marychovny · 1 year
Belle + Rumpelstiltskin ¨When I'm Lost¨ [OUAT/AU]
Mr Gold is a lonely man. He is tired of his life in Storybrooke and will leave the town, but one day He meet Belle the new librarian.
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xfearlessxbritt · 9 years
Rant.. I feel like I constantly am doing one of these anymore
Even if Bobby left and is wrapped for the season doesn't mean bad things for rumbelle. I have seen on many shows where they shoot episodes at the same time and film certain actors scenes first so they can do other projects or what have you. My guess is probably Bobby's kids are on spring break this week or this coming week and he wanted the time off to spend with them so they wrapped him earlier. Will people just please chill. And I think that what they shot yesterday was the last scene of part 1 of the finale since it looked like a cliffhanger, and we know part 1 ends on a cliffhanger. Which this would further back up my whole they are filming the finale episodes at the same time. And so what if Em is still filming? Could mean she's filming reshoots, or other scenes from other parts of the finale that did not require Bobby. Hence why he's wrapped. I feel like anytime any new info comes out in this fandom it causes the fandom to explode and then proceed to speculate based on hardly any info to back up the speculations.
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