#Emry’s back asking for more money 🙄 smh
emry-stars-art · 8 months
update again ✨
Thanks again for all your well wishes about the move, I am currently in the process of unpacking and organizing! Still spending a lot of money on furniture and stuff bc I have none but that’s okay because I’ve been saving money specifically for this 😅 anyway now that I’m trying to get settled I feel like I can get a head start in some other things, so here’s some announcements:
1) I’d like to order pins and patches for us! But since I am eating through my savings I can only pay for one on my own :,) I made it a ko-fi goal (link here) to hopefully fundraise enough to be able to order pins so I can open shop with them. Here’s a mock up/colored version of what I’ll send to the company, and see how close we can get:
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2) because two (2) people have asked I do in fact have an amazon wishlist for things I’d like for the apartment! As soon as I get a bed frame and a desk in here I can start showing off my room lol but it is still a Mess. So this is absolutely completely unnecessary but on the off chance you both have extra cash and would like to send a housewarming gift, here’s the link to that.
Neither of these are expected honestly, I will always understand if donating/funding is just not in the cards. Or if you just don’t feel like it lol that’s cool too, either way I hope you guys have a great rest of October and I hope to be back in full force very soon 🥰 (and if you can only pick one let’s get some pins in here, that’s the thing we can all enjoy)
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