#Emmett's favorite clients are spectrum (for the gossip) and Orion (to bully)
rhapsoddity · 2 months
where do the villains get their costumes? like, do they make them themselves, or is there a supplier, or did some poor tailor have a rather earth-shattering 'oh.' moment while they were watching the news
hi anon i hadn't actually thought about this and then had it on mind all day so
MEET A NEW OC CHARACTER they're not relevant to the plot but its fun to have a silly oc
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i got lazy w designing their clothes but hey, when designing everyone else's costumes he's gotta have comfort lmao
his power is that he's immune to ppls powers! Spectrums hypnosis,,, Kraken's bloodbending,, none of that works on xem. Sure burning and making xem drown and shit could work, but yeah :)
when hes out and about as a civilian they actually wear custom made power suppressors, bc its far too much hassle explaining why you're unaffected by a villain attacking a crowd of civilians
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