#Everyone wearing hoods and cyril hair is very straight
moonilit · 8 months
Child Jote “brushing” child Joshua while he is in a coma (by brushing I mean whacking his head with the brush)
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Bless her soul she is doing her best
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red-wardens · 5 years
Red-Warden’s OCs: Champion of Kirkwall
Worldstate 1:  Akono Hawke the “Chaotic Chill Champion of Kirkwall”
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Basics: anarchy and wit and chill. Jack-of-all-trades mage (knows one basic spell from each school of magic) but specializes in Ice magic. Is also a skilled Spirit Healer. Magic manifested at age 11 when he made it snow indoors on a very hot summer’s day to keep the twins cool. Varric’s nickname for him: “Frost”. Gay/Grey-sexual. Fenris Romance.
Physical: age 25-32 (DA2) and 36 (Inquisition), 6′4, tall, strong well-muscled build, very muscular arms, colorless/silver eyes, black hair in thick cornrow braids, brown skin tone, black well-trimmed beard, dark purple face tattoos, handsome. Modern AU he is half white/half African-American coded with Nigerian ancestry. 
Psychological: Purple Hawke (almost exclusively, except a few Blue moments with Leandra and Carver). Chill, funny in a dry way, introverted, shy, impressively patient, brilliant visionary and planner, prefers not to lead directly but pull strings from the shadows or behind a mask. There’s a million ideas always running through his head but he focuses these many ideas, narrowing down those that are illogical and discardable. His intelligence propels him in everything he does, shaping his values, shifting his actions. Akono is passionate about equal rights and overthrowing oppressive establishments- but still maintains a healthy sense of humor and ease. Painfully empathetic but hides it; Devout Andrastian but anti-chantry. Chaotic Good
Decisions: Carver became a Grey Warden, Dueled the Arishok (was not Basalit-an), Sided with Templars publicly most of Acts 1 and 2 (lets mages escape when Templars weren’t involved) to gain their trust (his plan was to get Meredith alone somewhere to assassinate her). Did not help Anders place bomb in chantry. In the end, sided with Orsino/Mages. Killed Anders by his request (to become a martyr the mage rebellion could idolize). Privately agreed with Anders, but publicly will deny it. Survives Adamant (Loghain left in the Fade).
Relationships: Full/high Friendships with everyone (including Carver) except  Merrill, closest with Isabela and Varric. He looks out for her as if she were his little sister but she doesn’t forgive him for not giving her the tool to fix the Eluvian (full Rivalry). Considers Aveline Vallen and Sebastian Vael family, but has few other close friendships due to his shyness and preference for privacy. Main party: Act 1- [Carver, Isabela, Varric] Act 2/3 - [Fenris, Isabela, Varric]
After Kirkwall: Stays for a little while to help rebuild Kirkwall, but leaves a few months after, using his gold to buy Isabela a new ship. Leaves his mabari “Tor” to Aveline. Brings Fenris with him and the three become pirate liberators on the seas, hunting down slaver ships and freeing the slaves (while adding gold and ships to their fleet). Does this for years up till Inquisition while accumulating wealth to hire mercenaries. Is planning to lead the last slave rebellion of Tevinter and overthrow the Archon. Will seek aid from Inquisitor Adaar. Writes to Warden Carver regularly (they’re very close).
Links: Aesthetic Tag // Pinterest Board //
Worldstate 2: Henley Hawke the “Red Queen of Starkhaven”
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Basics: tired eyes and sharp edges and spite. Arcane/Earth focused Mage (Specialization: Blood Mage). Has great difficulty learning any kind of creation/healing spells. Magic manifested late at age 16 when she caused a small earthquake while in a very bad mood after being slighted by a nobleman bachelor. Varric’s nickname for her: “Queen of Hearts”, formerly “Queen of My Heart.” (”Queenie” for short). Biromantic/Asexual. Sebastian Rivalmance.
Physical: age 25-32 (DA2) and 36 (Inquisition), 5′10, tall and slender, gray eyes, shoulder length burgundy red hair (secret: exact color is maintained with magic) styled into loose curls daily, pale skin, dark smoky eye make-up to hide dark raccoon eyes from lack of sleep. Suffers from anemia, chronic insomnia, and night-terrors since childhood. Resting bitch face but is strikingly lovely anyways. Modern AU she is Irish coded. Faceclaim: Elizabeth Gillies
Psychological: Red Hawke (almost exclusively, except a rare Purple remark at Varric). Difficult to faze but stubborn. Vain, selfish, paranoid, antisocial, but well-educated and can hold stimulating conversation on a wide variety of subjects. Is often mean for the sake of getting people’s reactions; full of blunt criticism. Too straight-forward to ever lie or be sarcastic. Exceptional memory for names of people and places, important events. Can mingle with mobility effortlessly. Easily bribed, considers every deal with demon but rarely actually accepts. Very motivated by the goal of an easy, luxurious life and more than willing to marry money to achieve this goal. Is unbothered by any killing she does to get her way but does not actively enjoy it. Neutral Evil 
Decisions: Carver became a Templar, Refused to duel the Arishok and instead team battled (was not Basalit-an), Sided with Templars most of Acts 1 and 2 so they wouldn’t bother her. Helped Anders place bomb in chantry. In the end, sided with Orsino/Mages after flipping a coin (she didn’t care for either side and would have picked Templars if Meredith had paid). Approved of Anders but executed him to keep Sebastian. Survives Adamant (Alistair left in the Fade).
Relationships: Full Rivalry with everyone (including Carver) except for Varric Tethras (full Friendship). Generally, she is awful, and Varric is the only real friend she’s had in her life and she is begrudgingly in love with him through the 3 years between Acts 1 and 2. After he betrays her in the Fade, she begins to pursue Sebastian out of desire to become Queen of Starkhaven. Over the years, she comes to tolerate and eventually love him. She is loyal to Aveline though they dislike each other (like sisters with a love-hate relationship). Oddly attached to her elf servant Oranna, she considers her “hers” and is very protective possessive.  Main party: Act 1- [Carver, Varric, Anders] Act 2- [Aveline, Sebastian, Anders] Act 3 - [Aveline, Sebastian, Varric].
After Kirkwall: Leaves to Starkhaven with Sebastian most immediately after defeating Meredith. Gives her mabari “BC” (”Better Carver”) to Merrill. Brings her servant Orana with her as she is the only one she trusts to serve her loyally. Becomes Arcane Advisor to the Prince of Starkhaven and eventually his fiancé then wife. Becomes known as “the Red Queen”.
Links: Aesthetic Tag // Pinterest Board // 5-Gif Summary
Worldstate 3: Claira Hawke the "Bluebird"
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Basics: conversation and anxiety and adaptation; Alyss Amell’s cousin. Short-bow Rogue (Specialization: Shadow). Varric’s nickname for her: “Bluebird”. Bisexual. Anders Romance (after Fenris Rivlamance). 
Physical: age 25-32 (DA2) and 36 (Inquisition), 5′5, average build on the softer side due to eating carbs and sweets constantly, toned legs maintained by daily running and stretching; wide hazel eyes with under-eye bags, dark brown hair down to mid-back kept in a messy bun on top of her head, fair skin tone, freckles, red lipstick, wears a red-hooded cape.  Faceclaim: Lydia Graham
Psychological: Blue Hawke (60% Blue, 40% Red); devoted but dynamic, brave but panics easily, smart but naive, easily excited but easily depressed; friendly but with a savage temper, values peace, foul-mouth though tries to control it. Doesn’t really know who she is but does her best. Devout Andrastian but kinda slutty (in just her time in Kirkwall she sleeps with: Athenril, Fenarel, Fenris, Isabela, Templar Hugh, Cyril de Montfort, Anders, a tal-vashoth, and propositioned Seneschel Bran but he turned her down); uses hookups and casual sex as a coping mechanism for stress, also may have commitment issues. Modern AU she is English coded and has diagnosed Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. Neutral Good
Decisions: Bethany died in the Deep Roads, Dueled the Arishok (was Basalit-an), Vocally and actively sided with mages all Acts 1 and 2, Emotionally manipulated into helping romanced Anders place bomb in chantry. Sided with Orsino/Mages. Spared Anders and tells him to “just go”. Survives Adamant (Stroud left in the Fade).
Relationships: Full Friendships everyone except for Fenris (full Rivalry) due to bringing him everywhere while being very vocal and helpful to the “freedom for mages!” cause. Gets along well with everyone due to intense desire to please and be liked but has few close friends (Aveline and Merrill). Main party: Act 1- [Fenris, Bethany, Merrill] Act 2/3 - [Fenris, Merrill, Anders]
After Kirkwall: Flees Kirkwall with Anders immediately and though she’s broken up with him out of anger for the lives lost (disapproved) in the Kirkwall Chantry, she comes to forgive him eventually but they do split up and go their seperate ways. A couple months later she realizes she is pregnant and sends a distress raven to her friends. Aveline is busy in Kirkwall holding off Sebastian’s invasion, and Varric is already captured by Cassandra, but Merrill, Fenris, Isabela come and help keep her safe through her pregnancy. They eventually part ways again about a year or so later, except for her best friend Merrill who stays by her side. They eventually become romantically involved, raising Claira’s son Silas together.
Links: Aesthetic Tag // Pinterest Board // 5-Gif Summary
Check out my Heroes of Ferelden!
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