#Emmy has been running away from them (going on an adventure to avoid taking time to reflect)
ninadove · 2 years
💙 Clemmy Week - Day 5 💛
Friends to Lovers/Enemies to Lovers
-> Enemies to Friends to Lovers
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“So I (29F) come back to London one day, and my friend/cousin/brother/former boss (43M) has taken in a terrorist (28M) and given him my job!!! And now that jerk has the audacity to say I am the one who needs to work on myself and take accountability for my past crimes??? Who the Hell does he think he is???
Anyways, we’re married now”
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Press/Gallery/Video: Not Your Mother’s Suburbs
The Marvel Cinematic Universe comes to television with WandaVision the new Disney+ series that places a super-powered Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany in the suburbs of classic sitcoms.
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Studio Photoshoots > 2020 > Session 002
Magazine Scans > 2020 > Emmy Magazine
  EMMY – When you wish upon a luxurious star, you just might land at Club 33 in Disneyland.
Tucked away above New Orleans Square and decorated with historic flourishes (the harpsichord at reception belonged to Walt Disney’s wife, Lillian), it’s a pricey, ultra-exclusive club for members and VIPS. On August 25, 2019, Marvel Studios president and chief creative officer Kevin Feige, joined by producer-director Matt Shakman, enjoyed lunch and swapped stories there with Dick Van Dyke and his wife, Arlene.
“It was unbelievable!” Feige recalls. “You sit down and don’t know what to say because you’re so starstruck.” Shakman is more succinct: “It was the best afternoon of my life.”
They weren’t there just to catch up with a 93-year-old legend. They were about to start production on an innovative Disney+ series called WandaVision — which Shakman will only describe as a “love letter to television” — and they wanted to hear about the star’s experiences on his groundbreaking 1960s sitcom, The Dick Van Dyke Show.
Van Dyke waxed about his fellow actor and the show creator, Carl Reiner, who mined real-life anecdotes for the episodes, as well as his own delight at filming in front of live studio audiences.
In turn, Feige talked about the new series he was executive-producing with Shakman, among others. “I tried to explain how there was this robot and a witch and how she had to kill him because Thanos reversed time,” he says with a laugh. “I’m thinking, ‘He doesn’t need to hear this!'”
With the premiere of WandaVision on January 15, it will all click. Set after the events of the 2019 blockbuster Avengers: Endgame, the weekly series — which is patterned on prototypical sitcoms of various eras — explores the adventures of Wanda Maximoff (Elizabeth Olsen) and her love, an android named Vision (Paul Bettany).
Yes, Vision died when the Mind Stone was ripped from his forehead in the 2018 film Avengers: Infinity War, and he is still dead. But rules can be malleable when one of the two main characters is also known as Scarlet Witch.
“What I love about Wanda in the comic books, and what drew me to her originally,” Olsen says, “is what we get to explore in a beautiful way.” To that end, even a witch couldn’t have manipulated the series’ timing any better.
When Disney+ launched in November 2019, it did so with the promise that the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU) would soon unveil new series based on some of its lower-profile action heroes. At last, fans of the gazillion-grossing, 23-movie Infinity Saga would enjoy extensive and exclusive insights into the likes of Falcon, the Winter Soldier, Wanda, Vision, Loki and others, all in episodic installments.
But the global pandemic wreaked havoc on production schedules. The Falcon and the Winter Soldier — which required a complex, multi-city shoot and was set to lead the charge — got pushed to 2021. That left WandaVision, which aims to change the future of the medium by paying homage to its past.
“The show is complicated,” explains co-executive producer Mary Livanos, “because we’re incorporating the rules of the MCU and narrowing in on suburban family sitcoms — but not all the episodes are structurally similar.
“What’s fun about it is that it leads the audience to ask questions about when this takes place or whether this is a social experiment and if this is an alternative reality and an unraveling of the mystery. We’re excited that the Disney+ platform allows us the creative space to play around.”
Indeed, with revenues from cruises, theme parks and cinema down sharply due to the pandemic, Disney+ emerged as the clear winner in the Disney portfolio, signing more than 73 million global members in just 11 months. (The company had initially set its five-year goal at 60 million to 90 million.)
Meanwhile, the Star Wars series The Mandalorian nabbed an Emmy nomination for Outstanding Drama Series — and seven awards in crafts categories — and the MCU has expanded into the freshly minted series She-Hulk, Moon Knight and Ms. Marvel.
Those successes led to a major announcement this fall from new chief executive Bob Chapek: Disney would realign its business divisions to focus future creative efforts squarely on Disney+.
Feige admits to growing up with “a near-unhealthy love and obsession” for some of the characters on his favorite shows, like Alice and Little House on the Prairie, and he’s just as committed now to his behemoth production studio.
“Streaming is 100 percent the future and where consumers want to watch things,” he says. “And hopefully they’ll want to watch our longform narrative series. An experience like WandaVision is something you can’t get in a movie. You go to movies for things you can’t get on streaming, and you go to streaming for things you can’t get in a theater. And of course, everything in a theater goes to streaming eventually.”
It was back in the days of yore — ahem, early 2018 — when then–Disney CEO Bob Iger approached Feige about extending the MCU for what would be a new Disney streaming service. At the time, Feige, who started at Marvel Studios as a producer in 2000 and became president of production in 2007, was wrapping up the 10-year-long Infinity Saga storyline.
“My team and I were wondering internally about where to go from here, and what would be the next step that was equally challenging and unexpected,” he relates. The notion of extending the brand to television “was an adrenaline boost.” Looking to showcase MCU characters who hadn’t yet reached their potential in terms of screen time, he zeroed in on Wanda and Vision and their romantic but doomed love story.
“Elizabeth and Paul were these amazing actors — who had done amazing things in four movies — but never had a chance to dominate the narrative because there was so much else going on,” he explains. “It felt fun to finally give them a platform to showcase their astounding talent.”
Bettany, for one, assumed that his run as Vision had ended with his death in Infinity War. “I was called in to see Kevin and [Marvel copresident] Louis D’Esposito and was convinced that they were going to be gentlemen and say, ‘It’s been a great ride; thank you for your work and good luck,'” he recalls. Instead, they pitched him what he describes as an “exciting and bonkers” idea for the character’s return. “Of course, I said I was in.”
During Olsen’s meeting? “Kevin told me he wanted to merge two different comic series as inspiration. He explained the series would show how Wanda is originally from an Eastern European country and grew up on American black-market products like television,” she says, then cuts herself off to avoid revealing spoilers.
At first, she says, “I was a little bit nervous about Marvel doing something on television, because what does that mean and how could it possibly intertwine? But I got so excited when I heard that nugget of the idea.”
That nugget grew into a fleshed-out narrative in early 2019 after Livanos, who is also director of production and development at Marvel Studios, tapped screenwriter Jac Schaeffer (Captain Marvel, Black Widow) as head writer. “We envisioned Wanda and Vision in this sitcom setting but didn’t know what that meant until Jac came on,” Livanos says.
Schaeffer remembers: “I got wind of this percolating crazy notion of this project and told myself that I needed to get in on that!” …
Press/Gallery/Video: Not Your Mother’s Suburbs was originally published on Elizabeth Olsen Source • Your source for everything Elizabeth Olsen
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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A magically spooky adventure in the woods
Pippa and Mariposa are back at the camp for a magical adventure! Angie and Willow are with us as well, making it the first of hopefully many fun camping trips for Team Magic. Hopefully next time Luna and Skully - and maybe even Cassie, in an unexpected turn of events.
After having a great time during her first gyroid adventure, Pippa wanted to design her own gyroid themed furniture so she and Daisy Jane have been working on that for the past few months. Then Mariposa got involved with planning the event and it went from a fun scavenger hunt in the campsite to an all out adventure in the Moonlit Woods! So along with collecting gyroids we're also collecting trinkets and herbs for Luna and Skully since the woods are full of them during this time of year.
It's also a good excuse to explore this area since we rarely go out this far. Tom Nook warned us that the Moonlit Woods can be tricky to navigate, which is why I've been kinda avoiding that spot. There's still a lot of places outside the camp we have yet to explore and now that I've gotten familiar with the camping grounds after three years of living here, it's time to venture into the unknown.
I'm glad that Pippa's enjoying the camp. Since she and Almie first made the trip here Almie had been saying that being out here has lifted up her spirits a lot. Visiting the camp, training with Luna, and becoming friends with Mariposa, Angie, and Willow has helped her come out of her shell a lot. Things have been looking bright for her - she's doing well in school, her latest blood work is promising, and she's learning more and more about her magic every day.
Mariposa's the one who brought Team Magic together. Pippa and Angie were sort of loners, Willow part of the popular crowd, and Mariposa's the new kid in town. In the short time she's been in Rosevine, Mariposa has shaken things up for Luna and the gang in ways they never expected. She and Pippa haven't known each other for long but it seems like they've been friends forever!
A lot has happened since I last saw them at Emmaline and Minnie's wedding. Luna and Cassie have reached a truce so now they're trying to reconcile. The gyroid event happened to be perfect timing as Mariposa and the others felt it was best to give the sisters some space and privacy. No one really knows how they feel about Cassie but they're willing to hear her out, especially since she willingly threw away everything she worked hard to help Luna, Skully, and Mariposa. Cassie always struck me as someone who wants to bring out the best in others but at the same time won't hesitate to walk all over them to get ahead.
Angie's been coming out of her shell too. Now she's been doing some training with Luna and her magic has tremendously improved. She and Pippa were the kind of friends who mainly stuck together because they didn't fit in anywhere else. It's not that they didn't get along but they were just kinda shoved to the side and ignored by everyone else. Then Mariposa came along and they became notorious for getting caught up in magical shenanigans. It's good to see her perform spells with confidence!
Willow was an unexpected surprise. She comes from a powerful family so she and her siblings carry the weight of their family name. Before Mariposa came along Willow wasn't exactly friendly towards Pippa and Angie. She didn't antagonize them like some of her friends did but more like gave them the cold shoulder and walked all over them for her own personal gain. Turns out that she and Mariposa started off on the wrong note because Willow felt threatened by her. But after a few more missteps Willow grew to like her, and in turn she made amends with Angie and Pippa.
If the timing of the gyroid event wasn't already good, the fact that Willow's parents are out of town is even better. If her parents were home, they probably wouldn't let her come out here. Good thing Emmy and Eddie aren't strict, plus they like Mariposa so they're more than happy to let their baby sister go out on a week long camping trip, even if she has to hobble around in crutches.
Although she can't go climbing and running around, Willow didn't miss out too much on the fun. Not too long after the wedding shenanigans happened and Willow managed to save the day but took a nasty fall in the process. Basically, she landed in a way that not only badly broke her leg but also messed up her back a bit as well. So for a couple weeks she had to use a wheelchair until her legs felt normal again and since last week she's only needed crutches to get around.
We arrived at the woods around 9 so we can make the most out of the day. The thing with these gyroids is that they're easy to miss, especially in a place like the Moonlit Woods. Rare gyroids are always in places that are either difficult to navigate or hard to get to, which is why they're rare. I've rarely come across gyroids that can glow and I've never seen gyroids that can turn transparent like a ghost. It seems fitting for something like that to only be found in a place like the Moonlit Woods.
What I've learned about the woods is that you can't let it outsmart you. Another reason why the stars have aligned for this event is because of Team Magic. Whatever challenges the woods throws at us, the girls always find a way.
Angie's the expert at herbal magic, no cluster of overgrown weeds and thorns is too difficult for her to untangle. Like I said, she's really improved with her magic, especially since discovering not too long ago that she has an innate connection with plants. I can also see that Mariposa has been taking Luna's training to heart, connecting with nature and conjuring spells with the elements. Pippa's magic is different from Willow and Angie's because she's not a witch like they are, but like Mariposa she's found ways to apply Luna's guidance with what works for her. The three of them make a great team!
While searching for treasures, we came across a bunch of signs scattered throughout the woods. We got curious so Mariposa and Pippa decided to try and translate the symbols. The codes turned out to be clues left behind by someone who embarked on a quest to find the ultra rare cocostar tree. Of course, we had to go out and find the tree too because none of us can resist a quest!
According to an old journal left in a log by the explorer, the cocostar tree is a valuable resource. The bark can be used for tea and potions, the tea is believed to relax those in  distress and extreme emotional turmoil as well as stomach troubles in general. The fruit of the tree is edible, the taste described as sweet with a browned caramel flavor, good to pair with sweet and savory foods. The leaves are also edible and is said to have a distinct, bittersweet flavor that's good for cooking and making tea.
What puts many off from exploring the woods is how unpredictable it is to navigate. Retracing your steps would drive you crazy because the paths always change. A lot of things about the woods don't make much sense so we just have to accept that. In this case, it makes the adventure a lot more fun!
So while collecting gyroids, we stocked up on berries. Mariposa carved light glyphs in the dirt so we can see where we're going. Angie was able to communicate with the plants and use them as a guide. Willow used her crutches to test out some areas that looked like they might be full of pitfall seeds, saving us a lot of trouble in the process. Pippa researched the codes and puzzles scattered throughout the woods.
By putting our heads together, we managed to find the elusive cocostar tree! Mariposa was the first to spot the tree, a happy accident as she misfired a light orb while we were fighting off vines that ambushed us in the dark. The explorer was right, the tree is massive! The fruit is unlike anything I've ever seen before - it looks more like a fancy dessert than something that grew from a tree. Because the tree's so big, there's more than enough fruit for us to experiment with and for the girls to take back to Rosevine. It took a lot of work, but we did it!
Getting out of the Moonlit Woods was an adventure itself. Since we didn't expect to go on a cocostar tree quest, I wasn't sure how we were gonna lug all this stuff out. Of course, Team Magic found a way to carry the extra stuff that can't fit into backpacks. We'll be back in a couple days to retrieve more gyroids and maybe go on another quest if we stumble across something.
As soon as we got back to the camp, we got to work crafting gyroid stuff and trying out the cocostars. Pippa and Daisy Jane really outdid themselves with the gyroid designs and now the others want to help plan future events. Looks like the camp's all set for gyroid events in the next few months. I can't wait to see what kind of designs the others will come up with!
After spending all day in the woods, it's nice to hang out at the campsite and relax. Since Angie and Willow didn't really get to explore the hangout spots today, that's what we're gonna do tomorrow.
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zach-the-fox · 4 years
Tribal Furs Episode 2: Growing Issues
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Next episode’s done. Starring: @emmy-the-absolute-goof​ and @rainbow-strike​, and my boyfriend, Nate
The glowing ball rises above the ground, spreading rays of light across the land. Light stretches among the trees, touching them and everything below their canopies. The orange fox emerges from another room, separated by a thin layer of leather curtain. He stretches as he stands in the middle of the doorway. He looks around to see he’s the only one in the main room of the hut. Taking advantage of this opportunity, Zach sneaks over to the entryway, where it is divided from the outside with a leather curtain. Just as he’s inches away from the divider, he’s interrupted when a paw grasps at his arm. The blue-painted fox turns around to see behind him is the owner of the hut, the leader of the tribe, who shoots him a mean look; dipped eyebrows and gritted teeth. “Where do you think you’re off to, Boy?” Zach keeps his gaze on the older fox, not moving his lips in anyway. “Well?!” The tone of his voice is raised, showing agitation and impatience.
“I’m going out,” Zach responds, breaking his silence. “Into the jungle to gather food.”
“You plan on running away and crying again?” his father remarks. “You’re just an embarrassment to the family. A mistake made by your mother, that’s all.”
“I never asked for your comments. I’m just picking fruit and collecting nuts.”
“Whatever you say, Wimp. The more time you’re away from me and this village, the better.”
Zach exits the hut and steps out into the open air of the village. He treks his way across the village center and makes it toward the gate. Before he reaches the defenses, he bumps into another fox; the blue and orange one.
“Oh, I’m very sorry!” says the other fox. “I-I didn’t mean to hit you in any way! P-please don’t get me in trouble!”
“What?” Zach utters. “Why would you think I would do such a thing?”
“Y-your father is the chief… I did a bad thing hurting you…”
“Relax, I’m not going to do anything… It was only an accident. I just have to be more careful next time. Good day.”
As Zach wanders off, the blue fox says, “I’m sorry for you.” Zach pauses for a second. His ears twitched with the sentence of his counterpart. Without hesitation, he presses on, passing the opening of the village guarded by foxes armed with spears.
 The orange fox runs across the branches, jumping to the next to stay above the jungle floor. He makes it across eighteen branches before using the vines to slide down. As his feet touch the mossy surface of the flora ground, he walks forward ten paces before stopping in front of the lavender-dressed warthog, who rests under a small tree, enjoying the hard-shelled fruits hanging above her. “Morning, Emmy.”
Emmy ceases her beak and looks up at the fox. “Oh, morning, Zach! You’re just in time for some breakfast. Care for some cocoanapples?”
“Uh, sure.” Zach sits next to her and receives the fresh drupe from her hooves. “Thanks.” The fox picks up a rock from his side and bashes the fruit open, revealing the red core and chocolate milk that surrounds it. He takes a bite out of the core and drinks the chocolatey liquid from within the shell. “Mmm, this is pretty good.”
Emmy turns to her friend. “So, what have you been up to lately?”
Zach swallows his food before facing her. “Huh? Nothing really…”
“Did your father yell at you for being out?”
“Not really. I mean, he did yell at me and insult me, yet he doesn’t care. We don’t really talk or do anything together. Ever since my mother disappeared, I’ve had to deal with his ways for a very long time. I’ve been trying for so long to win his attention, aiming to get better at things, only to be knocked down by his criticisms and pushed away.”
“We’re two of a kind.” Emmy takes another bite out of the apple part. “Do you think fate brought us together? Or could it be just coincidence that we happen to stumble upon each other at the right moment? All because of our dads?”
“It’s hard to tell. Either way, I’m actually happy we’re friends now. I’ve been struggling my whole life to try and win my father’s love and attention. When that didn’t work, I sought the attention of others, but my father has told everyone that I’m a bad influence, further distancing me from everyone.” He looks toward his ally. “You’re a good girl, Emmy.”
Emmy’s cheeks turn red. “Why, Zach, I’m flattered. Your kind words really know how to make a woman blush.” She stands and tosses her breakfast aside. “So, what should we do now, “friend”? Have some adventures in mind for us?”
Zach gets up and meets her eyeline. “Beats me.”  His ears twitch, causing him to turn his head to the side. “Hey, did you hear that?” Emmy faces the direction he looks in, asking what’s wrong. “Somebody’s coming!” He drops the fruit to the ground, grabs the warthog by the hoove, and pulls her out of the area. As they vacate and seek safety from nearby thickets, a blue wolf with a male build, rainbow hair, and a blue loincloth comes into view. He holds a long spear in his paw, walking through the grass. Noticing the cocoanapples on the ground, he kneels to the ground and examines them.
Lifting one of the cocoanapples in his paw, the wolf holds it close to his snout and sniffs it. “Fox Faction,” he utters, straightening himself as he drops the fruit and readies his spear. The blue wolf scans his surroundings while pointing the spear tip around. “Where are you? I know you’re hiding somewhere! Come out now!” As he searches around, ruffles in the bushes catch his attention. With ease, the wolf sneaks over to the shrubs, then parts it with his weapon. “Aha!” To his surprise, nothing is there. “What?! Hm… I’ll find you Fox Farts, wherever you may be!”
From afar high in the trees, the warthog and fox watch as he disappears from the area.
“Phew, that was close,” Zach spurts. “Imagine if he actually caught us.”
“What do we do now, Zach?” Emmy asks. “This isn’t very safe, and we can’t hide from the other tribes forever. We need to-” She jumps as the spear lands beside her, lodging herself into the trunk next to her. “Yeek!”
“Found you!” shouts the wolf, running toward the tree. The two friends head across the branches to avoid him. Zach runs along the tops while Emmy rides on his back. “Come back here now!” The warthog and fox continue to across in an effort to get away, but the rainbow-haired wolf is far from giving up. “You can’t outrun me! I will- Whoa!” The blue canine trips over some roots and slams his entire body face-first into a fresh mud puddle. As he picks himself up, he continues along the path of his two prey. After some time running, he stops to catch his breath. “You can’t… You won’t… I will… find you…”
Zach and Emmy continue onward down the jungle. Zach looks back at his chaser, who is nowhere to be seen. They stop inside the cave where they had previously been.
“Did we lose him?” Emmy questions.
“I-I think so.” Zach kneels down to allow the warthog off, then stands. “That could’ve been bad…”
“You don’t think that wolf will be trouble, do you?”
“Perhaps… But, as long as we remain hidden, he can’t find us.”
“Well, yes, but I was mostly referring to our secret friendship… I have a bad feeling he’ll inform other his tribe about us…”
“Oh, yeah, that… We should be fine. Like I said, if we remain out of sight, no one will notice.”
Emmy lets out a sigh. “I just hope you’re right, Zach.”
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