#Erend gets to be the protective big brother now
anunkindcomparison · 2 years
Erend realizing that Kotallo and Aloy are into each other when he finds them asleep together one evening. He’s going back to the bunk he shares with Kotallo, but the Tenakth isn't there. In fact, Erend hasn't seen him most of the day. So he goes looking throughout the base, only to come up empty-handed each time, until finally he taps his Focus. "Yeah, uh, GAIA? Is Kotallo OK? Where's he at?"
"I cannot detect any signs of distress. His Focus location shows him to be in Aloy's room. Do you want me to contact them?"
"Kotallo's... in Aloy's room? With Aloy?"
So Erend goes over to her door and it opens for him, which means either he's about to get an eyeful he really doesn’t want, or...
He finds them fully clothed, asleep on the pallet bed. Kotallo is on his back, and Aloy is curled against his side, and... huh. He backs out and sets the door lock as he goes. No one else needs to intrude, and honestly he doesn't remember the last time either of them slept so well as they clearly were just then.
The thing is, he can’t get it out of his head. So he resolves to do what he’s worst at, and that’s talk about it. He waits a few days, then goes to the lab Kotallo has taken over. "Hey uh. Kotallo, can I talk to you?"
Kotallo nodding as Erend steps into the lab.
"Listen. I know you think I'm about as scary as a half-drowned river rat, and given the culture you come from, I get it. But if you hurt her?" He holds up a fist. "You'll answer to me. And I know I have a fun-loving, jovial nature, but you've seen me swing that hammer too. You know I won't play around, especially when it’s about Aloy. No matter how out-classed I might be."
Kotallo tilting his head, considering this. "You love her?" His voice is quiet, but not threatening. Just curious.
"Of course I love her," Erend says. "But… but probably not the way you do."
Kotallo frowns.
"Look... growing up, it was me and my sister. She was my world, I loved her more than anything or anyone else. And when I lost her? Aloy was there for me. And she's been there a lot, even though she runs off every other second of the day. But she's the closest thing I have to family now, and if you think I'm gonna let anyone, even Mr. Big Scary Tenakth Warrior, break her heart? You haven't been paying attention. She deserves better than that."
Kotallo considers this, and nods once. "Acceptable terms."
Erend blinks. "What?"
"Your terms: I will not hurt her, and if I do, you'll make sure I regret it. Probably for the rest of my life."
Erend nods. "Yeah. Well. Glad we got that sorted out then."
"As am I."
Erend looks around. "So... anything you need help with? I'm good with hammers of all sizes, not just the really big and heavy ones."
Kotallo gives him a small smile. "Not at the moment. But I thank you."
"Right. Well... if you need me, you know where I'll be." He hooks a thumb toward the common area. “And... thanks. For letting me say all of that.”
Kotallo nods again, watching Erend walk back out of the lab. An odd one, that Oseram, to be sure. But it warms him to know that Aloy is so well cared for beyond her usefulness to others. That she inspires so many allies to such devotion is commendable, and a testament to her devotion to them in turn. He waits a few more moments, then heads out as well. Perhaps Erend will be up for a game of Strike after that...
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