ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I want to see anything where Lucas hides behind Eliott’s back. Idk why but I am a sucker for scared Lucas
Prompt for Elu: I would like to see Lucas being a baby. Maybe he is sick or I don’t know sad or something else like scared 
could u maybe please write something about lucas accidentally breaking his leg or something and eliott immediate going into protective boyfriend mode?
Part 3
As he’s driving, way too fast for the middle of Paris, only noticing cars flashing by his window as he outruns them, Eliott holds the steering wheel tighter, trying to focus on what he’s supposed to be doing and not at Lucas’ loud groans every once in a while and both babies crying. It’s hard to focus on the things he needs to do to make sure they get to the hospital safely, but Eliott lets his alpha focus on the task and get them there, shoving his stupid emotions down his throat.
His instincts are trying to keep him safe, but right now, that keeps Lucas and the kids safe too and that’s all that matters.
He didn’t have time to think and call someone to take care of the kids, there was no time so he had to put everyone inside his car and drive to the nearest hospital.
How Lucas fell and probably broke his leg is still a mystery. Again, Eliott didn’t have much time to ask questions and Lucas was in too much pain to explain anyway. Margot was the one to call him and Eliott is so thankful he was as Lucas’ emergency contact. Thinking of what could have happened if he wasn’t makes him sick to his stomach.
The car jumps a little as he notices he parked on the sidewalk, right in front of the emergency room entrance, closing the sidewalk.
He rushes around the car, forgetting about turning it off and he opens the back door, Lucas still sitting like Eliott put him there, the kids squishing him against the door. Eliott imagines his bad skills at parking a car got the doctors’ attention because as soon as he walks back, there are nurses helping Lucas get out of the car and into a wheelchair, rushing him inside.
Eliott is left with not much information and having to park the car and calm down two crying babies.
He doesn’t know how Lucas does it, and he doesn’t know how he manages, but after a while the three of them are inside, not crying anymore, impatiently waiting for any news, good news, is all Eliott can think about.
Now that they’re settled in and he can hear something other than loud cries, Eliott goes back in time inside his brain, remembering how everything happened after he left Lucas with the nurses with a promise of news as soon as they had some.
He was moving on instinct again, letting the alpha take care of things while he was screaming inside his own head, wanting to check on Lucas, to see if he was okay.
Both the kids were finally seated properly on the back seat as he turned the car back on, feeling how the wheels slowly fell down back on the street, making them all jump a little bit on their seats. Eliott got back on the street and found the right entrance to park the car. He held Noah, still quietly crying in his arms and Margot was walking by his side, holding his hand tightly. She wasn’t crying anymore, but her whole face was still wet from minutes ago and she still looked frightened.
They had to walk around the hospital, check in, get their tags to put on their clothes and Eliott sat down. Noah wouldn’t let go of his shirt and so he let the boy rest there and Margot climbed on the chair next to them, kneeling on it, leaning against Eliott, sucking her thumb while watching the emergency doors. Just like Eliott, she was waiting for news.
Back to the present, with both kids still in the same position, Eliott came to the realization that it’s probably bad for kids to suck their thumbs, but he doesn’t know if Lucas lets her do it or not and it’s been a long night so he doesn’t ask for her to stop. Her teeth seem fine from what he can remember.
He checks the time on the old clock hanging close to the ceiling, echoing around the room as the seconds go by. It’s way past any kid bedtime and Eliott is sure this will be a long night of waiting so he carefully moves Noah around so he can lie on his lap and take a (hopefully) long nap. As soon as he sets Noah and he doesn’t complain much, Margot climbs on his chair too and Eliott frowns, there’s not enough space for the three of them, but Lucas had talked about this.
How his siblings like to sleep basically on top of each other or on top of anyone that’s close enough to them. Usually Lucas, but tonight Eliott is the victim.
Noah makes himself smaller, as close to Eliott’s stomach as it’s physically possible and Margot sits closer to his knee, her tiny legs stretching over his other leg and she twists her top half enough so she can rest her head on Eliott’s stomach too, over her little brother’s legs. It doesn’t seem like a comfortable or healthy position, but they both pass out within minutes so, again, Eliott lets them be.
It’s a little heavy now that he has both kids on him, so he makes sure to sit as comfortable as a hospital chair lets him and he relaxes, keeping his eyes on the clock, feeling the exhaustion of the scary night take over, but he’s too worried to fall asleep. He needs to see Lucas and needs to make sure his leg isn’t at an impossible angle anymore.
The emergency is oddly quiet for a hospital, just an older lady sitting across the room on the other side of the hall, on another empty waiting room and the nurses walk around peacefully like this is not the place only ill or dead people come. They check their medical records, write some things, sit behind the counter, look at their computers, whisper between each other, normal things they probably do every night and day.
Eliott tries to focus on what they are doing, not on Lucas in surgery, in pain, unconscious now, having his bones screwed back together, needing weeks, maybe months to recover.
They’ve talked a little bit, about meaningful things, mostly before or after sex when Lucas’ walls are down for a few minutes. Even with Lucas’ evasives answers, he knows how much Lucas worries about raising his siblings correctly, about constantly being a good example, the best he can be given their circumstances, and Lucas’ lack of experience with kids.
If Eliott had any saying in it, he would say Lucas is doing a good job being so inexperienced and so impatient. He cares more than he’ll ever admit and Eliott hopes he’s not worried about them now when he’s in pain and needing care. Whatever their relationship is, Eliott hopes Lucas isn’t worried because he knows Eliott has the kids.
When the clock hits two in the morning, Noah wakes up suddenly. Eliott knows he still drinks milk sometimes, he made that pretty clear when he knocked on Eliott’s bedroom door that night they all slept at his place, but he has nothing on him now.
If this boy is hungry, he might be in trouble. Margot wakes up because Noah is not very careful while trying to sit up, accidentally kicking his sister on his way. He doesn’t talk much still, but Eliott is sure the boy is asking for his fucking milk that Eliott doesn’t have.
Margot jumps to the floor and is about to go to the nurses when Eliott gets up, putting Noah on the chair and rushing to grab Margot, holding her in his arms, putting her back on the chair, right next to her brother.
“You stay here and make sure he stays here too. I’m gonna find milk.”
He can’t go too far, of course, but he fixes his hair and his clothes and goes to the reception, keeping his eyes on both the kids, waiting as they were told to do. He asks as nicely as he can if the nurses can find him some milk. They’ve been watching him since he got there so he assumes they pity him and smile, whispering they’ll find something.
Not long after, a nurse comes from the door in the hall, holding a cup and Eliott can smell it’s the milk. Warm and pure. Eliott hates milk with nothing, so he tries to breathe slowly to avoid having to smell it more than he needs to. He walks carefully back to the kids and Noah smiles.
There are two cups, one inside the other to keep him from burning his hand so Eliott separates them, putting the empty one on the table, putting a little bit of the milk in it, stirring both before handing it to Margot and Noah.
The boy gets the cup with more milk because he’s starving and Margot is drinking just because she can’t have her brother drinking alone. Eliott lets them share the chair and he sits next to them, catching himself staring and smiling. Noah clearly likes his milk very warm. He doesn’t wait for long and in a matter of minutes, all his milk is gone.
Margot takes her time, looking around, drinking little sips, and Eliott wonders if she remembers everything that happened and if she could tell him how this hell night started. She looks worried, but Eliott knows she’s a little bit like that normally. Lucas will never accept it, but she behaves a lot like him.
Eliott would love to teach Noah how to be like himself so they have a more even and solid group.
When Noah is done, he offers his empty cup to Eliott like he’s the waiter to this two year old boy, but before he can grab it, skinny, long fingers cover Noah’s hands and carefully take the cup from his tiny hands.
The nurse from earlier smiles to the boy that smiles back at her and she stands up again, looking at Eliott, making his heart suddenly race and tighten inside his chest.
“Your friend is out of the surgery.”
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ravenbrenna09 · 4 years
Favorite WTFOCK accounts on here? I need people to follow and I value your opinion ❤️
Hey, babe! I’m sorry that it’s taken me so long to reply to you, it’s been a busy couple of days with my university’s transition to online classes. A lot of the people that I follow will post OG + remakes (and occasionally other fandoms) so I’ll recommend you them as well. (I might edit this so fair warning)
The gif makers: @robronsuggle (she was the first skam-related blog I followed; she writes fics and scene analysis too), @elus made the inspiration for Unattainable, @lesbianijzermans, @vanderheijdens (Eddi made all the breath-taking Skam Cities gifsets), @zoesrobbe, @voldemortimaginarynose96 (writes fics too; I still need to catch up on your VDS Hogwarts Fic, I’m sorry), @musicofsilentkisses, and I’m sure there’s countless more that I don’t even follow/do follow and can’t think of. 
Artists: @leoniejulie is literally the first person that comes to mind (her personal blog is @dreamy-slytherin), @o1o0o0o, @fernandesart
Writing: @ayellowcurtain, @bijvoorbeeldja, @peaceoutofthepieces (is in the process of writing a VDS social media AU and already wrote a Sobbe, minor VDS, social media AU; it’s brilliant, read it), @aholynight (I’ve only read their Sobbe works and they’re both fantastic), @luludemauryyy, and @skamsnake (the majority of their stuff is more smut-oriented and I’m loving their Sobbe ABO fic).
Other blogs I would recommend: @driesen-demaury (prepare for all the crack posts), @fehmyn, @beejohnlocked, @well-who-needs-angels-anyway, @tehkatieofrps, @sanderxrobbee.
I’m sorry if I missed anyone! 😭
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she-is-tim · 5 years
I love hating you | Elu enemies to lovers AU | Ch. 7
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Previous Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6.5
Lucas is an angry, closeted and frustrated gay teenager, while Eliott is the handsome, smart and popular guy in school. They hate each other… but not forever.
I didn’t mean to hurt him
When Lucas heard that Eliott came to school, he felt like throwing up. It was Emma who told him, because she heard it from Alex. Lucas was hiding in the bathroom, trying to calm himself down. He so wasn’t ready for this. Since tuesday he barely could eat, his mind couldn’t focus on anything, because he kept thinking of Eliott. His chest was hurting more than ever and he couldn’t do anything to make the pain stop. His eyes filled with tears, body shaking uncontrollably. He got startled when his phone started ringing. He swiped the sweat off his palms and pulled his phone out of his pocket, answering the call without checking who it was.
“Hello?” his voice was a bit shaky, but he tried to sound as normal as possible.
“Bro, where are you? Class is starting soon.” Arthur said worried, reminding his friend of his upcoming biology class.
“I’m coming, I just had to come to the bathroom.” he explained, telling the half-truth. He haven’t talked to his friends much about Eliott, they just knew that he had something with him, but this was much more complicated.
“Okay, I’ll tell Imane to stop worrying then.” Arthur said now and hung up. 
Lucas was glad that he had friends like him, who could understand that pushing the boy to speak won’t help the situation. When he feels like he need to talk, then he will know where to find his friends. He thought about Yann, they talk on monday and he felt like he should at least tell him what happened between him and Eliott. He deserved to get some answers to all those questions he probably has, but never dared to ask. 
He flushed the toilet, making it look like he was doing something in there and walked out of the stall. He washed off the tears from his face, trying to breathe evenly. When he left the bathroom, he walked into someone and the sudden force pushed him back. He thought he’s going to fall to the floor when a strong arm grabbed his wrist, pulling him forward until he found himself pressed to a warm chest. This whole situation felt so familiar and his heart skipped a beat when he recognized the smell of the person. He looked up, meeting with stormy grey eyes, a handsome, but tired looking face and that beautiful, messy hair.
“Watch out next time, Lallemant.” Eliott said, voice bitter as he let the boy go and took a step back, avoiding eyecontact. The bruise on his cheek was slowly fading away, but it still made Lucas feel guilty about it. 
“I-I’m sorry...”
“Whatever.” Eliott said, shrugging off the boy and walking away like nothing happened. 
Lucas was watching him disappear in the crowd of students. His heart cracked yet once more. It was one thing to think that Eliott hates him, that he doesn’t care anymore, but seeing that dead look, hearing those bitter words were so much more painful. He clenched his fists and swallowed back his tears, walking to biology class. This can’t break him, not now. 
Lucas almost ran away to hide in the bathrom again when he realized that his next class just before lunch break is literature with Eliott. He haven’t had to worry meeting the boy so far, cause it seemed like he was avoiding Lucas, which was just as relieving as painful. He was standing a few steps from him classroom, trying not to freak out, control his breathing. He had no idea if Eliott was already inside or not, but he couldn’t just skip his class. 
He sighed and looked up from the floor when he saw that just across him was standing Eliott, staring at him with those piercing eyes. He was holding onto the strap of his backpack on his shoulder. He looked exhausted, eyes sitting in dark shadows, skin pale and his whole appearence screamed that he haven’t had a good sleep in a while. Lucas knew the feeling too well, he spent most of his nights watching stupid tv shows with really low volume on the couch, wrapped in a blanket. 
None of them moved to walk into the classroom. Eliott seemed like someone who saw a ghost, he closed his eyes for a few seconds, looking away from the short boy and then he walked in without saying anything. Lucas bit his bottom lip strong enough to make him feel the pain before walking after Eliott. He was sitting at their table, leaning over a book, probably the one they are gonna talk about in class. The short boy took the seat next to him, clearly feeling the awkward tension between them. Eliott had a pen in his right hand, slowly knocking on the table with it, like he tried to focus on that one sound. Lucas took a deep breath and put his own book on the table too, making sure he doesn’t make any more physical contact with his classmate.
When the class was over, Eliott basically jumped up from his seat and ran out of the room. Lucas felt like shit, not knowing what he could do to fix this. His feelings for this tall boy rooted so deep inside that he couldn’t just get rid of them. Not sure if he actually wanted that. This was something that never happened to him before, falling in love with someone. Before he tries to give up on it, he had to make sure that Eliott wants nothing from him.
He spent the whole week looking up bipolarity online and in books. His brain felt like it’s going to blow up from all the informations. Knowing that Eliott had to live with something that makes his life ten times harder broke his heart. All the sources said different things about mania, depression, episodes, suicidal thoughts. He was scared, afraid of what Eliott would do to himself when he’s feeling so low, but he couldn’t just call him to make sure he’s okay. 
It was wednesday afternoon when he decided to call Sofiane. He could only hope that the boy has some information on how Eliott is doing. Although he was asked to leave the apartment on that damned tuesday, he couldn’t stop thinking of Eliott’s face when they talked. The single tear on his face, his robotic voice as he told Lucas to leave. All of it was haunting him day and night. 
“Yes?” he got startled when a soft voice spoke from his phone. He totally forgot that he was calling someone. This often happened with him lately, forgetting about the outside world, diving into his thoughts. 
“Sofiane, it’s me, Lucas.” he said, trying to normalize his heartbeat.
“Lucas, are you okay?” he asked, sounding genuinely worried which warmed the short boy’s heart. He couldn’t believe that after everything happened Eliott’s best friend was still worried about him. 
“I am fine. I actually wanted to ask about Eliott.” he explained, fighting with the nervous feeling in his throat. He heard a soft sigh from the other side of the line, which made him even more nervous now. “What is it?” he asked, surprising himself with the demanding tone.
“He is in a bad place right now, Lucas. I don’t know if you guys talked...”
“He told me about his illness.” the boy cut him off quickly, he had no time for pep talk, he wanted to know if Eliott was okay. 
“Okay, I wasn’t expecting that.” Sofiane said surprised. “He usually doesn’t talk about it... I mean, he is pretty ashamed of it, although we keep telling him that he is just like any other teenager...” he explained and let out another sigh. “His life is not easy, Lucas, he had to go through a lot of shit in the last few years.”
“But is he okay?” he asked again, feeling his eyes filling up with tears.
“He will be. Lucille came back to Paris and she’s taking care of him now.” he explained. “She knows how to handle this.”
“But he didn’t... try to... you know...”
“Hurt himself?” the boy asked, sounding really serious all of the sudden. “Lucas, you probably read that on the internet a lot and it’s not impossible for him to feel such low, so deeply hurt that he would do a stupid thing like that, but... I trust him, you know. And we all making sure he can’t get so deep into this shit.” he said on a softer tone now. “Listen, I don’t know when he will go to school again. His episodes always different, some goes down in a few days, some takes a week, sometimes he needs much longer time, but I know for a fact that whatever he said to you, he still cares about you. I saw him after a breakup before, but he has never been like this. His feelings are serious.”
“So are mine.” Lucas said now, surprising himself with the confession, but he kept going. “I don’t care that he is mentally ill, Sofiane. I spent my afternoons looking up bipolarity instead of studying, I can’t have a decent sleep since I left his place and I certainly not gonna give up on what was between us, because it was real to me. More real than my first year at school, pretending to be someone I wasn’t.” he said, pouring out his heart through the phone. The rocks were slowly rolling off his chest, making him feel like he can breathe again.
“In that case, I am hoping you can reach out to him.” Sofiane said and he could imagine that bright smile on his face as he was talking. 
“I will try my very best.” Lucas said and hung up. He went back to his search on bipolarity, visiting some phychological blogs and forums. 
After school he decided to go to the common room, just hanging out there before going home. It was a bit more calming for him to sit on the armchair there, staring at the piano in front of the terrible mural. He remembered how he played the song on it, how Eliott clapped when he finished the piece. His face as he got closer and closer to Lucas until he could feel his breath. He was a bit mad at the girls that they interrupted them that day, but was a bit glad too. Their first kiss at the bus stop, in the pouring rain was something he could never forget. It was burnt into his brain, every single moment of it. 
“Don’t you think, Lucas?” a soft voice dragging him out of his dreamy thoughts. He’s shaking his head, looking at the girls. They were sitting on the couches facing each other and talking about something, but he couldn’t recall what was the topic.
“Sorry, I wasn’t listening.” he said honestly. He just noticed that he was holding his phone in his hands, like he was hoping to get a message from Eliott. 
“I said that the common room looks almost perfect, but we still have to get rid of the mural.” Daphné repeated her words with a bright smile on her face. “Wouldn’t you like to help us with it? You did a great job with the chairs.”
“Daphné, chairs and a whole wall is two different thing.” Imane said, looking up from her book. 
“Plus Lucas shouldn’t do such an exhausting task.” Manon added, looking worried at her flatmate, which made Lucas let out a frustrated sigh.
“I’m not a fragile doll, just because I’m sad.” he said seriously. “And I guess you don’t want me to start painting right now.”
“No, of course not.” Daphné said, being excited that the boy seemed like he’s willing to help them. “I thought about next friday, after school.” 
“Okay, I’ll gather the boys and we’ll do something with it.” Lucas nodded and laid his head back in the armchair, letting the girls continue talking without his presence. 
The weekend passed fairly quickly. Lucas spent his days doing homework with Manon, cleaning the flat and watching tv with Mika and Lisa. No one asked him about Eliott and that was okay. He needed time before he could tell them about his feelings for the boy. It was enough that they knew he was gay, it was a big relief to get rid of the fake Lucas, his lies and stupid excuses. He had the chance to be himself finally. 
On monday morning, he decided to start trying to reach out to Eliott, but he wasn’t sure how to do it. The boy would probably just ignore his messages, so that was a dead end. He thought for a second and remembered how much Eliott talked about Love, Simon when they were together. He looked for a picture of the Ferris wheel from the movie and added a quote to is as the caption: “Sometimes I think I’m destined to care so much about one person it nearly kills me.“
He sighed after posting the picture. He knew Eliott wasn’t following him on insta, but he admitted that he was always stalking Lucas, checking his posts and stories, so he really hoped that this haven’t changed after their fight. 
He felt his phone endlessly buzzing in his pocket as he walked to school, probably his friends asking about the post, people liking and commenting on it. He was glad that most of the students calmed down, not bullying him, but those glancing eyes were still following him everywhere. Like they were waiting for Lucas to start making out with a random guy in the middle of school. He rolled his eyes, knowing the only person he wanted to do that with was actively avoiding him.
When he got to his locker, he took a deep breath. His mind was spinning around Eliott, trying to think of a good way to reach out to him. Lucas no.36 was probably already talking to him, Lucas no.53 was hiding in the bathroom, crying like a baby, while Lucas no.95 was making out on the hall with Eliott no.95. He wished he could be doing that too instead of feeling nervous all the time, not knowing how to fix the shit he created around themselves. He opened his locker, but something fell out of it. He thought it was probably just a note, since he had so much shit stuffed in that tiny space, sometimes papers and books just fell out. He leant down to pick it up, it was a piece of paper, carefully folded. He opened it to see what’s on it and his heart skipped a beat. 
It was a drawing of a raccoon sitting on a couch, drawing something, while there were a lots of crumbled papers around him and a dark cloud above his head. Lucas knew that this was from Eliott. His eyes filled with tears and pressed the paper to his chest, trying to lock it into his heart. Even if the drawing was sad, showing that Eliott wasn’t feeling good, he still tried to reach out, making sure Lucas knows that he still wants something. 
A single tear rolled down his face and he looked for his phone quickly. Lots of thoughts running through his mind at the same time, but he wanted to be just short and simple. He opened instagram and went to his DMs, looking for the chat with Eliott. It was so weird to see their soft and endearing texts there, so he tried to ignore those, starting to type.
lucallemant Thank you for the drawing, If you wanna talk, I am always ready 
He gasped when the word “seen” appeared under his message, but he got no replies from Eliott. He put away his phone, ignoring the texts and notifications on the app. He made sure he has the right books and notes for the upcoming classes, having a stupid smile on his face. 
It was lunch time and Lucas was sitting with the boys, staring at his phone screen, not even touching his food. They were talking about Yann’s date with Chloé this weekend, but he wasn’t really paying attention. He was looking for Eliott in the crowd all day, checking his phone every 5 minutes if he got a message, but nothing. Since he got the drawing, Eliott showed no sign of being in school or wanting to talk to Lucas and it was slowly killing him. 
He grabbed his fork and poked a broccoli on his plate a couple times, still holding the phone in his other hand. It was agonizing to wait. He wanted to send millions of texts to Eliott, but he knew that wouldn’t make the other boy respond. He was desperate, sad and lonely without him. He barely noticed when his friends started talking to him. He shook his head when Yann threw a piece of corn at him. 
“What?” he asked, pulling his phone to his chest now.
“We asked you a question.” Arthur said, raising his eyebrows. “Are you okay, bro?” 
“I don’t know.” Lucas said honestly. “I wanna talk to Eliott, but I don’t know how...’
“Why are you making things complicated? Just go to his place after school and demand a talk.” Arthur said, shrugging it off easily.
“It’s not that simple...” he sighed. “Eliott is not doing well... and that is my fault. I hurt him, because I’m an idiot.” he looked down at the food on his plate.
“Well, that is not news to us.” Yann said, trying to tease his friend a little. “Look, we all can see how much you care about the guy. Are you sure he wants this too? Because it has been a week since you guys had the fight and he haven’t talked to you at all.” he said on a serious tone now. Lucas looked up at him, seeing the concern in his eyes, but he was also worried. They probably never saw him being so affected by another person, and that just confirmed how gone he was for Eliott.
“He put a drawing in my locker.” he said and sighed when the boys looked confused. “He’s an artist, it’s his way to communicate.” he explained.
“Okay, what was on the drawing?” Basile asked while he stuffed some greenish looking pasta into his mouth. 
“It was just... him being sad and drawing with a lot of crumpled papers around him.” he explained and started to poke his broccoli again.
“So that means he was thinking of you, isn’t it?” Basile said, surprising his friends with his intellectual question. “I mean he probably tried to draw something that could express his feelings, but it was so hard that he decided to show you how he can’t find the right words.” he continued, shoving more pasta in his mouth and chewing loudly on it. 
“Looks like our friend here still have some leftover braincells to use.” Arthur said with an impressed smile. “Nice speech, Baz.”
“This pasta is fucking good.” he said now, still munching, Lucas chuckled a little. 
“By the way, Daphné asked me to help her repaint the mural in the common room. I thought we could do it together.” he offered with a soft smile, making his pasta-eating friend beam to the news.
“Daphné asked? We will help! Of course! I will paint something for her and she is going to fall in love with me.” he said excitedly.
“Yeah, that’s a great idea. Some fun time together wouldn’t hurt.” Arthur added and he started to eat his food too.
“Sure, bro.” Yann smiled at his best friend. “You can always count on us.” 
“Thanks, guys.” Lucas said with a grateful smile, still not touching his meal.
Tuesday went by slowly, Lucas was suffering without knowing what’s up with Eliott. He didn’t see him at school, he wasn’t on literature class, he didn’t text back. It was hard not to contact him again, but after that drawing, he knew that Eliott probably needed time to think and collect his thoughts. He decided to text Sofiane instead, hoping that he will have some information on his beloved, tall boy. 
lucallemant Hey You have any news on Eliott?
sofalaoui I am not supposed to talk to you
lucallemant Come again?
sofalaoui Eliott asked me not to talk to you
lucallemant Now THAT is bullshit
sofalaoui He needs time Believe me, I want you guys to be back together more than anyone But the health of my friend is much more important  He suffered a lot because of you
lucallemant I didn’t mean to hurt him
sofalaoui I know, but it happened Just make sure you won’t screw it up again
Lucas couldn’t say anything to that, he just locked his phone and sighed, leaning back on the couch. He stared at the ceiling for long minutes before closing his eyes. Memories of Eliott were haunting his brain, making his chest hurt yet again. He didn’t even try to fight back them, he deserved to remember those, even if it caused him to feel pain. 
They were laying in bed, arms wrapped around each others, legs entangled. Afternoon sun warmed their skin, lighting up their faces. Eliott’s eyes looked even more beautiful in the bright sunlight, his eyelashes were so long, his hair seemed almost gold. Lucas slid his hand up to put it on Eliott’s face, rubbing his cheek with his thumb. The tall boy shot him a soft smile, moving his head a little so their foreheads touch. He chuckled, giving him a soft peck on the lips, then he pulled back, but Eliott didn’t let him, chasing after him to have a much more passionate kiss. 
Lucas smirked into his lips, sliding his hand into Eliott’s soft locks, grabbing them a little to pull him closer. Their tongues were dancing, making sloppy sounds. The boy made sure their body is as close as possible. As they separated, Eliott started to shower his face with soft kisses. One on the forehead, one on the nose, on the cheeks, on he jaw, under his eyes. Lucas couldn’t help, but let out a little giggle.
“What are you doing?” he asked, circling his fingers on the other’s neck.
“Kissing you.” Eliott said with a playful smile and bit his lip gently. “You are so beautiful.”
“That’s just so fucking cheesy.” Lucas mumbled, burying his face into Eliott’s neck now to hide his blush. They were doing this since almost a day now, laying in bed, kissing, cuddling, but the soft compliments still made his heart race like a crazy horse. 
“Yeah, I know.” he said smiling, planting a soft kiss on Lucas’ hair. “But I love how you react when I say something like that.” he chuckled and put his hand on the boy’s neck, caressing his skin. “The way you just bury your face into me, the little whining noise you make... I wanna make sure I remember all these moments, because I’ve never been so happy before.” he whispered softly, right into Lucas’ ear. He felt shiver going through his spine, making him feel things he never did before. His face was still pressed to Eliott’s neck and he wasn’t planning to pull back anytime soon. He tightened his grip around the other’s body, holding him close, breathing in his soft smell, enjoying the warmth of him. Eyes closing slowly, as he let himself drift off into the sea of happiness with this gorgeous man in his arms. 
Wednesday came as fast as an old lady crossing the street in the early hours of the day. Slow and painful. Lucas felt like every move he does required twice the strength that it did before. Getting out of bed, brushing teeth, dressing up, going to school. When he was standing at his locker, he felt ten years older, or even twenty. He let out an exhausted sigh, packing his stuff in and out of the locker before going to his classes. When he was finished, lock on the door and everything, he turned around and almost dropped his bag in shock. 
A crowd of people entered the halls, being loud, asking questions, making weird sounds, mostly girls to be honest. But the thing that catched Lucas’ eyes was the boy in the middle of them, Eliott. He looked fairly okay, hair messy as usual, eyes looking tired, surrounded with dark circles, the bruise on his left cheek fading away. He had a smile on his face as he looked at all the girls around him, trying to keep his pace slow, so he won’t be knocking over any of them. Lucas could tell that even if he was smiling, he wasn’t happy at all. He knew it, because his eyes looked sad, exhausted even, not a bit of happiness reaching them. 
He leaned to the lockers, trying to catch his breath as the crowd passed by him, when suddenly, like a lightning struck him, Eliott raised his head, looking at his direction. The boy was sure that his brain stopped working, his heart gave up on pumping blood into his body. He froze right then and there. The face Eliott made was painful to watch. He looked sad, longing in his eyes, but he pursed his lips, forcing himself to look away, bringing his focus back on the girls around him. 
Lucas felt tears bundling up in his eyes, he slid down to the floor, hugging his bag to his chest. As he tried to normalize his breathing, he noticed his friends walking to him, Yann immediately kneeling down to his friend, putting a hand on his shoulder, looking concerned.
“Lulu, what’s wrong?” he asked worryingly. Arthur and Basile stood behind him, also looking corcerned.
“He’s here...” Lucas mumbled, rubbing off the tears from his cheeks.
“Eliott?” Arthur asked surprised and looked around. “Did he talk to you?” 
“No.” he shook his head, almost a bit too intensely, feeling dizzy after it. “He just walked by with some girls...” 
“Girls?” Basile raised an eyebrow.
“He’s the most popular guy in the school, remember.” the blond friend said and he helped Yann to scoop Lucas up from the floor. He was still shaking, so his best friend kept holding his arm. 
“I wasn’t ready for this.”
“I can tell.” Arthur said, smiling just a little. “Listen here, Lulu. We know how much you like him, but you can’t let these emotions take over your life, okay?” he said softly, rubbing the boy’s upper arm. “Whatever happens next, whatever he says when you talk to him, just remember that you are not alone.” 
“There are millions of Eliotts out there, Lulu. But you? You are unique!” Basile said seriously, pointing at his friend like he won the lottery just now. Lucas felt warmth spreading in his chest, making him happy. He opened his arms and pulled all three of his friends into one big group hug. They hugged back immediately, almost crashing his bones in the process. Lucas laughed, his friends laughed. It was a wholesome moment for them. 
He didn’t see Eliott anymore that day, but he heard girls talking about him on the halls. It was slightly infuriating, hearing them saying things like “He smiled at me” or “I think he likes me” or “Isn’t he gay?” It made him pissed, so he decided to join the girl squad at the common room after school. The place looked much better than before, there was a table soccer, multiple board games, a computer, nice carpet on the floor, the pink chairs Lucas painted for the girls, the big table, couches and armchairs to chill and a huge chalkboard that was filled with funny messages and little drawings. The only thing that was off his the ugly mural, but that will be fixed soon, so the room can look the way Daphné imagined. 
He flopped down in the armchair, after he dropped his bag on the floor, joining to the girls. They all smiled at him fondly and he returned the smile. He pulled up his legs and listened to them, talking about some vacation. He couldn’t really focus, his mind kept going back to this morning, when he saw Eliott on the school hall. It felt like an eternity since they last met, but it was only a few days ago. 
“So, Lucas.” Daphné said suddenly, dragging him out of his thoughts. This girl never let him sink into his mind, she just had to talk to him, which was sweet, but also a tiny bit annoying. 
“Yes, Daphy?” 
“What is going on with you and Eliott?” she asked suddenly, casually, like it’s not a big thing for him. Lucas felt his blood froze in his veins, his brain stopped working and he was just staring at Daphné in disbelief. 
“Are you serious?” Imane said now, sounding really upset. “You can’t ask something like this out of nowhere.” she said, looking really disappointed in her blonde friend. 
“Why not? I was just curious and they would be a lovely couple...”
“Daphné, stop.” Imane raised her hand, but looking at Lucas now. “Don’t answer her. We get that you need your time.” 
“Yeah, just don’t feel like we wanna push you into talking.” Manon added with a soft smile. 
Lucas sighed, finally able to breathe again. Daphné’s ignorance shocked him a little, but seeing how much Imane and Manon cared about him helped to get himself back into the real world. As the boys told him, he can’t be worrying about Eliott all the time, he can’t chew on this for eternity. He had to let himself enjoy his life and talk things out. The girls were his friends and friends talk to each other about problems.
“We haven’t talked in a while...” he started and looked at the ceiling. “We had some serious thing going on between us... before I got outed.” 
“Is that the reason why you didn’t come to my party?” Emma asked curiously, catching the opportunity to talk openly. 
“Yeah, he was with his parents for a week, he texted me that he’s back... I went to meet him and things happened.” he let out a deep breath, looking at the girls now, regretting immediately. All of them turned towards him, eyes wide open, ready to take in everything he says. “We spent the weekend together.” 
“That explains a lot of things.” Manon said with a knowing grin and Lucas giggled. 
“Yeah, I’m sorry about that. We were just... well, lost in each other, I might say. I totally forgot to check my messages.” he said, feeling a slight blush taking place on his cheeks. The girls laughed, softly and fondly.
“So, you like him, right?” Daphné asked, making Imane slap her shoulder gently, but still enough to let her know that she was being inappropriate yet once again. Lucas chuckled. 
“Well, yes. I like him a lot.” he said honestly. The girls smiled at him widely, but he got distracted by the buzzing of his phone. He pulled it out of his pocket and saw a message from Sofiane, but as he opened instagram, something else catched his eye.
srodulv liked your post
He gasped. It was the photo he posted on monday morning, with the Ferris wheel from Love, Simon. And that fucking quote. He suddenly felt embarrased, knowing that Eliott actually saw that and he even liked it. All of this was so sudden, he didn’t know what to think about this. Eliott was making small moves towards him, despite the fact that last friday he was cold as ice whenever they met. He was still shaking when he got another notification.
srodulv started following you
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Part 4
Over an hour goes by and the nurse finally comes back to take them to Lucas’ bedroom. It felt like a whole day. Of course nobody fell back asleep after knowing their brother was out of surgery and safe. Suddenly, Margot was back to her talkative self and Noah was wide awake, not really liking the idea of staying on that chair for another minute.
Margot held the nurse’s hand while they walked inside the hospital. The woman probably noticed how Eliott was struggling and needing a break. When they reached the right door, Eliott felt like that first time he ever saw Lucas (and the kids). He tried to let the nurse go first with Margot and he walked slower, taking his time closing the door behind him.
When he finally walked inside, his eyes met Lucas’ and he frowned so hard, pushing himself against the pile of pillows behind his back, fixing his posture. Margot was already on his bed and so Noah wanted to be there too. Eliott put him there and they all listened while the nurse explained how the surgery went, but Eliott could feel Lucas staring at him like he was the most intriguing creature ever.
Lucas’ leg was broken, now it was fixed, he would need to spend some days resting, not putting any weight on his leg and he would have to spend some weeks with a cast and do a lot of physiotherapy. He was not at all happy about that, Eliott was sure, but he didn’t look, making sure he was paying full attention to the nurse, explaining everything Lucas would have to do and the medication he would have to take.
Lucas was basically hiding behind him and Eliott couldn’t help but smile, noticing how he looked like a scared animal.
For a second Eliott didn’t want to be left alone with Lucas and the kids. From the look he got when Lucas saw him inside his bedroom, Eliott could tell he wasn’t really welcome, but he doesn’t understand what Lucas expected him to do. 
The nurse walks away and Eliott takes a deep breath in before turning to look at Lucas and the kids, both very curious about the white, brand new cast all around their brother’s leg up until the middle of his thigh. Lucas is wearing those hospital clothes and making sure the sheets cover him completely, except for the broken leg. Eliott can only see the part of his thigh that the cast doesn’t reach.
Eliott sits on the hospital bed, suddenly so tired, but so relieved to see Lucas awake and well. Lucas still looks grumpy, but it’s because of the discomfort of a hospital and the pain of having screws newly drilled to his leg. Eliott holds his hand and Lucas looks at him with big, shiny eyes, so close to crying.
Lucas needs rest and so Eliott quickly tries to take control again, turning the old tv on, leaving at some safe and dumb movie that two kids can watch while they talk. The kids don’t complain, but they don’t exactly obey him completely either. They just jump off the bed with Eliott’s help and go sit on the couch once Lucas tells them to do so. 
Eliott turns the lights off and goes back to sitting on Lucas’ bed, quietly holding his hand, not caring that Lucas doesn’t hold his hand back.
After two scenes, the kids are already finding their comfortable space on the couch, lying down, already half asleep. Lucas looks at his siblings when they go completely quiet, they’re now peacefully and properly sleeping on the couch against the wall. They’re out for the night, Eliott hopes.
“Why are you here? Why do you insist?” Lucas whispers, moving again to sit up, making a face and Eliott tries to help, pulling the cover to his lap again.
“What are you talking about?” Eliott frowns, not really sure of what he was supposed to do with two kids with no adult to take care of them except himself.
“You don’t have to be here, you don’t have to take care of me or of Margot or Noah. I can’t-” Lucas swallows hard, looking down at his own hands, quietly moving his hands to hide under the sheets, not meeting Eliott’s eyes anymore.
“I can’t do this like this. You...fucking asshole, digged this whole for me and now I’m in, I’m all in, neck deep in. And I don’t know how to do this...relationship thing. I’ve never been in one and now I have a whole lot with me, so I can’t have you just playing games to have sex. If you want me, you’ll have to stay.”
Lucas says very sure of his words all of a sudden and Eliott has to bite the inside of his cheek not to make a joke because Lucas is usually the one hanging onto his neck, dragging him to the nearest bed. But this is how Lucas is, Eliott learned in all these months they’ve been seeing each other. Lucas wants nothing to do with him and suddenly he’s here, asking for Eliott to be his boyfriend in the most dramatic, not romantic way possible after a long, stressful night.
“I will, if you let me.”
“Do you like me?”
Eliott smiles, carefully letting himself lean back against Lucas’ pillows, making him move to the side just a little so Eliott can fit. “Do you really need to ask?”
“Yes. I need to be sure.”
He moves his head, whispering in Lucas' ear, still smiling and finding grumpy and in pain Lucas so cute. “Yes. I like you. More than I thought it was possible to like someone.”
Lucas doesn’t let them stay that close for long, he moves his head back and looks at Eliott, still very inquisitive.
“And Lucille?”
“What about her?”
“Are you two...?” Lucas raises his eyebrows as high as they can go and Eliott imitates him, wondering where this is going.
“Fucking? No. We were together for a long time, but when it ended, nothing ever happened again.”
Lucas sighs, pushing his head back to fluff the pillows, looking at the old tv still playing the stupid movie.
“You two seemed like you guys were making a cute little romantic, cheesy date at home that day we met.”
“It was a date with me, Lucille, and a bunch of other friends. She went home with someone and I stayed at my place, drinking wine, thinking about you.” Lucas looks at him in shock and Eliott wiggles his eyebrows.
“You didn’t seem that interested that day at the supermarket.”
“I was nervous, that’s all. And very much interested.”
Lucas grabs the control on the nightstand, filled with papers with instructions of how his next few days have to go. He changes the channel a few times, but it’s late and they don’t have many options to watch. He puts the control down on his lap and sighs and Eliott waits for whatever is coming his way now.
“They’re a lot. You don’t have to be here or stay if you know what I mean. I don’t need empty promises, I don’t need people coming in and out of our lives. If you’re not 200% sure about what you’re telling me, then leave me alone.”
Eliott nods his head, they’re back to watching the first movie. Something about it tells Eliott that he already saw this movie a long time ago, but he can’t be sure so he watches.
“I don’t plan on going anywhere, ever. Unless you want me to.”
“Are you sure about that?”
Now that he’s not looking, he feels Lucas really staring at him, trying to smell something on him, but Eliott is sure of what he’s saying. He knows what he’s promising and Lucas won’t find any doubts, no matter how much he sniffs for it.
“220% sure. We’re still getting to know each other, Lucas, but you should know by now I’m not one to go back on my decisions. I’m not one to cheat on the person I’m with if that’s what you’re worried about.”
And just like he read Lucas’ mind, the boy replies him right away.
“If you cheat, it’s over, for good.”
“Agreed, but I won’t.”
“Margot is fucking in love with you, so if you’re getting inside our lives, I hope you know it’s forever.”
Eliott smiles, coming closer, forgetting all about the movie now, carefully resting his forehead against Lucas, letting him take it in for a second.
“I’m all in. And I love baby Margot, but I think I’m taken…”
Eliott feels proud and somewhat possessive when Lucas sighs - almost a soft moan - and smiles with his eyes closed, his face at peace.  
“And you need to get tested. Me too. I don’t want to wear condoms for the rest of my life.”
Eliott laughs that, again, Lucas is the one starting the sex talk, but he lets him be. He nods his head and carefully puts his arm around Lucas’ neck, forcing him to come closer and relax on his chest.
“Yes, sir. We can do that tomorrow. Anything else? You can ask all you want, you’re not going to push me away.”
Lucas sighs, avoiding to meet his eyes because they know his common sense is gone the second he meets Eliott’s intense gaze.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Could we get some ABO Elu as well?
maybe an ABO fic where Lucas is a single parent with a young kid and Eliott somehow finds a place in their family?
This, not a single part of this, was the life Lucas had planned for himself.
“Margot, can you please, just stay by my side?” He begs and sighs when the five-year-old looks up at him and quietly comes closer, holding the side of the trolley, clearly not happy about it, but at least she listens.
This was supposed to be a quick run to the grocery store, but that’s hard with two kids.
Lucas never wanted to be a dad, not even from his own children, but then the world thought he was having too much fun during his young life and threw two half-siblings at him out of nowhere. Lucas wishes he could have said no, explaining that he couldn’t even take care of himself, but he had no choice. His mom was an alpha and she used that to get Lucas to keep her children and she was gone the next day, no news of when she was coming back ever since.
“Luca?” Margot’s small and annoying voice makes him stop feeling sorry for himself, the real life is calling for his attention yet again, meters away, holding a glass bottle of ketchup with tiny hands that can’t even properly hold it.
“Margot!” Lucas tries to drag the trolley closer to an isle, Noah’s blue eyes get so big with the sudden movement, grabbing the handles from the inside and Lucas is rushing to take the glass away from his sister when he runs into someone.
His strong scent hits Lucas instantly, even before actually looking at him, taking it all in.
The alpha is a lot taller, wild overgrown brown hair, black clothes that fit him a little too well, big, pale hands holding the ketchup bottle with one and his little sister with the other, picking her up and taking her to Lucas. He smiles honestly at Margot, with his eyes turning to half moons as he talks to Margot.
“Fuck, thank you.” He sighs as he grabs his sister back, feeling how warm the alpha’s hand is, accidentally brushing against his.
“You said fuck!” Lucas closes his eyes, needing just a minute by himself, with no children’s voice screaming at him for cursing.
“It was an accident, Margot, he didn’t mean it and you can’t say it either!” Lucas frowns as the tall guy calls his sister by her name and plays with her long, blonde hair as he does it.
“I’m Eliott.” He finally introduces himself, looking deep inside Lucas’ eyes with a smile still resting easily on his lips. Lucas swallows hard, shoving it down with it all the dirty thoughts he just had with Eliott.
“Lucas.” Eliott offers his hand and Lucas shakes hands with him, noticing the size difference and how Eliott holds his hand tightly.
It has been so long since Lucas was intimate with someone, anyone, it’s been so long he’s not picky at this point. Yann helped him with his siblings one time months ago and Lucas’ mind was foggy, he just needed to get out and have sex. And that’s what he did. The next morning he didn’t even remember the guy’s name, Lucas was only worrying about getting home to even consider asking names.
“Sorry for her, I’m trying to keep my eyes on both of them, but she just won’t stop.” Lucas puts Margot down inside the trolley with the little one, Noah. Eliott smiles at her and then at Lucas, still with his intense gaze.
“I’m sure it’s a lot of work for anyone, don’t worry.”
A tall woman walks closer to them, smiling and stopping right next to Eliott, smiling not as fondly at Lucas. She’s carrying a bottle of wine and some expensive cheese inside their trolley. She smells just as strongly as him, but different. Another alpha...
“This is Lucille...my friend.” Eliott and her exchange a confidant look and laugh and Lucas feels trapped, surrounded by two flirty and intimidating alphas, so lost, trying to take care of himself and two toddlers.
“I gotta go...thank you.” Lucas takes one last look at Eliott, raising his eyebrows as high as they can go, lost with Lucas’ sudden need to get away from them, but Lucas ignores it, holding the handles and walking away.
“No! Hm, Lucas, right?” Lucille rushes to his side and puts her hand on his trolley to stop him from going anywhere. “Eliott can help…”
She puts her other skinny hand on Eliott’s shoulder, squeezing it and Eliott looks at her, clearly not feeling like helping a strange omega at the grocery store, but he sighs and looks at Lucas again, his pale skin quickly turning a soft shade of pink on his cheekbones.
“Yeah, of course. You live around here?”
Lucas is panicking, not knowing what to do, how to say he doesn’t need help from a married alpha, but he’s also so tired and so attracted to this...Eliott. He smiles at Lucas and gives the groceries he picked - chips and beer - to Lucille, holding Lucas’ trolley, waiting for him so they can go to the exit.
Noah can’t take his eyes off of Eliott. He’s almost falling backward in an attempt to look up enough to see Eliott’s face. Margot rushed to stand inside the trolley as soon as Eliott started pushing it, telling him all about how Lucas made hot chocolate for them in the morning.
“Your kids?” Eliott asks once they reach the cashier, Margot is handing him one item at a time to scan, playing with Noah in between each round.
Lucas blinks a few times, watching the scene of this ridiculously good looking alpha getting along so well with Margot and Noah, scanning all his groceries, handling everything with an ease that Lucas doesn’t have with months living with the two kids. They barely have a routine, every grocery trip is a nightmare. “Huh?! No! No...my-siblings.” Lucas stutters, desperate to tell a stranger these wild children are not his.
“Oh.” Eliott raises his eyebrows, looking at Lucas and then at the kids. “They smell like you.” He looks up again at Lucas, searching his face in a way Lucas can’t really understand but he wants to dig a hole underneath his feet deep enough where he can hide forever.
They smell like you!
Of course they do, they all share a queen size bed because these kids don’t know what boundaries are. No matter how many times Lucas puts them in their shared crib, they always climb out and then into Lucas’ bedroom and bed.
“You’re the only omega, huh.” Eliott says in a playful manner and Lucas get the look he was giving him a second ago. He was probably feeling sorry for Lucas, such a little prey between these alphas, thinking he’s some kind of submissive dumbass. Usually he wouldn’t care, there’s no way this kids will ever boss him around, but Lucas feels that reminder coming from Eliott burn all his insides, feeling like this is what Eliott wanted: to make him feel little and useless.
“Yep.” Eliott probably smells how unsettled Lucas is because he stands up straight again, looking at Lucas for a second that feels like an eternity, regretting his own words or at least the way he phrased it.
“Being an alpha is not as fun as you might think.” Lucas can’t help but roll his eyes and focus on something else like how attrached he’s to this stranger, soothing his anger with the thought of kissing Eliott’s lips, having his eyes on him for more than just a few moments. Eliott laughs at his face, more relaxed now, back to scanning Lucas’ groceries, putting everything away in bags, keeping everything so organized.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I'm already so invested in the story and the kiddos and of course elu 💞💞💞
Part 2
He feels his mattress sinking over and over again with no care, his body moving with it unintentionally and he thinks about Eliott sneaking closer to him, to wake him up with soft morning kisses and hopefully a huge breakfast.
“What’s this?” He hears Margot’s voice instead and he opens his eyes, wide awake suddenly. He wishes he didn’t learn to be like this, he wasn’t like this when he was alone, but he assume it’s his instincts screaming at him like the loudest alarm because these little alpha creatures that depend on him are awake and he doesn’t know for how long and how they got to his bed.
The little girl kneeling right next to him is frowning and grabbing his shirt. Noah is a little behind, struggling to climb to the top of the bed so Margot helps him and he comes crawling and already sniffing and making a face like a dog.
“It’s Eliott!” Margot comes to the conclusion by herself, like Eliott could be a shirt, not a human being.
“No, it’s mine.” Lucas complains, realizing it’s still very much dark around them, relaxing when he finally understand the situation. The kids are safe, nothing bad happened while he was asleep, they just needed to come to his bed, like they always do. He rolls to his side and grabs his phone. 2 a.m. It’s his lucky night, he got almost five full hours of sleep before the intrusion.
“It’s Eliott.” She decides and snuggles under the heavy covers, using all her strength to cover herself all the way to her head. Margot sleeps completely covered, so weird and Noah crawls and adjusts himself on Lucas’ pillow.
Not on the one right next to it, or using Lucas’ pillow but just with his head on the empty pillow, he lies completely on Lucas’ pillow. He doesn’t have the strength to fight them tonight, so he just closes his eyes and it’s even a little bit thankful with Noah’s tiny hands playing with his hair - one of Lucas’ weaknesses -  until both of them fall back asleep.
The week goes by excruciatingly slow, Lucas will never tell anyone, but he’s now addicted to his phone, constantly looking if he has new messages.
He shouldn’t be doing this, really, but he’s already doing it when he notices it and puts his phone away. Eliott hasn’t texted him all week long, they haven’t talked after that night. Lucas should have known and he shouldn’t be this worried about it, feeling so stupidly offended and used.
It’s Thursday night and he’s feeling needy. Lucas never had a relationship, a long, lasting, dreamy relationship like they have in the movies. He only had fuck ups. People leaving him left and right, leaving him worse than when they found him. But sometimes Lucas lets himself accept that he craves connections like an addict. And he doesn’t even know what he’s addicted to.
He sits on his bed, for once missing the annoying, obnoxious voices of his siblings to distract him from doing something stupid. Now it’s late and he has nothing to do, no diaper to change, no bottle to warm up.
There is only his phone on his hand, scrolling down the screen, finding Eliott’s number and calling him instantly.
He puts his phone against his ear and starts biting his nails, praying Eliott won’t pick up and he won’t leave a stupid message for him to hear later.
He’s probably with Lucile…
“This is new.” Eliott’s soothing voice comes suddenly as a smarter line of thought than what Lucas was just thinking.
“You, calling me.” He explains and Lucas sighs annoyed, covering his face with his empty hand, waiting for more, too embarrassed to try to justify himself, “A good new though. Everything okay with you? The kids?”
“Hm, yeah...Yeah, they’re fine, sleeping, thankfully.”
Eliott laughs on the other side and Lucas smiles, wanting him close.
“Good. So I guess you’re not calling me to ask for help to put them to bed…” Lucas feels his whole body warming up, blushing, probably. He looks at his bedroom door, almost completely open like always, suddenly back to being aware of how loud he’s talking when there are two babies sleeping.
“Why are you so cocky?”
“I’m not, Lucas. I’m just honest. Too honest, even.”
“Right, that’s what you keep telling yourself.” Lucas tries, paying attention to Eliott if he makes any noise or sign of discomfort.
“I want to be with you. I want you to call me because you want me there with you, not because of the kids…”
“Stop…” Lucas whispers, wanting Eliott to not be another one that plays Lucas like a puppet.
“You know I mean it, so I’ll stop.” They take a break from pushing each other’s limits and Lucas relaxes, lying on his bed, looking at the ceiling, “Why did you call me? Tell me and I’ll be whatever you need.”
Lucas laughs again with how gentle, but brutally honest Eliott is. When they met at the grocery store he never would have guessed that. He thought Eliott would be intimidating, but he’s a different type of intimidating, it’s worst.
When they met, Lucas thought Eliott was something so out of his league, something he would never have and now he’s here. Trying to understand why someone like Eliott, an alpha like Eliott, would give him any attention. He’s real, which makes him and his intimidation so much worse. And sexy.
“I don’t know, actually. Just needed to talk to someone. You, I guess.” Lucas exhales once he’s done talking, trying to get himself back on his feet. He’s usually good with people when it’s about this. He’s better with people he wants, flirting with them.
“Can this conversation be in person?”
“Always inviting yourself to my place…” Lucas shakes his head even though nobody is seeing him.
Eliott laughs quietly, “No, not at all. If you want, I can go to your place, pick you and the kids and we can come to my place.”
Lucas frowns, putting his hand on his forehead, keeping his hair out of his eyes, back to being so aware of how much Eliott is trying. Lucas wants to believe his interest is genuine, but why would he care so much. “Why? Why are you so interested?”
“I don’t know. I just like you, easy as that.” Eliott sighs like he just made a confession and Lucas’ heart goes a little softer.
“It’s never easy as that.”
“It is when it’s about me and you.”
Me and you. Those word don’t leave Lucas’ brain ever again.
Lucas doesn’t know why he was so stupid and reckless, but here he is. At Eliott’s place for once, with both kids sleeping peacefully on Eliott’s bed, and he is watching as Eliott makes them some cheesy pasta as a very late dinner.
Eliott looks over his shoulder at Lucas still there, leaning against the small island, not really sure what he should be doing.
“You can go around, explore all you want. You can open any drawer, any closet. I know you’re looking for defects or reasons not to trust me.”
Lucas raises his eyebrows, looking at the back of Eliott’s head now that he’s back to only caring about the food he is making. “Don’t say it twice or I’ll go.”
“Go, Lucas. Please.” Lucas can see from where he is how Eliott smiles just on the corner of his mouth.
And Lucas lowers his head, turning on his heels to go explore like Eliott said for him to do, trying not to smile.
His first stop is at Eliott’s bedroom. Margot and Noah are still asleep, they’re still breathing, Lucas also checks that, putting his hand close to their noses.
They didn’t even woke up to get inside Eliott’s car, or out of it, or to be transferred to his bed. Eliott held Margot like he knew what he was doing and she hooked her legs and arms around him like she knew she could trust him even on her sleep. He even kissed Margot’s forehead after putting her back in bed!
His house is bigger than Lucas’, but definitely not as organized. Eliott is an artist, you can tell by how many sketchbooks he has on his nightstand. Lucas looks at the door, still open in case the kids woke up and they didn’t hear from the kitchen. He carefully opens the top sketchbook on a random page.
Lucas has to grab the sketchbook then, looking at himself on the piece of paper. Suddenly he’s not even sure of how he looks in real life. If his eyebrows are that thick and perfect...if his nose is this angled, square and...pretty. He puts the sketchbook back down before he can get too mindblown. He’s about to open the only drawer on his nightstand, but he stops, looking at the hard, black cover of the book he was just holding, still trying to understand the fact that Eliott knows his every trace by heart.
Lucas tries to think, to not let a single piece of paper to throw his functioning brain into the trash bin underneath the nightstand and let his reckless heart take over his thoughts.
He carefully closes the little he had opened of the drawer and leaves Eliott’s bedroom, looking at the kids one more time to make sure they are sleeping soundly. He walks certainty and quickly down the hall, finding Eliott still busy, moving back and forth between the pot and the sliced cheese on the cutting board.
Lucas stops in between the two and Eliott finally notices him, smiling softly, surprised, but letting Lucas pull him closer by his neck, brushing their lips together.
“Let's go to bed.” He asks and he sounds softer than what he intended, like they have the kind of intimacy where Lucas can go soft and not feel ashamed because of it.
Eliott smiles, clearly staring at Lucas’ probably dry lips, “My bed is busy…”
“Couch then. I wanna be yours.” Lucas stares right back at Eliott’s inviting lips.  
“Lucas…” Eliott is being reasonable. Of course that’s a bad idea, the chances of getting caught are extremely high.
“I mean it. Please, make me yours.” Lucas doesn’t wait another second, kissing Eliott with his whole being, almost hanging on his neck and Eliott turns everything off behind him, giving his full attention back to Lucas and his touch.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
can we please please get another part of Elu ABO?????
This has a little bit of smut in it, be careful! 
After being used so many times, Lucas has a hard time understanding real feelings or intentions. He doesn’t smell any type of bad intentions on Eliott, but he still struggles to trust him. Why would Eliott care so much? They don’t even know each other. Eliott doesn’t owe Lucas anything, but he’s still at his door at least once a week, coming to visit, but also to check if Lucas needs anything, forcing him to go out with him and the kids to go play at the park near his house. Lucas never had a chance to go to the park because there’s no way he would go anywhere willingly with two crazy kids.
It starts to get even harder to see Eliott at his door every Friday afternoon when he feels his next heat creeping under his skin. Lucas is used to it by now, he knows how to...handle himself. It has always been like this so it’s okay, it’s not like it’s going to change because a hot alpha is constantly around him these days.
Lucas tries to pretend he and the kids are busy this Friday, that they’ll go to Yann’s for the night or something, but he knows Eliott can literally smell it. Even Margot and Noah are bothered by the change in his smell.
Eliott is at his door anyway after lunch like he always is, but Lucas tried to organize himself. If Margot or Noah saw Eliott, Lucas was ruined. They would be all over him instantly and Lucas wouldn’t have a chance to say no. There would be screams and cries for twenty four hours and he’s not risking it. 
So Margot and Noah are sitting inside their bedroom, the door locked so they won’t have a chance to escape and Lucas gave them a huge bowl of ice cream - which they aren’t always allowed to have - and watching Margot’s favorite movie: Hotel Transylvania.
“Hi…” Eliott frowns as Lucas steps outside, closing the door behind him, not even bothering to let go of the knob.
“Hey...I...I mean we can’t go out today. Noah is not feeling too good.”
“What? Is he okay? You want me to take him to the hospital? My car is just downstairs and-”
“No, Eliott, really. It’s okay. He just needs some rest, to stay in bed and eat and drink water. You know, rest a little.”
He squeezes the cold door handle tighter, trying to ignore how his inside clench at the thought of hurting Eliott’s feelings, of creating a distance between them.
Eliott looks at him throughout and something changes. His smell changes, heightened and Lucas straighten his posture, feeling like the walls are closing around him when nothing is really moving. Eliott looks down and nods his head, putting his hands on his fancy, black social pants that seem a little different than the usual skinny black jeans.
“Okay...I’ll see you guys next week then. Call me if you need anything…”
Lucas exhales as Eliott accepts his defeat, looking at Lucas for just a brief moment, turning on his feet and walking away, but Lucas waits a little before he moves, all his insides begging him to ask Eliott to stay.
“I can help you…” Eliott says out of nowhere, turning back around suddenly to look at Lucas. He’s not naked, but Lucas feels like he is. He hates that his smell was so strong to the point where Eliott couldn’t just fucking ignore it.
“No, you can’t. It’s okay, I can handle myself, it’s what I do best.”
“But you don’t have to do it now.” Eliott comes closer again and Lucas steps back on instinct and Eliott notices it or smells it, Lucas is not too sure.
“I’m not going to hurt you, Lucas. I won’t do anything you don’t want me to.”
And the offer is so tempting. Lucas craves affection more than he’s willing to admit most of the time, but his feelings are not letting him be the strong lone omega he always is.
He thinks about his empty apartment, the kids inside their bedroom. He can be reckless for once, do whatever he feels like doing, without thinking about consequences.
“You should go…” Lucas says firmly and watches as Eliott sighs, looking down.
Eliott should focus on this big, rich people party Lucille begged him to come as her plus one. He can’t stop thinking about Lucas, about his smell, how nice and grumpy he is. And how he didn’t want Eliott to stay.
Lucille walks back to their table, dancing a little as he gives him whatever alcoholic beverage she got them, her bright red, silky dress moving sensually against her long, skinny body. Lucille is so fucking pretty.
“I think my boss is trying to hit on me.” Eliott frowns, drinking the also red and very strong drink Lucille ordered for him.
“You mean generally or like right now, at your work party?”
Lucille continues to move her hips to the beat of the music, her slip dress leaving very little to the imagination.
“I mean right now, tonight. I was at the bar and he came to stand right next to me, we talked a little…” She wiggles her eyebrows like she does when she’s teasing Eliott about what he does constantly without noticing. 
He wiggles his eyebrows back at her, knowing she has made up her mind already. Lucille is not one to lead people on. She wants the guy, whoever he is.
“Well...make sure to get a promotion out of tonight then.”
“Oh, that would be so fucking good. Imagine: having sex with a hot guy and getting a promotion, all in one night, just because you had sex with the hot guy. Oof, that would be a good night.”
She finishes her drink in one go and Eliott watches, laughing as he takes his time with his drink.
“And what about you? And your hot guy…” She frowns and stops moving her hips, actually having to work hard to remember his name.
“Lucas.” Eliott does it for her and she smiles at him.
“Exactly! Lucas...how are things going?”
“He’s going into heat…” Just thinking about it makes Eliott’s skin get rough and sensitive. Lucille must smell it because she finally sits back on the stool she was sitting before the trip to the bar.
“Into heat you said?”
“And what? I’m here with you, aren’t I?”
“Did you pick me over him, mister Demaury?” Lucille is trying to make a joke, but they both know there’s also a hint of truth in it. 
They don’t love each other, not as lovers anymore, they’re just friends and they’ve been for years, but they both know they would have sex if they both were in desperate need of it. And if he said yes to her, even as a joke, Eliott knows their hormones would get a little too awake. But he doesn’t want to, Lucas is the only person he can see, that he can think about, that he wants.
“No. Of course not. He didn’t want me there, so I took a very cold shower and came to help a desperate friend in need.”
Lucille raises her eyebrows and nods her head, acting like she believes his words. Eliott waves his hand away.
“Come on, let’s go, chop-chop, go find your promotion. I’ll be fine on my own.”
“Are you sure?”
Lucille doesn’t think twice, leaving Eliott alone, watching as Lucille adjusts her dress around her hips - making it just a little shorter - stopping at another table where a guy instantly stops talking to his friends, his eyes very focused on Lucille. 
This is going to be a long night, he thinks as he finally finishes his drink, thinking one it’s more than enough for tonight. Eliott knows his limits are paper thin so he’s constantly aware of his choices. As he’s about to get his phone, check if he didn’t get any messages, it starts buzzing on the inside pocket of his black suit. 
Eliott gets up from his stool, accepting the call as he tries to find somewhere quiet so he can hear Lucas.
“Lucas?” He says loudly over the now annoying music and there’s no actual answer, but Eliott stops as he finally finds an unlocked door, getting inside the bathroom and closing the door. He hears it instantly, lighting all his nerves like an electric wire. 
Him panting, moaning, breathing hard, and close to the phone. He hears the softest, whiniest noise, very low, but he would recognize his name coming from Lucas’ mouth any day.
Holy fucking shit.
“I’m on my way, okay?”
“...okay…” Another long, almost painful moan, “The door is open, kids are asleep, be fucking careful...”
Eliott hangs up and rushes out of the bathroom, not even bothering to look for Lucille to explain, not even waiting for the elevator, running downstairs to the parking lot where he left his car.
Eliott opens the door as carefully as his nerves and hormones let him, getting inside and locking the door, turning around, just one light turned on and Lucas walks out of that bedroom, stopping at the door like the most perfect wet dream. 
He takes a few, uncertain steps forward and Eliott rushes to him, not able to stop looking at his completely naked body, his blotchy pale skin with reddish-pink stains appearing everywhere as he’s overheating.
“You can’t be here when they wake up,” Lucas whispers when they’re so close, resting their foreheads together.
“I won’t be.” Eliott nods his head, already putting his hand on Lucas’ side, letting the boy jump to his lap as Eliott takes them back inside the bedroom, closing and locking another door.
“Fuck! They’re awake…” Lucas can’t help but contract himself, not ready to be empty again and Eliott grunts, resting his forehead against Lucas’ chest.
“Lucas...fuck!…” He keeps his pace with slow, deep trusts, and Lucas arches his back, his underwear bothering him, hanging around one of his feet. 
They tried stopping a few hours ago, took a calm, intimate shower with long gazes and not much touching or talking, and Lucas even tried to put his clothes back on, but that didn’t last.
He presses his fingers on the small of Eliott’s back, keeping him inside. Eliott still looks him in that way he did the first time they met where Lucas’ brain goes blank and Eliott crashes into them, another heated, long kiss to keep them quiet, picking up the pace.
There’s a constant knock on the door when Lucas comes back from his high, his back still arched, still contracting to keep Eliott inside.
“Shit…” Lucas slowly gets the control over his body again, relaxing his body and whining and Eliott carefully slips out, lying next to Lucas.
He rolls out of bed, having to focus completely on making his legs work enough to keep him standing, leaning against the door, hoping he doesn’t have anything on his face as he opens the door just enough for Margot to see half of his face.
“I’m late, okay? I’m going to take a shower, you go back to bed and I’ll call you when breakfast is ready.”
Margot still needs to learn how to behave herself. She’s barely listening to Lucas, her eyebrows meeting in the middle of her forehead, creating the biggest wrinkle and she’s just smelling.
“Is Eliott there?”
“Margot. To your room, right now. I’ll call you when you can get out.” He has to snap his fingers for her to blink, aware of her surroundings again, not just whatever smell she’s smelling. And she’s finally walking away, clearly not convinced, but she knows better.
Lucas rushes out of the shower, putting some sweatpants on and Eliott is still in his bed, looking so tempting, still very much naked under the sheets. He needs a shower too, Lucas wishes he could go with him, but Margot is probably impatient already.
“You stay here, ok? Take a shower if you want, I’m gonna go give them something to eat and a bath and then you can leave.”
The apartment is quiet, Lucas is finally alone with himself. Both the kids are fed, tired after playing, running around the apartment the whole day, sleeping in their own beds.
Every muscle in his body aches and a long night of sleep sounds impossible but so good. He finally lets himself think about Eliott, about him in his bed, with Lucas, all day long. Lucas would never have the courage, but he wishes he had asked Eliott to stay while he was busy with the kids. 
Just thinking about his touch and Eliott calling his name makes him shudder as he walks to his bedroom, hating the thought of still having to change his sheets, put them to wash, put a clean one on his bed. By the time he’s done with all of that, Margot will probably be awake again, dragging Noah with her to Lucas’ bed to sleep with him.
He sighs and opens his bedroom door, stopping right away. His bed is made, clean sheets and all and he looks back, just then hearing the washing machine working hard like it always does when it’s on.
Lucas rests against his door, closing his eyes. He drags himself inside, already feeling so relaxed with the thought of Eliott there, cleaning his bedroom, putting his things to wash. Lucas pushes the blankets to get underneath when he finds something underneath his pillow, a black thing slipping out and Lucas grabs it, carefully pulling out and he’s hit instantly with the smell.
He smells so homey…
Lucas buries his nose against the clearly worn-out shirt. Honey, softener, Eliott. He takes his shirt off, still a little damp from the bubble war Margot and Noah had and he puts Eliott’s shirt on. it might be his mind, but the shirt still feels warm and soft. Lucas pulls it to cover his nose and mouth and he’s out.
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
And then I was finally (and very suddenly) hit with an idea for the ABO Nicotino AU (and also for the next part of the elu one which is difficult, writing two different things at once) and just like that, I wrote one full page of a very raw idea. It’s happening at least! 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
the nicotino abo hurts so good... was nico planning that? or was just the moment? s4 left me with so many bittersweet thoughts, so im living for this, i cant wait for the continuation!
I’m glad?? hahahaha I guess it’s supposed to hurt (so good), after the soft elu one I wanted an angsty one for Nicotino, using a little bit of what was given us during season 4. Yeah, you and me, friend, had so many bittersweet thoughts, so I’m kinda happy to be able to explore some of those while writing this AU. 
I hope you’ll understand a little more during the next part, but no, Nico didn’t plan anything, one thing led to another, they haven’t seen each other for a year and they still (obviously, I would never change that) love each other so much, so I guess it’s hard to keep their hands and mouths and everything in between to themselves. 
A little hint of what’s coming to keep you while you wait for the next part: it’ll be Nico’s POV after what we just read during the first two parts :3 we’ll see a little bit more of his side of things, how that night happened, what’s going on between him and Luai... 
I’m excited!! Thank you for reading and for talking to me <3 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Just like Robbe x Sander ABO!AU, now we also have a tag for the Elu!ABO AU so it’s a little easier for you guys to search for it in the future
#Elu!ABO AU will be the tag :) 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
Akdjjsjdjxj the elu ABO fic has my heart squealing!! It's so good!! I'm already so invested in the story and the kiddos and of course elu 💞💞💞 please tell me there will be a part 3 🥺🥺🥺
Thank you so muuuuch! I was saving this inspiration that I found from a fanart for so long and I’m not gonna lie, I’m a little proud of how these kids turned out and the whole vibe of this AU too. Part 3 is finally out! 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
i feel like you should put your 5 part lukes fic on ao3 and actively continue it, it’s great! but if not then can you just do a part 6 pls?
Thank you, anon! 
I’m always coming back to them, and it’s mostly in the same universe I created myself hahaha sadly, I don’t have time right now, I’m behind with so many prompts and I can’t really commit to another longer fic (I’m already working on Nicotino ABO AU - and maybe an extra chapter on the Elu ABO because an anon asked me so nicely)
But!! I’ll try to post it on ao3 soon, if that helps :3 and if you stick around, you might see the next Lukes whenever I write it (have no prompts to write about them as we speak, except for yours, I’ll try to think of something to post)
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I was curious but do you also have a nicotino abo au? 👀
I don’t...yet. 
I’ll probably start working on it soon though, I had a request to write it and once I’m done with the next chapter of the elu abo I’ll also start working on the nicotino one. :3
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I want to see anything where Lucas hides behind Eliott’s back. Idk why but I am a sucker for scared Lucas 😂❤️
hahahaha I tried, anon, wrote a little something about that on my Elu! ABO AU and then it got too big so there’s also another part after that one
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
I have noticed that you are writing ABO for Sobbe and Elu, and I was maybe wondering if you could consider something for Nicotino? The way Martino acted in fight at the end of episode 5 reminded me so much of a territorial alpha... Thank you!
hahaha yes, I am, anon! 
Okay, I’ll write it for you (saved your message on my drafts, but wanted to answer you right away as well) and yeees, I’m here for Marti being an alpha, but I need to warn you: I’m writing way too many AUs right now and also prompts, so your Nicotino!ABO might take a while to come out, maybe a few weeks, at least so I can finish one or two of these AUs that I’m writing and focus on your new one <33. 
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ayellowcurtain · 4 years
What is your Elu Abo Fic about and where can I find all parts of it?
So far what we got: Lucas is an omega with two little siblings to take care of. (Noah and Margot, both alphas). Eliott just met him at a grocery store, he was with Lucille, but they’re just friends (also two alphas). 
I don’t know much about ABO, so I’m just creating something without knowing much about it, you know? 
Anyway, you can find both parts that I already posted on the #Elu!ABO AU tag :3 
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