#Elvis and anita
peaceloveelvis · 1 year
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Rest in Peace, Anita
Give Elvis a big kiss for all of us! 🤍
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vintagepresley · 2 years
I just finished reading Jerry Schillings book and it’s honestly one of my favorite books I’ve read about Elvis. Jerry is just so cute and sweet. I love his honesty and the love he had for Elvis. You could feel just how much he loved him and still does. So good.
I just ordered Elvis and Anita to read next bc I’ve been dying to get that book. The two of them were something special. 😂
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doll-elvis · 1 year
“…as she got older, she delighted in sneaking up behind him and tickling him when he least expected it. It was such a pleasure to be cleaning and to suddenly hear squeals of delight coming from the two of them in the next room. It was sometimes hard to tell which of the two of them was having the most fun. They also loved to reverse roles. Lisa would pretend to be the “mommy”, and Elvis would let her feed him as they sat on his massive bed. It was very cute to watch, although I did clean up a number of a food messes on that bed over the years….”
he loved his “yisa” so much <3
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(from “Inside Graceland” by Nancy Rooks)
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layla-boyd · 4 days
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elvisbooty76 · 3 months
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headfullofpresley · 1 year
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just some Elvis girlies that don't/have never dragged his name through the mud and truly respect him as the man they love. :)
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elvisbdoll · 1 year
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Rest in peace Anita Wood🥺🕯️
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Elvis with actress Anita Wood during an evening visit in Waco, Texas, before catching the train the next day on Thursday, September 18, 1958.
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bcofl0ve · 1 year
rest in peace sweet lady. thank you for giving the world “i thought you liked girls!” and inventing comedy <3 (give that boy a hug and maybe a loving smack upside the head for us!)
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presleypictures · 2 years
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Elvis and Anita in Memphis, September 13, 1957.
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velvetprvsley · 1 year
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“By the way our song from now on is ‘Please Love Me Forever’ by Tommy Edwards. Every night i play it just for you. Always loving and wanting you. ‘Your’s alone Darling’ Elvis Presley.”
- From a letter Elvis wrote for Anita while stationed in Germany
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vintagepresley · 2 years
Reading Anita’s book and I have a lot to say. I truly believe had he not gone to Germany he would’ve married Anita. These two were so in love that he already has the names of his children planned with her. His son would be named after him and they’re daughter would be named Lisa Marie. (Anita’s middle name is Marie). The way he was with her is like something I never read with him and other women. She was so close to his family that she sometimes slept with dodger.
She also kind of reminds me of Gladys in a lot of ways and I could see why the two of them got along so well. Because Anita much like Gladys for the most part always said what was on her mind. Granted I’m still reading the book. But the love these two shared was insane. I understand why Anita didn’t really want to write a book because these were her special memories and she didn’t understand why people wanted to know so much about it. The “friendship” ring he gave to her has been passed down in her family now that her daughter wears the ring.
I just.. I don’t know.. I can’t stop smiling when I read about these two. 😭🥺
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doll-elvis · 1 year
I don’t care about her living off of Elvis but I kinda wish Priscilla didn’t erase his other girlfriends from his story like Anita Wood, Ann Margret, and Linda Thompson
this is an interesting topic for sure. I’ve wondered if anyone else has noticed that there is kind of a hierarchy in the elvis world regarding girlfriends and friends of elvis. and it can especially be seen by what elvis presley enterprises chooses to promote
like for example, Dixie Locke and Priscilla became good friends later on in life. And I think that has influenced Dixie Locke’s book being sold on the Graceland website and maybe even why she was shown in the Elvis movie. You would definitely never see something like Ann Margret’s book or Joyce Bova’s being promoted. I have noticed that elvis presley enterprises doesn’t want to put any attention on girlfriends whose time with Elvis overlapped with Priscilla’s, like Joyce Bova, Ann Margret and Anita Wood for example.
even at Graceland where Elvis’ tcb ring is displayed I heard that the tour guide doesn’t mention that the diamond on it isn’t the original, and that the original diamond is with Ginger Alden as it was used to make her engagement ring which she still has to this day. regardless of what you think of Ginger, to completely ignore her engagement with Elvis is crazy to me
As for Linda I was honestly really surprised that she had no mention in the Elvis movie at all. I understand the movie was more about Elvis and the colonel’s relationship but to ignore almost 5 years of Elvis’ life with Linda is crazy. But I think it was to show some narrative like Elvis was never able to move on from Priscilla, which I don’t think is true and is unfair to women like Linda, Sheila and Ginger who had significant relationships with him. Idk how much control Priscilla actually has, especially now, and from my understanding she wasn’t involved in the movie but I sometimes think maybe Baz did certain things to appease Priscilla but I can’t say for sure👀
I think all Elvis history is worth knowing, and it’s definitely not fair to just pick and choose
what do y’all think?
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idk3453 · 2 years
Chapter 2: He’s the devil in disguise
For this chapter it’s gonna be in Elvis POV 
The Image below is the suit and hairstyle Elvis Wore.
TW: Violence and mention of Murder. Strong Language.
Here is Chapter 2 of the series Mafia. Hope you guys enjoy!
Synopsis: Elvis Presley, notorious mafia leader of Memphis, Tennessee has the town on their feet. Fear, power, money and women surround him and his Memphis mafia. But what happens when one day you stumble into his world? And he makes you fall in love with him? 
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News reporter: John I’m here live at what appears to be a horrific crime scene. Behind me is an abandoned house, but inside is what’s nerve wrecking. Inside is the body of Mark Lane. Mark was known for having trouble with the law, but his fate was soon ended. I spoke with the Chief of Police here in Memphis, and it appears to be the works of Notorious Leader Elvis Presley…. 
“Hey guys, turn up the volume! I wanna hear what this reporter has to say” Billy says. The Memphis Mafia gathered around the sofa, and watched as the reporter talked about what was left of Mark. 
“Serves him right, for fucking with me” Elvis said from behind. 
“John, I am inside the abandoned home and as you can see the Memphis Mafia, is truly a force to be reckoned, more on this report to follow up” said the reporter. 
“Fellas, imma just say this… Elvis held their attention. Nicely done on last night mission” clapping the mafia bellowed in cheers and congratulations. “Jesus, E you really did a number on Mark” said Jerry 
His attention went to the television as they started to show images of Mark. You smirked as you remembered what you did. 
“Elvis, man I-I-I-I swear I have the money” Mark begins to back away
I pinch my forehead with my left index finger and thumb finger. My right hand on my right hip, making sure it’s close to my gun. 
“Mark, Mark, Mark when are you gonna learn, that this isn’t a negotiation. I told you to have the money by Friday”. 
I looked at my watch, “and look what we have here… it’s Friday now!” Smiling at Mark. 
I make my way towards him, Mark is backing away in fear, I crouch down. 
“Now, Mark I’m gonna ask again do you have my money or not” 
“Ptui” Mark had just spit on me. Still crouch down I wiped the spit with my left hand. Smirking I looked up at him with a sinister glare. “You shouldn’t have done that” I said as I connected my fist to his jaw. I got up, and told Joe, “try to pry whatever information he has” 
“You got it EP” Joe stated 
You turn around and begin to head to the door as you hear Marks screams from behind slowly becoming an echo. You open the door and remove your suit jacket. Leaving you with just a white button down shirt, the first few buttons left undone and the sleeves rolled up revealed some of the tattoos you had gotten over the years. You reached for your suit jacket again and look for the Diamond Tip Cigar you had for these types of occasions. 
Lighting it up with a lighter, you inhale just enough of the cigar and exhaled the smoke.
As the smoke begins to engulf the air, you couldn’t help but wonder who that mystery woman from Club Handy was. Her beauty, her sensuality, the way she carried herself. The way you desire to be near her, grab her by the waist, and just kiss her. The way you desired her every being. You were determined to have her one way or the other. Smirking you inhale the remaining cigar, toss it to the side, and tell the boys, to head home. 
Feeling accomplished for what you did, you look at the clock and it says it’s 6pm, you decide to get the boys ready for a night at Club Handy again. “This time it’s evening attire only fellas.” I wanna see your best looks tonight! We are celebrating! The Mafia nodded and Hollered “Will do boss” or “ Your the man EP.” 
Heading upstairs, I make my way to the shower, the water pellets hit my skin effortlessly, as I'm washing my body, my mind begins to envision the woman. Feeing me everywhere. I groan, my dick beginning to pulsate with the idea of her on her knees. Hearing a knock from the bathroom door. I yell out saying “ Son of a bitch, WHOS KNOCKING?!” 
“It’s me EP, Its Jerry” Jerry said. 
Grabbing my towel, I wrap it around my waist and head towards the door, “What Jerry, WHAT IS SO IMPORTANT THAT YOU NEED TO DISRUPT ME FROM MY SHOWER SESSION!” 
“It’s Anita, E, she won’t stop bitching about how you haven’t returned her calls, and how you pushed her away that night you sporadically left” said Jerry 
“Anita?!” I said, “what the fuck could she want now, I swear all she does is bitch and complain” 
“Tell her I’m too busy, make up an excuse Jer I don’t care.”  
“Alright E, also that project you gave me?” 
I turned my neck so fast, it almost gave me whip lash “What about the project, Jer?” “What did you find out for me?” 
“looks like Parker is trying to become the number 1 mafia leader along with his has been of a gang.” 
“Parker?!, hahaha don’t make me laugh Jer, listen let’s talking about Parker later tonight in our meeting. Right now we gotta get ready for our celebration!” 
“Your right EP, let’s get ready” said Jerry 
Closing the door to my room, I go to the closet and picked out a classic suit, black ensemble with a black bow tie, white button up.  You strip yourself from the towel and started to dress yourself. 
Slicking your hair back a bit leaving few front strands to frame my face, I couldn’t help but admire my reflection. 
“Elvis, you’ve outdone yourself again” 
. “Well, if it isn’t EP himself, how you been man?” BB King greets you and your mafia. 
Chuckling I said “BB!, I’ve been good man, how you been?” 
“Never better E, this place is packed!” 
“I mean Club Handy is the spot to be BB” 
After conversing with BB for a few minutes, I made my way to our designated booth, beginning the night by ordering our first round of drinks. 
As I’m taking my 3rd whiskey drink, I see a figure in front of me. “What do you want Anita” you groan annoyingly. 
You weren't in the mood to deal with Anita and her drama. All you wanted to do was have a nice evening with your boys, "And look for the woman" Your mind reminded you of her. Shaking your head you put that thought to the side, you have bigger issues to deal now. and that now happened to be Anita.
"I wanna know why you pushed me the other night! and why haven't you returned none of my calls! Is there another woman! I knew it! You are seeing someone else!" Anita cries
Rubbing your temples you look at Anita and tell her to shut up. "Anita theres a reason why I don't call you, Its because all you do is nag, and bitch, nag and bitch. Your a nagging ass wife!" you yelled. Anita being too stunned to speak decided to huff and leave.
"Finally, I thought she would never leave" you said taking a swig of your 3rd whiskey drink. You order your 4th round and over hear BB talking about some contest, something to do with singing. You couldn't care less, but decided to pay attention. You hear your boys laughing and making their pick of woman giggle, you couldn't help but think about the woman from last night again. What you would do just to see her again.
As the night rolls on your on your 5th glass and began to feel tipsy. Just as you were about to round up the Mafia and head back home to hold the meeting. BB announces one more contestant. You take the remaining liquid and swallow it whole, Making sure your glass hits hard on the table, you look up and couldn't believe it.
Well guys that's Chapter 2! what do we think?
Again thank you to the besties! @natipooxx, @erutluve, @plasticfantasticl0ver !!
Cant wait for y all to see what Chapter 3 Is about ;)
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elvisbooty76 · 3 months
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This is such sad news. Anita Wood passed away. 😢
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