#I will always take an opportunity to rant about Elvis
doll-elvis · 1 year
I don’t care about her living off of Elvis but I kinda wish Priscilla didn’t erase his other girlfriends from his story like Anita Wood, Ann Margret, and Linda Thompson
this is an interesting topic for sure. I’ve wondered if anyone else has noticed that there is kind of a hierarchy in the elvis world regarding girlfriends and friends of elvis. and it can especially be seen by what elvis presley enterprises chooses to promote
like for example, Dixie Locke and Priscilla became good friends later on in life. And I think that has influenced Dixie Locke’s book being sold on the Graceland website and maybe even why she was shown in the Elvis movie. You would definitely never see something like Ann Margret’s book or Joyce Bova’s being promoted. I have noticed that elvis presley enterprises doesn’t want to put any attention on girlfriends whose time with Elvis overlapped with Priscilla’s, like Joyce Bova, Ann Margret and Anita Wood for example.
even at Graceland where Elvis’ tcb ring is displayed I heard that the tour guide doesn’t mention that the diamond on it isn’t the original, and that the original diamond is with Ginger Alden as it was used to make her engagement ring which she still has to this day. regardless of what you think of Ginger, to completely ignore her engagement with Elvis is crazy to me
As for Linda I was honestly really surprised that she had no mention in the Elvis movie at all. I understand the movie was more about Elvis and the colonel’s relationship but to ignore almost 5 years of Elvis’ life with Linda is crazy. But I think it was to show some narrative like Elvis was never able to move on from Priscilla, which I don’t think is true and is unfair to women like Linda, Sheila and Ginger who had significant relationships with him. Idk how much control Priscilla actually has, especially now, and from my understanding she wasn’t involved in the movie but I sometimes think maybe Baz did certain things to appease Priscilla but I can’t say for sure👀
I think all Elvis history is worth knowing, and it’s definitely not fair to just pick and choose
what do y’all think?
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canirove · 2 years
Red & Blue | Chapter 18
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6 months later...
"I can't believe I'm actually doing this."
"You'll be fine, don't worry" Aaron says, putting his hands on my shoulders. "Just take a deep breath. Inhale... Exhale."
"It doesn't work."
"You've only done it once."
"Whatever" I say, getting free of his hands and starting to walk in circles again. "Why am I so nervous?"
"Well, you only get married once" he shrugs.
"If you are lucky" I reply.
"You and Mason are."
"If you say so..."
"If you are not sure about it, we can always run away and go back to the hotel."
"I don't think they'll allow that. Did you see the officiant? He looks like he would run after us and bring us back."
"He looked a bit scary, yes. And that's our cue" Aaron says, the music starting to play. "Shall we?" he says, offering me his arm.
"Let's do this" I say, taking a deep breath before walking into the small chapel.
A Vegas wedding. I can't believe they all convinced me to do it.
"It isn’t a real wedding" Leah said. "Think about it as a big party before the season properly starts, an opportunity for everyone to dress fancy."
And they all have indeed chosen some very fancy outfits. Since both Arsenal and Chelsea teams did the pre-season in the US, the guests are a mix of their men and women teams, friends and teammates all together on our last free day before going back to England.
"You look beautiful" Mason says when I make it to where he is standing, Leah by his side.
"You look very handsome yourself" I reply.
"Alrighty, let's start this party" the scary officiant dressed as Elvis says. "We are gathered here today to marry these two hotties. But before we get into the actual business, does anyone have anything to say against this union?"
"Chilly, I can't see what is going on. Can you move the camera a bit more, bro?" Declan says somewhere. He isn't here, his team doing pre-season in Europe, and Ben is facetiming him so he doesn't miss it.
"Should I ignore that?" the officiant asks.
"Yes, keep going" Mason says, trying not to laugh.
"Okie dokie. So, British dude. Do you take this hot British chick as your future wife?"
"I do" he says with a smile that is all dimples.
"British chick, do you take this British dude as your future husband?"
"I do" I say, trying not to think much about it.
"Great!" the officiant says, clapping his hands. "Do you have rings?"
"Oh, yes" Leah says. Because she actually took us to a jewelry shop this morning to get some wedding bands.
"Then go ahead, dude. Make her your Sam. Or your Frodo. Whatever you like best."
"I am the Sam of the relationship" I say, offering Mason my right hand. We don't want to wear them on the left and have people talking about it.
"Then I guess I'm the one who saves the world" he says, giving me his hand.
"Debatable" the officiant says. "But, by the power the State of Nevada and the online course I took have given me, I now pronounce you wife and husband! Ladies first" he winks. "You may make out!"
After that, Mason and I kiss, and everyone in the chapel stars clapping and cheering.
"Should we start calling you Mrs. Mount?" Aaron asks with a teasing smile.
"I'm not changing my last name. Fake wedding or not" I say.
"Yes girl!" someone that sounds like Kai says. We are celebrating at a club, everyone scattered around.
"What about the kids?" Aaron asks again. "Will they have both your last names? Can I be the godfather on one of them? I know Declan and Mason's brother also are options, but..."
"I think I preferred you when you kept making jokes about our sexual life" I say.
"Oh, I'm gonna keep making those, don't worry. But now that you are married..."
"Fake married, Aaron. Fake.”
"Words. It doesn't matter. Are you moving in together? A married couple should live together. And..."
"Mason, can we leave, please?" I say, ignoring Aaron's rant. "I love him and I don't want to have to kill him or something. Not on our fake wedding day."
"We could call a taxi and go back to the hotel. Start our wedding night."
"That sounds perfect."
"Wait, where are you going?" Aaron asks as Mason and I get up from the sofa where we were sitting.
"Back to the hotel. We must practice how to make those babies you want to be the godparent of" I say.
"Oh, yes. Yes, yes, yes. Enjoy your wedding night" he winks.
"I don't think we are gonna have a wedding night" I say, resting my head on Mason's shoulder, the movement of the car making me feel very sleepy.
"I don't need one. And it's a fake wedding, remember?" he says, kissing my head.
"It is."
"We can have a wedding morning, tho."
"We'll see" I say, trying not to yawn. "If you bring me breakfast in bed..."
"Deal" he chuckles.
"Good. Now I'm gonna take a nap. Wake me up when we make it to the hotel" I say, curling on my seat.
"I will. Good night, fake wife."
"Good night, fake husband."
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somedayonbroadway · 4 years
Lilo and Stitch AU
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Okay, so here’s my Lilo and Stitch AU for both @disneygirl626​ and @dragonflysobright-seethemfly​. I absolutely adore this one. It does involve baby Race and that’s always fun to write. And yes, Race and Jack are going to be from Hawaii.
Jack Kelly — Nani
Racetrack Higgins — Lilo
Crutchie Morris — Stitch
Katherine Plumber — David
Warden Snyder — Captain Gantu
Todd Kloppman — Cobra Bubbles
Henry — Pleakley
Weisel — Jumba
Okay so…
Somewhere up in space, far far away, there is a mad scientist who creates genetic experiments out of aliens that he captures from other planets, most of the time just after they’re born. This alien, Weisel (that's his whole name. He’s an alien) experiments for years before he is finally arrested after his latest experiment, experiment number 626. He is charged with the experimentation of a young child, stolen away from a family that was killed moments afterward.
During the experimentation, this young alien loses one of his legs. He adapts quickly, growing two more legs that he can retract into his body. This child is of a shape shifting species, his skin naturally blue and gold. After the experimentation, where he grew up as this species learns and adapts very quickly, he became erratic and dangerous, a means of destruction.
Having no alternative option, 626 (who was never given another name) is sentenced to be executed. He doesn’t fully understand this. All 626 knows is that he’s placed in a small capsule and needs to survive. So he does, fighting his way out and escaping in a pod as his kidnapper is placed in prison having witnessed the whole thing. Weisel is pleased with his creation, noting that 626 is randomly heading in the direction of Earth.
After 626 escapes, a bounty hunter, Snyder, loyal to the Galactic Federation, offers to hunt the experiment down and dispose of him, seeing 626 as a creature unworthy of saving. The head of the federation asks him to wait, asking another member of the federation, a federal agent who is an “Earth Expert”, to take Weisel and find the experiment without causing harm to Earth, with whom they were supposed to protect according to documents they’d signed a decade ago.
Simply living off of instinct (and maybe a bit of sadistic adrenaline) 626 crash lands on Earth, getting hurt by a truck, but surviving the crash easily with his modified strength and healing power. As the driver figures out he has to check and see what he’d hit, the alien catches sight of a puppy, cowering away from him in some nearby grass and transforms himself down to look like that animal, though his still has a streak of blue running down his back as the rest of him remains a golden shade. (He does look more like Stitch than an actual puppy, obviously. But he’s doing his best here.) The driver calls a local shelter and 626 lets himself be taken in, unsure of what’s really happening.
Meanwhile, Kaua’i, Hawaii, a young man, nineteen years old, is struggling to gain permanent custody of his six year old baby brother, as both of their parents had recently been killed in a car crash. Jack is having a hard time making ends meet with only a job as a waiter at a local luau to tie him and his brother over.
The baby brother, Tyler James, is an odd child. He’s socially awkward, having odd interests and thoughts about life. The kid has always had a rough time making friends, mostly scaring them off with weird facts about the island they live on and the ocean surrounding them. Though he tries to fit in, he often finds himself feeling alone, prompting him to make his own toy dolls and pretend that they’re his friends instead, worrying his big brother Jack who only wants him to be happy.
Every morning, Jack runs to work after dropping his brother, whom he affectionately calls Racer because of his speed and his love to run, off at the beach right across from his school. Race loves to explore the island, knowing the entire thing like the back of his hand. In the morning, Race likes to go swimming, feeding Pudge (a fish that he believes to control the weather) a PB&J sandwich, the same one Jack makes for him everyday for lunch. He knows he’s not gonna eat it, so he hopes it’ll keep the sun in the sky.
Dripping wet and all, Race goes to school, leaving puddles around him, making his classmates slip, only adding onto the hatred they held for him for being different. On this particular morning, Oscar Delancey, Race’s biggest bully, slips and blames Race for it. After a teacher finds them arguing, Oscar wrestling Race to the ground, being a year older and slightly bigger than him, they ask what happened and Race goes off on a rant about how he had to feed Pudge and how Pudge controls the weather. Oscar calls him crazy.
So Race bites him.
His teacher tells him he’d call Jack and Tyler cries, begging him not to as he’s often sent away from the other kids and he’s subconsciously getting tired of the isolation. Still the teacher insists, asking Race to wait outside.
Race runs away the second his teacher leaves him.
When Jack goes to pick him up, he finds Race gone and he immediately starts running home, knowing they had a meeting with their social worker that day and knowing what happened when Race gets into one of his “moods”. He nearly gets hit by a car. He kicks the bumper and screams at the driver, calling him a not so nice name and running off.
He finds that the doors to their house are bolted and nailed shut and one of their parents' old Elvis records is blaring throughout the living place. As Jack demands Race open the door, he peaks in through the mail slot to find his brother ignoring him. Frustrated, Jack starts threatening Race, like any brother would, telling him that when he got through with him he wouldn’t dare do this ever again, though both of them knew Jack would never lay a hand on the kid.
As he’s running around his home, trying every possible entrance only to run into one Todd Kloppman, introducing himself as a not so nice name, making Jack realize that he’d been in the car that had nearly hit him. Already horrified at this, Jack manages to play off the fact that he’ll have to let him in in a moment and he runs around the house, climbing in through an open window and prying the nails from the front door as quickly as he can to let the man in.
Upon walking into the house, Kloppman asks if Jack had left Race home alone and before Jack can explain, Todd finds Race practicing voodoo on the floor of the living room as Jack tries desperately to turn off the stove and the oven that Race had turned on, probably for no reason at all. Even after all of this, Race manages to tell Kloppman how well adjusted he was and how Jack fed him well. Trying to give him a silent encouragement, the kid accidentally tells Kloppman that he gets disciplined, implying that Jack had, at least at some point, hit him.
Todd then speaks to Jack alone, telling him that he only ever got called when things went wrong and then he gives Race a card, telling him to call if he was ever left alone again.
Race thinks nothing of it, hardly even paying attention to the man.
As he leaves, Kloppman informs Jack that this had not gone well and that Jack had three days to change his mind.
The second Kloppman leaves, Jack turns on Race and Race screams and runs, knowing he was about to be chased.
Eventually, Jack manages to set up a trap to catch Race and he holds him to him, not letting him run away, trying so hard to explain to Race why it was important for him to take these visits seriously. Race still doesn’t seem to get it, leading to another fight. Race locks himself in his room (well, not locks because he’s a child and his door doesn’t have a lock) and Jack throws himself down at the bottom of the stairs, trying desperately not to cry.
It only takes an hour for Jack to gather himself, heating up a plate of pizza for his baby brother and taking it to him, apologizing and holding Race in his lap while he eats, laughing with him a little as Race admits he likes Jack better as a brother than a dad. All Jack can do is kiss his head and hold him, unsure of what to say. Race calls them a broken family.
Before they know it, Race spots something in the sky, something he calls a falling star, but one that looks odd to Jack. Race calls the star and kicks Jack out of his room so he can make his wish. Jack sits just outside his door, listening to every heartbreaking word as Race wishes for an angel to be sent to him, one that wouldn’t leave him or make fun of him or treat him differently.
Little do they know, that shooting star is a fallen spaceship.
The next day, trying to make his brother feel better, Jack tales Race down to the animal shelter, telling him that he could pick out a pet and they would take care of it. Jack is only a little stressed out about funds but convinced himself that they could make it work.
Race goes back to pick out a puppy and finds a golden pup that’s laying all alone in the corner. He sees a lot of himself in this puppy that has a blue stripe running down his back and chooses him, telling the dog to follow him out. It does.
When they come out, Jack and the woman at the front counter are horrified at the sight of this deformed dog with a missing leg, but Tyler insists and Jack caves, unable to pass up the opportunity of seeing Race happy. So they take the thing home, unknowingly being watched and followed by two aliens who were after 626, now known as Crutchie by the odd little boy who named him.
Henry is the only thing that stops Weisel from harming Tyler to get to Crutchie.
Jack often lets Race wander around. After all, they live in a small town and he knows most of the people around. He gives Race a couple of dollars and tells Race to meet him at two. So Race shows Crutchie around the island.
Crutchie, who has been programmed to destroy, is looking for something to wreck, but finds nothing, as he’s looking for big cities who are already prone to bad things happening.
In the middle of town, Race runs into Oscar who immediately starts to belittle him only to get nearly bitten by Crutchie who ends up stealing his bike and trashing it, before they head to the luau to meet Jack.
The entire time they’d been exploring the island, Weisel and Henry had been keeping close and Crutchie knew it. For some reason he can’t explain, he feels the need to protect Race as well as himself. He likes Race and doesn’t want to hurt him.
The same cannot be said for Jack.
At the restaurant, Jack is able to feed Race for free twice a week so he often has lunch or dinner there.
At the luau, Katherine is up on stage, a fire dancer, entertainment for the luau. Jack is hopelessly in love with her but refrains from asking her out for the sake of fully adopting Race as his own. Race knows this and feels guilty for it. He tells Crutchie all about it, somehow knowing that Crutchie understands him. (How Crutchie knows English at this point is unknown, but like I said, he adapts fast).
While he’s working, Jack steps away from the table after begging Race to eat his food, trying to bribe him with dessert but only succeeding in getting Crutchie to hiss at him.
When Jack leaves, Weisel, against Henry’s warnings, tries to capture Crutchie, only resulting in chaos which Jack is blamed and fired for. Katherine tries to convince their manager to let Jack stay, but, unwilling to be humiliated in front of Race, Jack accepts it and scoops Race up, going home, Crutchie following closely behind them. When Race asks Jack if this was his fault, Jack brushes it off, telling Race that the manager was a vampire and that he wanted Jack to join an army of the undead. Race just shrugs and says he knew it.
When they get home, Jack loses it tries to remain calm but, after seeing Crutchie try and rip around the sofa, his anger catches up with him all at once as he tries to grab Crutchie and take him back to the shelter, getting a fight from both Crutchie and Race who’s never seen Jack like this before. Just as Jack gets Crutchie to the door, shouting that the dog hadn’t been there that long, Race counters that he hadn’t either and then he asks what happened to O’hana.
Jack breaks at that, missing his parents so badly as Crutchie calms down and Race rushes to hug Jack who brushes away his tears and promises that he’s okay, even though he couldn’t be farther from it. But he lets Race take Crutchie into his room to sleep where Race finds that Crutchie likes to build with his blocks and then destroy his own creations.
Watching from outside, Weisel is stunned by this, finding that Crutchie is still creating things, even though he may destroy them after. It goes against his programming.
The next morning, Jack wakes up to find Kloppman at his door, concerned about the job he lost and this new puppy that is untrained and seems to be causing nothing but trouble. Jack swears that he’ll find a job and takes Race out with him while looking, terrified the boy might get into more trouble without him.
Every potential job Jack might have is ruined by Crutchie who is still on the run from Weisel and Henry who are around every corner.
Even at the beach, where Jack finds there’s an opening for a lifeguard position, Crutchie manages to ruin it for him, chasing the people at the beach away. Jack is extremely dejected by this, but perks up when Katherine sits down next to him with two surfboards, offering him one as she challenges him to beat her to the water.
Jack scoops Race up on his way out and Race just giggles, loving it when Jack takes him surfing.
Reluctantly, needing to stay close to Tyler in order to ensure his own safety, he goes with them, despite his intense fear of water. To his surprise he ends up liking it and to Jack’s surprise, he ends up not minding that Crutchie’s there.
Jack loves being out on the water with Race. He used to take Race surfing with their parents all the time, always catching him in his arms when they wiped out. Race loves the ocean.
Seeing that Crutchie is out on the water and is in a vulnerable position, as he can’t swim and will sink instead of float, Weisel says that they’re going swimming, confusing Henry as they go to get Crutchie, managing to knock Jack and Race off of their board and get Jack hit in the head as they do, forcing Katherine to jump in and help them. When Jack recovers after a moment, Race panics and asks about Crutchie who did not resurface. But when Jack looks around for him, Crutchie breaks from the water and claws at Tyler who he ends up dragging down with him.
Jack dives down, kicking Crutchie off of Race and swimming him back to shore, coddling him as he cradled him to his chest and kissed him over and over again. (Jack does call Race baby. He’s always been really affectionate, even more so after they’re parents died). Katherine dives back down for Crutchie who she manages to save, though Crutchie awakes destructive and lashes out at Race, scratching into his shoulder.
When Jack looks up, he finds Kloppman watching them from afar and he asks Katherine to hold Race while he talks to him, trying to explain only for Todd to tell him that it’s over and that Race needs to be relocated to another family, asking for Jack to think about what’s best for the boy.
Unable to argue, Jack goes back to Race and holds him tight, carrying him back home as Katherine mutters that she thought they had a chance until Crutchie came along.
Crutchie follows them home. Race and Jack don’t even notice.
That night, Jack sits Race down in the hammock in their backyard and sings to him, giving him a flower that matches one that he holds in his own hand. The song he sings is one of a goodbye and Race doesn’t understand it as the wind carries their flowers away. But he leans into Jack and lets his brother hold him until he falls asleep.
That night, Race is frustrated when he wakes up in his own bed and hears the window open. Crutchie is standing there, ready to run and Race doesn’t seem at all surprised by this. He just tells Crutchie that he can leave if he wants. But if he stays, they’ll take care of him. He tells Crutchie that Jack’s really good at taking care of people.
But Crutchie does leave, regretting it only when he can’t find his way back to Race and Jack. What he doesn’t know is that Weisel and Henry have gotten fired by the federation and Weisel is excited to do things his way.
Still living on instinct, Crutchie flees unknowingly back towards the Kelly house.
In the morning, Jack is crying over his cereal when Race sulks into the room, upset that Crutchie left. Jack hugs him and tries to explain to him what’s about to happen, that they may never see each other again and that it was all gonna be okay. But Jack can’t get the words out.
He’s saved by a knock at the door which is revealed to be Katherine, telling him that she found him a job. So Jack runs into town, making Race promise not to open the door for anybody, hope filling his chest as he thinks maybe if he gets a job, they won’t take his brother away.
The moment Jack leaves, Crutchie comes crashing back, Weisel hot in his tail as Henry grabs the boy, trying to keep him out of harm's way. Unsure of what to do, Race calls Kloppman because he’s scared but Crutchie is protecting him.
Weisel ends up setting the house on fire.
When Jack hears the sirens after getting the job, he knows. He doesn’t wanna believe it, but he just knows. So he literally runs back home, Katherine right behind him.
He finds Kloppman carrying Race to the back of his car, shutting him in. And Jack loses it. He starts sobbing, begging Kloppman not to do this. He tries to explain that he’s the only one who understands Race and that Race needs him and won’t stand a chance without him. Kloppman asks him angrily if this is really what Tyler needs, pointing to a burned down house. He then tells Jack that it seems like Jack needs Tyler a lot more than Tyler needs him.
That’s what breaks Jack.
(Which, honestly… how horrible? This kid just lost both of his parents too and is now losing the only thing he has left and, I know they’re trying to do right by the underage child, but I mean… that’s so sad. No one took into account how Nani was feeling having to lose her entire family even though she was trying her best to keep what was left of her broken family. Anyway…)
He falls to his knees, letting Katherine wrap him up in her arms, trying to calm him as Jack begs Kloppman to just let him say goodbye even though Kloppman is insisting that he’s making this harder than it needs to be.
Unbeknownst to them, Race, a very smart little six year old, is listening to the whole thing, sobbing as he finally understands what’s actually happening. He unlocks the door that leads out into the woods beside their house and runs away.
He stumbles upon Crutchie who’s still running and Crutchie sees how broken he is. Reluctantly, he reveals himself to the boy, letting his true form show and scaring Race for only a moment before Race gets angry, realizing that if they hadn’t gotten Crutchie, he’d be able to stay with Jack.
While trying to run again, Crutchie and Race both manage to get captured by Snyder who was sent to hunt down 626. Snyder doesn’t seem at all bothered by the capture of an innocent little boy and states that he caught a snack for the road, though he locks him up with Crutchie who escapes easily and tries to pull Race with him before Snyder takes off, taking Race with him.
Realizing that Race isn’t in the car when he tries to drive off, Kloppman gets out and starts calling for him. So Jack runs into the woods to find him, knowing that Race loves to play hide and seek in those woods and knows it’s a place where he’s hard to find. So he rushes out alone, screaming for his brother to come back to him.
He sees Race get picked up by a monster and locked in the back of a spaceship. Terrified and confused, Jack screams out for Race, catching the attention of Crutchie who is immediately apprehended by Weisel and Henry. Henry sees Jack and apologizes, going to knock him out to try and get him to believe it was all just a dream, but Jack’s quicker than that. And he cries out about Race, demanding to know where he is. When they admit they know who Jack’s talking about he tells them to bring him back. Henry tells him that they can’t.
So Jack falls to his knees in pure agony, unable to handle another loss.
Crutchie kneels down beside him, saying o’hana. Weisel tries to pull him away but Jack stops him, asking Crutchie to say it again. So Crutchie does, promising Jack that no ones gonna get left behind and then telling Weisel that he’d go with him quietly if they went to rescue Race.
So they do.
Jack is not a good flyer, in case anyone’s wondering.
They catch up to Snyder, showing him that he in fact did not have Crutchie in his possession. When Jack sees Race who is struggling to breathe as they get high and high up, he starts panicking, trying to get to the top of the ship to encourage Race to jump down to him, but Crutchie doesn’t let him. Instead, he jumps from one ship to the next, putting Tyler on his back and getting Snyder to crash his ship while trying to fight him, only caught by Weisel at the last minute, avoiding death.
They crash land in the ocean and Jack is holding Race the whole time, even as they’re submerged in water. And then he swims them both back to shore.
Crutchie hugs Race and then goes to turn himself in, but Race then tells Weisel that it would be stealing if he did that because they bought Crutchie from an animal shelter which made him part of their family and he couldn’t do that.
Kloppman steps in to tell Weisel that this is true. Jack tightens his grip on Race, fearing that Todd might rip him away again. Kloppman explains that he used to work for the CIA, specializing in extraterrestrial activity. Then he offers Jack a second chance, explaining to him that he knew Race would be safe with Jack from now on.
Jack takes Race and Crutchie home, making their own little family with Katherine who he finally asks out on a date and things are just perfect for a while.
What do you guys think? Wanna see any scenes? Feel free to send me an ask!
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supernatural-book · 5 years
Title: Classy (Dean x Reader)
Summary: You meet another hunter when you cross out of your comfort zone and have more of an impact on the man you meet than you ever imagined you would.
A/N: Inspired by two songs I love )Classy Girls by The Lumineers and Can’t Help Falling in Love by Elvis Presley obviously). I just wanted to write a cute little drabble with Dean. I also am posting this late at night and haven’t read over it thoroughly yet, so there may be some spelling or grammatical errors, sorry!
Warnings: not a lot. Drinking, swearing?
Word Count: 1684
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You were never much of a drinker, and you’d definitely rather be at home than in a sleazy bar, but after a hell of a hunt, why not unwind with a drink? It was certainly out of character for you, but you tried your best to keep a cool exterior as you asked for a beer and sat at the far end of the bar, away from any strangers and potential assaulters. But your facade fell as you took a sip of your beer and couldn’t help the bitter look on your face as the unfamiliar taste burned down your throat.
“You don’t drink much, do you, sweetheart?” You looked over at the man who had taken a seat next to you. He had an amused smirk on his face, but one that didn’t seem condescending or creepy. Obviously flirty, but that was it. Holding onto your confidence, you smiled back.
“Is it that obvious?”
“Yeah.” He took a swig of his drink without any hesitation and it was obvious he could hold his alcohol well. You took this moment to observe him. He was wearing plenty of layers for such a warm night and in such a hot bar. It was almost funny- usually, it was the hunters who wore so many layers, but here you were in only your tank top and jeans- the top barely covering your anti-possession tattoo. Who knows what people would ask if they saw it. His eyes turned toward you again, green and sparkling with curiosity, “So, what’s got a cute little someone like you drinking?”
“It’s just been a hell of a day. Work and stuff.” You noticed the man’s eyes travel a little to low for comfort, and tugged the neckline if your top up.
“Hey, wait.” His voice took a more serious note as he tugged aside the collar of his jacket and shirts, and you suddenly realized he wasn’t just trying to catch some of your cleavage. There, on his beautifully freckled skin, you saw a sliver of a tattoo matching yours. He lowered his voice and leaned closer, looking back at your tat. “Hunter?”  
“Yeah. I am.” You let out a breathy laugh. “I never met another hunter like this. I just stick with my little group, ya know?” The man smiled back, displaying his rows of perfect white teeth. Shit. He was really handsome. And a hunter. You silently cursed yourself as you stumbled over your introduction. “I’m (Y/N).”
“Dean.” He tapped his glass against yours with a smile. “So, (Y/N), what’s got you drinking? Bad hunt?”
“Yeah.” You barely caught the question as your mind wandered. Your name on his lips was so good. “Yeah. Bad hunt.” You shook your mind into place, focusing on the man in front of you. “No one died, but it really… I don’t know, shook me up?”
“Makes sense. Our life isn’t so great, huh? You from around here?”
“Nope. Just in town for a hunt.” You spoke to Dean for what felt like hours, telling him about places you had seen while on the road. He responded with some interesting things he’d done in his “job”, he talked about his brother, Sam, and the two of you noticed that you could easily be best friends. It was so great to find another hunter that you could talk to so openly. You continued to sip on your beer, not getting any more used to the taste, when you were struck by a thought. As hot as Dean was, and as much as you really, really had an urge to kiss him, you just weren’t like that. “I hope you’re not looking to hook up, Dean. I don’t want to say I’m too good for that, but I don’t kiss guys I meet in bars.” He only scoffed and smiled teasingly at you.
“Ah, come on. Who do you think I am? I can talk with a pretty lady without wanting to hook up.” Although he had definitely been flirty, he seemed honest about his intentions, so you smiled. Overhead, a familiar song came on, and Dean laughed as your face lit up in excitement. “Holy shit, do you like Elvis?” You only smirked in response.
“Shut up. My parents loved him. We always used to dance to this song” You closed your eyes and took in the tune for a moment, before smiling over at Dean. You were already in a bar, so why not enjoy yourself? “Dean, I may not be interested in hooking up tonight, but I would like to have some good old platonic fun, you know?” You stood from your bar stool and reached a hand out to him. “Dance with me.” Dean seemed a bit taken back, but let out a little humored laugh. He stood from the bar stool and you were suddenly struck by how tall he actually was.
“Alright shorty, let’s dance.” He led you to an open space further away from anyone else, a secluded little corner beside the bar. “Slow dance?”
“Yeah.” You hesitated for a moment, before grabbing his hands. “Do you know how? If not, you better learn. Plenty of girls would swoon over a guy who can dance.”
“Well, I haven’t been with many girls as classy as you.” He smirked and you moved his hands to your waist. “Is this cool?” You nodded and tried to keep your cool feeling his fingers lingering on the small area of exposed skin on the small of your back. You reached up to hold his shoulders, and once again found yourself impressed by his height.
“Jesus, you’re too tall.”
“You think? You should see my little brother.” You both laughed, and you started swaying to the beat of the song, finding rhythm with each other instantly. You smiled and knotted you fingers together behind his neck, feeling unbelievably comfortable with him. You figured it would be unnerving dancing to such an intimate song this close to a stranger, but somehow, Dean was welcoming. It just felt right to be this close to him. You felt your heart swell as Dean’s fingers pulled you closer, and felt the musky scent of his cheap cologne envelope you. You tried your best to fight the sudden warmth in your heart. It was just the song getting to you.
“Like a river flows surely to the sea Darling, so it goes Some things are meant to be Take my hand, take my whole life too For I can't help falling in love with you”
“For I can't help falling in love with you...” you whispered the last line of the song and slowly realized that your head had been resting on Dean’s broad chest. You looked up at him, your face burning, and finally got a chance to take in his appearance up close. He was even more handsome, if that was possible, with freckled skin and bright green eyes. His perfect lips puckered slightly, and you could’ve sworn he leaned in as your eyes fell shut, preparing for what you were sure was about to happen.
“This is a good song.” Your eyes snapped open and you couldn’t help but scold yourself for believing he would actually kiss you. The song had changed, and the tempo was much more upbeat. Not only that, but Dean had moved away from you as well.
“Def Leppard?”
“You know them? Damn. Classy and has a great taste in music.” He moved back over to the bar and grabbed your drink. “I’m guessing you don’t want this anymore, so I’m gonna get us some water, yeah? And then we’re gonna play some pool.” He smiled at you with raised eyebrows, waiting for your response. You weren't going to get drunk- you had to drive yourself around tonight- but, that doesn’t mean you can’t have some fun. Only one thing was holding you back.
“I would, but I don’t really know how to play.” Dean faked a dramatic gasp and handed you your water.
“And here I thought you were flawless.” You couldn't help but get flustered. It’s not every day you get complimented by hot, respectable guys. “I guess I’ll have to teach you then.” He grabbed the pool stick from the table and winked, sending shivers down your spine.
“Alright, Dean. Show me what you got.”
“So let me get this straight.” The younger Winchester smiled incredulously at his brother. “You didn’t get drunk-?”
“-and you didn't hook up with anyone-”?
“-and you didn't even kiss her?”
“Hey, I can be romantic, you know!”
“I know!” Sam laughed, almost in disbelief. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad you didn't just hook up with her and risk ruining your obvious friendship. It just doesn't sound like you.”
“Sammy, she was… I don’t even know. She doesn't drink. She’s a hunter, but somehow she’s much more delicate than any of the hunters I’ve seen. She talked so openly with me about everything. Her childhood, how she got into hunting- topics that most people steer clear of. We danced to Elvis, Sammy! And I taught her how to play pool! And you know what happened right before she left?”
“What?” Sam was smiling at this point. This wasn’t a side of his brother that he saw often. The love-struck, head over heels ranting about a girl.
“She hugged me and thanked me for being a gentleman and a good person to hang out with.” He paused for a moment, feeling proud. “We were so close, and suddenly she backs up and says ‘Classy girls don’t kiss strangers in bars, remember?’. And she gives me her number. Says ‘Guess we’ll have to get to know each other more first.’.”
“Are you going to call her then?” Sam silently hoped that his brother wouldn’t let this opportunity fall through. From what he saw, this (Y/N) made Dean happier than he’d been in a while.
“Yeah, tomorrow.” He sat for a moment, lost in thought with a completely smitten smile adorning his face before he stood and headed off to his bedroom. “Definitely.”
@solis200213, @music-lockscreen , @bella-ca , @samanthaharper2018
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glynnisi · 8 years
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-A mutual birthday gift fic exchange-   Happy Birthday (tomorrow, January 8, a birthday of awesome people, apparently... me, @bluecurls8, David Bowie, Elvis, Amber Benson from Buffy fame) to @bluecurls8. :)  
She said that she likes the same kind of stuff I do, which played out since we BOTH randomly chose to resolve MUTUAL PINING in our gift stories for each other. :)  Hers to me is AWESOME, of course.  I hope she likes mine even half as much. 
 Here’s the prompt I chose: Person 1 and Person 2 try the polar bear plunge and end up spending the rest of the day cuddling with each other in front of a fire. “We’re never doing that again.”“Agreed.” 
The Plunge
“Whatcha scared of, Cap? Is it the cold water?  If it’s that, then I get it, but if it’s just about getting ogled by everyone when they see you in a bathing suit, then you’re chicken under all that muscle. Ooh!  Is it that you think there‘ll be an actual Polar Bear there?” Darcy’s chiding echoed through the cavernous Avengers’ Gymnasium.
Steve paused mid-push up and looked up at Darcy, nearly hopeful.  “Will there be a bear?”  She’d been trying to convince him to do something called a ‘Polar Bear Plunge’ for several minutes.  He’d spent most of that time staring at her luscious legs and missed half of what she said.  Next to him, Sam stopped doing push ups and lay down, breathing heavily and struggling to mind his own business while Steve and Darcy danced badly around the heavy mutual attraction that EVERYONE saw clearly, but them.
Clint hit the target bull’s-eye for the one hundred and ninety-second time in a row and snorted a laugh. Natasha, meditating by a window, cracked a smile.
Darcy grinned and shook her head.  “Nah. Just people imitating polar bears by running in and out of icy water.”  She mock shuddered, pulling her arms in tight across her chest.  After Darcy left Jane’s lab and became the Avengers’ media/social media liaison, her wardrobe shifted from bulky sweaters and ratty jeans to professional, vintage-chic pencil skirts and tailored, silk blouses.
Steve forced his gaze away from Darcy and reminded himself that she was in a relationship.  He’d seen her having lunch with Ian just the previous day, laughing together with the lucky-as-hell young man (a sight that always bothered Steve so much he had to avoid them). He frowned at himself with impatient censure and resumed his exercise, giving Sam a look that chided his friend into resuming exercise as well.  “Well, to be honest, I like my odds with an actual polar bear better than the idea of the other stuff you mentioned.”  Steve resumed counting his reps in the vain hope of cooling his ardor. He could hardly walk sometimes after being around Darcy.  She shifted closer and he reveled in the scent combination of spicy perfume and femininity that was unique to Darcy Lewis. Intoxicating.
Since the day Darcy Lewis arrived at Avengers Tower, he’d been gone on her.  Meeting her boyfriend moments later had been a crushing disappointment, but hadn’t stopped Steve from wishing things different. Soon after her arrival, Steve went out on a long mission and tried to forget Darcy, but failed. He dreamed about her every night and fantasized about her every day, even more after he returned and got to know her. She watched movies with him sometimes, and he made a point of watching the classics that were on her ‘must-see, but haven’t seen yet’ list.  It was fun for him to see films with someone who didn’t know what to expect anymore than he did, to just enjoy them without feeling like he had to understand why each film was a cultural touchstone for the other viewer.  And Darcy was FUNNY.  So, then, he liked and cared about her in addition to being sexually obsessed.  He avoided knowing gazes from mind-reading Wanda on a regular basis.
Darcy unconsciously fanned herself with her StarkPad.  She supposed that early and frequent hot flashes were inevitable, given that she’d been single for months now and was surrounded by specimens of perfection. She’d never known push ups could be so exciting, but Steve Rogers was doing them and he was unfairly beautiful. And nice. And sassy.  And the literal man of her hottest dreams. It made her uneasy to know that there was someone around who could read her mind.  The impatient looks Wanda Maximoff gave her sometimes confirmed that Darcy’s sordid fantasies weren’t totally private (and that the younger woman didn’t care to experience Darcy’s perspective on Steve).  But, it wasn’t like Darcy could stop fantasizing about Steve Rogers.  She hadn’t had it this bad for anyone, ever before.
The careful, seemingly infinite, distance Steve put between them drove her to distraction, like the rest of him. He’d obviously put her in the friend zone and she could only wish she was interesting to the one man she thought near perfection.
Wanda magically crashed two weights together in mid-air and let out a noise like a low growl.  Tony chuckled grimly and pushed himself harder than before. Clint shot another bull’s-eye, this time on a target flying through the air fifty feet away.
Steve’s muscles rippled with every movement. The idea of seeing even more of his gorgeous body left Darcy’s mouth dry and her lips buzzing with the ever-growing desire to nip at his skin.  There was a place at the juncture of his neck and his sculpted shoulder.  She wanted to taste that spot, had nearly assaulted him while watching movies together more than once.  She imagined Steve moaning her name, then switched to imagining that she was lying beneath him as he parted her thighs and pushed home.  His lips…
“Darcy?  Do you hear me?”  Steve paused push ups again, arms extended.  His brow furrowed as he peered up at her, obviously concerned.  Sam took the opportunity to lie down and rest again. He faced away from Steve and Darcy, determined not to get pulled into their nonsense.
Across the gym, Wanda gave up on her exercises and stomped out, muttering, “both are blind and determined to stay that way, unhappier and unhappier. I don’t know how much more I can stand.”  Tony frowned as he heard Wanda’s rant.  He restarted his movement combination, trying to regain his focus and concentration.
Clint glanced at Steve and Darcy, shook his head impatiently, and went after Wanda. “Hey, kid!” Natasha closed her eyes more tightly and continued her meditation.
Darcy fanned herself more and shook her head.  “Yeah. It’s Coney Island people raising money for sick kids and their families, but I’ll just tell them you can’t be bothered.”
Hurt flashed across Steve’s face and Darcy opened her mouth to apologize.  He forgave her even before she could speak. “I know you didn’t mean it, Darcy.  You’re just trying to get me to do something good for people.”  
She nodded, answering smile tremulous.  He understood her so well.  Why couldn’t he like her as more than a friend?  Every insecurity she’d ever had chimed in to answer that self-destructive question.  
Steve’s brow furrowed as he noted the distress in her face.  He assumed he’d put it there with his lack of response to her request. Of course he wanted to help! He hated himself for being so caught up in lust for Darcy that he disappointed her by seeming uninterested in helping sick children.  Guilt twisted his gut.
Across the room, Tony Stark stopped his martial arts workout long enough to roll his eyes in annoyance and offered, “both of you do it, and I’ll chip in a cool two million.”
Rhodey nodded.  “Good thinking.”  He continued his weight lifting routine.  Natasha smiled serenely.  Sam nodded and grunted as he resumed doing push ups.
Darcy whirled to face Tony, squeaking, “what?!”  She found herself wringing her hands and shivering with dread.  Not only had she practically forgotten that anyone else was in the room other than her and Steve, she loathed the idea of a savagely-cold polar plunge. But to bring in that much money for the kids? She’d have to do it.
The billionaire shrugged. “Why not?  Don’t you want to help sick kids and their families, Lewis? And Coney Island?”  He suppressed a grin as Darcy paled and Steve gaped, face reddening as his gaze swept up Darcy’s body for the fiftieth time that day.  Darcy’s jaw tightened as she gave a short nod of acceptance. Tony waggled his brows.  “You’re both hot enough in a bathing suit to look good handing over a giant check from me.” He called out, “Friday!  Get Lewis set up for tanning and register these two for the Coney Island Polar Bear Plunge.  Make up one of those awful check props and set up the deposit to occur the moment these two goofs take the plunge.”  
He shot Steve a pointed look and prayed the Captain would understand his double meaning.  Watching Steve and Darcy lust for and misread each other had lost its entertainment value months ago.  Pepper insisted that it was important for them to figure their feelings out for themselves.  But no one had explicitly said Tony couldn’t give them a helpful push by forcing them into a shared trial… that required them to strip down.  And he could do something good for sick kids at the same time. Win, win, win.
Friday’s reply was immediate.  “Done, Boss.”
It was the coldest day of the year.  Icy winds whipped across the forbidding Atlantic Ocean waves. Snow fell lightly from dense, gray clouds.
Darcy shuddered and refastened a gold strap on her red surf boots, a gift from Tony that mollified her some since at least her feet would stay warm.  Doing interviews on behalf of the Avengers was old hat to her by now, but this was her first time doing one wearing a bath robe and standing in front of at least fifty people (of all genders) dressed up as chorus girls from Captain America’s WWII USO show, in addition to the crowd of thousands that had shown up for the charity spectacle. It was a party atmosphere. Darcy’s robe was Iron Man red with gold piping and had an Avengers patch on the shoulder.  She treasured the patch since she knew it was Tony’s way of declaring her part of the team, and the plush robe was sinfully soft. Its warmth would be more than welcome after she took the dreaded plunge.  She glanced towards the water as the wind raised goose bumps on her forearms. She didn’t want to think about how cold it was going to feel to go into the ocean. She jerked the robe sleeves down and curled her fingers inside.
Steve, in addition to all she always loved about him, was a PR dream.  Her only concern at events with him was the behavior of his overzealous fans.  He wore a blue robe and surf boots and smiled good-naturedly to the crowd.  If the USO-chorus wannabes fazed him, it didn’t show in his smile for the cameras.  Darcy had heard him curse Tony as their car arrived at Coney Island, so she was impressed by Steve’s deception skills.  He finished an interview and returned to Darcy’s side.
His lips tightened to a thin line as he glanced at her covered hands and took a deep breath. “It’d be better to start cooling down, Darcy.  You don’t want the water to be too much of a shock.  It’s pretty cold.”  He turned and looked out at the snow-specked ocean.  Seeing him in profile always made her think of an eagle, noble and untouchable.
Darcy looked around and realized that others were doing as he suggested.  It was almost time for the plunge and the wise were cooling off to gradually acclimate.  Lifeguards circled in the crowd and Paramedics watched the throng of participants carefully.  People set aside bathrobes and bared winter-white skin, giggling and hopping awkwardly from one foot to the other.  Officials were waiting at the announcement stand for Steve and Darcy to present Tony’s check.  Darcy unbelted her robe and gestured to her assistant, Charlotte, before taking the garment off and handing it to her.  
Steve turned his gaze back to Darcy.  His mouth fell open and he forced it shut and swallowed hard, afraid of actually drooling over the sensational sight of her in a bikini.
Wind gusted and Darcy bit back a whine, closed her eyes tight, and groused, “well, fuck me thoroughly,” as icy fury set her to shivering more than she ever had before. Her only consolations were that her skin wasn’t as ghostly white as usual for this time of year and the new bathing suit Tony had paid for was cute.  She knew that she looked good. Regardless of that kindness, she wanted to shove Tony Stark into an industrial freezer and leave him there.
Steve blurted, “gladly,” and then choked as though wishing he could unsay the word.  It took Darcy a few seconds to realize what he’d said. He blushed deeply and handed his robe to Charlotte, too.  Charlotte raised her brows and turned to take the robes to the car without a word to either of them.
Darcy opened her eyes and stared at Steve.  “Wait. What?” She was almost too shocked by what he’d said to ogle him.  Almost. His bare chest was a work of art that set her to shivering in a different way.  That spot at the base of his neck called to her.  She held her bottom lip between her teeth.
He ducked his head. “’m sorry, Darcy.  I… You’re beautiful and wonderful. I’m crazy about… I shouldn’t. Well, I… Damn. Sorry.”
She stared at him, too stunned to reply or even to respond to the organizers gesturing them over.
Steve reached out and gave her hand an apologetic squeeze and led the way.  Darcy squared her shoulders as wolf whistles sounded from the crowd.  She guessed that sort of thing was inevitable.  Steve’s physique was glorious and her figure had always attracted attention. Again, she cursed Tony. Then, replaying Steve’s words in her head, she stumbled as they took the steps. He tightened his hold on her hand and she heard him apologize to her again, sounding agonized.
Onstage, Darcy’s professionalism took hold and Steve watched her, proudly awestruck by her poise and still reeling from the sight of her beautiful figure.  He’d never been so glad for his serum-induced perfect memory. He would forever remember how gorgeous she looked. She said words of thanks to the organizers, expressed the Stark Foundation’s admiration for the Coney Island Polar Bear Club’s dedication to Camp Sunshine, and worked together with Steve to present the gigantic check prop. Then, she introduced Steve.  
As her nerves settled, Darcy watched him and listened.  The muscles of his back flexed as he talked with his hands, highly distracting.  Those muscles might now fascinate her as much as that spot at the base of his neck. She struggled to escape a fantasy of licking her way over every dip and rise of his back. Steve’s USO presentation training showed. More than that, his innate goodness won the crowd over.  Even some of the inevitable protesters against Avenger-related collateral damage quieted while Steve talked about being sick when he was a child and how hard it was on his mom.  Darcy fell even more in love with him.
All too soon, they were at the start line, facing the icy waves.  The herd of excited participants shivered- some screaming happily and some looking faint. A leader gestured for Steve to get in position.  Steve grabbed Darcy’s hand and pulled her close.  “I’m not trying to be inappropriate, but please stay with me.  It looks like things might get crazy and I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
She gave him a small smile of appreciation while gathering her courage.
A few people got rowdy and a drunken fight broke out.  Others jeered as the troublemakers were led away by the police.  Most of the people in the crowd applauded the officers and called for the plunge to begin.  Someone started a silly two-part chant.  
It gained speed and volume as the excited throng volleyed the words back and forth.  The crowd jostled together restlessly.
Unable to wait any longer to ask, Darcy turned to Steve. “Before.  Did you say…?”
Steve grimaced.  “I’m sorry.  I know you’re with Ian and just think of me as a friend.  I find you so attractive…” He couldn’t help a lust-filled glance down her figure as he continued, “and I like you.  I expressed myself poorly.  And my timing was awful, just before you had to speak to the crowd. I can’t apologize enough.  I hope you can forgive me.”
Darcy shook her head, dazed. “I’m with…? I’m not dating Ian. After we came to New York, we realized that he and I wanted different things.  Ian and I are just friends now.”  She bit her lip again, excited by Steve’s confession.  Her heart filled with hope.
Steve blinked, hard. “I didn’t know.  Jane introduced him as your boyfriend that first day.”
Darcy shrugged, attempting and failing to seem blasé.  “We broke it off while you were away on a mission. I’d imagine that Captain America and the Avengers have more important concerns than the sad status of my love life these many lonely months.”  She chastised herself for not making it clear to Steve that she was single sooner.
His lips twitched into a small smile.  “Well, uh, what about Steve Rogers?”
She tilted her head, expression quizzical. “Huh?”
He chuckled nervously. “God.  I’m so bad with women. I should stop talking.  It’d be terrible if I talk about myself in the third person.”  A nervous giggle escaped her.  He sighed.  “I’m crazy about you, Darcy.  I’ve had it bad for you since we met. Would you please go out with me sometime?”
Darcy smiled, ecstatic. “Yes!  I mean… sounds good.  Stuff of my dreams kind of good, to be honest. When?”
Steve’s eyes went wide and a big smile lit up his face. It suited him.  Darcy reached up and pulled his head down so that she could give him a quick kiss on the lips.  They stood close together, overwhelmed by emotion.  Darcy’s training kicked in and she realized that their kiss would probably be caught on camera.  She couldn’t find it in herself to care.
The chanting died off as someone initiated a countdown. “10…9…8…7…6…” Overeager ‘plungers’ pushed against the start tape, stretching it and moving towards the water. “5…4…3…2…” The last number was lost amid a cacophony of shrieks, curses, and laughter as people dashed forward.  
Darcy and Steve grinned nervously at each other and ran into the surf together, hand in hand.  She shrieked as the icy water washed over her feet and ankles. Someone screamed, “it doesn’t count unless you go all the way!” Though another swimmer argued with the first speaker, Steve and Darcy trudged further, both determined to finish anything they started. Darcy cursed as a wave slapped into her chest.  Steve echoed her sentiments soon after.  They both ducked their heads under the water and turned back, shivering.  For a few seconds, Darcy gasped and nearly hyperventilated. Involuntary tears ran down her cheeks and she shook from head to toe.  Steve grasped her around the waist, partly to steady her on her feet and partly just to touch her.
People thanked Steve for coming and took last-second pictures as he hurried towards the car, Darcy still shaking against his side.  Charlotte had towels for them both.  As Charlotte held the robe to cover her, Darcy shucked her icy-soaked swimsuit and moaned with pleasure while closing the robe around her chilled body.  She sat on the back seat of the car and peeled off the surf boots and scurried inside.  The heat was on and it felt fantastic. Darcy groaned with relief, pulled on thick socks, and watched Steve change from his swimsuit to sweatpants under his robe. He leapt into the warmed car after her, sighing happily as he pulled on socks and shoes and retied his robe. Charlotte handed him a thermos of hot chocolate and got in the front seat with the driver.  The driver considerately put up the privacy shield to help heat the back seat more quickly for the frozen duo.
When he saw how she still shivered, Steve pulled Darcy onto his lap and wrapped her in his warm embrace. Hugging her felt like the most natural thing in the world, a huge relief after months of thinking her out of his reach. Her teeth chattered, “y… you must have melted lots of Arctic ice. You’re so warm!”
He shook his head and kissed her on the temple.  “That’s terrible. You’re about as smooth as I am when it comes to romance, Darce.”  She laughed until she started coughing.  He held her close and rubbed her back soothingly, his broad hand covering the expanse of her back from side to side in a manner that took her breath away.  “It wasn’t as bad as I feared, ya know.  The Arctic is MUCH colder.”
Darcy rubbed her eyes and glared.  “Sado-masochist! Never again.  I’m the kind of girl to wear a heavy sweater in the desert.  I like it hot. So, I’ve vowed revenge on Tony St...”
Steve found himself distracted as her robe fell open below the knees.  He put a warm hand on her bare leg and pulled it away as she stopped talking, mid-word.  She reached down and pressed his hand back down on her skin.  “Warm.  You. Me. Warmer.”
His grin was sinful. “I’m getting ideas, Darcy.  You ought to be careful teasing a guy.”
She snuggled closer and made a noise in the back of her throat.  “Who says I’m teasing?”  Her pretty eyes gleamed with eagerness.
He kissed her lips, savoring. “Salty.”
She nodded.  “Ocean water. Probably kind of icky, too.”
He chuckled, shook his head, and poured her a hot chocolate.  She sipped it and enjoyed the feel of his calloused fingers rubbing circles on the tender skin at the back of her knee.  It was mesmerizing. When she finished the drink, she relaxed more against him.  She was warm again and felt nearly boneless.  Steve’s fingers played further up her soft thigh and she savored arousal, not even trying to hold back happy noises that inflamed him.  Lust pooled through them both, even as post-adrenaline lassitude set it. She mumbled, “so, you liked me all this time?”  
His fingers skimmed up her side like a trail of electricity, then to her jaw.  He turned her head and began kissing her deeply, slow and soft kisses. He brushed his nose over her cheek. “Yeah.  I like you.”  
She squirmed in his lap, enjoying the way he hissed with want.  “I like you, too, Steve.”  As he kissed languorously down the sensitive skin of her neck, she gasped, “oh, yes. I like you. Oh, yes.  That. More.”  He groaned lustily, trembling as he delighted in her response.
They both saw the Tower coming into view and reluctantly parted to straighten their robes and smooth their hair.  Darcy slipped on boots and then took his hand again.  A glance at him caused her to giggle.  “Your jaw is really tight.  You okay?” He nodded and gave an unconvincing smile.  Her grin softened. “Would you feel better if I invite you to my place for lunch?” She squeezed his hand.  “My plan for the afternoon involves blankets, a warm fire, coffee, popcorn, and movies.  But, you might be able to persuade…”
He swallowed hard as he nodded.  “I don’t want to rush things.  This is more than…”
She shook her head. “Not rushing.  You really need to stop assuming you know what I’m thinking. Your track record…”
He gave her a look of impatience reminding her that he wasn’t the only one to blame, pulled her close, and kissed her hard until she was breathless.
As the car slowed, she pulled away and composed herself.  “You guessed right that time, Steve.”
Darcy took her time in the shower, letting the hot water wash away the sand and salt of the Atlantic Ocean.  She leaned against the bathroom counter wearily and savored the heat of her hair dryer. Dressing was easy.  It was comfort time. Soft leggings, fuzzy socks, a long t shirt, and a thick sweater were in order.  She made sure to have pretty lingerie underneath, just in case, and put on enough makeup to bolster her confidence.
Steve arrived on time and with a sweet bouquet in hand.  The moment the door closed behind him, he broke the awkwardness by kissing her silly again.  He had her pressed against the door as their hands began passionate wandering. The delivery guy had to knock three times before Darcy felt presentable enough to answer the door.  She was sure the delivery guy thought her manic, with the wide grin she couldn’t repress. Steve was just as bad.
They were happy.
They devoured good, hot soup and sandwiches and settled down on her couch to watch ‘Sabrina’ (with Humphrey Bogart and Audrey Hepburn) by the fire.  Darcy had only seen the Harrison Ford version previously, so the original counted on her list.  It seemed that version of ‘Sabrina’ was going to stay on that list of movies she hadn’t yet seen though.
Months of pent-up longing led them from warming cuddles into a heated make-out session.  Darcy discovered, to her considerable delight, that nipping on that spot at the base of Steve’s neck absolutely wrecked him. So, she did it again and again.
Later, they saw a news report about the Coney Island Polar Plunge on TV.   Steve sipped his hot chocolate.  “What a crazy way to raise money for a good cause!”  He laughed as he looked down at a text on his phone.  “Tony says that everyone saw us kissing in the news report, from just before the plunge.  Wanda’s delighted that we’re finally happy and he takes full credit.  He says we should do the Polar Plunge every year.”
Onscreen, one of the revelers collapsed and was taken away by paramedics.  The newscaster reported that person’s full recovery and began discussing the effects of extreme cold on the human body with a doctor.  The wisdom of the activity came into question.  A member of the club argued counter-point, passionate about health benefits of the plunge.
Darcy shivered, remembering. “Tell Tony that he and Pepper are up next.  They look great in bathing suits, too, and we’re never doing that again.  He got what he really wanted.  We figured things out between us.”
Steve kissed her hand. “Agreed.  I’m glad for the charity’s gain, but even happier to be here with you.”  He quickly replied to Tony and laughed at the immediate reply that every other Avenger was cheering for him and Darcy ‘FINALLY getting it on’.
Darcy took the phone from him and set it aside.  “Looking at that report gave me chills.  C’mere and warm me up again.”
Steve pushed Darcy back on the couch and lay over her.  “I thought you’d never ask.”
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