#Erina is also very displeased
epitomees · 5 months
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Literally the BEST DIALOGUE EXCHANGE that has happened in game so far!!
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writing-gifts · 3 years
part 9 of the incubus!doppio au aka we'll make it work
its been a long while since the last update so super brief recap: reader found a frog transformed gio in the forest and is currently on their way to one of his relatives to reverse it!
AO3 Link
List of parts
tag list: @wasabi-mommy @mistabrainr0t @the-average-mastermind @risottosplug @ohohimhere @ppribcess-br1 @greatpostunknown @cremaopinios
You gather your few belongings while Doppio readies himself in the bathroom. Once he was finished all of you would be heading straight for the train station. Abbaccchio watches you from the bed like cats tend to. However, the end of his tail twitches back and forth signaling that he’s agitated about something.
You zip up your bag and smirk. “You’re already annoyed and the day just started.”
“Hmph, I’m not exactly looking forward to hiding in your bag again,” he says.
“Oh please. You can get out as soon as we're outside and then it's 5 minutes tops when we get to the station. You’ll be okay.”
You move your backpack next to the dresser where Giorno still sits content in his container of water. You'd clean that up right before leaving so he could get as much moisture as possible.
“About last night--” Abbacchio starts.
Giorno opens an eye at that, but you barely react because of course he knows. You and Doppio weren't exactly being very quiet. You had just thought the cat wasn't interested in bringing it up (and you preferred it that way), but would he really be Abbacchio if he didn’t?
“Doppio has it under control so can we not argue about the same thing again?” You ask without looking back at him, though it was more of a plea than a question.
Before the feline can dissent, Doppio exits the bathroom. His hair is done up, though a few strands stick out from his braid.
You quickly switch your focus over to him. “Ready to head out?”
He moves a piece of hair out of his face. “Uh huh.”
“Okay, let me just get Giorno.”
After you move the frog out of his container and into your jacket pocket, you quickly clean up his makeshift “pond” and herd everyone out of the room. The walk from the hotel to the station doesn't take too long though you're very hungry by the time you arrive. You didn't have time to eat a full meal beforehand, but fortunately you packed snacks.
You chew on a granola bar on the train. You try to be careful but stray crumbs litter your lap. “You sure you don't want any?” you ask Doppio. He sits next to you, staring outside the train window at the passing landscape.
Your friend shakes his head. “I'm not hungry.”
You continue snacking on the sugary bar before speaking again. "Do you even need to eat food? You said you don't need sex and I’ve obviously seen you eat, but how does it exactly work?
Doppio leans back in his seat and places his hands in his lap. “Both sex and food give me energy, but the energy from food doesn't last long. I could overfill myself and be hungry 2 hours later. And food doesn't help with sleepiness either so I need to actually go to bed. Sex cures both and lasts longer.”
The explanation was clear and concise. He must have explained it many times before. You purse your lips still confused though. You had sometimes seen Doppio go most of the day without food so things weren’t adding up...Unless he was still having sex sometimes?
“...But the last time you ate was yesterday?”
"Yea but recently I've had energy that seems to come out of nowhere. I even feel fully rested though I wasn't able to get back to sleep last night.”
“That’s strange. Do you remember when you got these boosts of energy?”
He thinks for a moment. “...They were a while ago, so other than yesterday and right now, not really.”
“After we got off the train and were walking to that fast food place. I still felt exhausted but it was definitely way better than before."
He did seem more awake and less irritable after you had finished eating, but other than the food you didn't know what had helped.
"Well try to keep it in mind. There's most likely a connection,” you say.
You finish up your bar and put the wrapper in one of your backpack's pockets, jostling Abbacchio in the process. You ignore his displeased grumbles and continue speaking to Doppio. “You know you're very different from what I’ve read about incubi. Like with how all this energy stuff works...Is this how it is for all incubi and succubi?”
“Most likely not.” He pauses and starts to jiggle his leg. “‘Er...I’m actually only part incubus.”
Your brows raise. “Wait really?”
“I'm half human, half incubus. It's just easier to say I'm an incubus though with how I was raised.”
That has you reconsidering many things, especially about Diavolo. He wasn't a demon possessing a demon, he was a demon possessing a half human! You need to tell Bruno this as soon as you get back.
Early afternoon your group reaches its destination. You and Doppio walk outside of the station into the fresh air. The sun shines down directly on you but luckily it isn't unbearably hot. A distance from where you both stand is a gravely road cutting through the unruly grass.
Once you get far enough away from the small group of people leaving the station, you let Abbacchio out of your bag and move Giorno out of your pocket and onto your shoulder. You then pull out your phone and open your GPS to get directions to the farm.
It’s an hour and half of walking along the road and taking breaks under the shade of the sparse trees before a small house in the midst of a field comes into view. There’s also a barn not too far away.
You plan to go up to the house and knock on the door, but part way there a man calls out a greeting to your group from a fenced area filled with chickens. His size is almost intimidating but his face is kind. He seems to be in his mid to late 50s but looks very fit. He jogs up to your group before glancing at Abbacchio who is sitting a small distance behind you. He then raises a brow at you most likely due to the amphibian on your shoulder.
"I don’t believe I’ve seen you lot before, but what can I do for you today?" the man asks. You notice his light English accent.
"Are you Jonathan Joestar?” you ask.
“Yes, that's me.”
You glance at Giorno and move the shoulder he sits on forward. "Okay this’ll sound crazy, but this is your nephew and he was turned into a frog."
Giorno readjusts his position and looks up at Jonathan. "Uncle it's me Giorno. I ran away from home."
The man's brow furrows and he steps back involuntarily. "Giorno? What happened to you?”
“I'll explain later. I need you to change me back first.”
He collects himself (as best as he can) and nods. "How do I do that exactly?"
“He needs a kiss from royalty,” you say. “Like the story but it doesn't have to be a princess or prince.”
Jonathan rubs the back of his neck. “But I'm no longer royalty.”
“That's fine, the person just had to be at some point. I don't know how it works but Bru--the witch told us it would still count,” you say.
“Well if it’ll help Giogio then there’s no point asking any more questions.”
You let Giorno climb onto your palm and pass him over to Jonathan. The farmer lifts Giorno up with both hands and places a kiss on his small froggy head.
Before you can really take in the silly scene, Giorno begins to glow. A glow that increases in intensity to the point that it feels like looking at the sun. He jumps off Jonathan’s hand just as his body starts to take a different form and size. For a moment there’s a lull and then suddenly a firework of sparks shoots off him. Everyone around him shuts their eyes.
When you open your own, the sparkles are gone and their place is a well dressed young man with immaculate styled blond hair flowing part way down his back. He looked laughably high class next to the rest of you.
You’re still taken aback by the display of magic you had just bared witness to and end up wordlessly gaping for several seconds before you can properly speak again.
“I-I did not expect you to look like that!”
Giorno looks at you, unbothered by your inappropriate outburst. “What did you think I'd look like?”
“Um I don't know, but the blonde hair wasn't there...”
Unlike you, Doppio and Jonathan look mostly unaffected by Giorno’s transformation.
Jonathan gives the blonde a relieved smile. “Erina is going to be so happy to see you, Giogio. It’s been so long since your last visit.”
“I would visit more often but you know how Father is.”
Jonathan's smile becomes forlorn. “Yes, unfortunately.” He turns towards you and Doppio. “Thank you for bringing Giorno here.”
Unsure of how else to respond, you smile and accept the thanks.
Doppio doesn't verbally reply but also smiles.
“Can I get your names?”
“I'm _____ and this is my friend Doppio.” You point over your shoulder. “And Abbacchio is the cat that's following us. He’s the witch’s...pet.”
Doppio gives his own greeting and Abbacchio continues to stare silently.
“What an interesting group,” Jonathan says most likely in reaction to Abbacchio.
“_____ found me in the forest and convinced the witch to reveal how to reverse it. Then they made a 2 day trip to get here.” Giorno looks at you, his smile kind and genuine. “Thank you.”
“Oh you're welcome. It's no problem really...” Your statement feels unfinished as you had started it but didn’t know where it was going.
“It means a lot to me though. Who knows where I’d be right now if you hadn't found me in the forest.”
You can feel yourself grinning way too hard. So much praise could be overwhelming at times. In an attempt to try to force it down you look elsewhere and end up locking eyes with Doppio. He looks like he wants to say something but he just turns away instead.
“Well now that that is taken care of, why don't we all head inside,” Jonathan suggests. “I’m sure you're all tired from traveling here so you can stay as long as you need.”
“Just the night is fine. I have work on Monday so we need to head back early in the morning.” You hadn't really thought about work the whole way here, but now that you did, it has you wanting to stay longer.
“That’s too bad. The least I can do is ask a friend to drive you to the train station in the morning so you don't have to walk back.”
“That would be great, thank you!”
As typical for you, you lay wide awake.
When you first hit the bed the dregs of your energy seeped out of you and you were out cold. Unfortunately you had woken up randomly a few hours later and couldn't get back to sleep. Abbacchio had even run off when you wouldn’t stop moving around to get comfortable again.
You get out of bed to leave the guest room and make your way quietly to the living room.
Doppio lays asleep on the sofa. You tiptoe towards him and gently poke his freckled nose. It immediately twitches before he rolls on his side to face the back of the couch. You hold back a giggle and instead gently shake him awake. He grumbles before laying on his back again.
His eyes open a sliver, but it takes a moment for him to process your presence. “....____? What’s wrong?”
“I can't sleep. Soooo I was thinking: Why not invite Doppio?”
The incubus doesn't get flustered like you expect. “Huh--Invite where?”
“Do you want to share the bed again?” you ask more clearly.
His stutters bring a pleased look to your face, but eventually he manages to answer.
“Um okay.”
He gets up with his blanket and pillow and follows you to the guest room. The lamp light in the room reveals Doppio's flushed face. You then both get into bed, Doppio a bit awkwardly but it’s a much bigger improvement from the hotel. Once he lays next to you, you tell him to turn around. He nods and lays on his side, his back facing you. You throw your arm over him before settling up close behind him. The hair that sticks out of his messy bun tickles your face.
“Woah, your hair smells really nice!”
Doppio smiles to himself. “I’m trying this new shampoo…”
Even though you still weren’t sure what to do about your feelings, you did know that you wouldn't mind being able to do stuff like this more often.
You hadn't had breakfast yet since Erina insisted on feeding all of you. She let you know that the food was usually ready around the time Jonathan finished his morning chores. So you decide to wait outside while Doppio gets ready. It was going to take awhile for him to finish styling his hair in that complicated braid he usually wore.
You gently sway back and forth on the porch swing while watching Giorno help his uncle tend to some of the cows. They’re too far away for you to hear their conversation but they seem to be enjoying their time together. Abbacchio lays curled up next to you sleeping. You wonder what cat things he had gotten up to last night since he didn't return to your room.
Half an hour later, you’re all inside eating. Doppio didn't want to, but Erina wasn’t having any of it so the incubus tries to eat enough that it looks convincing. The incubus appears well rested so you assume he must have gotten good sleep, but maybe the surge of energy was happening again. You’ll have to ask him about it later.
After a delicious fry-up and nice conversation that you and Doppio mostly listen in on, you start preparing for the trip back home.
“Giogio you have everything?” Erina asks.
“Yes aunty,” Giorno replies.
“Ah I still can’t believe how much you've grown since I've last seen you. I'm sorry we couldn't be around more often and I really wish you could stay.” There’s an underlying sadness in her voice.
“It's not your fault...”
You and Doppio sit together in the living room waiting patiently for your ride. The walls are thin so the two of you are unintentional auditors of the conversation taking place in the dining room. Either way you thought it was nice how Giorno’s aunt and uncle were so caring of him.
Before the family can join you and Doppio, ringing sounds from the kitchen. You hear the phone being answered and a moment later everyone walks into the living room.
“Speedwagon's outside,” Jonathan informs you.
Giorno picks up the bag full of items his family had packed for him--food, a phone, and hygiene items along with some clothing that was quickly bought yesterday--before walking outside. Doppio follows out next with his own stuff.
You’re about to yell out for Abbacchio since he hadn’t been waiting with you and Doppio but you see him brushing against Erina’s dress. She bends down and pets him on the head. You almost roll your eyes at the sight knowing the type of cattitude you had to put up with from him. Even before you found out he could talk! Guess he was more fond of older folk.
While loading everything into Speedwagon's truck you ask Giorno a question. “Are you sure you don't want to stay here with your uncle and aunt?”
You had talked with the man the day before about living arrangements. For now he would be staying at your home, but you felt he would be more comfortable staying with family.
“I'm sure. If my father finds out that I'm staying here--which he would eventually--he’ll cause a commotion.”
You pause what you’re doing. “Does he really dislike Mr. Joestar that much?”
“Yes and he’s unreasonably petty. It would be better if I reside somewhere else until I can get on my own feet. Or until he’s properly dealt with.”
Jonathan really didn't seem like the abrasive type at all so it sounded like a one sided sibling rivalry to you. But it wasn't really your business so you don't pry anymore.
Your group says one last goodbye to Jonatahn and Erina before getting on the truck and departing. Giorno and Doppio insisted on you sitting in the only passenger seat. And Abbacchio joined you, but you can tell he hates being in this loud and shaky truck. It was better than being in the cargo bed though. Speedwagon opened the back window so you all could still talk.
"My home is pretty small. I hope that it isn't too uncomfortable," you say. Along with Doppio sometimes staying for days at a time. It would definitely feel crowded.
“I feel slightly ashamed to say this, but I might be somewhat sheltered so it’ll take me some time to adjust,” Giorno replies.
“Well if you're anything like your uncle im sure youll get used to it Giorno,” Speedwagon chimes in.
The more you learned about Giorno, the more curious you became about his life.
“Well I have to work a decent amount of the time so you'll at least get some space, if Doppio isn't there. But there’s a guest room that you’ll have all to yourself.”
Doppio frowns. He spent more time in your house than you knew, and it wouldn't be as relaxing with someone who wasn't you there. Unaware of your friend’s disapproval, you stretch your arms in front of you, careful not to disturb the overstimulated cat on your lap. This not so small adventure was a nice change in your usual surroundings and schedule, but you were ready to get back to your own home.
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awellboiledicicle · 6 years
Help me i just imagined a Stardew Valley jjba au and it was adorable
Johnathan works with Gunther in the museum and teaches the kids history. He loves the various interesting finds around the valley so, so much. He’s Lewis’s cousin a bit removed and spends a lot of time playing chess with Lewis.
Erina works with Harvey and is mentoring Maru in nursing. There’s a lot of study sessions where she quizzes Maru to keep her skills sharp. She and  Evelyn have tea every saturday. 
Dio i’ve decided is like Lewis’s relative really far off and came to live with him after his father passed away. The Joestars more or less took him in and he spends time between everyone’s homes because he’s often bored. He also spends a terrible amount of time in the Library, making snide comments at Johnathan about how he and Gunther let someone steal the whole damn museum. He’s dangerously close to being helpful because it annoys him that--along with the exhibits-- almost three quarters of the library books were stolen as well. 
Officially he works as assistant manager at Joja. even he hates it there. Morris has been the target of many, many pranks that Dio has wrangled Sam into. Sam willingly takes credit for them because he’s honestly kinda impressed. Shane is under the impression Joja sucking the soul out of Dio is the only think keeping him in check. He is wrong: the fact he still has things to learn is what keeps him in check.
Speedwagon is from Zuzu City and moved out to the valley after befriending Johnathan. By mugging him. That’s beside the point. Currenlty he’s partnering with Pierre and Caroline to fund their shop because he is deeply bitter about how badly Joja’s monopoly effected things in the city. He saw too many people working inhumane hours in horrible conditions, or turning to crime like he had to survive once joja took over an area. He’s slowly trying to find an angle on how to either buy out Joja or ruin them.
The Zeppeli family is a sprawling mess that owns the land next to the abandoned farm. 
William is a very tired dad. that’s just a fact. He was a sailor and an academic, but he doesn’t... do that anymore. After a few drinks at the saloon he’ll insist some kind of curse sunk the ship he was on on the last voyage. His wife tells people he’s just very tired.
Caesar was more or less moved out to be with his grandparents after he got arrested for running in a gang one too many times in Zuzu city. Speedwagon helped pull some strings so he wasn’t in some detention center somewhere, using his connections. Caesar is very grateful for this. He befriended Joseph after starting to take martial arts lessons from his mother. They inevitably end up arm wrestling Alex or trying to out play him at catch/mock gridball games when he insists he can take them himself. He works as a dishwasher for Gus part time.
Gyro moved out to his grandparents’ house after getting into a fight with his father. He also works with Harvey, Erina, and Maru at the clinic and is constantly harping on about making sure mental health is checked just as much as the rest on exams. He’s also a terrible flirt to everyone he thinks looks nice, so long as he’s not at work. Probably because flirting on the job burned him last time. Refuses to say what his father and he argued about. He also likes riding around the valley with his friend Johnny. They are a menace whenever an egg toss exists. 
Johnny is Johnathan’s younger brother by several, several years and lives with he and Erina. They make jokes about how their parents liked the name John so much they had to shoehorn it in for both of them. He used to ride horses professionally until Joja started buying up tracks and their lack luster matinence job caused his horse to injure and roll mid-race. The only positive here is that he has a support system, even if George Joestar remained a prick. Lewis personally helped Johnathan and Erina add on to their house-- in spite of Robin insisting she could handle all the building herself. Now he spends a lot of time out at the Zeppeli’s farm, or at Marnie’s talking horses with her. He and Shane get along surprisingly well and Johnny has, on more than one occasion, rammed into Shane’s knees and told him to stop moping or it’d make the chickens sad. He gives Jas rides back and forth on the road outside when he feels like it; mostly bc the little girl is adorable when she holds up a doll and pretends it’s flying while he wheels along. Because he’s so much younger than his brother, its very hard for people to realize they’re related. 
Sam has insisted they were cousins on multiple occasions to fool tourists and they both thought it was hilarious
Diego is Dio’s younger brother and he HATES that fact. He also hates that almost everyone in town is taller than him. He deeply wants to work with horses but then he’d have to go to the Zeppeli’s because Marnie doesn’t breed horses, just buys and sells, and he deeply doesn’t want to deal with the snark of Gyro AND Johnny AND Caesar AND Joseph. So he settled for getting a job working for Marnie, herding cattle, and was displeased to find how often Johnny was there. There have been very vocal arguments about proper horse raising technique. Marnie just watched, drinking tea.
Joseph and Lisa Lisa live in a nice little house in the forest between the beachfront and town proper. Lisa’s husband died in the war and it took all of her strength not to enlist--mostly at the insistance of Erina and Johnathan that she needed to stay with the family. 
i don’t know how to play with the fmaily trees to make all the jojo’s exist in town but i will fucking try
also consider: Bruno living on the beach as a fisherman because gdi he deserves peace.
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