#Especially the one who uses Zelos as at least one FC
liethrasir · 3 years
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Why aren’t we interacting yet symbols
@fxtelism​ asked;  “ 🌴: I like one or more of your muses but I can’t come up with a muse I could play “
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That’s entirely understandable-- Honestly that’s one of the largest walls I end up hitting when it comes to interacting with peeps. BUT! That can be fixed; lemme look over your muse list again once I have enough free time (I sadly don’t remember a lot of the muse lists of peeps who’ve followed me for awhile with the unprompted lengthy absence that hit me until I FINALLY got around to doing stuff with this blog. When I had to remake it and all--) and I’ll see who I can see throwing who at. And if there is one or two of my muses that especially stick out, hit me with the names and I’ll figure out who I can see interesting stuff happening with!
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