorse Farm, making it a perfect ending for a day of sun, sand, and nature.
4. Sunrise Lava Tour, Big Island
Epic Lava Tours organizes a spectacular guided walk to visit the active lava stream. Beginning within Volcanoes National Park, guests get within a few feet of fresh lava, take in the sunrise, and visit lesser-known areas within the rainforest park.
Snack, water, and rain ponchos provided. The hike is long, about four to five miles in each direction, depending on current volcanic activity. There are no age restrictions, but it may be too strenuous a hike for very young children.
Additionally, volcanic fumes are strong; pregnant women, infants, and the elderly are advised not to get this close. Tours begin at 4 a.m. and end between 9 and 10, depending on how near the lava is flowing that day.
5. Na Pali Sunset Dinner Sail, Kauai
Captain Andy’s catamaran sails feature dramatic views of the rugged Na Pali Coast. Sheer and jagged cliffs encounter with spinner dolphins plus more sea life, and sunset colors make this an excellent choice for a romantic evening for two.
Great dinner with cocktails included. Boats leave from Ele’ele and last four hours. Stop by Kauai Island Brewing Company on the way for a flight of local beers, as food and cocktails on the boat aren’t served until a couple of hours after departure.
6. Molokini Express, Adventure Snorkeling, Maui
Blue Water Rafting offers one of the shorter and more affordable snorkeling trips out of Maui to the crystal waters off Molokini, a volcanic crater and seabird sanctuary. The inflatable rafts are small and maneuverable, able to get very close to plunging cliffs.
This is amazing snorkeling in areas where bigger boats are unable to fit, with tropical fish everywhere and over an hour spent in the water. The highlight of the trip, though, is the ride itself, as the tiny boat catches air, leaping over the waves.
Children aged four and up are welcome; younger children are allowed on private charters. The tour lasts two hours total and leaves from the Kihei Boat Ramp, near Kealia Pond National Wildlife Refuge, home to endangered wetland birds, and Maui Brewing Company, with a tasting room and brewery tours.
7. Mountain Tubing through Canals and Tunnels, Kauai
Kauai Backcountry Adventures is the only group to offer tube tours on the island. Guests are driven through the rainforest to the old Lihue Plantation, where they are given a headlamp and tube and set to float through the old irrigation system built in the late nineteenth century.
Fun and knowledgeable guides will keep people on the go as people travel through lush landscapes and through dark tunnels. Finish with a light lunch. Children five years and up allowed. Tour departs from Lihue, near the helicopter tours, Fern Grotto, and Lydgate Beach Park.
8. North Shore Beach Tour, Oahu
Aloha Beach Bus’ deluxe tour breaks travelers out of Waikiki and up to Haleiwa in the North Shore for an all-day sun and surf adventure. Learn about the history of surfing among Hawaiian royalty, and visit the most famous surf spots in the world, Banzai Pipeline, and Waimea Bay, with water clear enough to see the bottom and a huge rock for cliff jumping.
Guests are invited to swim, surf, snorkel, canoe, or scuba here. At Pua’ena Point, snorkel with sea turtles, before moving on the Wailua River for standup paddleboarding and shave ice. Finish with a trip to the Dole Plantation for pineapple ice cream. Lunch at Tsue’s Farm is included. All ages welcome.
9. Tour a Kona Coffee Farm, Big Island
Kona Old Style at Kuaiwi Farm offers guided tours of their five-acre, organic, sustainable coffee plantations. Alongside coffee berries, find macadamias, cacao, bananas, pineapples, and more. Learn the intricacies of the coffee-making process from start to finish.
Tours include a delightful tasting of their own award-winning coffees, mac nuts, and jams. The basic tour lasts two hours and welcomes all ages. An optional chocolate-making class can be added for guests over ten years.
10. Spot a Sunken Ship from aboard a Submarine, Maui
Atlantis Submarines Maui explores ocean depths in search of reef sharks, dolphins, eels and tropical fish. Diving over 100 feet underwater, the submarines pass by a sunken ship and visit three reefs.
This is a great escape from the midday heat, and it’s a perfect way for not-so-strong swimmers to experience marine wildlife. No age limits, but guests must be at least 36” tall. Tour leaves from Lahaina, right off Front Street, near Banyan Court Park and several restaurants, boutiques, and beaches.
More ideals for you: Top 10 things to do in Detroit
From : https://wikitopx.com/travel/top-10-things-to-do-in-hawaii-704415.html
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auraeseer · 3 months
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Can't you see . . . ?
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wineninja · 3 years
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【ブログ更新しました!】ビール イール リバー/IPA https://ift.tt/3Bdsc8z
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beertengoku · 5 years
{:en}What comes first – the brewery or the beer? In this day and age, with contract breweries making beer for others, and phantom breweries popping up at different breweries to make a beer before going elsewhere, it’s not a straightforward question. Moreover, if you’ve dealt with any Japanese official then you’ll have been met with bureaucracy galore.
Far Yeast Brewing may seem like a relatively new brewery compared to others in Japan; however, their Kagua range of beers gave them a good head start in the craft beer industry in Japan. And also an unusual route into getting their beers sold around the world too. However, their beer came before a brewery was established and it’s interesting to see how Yamada-san, owner of Far Yeast Brewing Company, started his long and storied road into making craft beer, owning a company that exports craft beer from Japan and also overseas, as well as a bar in Shibuya.
Yamada-san had worked as a venture capitalist, and had been involved in internet start-up companies in Japan. He was studying for an MBA in 2005 at Cambridge when Baron Bilimoria, himself a Cambridge graduate, came to deliver a presentation to students at Judge College on the Cobra Beer operation. Yamada was already knowledgeable about beer in Europe after having visited Belgium and Munich – two European powerhouses of beer. Listening to Bilimoria talk Cobra Beer and how it is suited to Indian cuisine (its low carbonation and soft flavours pair nicely with a spicy curry), Yamada-san had an idea – how about a beer brewed to pair with Japanese food? While Asahi Super Dry may be well known outside of Japan for its clean (or some might say bland) taste, it does not pair with the often delicate flavours found in Japanese food.
After numerous attempts, making adjustments along the way, Yamada-san chose two adjuncts to be used: sanshō, (Japanese pepper), and yuzu (Japanese citron). Both of these ingredients are often used in Japanese cooking, with sansho used as a sprinkling on kabayaki-unagi (broiled eel) and sometimes yakitori (grilled chicken). It is also one of the seven ingredients of shichimi, Japanese seven spice. Yuzu peel is often used as a garnish for dishes, while its flesh is used in ponzu sauce.
Starting out as Nippon Craft Beer Company in 2011, and with these two flavours, the Kagua range was born. However, working from his apartment meant that a brewery was needed to make these beers. For this he contacted De Graal brewery in East Flanders, on the edge of the Flemish Ardennes. As sansho and yuzu are indigenous to Japan, these are picked and then flown over to Belgium. Once the Kagua beers are made, they are then exported to Japan and other countries.
Yet, this wasn’t enough for Yamada-san. The Kagua (馨和, which translates to “Japanese aroma”) range of beers are often viewed as being Belgian and not Japanese – simply because they are brewed in Belgium. Therefore, Yamada-san began looking for a brewery in Japan to make a range of craft beer for the Japanese market, brewed in Japan.
In 2015, the Nippon Craft Beer Company decided to change their name. The name “Far Yeast” originates from the craft beer brand the company launched in April 2013, which served as the follow-up to its first brand, Kagua. The thinking was that, as Japan is often referred to as being in the “Far East” by those in Europe (the birthplace of beer), the company aimed to deliver great beers from this “far east” place. This explains not only why the company named one of its beers Far Yeast, but it also describes the overall philosophy of the company.
Sonata village, located in Yamanashi, is probably a new name to all but the most knowledgeable of Japanese villages. On the day of our interview, it also proved to be one of the most inaccessible too – with power lines down, and fallen trees lining the roads after a massive typhoon hit Kanto. Yet, this village was home to one of Japan’s largest car navigation manufacturers too. The building was lying empty when Yamada-san came across it. it filled both criteria for a brewery – it was close to Tokyo, and also cheap.
With the license obtained in 2017, Far Yeast Brewing named the brewery Genryu Brewery (The Headwaters Brewery) and started off with a simple line of a Belgian style IPA, Tokyo Blonde and Tokyo White. All of the beers produced use local groundwater from the River Tama. These beers come in a variety of labels too, with the beers sold in the local area branded with a label found only in the area, while those sold outside of the village having a different labels.
Stepping inside the brewery was an unusual experience. There main office seemed like a community centre, with some long fold-out tables and chairs being used for desks, while inside the brewery itself, the layout of the brewery itself is a remnant of the car navigation factory. With ceiling height restricting placement of the mash and hot liquor tuns, as well as the fermenters, everything is at the front of the building.  The back and sides of the brewery are more interesting, as Yamada-san explained the future of the brewery. With the barrel aging program and also sours deemed a success both commercially and with feedback from customers, some of the brewery has been set aside to allow an expansion, with the potential for more barrels. The bottling system has also increased in size, with an eye for a canning line too.
Far Yeast Brewing Company are also working hard to get their beers into smaller places that might not be your first choice to drink craft beer. Kirin approached them to make beers for their Tap Marche system, and the 4L PET Bottles used for the system can also be spotted around the brewery, with chilled filled ones wrapped up in black cellophane wrap to stop skunking from light. While craft beer lovers may not be fans of the system, it’s going to certainly challenge the method of how beers are delivered and sold.
The staff at Far Yeast Brewing also have an equal say into the recipes of the beers made too. A democratic process that allows everyone to come up with an idea, and also helps out during the brewing process too. All of the staff take turns in the various stages of brewing beer – from mashing to bottling, measuring to cleaning, and PR too.
Far Yeast Brewing Company are ubiquitous at beer festivals across Japan, and all the members on the team go to as many festivals and events as their schedules allow. There is a two-fold reason for this: getting the Far Yeast Brewing brand out as much as possible but also trying to get as much feedback from drinkers as possible. While the brewing process is democratic, getting feedback is vital to improving their beers according to Yamada-san. There have also been numerous collaborations with breweries and communities, both domestically and overseas. These beers have also been used to test out new techniques, such as barrel aging using red and white wine barrel, kettle sours using cherries, and peaches, gose, and also pine needles.
The final piece in the Far Yeast Brewing Company lineup is the taproom located in Shibuya called Far Yeast Tokyo Craft Beer & Bao. The bar opened in 2017 and specialises in bao, a steamed soft bun with a variety of fillings inside, with the full Far Yeast Brewing lineup on tap., has grown to host a variety of events, from special magazine events to music nights. Due to licensing laws, though, it’s not possible to buy bottles to take home. While Yamada-san didn’t give anything away with regards to expansion of the chain, there was a wry smile on his face as talked about the possibility of it.
With plans for collaboration beers and also further expansion into different brewing styles, Far Yeast Brewing’s change from a phantom brewery to one with a physical location and firm plans for the future goes at odds with how many breweries in Japan started. The evolving lineup and collaboration is going to be exciting to see.{:}{:ja}何が最初に来るか – 醸造所かビールか? 契約醸造所が他の人のためにビールを製造し、ファントム醸造所が別の醸造所に現れてビールを製造しているこの時代には、それは簡単な質問ではありません。 さらに、もしあなたが日本の役人と話をしたことがあれば、あなたは官僚主義に遭遇したことでしょう。
ファーイーストブルーイングは、日本の他の醸造所と比べて比較的新しい醸造所のように思えるかもしれません。 しかし、彼らの「馨和」のビールは日本のクラフトビール業界で良いスタートを切りました。 そしてまた彼らのビールを世界中で売る珍しいルートも。
山田さんはベンチャーキャピタリストとして働いていて、日本のインターネットスタートアップ企業に関わっていました。 彼が2005年にケンブリッジでMBAのために勉強していたときに、ケンブリッジの卒業生であるBaron Bilimoria がCobra Beerの運営についてJudge Collegeの学生にプレゼンテーションを行いました。山田さんは2つのヨーロッパのビールの大国であるベルギーとミュンヘンを訪問した後だったので、ヨーロッパのビールについてすでに知識がありました 。
山田さんはBilimoriaの、Cobra Beerがインド料理にどのように適しているか(その低炭酸とソフトな風味がスパイシーなカレーと相性が良い)、という話を聞き、日本の料理と合わせるビールはどうだろうと考えました。アサヒスーパードライは、その清潔な(または口当たりの良いと言う人もいるかもしれない)味で日本の外でよく知られているかもしれませんが、それは日本の食べ物に見られるしばしば繊細な風味と対になりません。
山田さんは何度も試みて、途中で調整を加えながら、使用する付加物として山椒と柚子の2つを選��ました。 どちらも日本の料理によく使われています。山椒は、蒲焼きうなぎ、焼き鳥などに振りかけています。日本の七味の7つの成分の一つです。 ゆずの皮は料理の飾りとしてよく使われ、その果肉はポン酢で使われます。
2011年に日本クラフトビールカンパニーとして始まり、これら2つのフレーバーで、「馨和」蚊ぐわシリーズが誕生しました。 しかし、彼のアパートから仕事をすることは、これらのビールを作るために醸造所が必要であることを意味しました。 このために彼は、Flemish Ardennesの端にあるEast FlandersのDe Graal醸造所に連絡しました。 山椒と柚子は日本固有のものであるため、これらをベルギーに送りました。 Kaguaビールが作られると、それらは日本や他の国々に輸出されます。
しかし、山田さんにはこれだけでは不十分でした。 Kagua(馨和、「日本の香り」と言います)のビールは、ベルギー産で、日本産ではないと見なされることが多いのですが、それは単にベルギーで醸造されているからです。 そのため、山田さんは日本で醸造された日本市場向けのクラフトビールを作るために日本で醸造所を探し始めました。
2015年、日本クラフトビールカンパニーは社名変更を決定しました。 「ファーイースト」という名前は、2013年4月に創業したクラフトビールブランドに由来し、最初のブランドである「馨和」の後継となりました。 考えは、日本がヨーロッパ(ビールの発祥地)の人々によって「Far Yeast(極東)」にいるとしばしば言われるので、会社がこの「ファーイースト(極東)」の場所から素晴らしいビールを届けることを目的としていくということでした。 これは、同社がそのビールの1つをFar Yeastに指定した理由だけでなく、会社の全体的な哲学についても説明しています。
山梨にある其方村Sonata Villageは、おそらく日本の村を最もよく知っている人以外は誰にでも新しい名前でしょう。 私たちのインタビューの日には、それがまた最もアクセスし辛いものの1つであることが証明されました。そして、巨大な台風が関東を襲った後に倒れた木が道を塞いでいました。 それでも、この村は日本最大のカーナビゲーションメーカーの本拠地でした。 山田さんがそれに出会ったとき、建物は空っぽでした。 それは醸造所の両方の基準を満たしていました – 東京に近く、そしてまた安価でした。
2017年に取得したライセンスで、ファーイーストブルーイングは醸造所を源流ブルワリーと名付け、ベルギースタイルのIPAと東京ブロンドと東京ホワイトのラインナップから始めました 。 生産されたすべてのビールは、多摩川の地元の地下水を利用しています。 これらのビールにはさまざまなラベルがあり、地元で販売されているビールにはその地域でしか見られないラベルが付いていますが、村外で販売されているビールには異なるラベルが付いています。
ビール醸造所の中に足を踏み入れるのは珍しい経験でした。 醸造所自体の内部には、醸造所自体のレイアウトはカーナビゲーション工場の名残でありながら、本部のオフィスはコミュニティセンターのように見え、机には長い折りたたみ式のテーブルと椅子が使用されていました。 天井の高さがマッシュやホットリカーの醸造桶、発酵槽の配置を制限しているので、すべてが建物の正面にあります。
山田さんが醸造所の将来について説明したように、醸造所の裏と側面はもっと面白いです。 樽熟成プログラムとまた商業的にそして顧客からのフィードバックの両方で成功し、醸造所のいくつかはより多くの樽の可能性と共に拡大を可能にするために取りおかれました。 ボトリングシステムもサイズが大きくなり、缶詰めラインにも注目しています。
ファーイーストブルーイングはまた、クラフトビールを飲むことがあなたの最初の選択ではないかもしれない小さい場所に彼らのビールを入れるために一生懸命働いています。 キリンは彼らのTap Marcheシステムのためにビールを作るように彼らに働きかけました、そして、システムのために使われる4L PETボトルはまた醸造所で見ることができます。 クラフトビール愛好家はシステムのファンではないかもしれませんが、それは確かにビールがどのように配達されそして売られるかの方法に挑戦することになるでしょう。
ファーイーストブルーイングのスタッフも、作ったビールのレシピについて同じように言っています。 みんながアイデアを思いつくことを可能にし、また醸造プロセスの間にも手助けする民主的なプロセス。 スタッフ全員がビールの醸造から瓶詰め、計量、清掃、広報まで、さま��まな段階で役割を担当します。
ファーイーストブルーイングは日本中のビール祭りに参加しています、そして、チームのすべてのメンバーは彼らのスケジュールが許す限り多くの祭りやイベントに行きます。 これには2つの理由があります。ファーイーストブルーイングブランドをできるだけ多く出すことですが、できるだけ多くの飲酒者からフィードバックを得ようとすることです。 山田さんによると、醸造プロセスは民主的ですが、フィードバックを得ることは彼らのビールを向上させるために不可欠です。
国内外で醸造所や地域社会とのコラボレーションも数多くあります。 赤ワインや白ワインの樽を使ったバレルエージング、チェリー、ゴーぜや松の木を使ったケトルサワーなどの新しいテクニックを試すこともできます。
ファーイーストブルーイングのラインナップの最後のピースは、ファーイースト東京クラフトビールとバオと呼ばれる渋谷にあるタップルームです。 2017年にオープンしたバーでは、バオという豊富な種類の詰め物を入れた蒸した柔らかいパンと、ファーイーストブルーイングのフルラインナップを用意しています。特別な雑誌のイベントから音楽の夜まで、さまざまなイベントを開催します。 ただし、免許法により、持ち帰り用にボトルを購入することはできません。 山田さんはチェーンの拡大に関して何も譲っていませんでしたが、その可能性について話されているように彼の顔には笑顔がありました。
コラボレーションビールの計画とさまざまな醸造スタイルへのさらなる拡大により、ファーイーストブルーイングはファントム醸造所から物理的な場所を持つ醸造所への変更と将来のための確固たる計画が日本の醸造所の開始数と相反します。 進化するラインナップとコラボレーションを見ると楽しくなるでしょう。{:}
Far Yeast Brewing Company Interview・ファーイーストブルーイングのインタビュー {:en}What comes first - the brewery or the beer? In this day and age, with contract breweries making beer for others, and phantom breweries popping up at different breweries to make a beer before going elsewhere, it’s not a straightforward question.
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blockheadbrands · 7 years
A Cannabis Traveler’s Guide to Finding the Real Humboldt County
David Bienenstock of Leafly Reports:
As of New Year’s Day 2018, adults 21 and over—from anywhere in the world—can finally come to California and legally purchase, possess, and consume some of the best cannabis the world has to offer.
Pack your bags, and pack a bowl, because we’re heading to find the heart of California’s true Weed Country.
Tourists already spend $126 billion annually in the Golden State, and a lot of them will no doubt drop even more cash to acquire a few grams of real OG Kush and other local cannabis products now that they’re readily available. But what if you want to do more than simply inhale California’s finest flowers? What if you want to dig a little deeper, and fully immerse yourself in the state’s legendary cannabis scene? Just as Napa and Sonoma are known worldwide as Wine Country, Humboldt County is equally renowned as the epicenter of American cannabis cultivation and culture. So pack your bags, and pack a bowl, because we’re heading to find the heart of California’s true Weed Country.
The Ultimate Cannabis Road Trip Through California
The best time to visit Humboldt County is between May and November (if you like, plan ahead to have your visit coincide with one of Humboldt County’s key cultural events, listed here). Since the vast majority of travelers arrive in Humboldt from the south, the following three-day itinerary starts and ends in San Francisco. Before you leave, maximize your experience by doing a little research—I recommend Humboldt: Life on America’s Marijuana Frontier for an insightful non-fiction look at how three generations of exiled hippies and outlaw cannabis growers have forever altered life “behind the redwood curtain.” For the trip north, download a few episodes of “Bud Time,” a weekly Humboldt-based cannabis podcast.
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 Stop #1: The World’s First Solar-Powered Dispensary
(Courtesy of Solar Living Institute)
Make your first stop Emerald Pharms in Hopland, a two-hour drive north on Highway 101 from San Francisco. Housed on a 12-acre permaculture oasis (the Solar Living Institute), the world’s only solar-powered cannabis dispensary specializes in eco-friendly cultivation practices and regional heirloom cannabis genetics. Emerald Pharms’ knowledgeable staff can clue you into the latest happenings in the local cannabis scene, and help you navigate their menu (don’t miss the Gelato from True Humboldt).
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After making your purchases, spend some time wandering the grounds, which are covered in ponds, trails, and installations demonstrating eco-friendly agriculture and natural building techniques.
Stop #2: Sustainably-Sourced Lunch
(Courtesy of Tastebuds)
Twenty minutes north from Emerald Pharms, Ukiah is the largest city in Mendocino County, which along with Humboldt and Trinity Counties comprises Northern California’s legendary Emerald Triangle. Here, we’ve definitely entered Weed Country. Ukiah’s also a nice spot to stop for lunch. I personally frequent:
Tastebuds, a vegetarian Jamaican–Caribbean restaurant featuring organic, sustainable local produce with roots reggae in the background. Go for a combo plate with lentils and plantains ($12) and a ginger beer.
Ukiah Brewing Company, where you can pair a flight brewed on the premises ($9) with locally and sustainably sourced sandwiches, pizza, or seafood. Get the Cowboy Burger ($16), which comes with bacon, onion rings, BBQ sauce, white cheddar, lettuce, and tomato on top.
Stop #3: Ukiah Natural Foods Store
Odds are you’re not quite chill enough yet to properly enter Humboldt County. This is not your fault. You may live somewhere that the pot laws are oppressive, or else you’re used to people looking down on those who get blazed rather than wasted. Our stop for the night will be the perfect place to unwind and work it all out of your system before we cross into the promised land. Only thing is, they don’t have any food for sale there, so you’ll want to pick up a few provisions before departing Ukiah—enough to make one dinner and one breakfast (don’t forget the coffee) in the lodging’s well-appointed shared kitchen.
Ever been inside a natural foods coop? It’s pretty rad. The Ukiah Natural Foods Coop is a non-profit, member-owned, open-to-the-public retail shop with a wide selection of local produce, meats, and prepared foods. You can pick up something ready to eat or ingredients for a favorite recipe. Now, on to the hot springs.
Stop #4: Orr Hot Springs Resort
(Courtesy of Orr Hot Springs Resort)
 Soak as the sun sets. Sweat it all out in the sauna. Jump in the cold pool. Go get stoned in the smoking area. Repeat.
Let’s get this out of the way: If you’re not comfortable with naked bodies of all types, then Orr Hot Springs Resort—built in the late 1930s and designed for subdued contemplation—may not be the place for you. While you don’t have to get naked to enjoy the mineral baths, sauna, and lithium pool, you’re not likely to avoid seeing others who do. If you’re a little modest but still want to try it out, make use of the designated smoking area on the premises to sample the great cannabis you bought in Hopland and just relax, man.
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Advanced reservations are strongly recommended, especially in the summer and on weekends. You can reserve a secluded campsite with a raised redwood platform ($70/night per person includes full use of facilities) or rent a room or yurt ($210/night for three people). Check in at the main lodge, get settled in your site or room, and have a quick soak before taking a hike through nearby Montgomery Woods, a secluded virgin redwood grove. The woods are home to a three-mile loop trail through some of the tallest trees on the West Coast. Breathe in unspoiled air and revel in the fact that you haven’t had phone service since you turned off the 101 and into this magical valley.
Post-hike, return to the hot springs. Soak again as the sun sets. Sweat it all out in the sauna. Jump in the cold pool. Repeat. Go get stoned again in the designated smoking area. Make dinner. Eat dinner. Take a night soak under the stars. Smoke one last joint before turning in for a great night’s sleep.
In Humboldt County, grow ops are the largest local industry and that scuzzy old guy on a park bench might be a millionaire.
Waking up at Orr Hot Springs, you’re free to stay for a leisurely morning and use the facilities until 2:00 p.m., but you’ll probably want to get on the road earlier than that. Certainly a morning puff, a soak, and a hearty breakfast are in order though.
Heading back to the 101 and then north, you’ll cross the Humboldt County line in about two hours as you’re passing through Richardson Grove—a 2,000-acre state park that straddles the highway. If it’s a hot day, consider undertaking a search for a not-so-secret swimming hole on the banks of the nearby Eel River.
Stop #1: Lunch Like a Trimmer (or Grower)
(Courtesy of Hemp Connection)
Many tourists in this part of California make a stop at the Benbow Historic Inn, but for a taste of true Humboldt County cannabis culture, head past that exit and lunch where the local cannabis pros do—in Garberville.
Trimmers lunch at Calico's Café. Growers head to the more upscale Cecil’s New Orleans Bistro.
Last time I visited, my local connection parked his car on Main Street and immediately a bearded young man approached us. “Two pounds a day, bro,” he promised, making his hand into a scissor lest we miss his meaning. One of countless “trimmigrants” who travel to Humboldt County from around the globe every autumn seeking a chance to trim cannabis for cash, he promised a full day’s work for a full day’s pay (which sources say is about $100–150 per pound plus room and board).
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“So, do you want to eat where the trimmers eat or where the growers eat?” my friend asked me. The question delineates the clearest socio-economic distinction to be made in this county, where “grow ops” represent by far the largest local industry and that scuzzy old guy on a park bench with a ZZ Top beard might be a millionaire. I opted for lunch with trimmers at Calico’s Café, which operates at a snail’s pace but serves up tasty pasta bolognese ($15) in an extremely chill setting. If you want to break bread with the growers, head to the more upscale Cecil’s New Orleans Bistro, where a plate of pecan-encrusted catfish with garlic mash and mixed vegetables can be had for $27.
After lunch check out The Hemp Connection, “the first and oldest hemp store in the United States,” which sells hemp clothes, beauty treatments, and more, and has served as a de-facto community center and local cannabis activism hub since it opened in 2012.
Stop #2: Shelter Cove
From Garberville, it’s less than an hour to the coast—specifically, to the truly stunning black sand beach at Shelter Cove. Be prepared for a windy drive full of hairpin switchbacks. Park at the public lot and hike down to an expansive protected cove with several large rock outcroppings perfect for climbing. Pro tip: Make sure you roll one up before leaving your car (to avoid being foiled by the wind), and don’t stray too close to the water—sudden rip tides are occasionally capable of pulling the unsuspecting out to sea.
Stop #3: Along the Lost Coast to Eureka
(Courtesy of Humboldt Bay Provisions)
 Those with 4WD and a sense of adventure can head north on back roads along the Lost Coast.
From Shelter Cove, those with 4WD and a sense of adventure (or a decent rental car and full insurance) can head north on back roads along the Lost Coast and experience one of the most breathtaking drives in the United States. Assuming the road’s not washed out and you don’t hit a bad pothole, that route will take a little over three hours before you hit Eureka. (Alternately, get there in two hours on the 101.) On arrival, park in “old town” so you can explore the small yet well-preserved historic district that’s been Humboldt’s commercial and cultural center since 1850.
What’s there to do? Plenty. Humboldt Bay Provisions offers a curated selection of local beer, wine, cider, cheese, salmon, oysters, produce, meats, and breads in an elegant tasting room, and while they can’t sell Humboldt-grown cannabis just yet, they do promote select local cannabis brands. The interactive Kinetic Museum catches visitors up on five decades of pedal-powered race history and showcases incredible kinetic sculptures from the local Kinetic Grand Championship competition. The historic racing grounds at Samoa Drag Strip host street-legal drag races from April through September featuring classic cars, motorcycles, and electric vehicles.           
Stop #4: Hotel Arcata
 Everybody’s baked, everybody knows you’re baked, and it’s all okay. Bottle that wonderful feeling inside.
Walking into the Hotel Arcata (a 20-minute drive north from Eureka) feels like taking a trip back in time to 1915, long before cannabis prohibition was ever implemented. The building was first opened as “Sportsman’s Headquarters,” and attracted affluent hunters to what was then a wholly remote town. A century later, everything’s still made of rich dark wood; old photographs line the walls; and standard rooms ($120 with tax) include queen beds, clawfoot tubs, and free wifi. Word to the wise: Smoking rooms are available. Get checked in, freshen up, roll a few joints for the evening, and you’re ready to head out on the town.
The hotel is located right on Arcata’s historic town plaza, so you’re at the heart of the action in this lively, cannabinoid-soaked town of 18,000, and within easy walking distance of pretty much any place to eat or go honky-tonking with the local cannabis community. Your options include:
The Alibi, a local institution that elevates the dank old dive bar to its highest ideal. It’s a great place to get plugged into the city’s unique vibe and meet some new local friends.
Arcata Theater Lounge: This old movie palace now hosts a wide variety of live shows ranging from performances by Arcata’s improv champions On the Spot to DJ sets by local EDM artists. All events are cemented by a palpable sense of community that’s the staple of this creative oasis.
Savage Henry Comedy, which hosts frequent shows around town including a weekly Tuesday open mic at The Jam. Anything they’re involved in will bring out local growers and trimmers alike—because everyone loves to laugh when they’re high.
Richard’s Goat Tavern for house-infused cocktails, fine imported teas, and Humboldt-made sweet and savory snacks in a refined but slightly raucous little bar.
Don’s Donuts and Deli. Remember all those joints you rolled before leaving the hotel? Well, those got smoked. And the bars are closed. And you went and hung out with the drum-circle freaks in the plaza for a bit. So now what? How about some fresh donuts served in a 24-hour shop that plays techno music and has its own laser light show running? Be prepared to wait in line behind a bunch of other late-night stoners for the one can’t-miss on this list. Everybody’s baked, everybody knows you’re baked, and it’s all okay. Bottle that wonderful feeling inside to bring back home with you when you leave.
If you’re lucky, there’s half a donut on your bedside table when you wake up. Go ahead, devour it, you’re on vacation. Then check out and hit the road—you’re headed another hour north before turning around and heading back home.
Stop #1: Wake and Bake in Trinidad
A 15-minute drive brings you to the picturesque coastal town of Trinidad. Park near the lighthouse and walk the path to the beach. Smoke the last of the cannabis you bought at Emerald Pharms and keep an eye out for migrating whales as you take in the beauty of this rugged, isolated seascape. Once you climb back up to the lighthouse, it’s just a short walk to a lovely little hippie café for breakfast.
At Beachcomber Café you can sit outside in the sea air, satiate your munchies with farm-fresh eggs and house-made hot sauce, sip locally roasted fair trade coffee, and people-watch as growers and trimmers come in before a long day toiling in the fields (or manicuring two pounds of bud).
Wait for your high to wear off before you keep trekking north to Agate Beach (where you can collect semi-precious stones) and beyond that to the incredible Fern Canyon and Del Norte Coast Redwoods (where the Endor scenes for Star Wars were filmed). Once you’ve seen your fill, turn the car around for the journey south back to San Francisco.
Stop #2: Arcata, Round Two
(Courtesy of Humboldt Patient Resource Center)
 Ask the budtenders to help you pick heirloom Humboldt strains that are hard to come by anyplace else.
You’ll have to pass back through Arcata no matter which way you slice it, but there’s still more to see if you’re not in a rush. Humboldt Patient Resource Centeris one of the oldest cannabis dispensaries in California, and has been at the forefront of the cannabis movement locally for nearly 20 years. Their in-house cannabis is Clean Green certified—ask the budtenders to help you pick out a few heirloom Humboldt strains that are hard to come by anyplace else.
It’s also worth calling ahead to set up a stop at Emerald Glass Gallery (open Saturdays from noon to 6:00 p.m., or by appointment). This is one of the country’s premier functional art glass galleries, featuring work from top local artists and big names from around the world.
Stop #3: Historic Ferndale
Heading south from Arcata gets you to Ferndale in 40 minutes. Park at Ferndale Historic Cemetery, then follow one of the trails leading up into the woods. From a clearing above the cemetery, you can have a toke of true Humboldt cannabis and take in an idyllic view of this untouched Victorian village, the Eel River, and even the Pacific Ocean. Cure your hunger at Poppa Joe’s (be warned: they close at 2:00 p.m.): This is the place in Ferndale for down-home country cooking. In back, retired farmers play cards at their own designated table, but you should sit at the counter so you can eavesdrop on local gossip and watch an expert grill team cook your lunch to order. If it happens to be Wednesday, count yourself lucky and get the biscuits and gravy.
Stop #4: Avenue of the Giants
On the road again, another 40 minutes brings you to the northern turn-off for the Avenue of the Giants. It’s a 31-mile route running parallel to Highway 101 through some of the oldest-growth redwoods in the United States. Don’t just roll through and marvel from inside the car: Stop at one of the many trailheads along the way and take a nice long meditative hike.
Make sure to find a discreet spot and enjoy a little more of that fine herb from Arcata. This is the perfect spot to savor all the incredible memories of the last three days. Give quiet thanks to Humboldt County for its many decades of service in keeping cannabis culture alive despite tremendous opposition.
Stop #5: Confusion Hill
(Courtesy of Confusion Hill)
Before you say goodbye to the Emerald Triangle entirely, make a final stop at Confusion Hill, a popular roadside attraction right off Highway 101 that’s been open since 1949 and promises “mystery, fun, and family entertainment.” This includes the World Famous Gravity House, the Redwood Shoe House, the Ripley’s Believe It or Not “World’s Tallest Freestanding Redwood Chainsaw Carving,” and the unique miniature Mountain Train Ride. I could explain more, but why ruin the surprise?
Editor’s note: Never drive under the influence of cannabis or consume in violation of any state or local law, and always keep your cannabis sealed and locked away in the trunk while on the road.
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devendramarket-blog · 7 years
Global Organic Beer Market is Expected to Grow at a CAGR of 6.8% from 2017 to 2023
The Global Organic Beer Market Information: By Type (Ale, Lager, Stouts & Porters And Others), By Ingredients (Malt, Yeast, Enzymes, Hops, And Others), By Certification (100% Organic, 95% Organic) And By Region - Forecast To 2023, Organic malt beer brewed with traditional methods and ingredients, inspired by classic styles. However, unlike regular packaged beer, organic beer is free from GMO, chemical fertilizers, and chemical preservatives. The global organic beer market holds a huge opportunity with the rising awareness about adverse side effects caused by added chemical preservatives.
Get a sample report at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/sample_request/3963 .
Market Forecast The global organic beer market is projected to be driven by the increasing per capita disposable income of the consumers in developed countries over the past few years. Also, the increasing purchasing power of the consumer in developing nation is considered to be the significant for the rising growth of the organic beer over the forecast period. Changing consumption pattern and health conscious consumers adopting healthy lifestyle are supporting the sale of organic beer during the review period. Manufacturers are launching new products in various flavors and textures to suit the specific requirement of the consumer. Additionally, the manufacturers of organic beer are focusing to enhance its packaging solution to attract new customers.
Downstream analysis- Globalization and urbanization are the major driving forces of this market. Furthermore, the popularity of the fortified organic beer is encouraging the growth of the market. Organic beer such as ale will dominate the global market and lager will be the highest growing segment during the forecast period. The demand for flavored beer is estimated to be the key driving factor during the review period. Moreover, organic beer is freshly brewed and free from chemical preservative, GMO, and others, this factors supports the sale of organic beer. 
Competitive analysis- The major key players in the Organic beer market are
Asher Brewing Co. (U.S.)
Bison Brewing Co. (U.S.)
Butte Creek Brewing Co. (U.S.)
Eel River Brewing Co. (U.S.)
Hopworks Urban Brewery (U.S.)
Laurelwood Public House and Brewery (U.S.)
Pisgah Brewing Co. (U.S.)
The global organic beer market is highly concentrated in North America. Asia Pacific has massive potential for organic beer due to increasing consumer awareness regarding the organic beer coupled with the per capita disposable income, which will boost the growth of the market over the forecast period.
Browse Complete Report at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/reports/organic-beer-market-3963 .
Regional Analysis The global organic beer market is segmented into North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, and rest of the world (ROW). Among these, North America region is expected to retain its dominance throughout the forecast period. This is attributed to the increasing per capita disposable income coupled with the changing lifestyles of the consumer. Europe is also estimated to hold a healthy market share in the organic beer market. Asia Pacific region is projected to grow substantially during the forecast period. However, China is projected to register maximum CAGR during the forecast period in Asia Pacific region. Especially, China and India offer a lucrative opportunity in the Asia Pacific region for the organic beer manufacturers.
Market Segmentation- Global Organic beer market is segmented by type, ingredients, certification and region
Study Objectives of the Organic Beer  Market
This report provides a detailed analysis of the market segments and sub-segments. The data provided here facilitates to estimate and forecast market-size by type, ingredients, certification, and region. It also involves a descriptive analysis of the key driving forces that are influencing the market.
 Furthermore, it provides a clear segregation as a part of the regional level market analysis and estimates the market concerning four core geographies i.e. North America, Europe, Asia and the rest of the world (RoW) and their respective countries.
 This report also offers a two-fold analysis (Value Chain Analysis & Supply Chain Analysis) of the targeted market i.e. Global Organic Beer Market. Company profiles of a few of the major competitors in the market and their respective competitive strategies along with a concise mapping of the key stakeholders will also be one of the many insights that this report would offer.
Finally, this report covers the analysis of historical market trends and technologies along with current government regulatory.
 Ask Question to Expert at https://www.marketresearchfuture.com/enquiry/3963 .
The report for global organic beer market of Market Research Future comprises of extensive primary research along with the detailed analysis of qualitative as well as quantitative aspects by various industry experts, key opinion leaders to gain the deeper insight of the market and industry performance. The report gives the clear picture of current market scenario which includes historical and projected market size in terms of value and volume, technological advancement, macro economical and governing factors in the market. The report provides details information and strategies of the top key players in the industry. The report also gives a broad study of the different markets segments and regions.
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