aru-art · 1 year
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i believe in tiefling bard supremacy
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SAINT OF THE DAY (October 26)
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St. Evaristus was the son of a Greek Jew, originally from Bethlehem. He was the sixth Pope of the Catholic Church.
He is traditionally considered a martyr, but there is no documentation of the event. He is buried in the Vatican, near Saint Peter.
Saint Evaristus succeeded Saint Anacletus as pope. The text of the Liber Pontificalis, says of him:
“Evaristus, born in Greece of a Jewish father named Juda, originally from the city of Bethlehem, reigned for thirteen years, six months and two days, under the reigns of Domitian, Nerva and Trajan, from the Consulate of Valens and Veter (96) until that of Gallus and Bradua (108).
This pontiff divided among the priests the titles of the city of Rome.
By a constitution he established, seven deacons who were to assist the bishop and serve as authentic witnesses for him.
During the three ordinations, which he conducted in the month of December, he promoted six priests, two deacons and five bishops, destined for various churches.
Evaristus received the crown of martyrdom. He was buried near the body of Blessed Peter in the Vatican, on the sixth day of the Calends of November (October 25, 108).
The episcopal throne remained vacant for nineteen days.”
Pope Saint Evaristus is assumed to have given his life by martyrdom at the same time as St. Ignatius of Antioch.
He is often represented with a sword because he was decapitated, or with a crib, because it is believed that he was born in Bethlehem, from which his father emigrated.
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tinyshe · 11 months
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More Saints of the Day October 26
St. Bean
St. Albinus
St. Alfred the Great
St. Cedd
St. Cuthbert of Canterbury
St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki
St. Eadfrid
St. Eata
St. Evaristus
St. Fulk of Pavia
St. Gibitrudis
St. Lucian
St. Quadragesimus
St. Quodvultdeus
St. Rogatian
St. Rusticus of Narbonne
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anastpaul · 11 months
Notre-Dame de la Victoire / Our Lady of Victory, France (1225), St Evaristus Pope Martyr and the Saints for 26 October
Notre-Dame de la Victoire / Our Lady of Victory, near Senlis, France (1225) – 26 October:HERE:https://anastpaul.com/2021/10/26/notre-dame-de-la-victoire-our-lady-of-victory-near-senlis-france-1225-and-memorials-of-the-saints-26-october/ St Evaristus (c44–c107) Martyr, Pope Evaristus is the fifth Bishop of Rome, holding office from c99 until his death…
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hardynwa · 7 months
Imo Assembly Vets 12 Commissioner Nominees
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The Imo State House of Assembly has undertaken the screening process for 12 Commissioner nominees forwarded by Governor Hope Uzodimma, aligning with earlier reports by INNONEWS predicting the predominance of the governor’s core loyalists in his new cabinet. Dependable loyalists of the Governor such as Declan Emelumba, Ralph Nwosu, and Mrs. Nkechi Ugwu were renominated for commissioner positions. Their inclusion highlights the governor’s reliance on trusted allies to steer the course of governance in Imo State as earlier reported by this newspaper on Thursday. Joining their ranks are newbies such as, Hon. Chimezie Amadi, a former member of the House of Representatives, Bede Eke, Cosmas Maduba, Chika Benson Abazu, Ozo Obinna Ogwuegbu, Osakwe Modestus, Anyiam Anselem Ezechinyere, Barr. Emenike Chuks Major, and Onyeoha Obinna Evaristus. INNONEWS Read the full article
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silvestromedia · 9 months
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Martyrs of Crete, Ten Roman Catholic martyrs of the island of Crete who suffered during the persecution of Emperor Trajanus Decius. They are named Agathopus, Basilides, Eunician, Euporus, Evaristus, Cleomenes, Gelasius, Saturninus, Theodulus, and Zoticus. Feastday: December 23
St. Victoria, Roman Catholic Martyr, with her sister Anatolia, she refused importunate suitors. Both were imprisoned and starved by their suitors but persisted in refusing marriage. Anatolia was converted to Christianity and converted many in Picenum before being denounced for her faith, for which she was tortured and executed at Thora on Lake Velino in Italy. When Victoria refused to sacrifice to pagan gods, she too was executed, perhaps at Tribulano. The guard was converted by their example and was also martyred. Feastday Dec.23rd.
St. John of Kanty, Roman Catholic priest, scholastic philosopher, physicist and theologian, Born in Kęty, Poland, in 1390, John was a priest and professor of philosophy at the University of Krakow. He was chosen as tutor to Polish princes. With his pay he fed the poor, whom he sought in the city streets. Esteemed by all for his charity, he died during the Christmas Eve Mass of 1473 Feastday Dec.23rd.
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saint-ambroses-bees · 10 months
@argument-side-blog cause I can’t reblog your post for whatever reason
"You’re missing the entire point of my argument. I am not saying that catholicism is right."
No, in that case, it is actually YOU who is missing the point of MY argument. Because if you cannot respond to the multiple different places where I've challenged the false teachings, evil deeds and inherent corruption of the Catholic Church, whatever else you might have to say is basically pointless.
That’s not what we’re discussing. This evidence is irrelevant in the context of the question of whether Augustine is catholic or not. This evidence is redundant because you’ve sent it to me before. I am getting to it, but this post is about Saint Augustine. Please start a new one if you’d like to discuss something on an entirely different topic
It's like saying "Yeah sure, we allied with the nazis, raped kids and lied about the origin of our authority to do these things, but my guy Augustine over here said it's cool!"
why is this relevant
We can talk about the evils that come from the people in the church, but why are we talking about it on a post about what saint augustine believes
Send me an ask or something to start another thread about a different topic if you want to talk about a different topic
So even setting aside the fact that your argument is factually wrong and you have de facto already surrendered the debate by agreeing that the overwhelming majority of what I've said is true,
How the hell is my argument factually wrong? I presented things that Augustine has said that contradict what you said. I did say some stuff about Tradition, but that’s irrelevant in the context of the question of whether Augustine is catholic or not. What did I agree with that you take as a surrendering of debate?
even if we say your supposed defense of Augustine is valid, why would I even care?
You’re literally a Christian my guy you’re supposed to look for the truth
In that case Augustine should just spend eternity in a dark place with the rest of the Catholics.
You’re literally a Christian my guy you’re supposed to love your enemy
"You also argued that Augustine believed in sola scriptura so i responded with citations of primary texts in which he says that Tradition is actually good, which as far as i know is a no-no with sola scriptura, so i did respond to your argument"
You quoted a few things he said, giving no context to when, where or to whom he said them, and then you mic dropped as if that proved your argument. You provided no sources and only minimal rhetorical support for your claim.
Did you read my post
I linked the primary texts
I gave instructions on where to look
But sure, here you go:
"For if the lineal succession of bishops is to be taken into account, with how much more certainty and benefit to the Church do we reckon back till we reach Peter himself, to whom, as bearing in a figure the whole Church, the Lord said: Upon this rock will I build my Church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it! Matthew 16:18 The successor of Peter was Linus, and his successors in unbroken continuity were these:— Clement, Anacletus, Evaristus, Alexander, Sixtus, Telesphorus, Iginus, Anicetus, Pius, Soter, Eleutherius, Victor, Zephirinus, Calixtus, Urbanus, Pontianus, Antherus, Fabianus, Cornelius, Lucius, Stephanus, Xystus, Dionysius, Felix, Eutychianus, Gaius, Marcellinus, Marcellus, Eusebius, Miltiades, Sylvester, Marcus, Julius, Liberius, Damasus, and Siricius, whose successor is the present Bishop Anastasius."
This quote is given in the context of Augustine writing to a friend who received a letter from a donatist. This specific Donatist apparently rejected the See because of corruption (donatists believed that ministers had to be sinless for sacraments to work or something) and Augustine spoke about the succession in the donatist’s city and then in Rome. He calls back to Apostolic succession in this quote.
Translated by J.G. Cunningham. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. 1. Edited by Philip Schaff. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1887.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102053.htm>.
"For already have two councils on this question been sent to the Apostolic see; and rescripts also have come from thence. The question has been brought to an issue; would that their error may sometime be brought to an issue too!"
This quote is from a sermon on which Saint Augustine speaks on the line ‘unless you eat the flesh’; at the end (that which is quoted) he says that the Apostolic See gets the final say, and that we should listen to the end which Rome comes to.
Translated by R.G. MacMullen. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. 6. Edited by Philip Schaff. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1888.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/160381.htm>.
"As to those other things which we hold on the authority, not of Scripture, but of tradition, and which are observed throughout the whole world, it may be understood that they are held as approved and instituted either by the apostles themselves, or by plenary Councils, whose authority in the Church is most useful, e.g. the annual commemoration, by special solemnities, of the Lord's passion, resurrection, and ascension, and of the descent of the Holy Spirit from heaven, and whatever else is in like manner observed by the whole Church wherever it has been established."
This quote is from a letter to a friend who is wondering why different dioceses have different traditions (little t traditions, not Sacred Tradition). Augustine states at the beginning that certain things are permanent because of Scripture and Tradition, and that things like fasting on certain days are not necessarily bound by either.
Translated by J.G. Cunningham. From Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers, First Series, Vol. 1. Edited by Philip Schaff. (Buffalo, NY: Christian Literature Publishing Co., 1887.) Revised and edited for New Advent by Kevin Knight. <http://www.newadvent.org/fathers/1102054.htm>.
I could quote and explain the other ones, but the important part is that they mention Tradition as a source of authority. Continuing
In my original post, I quoted Augustine (keeping in mind that you have not disputed the quote itself),
Yes i did
Multiple times
I explicitly said that the paragraph you quoted actually says the opposite of what you say it says twice now
gave contextual explanation of why I felt the quote supported my view of the situation,
it doesn’t
then cited several additional sources which also presented the same thesis with additional supporting facts.
Here's the thing, not only did you misunderstand the quote by not reading the entire passage, but Augustine clearly elsewhere relies on Tradition as a source of authority. All he says in this passage, which btw, I have said like eight times now, is that we should be skeptical of anything new that we read. He also says that we can use the opinions of others that we know to be true because of divine help to see whether something is right or not. You quoted something that actively argues against your own point.
Sorry, but I'm going to say that my original argument still stands, even aside from the fact that your rebuttal was irrelevant.
You didn’t read my rebuttal
"I’ve hit at least two links that lead to a page that says there’s nothing to be found"
Then you are either lying or there is a technical problem on your end, because as I said, I double checked every single link I provided and they all worked. Either way, not my fault.
Technical problem I think. I can no longer see your blog. Sometimes tumblr lets me see your posts and sometimes it says they don’t exist
"These are massive questions..."
It isn't a question. There are no questions here. I haven't asked you a question.
Did you read the sentence before that one??? I said it in reference to the article which you sent me? It contains many questions about what tradition is. I imagine if you sent me the article that you wanted me to be concerned with its substance?
I gave you evidence that the Catholic Church is evil and that it has lied about it's pedigree. You can agree that I'm right, or you can explain how I'm wrong.
Fantastic. How does this coincide with Augustine’s being catholic. Because this is what this post is about, isn’t it?
And as you did in this latest response, you have mostly agreed that the majority of my argument is factually accurate.
What does that prove? Majority is not entirety.
You have only "disagreed" to a limited extent by either quoting Augustine or by making some vague philosophical objections.
It’s not vague, it’s broad. Ask narrower questions and I’ll give narrower answers.
If this debate were being judged by an outside party, I think it is safe to say they wouldn't be voting for you at this point.
It’s a good thing truth isn’t democratic isn’t it
"We literally agree with this"
See what I mean?
Because we do?
"Tradition is only Tradition if it agrees with scripture If it doesn’t, it’s not Tradition"
That isn't actually what the Catholic Church teaches or says.
Yes it does CCC 80 they must flow out of the same stream, they must be in agreement
According to the Catholic Church, it's clerics, priests, popes, etc, can write new rules and traditions at any time and those writings are given equal weight as scripture.
If the new traditions and other church doctrines appear to conflict with scripture, rather than answering those contradictions, Catholics merely say things like "we wrote the bible so we know what it means" or "only the church has authority to interpret scripture."
No we don’t
Catholics never explain or defend their interpretation of scripture beyond invoking their exclusive authority, which is the circular reasoning which I cited earlier.
Yes we do
The Catholic Church also plays shell games with the supposed "infallibility" of the Pope, as I have previously pointed out.
The pope is not the same entity as the church, you realize this right? The pope has free will and can be a sinner if he so chooses. This is why there’s this specific regulation in place.
And I do not see how Augustine, having explicitly said that laypersons had every right to question so-called church authorities, would support such blatant abuse of power. Not that I care what Augustine thinks either way, but I remain unconvinced that he would support the obvious heresy and hypocrisy which is the modern day Roman Catholic Church.
How about the passage i quoted where he says that rome gets the final say and that we should listen to rome
"You assume that I don't have a life... Be patient."
I don't make assumptions about you, other than that you are Catholic and that you seem unable to explain where my arguments are wrong. And considering both of those assumptions are supported by the available facts, I believe they are justified assumptions.
It’s very difficult to read anything you send from a practical standpoint because every link leads to eighteen other links which in turn lead to even more and so on and so on and so on
So yes, i am not unable to explain that your arguments are wrong, i am unable to read a huge collection of arguments in a short time period. It takes me hours to get through a single article from the summa. There is a difference.
I have a life too. And Reformation Day is over. I've got other stuff to do this week, including preparing for Pope Night as my next Catholic bashing holiday of choice.
Glad you’re keeping up with your hobbies
And since this is my post and my blog, I'm going to invoke home rule
You invited me to this particular post, I say be hospitable (and rational).
and say you need to play by my rules and my timetable. If you haven't got a response because you need to go "research" more, so be it.
I know you’d like me to say stupid shit so you can go oh look stupid catholics but actually no i’m not gonna do that
What possible reason would you have to restrict someone to a specific timetable in an internet debate? If we were talking in person and I sat down for four days, sure. But we aren’t. So why?
0 notes
brookstonalmanac · 11 months
Holidays 10.26
Accession Day (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
African-American Cotton Pickers Day
American Bar Association Giving Day
Angam Day (a.k.a. Day of Fulfillment; Nauru)
Day of Mourning Day (Libya)
Day of the Deployed
Doonesbury Day
Goose Day (French Republic)
Horseless Carriage Day
Howl at the Moon Day
International Red Cross Day
Intersex Awareness Day
Kojagrat Purnima (Nepal)
Mule Day
National Day of the Deployed
National Financial Crime Fighter Day
National Gospel Day (Cook Islands)
National Livestock Guardian Dog Appreciation & Awareness Day
National Mule Day
National Noah Day
National Ranboo Day
National Tennessee Day 
National Transgender Children Day
National Vivace Microneedling Day
Neutrality Day (Austria)
Peniamina Gospel Day (Niue)
Planet-Wide Moon Howl
Rugby Day
St. Elsewhere Day
Topin Wagglegammon
Workaholic Stop and Smell Something Day
World Amyloidosis Day
Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Fried Steak Day
Exaltation of the Shellfish (Spain)
International Mavrud Day (Bulgaria)
National Mincemeat Pie Day
National Pumpkin Day
Pretzel Day
Texas Chicken Fried Steak Day
4th & Last Thursday in October
Black Thursday [Thursday of Last Full Week]
International Carignan Day [Last Thursday]
Punkie Night (Somerset, England) [Last Thursday]
Independence Days
Austria (from Allies of WW2, 1955)
Feast Days
Albinus (Christian; Saint)
Alfred the Great (Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Amandus of Strasbourg (Christian; Saint)
Beóán (a..k.a. Bean) of Mortlach (Christian; Saint)
Casper, Big Bird’s Brother (Muppetism)
Cedd (Christian; Saint)
Celine Borzecka (Christian; Blessed)
Cuthbert of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Ancients (Asatru/Pagan Slavic)
Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Christian; Saint)
Diwali, Day 3 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Bhai Duj (Parts of India)
Bhau Beej (Parts of India)
Chitragupth Jayanti (Parts of India)
Dawat Puja (Parts of India)
Day of Cows
Deepavali Holiday (Manipur, India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 3
Gai Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Ningol Chakkouba (Parts of India)
Tihar Festival (Nepal)
Yam Pancake (Nepal)
Eadfrith of Leominster (Christian; Saint)
Eata of Hexham (Christian; Saint)
Pope Evaristus (a.k.a. Aristus; Christian; Saint)
Fulk of Pavia (Roman Catholic Church)
Lilith’s Day (Pagan)
Ludi Victoriae Sullanae begins (Old Rome; until November 1)
Makoshe’s Day (Honoring Mother Earth; Asatru/Pagan)
Montesquieu (Positivist; Saint)
Onan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Onomatopoeias Day (Pastafarian)
Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann and Paul Gerhardt (Lutheran Church)
Quadragesimus (Christian; Saint)
Quodvultdeus (Christian; Saint)
Rusticus of Narbonne (Christian; Saint)
Vasily Vereshchagin (Artology)
Witta (a.k.a. Albinus) of Büraburg (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Better Off Dead, 26th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2021)
Cello Concerto in E Minor, by Edward Eldar (Concerto; 1919)
Cloud Atlas (Film; 2012)
Cured Duck (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Dan in Real Life (Film; 2007)
Donnie Darko (Film; 2001)
Firework, by Katy Perry (Song; 2010)
The Great Santini (Film; 1979)
Head Hunters, by Herbie Hancock (Album; 1973)
Heartbreaker, by Pat Benatar (Song; 1979)
Interstellar (Film; 2014)
Life as a House (Film; 2001)
Mourning Becomes Electra, by Eugene O'Neill (Play; 1931)
Quadrophenia, by The Who (Album; 1973)
Rock Meets Rock or Thud and Blunder (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 313; 1964)
San Andreas (Film; 2015)
St. Elsewhere (TV Series; 1982)
Supergirl (TV Series; 2015)
The Terminator (Film; 1984)
Three Orphan Kittens (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Under Pressure, by Queen & David Bowie (Song; 1981)
A Watery Grave or Drown Among the Sheltering Palms (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 314; 1964)
You’re the Top, recorded by Cole Porter (Song; 1934)
Your Song, by Elton John (Song; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Albin, Amand, Wigand (Austria)
Dimitar, Dimitrina, Mitko (Bulgaria)
Amando, Demetrije, Dimitrije, Dmitar, Evarist, Lucijan, Mitar, Rogacijan, Zvonimir (Croatia)
Erik (Czech Republic)
Amandus (Denmark)
Aime, Aimi, Amanda, Ami, Manda (Estonia)
Amanda, Manta, Niina, Nina, Ninni (Finland)
Dimitri (France)
Albin, Amand, Anastacia, Josephine, Wieland (Germany)
Demetris, Dimitra, Dimitrios, Dimitris, Glykon, Leptinis (Greece)
Evaristo (Italy)
Amanda, Kaiva (Latvia)
Evaristas, Liaudginas, Mingintė (Lithuania)
Amanda, Amandus (Norway)
Dymitriusz, Ewaryst, Eweryst, Łucjan, Lucyna, Ludmiła, Lutosław (Poland)
Dimitrie (Romania)
Demeter (Slovakia)
Evaristo, Felicísimo, Luciano (Spain)
Amanda, Rasmus (Sweden)
Madden, Maddock, Maddox, Mahala, Mahalia, Makenna, Mckenna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 299 of 2024; 66 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 43 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 12 (Ding-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 11 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 29 Shù; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 13 October 2023
Moon: 94%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Descartes (11th Month) [Montesquieu]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 33 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 3 of 29)
0 notes
brookston · 11 months
Holidays 10.26
Accession Day (Jammu and Kashmir, India)
African-American Cotton Pickers Day
American Bar Association Giving Day
Angam Day (a.k.a. Day of Fulfillment; Nauru)
Day of Mourning Day (Libya)
Day of the Deployed
Doonesbury Day
Goose Day (French Republic)
Horseless Carriage Day
Howl at the Moon Day
International Red Cross Day
Intersex Awareness Day
Kojagrat Purnima (Nepal)
Mule Day
National Day of the Deployed
National Financial Crime Fighter Day
National Gospel Day (Cook Islands)
National Livestock Guardian Dog Appreciation & Awareness Day
National Mule Day
National Noah Day
National Ranboo Day
National Tennessee Day 
National Transgender Children Day
National Vivace Microneedling Day
Neutrality Day (Austria)
Peniamina Gospel Day (Niue)
Planet-Wide Moon Howl
Rugby Day
St. Elsewhere Day
Topin Wagglegammon
Workaholic Stop and Smell Something Day
World Amyloidosis Day
Worldwide Howl at the Moon Night
Food & Drink Celebrations
Chicken Fried Steak Day
Exaltation of the Shellfish (Spain)
International Mavrud Day (Bulgaria)
National Mincemeat Pie Day
National Pumpkin Day
Pretzel Day
Texas Chicken Fried Steak Day
4th & Last Thursday in October
Black Thursday [Thursday of Last Full Week]
International Carignan Day [Last Thursday]
Punkie Night (Somerset, England) [Last Thursday]
Independence Days
Austria (from Allies of WW2, 1955)
Feast Days
Albinus (Christian; Saint)
Alfred the Great (Catholic Church, Anglican Church, Eastern Orthodox Church)
Amandus of Strasbourg (Christian; Saint)
Beóán (a..k.a. Bean) of Mortlach (Christian; Saint)
Casper, Big Bird’s Brother (Muppetism)
Cedd (Christian; Saint)
Celine Borzecka (Christian; Blessed)
Cuthbert of Canterbury (Christian; Saint)
Day of the Ancients (Asatru/Pagan Slavic)
Demetrius of Thessaloniki (Christian; Saint)
Diwali, Day 3 (Hindu, Jain, Sikh), a.k.a. ... 
Bhai Duj (Parts of India)
Bhau Beej (Parts of India)
Chitragupth Jayanti (Parts of India)
Dawat Puja (Parts of India)
Day of Cows
Deepavali Holiday (Manipur, India)
Deepawali (Sikkim, India)
Festival of Lights, Day 3
Gai Tihar
Laxmi Puja (Sikkim, India)
Ningol Chakkouba (Parts of India)
Tihar Festival (Nepal)
Yam Pancake (Nepal)
Eadfrith of Leominster (Christian; Saint)
Eata of Hexham (Christian; Saint)
Pope Evaristus (a.k.a. Aristus; Christian; Saint)
Fulk of Pavia (Roman Catholic Church)
Lilith’s Day (Pagan)
Ludi Victoriae Sullanae begins (Old Rome; until November 1)
Makoshe’s Day (Honoring Mother Earth; Asatru/Pagan)
Montesquieu (Positivist; Saint)
Onan Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Onomatopoeias Day (Pastafarian)
Philipp Nicolai, Johann Heermann and Paul Gerhardt (Lutheran Church)
Quadragesimus (Christian; Saint)
Quodvultdeus (Christian; Saint)
Rusticus of Narbonne (Christian; Saint)
Vasily Vereshchagin (Artology)
Witta (a.k.a. Albinus) of Büraburg (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Tomobiki (友引 Japan) [Good luck all day, except at noon.]
Better Off Dead, 26th Jack Reacher book, by Lee Child (Novel; 2021)
Cello Concerto in E Minor, by Edward Eldar (Concerto; 1919)
Cloud Atlas (Film; 2012)
Cured Duck (Disney Cartoon; 1945)
Dan in Real Life (Film; 2007)
Donnie Darko (Film; 2001)
Firework, by Katy Perry (Song; 2010)
The Great Santini (Film; 1979)
Head Hunters, by Herbie Hancock (Album; 1973)
Heartbreaker, by Pat Benatar (Song; 1979)
Interstellar (Film; 2014)
Life as a House (Film; 2001)
Mourning Becomes Electra, by Eugene O'Neill (Play; 1931)
Quadrophenia, by The Who (Album; 1973)
Rock Meets Rock or Thud and Blunder (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 313; 1964)
San Andreas (Film; 2015)
St. Elsewhere (TV Series; 1982)
Supergirl (TV Series; 2015)
The Terminator (Film; 1984)
Three Orphan Kittens (Disney Cartoon; 1935)
Under Pressure, by Queen & David Bowie (Song; 1981)
A Watery Grave or Drown Among the Sheltering Palms (Rocky & Bullwinkle Cartoon, S6, Ep. 314; 1964)
You’re the Top, recorded by Cole Porter (Song; 1934)
Your Song, by Elton John (Song; 1970)
Today’s Name Days
Albin, Amand, Wigand (Austria)
Dimitar, Dimitrina, Mitko (Bulgaria)
Amando, Demetrije, Dimitrije, Dmitar, Evarist, Lucijan, Mitar, Rogacijan, Zvonimir (Croatia)
Erik (Czech Republic)
Amandus (Denmark)
Aime, Aimi, Amanda, Ami, Manda (Estonia)
Amanda, Manta, Niina, Nina, Ninni (Finland)
Dimitri (France)
Albin, Amand, Anastacia, Josephine, Wieland (Germany)
Demetris, Dimitra, Dimitrios, Dimitris, Glykon, Leptinis (Greece)
Evaristo (Italy)
Amanda, Kaiva (Latvia)
Evaristas, Liaudginas, Mingintė (Lithuania)
Amanda, Amandus (Norway)
Dymitriusz, Ewaryst, Eweryst, Łucjan, Lucyna, Ludmiła, Lutosław (Poland)
Dimitrie (Romania)
Demeter (Slovakia)
Evaristo, Felicísimo, Luciano (Spain)
Amanda, Rasmus (Sweden)
Madden, Maddock, Maddox, Mahala, Mahalia, Makenna, Mckenna (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 299 of 2024; 66 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 4 of week 43 of 2023
Celtic Tree Calendar: Gort (Ivy) [Day 24 of 28]
Chinese: Month 9 (Ten-Xu), Day 12 (Ding-Si)
Chinese Year of the: Rabbit 4721 (until February 10, 2024)
Hebrew: 11 Heshvan 5784
Islamic: 11 Rabi II 1445
J Cal: 29 Shù; Eightday [29 of 30]
Julian: 13 October 2023
Moon: 94%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 19 Descartes (11th Month) [Montesquieu]
Runic Half Month: Wyn (Joy) [Day 15 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 33 of 89)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 3 of 29)
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i12go4god · 11 months
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Pope Saint Evaristus, pray for us!
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SAINT OF THE DAY (October 26)
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St. Evaristus was the son of a Greek Jew, originally from Bethlehem. He was the sixth Pope of the Catholic Church.
He is traditionally considered a martyr, but there is no documentation of the event. He is buried in the Vatican, near Saint Peter.
Saint Evaristus succeeded Saint Anacletus as pope. The text of the Liber Pontificalis says of him:
“Evaristus, born in Greece of a Jewish father named Juda, originally from the city of Bethlehem, reigned for thirteen years, six months and two days, under the reigns of Domitian, Nerva and Trajan, from the Consulate of Valens and Veter (96) until that of Gallus and Bradua (108).
This pontiff divided among the priests the titles of the city of Rome. By a constitution, he established seven deacons who were to assist the bishop and serve as authentic witnesses for him.
During the three ordinations, which he conducted in the month of December, he promoted six priests, two deacons and five bishops, destined for various churches.
Evaristus received the crown of martyrdom. He was buried near the body of Blessed Peter in the Vatican, on the sixth day of the Calends of November (25 October 108). The episcopal throne remained vacant for nineteen days.”
Pope Saint Evaristus is assumed to have given his life by martyrdom at the same time as St. Ignatius of Antioch.
He is often represented with a sword because he was decapitated, or with a crib because it is believed that he was born in Bethlehem, from which his father emigrated.
NOTE: The Liber Pontificalis (Latin for 'pontifical book' or Book of the Popes) is a book of biographies of popes from Saint Peter until the 15th century.
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jchriscook · 1 year
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Day #118/365: Brother Evaristus came to the Abbey in 2012 from a monastery in Nigeria. The conviction of calling he shared as we talked was inspiring.
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anastpaul · 11 months
One Minute Reflection – 26 October – 'Bridegroom and Bride, that is Christ and the Church ... '
One Minute Reflection – 26 October – “The Month of the Most Holy Rosary and of the Angels” – St Evaristus – (c44–c107) Martyr, Pope Evaristus is the fifth Bishop of Rome, holding office from c99 until his death in c108. – 1 Peter 5:1-4; 5:10-11, Matthew 16:13-19 – Scripture search here: https://www.drbo.org/ “Whatsoever thou shalt bind upon earth, it shall be bound also in Heaven and whatsoever…
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faniju · 1 year
Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation
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Save Yourself from This Crooked Generation (Tuesday 11th April 2023. Read Acts 2:36-41, Ps. 33:4-5,18-20,22, John 20:11-18)
“Let all the house of Israel, therefore. know assuredly that God has made him both Lord and Christ, this Jesus whom you crucified.” Now when they heard this they were cut to the heart, and said to Peter and the rest of the apostles, “Brethren, what shall we do?” (Acts 2:36-37)
Today’s first reading is the concluding part of Peter’s sermon on the life of Christ. Luke tells us that the audience was “cut to the heart.” The words Peter spoke became “living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.” (Hebrews 4:12).
The people asked Peter: “What are we to do?” In response to this question, Peter said: “Repent and be baptized in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins… Save yourself from this crooked generation.” Child of God, what are those things holding you down spiritually? It is time to repent.
Our Psalmist today sings: “His merciful love fills the earth.” One great saint said: “God is never tired of forgiving us, we are the ones who get tired of asking His forgiveness.” Do you assume your sins are too much?
Consider the fact that this same Peter whose sermon converted thousands had a past. He drew a sword to cut off someone’s ear in the Garden of Gethsemane. Like Judas Iscariot, Peter offended Jesus by denying Him three times but unlike Judas, Peter asked for forgiveness.
Ask for forgiveness today. Come out of the darkness. Embrace the light. This is the only way to save yourself from our crooked generation; a generation that has turned its head upside down in terms of morality; a generation that openly worships the devil; a generation where school children supposedly underaged get involved in cultism, substance abuse, gangrape and so on.
In our Gospel passage, Mary Magdalene saw the risen Jesus but she thought he was the gardener. For a moment, she was blind to reality staring her in the face. Jesus visits us daily but we hardly recognize Him.
Recall the words of the sixth station of the Cross – “Can you be brave enough to wipe my face? ‘Where is your face?’ you may ask me, and I will answer: ‘In the streets, traffic jams, the remote and dirty villages, wherever suffering exists, my face is there and I look for you to wipe away my blood and tears.”
Jesus said to Mary Magdalene: “Go and tell my brethren and say to them, I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Jesus wants you to be His apostle, to spread the news of His Resurrection to the ends of the earth. Come out of the darkness, embrace the light, and save yourself from this wicked generation.
Let us pray: Heavenly Father, may I be a light to my generation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Be Happy. Live Positive. Have Faith. It is well with you. God bless you. (Easter Tuesday. Bible Study: Acts 2:36-41, Ps. 33:4-5,18-20,22, John 20:11-18).
@Rev. Fr. Evaristus E. Abu
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hardynwa · 7 months
Imo Assembly Vets 12 Commissioner Nominees
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The Imo State House of Assembly has undertaken the screening process for 12 Commissioner nominees forwarded by Governor Hope Uzodimma, aligning with earlier reports by INNONEWS predicting the predominance of the governor’s core loyalists in his new cabinet. Dependable loyalists of the Governor such as Declan Emelumba, Ralph Nwosu, and Mrs. Nkechi Ugwu were renominated for commissioner positions. Their inclusion highlights the governor’s reliance on trusted allies to steer the course of governance in Imo State as earlier reported by this newspaper on Thursday. Joining their ranks are newbies such as, Hon. Chimezie Amadi, a former member of the House of Representatives, Bede Eke, Cosmas Maduba, Chika Benson Abazu, Ozo Obinna Ogwuegbu, Osakwe Modestus, Anyiam Anselem Ezechinyere, Barr. Emenike Chuks Major, and Onyeoha Obinna Evaristus. INNONEWS Read the full article
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silvestromedia · 11 months
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Sts. Vincent, Sabina, & Christeta, Roman Catholic martyrs who were executed at Avila, Spain, during the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian (r. 284-305). Feastday Oct 27
St. Abban of Murnevin, fifth century. Abbot and missionary, called Ewin, Evin, Neville, or Nevin. He is listed as a nephew of St. Kevin and is confused with St. Abban of Magh­Armuidhe. Abban is best known for his association with the monastery of Rosmic­Treoin of New Ross.
St. Odhran, 563 A.D. Also Otteran and Oran, an Irish abbot. After serving as abbot of Meath, he journeyed to Scotland with St. Columba to promote the faith and died at Lona. Odhran was the first Irish monk to die at Lona. He may have founded Latteragh Abbey in Tipperary He is considered the principal patron saint of Waterford, Ireland.
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