#Eoc: El
ragnar0c · 6 months
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🌌 Astrosign + Spear Assist 🌌
Charged up (Bloody Offense, Etheric Gleam, Prophecy, Bravant etc…) these two go super hard.
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twiggyhecate · 5 months
Raymond Elwood Lear (Lord RayEl) Evidence - Master Links Directory - Google Drive
Raymond Elwood Lear (Lord RayEl) Evidence – Master Links Directory – Google Drive — Read on docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/e/2PACX-1vSQeRDuCz7GGgXPiOg_FepughfbEKnpbE7oHqC25dPUER4lDMGbbA1pVr4LtXDAJ0B7dYyUNO5hmGuJ/pubhtml
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attuproject · 1 year
End of 18 TT Attu News Update
International Events
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bark, ANS Saymok and ANS Nimbak are transferred to Okrit.
3 Akarian Kadar-class warships, ANS Bartan, ANS Shinkor and ANS Matart are transferred to Utlia.
A document is released in Akaria containing evidence that the late Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures across the Attu Archipelago, including Vidar Astridson, Sitting Calif of Clan Erak. The document alleges that Vidar was assassinated by an Akarian strike team, rather than an Akarian-backed rival clan as was previously believed.
The Royal Palace of Niueyjar denounces Akaria and urges CODCNN to cut formal diplomatic relations with Akaria.
The CNN Federal Court puts a temporary hold on corruption investigations and trials to allow CODCNN to hold an emergency meeting
The Akarian Navy is ordered back to Akaria and the Living Army is fully mobilised
Psaha Yol, without backing of the congress, releases a statement of condemnation regarding Akarian assassination of Vidar Astridson
The Utlian National Army along with the special units of the Utlian Mountain Infantry and UT-Defence Force are mobilised
The ships of the Utlian National Amphibious Force are recalled to port
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
The CNNN announces the end of their blockade on Nongba and that the "...ships are to be prepared to be put to better use"
Psaha states that Nongba is "in debt" to the CNN for removal of the blockade
The TLP expresses severe disappointment in the lifting of Nongba's blockade
Akarian ambassador to the YDF, Anarka Oken is recalled to Akaria
Richard Mobyson of Clan Kustur, Head of the ECWC claims that he had been forced to flee the island of Amogusolia after an attack by a joint Akarian-Utilian force.
Vidar Astridson of Clan Erak orders the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th fleets to join the 1st in patrolling the waters around the CNN.
Vidar Astridson calls an emergency session of the CODCNN with the publicly stated intention of "finally ridding the archipelago of those dragon forsaken fleas"
The CODCNN declares war on the Eastern Bloc due to previous acts of aggression during the Niueyjara Civil War and the recent attack on Amogusolia Island
The CNN implements martial law and announces the commencement of a draft
Harakar Oken deploys the Akarian Scouting Force to monitor CNN fleet locations
The CODCNN puts bounty on any Eastern Bloc ships sunk or captured
Hia El announces the deployment of the Mountange Mountain Special Unit (MMSU), commanded by Areen Leshen
Neerakta Base reports several skirmishes between Eastern Bloc and CNN forces across Keral and orders the majority of Eastern Bloc forces on Keral Island to return to Neerakta Base or Neerwaltia
The CNNN sinks the ASFS Ukot
Ahabakar Oken, High Director of the East Oken Company releases his report on the "Amogusolia Incident". The report claims that he only destroyed the base on the island after said base had opened fire on his vessels. The report also confirms that the EOC is now occupying Amogusolia Island
The CNN describes the Ahabakar's report as "churgshit" and "the desperate lies of a vile man"
The CNN denies any and all allegations of arresting Akarians that were within the CNN when war broke out
The Living Press releases a report claiming that several CNN spies have been arrested in Perisken
Eastern Bloc forces land in the Faltiran provinces of Res Striltir and Ard Striltir in an attempt to deny the CNN the ability to garrison forces near eee
CODCNN sends 5th CNNTDF to reinforce Faltir in wake of the Eastern Bloc invasion
Utlian troops take the Faltiran city of Khosi, former capital of Ard Striltir
The Akarian Navy sends the ANS Osar on a mission to sink a CNN vessel
CNNN command sends half of the 3rd fleet on a mission to sink the ANS Osar
The Eastern Bloc claims that the ANS Osar sunk the CNS Baldur, the CNN denies this claim
The high director of the Arkara Army is killed in a drive-by shooting.
The Deram Army kill approx. one third of the Arkara Army via mountain collapse.
A Sarkist protest occurs in Oksken with its leader, Baneel Agokra demanding an election for seats in the Oksken Governing Council.
Oksken is split into 4 administrative segments: Moss Vale, Port Naikar, Haratum and Oksken. Oksken features a democratically elected governing council. Moss Vale will serve as the capital of both the Oken Kadrike and Okenate
Six Garikoph-class warships replace the obsolete Kadar-class. Three of the Kadar-class warships are given to Okrit and three to Utlia.
An Arkaran document is released, containing evidence that Johnakar Oken ordered the deaths of several notable figures, including Tamik Bondeer, Ossbosche of the Okenate, Kamakta Arkara, leader of the Arkara and Mokopt Arka, high director of the Karinian Star
Harakar Oken orders the Akarian Navy back to Akaria and orders the full mobilisation of the Living Army
The Weer Chronicle report that Harakar Oken is neither at his palace in Moss Vale nor at the Tumak Ordok in Ablesken
A wave of Arkara-affiliated protestors take to the streets of Ablesken demanding an explanation for the killing of Kamakta Arkara
The EOCS Harakar is sighted docking at Kadar's Rock
The Sartak Army enters the Oken Kadrike prompting the mobilisation of the Oken Army
The Oken Army and the Sartak army engage in a battle just outside Oksken
Fighting is reported between the Arkara Army and the Deram Army outside of Arkara occupied Mida
Harakar's 14th Dictate is issued dissolving the Akarian Coast Guard and transferring its assets to the Akarian Scouting Force
The Sartak Army breaks up whilst fighting the Oken Army, the Oken Army begins moving into the Sartak Kadrike
The Skrake Army enters the Bojin Kadrike with the intent of aiding the Oken in their conflict with the Sartak. Meok Skrake, Leader of the Skrake urges the Bojin not to interfere with the passing Skrake Army
Sarkay Obat announces the creation of the Sarkist State, to be ruled by the Sarkist Assembly. He claims for his new nation the unnamed island where Ratok Omiph is currently stranded. Sarkay names the island "Paradise"
Harakar's 15th Dictate is issued deeming Sarkism to be an afront to Kadarism and illegal throughout the Kingdom of Akaria
Several dozen Sarkists, including four members of the Sarkist Assembly are arrested in Okenate
Sarkists storm the courthouse in Haratum where the four arrested Sarkist Assembly members were being tried
A gunfight breaks out between Okenate authorities and the Sarkists held up in the Haratum Court
The Oken Army enters Sarstai, capital of the Sartak Kadrike
Hochor Sartak, Leader of the Sartak is captured by the Oken Army
The Deram Army re-captures Mida for the Mikare
The Perat Army enters the Deram Kadrike to assist the Arkara in their war against the Deram
Following several violent encounters between Sarkists and Okenate authorities, Havking Oken, Ossbosche of Okenate agrees to have all Sarkists in Okenate transported to Paradise Island
Kost Mitlason is ordered by court to return to CNN and appear before Federal Court for a second time.
56 members of the CODCNN are brought before Federal Court. 32 are found guilty, of which 12 are sentenced to death.
CNN Federal Court puts temporary hold on CODCNN corruption investigation to allow the council to hold an emergency meeting.
CODCNN appeals to the Federal Court to call forth a temporary leader until the Akaria situation is resolved
The Supreme Court with the support of the CODCNN order the commencement of the Ritural of Andean due to Kost Mitlason refusing to respond to any messages
With Council Head Kost Mitlason's continued absence an An emergency vote is called to remove Kost Mitlason from his position, his temporary replacement will be decided at the completion of the Ritual of Andean.
The Ritual of Andean concludes with Vidar Astridson being brought back to lead the CNN
23 dead and 56 injured in a street fight between supporters and opponents of the Central Democrats of Hangmeng.
2 senators affiliated with the Federal Association found dead in the Southern River. People's Preservation leader Mana Hap suggests this was a result of "[getting] carried away with fun at the Tolha Beach", sparking numerous protests.
Multiple YDF congress members scold Psaha for releasing a statement without clearing it with the congress
The YDF military gets involved in a Nongban political protest turned riot
At least 12 civilians found dead in Nongban Riot, 5 from YDF guns and 7 from trampling
Political Riots on Nongba grow exponentially upon news of the CNN-Eastern bloc War
79 Dead in riots, 32% of which are confirmed to have died to YDF gunfire
Nongban Riots continue to grow. At the current rate, about 2 deaths and 12 injuries are recorded per hour
A protest in relation to the Nongban protests begins on the largest Ronatana settlement
15 YDF provinces have declared major states of emergency due to escalating riots
121 people have been found dead in riots, 312 are missing
The YDF army reports being given conflicting orders
A YDF general and two colonels have been permanently relieved after deciding to follow orders given by Psaha rather than conflicting orders from an unknown senator. An investigation is underway
A paramilitary organization attacks YDF armed forces at a riot. They are using foreign weapons sourced from a variety of nations. Details of their affiliation and size are unknown
The Tietero Royal Family welcomes the return of Reĝido Balailo from his boarding school for the holiday weekend
Tietera radio operators announce that they are wearing all black in response to expected news from Malhela
The death of Reĝido Balailo is announced. The Prince was bludgeoned to death by an out-of-control kite while on a run outside the castle grounds. Mental health services and kite-flying lessons will be provided to the child who lost his kite.
The Tietero Royal Family announces the disappearance of Riĝo Henriko II. Widespread search efforts are underway
The Tietero Royal Family announces the death of Henriko II. A period of mourning will be in effect until further notice. All non-essential businesses are to remain closed during this time
Officials release information on the death of Henriko II, who died in an apparent suicide by gunshot wound to the head. A note lift with the body blamed the grief due to the death of his son Balailo as the reason to end his life.
Alekso IV commits to continuing the period of peace in first address to his country after his father’s death
Former Utlian Lieutenant President Votan found dead in South Utlia, no cause of death has been released
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prozesa · 1 year
🤩 CONCEPTOS que vienen del FUTURO en un TOP 12 [VÍDEO]
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Los Conceptos son ideas innovadoras, creativas y sorprendentes que podrían cambiar el mundo tal como lo conocemos. Algunos ya existen en forma de prototipos o proyectos, mientras que otros son solo sueños o visiones de lo que podría ser. Pero todos tienen algo en común: nos hacen imaginar cómo será el futuro y qué desafíos y oportunidades nos esperan. No te pierdas este TOP 12 de conceptos que vienen del futuro, porque te aseguro que te va a dejar con la boca abierta: https://youtu.be/NdgHMrRoOfM Te puede interesar: - 💡 INVENTOS SOPRENDENTES en un TOP 12 - 😮 INVENTOS que vienen del FUTURO en un TOP 12 Índice: - 0:00 Introducción - 0:28 El Prototipo de Coche Eléctrico GAC BARCHETTA Concept - 1:38 Gestación Artificial con INSIDE ECTOLIFE - 3:04 Turismo Espacial con Virtual Space Tourism Flight - 4:10 Las Zapatillas Inteligentes NIKE RTFKT CRYPTOKICKS IRL - 5:12 Conducción Segura con Nissan E-4orce Ramen Counter - 6:12 El Microcar Eléctrico Hyunsik Moon AUDI VISTA - 7:18 El Prototipo de Superdeportivo Rimac Scalatan Vision 2080 - 8:40 Vivir en Marte con HASSELL + EOC presents MARS HABITAT - 9:45 El Aerogenerador Flotante SEATWIRL - 10:56 La Ciudad Flotante Pangeos Terayacht Floating City - 12:05 Energía Fotovoltaica y Eólica con Uneole - 13:18 El Barco sin emisiones de carbono NYK Super Eco Ship 2050     Read the full article
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muyactual · 1 year
🤩 CONCEPTOS que vienen del FUTURO en un TOP 12 [VÍDEO]
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Los Conceptos son ideas innovadoras, creativas y sorprendentes que podrían cambiar el mundo tal como lo conocemos. Algunos ya existen en forma de prototipos o proyectos, mientras que otros son solo sueños o visiones de lo que podría ser. Pero todos tienen algo en común: nos hacen imaginar cómo será el futuro y qué desafíos y oportunidades nos esperan. No te pierdas este TOP 12 de conceptos que vienen del futuro, porque te aseguro que te va a dejar con la boca abierta: https://youtu.be/NdgHMrRoOfM Te puede interesar: - 💡 INVENTOS SOPRENDENTES en un TOP 12 - 😮 INVENTOS que vienen del FUTURO en un TOP 12 Índice: - 0:00 Introducción - 0:28 El Prototipo de Coche Eléctrico GAC BARCHETTA Concept - 1:38 Gestación Artificial con INSIDE ECTOLIFE - 3:04 Turismo Espacial con Virtual Space Tourism Flight - 4:10 Las Zapatillas Inteligentes NIKE RTFKT CRYPTOKICKS IRL - 5:12 Conducción Segura con Nissan E-4orce Ramen Counter - 6:12 El Microcar Eléctrico Hyunsik Moon AUDI VISTA - 7:18 El Prototipo de Superdeportivo Rimac Scalatan Vision 2080 - 8:40 Vivir en Marte con HASSELL + EOC presents MARS HABITAT - 9:45 El Aerogenerador Flotante SEATWIRL - 10:56 La Ciudad Flotante Pangeos Terayacht Floating City - 12:05 Energía Fotovoltaica y Eólica con Uneole - 13:18 El Barco sin emisiones de carbono NYK Super Eco Ship 2050     Read the full article
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college-girl199328 · 2 years
The group formed a formation and approached the international boundary at El Paso, "posing a potential threat to make a mass entry," CBP said in a statement, and Border Protection officers "implemented port hardening measures" at the Paso del Norte International Bridge Sunday afternoon, temporarily halting northbound traffic," CBP said.
"CBP is working to maintain the legal and orderly flow of entry to the U.S. while protecting the safety and security of legitimate trade and travel, CBP facilities, and the CBP workforce," the agency said. It also used physical barriers to restrict entry, and traffic was temporarily halted at the bridge but reopened Sunday evening, CBP said.
Large migrant groups also disrupted two other border crossings Sunday, CBP said. Barricades were used for less than an hour earlier in the day at both the nearby Stanton border crossing and at the Bridge of the Americas crossing, and the agency said those were subsiding Sunday evening, El Paso Deputy City Manager Mario D’Agostino told CNN.
"At this time, the emergency operations center (EOC) has shut down, the situation has subsided, and it’s just being monitored," D’Agostino said. "Large groups were seen gathered on the Mexican side of the port of entry, he added.
While large groups were seen gathered on the Mexican side of the port of entry, D’Agostino said, “no breach has occurred.”
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metodologica · 2 years
El número de años ovulatorios se relaciona con un mayor riesgo de cáncer de ovario
Un reciente estudio realizado con datos de más de 47.000 mujeres, sugiere una relación entre el número de años ovulatorios y el desarrollo de cáncer de ovario. Los resultados también indican que el uso de anticonceptivos orales y los embarazos pueden tener un efecto protector más fuerte del esperado en el desarrollo de esta enfermedad.
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En este estudio se buscó evaluar la relación entre el número de años ovulatorios en la vida (LOY) y el riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de ovario epitelial (EOC). Para ello, se utilizaron datos de 26.204 controles y 21.267 pacientes con EOC, provenientes de 25 estudios diferentes. Se calculó el LOY utilizando 12 algoritmos diferentes y se estimaron los riesgos de OR y los intervalos de confianza del 95% para evaluar la relación entre el LOY o los componentes del LOY y el EOC.
Los resultados mostraron que el LOY estuvo asociado con un aumento del riesgo de EOC (OR por aumento de 1 año: 1.014 (95%CI 1.009-1.020) a 1.044 (95%CI 1.041-1.048)). Los componentes individuales del LOY, excepto la edad en la menarquia, también se asociaron con el EOC. Además, se encontró que el uso de anticonceptivos orales y los embarazos tuvieron un efecto protector más fuerte de lo esperado. El LOY se asoció con los histotipos de cáncer seroso de alto grado, bajo grado, endometrioide y de células claras, pero no con los tumores mucinosos.
En conclusión, este estudio sugiere que el número de años ovulatorios en la vida está relacionado con un mayor riesgo de desarrollar cáncer de ovario epitelial, y que el uso de anticonceptivos orales y los embarazos pueden tener un efecto protector más fuerte de lo esperado. 
Sin embargo, es importante señalar que estos hallazgos deben interpretarse con precaución, ya que son resultados observacionales y no causales. Es necesario realizar más investigaciones para entender mejor las implicaciones de estos hallazgos y para desarrollar estrategias de prevención y tratamiento eficaces para el EOC.
Fu, Z., Brooks, M. M., Irvin, S., Jordan, S., Aben, K. K. H., Anton-Culver, H., Bandera, E. V., Beckmann, M. W., Berchuck, A., Brooks-Wilson, A., Chang-Claude, J., Cook, L. S., Cramer, D. W., Cushing-Haugen, K. L., Doherty, J. A., Ekici, A. B., Fasching, P. A., Fortner, R. T., Gayther, S. A., … Ovarian Cancer Association Consortium. (2023). Lifetime ovulatory years and risk of epithelial ovarian cancer: a multinational pooled analysis. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, djad011. https://doi.org/10.1093/jnci/djad011
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gamesbids · 2 years
Egypt plans historic bid for first Olympic Games in Africa in 2036
Egypt plans historic bid for first Olympic Games in Africa in 2036 #Egypt2036 #Olympics
Egyptian President Abdul Fattah El-Sisi has given the go-ahead for his nation to bid for the 2036 Olympic Games, a lofty goal that could position Egypt as the first African or Arab nation to host the world’s largest sports event. Egyptian Olympic Committee (EOC) president Hisham Hattab takes IOC president Thomas Bach on tour of Olympic Museum at EOC headquarters, September 24, 2022 (EOC/Facebook…
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dustedmagazine · 4 years
Various Artists — West Meets East: Indian Music And Its Influence On The West (Cherry Red Records)
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Many, even most, music fans these days are aware of the influence that Indian music has had on Western musicians. From the mid-1960s onward, thanks to the Beatles, Byrds, Rolling Stones and more, listeners became accustomed to the sound of the sitar and tabla lending an “exotic” air to rock and pop music.  
That wasn’t the start of Western music’s inspiration from India, however. This 3CD compilation, West Meets East, investigates earlier examples of how the intrinsic modes of Indian music were absorbed into different forms of Western music, particularly classical music and American jazz. In the latter case, especially, American (and to a lesser extent British) artists discovered that the modal style provided them exciting ways to break away from existing forms and experiment with new sounds.
Each of the three discs here includes examples of the Indian masters mixed in with the artists they inspired, and it’s almost expected that the first piece in the compilation is a raga by Ravi Shankar. By the late 1960s, Shankar was the foremost emissary of Indian music to Western listeners and musicians alike. Even before George Harrison and The Beatles brought his name to the world, he had been visiting the West since the 1930s, travelling with his brother’s band. Here, the 15-minute “Raga Sindhi Bhairavi” is, of course, marvelous. Later appearances are made by Ali Akbar Khan, whose “Evening Raga” is slower and deeper; Sharan Rani, the first woman to play the sarod, who became an important cultural ambassador; Chatur Lai, with an invigorating 18-minute tabla solo; and Ustad Vilayat Khan & Ustad Imrat Khan, whose “Rainy Season Raga” begins slowly, with almost no tabla for the first half, before the storm breaks and the players take it to great intensity. These pieces serve as opportunities to listen for the modalities, forms, and emotions that inspired the other artists featured.  
And those artists include some of the greats, those who took their fellow musicians in new directions, due to their openness and appreciation for previously-unheard musical perspectives. The second and third pieces here, following Ravi Shankar’s opening, are by John Coltrane. While the Indian influence may be a little difficult to spot amidst the familiar refrain of “My Favorite Things,” “India” reveals its inspiration both in its name and the repetition which leads to exploratory flights, clearly echoing the raga form. Similarly, the Dave Brubeck Quartet’s “Calcutta Blues” also wears its influence on its sleeve, and it finds the instruments purposely focused more on melody than harmony, with a drum solo that’s particularly reminiscent of how ragas are driven by the tabla rhythms.  
The second volume follows the model set by the first, opening with “Left Alone,” a slow, meandering exploration by the Eric Dolphy Quintet. There’s Ornette Coleman’s “Lonely Woman” with its unusual bass and twin brass lines, “India” from the always-experimenting Sun Ra, and a piece by Paul Horn, who was honored to be asked by Ravi Shankar to play flute on his essential 1964 album “Portrait of Genius.” Before finishing with the aforementioned “Rainy Season Raga,” we get Miles Davis’ “Milestones,” an intriguing example wherein the horns alternate percussive accents with floating solos, over a flowing rhythm that offers echoes of the first volume’s piece by Shankar.  
The collection’s third volume takes a different approach, with an eclectic blend of music from flamenco to Indian film soundtracks and classical compositions. The sitar-like guitar by Gabor Szabo on “El Toro,” with the Chico Hamilton Quintet, matches the droney, accented bass, which evokes Indian styles. It’s very interesting to consider the similarity to raga shown in “Eoc Jerezanos,” by the great flamenco player Sabicas. The two pieces by Yusef Lateef show his overt adoption of Eastern styles: on “Before Dawn” in particular he goes further, playing the Egyptian arghul for a sound that was highly unusual for 1957. The inclusion of several works by the renowned Indian filmmaker Satyajit Ray are quite nice, but the reason is somewhat unclear in the context of the “East Meets West” theme of the collection.  
The so-called “exotica” composers of the 1950s and 1960s were naturally among those most clearly inspired by the sounds coming from the east, and none more so than Martin Denny and Les Baxter, both included here. The former’s “Moonlight on the Ganges” and the latter’s “Harem Silks from Bombay” could certainly be accused of capitalizing precisely on that “exoticness,” but it must be admitted that the music is wears its inspiration honestly and, particularly in the case of Baxter’s orchestra, is quite well-played.  
The last half of the third volume takes a bit of a left turn to focus on composers such as Benjamin Britten, Maurice Ravel, Claude Debussy and Béla Bartók. Indian inspiration shows in Ravel’s use of woodwinds in “Little Ugly Girl,” and the meandering, melodic piano in “Ondine.” Debussy, after hearing Indonesian gamelan music for the first time, was inspired to create pieces like “Pagodes,” included here, with piano notes juxtaposed and overlaid in previously-unheard ways. Several pieces from Maurice Delage’s 1952 “Quatre poèmes Hindous” showcase the use of sitar and “exotic” styles.  
The collection comes with an extensive booklet offering quotes, historical details and discography information for the artists included, but it would have benefited from more context-setting and drawing lines between people and their works. The focus on jazz in the first two volumes helps, while the third volume feels more scattered and somewhat hurried. It’s possible that shorter pieces would have allowed for more breadth — many of the works here exceed the ten or even 20-minute mark — although, of course, changes in the music over time is one of the characteristics being examined.  
West Meets East explores a worthwhile and rewarding subject, and the three discs include some terrific music, so at the very least this collection offers some fine listening. Making connections between works by such jazz greats as Coltrane, Brubeck, Dolphy, Coleman, Davis and the great Indian artists provides for enjoyable critical listening as well. The classical and more eclectic offerings can be considered a bonus.  
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freesuitgoatee-blog · 5 years
Como Importar Dos EUA Passo A Passo Com Dicas E Sugestões De Sites|Importar Dos EUA 5 Coisas A Reter
{Volume de importações realizadas pelo Brasil tem como origem principal a China e os Estados Unidos, seguidos por Argentina, Alemanha e Coréia do Sul - de acordo com os dados apresentados pelo Observatório da Complexidade { clique agora| leia o artigo completo| veja este site| o último blog dela| site útil| continuar| pop para este site| dê uma olhada neste site| notícias de Última Hora| anterior| veja este site| dicas mais úteis| dê uma olhada neste site| acesse este site| recursos úteis| ir ao site| descubra aqui| oferta única| veja aqui agora| ativo|como importar do eua|como importar dos eua|como importar dos eua para revender|como importar dos eua legalmente|como importar ferramentas dos estados unidos|como importar maquiagem dos estados unidos|o que importar dos eua|academia do importador|academia do importador funciona|academia do importador reclame aqui|academia do importador é confiavel|academia do importador 2018|academia do importador vale a pena|academia do importador funciona mesmo|academia do importador download|academia do importador membros|curso academia do importador vale a pena|academia do importador preço} Econômica (EOC) um projeto conduzido pela MIT Media Lab. Se você quer saber como importar para revender de forma legal , saiba que processo de importação de produtos estrangeiros é bem fácil, seguro e barato.|Comprar pela internet não é nenhum bicho de sete cabeças e é algo cada vez mais comum entre os consumidores. { clique agora| leia o artigo completo| veja este site| o último blog dela| site útil| continuar| pop para este site| dê uma olhada neste site| notícias de Última Hora| anterior| veja este site| dicas mais úteis| dê uma olhada neste site| acesse este site| recursos úteis| ir ao site| descubra aqui| oferta única| veja aqui agora| ativo|como importar do eua|como importar dos eua|como importar dos eua para revender|como importar dos eua legalmente|como importar ferramentas dos estados unidos|como importar maquiagem dos estados unidos|o que importar dos eua|academia do importador|academia do importador funciona|academia do importador reclame aqui|academia do importador é confiavel|academia do importador 2018|academia do importador vale a pena|academia do importador funciona mesmo|academia do importador download|academia do importador membros|curso academia do importador vale a pena|academia do importador preço} funciona como um guia prático, para que você consiga IMPORTAR QUALQUER TIPO DE PRODUTO dos EUA, com segurança e agilidade.}
{curso Academia do Importador é um dos cursos mais comentados do momento, mas será que esse curso realmente ensina a importar. então para tirar sua dúvida escrevi esse artigo, leia com bastante atenção para saber se curso academia do importador funciona ou se é mais um desses golpes armados pelos gurus da internet.|Não recomendamos a compra de réplicas pois, além de isso poder trazer problemas com a legislação brasileira, por serem produtos ilegais fica mais difícil ter controle da qualidade e se os mesmos estão sendo fabricados em boas condições.}
{Eu passei pelos mesmos problemas que Filipe Barcellos passou, pois desde ano de 2012 que venho tentando aprender como importar roupas dos EUA.|A Academia do Importador também traz um conjunto de sites que merecem destaque pela qualidade dos produtos e preços acessíveis.}
{Há alguns anos, algumas pessoas que tentavam importar da Hollister e de outras lojas do grupo, descobriram que usando Ip dos EUA as roupas saiam pela metade do preço em relação ao acesso com IP brasileiro.|Sabe aquele casaco especial da Prada? E aquela bolsa lançamento da Kate Spade? Então, em sites americanos é muito mais fácil de encontrá-los! Além do mais, as lojas americanas trabalham com produtos originais, não corre risco de produtos piratas ou diferente das imagens, como acontece com diversas lojas chinesas, sendo assim, um dos benefícios de comprar fora.}
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{Despachante aduaneiro é essencial para todos os tipos de importações legalizadas, com vasta experiência no mercado importador eles te fornecem todas as informações necessárias, todos os cadastros que precisam ser feitos para importar, tudo nas normas da Receita Federal Brasileira.|Apenas vendedor que utiliza métodos como Academia do Importador, para comprar esses produtos e depois revender a seus clientes (como você), por valores muito maiores, está ganhando dinheiro de fato.}
{Estou indicando esse material porque foi onde eu mesmo aprendi sobre mercado de importação para empresas. Além de ter um ótimo conteúdo, os alunos contam com suporte, diferente de muitos cursos que vemos na internet.|Além de todos os produtos que já mencionamos você também pode investir na importação de relógios, instrumentos musicais e bijuterias.}
{Mas, da mesma forma que a revenda tradicional, essa forma de negócio é ilegal se feita por pessoas físicas. As compras podem ser feitas pelo serviço Importa Fácil, dos Correios, desde que se trate de uma empresa com CNPJ e Registro Estadual. valor máximo por importação é de US$ 3 mil. Não há limite mensal de pedidos.|Nós usamos a loja da Amazon como exemplo, mas você pode comprar em qualquer loja dos Estados Unidos ou do mundo todo, contanto que ela envie para endereço daquele seu pequeno armário que foi gerado no passo anterior.}
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ragnar0c · 5 months
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twiggyhecate · 4 years
A Sign of his Coming? Lord RayEL, Ra-EL
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Source: ra-el.org
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One of the signs of the Lord’s return is that disasters will occur all over the world. On the Ra-el website, the Ecumenical Order of Christ have cited Revelation 6.12 and Acts 2.20 (see above) as evidence. This article will explore these claims.
New King James Version– Revelation 6:12 I looked when He opened the sixth seal, and behold, there was a great earthquake; and…
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dochugoescalona · 2 years
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☢️ELASTOGRAFÍA DE HOMBRO PRE OPERATORIA☢️ ☢️El propósito de este estudio fue explorar la utilidad de las mediciones preoperatorias de elastografía de ondas transversales del músculo supraespinoso para predecir la reparación exitosa del manguito rotador, incluida la comparación con las mediciones basadas en resonancia magnética.⁠ ⁠ ☢️IMÁGENES -Adquisición de elastografía de onda cortante (EOC). ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ A, la ilustración muestra que el paciente se acuesta en posición supina y neutra, estira suavemente el músculo del cuello y gira la cabeza ligeramente hacia el lado contralateral para el examen EOC. El transductor se coloca inicialmente con la aplicación de una presión mínima. ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ B, la ecografía muestra los músculos supraespinoso (SE) y trapecio en un plano transversal en un hombre de 37 años que espera reparación del manguito rotador por desgarro total del tendón del supraespinoso. ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ C, imagen de RM sagital ponderada en T2 del paciente en B que muestra los músculos supraespinoso (SE) y trapecio; la ilustración muestra la ubicación del transductor y la representación de la vista EOC. ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ D, la ilustración muestra el transductor girado para obtener una vista longitudinal. ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ E, La ecografía del paciente en B y C muestra los músculos supraespinoso (SE) y trapecio a lo largo de la orientación longitudinal de las fibras musculares. ⁠ ⁠ ☢️ F, imagen de RM ponderada en T2 coronal del paciente en B, C y E que muestra los músculos supraespinoso (SE) y trapecio; la ilustración muestra la ubicación del transductor y la representación de la vista EOC.⁠ #medicina #ultrasound #ultrasoundstudent #ultrasounds #docescalona #medicina #radiologia #radiologiamedica #radiology #radiologystudent #radiologycases #docescalona (en Isla de Margarita- Tu Destino Ideal) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb5u2O6paid/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ovnispain · 3 years
EOC 94 Libro de Primera y Última Generación
EOC 94 Libro de Primera y Última Generación
  Os dejo una mención en el Ojo Crítico, sobre mi futuro libro. Saturnino Mendoza, uno de los últimos componentes de la primera generación de investigadores, recientemente publicó su primer libro: “Sucesos Increibles: 50 años detrás del misterio” (Guante Blanco, 2021). Rodeado, eso sí, de polémica. Y en estos instantes nuestro compañero Nando Domínguez, fundador de la Comunidad ufológica…
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thedeacanedous · 3 years
Meio Ambiente: Floresta na Alemanha: danos sem precedentes... Morte da floresta no Parque Natural da Floresta de Arnsberg. Os períodos de calor e seca, em particular, tornam a floresta suscetível a pragas, como besouros. Os satélites fornecem dados alarmantes. Cinco por cento da área florestal desapareceu desde janeiro de 2018.
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De acordo com uma nova análise, a perda florestal na Alemanha é significativamente maior do que se supunha anteriormente. De janeiro de 2018 a abril de 2021, foram destruídas árvores numa área de cerca de 501 mil hectares – o que corresponde a quase cinco por cento de toda a área florestal, disse o Centro Aeroespacial Alemão (DLR) após avaliação de dados de satélite . Isso é consideravelmente mais do que se pensava anteriormente. A causa está "acima de tudo, o calor excepcionalmente forte e os períodos de seca nesses anos, que por sua vez favoreceram a infestação de insetos nocivos".
Para quantificar com precisão a perda de árvores, o grupo de pesquisa DLR no Centro de Observação da Terra (EOC) em Oberpfaffenhofen usou imagens do satélite Sentinel-2 do programa europeu de observação da Terra Copernicus e do satélite americano Landsat-8 . Os dados mostraram que a Alemanha central com suas florestas de coníferas é afetada principalmente - do Eifel ao Sauerland, das montanhas Harz e da floresta da Turíngia à Suíça saxônica. Somente a Renânia do Norte-Vestfália perdeu mais de um quarto de suas florestas de abetos em três anos e, em alguns distritos, chegou a mais de dois terços.
As árvores morreram ou foram vítimas de um corte de emergência em grande escala. "Estacas rasas são muitas vezes a última medida no caso de uma infestação maciça de pragas - no caso do abeto - para privar o besouro de comida e, assim, impedir que ele se espalhe ainda mais", disse DLR. Embora as árvores de folha caduca geralmente se recuperem de uma infestação de insetos, esse geralmente não é o caso das coníferas. No entanto, não apenas as florestas de abetos são afetadas pelas consequências da seca. "Nossas análises mostram que o carvalho, a faia e o pinheiro, as espécies de árvores mais comuns na Alemanha ao lado do abeto, também apresentam danos graves. O mesmo se aplica a espécies mais raras, como o plátano ou o larício", disse Frank Thonfeld, do EOC. Os danos nos últimos anos são "sem precedentes".
Os dados de satélite também mostram a extensão dos eventos de tempestade no leste da Baviera, Saxônia-Anhalt e Saxônia. A atual situação de tempestade sobre a Alemanha provavelmente levará à remoção de madeira em muitos lugares, de acordo com a previsão.
Os especialistas em sensoriamento remoto avaliaram um total de mais de 20.000 conjuntos de dados para seu relatório de situação florestal. Conclusão: "Pode demorar ainda mais para o ecossistema florestal se recuperar. Portanto, é urgentemente necessário que a Alemanha e a Europa tomem medidas eficientes para proteger as florestas rapidamente. A observação da Terra por satélite pode fornecer aos pesquisadores e tomadores de decisão uma base de dados por esta."
Informações florestais abrangentes são importantes para a silvicultura para mapear as espécies de árvores, diferenciar as causas dos danos e prevenir desenvolvimentos negativos por meio da detecção precoce. Os satélites de observação da Terra fornecem a resolução espacial e temporal necessária. No entanto, as descobertas das imagens de satélite ainda não foram totalmente exploradas pelas autoridades.
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noticiasq · 3 years
La estación de acoplamiento de drones automatizada de Matternet hace su debut en la vida real en Suiza
Nueva Noticia publicada en https://noticiasq.com/la-estacion-de-acoplamiento-de-drones-automatizada-de-matternet-hace-su-debut-en-la-vida-real-en-suiza/
La estación de acoplamiento de drones automatizada de Matternet hace su debut en la vida real en Suiza
Nadie sabe exactamente cómo encajará la entrega con drones en el futuro de la logística, pero una cosa es segura: la aeronave no dejará cargas útiles importantes directamente en el césped de alguien. La estación de Matternet, un espacio de aterrizaje automatizado y una torre de control de carga útil, puede ser la solución, y la estructura en forma de flor finalmente ha dado el salto del render a la realidad en una instalación médica en Suiza.
La estación fue objeto de burlas a principios del año pasado, pero nunca se sabe con estos renderizados conceptuales si el resultado final será algo parecido a la idea. En este caso es perfecto, buscando algo parecido a un accesorio de una película de ciencia ficción de los sesenta.
Sin embargo, la forma inusual tiene un propósito: proporcionar un lugar seguro para que un dron de carga aterrice e intercambie su batería, protegido de los elementos y del tipo de inadmisibles que arrebatarían una carga útil médica de un robot inocente. .
Ese paquete, en el caso de esta primera instalación, será un estuche rígido sensible a la temperatura con numerosos viales en el interior que normalmente se transferirían por tierra. Estos pueden ser muestras de laboratorio, sangre, medicamentos, cualquier cosa que tenga una vida útil corta y necesite viajar entre las instalaciones por una razón u otra.
Créditos de imagen: Matternet
Dentro de la estación, el estuche se retira de la nave y se almacena para que lo recupere una persona autorizada para llevarlo; hay una pequeña puerta de recolección asegurada con el mismo tipo de placa que podría usar para ingresar a un área restringida en el hospital. La idea es integrarlo con los sistemas de autenticación habituales, y hacer una entrega de drones tan sencilla como un tubo neumático, carro o sobre manila pero sin la necesidad de estar en el mismo edificio.
La primera estación está en Lugano, en el Grupo Hospitalario EOC, pero la primera gran implementación será en Abu Dhabi, donde la compañía trabajará con SkyGo y el departamento de salud de la ciudad para construir una red de 40 estaciones alrededor de la ciudad. Estos se utilizarían para el mismo propósito general, entregas médicas urgentes y relativamente ligeras, pero a mayor escala:
Mapa de la red Matternet / SkyGo propuesta en Abu Dhabi. Créditos de imagen: Matternet / SkyGo
El mes pasado, Matternet se convirtió en la primera compañía de drones en transportar dosis de vacunas Pfizer entre ubicaciones, el tipo de logística a corto plazo que a cualquier red de hospitales o departamento de salud le encantaría poder llevar a cabo. ¿Gran prisa por los tiros en el centro? Transportar por aire un par de cientos de dosis desde el centro de distribución o una clínica cercana en lugar de enviar a la gente.
Por supuesto, la idea de que una carga útil tan valiosa pueda aterrizar en el patio o en un techo al azar es inaceptable, por lo que la estación es un requisito previo para este tipo de red. Sin embargo, no contenga la respiración para conseguir uno en su patio trasero.
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