#Emmet Von Arnoult
misstycloud · 2 years
Yandere!husband x dead!reader
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Character: Emmet Von Arnoult
Summary: Not being able to take your passing, your devoted husband made the decision to do what he knew you’d oppose of; wake you again. Though what he didn’t think of at first, was that things would not go back to normal even if he’d manage to get you back.
The fresh air greeted your senses as you stepped outside for the first time in many weeks. The day was sunny and a warm breeze swept past in a hurry, it lifted the hem of your long skirt. You moved your hand to press it down again and as you did another hand engulfed your own in a comforting hold.
You glanced up to look at the man walking beside you in a peaceful manner, he smiled at you and linked your arms together. His blonde strands flowed gently in the wind and made them seem even softer. You followed his pace and the two of you ended up on a marble bench.
The man still held around you when you sat, like he wanted to help you do it. After making sure you were seated he also lowered himself on the cold bench, not once letting go of you. The greenery surrounding you was a pleasant scene compared to the dark walls of the room you were constantly confined in.
Okay, it was not all the time but t sure felt like it with all of his overbearing emotions he unloaded on you. While you understood why he did it, you thought it was wrong.
Everything was wrong. With him. With the large house you lived in. And most of all, you. You weren't anything like normal people. Hell, you didn't even know if you still classified as a person. If you put a hand to your chest, you wouldn't experience the thumping sensation others did.
It would be completely silent. Completely and utterly dead. Though it had gone a couple months since you first woke up in this world, you hadn't gotten used to the fact that you were not alive. Not anymore at least.
But you definitely were once. It was evident through the paintings with your image hanging around in the house. The paintings that also contained the very man who relaxed next to you. When you first wandered through the home you quickly took notice to the art and how close and loving his grasp on you was. It was clear he deeply loved you. You however did not appear to share his emotions in the same grade.
In your painting you wore a neutral expression in correlation to his happy smile. Despite him telling you the two of you were happily married, you speculated that wasn’t your reality then. It was his. In his mind he’d fabricated that you were very much in love.
“It is beautiful this time of year. Everything comes to life again after enduring the harsh winter cold, do you not agree, love?”
“Ah, yes.” you said and turned your gaze away from him. You wasn’t entirely comfortable with him yet. You thought about his words and thought that everything indeed comes back to life, everything except you.
“You loved the summer,-“ he kissed your hand, “and it was a blessing to see you smile in delight as the cherry tree blossomed. You were so beautiful standing there with all those pink petals falling in your hair.”
The man whose name was Emmett Von Arnoult sighed in bliss remembering memories of the past. The past where you and him were married, husband and wife. A life you do not know of. No matter the proof he turned up with you could not believe all those things had happened. Your recollection was devoid of your life.
A couple months ago you had woken up on the floor to a dimly lit room. The dark walls caging you in had candlesticks and white stearin candles sat safely in them. They were not the only source of light within the room, there were more candles on the floor. Slightly twitching your finger you felt a wet substance underneath you, though you could not figure out what it was because you found it difficult to move.
Being conscious enough to hear, you realised that you were not alone in the dark room. Slowly opening your eyes you could spot a figure not far away. They sat hunched over on the floor, something on the ground was drawing all their focus and they spoke in hurried whispering motions. But they stopped and quickly looked up, gaze meeting yours. The person let out a desperate cry and crawled over to you.
The person was Emmet-though you didn’t know it yet- and had shakily asked if it really was you while being a blubbering mess. You couldn’t answer of course, it was like you’d been drained of every last bit of energy you had and left as a hollow shell. Emmet had them muttered to himself ‘it worked, it worked, it actually worked!’ At the time you didn’t know what he was talking about but you got to know that very soon.
You were dead. It was that simple. Died and come back, that was your story.
When you were still alive you were Emmets wife, Lady Von Arnoult. Regardless that your heart was no longer beating your husband nonetheless was hellbent on acting as if things were normal. They weren’t, you were fucking dead for gods sake!
You didn’t know if that was even the worst part. All your memories had gone when you did it seemed. So when Emmet had declared himself the love of your life you were quite surprised one could say.
Maybe you did feel an inch of love for him once, but now all you had for him was indifference. You were grateful to him, yes. For all that he has given to you and how he's taken care of you. Yet, you could not force yourself to regard him in any greater emotion.
“My love,-“ the man next to you sheepishly smiled as he spoke. You knew where this was gonna go, “do you perhaps….recall anything?Now that you have witnessed one of our favourite places.”
Emmet has tried to get your memory back since the moment you opened your eyes again. It didn’t matter what you tried, nothing you did ever worked. It was weird pretending things were like they were before and you started getting tired of his suffocating affection, you didn't want it. You'd rather 'live' the rest of your days away from there.
"No, sorry."
He tensely smiled, "It is alright, we can not expect everything to return so quickly."
'That's what you said the last time too.'
A half hour later Emmet stood up and said you should probably get back inside, he didn't want you to get sick. "Shall we go inside, the sky is turning darker and I do not want you to have a cold."
You nearly scoffed at the sentence, as if you could get infected.
Herding you into your shared room on the upper floor, he made you wait for him to finish some work, a reluctant frown on his lips. Your husband had early established that he would not leave you alone unless he absolutely had to, the man said he didn't want you to be lonely, however you could easily see through his claims. The truth was that he didn't want others to have the chance of running into you.
It showed that he knew of the consequences of what he'd done, what he'd created through dark magic, a monster and a creature that should not exist. You. At best they'd imprison him, and at worst he'd end up like you six feet under.
In scenario that happened, what would they do to you. To them Emmet was a horrid criminal and an enemy, but what would the living think of you then? As much as you disliked admitting it you needed Emmet in many ways.
As you laid there on the soft bed, you thought about how it would be to live apart from Emmet, to live freely. As free as you could be in your condition that is. Perhaps if you tried hard enough, you could convince him to let you go. You didn't count on it though, why would he ever let you go.
Why would he let go of the person he'd sacrificed everything for?
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