#Energy Effiency
flyleafstar · 8 months
✨🎵🙃🦋 :D
✨ Do you have any nicknames?
Not really but my dad calls me frog. Apparently when I was born, he said I had the body of a frog lol
🎵 Last song you listened to?
Friends make garbage - Low roar
🙃 What’s a weird fact that you know?
If you extracted the energy from a cat at 100% effiency, it could power the entire country of Norway for over a year
🦋 Describe yourself in three words.
Silly, sleepy, dummmm
Thank you:D
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cleaningservices422 · 9 months
Effiency Unleashed: The Power of Professional Facility Management Services
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In today's fast-paced world, businesses need to focus on their core competencies to stay ahead of the competition. With so many aspects to consider, facility management services have become a critical component of a successful business strategy. By outsourcing facility management tasks to professionals, companies can optimize their operations, reduce costs, and enhance productivity. In this article, we will explore the transformative power of professional facility management services and how they can unlock the true efficiency potential of your organization.
The Essence of Facility Management Services
Facility management services encompass a wide range of activities related to the effective management of physical assets, infrastructure, and operations within a company. From maintenance and repair to security and space planning, facility management services streamline and enhance the overall functioning of a workplace.
The Key Benefits of Professional Facility Management Services
Enhanced Operational Efficiency:
By delegating facility management tasks to professionals, companies can ensure a more efficient allocation of resources, leading to improved operational performance.
Professional facility managers have the expertise to identify and implement cost-saving measures, such as energy-efficient systems and sustainable practices, which can lead to significant long-term savings.
Increased Productivity:
A well-maintained and properly managed facility creates a conducive environment for employees, fostering productivity and employee satisfaction.
Facility management services ensure timely maintenance and repairs, reducing downtime and minimizing disruptions to daily operations.
Risk Mitigation:
Professional facility managers prioritize safety and compliance, reducing potential risks and liabilities associated with maintenance and facility operations.
They are well-versed in regulatory requirements and industry standards, ensuring your facility meets all necessary guidelines.
Strategic Space Planning:
Facility management services involve optimizing space utilization, layout, and design to maximize efficiency.
Professionals ensure that your facility is configured in a way that promotes collaboration, creativity, and seamless workflow.
Focus on Core Competencies:
By outsourcing facility management tasks, companies can redirect their internal resources and energy towards their core business functions, allowing them to excel in their areas of expertise.
How to Choose the Right Facility Management Services
When selecting a facility management service provider, it is crucial to consider their experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness. Here are some key factors to keep in mind:
Look for a service provider with a proven track record and extensive experience in managing facilities similar to yours.
They should have a deep understanding of industry-specific challenges and possess the necessary knowledge to address them effectively.
Assess the provider's range of services and ensure they offer comprehensive solutions that align with your specific needs.
They should have a team of skilled professionals with expertise in various areas, including maintenance, security, risk management, and space planning.
Check for any certifications, accreditations, or affiliations that demonstrate the provider's competence and commitment to industry best practices.
Look for testimonials or case studies highlighting successful facility management projects they have completed.
Trust is essential when entrusting your facility's management to an external partner. Conduct thorough background checks and due diligence to ensure the provider has a solid reputation and maintains strong ethical standards.
In the ever-evolving business landscape, professional facility management services play a pivotal role in optimizing operations, boosting productivity, and reducing costs. By leveraging the expertise and experience of facility management professionals, companies can focus on their core competencies while enjoying the benefits of a well-maintained facility. Choose a trusted facility management service provider that aligns with your goals and watch the power of efficiency being unleashed in your organization.
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racingtoaredlight · 2 years
One Way to Tell a Guitar Faker from the Real Deal
The right hand and wrist tells the whole story.
I’m going to start off saying that this guy doesn’t suck all that bad.  Even by today’s lowered standards, this guy’s pretty well versed.  It’s not that this video is mindblowing by any measure...anyone can put together a good take with unlimited time...it’s just that he’s obviously not a studied musician, and yet he’s giving more than an admirable effort here.
But he’s still faking it.  It’s obvious by the right hand and wrist.  It’s fine for a quick take, but under pressure that shit wilts.  Literally the entire point of refined technique is so that it takes all the psychological pressure off when performing...but with unlimited time, you can just muscle memory your way to a decent take.  No joke, I’ve spent the last three months almost exclusively focusing on my right hand.  It’s impossible to genuinely learn how to play like this without paying detailed attention to technique.
Simply put, watch the limp wrist.  Because of that limp wrist, he’s firing from the knuckles on his fingers rather than the big knuckles on his hand.  Watch how much extra movement his right hand exhibits compared to the man he’s homaging (0:45-1:15)...
Those smaller knuckles are still going to move...try holding your hand out totally relaxed, and then flick your fingertips with your other hand and see how all the tendons react...but the effiency of motion between the two examples is not even close.
Point being, for the dude at the top, none of this shit is repeatable.  Joe Pass was using this method and these techniques to improvise over anything that was put in front of him...it wasn’t rehearsed or predetermined, it was organic and natural and in the moment.  That’s kind of the whole point.  If it’s not in the moment, it’s just Joe Pass cosplay.  This was well executed cosplay, but cosplay nonetheless.
Nobody who’s spent any significant time playing would continue with technique like that.  It’d make playing more difficult and you’d get less out of your time...something that’d be already corrected at this point.  I’m not knocking this guy, just saying it’s obvious he’s dipping his toes in unfamiliar waters.
I’ve shared this video below hundreds of times over the years, for a specific reason...Julian Bream’s right hand is the shining, gleaming, perfect example of economy in motion.  Money shot at 1:55-2:15.  That’s big knuckle energy right there.
There’s no effects, no amps, nothing to project the sound other than his right hand.  There’s also no extraneous movement, jerkiness...shit, there’s really no actual effort being shown here....yet listen to how much sound his guitar projects, and how clean and distinct it all is.  That’s the ideal.
It’s all about the audience.  Yes, chops guys can frequently be caught sniffing their own farts, but there’s a purpose behind it.  The goal is to play at the same quality if you had to play the same stuff for two or three audiences over the course of a night...still a frequent scenario for musicians.
If your technique aint up to snuff, your output’s quality is going to vary wildly.  Just about everything guys like Joe Pass or Julian Bream recorded were in the first or second take, and on someone else’s dime amping up the pressure...not in some bedroom with unlimited time and recording resources (i.e. no analog tape).
If you watched the last two videos, go back to the one at the top and watch from 1:30-1:52.  This is what happens when that technique isn’t up to snuff and starts to break down.  I.e...it’s not repeatable.
Anyways, this is what happens to your brain when you spend three months thinking about your right hand.
Oh, and it makes a difference with a pick too.  0:10-0:40.
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tinamcasey · 5 years
Energy Efficiency Meets Edge Computing Challenge
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Energy efficiency battle royale shaping up over edge computing
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bayareaattic · 5 years
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Energy Star gives some great tips on how to heat and cool your home efficiently
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addiwarrior-blog · 5 years
When enough is enough?
I’ve been doing better and better over the years, and I finally have a chance to see, where my limits are and what are the signs if I’m getting closer to them. I’m a genuingly happy person and usually very optimistic, but even at the point of crossing the line it’s hard to tell how to proceed. If I can’t go on like this for much longer, wouldn’t it be easy and wise and totally understanable decision to do something about it, before it gets out of hand? If I can rationalize this far, and would tell any friend of foe to stop and think and take care of themselves, why won’t I do it myself? For two weeks I’ve been doing a part-time job, one commission and one big volunteer project. Before that I was doing a dream job with no working hours, ie. massive amounts of work for six months a hundred kilometers from home, meaning moving in for the weekend (if not working) and out for weeks. I got bullied at work just before I left. In January I received an ADHD diagnose and started medication, with severe side effects still going on. Then I got a flu that took me to bed for a week and left me in a condition between illness and health for five weeks, and now I’m sick again. I was really waiting for the part-time job to begin. I was supposed to have more time and much more energy, and have the ADHD medication working by that time. I honestly thought, that working 20 hours a week mostly from home, having set times to work on the commission and the volunteer project, no continuous packing and moving and eating frozen pizzas daily would do magical things to my stress level, sleeping and effiency, but it didn’t happen. If anything, it got worse.
How is that possible? What do I do now? My hope, the way out of this stress has turned out to be just an illusion. It wasn’t the working environment that caused my stress. I was able to tell people at the commission and the volunteer project, and most importantly, to myself, that this gets easier after the change, they all understood and believed me, and gave me time. What do I tell them now?
I’m still going three very similar projects at the same time that require the same capacity. I guess I can’t do that. They don’t support each other, they’re eating each other out.
Hoping the change would solve all my problems wasn’t working. I might have to actually do something myself. It’s a tough decision to make, there’s so much good in everything, they’re all very interesting and I just can’t say NO!
And besides, what would I do then? Have free time? Sleep? Eat well and manage the household? Meet my friends and family? Feel lonely and not needed?
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What is the Best Strategy to Prepare EDC for GATE Exam?
Hi guys today I’ll be sharing my strategy for how to prepare for Electronic Devices and Circuits  for GATE . It’s one of the easiest subject from GATE point of view the only hard part is to memorize all the formulae from various topics apart from that it’s the least time consuming subject in respect to the weightage it shows in GATE exam preparation . EDC cousrse  basically provides you with understanding of device physics which also forms a base for various circuit analysis and design courses.
In recent year level of question as well as the weightage of EDC in GATE exam has increased,from last 4 year anlaysis  the minimum weightage seen for this subject was 6 and maximum was 12 in 2018 and 2017 it was one of the highest weighted subject and most of the toppers  scored full marks in this subject .
Good knowledege of this subject can also help you after  GATE in interviews of various IIT’s and PSU .If someone is looking forward to do specialization in Microelectronics this is one of the core subjects of this field ,where you will further learn in depth about device physics  and after masters you can start your carrer as device engineer , a good device engineer are very higly paid.
Here I  have mentioned the GATE syllabus and i have divide it in parts and in next section i’ll pick out each part and discuss what to prepare and important topics for GATE
Semiconductor Physics:
Energy bands in intrinsic and extrinsic silicon, Carrier transport: diffusion current, drift current, mobility and resistivity, Generation and recombination of carriers ,Poisson and continuity equations.
P-N junction, Zener diode.
BJT, MOS capacitor, MOSFET .
Photovoltaic devices
LED, photo diode and solar cell .
Integrated circuit fabrication process:
oxidation, diffusion, ion implantation, photolithography and twin-tub CMOS process.
I would recommend you to give around 10 to 13 days for EDC in which you’ll have to cover theory, previous year GATE paper questions and solve some extra material for question practice . First of all, before starting this topic all of you should have basic idea about semiconductor, metals, and insulators, how are they classified, band model and bond model, direct and indirect band gap materials.
This topic is some what between easy and moderate level ,but very important as it forms the basics for  your further topics . Most of the parts are easy but few parts which are tricky and from which you can expect good level of questions are –
Enerdy band digram.
Carrier transport.
Graded impurity distribution.
Carrier generation and recombination.
This topic deals with semiconductor physics(particularly silicon)  basically to study about properties of the semiconductor.
Silicon crystal structure ,no of  valence electron ,Energy band gap etc. Graph related question can be sometime tricky so one should have good understanding of theory to answer those.  
In  intrinsic semiconductor study about its eletrical property like conductivity and it’s variation with  temperature then mobility variation with temperature , velocity saturation at high electric field and understand graph of µ vs T and σ vs T Vd (drift velocity)vs E.
Then calculation position of intrinsic fermi level  , calculation of electrons n and hole concentration p ,calculation of intrinsic concentration,mass action law ,charge neutrality, graph of ni vs T and ln(σ ) vs 1/T Once your’e done with intrinsic semiconductor Physic slightly modifies for extrinsic semicoductor calculation ,extra parts that you should know is compensated doping , non degenartive and degenerative semiconductor,variation in nature of semiconductor  with temperature.
in carrier transport you should learn  about drift and diffusion current density and their expression for n type and p type ,diffusion constant and mobility, life time of carrier, diffusion length ,Einstein relation.
Graded impurity distribution  is very important topic in this you shoul learn about non uniform doping ,relation between doping profile and Electric field ,plot of electric field for different doping profile ,current density at equilibrium,good level  numerical and graphical question can be framed from it.
Hall effect mechanism , hall coefficient for n type p type and intrinsic semiconductor,hall voltage and it’s application are important, formula based question can be asked from this.
Enerdy band digram is one of the most important and hard topic in EDC if you don’t understand it future topics can be really difficult for you as it forms the base for understanding other devices ,you should learn variation of energy band with applied voltage ,calculation of electric field from slope of band digram and fermi level variation for equilibrium case (also for non -equilibrium but not in detail).
In Carrier generation and recombination process you should learn about phonon(thermal)  geneneration and photo(light) generation, expression for excess charge carrier due to light excitation and net recombination rate at steady state.
Poisson and  continuity equation is same as in EMT  you should learn about Minority carrier continuity equation this equation helps you to sove various problem on steady state injenction in semiconductor due to different excitation.
After learning this topics you can easily analyze physics of any device .
2). Diodes (2 days)
In diode Band Digrams can be difficulty to understand and calculation of Diode parameter like depletion width ,junction potential.
As a pre requisite you should have a good understanding of electrostatic which you can cover from EMT.
In GATE most question are asked from Step graded pn junction so you should know how to plot charge density profile for step graded pn juction and to derive plot for Electric field from it and Potential plot from Electric field  and your Energy band diagram is just an inversion of your potential plot.
Charge density →Electric field  →Potential plot →Energy band diagram
you should should be very clear about how to draw plot for all these not only for step graded but for any profile and to derive the above parameter.
In last few years  many questions are asked from Juction law in diode and flow of charge carrier through drift and diffusion which can confuse you
Diode capcitance in reverse and forward bais for abrupt and linear junction are also important and  break down mechanism in diode and there relation with doping concentration and temperature.
Transient in diode can be a hard part some time syou can expect good question from diode switching.
You should also give some time to schottky diode ,One sided pn junction  and understand metal semiconductor junction this helps you to study MOS capcacitor
3).Transistor (  3 days )
BJT (half day)
This is very small and easy topic in EDC as most of the theory you cover in Anlaog circuits some extra things that you might find difficult can be Band digrams in equilibrium and diiferent baising region.
You should study Early effect and it effect on various parameter and punch through then you should cover breakdown in BJT in different junction and relation between breakdown Vceo and Vcbo.
You should also cover topic like  minority carrier distribution in different operating region , BJT time delay factor and its cut off frequency, Ebers Moll model.
This is one of the most important topic in EDC it’s basically like studying OPAM in Analog ckt. This topics will require time to understand and many tricky questionss can be asked from this topic . Most of the students finds it very difficult to learn. First you should start with basic working of MOS capacitor in all three regime accumulation , depletion, and inversion and then you should study it’s band diagram in all the three region then you should start with C-V curve of MOS in this you should know the concept of surface potential , flat band voltage and threshold voltage. For  studying flatband voltage Vfb you should understand the concept of workfunction for metal and semiconductor then you should study about trapped oxide charges and finally the complete expression for Vfb in term of bothFor threshold voltage Vt you should study the expression for depletion charge , surface potential at Vt. Depletion width in the semiconductor is calculated by doing one sided pn juction calculation. You should also study the calculation of inversion layer charge density. Then you should learn expression for capacitance in a different region (Cox , Cdep and Cinv) and in the inversion region, you should analyze both LFCV and HFCV curve. Finally you should study fixed oxide and interface traps charge and their effect on the C-V curve.
MOSFET (half day )
Again most of the MOSFET theory you cover in analog but prior to MOSFET, you study MOS capacitor which forms the base for MOSFET .
You should study various short channel effect in MOSFET which cause variation in its parameter and you should study variation in threshold voltage with variation in a parameter like length , oxide thickness , substrate doping etc.
You should study all the operating region of MOSFET and solve a problem related to finding operation region of different MOSFET in ckt and graph as well the expression of gm with respect to Vgs , Id .
very easy and can be covered in no time, you should study about direct bandgap semiconductor and reaction between Eg and λ relation between material bandgap and cut in voltage and parameter like extraction efficiency , internal radiative efficiency and external efficiency.
In this you should learn about it’s working , operation region and parameter like photo current, dark current, Respositivity and expression for sensitivity and quantum effiency  
It’s is the most important photovoltaic device with respect to GATE and can be some times hard for some students to learn , you   learn it’s working and it’s I-V graph basically there are 4 parameter you should know Voc, Isc, Conversion efficiency and fill factor.
5)Integrated circuit fabrication process(half day)
these topics are very easy but most students don’t find proper material to study these topic .
oxidation – study  about wet and dry oxidation basically how much temprature is required and quality of oxide produce
diffusion and ion implantation- both are used for the same purpose but study what is their specific application and temperature require to perform both and concept of annealing
photolithography – In this you should cover topic likemasking, Photoresist , etching.
twin-tub CMOS process – you should study all the steps required and in order for fabriaction.
This topic might come for one marks you can refer any device book for these process.
This book is one of the best book for EDC it’s little hard to understand but once you’ll study this completely I can assure you that you won’t be losing any marks in EDC it cover every topic except fabrication process,many of it’s excersice question are directly given in GATE exam one should definetly refer this book for good understanding of EDC . DIODE, TRANSISTOR, PHOTOVOLTAIC DEVICES can be directly referred from this book GATE related every aspect is covered.
This book is also a really good book  some what easier to understand and cover most of the syllabus for EDC in the gate.
REFERENCE MATERIAL: for refrence, you can use nptel , PDF are availabel for devices courses with really good content
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questionpac · 2 years
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The hypocritical @wagop are angry at recent green energy legislation because it won’t allow them to sell of natural resources to the highest bidder. Decisions would be made by professionals for the sake of effiency, not for the sake of grifting good ol’ boys. And they don’t like that AT ALL. (at Washington) https://www.instagram.com/p/CcBOq8ovqjJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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nevaehcreativemedia · 6 years
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For the first task with Faye we did an advertising task. We had to make a product that was for business men that would be advertised on a billboard. We decided on a caffeinated energy drink that would boost energy levels and help effiency.
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bayareaattic · 6 years
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The Ecobee Smart Thermostat can save you money on your heating and cooling costs. It's also voice responsive!
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greatskinandlife · 3 years
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I have a thing for products that comes in tube, skin repairing, containing ceramide, light and for treating irritative skin such as from wearing too much medical mask. Here is a review on Celimax Noni Energy Repair Cream. It is an affordable moisturiser made for sensitive weak barrier acne prone skin. It from an indie Korean brand that made effiency skincare products. I care more about the skincare products than if it comes from big popular brands. Packaging: It comes in 50ml tube.  The box and the tube has simple clean design with ingredients listed in English. Ingredients talk:  Ingredients: Morinda Citrifolia Fruit Extract (57%), Glycerin, Methylpropanediol, Methyl Trimethicone, Hydrogenated Poly (C6-14 Olefin), Neopentyl Glycol Diheptanoate, Niacinamide, Butyrospermum Parkii (Shea) Butter, Caprylic/Capric Triglyceride, Trehalose, Polyglyceryl-3 Methylglucose Distearate, Dimethicone/Vinyl Dimethicone Crosspolymer, Cetyl Alcohol, Glyceryl Stearate SE, Morinda Citrifolia Seed Oil (10,000ppm), Laminaria Japonica Extract, Eclipta Prostrata Leaf Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract, Ficus Carica (Fig) Fruit Extract, Acmella Oleracea Extract, Melia Azadirachta Leaf Extract, Malt Extract, Melia Azadirachta Flower Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Althaea Rosea Flower Extract, Hydrogenated Lecithin, Rosemarinus Officinalis (Rosemary) Leaf Oil, Sodium Hyaluronate, Water, Carbomer, Palmitic Acid, Stearic Acid, Behenyl Alcohol, Tromethamine, Cetearyl Alcohol, Polyglyceryl-10 Myristate, Adenosine, Butylene Glycol, Fructooligosaccharides, Sodium Stearoyl Glutamate, Beta-Glucan, Cholesterol, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Ceramide NP, Myristic Acid, Arginine, 1,2-Hexanediol, Ethylhexylglycerin (continue in comments) https://www.instagram.com/p/CKQzXswHSI_/?igshid=1nzxcq82o8bki
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Introduction: Reading 3
The New Materiality of Design
By: Fanni Perälä
In his text ‘What is object-oriented ontology’ Ian Bogost describes how according to object-oriented ontology  existence of nonhuman objects is no inferior to the existence of humans. On the contrary to anthropocentrism in – how he calls it – OOO nothing has a special status but everything exists equally.
Nader Vossoughian in his piece ‘Workers of the world, conform!’ than again talks about how the nonhuman objects of our society have been developed and standardized over the course of history. For example how the current international paper sizes are based on the DIN 476 standard, which is due to efforts of a German chemist and philosopher Wilhelm Ostwald in early 1900’s. Ostwalds pursuit was to harmonize and standardize all knowledge and information across nations and cultures in order to gain effiency and save energy. Vossoughian then goes on describing how the standardization of information creates a base for future technologies shaping them and the way we see and use them. The standardation of informations shapes also the immaterial information and the immateral labor — concept developed by philosopher Maurizio Lazzarato, that is employment based on computer control that again shapes “cultural and artistic standards, fashions, tastes, consumer norms, and, more strategically, public opinion“ as he puts it.
The way nonhuman objects and technologies shape our behaviour and decision making is further studied in a rather philosophical matter by Bruno Latour in his essey ‘Where Are the Missing Masses? The Sociology of a Few Mundane Artifacts’. Using objects such as seatbelt, groom and keys as an example he depicts how seemingly simple objects actually have multiple aspects to them, all projecting the wished functions but also the designer and user of the object and hence the surrounding society. For example the way a groom – an automated mechanism that closes door – works might hinder the opening of the door making it feel heavier thus it might discriminate against people who are not fully grown or able bodied, or if they have objects in their hands (suggesting that they are lower socioeconomic class). Objects shaping our behavior and our behavior shaping the objects we design and engineer is quite interesting self-perpetuating cycle with no ending in sight.
According to Latour, the function of these nonhuman objects – machines and techonologies – is of course to replace a human worker but also guide and dicipline people towards the wished behavior, not leaving the moral consideration solely for the user. I guess these objects that take some of the burden of human morality (such as self-closing door, traffic signs, seatbelts etc.) are — in the spirit of Vossoughians text — a way to standardize peoples behavior making everyday life more predictable thereby more efficient. Interesting thing is that when the objects and technologies get more advanced, they must be provided with more and more detailed descriptions of the morals and paradigms of our society for them to work by. When facing a problem or a dilemma, what kind of moral decisions does a self driven car make?
The standardation of the everyday objects of our life and the behavior they guide us to implement is efficient but also limitating. In terms of safety and basic needs standardation is of course desirable, but in terms of creativity standards might rule out some revolutionary outcomes. For example how does the Adobe sofware shape my creative process and the creative process of every other graphic designer? Or how does the international paper standard shape our notions on beautiful typography? How does the immaterial standards shape my work or my personal presence? 
Latour says “Nonhumans take over the selective attitudes of those who engineered them“, which sounds like a revelatory finding but on a second thought is quite self-evident. A creation is always projection, design (of nonhuman material and immaterial objects) concerns at the same time technological but also social and cultural aspects. It can also reveal the hidden narratives of our society when taking a closer look. A recent article in Guardian magazine called ‘The deadly truth about a world built for men – from stab vests to car crashes’ published earlier this year (https://tinyurl.com/yy6gg5g5) digs into the perspectives and even discriminatory properties our everyday objects have by design. For example the fact that car crash dummies represent not the average human but the average man, actually means that people outside this “norm“ end up being more likely injured or even killed in case of accident. In my point of view this, like all the previous themes, boils down to the responsibility and awareness of the designer. Realising the existing standards and the properties, and the complex effects of the objects we design help us become better and more versatile designers.
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hivasanat · 5 years
اهمیت EER و راندمان چیلرها در مصرف انرژی
 مقدمه :
در واقع معیار EER (ENERGY EFFIENCY RATIO) شاخصی است برای تعیین راندمان و تخمینی برای مصرف انرژی سیستمهای تهویه مطبوع به نحوی که شما میتوانید تشخیص دهید یک سیستم تهویه مطبوع چه میزانی انرژی مصرف میکند تا اینکه بتواند به شما مقدار مشخصی سرمایش دهد.
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وقتی میزان ظرفیت یک سیستم تهویه مطبوع به طور مثال چیلر تعریف می شود در حقیقت میزان بار برودتی مورد نیاز ساختمان مورد بررسی است که در ازای این خروجی میزان مصرف برق دستگاهها تعیین می شود.
نسبت خروجی سرمایش یک چیلر در یک وضعیت خاص برحسب واحد BTU ، به ورودی برق دستگاه در همان وضعیت بر حسب Watt-Hour تعریف می شود لذا نسبتی که معرف میزان راندمان دستگاه می باشد EER می باشد.
EER = output cooling energy in BTU / input electrical energy in Wh
بنابراین هرچه میزان EER بالاتر باشد دستگاه سرمایشی دارای بازدهی بیشتری خواهد بود.
معیار IPLV چیست ؟
در واقع این معیار بیان کننده راندمان دستگاه در یک فصل کاری است :
IPLV = output cooling energy in BTU over a season / input electrical energy in Wh during the same season
به عبارتی می توان گفت این معیار دقیق تری است که ��یان کننده رفتار یک سیستم در دمای مختلف در یک فصل کارکرد خود می باشد.
و میزان EER  و یا  COP (CO-EFFITIENT OF PERFORMANCE)در شرایط مختلف مطابق با استاندارد AHRI آمریکا که در حقیقت معتبرترین استاندارد روز دنیاست محاسبه گردیده و با توجه به مقادیر بدست آمده نسبت به دماهای مختلف و ظرفیت های مختلف دستگاه تهویه مطبوع میزان IPLV قابل حصول خواهد بود از این حیث هر خریدار یا مشتری میتواند با مقایسه مقادیر ارائه شده از سوی شرکت های تامین کننده سیستم تهویه مطبوع، میتواند در جهت تایید و انتخاب برند مناسب اقدام نماید.
در اینجا نمونه ای مربوط به یک چیلر هواخنک برند SKM قابل مشاهده خواهد بود :
IPLV Calculation based on Standard AHRI 550/590(I-P)IPLV Btu/W.h95806555Condenser Entering Air Dry Bulb,°F100%75%50%25%%load14.7411.5714.1215.2315.31EER, Btu/W.h
همانطوری که در جدول فوق هم قابل مشاهده است ما میدانیم که هرگاه اختلاف دمای بین محیط خارج و داخل کم می شود راندمان سیستم بالا می رود.
این معیار در سیستم استاندارد Eurovent با نماد ESEER سنجیده و محاسبه می گردد که در اصل تفاوت چندانی با یک��یگر نداشته و هر دو تنها معیاری برای تخمین راندمان یک سیستم تهویه مطبوع هستند لذا گاهی خریداران این نوع تجهیزات با توجه به شنیده های مختلف و تبلیغات نادرست شرکت های واردکننده این نوع تجهیزات، تحت تاثیر قرار گرفته و کمی حساسیت آنها بالا می رود در حالی که این موضوع چندان حائز اهمیت نبوده و کافی است معیار سنجش تعیین شود به طور مثال تمام دستگاههای تهویه مطبوع مد نظر یا با معیار IPLV و یا با معیار ESEER سنجیده شده و در تراز مقایسه قرار گیرد.
معیار دیگری نیز با عنوان SEER وجود دارد که آن هم معیاری برای سنجش عملکرد یک سیستم تهویه مطبوع می باشد و مطابق با پایام نامه ارائه شده از سوی یکی از دانشجویان به طریق ذیل ارائه شده که چندان دور از حقیقت نیست .
به طور مثال اگر مقدار EER برای یک برند خاص در دمای محیط F°82 ( معادل C°28 ) و دمای داخلی F°80 ( معادل C°27 )، 12 محاسبه گردد :
همانطور که ملاحظه می کنید مقدار SEER به میزان 20 درصد بیشتر از EER می باشد
و مطابق استاندارد آمریکا حداقل مقادیر SEER ذکر گردیده است :
بنابراین دستگاه تهویه مطبوع موضوع بحث مورد تایید سازمان استاندارد آمریکا بوده و از اینجا به بعد تنها باید با برندهای مشابه مقایسه شود تا برتری خود را نسبت به سایرین اثبات کند .
در تمامی این معیارها آن چیزی که در استانداردها ذکر گردیده است تنها الزامات بوده و بیانگر حداقلی های لازم است ولی رقابت از اینجا به بعد بر اساس میزان انحراف از این مقادیر به سمت بالا می باشد که برتری برندهای مختلف را در موضوع راندمان دستگاه نشان می دهد.
معیارهای زیادی در این بین وجود دارند که میتوانند مورد بررسی قرار گیرند از جمله : ESEER ، EER ، SEER ، IEER ، IPLV و EER و COP  که همگی معیار سنجش میتوانند باشند اما با مفاهیم متفاوت که از این بین تنها EER و COP مفهوم راندمان در حالت تمام بار را دارند و الباقی معیار اندازه گیری راندمان یک دستگاه تهویه مطبوع در حالت نیمه بار یا بارهای جزیی هستند که با روابطی نزدیک بهم قابل حصول می باشند.
جمع بندی :
راندمان سیستم تهویه مطبوع با تغییر شرایط ، تغییر خواهد کرد بنابراین میزان COP و EER در یک سیستم تهویه مطبوع در حالت استاندارد و مطابق با استانداردهای روز نظیر AHRI550/590  و AHRI551/591 یک مقدار تعریف شده و در نتیجه تست دستگاه تهویه مطبوع و در قالب شرایط تعریف شده استاندارد قابل حصول می باشد اما در صورتی که شرایط اقلیم تغییر کند راندمان سیستم نیز دستخوش تغییر خواهد شد و بنابراین اعداد متفاوتی در نتیجه این تغییرات قابل حصول است.
به طور مثال در صورتی که دستگاهی در شرایط استاندارد (دمای 35 درجه سانتی گراد محیط و ارتفاع صفر از سطح دریا یعنی همسطح دریا ) دارای EER معادل 10.7 باشد در صورتی که شرایط محیط به دمای 40 درجه سانتی گراد و ارتفاع 4000 فوت از سطح دریا تغییر کند میزان آن به 8.83 تقلیل خواهد یافت و این یعنی راندمان سیستم در این حالت با افزایش دما و ارتفاع از سطح دریا تغییر کرده است.
این در حالی است که این تغییر در بارهای جزیی اعمال نگردیده و بارهای جزیی از قبل تعریف شده است و به صورت ذیل قابل دستیابی  می باشد:
IPLV Calculation based on Standard AHRI 550/590(I-P)IPLV Btu/W.h95806555Condenser Entering Air Dry Bulb,°F100%75%50%25%%load14.6710.713.0415.7316.76EER, Btu/W.h
در مقالات بعدی از مجموعه مقالات هیوا صنعت سعی می‌کنیم تا اطلاعات بیشتری پیرامون سیستم‌های تهویه مطبوع و اجزای تشکیل دهنده آنها اعم از چیلر هوا خنک، مینی چیلر، داکت اسپلیت و پکیج پشت بامی در اختیار شما قرار بدهیم.
منبع: مجله تخصصی صنعت تهویه مطبوع هیوا صنعت
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afnansaadan-blog · 5 years
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janebinsan · 3 years
You cann’t miss these quantum boards
I really love this quantum board and recommend it!High-efficiency quantum board led,separately control UV ir match your different demand.Passive heat dissspation, quiet and cool.
1. ECO Farm ECOQ 65W Mini Samsung quantum board for Seedling Stage
High efficiency with lower energy consumption: ECO Farm Mini 65W quantum board for indoor plants uses Samsung new LEDs Chips which proved to be more effiency as other chip,and the same PPF,high quality.
Increase yield and crop quality, ideal for all growth stages: ECO Farm 65W led light with 224pcs LEDs, it contains warm white light(3000k) + blue light(5000k) + red light(660nm) + IR light(730nm)+ UV light(380nm).
Our quantum board targeted light spectrum tailored to optimize a plant's growth in indoor environments from seeds to harvest.it's good for accurately monitoring plant health.
2.ECO Farm 120W samsung lm301b quantum board
ECO Farm full spectrum led grow lamp can provide everything the plants need under natural light at all stages.
A fanless design is used to provide you with a silent growth life. Using high-quality Samsung LED chips and reliable drivers, the light is also made of the LED board is passively cooled by a large-area thick aluminum heat sink.
The fast-dissipating aluminum material reduces the light lost in walkways and walls, increasing the light intensity by 20%, allowing your plants to get more energy without burning the plants for maximum space.
3.ECO Farm 2'x2' Complete Grow Tent Kit - 120W samsung lm301h quantum board
The first benefit of buying a ECO Farm complete grow tent kit is that it’s compact. Even if you have a small apartment with little closet space, you can set up a complete grow kit there. The second benefit is that you don’t need to go shopping for extra parts. These complete grow tent kits come with everything you need to start growing. This includes all electronics such as lighting with hangers, a circulation fan with filters.
Finally, ECO Farm grow tent kits are moveable, so you can take them with you wherever you go. This is especially useful because grow tent kits are a big initial investment.
Don't hesitate! You will find more surprises on our official website.
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