#Epilogue Spoipers
omegapausestuck · 5 years
My therapist: Homestuck is dead! It can’t hurt you anymore!
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
is the epilogue cannon? Apparently everyone hates it idk I read this first bit that came out and it seemed fine. Like I see people saying almost everyone's out of character but its been 7 years people change in that time so Im not sure if people saying ooc mean they've just changed like people naturally do over time but it feels sudden cus we didnt see them for that change or its like genuine wtf these feel like different people. I dont know if I wanna read it if it's not good or even cannon
it’s genuinely hard to call these the same characters. For instance, remember how gallantly Jade defused the creepy infatuation situation with Tavros and Karkat in Act 5? Well, now she’s regressed to casually fucking several dozen people she doesn’t care about, in a row; because “hormones.” Jane is a trump surrogate. Dirk is an evil mastermind. I could go on and on… I dunno who these characters are, but they’re not my heroes.
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
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Homestuck updated AGAIN...
Check out one of the two new additions of Homestuck Canon; Meat, and Candy!
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
I honestly think that Hussie has suffered some pretty bad fatigue with writing Homestuck. It's what, more than twice the length of anything he's made before? Well over that in terms of time input, probably. And iirc there's posts where he said that he thought it'd be ended before 2012. Not to mention that Jailbreak at least didn't get a proper ending, can't remember about other stuff right now. The man seems to be better at starting things than he is at ending them.
Jailbreak, Bard Quest, Inappropriate Time for Ham, Wizardy Herbert and the Mobius Slipknot, And it Don’t Stop; the man is a goddamned MASTER of the“To Be Continued”s.
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
oh god yeh I know what you mean. Like they just don't care anymore? That, or there's some big grand scheme where things might change but like, its just too far now I just wanna see them settle down and finally get some proper closure ;_;
CLOSURE! that’s the fucking word!
If them being hung up in the void of meaning and desire is the point, AT LEAST MAKE IT CLEAR THAT IT’S INTENTIONAL! I always feel like the story isn’t finished. I want the arguments poised to reach consensus, and cast narrative disdain on all lesser interpretations.
If Gamzee is immortal, then does that mean that becoming aware of your state as a comic relief in a meta-textual basis gives you greater power over those who continue on in blind devotion to the fact that reality is certain?What does the role of the Warweary Villein on the dynamics of the Monarchy-based government, and the ensuing genocide of his mutineers have to say about the failings of democracy, and its disastrous means?Does Dirk’s splinters resolve to ANY narrative purpose? I’m genuinely ASKING! I don’t know; because Dirk doesn’t know!
The story doesn’t resolve ANY of these, or 70 other points; instead focusing on the window dressing of “Lord English Bad,” “Vriska Serket Mean,” and “Jade Harley Sexy.”
I read almost a million words, and I didn’t learn a GODDAMNED THING.
and that pisses me off.
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
i think hussie at some point even SAID he didnt want to write these epilogues, but so many people demanded them
that much is evident in the execution, honestly
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
Hey! I've not finished the epilogue yet but I hope you're doing okay. It seems like you're genuinely disheartened by it all and I'm really sorry about that all. I've seen a lot of people react the same way. I'm wondering if its even a good idea to finish the epilogue.
I’m mostly just disenfranchised. I have this dream that Homestuck’s flaws are intentional, and we’re all building up to something absolutely Splendorous; but with every update after the Gigapause, we seemed to be constantly LOSING momentum, instead. I spent so much of my own personal time stoking the flames of anticipation, and this Epilogue just seemed to knock the wind out of me. I’m afraid that all my work has been in vain.
Maybe I should have checked out with all my friends, back at the Gigapause...It certainly seems like Hussie did.
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
same, about quitting. i love homestuck SO much and ive loved it for so long, and its not like i didnt like parts of the epilogues. but the its just so, so depressing? so disappointing? i dont have the words. im just bummed out. like its gonna be hard to go on loving homestuck after this
It’s like when the cursed history was uploaded. It feels like it hasn’t been proofread yet; and somebody just said, “Ah, just upload it. They’ll read anything at this point. I have other shit to focus on...”
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
at this point i've literally just.. blacklisted the words "upd8" and "epilogue" from my dashboard. i know i shouldn't have expected anything, but this was worse then i possibly could have made up, in so many ways. candy literally sent me into an emotional breakdown about my own writing seven chapters in. both of them honestly just kind of.. feel like a spit in the face of anyone who's ever genuinely enjoyed Homestuck.
Glad to see the feeling is mutual. Where did we go wrong? All I ever wanted was for the sacrifices, and the heartbreaks we’ve suffered through together to MEAN something. So much heart-wrenching agony we witnessed at the hands of the horse fucker Hussie; for what? There have been so many interesting ideas on perspectives, literature, characters, and the nature of media consumption itself; but we don’t have an answer to ANY of the questions He poised!
Why even start the webcomic if you don’t want to say anything?Am I insane?! We WERE building up to some magnificent crescendo, right? What happened to all that all-consuming, visionary fury; that drove him to write incessantly, for almost 7 years, straight?
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omegapausestuck · 5 years
Heya im here with you on the epilogue bad times train. But theres still members of the fandom making good content and will continur to be im sure. But we also totes get it if you gotta go. Just dont feel forced to do anything you know? I just spent some time looking through my otp tag and thinking up aus. Feel better soon this blog has brought me alotta laughs over the years so thank you for that
I would never do something so final as to allow this blog to close altogether, but ...I think I might need a break, at any length.
I just don’t feel I would be able to do any good to anyone right now, you know?If my heart isn’t truly in it.
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