#Even if I'm out of a job at least suddenly all these cheap motherfuckers will be forced to go get their own shit
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This is what I mean when I say I love my job but it pays fucking nothing. Make no mistake, active time might be the time on a delivery, but Dash Time is the full amount of time I am busy D**rd*shing. It may include me getting ready for work or pausing for lunch, but that's all still WORK to me because I'm exclusively doing things while I work!! Even if I'm being generous and shave off an hour from my Dash Time to say I worked 4.25 hours, this is still only ~$10.25/hr, well below the minimum wage here.
I don't understand why people think it's unacceptable not to tip in a restaurant, but when i get in my own fucking car and use my own fucking gas to deliver expensive ass food to them that suddenly they don't need to tip.
I only stopped when I did today because I ran out of declines (you can only decline 1 order per hour on D**rD*sh when using earn by time) and you can only unassign so many deliveries now, bc if your completion rating falls under 90% you can be deactivated. Mine was 93% and would've dropped it an entire %, and they wanted me to go 18 fucking miles (1 way!!) to deliver something that I could almost guarantee didn't have a tip. It probably would have COST me money to deliver that order.
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