#Essul ship
royal-writer · 6 years
The Dice-y Situations crew fighting their way through a Yuan-Ti cult. At some point, they're trying to subdue someone, and as Essie is helping trying to wrestle this person into submission, she's saying thinks like "You're perfect just the way." "You're beautiful" "You don't have to do this." and similar statements. Trying to convince this person they don't need to sacrifice others or themselves to achieve happiness of being the 'ultimate creation' of a snek. Much later, Sul and her are talking, and he kinda sneakily inputs into the conversation "That was very nice of you to say to that yuan-ti woman." And Essie's like Ah Yes... Flustered. And judging by everyone's reactions throughout this little daydream, you can easily assume everyone's friends by now. And I'm getting the impression Sul and Essie occasionally compliment each other in a way that could be definitely considered flirty. So Ess is trying to brush it off, and Sul just being a smart ass is like more or less like "Yes.... How Ironic... We too know a rather pretty Yuan-Ti..... who underappreciates themself..." and there's a brief back and forth where Essie is like "I got scales." and Sul is like, gestures at self. Me too. Grins like a dork. Essie being like FFFF I'm human I shouldn't have scales! And again, smart ass boy is like No, you are a Yuan-Ti not a human. It's understandable you have scales. Trollface I'm so good. After a bit of banter, and Sul sliding in these comments how it's basically funny she told this woman she's beautiful and perfect just as she is but hypocritically Ess is mean to herself, they kinda grow quiet. Sul grinning and Ess just kinda blushing a little. Realizing the conversation has kinda stalled, Sul goes to leave and hears a soft 'Thanks'. So he turns back around, and Essie looks up to him and says gently, "Thank you, Sulhadur." And he kinda smiles a little. She! Thanked him! Didn't continue outright rejecting him! He thought he had progress when she stopped arguing but!!! YES GOOD! Essie steps over and puts a hand against his face then, and Sul is like ???  and then she presses a kiss to the side of his face and walks by. And he's just like ???!!! What ??? W h a t Hilarious bonus: when Ess finally gets out of sight of him, she's bright red and putting her hands dramatically over her face. Oh. My god. She just ?? Kissed him OH MY GOD why did she do that he's probably freaking out and confused ajdglsjg So yeah. There's a thing.
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royal-writer · 7 years
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The married spouses, the engaged couple, and the budding romance~
A bunch of cuties from the dnd campaign I’m in; I only own Essie ofc.
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royal-writer · 7 years
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New Years starts in 45 mins here; but it’s 2018 elsewhere in the world, so happy New Year everybody from the Essul ship (Essie and Sul <3) since I’ve previously drawn Blackstrike before~ @cyberninjas thought you’d wanna see.
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royal-writer · 7 years
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Here’s the alt of Essie’s winter gear- becuz I couldn’t resist doing a hideous sketch of Sul offering her his big ass bear fur lined cloak. Someone’s a bit shy by the courteous gesture~ And someone else just noticed a shivering weenie q;
I still have no goddang idea if this is even close to Sul’s appearance regardless, I am not satisfied fffff
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royal-writer · 7 years
Time to store more stuff-
Much prior to engaging in a relationship but still wonderful to note: Sul saying/doing something around Essie while they still don’t know each other very well and she just deadpans at him and says “No thanks, pretty boy.” Sul spends literally months thinking to himself ??? she thinks I’m cute/pretty? Was that sarcasm? In reality it’d make their eventual relationship ten times funnier because imagining Sul just bringing that up one day and Essie being flustered like- “of course I thought you were a cute fire-breathing lizard back then? But why? Have you thought? on? this? so? long???”
In relation to previously mentioned time-travel au Heather came up with: imagining the group having witnessed the Hulking Welp attack on Sul and his group. And they hang back, waiting for whomever is supposed to rescue injured, bleeding out Sul. It becomes apparent eventually that they’re the one’s meant to do it as the sun wanes down in the sky. Therefore technically future them saves past Sul.
If you don't want to die of cuteness. Don't imagine Essie and Sul together,  winding down from a long day and are cuddled up on the bed. Essie is laying on top of Sul, head on his chest while Sul has a arm around her. Don't imagine Essie lulling to asleep to the sound of Sul's breathing and heartbeat as the big guy starts to drift off. Completely relaxed and not tense at all. Knowing them both of them would defend the other if something were to happen. (Damn u Heather y must u)
Forever grateful to Ammy for watching LOTR and the part where Arwen sneaks up on Aragron and puts a blade to his throat being a gr8 reference for Essie fucking with Sul in the future.
Imagine the dnd crew being like, surrounded by people, praised, talked to, etc. Idk where it doesn't really matter. Anywho, two girls in particular squeeze over to Sul. They're subtly flirting with him, giggling, messing with their hair. From a different position, Essie can see this all going on. She tries to ignore the burning jealousy in her gut but it gets to her as these two just stick to him like glue, even as other folks come over to chat with him. So Essie manages to worm her way through the crowd, and makes her way to Sul. She politely says hi to those speaking to him, apologizes for interrupting. As they chat she kinda turns at an angle to lean into Sul, putting a hand to his chest. He appears confused, especially becuz I don't see them as being intimate (tho that's not super intimate) in public at all). After a moment, Sul places an arm around her loosely. Everyone continues talking, but slowly, the two ladies melt back into the crowd, whispering to each other and stuff. As some of the people who had been speaking to Sul start to chat more among each other, he looks down at Essie and has a /slight/ grin as he comments, "You were trying to scare those two women off, weren't you?". Essie looks embarrassed, and just kinda mutters, "Just because you can do better doesn't mean I /want/ you to." Sul's grin turns a bit more sorrowful, like y u say that. He leans down to her ear, and quietly whispers, "/I/ don't think I can do any better." And while Essie's blushing and mentally glitching, Sul holds her a bit closer to his chest, grinning a bit to himself as he looks over the people, going back to commenting to some who are speaking to/at his direction and such.
Whoops I got nsfw stuff but I’ll probably post it elsewhere later this is already long enough
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royal-writer · 7 years
Mmmmmm tired and crabby need more Good Content
It felt like forever since she'd felt soft cotton sheets. Twisted around her body and coiled every which way, Essatha felt like a swaddled baby. Only part of the linens were overhanging the bed or lightly draped over Sul's legs. She was eternally grateful he didn't seem to mind her blanket hogging, but she really honestly did intend to share.
Not at the moment however; not with her head rested against his chest, feeling the almost armor-like complex of his scales themselves and the rhythm of his heart beating beneath her ear. She could only just glance up to meet his eyes curiously watching her; head tucked low into his chin, a glow of fire in his eyes.
Essie beamed in response with innocence he didn't appear too convinced to believe in that moment. Not that she blamed him; one hand laid upon his chest and the other trailing along his side. Examining the texture of his scales, the sharp angles of his frame, the way his hips curved. As she moved from where her head rested against the side of his chest, she brushed a kiss against one of the five pinkish lines embedded in Sul's scales.
They were jagged; shredding, thick and long as they stretched down his frame. Clearly an ugly wound once upon a time. He smelled of fire and tasted of cinders; wafting scents of underlying ash. Fortunately Essatha had never held a fear for flames; the heat they brought a comfort to shelter her from the cold she so resented. Even as she placed kisses; lips pursing slightly against his scars, she could feel Sul's hand move over her shoulder in a gentle caress. Their eyes met. A smile upon his lips; sharp fangs peeking through his lips.
It gave her heart a thrill; a little jumpstart in the best way. He was far more handsome than he would admit. The humble dragon. She could pick up the scent of burning tinder; the woods of pine and the slightest touch of vanilla- but that was coming from the sheets she believed. She was grinning back without realizing it. He was infectious; a vibrant glow of cheer. Drawing her hand across his chest, Essatha trailed the lines that married his scales as she placed another kiss tenderly and affectionately upon him.
For a moment there was a brief flash in the flame of his eyes; some recognition of sorrow and guilt, shame and pain, but it left within seconds. Essie's eyes moved to the shifting shadows to her left just as Sul raised his other arm and placed it to her cheek. His thumb gently stroked the side of her face; leaving a trail of fire where he touched and sending her thoughts into a tizzy as her stomach did acrobatic feats and her heart leapt into her throat. There was such care to his touch; such thoughtfulness and consideration to beware his claws on her soft flesh. She could only draw out her breath in a sigh as she rested her chin upon his chest once more with fingers stroking over his torso.
She hated those moments when the sorrow crept into his eyes, though briefly it may be. He took so much time looking after everyone else's feelings, mediating the troubles and differences, seeing to their safety and happiness that he didn't often talk about his own troubles. She just hoped he understood that as much as he was there for them, the team was there for him. And she would always be there in his shadow, waiting for the opportune moment to give to him what he so generously gave to everyone else.
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royal-writer · 7 years
chanting “Essul, Essul”
where is the lie
The d&d group goes to some place to eat, and they either honeycakes or berry tarts (Essie’s weakness). While some are eating dessert, Sul notices Essie eating hers very slowly, clearly savoring it. When she’s not paying attention, he catches the waitresses attention, and whispers for her to grab another. When the waitress returns, Essie panics and explains she didn’t order another, there must be some mistake. The waitress replies, “no ma’am you didn’t, but that gentleman bought it for you” and she points to Sul. Essie turns bright red, and Sul just kinda smiles warmly. This is made 10x better if it’s before they’re together.
An upset Essie declaring “I just want to be normal” in a frustrated tone. A smiling Sul gently saying “That’s impossible, you’re extraordinary.” Essie blushing, looking away, with Sul grinning to himself. He like her happy. She cute when she smiling and blushing.
Sul picking up on the changes in Essie tho. Essie stops flirting with him less and less over time. She starts making eye contact less and less. Being around, talking to, or doing things with him make her face turn pink-red. She turns away from him self-consciously and fiddles with her hair. She almost entirely stops flirting with him unless it’s a really good opportunity but then she turns full red and laugh awkwardly and just kinda shy away hoping to go unnoticed after that. Sul just watches this progressive change, chin scratching, like “... interesting” as the realization dawns on him that this is not normal Essie behavior.
Sul is proficient in card games but: imagine Essie and him playing strip tease poker. Sul wins more often but sometimes he kinda ‘allows’ her to win. They wouldn’t play too seriously, Essie would mostly scold him jokingly for always winning, laughing, getting embarrassed when she’s down to pretty much nothing while Sul is only missing a few things.
Sul wearing his armor, being a nice sunbathing spot for Essie. Just- fucking lounge on the boy while they’re outside and he’s reading or smth. Whatever. It’s warm here. I am snek lady. He learns to be okay with this after a few times being surprised like “?? I do not compute?”.
Heather’s idea but, apparently, in a campaign she played they did time travel. Imagine the team knows ‘don’t mess with the past’ but Sul can’t help himself if he meets a young child Essie. He just sorta, wraps himself up in a cloak or somethin, wanders over and offers this kid food. Essie ‘recalling’ this incident in her life and when he goes back to join the group she just kinda, clings to him trying not to tear up. A soft boy ;;
In relation: imagining Essie putting on makeup to disguise herself, meeting young child Sul, and she teaches him how to befriend snakes. So he’s like, “oh, you’re the stranger who taught me about snakes. This makes so much sense.” because of this, he learned how to deal with snakes, has no fear of snakes. Wasn’t afraid when he realized Essie can literally turn into a snake. Snakes are fine. Snek lady. <3
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royal-writer · 7 years
Sleep is for the weak
Yet another mass of time traveling aus- much information redacted becuz I'm forgetful so this may be edited.
If the group somehow was traveling through Miamoorgyate, all cloaked in disguises and Sul manages to spot a little tot and spots the scales on her face and the style of her hair and the color of her eyes and is like "???...! That's Essie" in his head. And while watching, he realizes there's a woman holding this kid's hand as they walk. Essatha turns as Sul stops, watching as he impulsively moves forward. Essie reaches out to him and grabs his arm and reminds him firmly that they can't be messing with the past. And of course Sul understands this, but he reminds Essie, "We have an opportunity to save your mom." and he's confused. And with teary eyes, knowing they can't interfere, Essie just whispers "I know" as she watches her mom walking down the street, half bent over to hold smol her's hand.
In addition to the above: imagine Sul sneaking away from wherever the group is camping or staying nearby in the night and finding Essie's mom. And although she's frightened, demanding to know who he is and why he's following her, he offers his hands to her and heals her illness as she quizzically takes his offer. All he says is "Consider it a gift" and departs.
Option 1 for the above: Sul returns to the group. Everyone's in a panic. They turn to him, saying "Essatha just disappeared!" He's shocked. They're all frantically searching for her, explaining she literally just vanished before their eyes. Slowly, some of the  group members start questioning who they were looking for as their memories of Essie begin to fade. Sul's last thoughts before her memory vanishes being one of hoping that doing this helped her somehow.
Opt 1 Bad Addition: Becuz Sul changed history, Sul is cursed as being the only one to remember Essie as the other group members forget. So when they finally return to their time, he goes out on a personal quest to find her. Oh by the way- in this case he finds out she was either murdered as well as her mom, kidnapped, or likewise, raised eventually by less than good individuals. Just- something bad. To make him feel bad. Doing a good deed doesn't always pay off. Or straight up Evil Essie due to circumstances in her life being different; scarred and missing an eye cliche.
Opt2: Just as Sul is about to heal Essie's mom, Essie shows up and fucking knocks into him so hard she startles him into nearly falling over. Essie's mom, panicked at this, flees. Essie then convinces Sul to follow her, despite his displeasure. He apologizes for upsetting her, and she's busy holding together her tattered mixed feelings as they leave town. Unfortunately, Essie's mom followed them, because there was something /familiar/ about that woman. So while Sul and Essie stop for Essie to scold him, her mom carrying a sleeping tot Essie in her mom comes up upon them. Essie panics and tells her to go, but Hepsiba her mum refuses. She hands Sul toddler Essie and tells him to hold her child as she walks over to Essie. Essie's openly sobbing now as her mom reaches out, gently cupping her face as she tears up now, and says, "I recognized those eyes. You're the most divine beauty I have ever laid eyes on." and then they're both hugging and Sul just- has a sleeping toddler in his arms. Cue eventually Essie and Hepsiba being done hugging and talking a bit to turn and see that toddler Essie has awoken and is now pulling on Sul's nostils, horns, climbing on him, lifting up his lip to poke at his canine teeth and he just mumbles to Essie's mum "You have a very curious child" while Adult Essie just flushes bright red. Haha awkward.
AU where the group fucks up trying to defeat an evil villain before he rises to power and mistakenly unleash a creature that tears through Sul's childhood home. They all just stare with shock staring at a child Sul crying, burned, his parents dead and house destroyed. The demigod of time they're with has to cut their Current Sul literally out of time so he doesn't just disappear then and there. Cue a lengthy press for time, trying to save Their Sul from vanishing while trying to change this new event from becoming the future. As they time jump, they have to deal with a slowly fading Sul. Slowly forgetting things, waking up with weird nightmares or visions of places he's never seen.
Opt1: While Sul and Essie are sleeping peacefully in bed, Essie wakes up to find Sul not waking up. She goes to fetch the others, and they realize none of them can wake him. The time traveler tries and he opens his eyes, but starts talking to someone they can't see. He can't seem to hear or see any of them. They're confused by the conversation as he speaks aloud, because they can only hear him. At one point he gasps in pain, blood seeping through his shirt from an unknown wound. Then another wound appears. They try healing him but it's not working for some reason. When Sul is released from his strange spell, he quickly tells everyone where to find the bad guy, and dies. They go to find the bad guy then, only to discover the bad guy's right-hand man is the Sulhadur from this universe, who is evil and convinced that helping this bad guy will save the world of all future suffering. He believes even if this event causes chaos and death, in the long run, it'll better the world so no one has to go through a horrible life of death, destruction, and bad shit.
With the above option, there's a thousand spin offs on if the group fights him, doesn't fight him, fights just the bad guy and knocks out this Evil Sul, whatever. It is agreed upon Essie would purposefully go Defensive solely upon this Sul and not fight him. She just finds she can't do it. She can't look at her Sul's face, even twisted in an evil hateful snarl, and think of hurting him.
It is revealed that Their Sul and Evil Sul were unable to co-exist in the same universe, and were trying to 'merge'. Therefore all of Sul's odd memories, his nightmares, etc were him being placed in the other Sul's body/head. Likewise, Evil Sul was sometimes very briefly within him. It was very disorientating for them both. Unfortunately, Evil Sul figured out what was happening after consoling his master and friends, so he was technically using this to his advantage to steal information from the group as they zeroed in on the bad guy group.
The group manages to win the day and end the bad guy's corruption. They're sent back to their original time, no problems, everyone's normal. If Sul is there or not depends on the au; there's a version where the demigod saved his soul and brought him back, there's one where he could not be brought back like the others and is now 'dead' or 'missing' from their world as through he didn't exist, and there's an au where he was 'reborn' from a younger version of himself.
In the 'reborn' variant, the group eventually goes to find Young Sul. They're all older than him by a number of years (he's probably in his late teens/early twenties- before becoming a paladin). He eventually quests as per usual to become a paladin, and funnily enough, the fates seem to align and bring him back into their lives at a bar years later.
Opt 2: Sul doesn't die, and when they get to the big bad, it's a Bad Fight because Their Sul is not as strong as Bad Sul, who started training younger in life and is a cheating, maniacal asshole. Least talked about au but there's a lot of bloodshed.
Opt 3: Their Sul dies, but the group does not beat the bad guys. They fail their objective, and are forced to remain in this new 'universe' they created- or at least, for now. They somehow managed to KO Evil Sul, and take him with them. Essie is Shook. This asswipe fucks with Essie's feelings too during the fight being like *smug face* "What's the matter you can't hurt me? You won't? Becuz I look like ur boyfran?"
Essie makes a Big Mistake being a heartbroken, selfish moron and wonders if she can 'fix' Evil Sul to be like Her Sul. She is stupid. We pity her.
The group accidently leaves her in charge of Evil Sul, who tricks her with her feelings acting like he can be like Their Sul. Sadly when Essie frees him of his bindings and whatever else, he continues playing her. Gently touching her face, acting sweet and genuine with warm eyes. Then it's Murder Time, and as Essie looks in his eyes and realizes this is not her Sweet Sul with soft eyes but Evil Boy and unreedemable as he gets snarky, he straight up slaughters her as the group is awakened by the sound of screaming.
On the plus side I guess, she somehow manages to end up in the same heaven as Their Sul and he flicks her in the head and tells her she just made a stupid move. Which is agreeable.
I'm forgetting a version in there I know I am. >:I Will think on it.
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essul part 3
whoOOPS there’s more
It’s late and dark af. The sky is mostly cloudy. The grass is hecka tall and unkept, there’s trees around, it’s a deserted area void of ‘city lights’. Sir Chivalrous and the snake lady already have a minor thing going. Sul’s standing behind Essie, his arms around her, his hands cupped with hers as they’re releasing fireflies together. They watch in awe as all these glow bugs flutter out, looking like twinkling little stars. Sul might or might not look at the way the light plays off of Essie’s face and shines in her eyes more than the lightning bugs themselves. Avoid listening to Iridescent while thinking of this or you will get punched in the feels organ.
Essie hiding her snake complexion behind makeup as much as possible and some guy finds her attractive and starts hitting on her and flirting. But she’s straight up ignoring this dude. He gets pissy and ends up shoving her, and she falls back against a wall. As he’s mocking her, she reaches for a dagger hidden in her shawl or smth she’s wearing, but Sul walks up and lightly puts his hand over her arm. He takes a step towards the guy and is like “is there a problem?” and this stupid dude is like... wOW... dragon. Big guy. And after a short attempt of him acting like he not scared of a fucking dragon looking down at him he finally slinks off. Essie grumbles "I had it covered” but Sul reminds her they’re undercover, best not to be stabbing people just cuz they’re assholes. His just desserts will probably come.
Although I’m like 90% sure Essie has no fear of whips despite previously having been whipped for her crimes, just imagining the dnd crew fighting someone who utilizes those weapons and imagining Essie freezing up. Imagining the whip cracks and just barely the tip manages to snap against Essie’s cheek and she’s startled and just backsteps but doesn’t do much else. The group ends up killing or subduing the guy, and while the others are picking up or w/e Sul goes over to Ess. She looks up to him, her face stunned. He gently cups her cheek and the wound starts mending from his Lay On Hands, leaving no mark.
In addition to the above, imagining later Sul going to scrutinize his handy work on Essie’s face cuz he wants to make absolute sure she’s okay, there’s no mark, it’s healed properly in the dim lightning so he’s leaning close. Essie reaches up with a small smile and strokes the side of his face, before leaning up on the tips of her toes and kissing the side of his face with gratitude.
A self-conscious Essie trying to hide or avoid convo or contact of any kind with her scars. Imagining a sweet Sul standing behind Essie, placing a tender kiss to one of the scars on her shoulder blade and then leaning forward to kiss her cheek. A nice sweet symbol of hey i like all of you, you don’t need to be ashamed of these.
NSFW Warning ** Smol fun fact that Sul and Essie have done the do before doing the do with each other. Additionally, Sul has specifically noted that he feels differently between simply banging and ahem, ~lovemaking~, and apparently Essie would be a ~lovemaking~ thing (to no one’s surprise). ** NSFW Warning
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essul part 2
More things becuz my wife is wonderful and always cheerin me up so 99% of these are things she suggested
Sul and Essie are just forming a ~thing~ at this point when Essie’s cape is off and Sul goes to just pat her back or w/e as a kind gesture and he touches one of her scars. He traces it curiously, only to notice Essie doesn’t seem comfortable so he apologizes. She manages to stammer that it’s okay and he can continue if he wants. Sul goes to lightly touch her back again, watching her and frowning a bit. Essie looks self unconscious and uncomfortable so Sul offers “lets trade” and explains to Essie’s confusion “I’ll let you see mine if I can see yours.” Then dragonborn bby strips and removes his undershirt to reveal a few faint, small scars. There’s one on his arm too that looks like a blade caught him once. But the most significant scars are claw marks on his chest that cause some discoloration and ridges in his scales. Soft exchange of caresses on each other’s scars. My feels.
My terrible idea: these two bums not even being close yet and Essie witnesses Sul taking off his undershirt for one reason or another and she says aloud while checking out his bode “wow, he’s gorgeous”. As Sul is turning around, perplexed, Essie is quickly but stiffly walking away thinking shit shit shit why did I do that.
Sul offering Essie his big cloak as a blanket!
Sul offering Essie to sit close so they can share his cloak becuz body heat (oh my god tho like what a clever shit). The pair of them looking at the stars and sharing stories late at night huddled together.
Essie realizing Sul is a walking heater and unintentionally and literally wrapping herself around him in her sleep before they’re even together or anything. Sul wakes me, doesn’t mind, and leaves her be becuz well she /does/ look cold.. Essie waking up the next day and leaping out of bed realizing she’d been cuddling him in her sleep; blushing like mad and apologizing. Sul wakes up from the sudden movement and sleepily chuckles before reassuring her that it’s fine. Besides, she looked like she was sleeping soundly.
Sul realizing he likes Essie’s company one night versus just being alone and he’s not sure what to do with himself. Should I tell her? Am I taking this too far? How do I approach this without being awkward...?
The first time Sul sees Essie’s snake form and Essie expects negative feedback (as usual), Sul instead seems curious but startled. Later he comments he has questions, and if they’re too personal please let him know and he’ll stop. Essie’s inwardly cringing like oh boy, here it comes, thinking he’s going to mock her. But instead he asks stuff like “can you do that all the time?”, “does it hurt?”, “what’s it like?” etc etc. And Essie’s flabbergasted because this isn’t what she expected. Her tiny crush on him grows quite a bit after that.
Sul purposefully keeping an extra pair of clothes that fits Essie in his bag just in case she needs them after being in snake form one day (like, come on man, A+ fucking boyfriending).
Sul politely offering an Awkward nude Essie his cloak after being in snake form and turning around so she can change becuz he’s a polite fucking gentleman.
Sul talking to Essie an accidently saying a sexual innuendo. Realizing it, he tries to correct himself and more or less makes another one and makes it worse. Then trying to better explain himself and making mistaken further bad innuendos sprinkled here and there. By the end of it, Sul’s just stammering “I-I um... what I meant was...” and somehow blushing tho he couldn’t tell cuz he’s already red.
Essie probably thinks he’s fucking adorable af after that honestly like this poor child... Help him.
side notes
Sulhadur’s current nicknames: Sul, good boy, strong boy, soft boy, Sir Chivalrous, dragon boy/boyfran
Essatha’s current nicknames: Ess/Essie, snake lady, snake person
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royal-writer · 7 years
Essul junk and other
c/p’d from texts with my Heather, for my own reference becuz I never know when I want to take this shit and write a short story or smth stupid, plz ignore
Reasons not to split the party: What if the dnd crew did split into groups thinking they could accomplish more in teams of 3-4 or smth and Sul and Essie are in different ‘groups’? And Sul understands the personal value of the ring Essie carries that used to belong to her mom. Essie pulls him aside and takes his hand, putting the ring in it and wrapping his fingers around it. She looks up to him and says ‘keep this safe for me? You follow the god of protection, you can protect this, right?’ Basically giving him her ring temporarily as an unspoken promise. She plans on coming back alive for the ring. But equally, she expects him to come back alive and return it.
In addition imagine if Essie goes to find Sul later and discovers his body, and when she goes to check him, praying he’s only unconscious and discover he’s not, finding his clutched hand holding the ring (’:
Essatha seeing Sulhandur praying and she walks over and timidly asks to join him. (Heather: he’d be fine with that, he’d probably say his prayers out loud then so she could follow aloud if she wants. Mostly asking his god to protect him/his group and to keep evil from tempting them).
Essie’s got a fear love and happiness and doesn’t believe she deserves either (Heather: Noooooo)
Lets stay away from Hulking Welps or Sul will be traumatized and Essie will be defeated seeing the Strong Boy scared :<
NSFW stuff-
While trying to fall asleep last night my mind went nsfw :’I Imagine everyone boarding up at an inn for the night and Essie conveniently get a room together to ‘save funds’. I got punched in the feels becuz poor Essie being so shook and enamored. Sure she’s /done the dirty/ before but apparently Sir Chivalrous is more than she expected. She’s thinking she’s gotta be dreaming buz he’s gentle and caring and not cringing at her scales (altho why would he girl he’s covered in scales?? pff-) and she’s not used to someone being considerate of her wants.
A particular part that hurt my heart idk why is Sul just gently stroking her cheek right over the scales on her face and Essie trying not to cry becuz jesus why are you so kind??? soft eyes and the faint outline of a smile on his stupid face and moonlight reflecting off his armor fff-
Then later as they’re cuddling up to sleep, Essie curled into Sul’s side and him flopped over with an arm wrapped over her. Sul’s already drifted off and Essie watches his face like, did this just happen or am I dreaming and going to wake up cold and alone? Is all of this a dream? Is Sul a dream? Have I really been adventuring with this band of misfits and losers that have all become my family? Is any of this real?
When morning breaks, Essie and Sul just chill and getting dressed like any normal day. Essie helps Sul put on his armor; more of a courtesy since I have a feeling he’s used to doing this all himself. Once they’re ready to both go Sul looks back and Essie’s just sitting on the edge of the bed looking hurt and upset. So he walks over and takes to a knee before taking her hands in his and asking if everything’s alright.
Essie quietly explains that she enjoyed last night, she doesn’t want to give the wrong impression. Then nervously asks if once they leave the room, everything that happened will be gone. Was it just a fun night? Is she seeing too much into this?
And Sul just squeezes her hands reassuringly and says softly that nothing will change if she doesn’t want it to, but he hints through his wording he’d be glad to see where else this goes, what may yet still grow between them with time, and that he wants her to be happy. Essie looks anxious still but a bit more relieved. And after a bit of soft spoken sweet words briefly between the pair, Sul moves to stand up. He presses a swift kiss to her forehead and helps her up. And when they leave the room before the door closes, a glimpse of them holding hands <3
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royal-writer · 7 years
☑️ Mistakenly add Essul to the navy brigade of ships and now obsess over it like the madwoman I am
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royal-writer · 7 years
I’m just gonna save this- Not becuz I might finish it or smth. 😅
Gliding his hand down Essatha's back, Sul could feel the prominent lines and looping figures faintly sticking out. Aged and no longer distinctive. At just a glazed touch he knew them. The pale white lightning across her backside.
He could hear the hitch in her breath; the scent of the minty berry tart still lingering on her as she nestled closer. Her complete lack of anxiety or recognition to where his hands were gave him some comfort. Just a year ago and the circumstances would have been different. A single touch or a glance would have had her retracting from him as though she was repulsive; regretting her appearance, judging her sins.
Sul gave pressed his snout against her collar bone trailed up, inhaling the smells of a meadow. It was in her skin; dancing sunlight, the harmony of flowers and grass, a summer's day. She may have magic of the darkness, but her soul spilled with light and warmth. Teasingly, his tongue briefly swept across the vein of her neck as she leaned her head back, a soft groan and shudder that turned to a throaty squeak of confusion and surprise.
He couldn't help but grin; toothy and a bit proud as he nuzzled her. Even upon retracting, he could see the flicker of light in her eyes. Amused, a bit of an eye-roll for his gesture. As she pressed into his chest with a searching gaze or perhaps searching for the heat that seemed to radiate out of his scales, his hands tightened on her backside to bring her in closer with weary care of his claws. She gave him the most brilliant smile; teeth gleaming out in the pale night light, a hint of sharp fangs.
True joy. He loved that most of all. The look of happiness on her face that once was just a facade now was real. Even as he reached out, grazing her cheek with his fingers and feeling the raise in her cheekbones with glee, the slight closing of her eyes, the leaning in to his touch it was all a fantastic marvel. He'd not predicted finding love, but it seems love found him regardless.
In his moment of distraction she leaned in, forehead pressed to forehead. He grinned, a touch mischievous now, as he went to snuffle against the side of her face and listen to that rich melody of laughter that sent butterflies soaring through his chest. This was the sort of moments life was made of.
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royal-writer · 6 years
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I need more Essul ¯\_(ツ)_/¯  // @cyberninjas
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royal-writer · 7 years
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I slept in a flame because it made me feel strong Building up my Ice To Never thaw
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royal-writer · 7 years
storing some texts
Sul's response to Ess' should it be revealed she thinks of herself as being 'evil' becuz of her species and magic inheritance: "What makes a person isn't the act of the species, but of the individual. I have heard of holy beings falling from grace just as much as I've heard of those born to an "evil" species save a town; or more, and act kindly.
The actions of your kind do not make them you. You are good, Essatha, in your being and heart. You are not like them."
Then jokingly, Sul would smile a little  and add, "Besides, you've been adventuring with two paladins. If there was evil in you, I'd like to think we would have found it by now... It's either that or I'm bad at my job."
There might have been something about her also being the significant other of a paladin who's job is to smite evil, and he's not seen it in her. :p
Essie would be deeply embarrassed but insist she's born from 'evil' species and that there must be a small reminiscent of it in her. She'd be super touched tho and it'd probably help her see herself in a better light.
Sul would snort and say something still slightly teasing but good natured like "Yea. Maybe the tip of my pinky claw small. Nobody's perfectly good.”
And if Essie countered with the fact she's done shady things before, Sul would respond, "Yea, maybe. But there is a difference between doing it to survive and doing it because you can for no reason but the sake of doing it.”
Essie, blubbering an argument she can't conceive, red-faced, shy and embarrassed.
Essie rubbing her cheek against Sul's or her nose against his snout lightly with a teasing smile. Basically she's copying his own form of kisses to be cute and dorky. Once Sul figures it out he is endlessly amused by how dorky but cute she is.
I got this idea that what if the dnd group went back to Sul's hometown. Sul and Essie are not together yet but there's /obviously something going on between them they haven't admitted or spoken about yet.
They go to visit Sul's parents, and when his mom and dad get a second with him wherein most of his group is either not around or talking among themselves, they just kinda pat him on the shoulder and say "she's good for you". So Sul's like ??? What do you mean. And they realize they're both looking towards Essatha. He kinda flinches, turns red and is like "yeah it's not like that". The parents literally give each other that deadpan look and turn back to him with the same look that just says really? you're going with that? You two clearly like each other. We see how you two glance at each other. We see how you put your hand sportively on her shoulder the most, or towards her lower back when she's feeling ill at ease. Uh-huh, sure, it's not like that.
So the traveling nerds talk and they agree and pressure a bit for Sul to stay home. Free room and board and hanging with his fam while they all get a lodge to stay. Essie looks a bit nervous which I found interesting. His parents are okay with this saying yeah there's always room for Sul, still an available guest room/room that used to belong to one of the kids at least.
So the group leaves except Sul. He spends more time talking with his parents, seeing what's been happening at home and around his home town. Eventually it's late and they're all going to bed. Sul goes to his bedroom and lies in bed.
Only... he can't sleep. He keeps tossing and turning but he is acutely aware at the lack of a warm body. The lack of presence. The smell in the sheets that belong to Essie. And he can't sleep. He's so used to sleeping with her now that he's just restless.
So he sneaks out of the house to go for a walk. And he sees some of his fellow group wandering around town, some partying because his town is holding some party for the group or something. He talks to some of em and they say who's gone off to bed already.
He doesn't see Essie among the group so after a while of chatting he goes back to wandering. A little heartsick tho he doesn't realize what is it.
After some more wandering he goes by the lodge they rented to stay in overnight. He kinda looks up wondering which window is Essie's. And as he's walking around the building he spots Essie, sitting in the dark, looking up at the stars.
He walks over and asks her why she's up and by herself. She gets kinda embarrassed and says how she wanted to look at the stars and enjoy the cool air. Talking about how lovely his town is, how it's a good view and altitude to the stars. They strike up a conversation and as the night weens on and the moon moves through the sky, Sul offers to escort Essie back to her room.
They're whispering a bit now as they head inside becuz most everyone in town has went to bed now. The party died down. The pair are laughing and talking quietly as they had into Essie's room. Sul sits on the edge of her bed and they keep talking a bit.
Then after a pause, both grinning, Sul gets up and kinda apologizes and says he should probably head home. Essie looks a bit downcast and is like yeah sure. They go to embrace and kinda look embarrassed when they pull apart, Essie awkwardly pushing at her hair and brushing along the scales on her cheek while Sul kinda avoids eye contact huehue.
She invites him to 'finish their conversation' before he goes and he agrees. Essie ends up climbing into bed while he talks, and he goes to sit on the edge of the bed. Eventually Sul ends up climbing his ass into bed (dunno why; either becuz they were still talking and he felt?? like it like it was natural or becuz Essie was shivering a bit, maybe both). Regardless, as their chattiness dies down they end up snuggling against each other, staring at each other with dopey goo-goo eyes.
One of them falls asleep first obv. I'm thinking it's Essie but don't recall honestly. Regardless the person still awake (Sul in this case) just looks fondly at the other, gently brushing their hand over their cheek a bit. They end up snuggling up more and falling asleep.
The next morning, nobody questions why Sul is there with the group early despite them having left him with his 'rents. But when they go to visit his parents later, Sul's practically sweating bullets becuz they're giving him A Look. They noticed in the morning he wasn't home and boy you don't think we know where you went? And poor Sul, just humiliated as can be, wondering what his parents could possibly be thinking. Praying they're not thinking he went off with Essie for ~other~ reasons. They're not I wouldn't think but he's plagued with embarrassment regardless lmao. They just feel confident where he went not speculating so much what he did.
Essie goes to do something provocative, something dirty, something they haven't done together before. And Sul notices she's freezing up and getting uncomfy. So he just kinda softly touches her and says it's alright, they don't have to do that she doesn't have to do anything she doesn't want to.
And Essie just kinda looks up to him and gets frustrated. She explains she /wants/ to do the thing with him. But then says how she's really a bit scared. Apparently she's done this before, but as she explains it, the last person she did this with she didn't care about. If they didn't like it, it was easy to not give a heck and switch to something else.
But she cares about Sul and how he feels and what he enjoys. And she's scared to upset him or overstep a boundary. And while she's frustrated venting, looking a mix of sad and angry, Sul leaning in and nuzzling against her cheek lightly while he smiles and he just explains it's fine. They can take things slow. They don't need to do everything or anything and if she's unsure now then they'll put it off and if she wants to try another time it's no big deal to him. There's no shame. He's not expecting perfect chemistry wow everything works 100% they can do it every which way without regrets anyway.
The dirty stuff is 'fun' pretty much as he kinda infers, but isn't the grounding aspect of their relationship as it shouldn't be. And if they want to do lots of things, some things, heck no things he's okay with that.
I keep getting this image in my head and it's KILLING ME. Sul just, gently reaching up and cupping his hands against Essie's cheeks. And her just being mesmerized by how soft and gentle his touch is, red in the face, not being able to look at him as his palms slide against her face. And then he's just smiling at her and she's just like O/////O;;; looking down don't meet his pretty eyes fffFFffff error 404 cannot compute
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