#Evil Prince and the Puppet
akuaya-eng · 2 months
(Card story) Kai SSR - Clumsy Messenger of Love
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Kai: A kind smile and a cheerful tone… right…
Mere: Talking to someone with a smile is spreading love. This also helps to heal those who are hurt and suffering.
Kai: Mr. Mere gives difficult orders…
Tis: Eeh. It's super easy.
Kai: I'm not as casual as Tis. Always smiling and being friendly…
Mere: Then let's practice smiling. Once you're confident, you'll be able to openly express your love in a daily basis.
Kai: Sigh… So I just have to do it, right…
Mere: Then, let's start with Tis. Think of Kai as a new patient and give him a smile, okay?
Tis: Sure! Let's try it. Let's go see the doctor! Don't worry, I'll be with you.
Mere: What a bright, sunny smile. Can Kai imitate it?
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Kai: L-like this…
Tis: Whoa, your eyes aren't smiling at all!
Mere: This is… It looks like the journey is going to be a more difficult than expected.
Kai: (thinking) I knew it, my smile looks unnatural…
Tis: Well, well~. Let's stop the serious practice for now. How about exploring the hospital? I've always been curious about what it's like!
Kai: Tis, be quiet.
Tis: Instant cut-off!? So cold!
Kai: I'll keep practicing… There should be a hand mirror over there… (walks away)
Mere: Mere will stay with you. If you can feel a mother's love up close, your smile will surely become warmer. (walks away)
Tis: I have a bad feeling about this. I hope Kai doesn't try too hard…
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Kai: Smile gently… casually start a conversation… then bring out the other person's smile… Alright. I should be able to do this… perharps.
Patient with bandaged leg: ……
Kai: (thinking) I guess that person is heading to their room. They're all alone and their steps seem heavy… I wonder if they're okay.
Mere: Kai. Please accompany that person. I'm sure Kai can be there for them.
Kai: I don't know if I can really be there for them, but… I'll try. (walks over to the patient) Um… nice weather today, right…
Patient with bandaged leg: Hmm…? It's cloudy outside...
Kai: Now that you mention it… the weather isn't that great…
Patient with bandaged leg: ……
Kai: (thinking) That's no good… it's not a conversation at all… At least I should show the results of my practice… I'll smile now... ... Would you like me to accompany you to your room… I'm here, so... if we walk slowly, it'll be alright… I guess.
Patient with bandaged leg: … No need to force yourself. If you're going to give me a fake smile, don't bother. (walks away)
Kai: …I knew it... I can't do it…
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Kai: I shouldn't have tried so hard… Everything would have gone better without me… If only... I could smile like Tis…
Tis: Kaaii?
Kai: … Tis. You're up in that tree, aren't you…?
Tis: Hehe. Correct!
Kai: Did you come here to laugh at me?
Tis: Of course not!
Kai: Tis managed to do well at the hospital. Much better than me…
Tis: But you know aht. I thought about it. Kai should just be himself!
Kai: Be myself…?
Tis: It was so cool when Kai was trying hard. But I like the usual Kai! The one who's a bit negative. Who rarely smiles. Who thinks things through carefully, and is serious about the angels' mission. It's Kai's charm. Since I've been with you all the time, I know best.
Kai: … Are you trying to cheer me up? (thinking) To be myself? I don't think that's worth anything… But… if Tis says so… Maybe I can try believing in my usual self…?
Tis: You're smiling! Think of it as a revelation, and go see that patient one more time. This time, it'll definitely work!
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Kai: (walks in) This should be the right room for that patient from earlier…
Patient with bandaged leg: You're the one from earlier…
Kai: I'm here as a substitute for the nurse… I'll change your bandages…
Patient with bandaged leg: …You're an angel, right? Do angels do such menial tasks?
Kai: I'm here as a nurse right now… I know you probably don't want someone like me changing your bandages, but please bear with it…
Patient with bandaged leg: I see, go ahead…
Kai: Alright…
Patient with bandaged leg: ……
Kai: ………
Patient with bandaged leg: …Hey. Can you talk about something? Anything is fine.
Kai: (thinking) Even if I'm asked to talk about something… I can't think of anything interesting… No, it doesn't have to be interesting. It's fine to just be myself, right… In that case… I'm really bad at smiling…
Patient with bandaged leg: …?
Kai: Even though I practiced in front of the mirror many times, when I actually see someone’s face, I can't smile properly… And honestly, talking to anyone other than Tis or Mr. Mere is a hassle… You probably don't want to deal with such a gloomy angel either…
Patient with bandaged leg: You're pretty self-deprecating for an angel…
Kai: Self-deprecating… But you… From what I can see, you've been keeping your distance from the other patients. I'd normally refrain from saying this, but you might want to try getting along with them. You'll be here for a while…
Patient with bandaged leg: Haha. Right where it hurts…
Kai: Oh… I'm sorry. Did that hurt?
Patient with bandaged leg: Not in that way. Ever since I was admitted, everyone has felt sorry for me… The more people smiled at me, the more I felt miserable. I can't walk without a cane. That makes me feel so helpless…
Kai: I see… You... you've been feeling that way all along…
Patient with bandaged leg: I'm sorry. Such a boring story. But talking to someone like you who doesn’t try too hard is a relief.
Kai: …Is that so…? To think there are strange people like you on Earth…
Patient with bandaged leg: Sorry for being different.
Kai: (thinking) Oh… I made him smile… It was okay to be myself… Maybe Tis was right… I need to tell Tis… I also like Tis' smile just as it is.
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akuaya-stories-tl · 3 months
A masterlist of all the stories I've translated:
Main Story
Prologue: episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7
Chapter 1: episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7 | episode 8 | episode 9 | episode 10
Chapter 2: episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7 | episode 8 | episode 9 | episode 10
Chapter 3: episode 1 | episode 2 | episode 3 | episode 4 | episode 5 | episode 6 | episode 7 | episode 8 | episode 9 |
Chapter 4:
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6:
Chapter 7: ----
Furniture Story
SSR: ----
SR: ----
Relationship Story
Card Story
SSR: [Tis] Each Person's Resolve In Their Heart | [Eric] Brave Vanguard | [Eric] Birthday Flower Patriot
SR: ----
Event Story
Vampire and Silver Moonlight: ----
A Bewitching Showtime: prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6
Angel of Sorrow Sings of Love: prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6
The Mystery Hidden In The Malevolent Prison: prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | chapter 6
Back Alleyway Graffiti Battle: prologue | chapter 1 | chapter 2 | chapter 3 | chapter 4 | chapter 5 | episode 6
Expedition of Endless Courage: ----
Love and Funeral Requiem: ----
Amusement Hall of Splendor and Illusions: ----
Voice Story
Important Place |
colchicum prequel manga (1/2) | colchicum prequel manga (2/2) |
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solace-sylphieee · 4 months
{Translation} 悪魔王子と操り人形 Evil Prince and The Puppet - Character Introduction
コルチカム王国 Kingdom of Colchicum
The kingdom where [The Farthest Demon] resides.
After the [Crimson Disaster] striked the kingdom 1000 years ago, all of its residents cease to exist, and the fluorish state of its past is no more.
And now, only three - the feared [Fartherest Demon] Dia, the loyal subordinate that was saved by Dia in the past Espada, and Fiori who stays in the castle with a certain motive despite being a human stays there together quietly.
ディア Dia (CV: 小林ゆう Kobayashi Yuu) "The Demon Prince"
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A lonely teen that has fallen as devil that lives in the life of eternal emptiness. Used to be the beloved prince to the kingdom formerly known as [The Farthest Country], Kingdom of Colchicum, 1000 years ago until the [Crimson Disaster], a magic induced catastrophe striked the kingdom - to which his guilt and despair from the event caused his fall. Although he's quite the selfish and capricious prince, his dignity and wisdom extends further due to his long life, making him an existence best suited as a leader. He is also weak towards anything sweet and will at times show his childish side.
Race: Devil | Birthday: 26 November | Age: 1012 y/o | Height: 150cm Weight: 39kg | Dominant Hand: Left | Weapon: Magic Special Skill: Painting that is exclusively unique Interest: Art, Art appreciation | Likes: Crown, Game - Puzzle - Chess Dislikes: Same old things, Death Favourite Food: Stained Glass Cookie (Honey flavoured), Anything sweet, Sweets Disliked Food: Black coffee, Green pepper Favourite Place: Above the castle's tower
エスパダ Espada (CV: 古川 慎 Furukawa Makoto) "The Loyal Knight"
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A devil knight who swore an absolute allegience to Dia. He used to stay with the three men from [Belladonna Family], one of the [Six Devil Families] that rules over the Devil Realm, but was captured by the humans in Human Realm for being a devil. When he was about to be sent for execution, Dia came and saved him. From then on, he swore an oath out of his gratitude and admiration and to live on for Dia's sake, staying in Kingdom of Colchicum as his subordinate. Usually calm and collected, his cool facade will crumbles when he gets overly worried over Dia or when he gets thrown off by Fiori's selfishness.
Race: Devil | Birthday: 27 February | Age: 100 y/o | Height: 183cm Weight: 70kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Blade Special Skill: Swordmanship | Interest: Fishing | Likes: Animals Dislikes: Belladonna Family, Humans Favourite Food: Salt-grilled river fish, Alba fish soup Disliked Food: Rose syrup | Favourite Place: Beside Dia-sama, Forest
フィオーリ Fiori (CV: 花江夏樹 Hanae Natsuki) "The Magnificient Princess"
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The cute and thorny princess from [Kingdom of Galancia], the neighbouring country to Kingdom of Colchicum. A certain incident in the past caused the princess to loathe the devils. With a certain motive in mind and a secret embraced within, the princess got close to Dia and stays in the Colchicum castle for a long time. As the very cute princess, Dia and Espada often get thrown off by the princess' whims. With high communications skills and the mood maker, the princess is very considerate even towards someone new.
Race: Human | Birthday: 2 June | Age: 17 y/o | Height: 169cm Weight: 54kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Dual Sword Special Skill: Fashion (coordination) | Interest: Shopping, Gardening Likes: Cosmetics, Beauty care | Dislikes: Devils, Insects Favourite Food: Chiffon cake | Disliked Food: Junk food Favourite Place: Botanical garden, Nivalis (Cosmetic brand shop)
アキレギア帝国 Aquilegia Empire
The largest military state of the [Humans].
Being the empire with the largest territory, it is founded based on the precarious power relation between the imperial and military. Formerly a very weak existence acting as the bait for the Devils, they now begin their move to change the world's power balance with their military prowess supporting them.
The three who are fearless of other races - Claude who is of imperial bloodline and leads the military as the commander at a young age, Eric who holds a very high idealism, and Oscar who fights on despite having a complicated past, marches on to expand the power of Humans.
クロード Claude (CV: 甲斐田ゆき Kaeda Yuki) "The Beautiful Commander"
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A descendent of Aquilegia imperial family as well as the smart commander of its military. Having a very low possibility to inherit the imperial throne, he moves in accordance to protect and solidify the empire's position. On top of being someone very smart, he owns an overwhelming power over the military and has achieved many great feats through his strategies. He usually acts like a gentleman, but he holds a very high expectations for himself and his subordinates to go above their capabilities. He is also feared as he will be very ruthless in order to carry out his operations. In contrast to his gentle first impression, he is inwardly very suspicious of others and no one has ever seen his true self.
Race: Human | Birhtday: 10 February | Age: 23 y/o | Height: 178cm Weight: 62kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Rapier Special Skill: Horse riding, Fencing, Art of war Interest: Collecting black teas | Likes: Tea time Dislikes: Being scrutinised Favourite Food: Black tea, Meringue cookie Disliked Food: Raw fish, Ration | Favourite Place: House yard
エリク Eric (CV: 島﨑信長 Shimazaki Nobunaga) "A Sorrowful Soldier"
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A young soldier who becomes an adjutant under Claude's squad at a very young age. Born from one of the few military families in the empire, he dislikes promotion due to his family's status and wished to start as a private but was not allowed to do so and he now holds a high rank in the military. He doesn't view himself to be that capable and his serious personality makes him feel troubled that his rank is raised due to his family's influence. Stubborn and hates losing, he works very diligently so that he will be able to confidently take on his position. He has a strong sense of justice and tends to get thrown off by Claude and Oscar who are more unrestrained.
Race: Human | Birthday: 4 September | Age: 18 y/o | Height: 168cm Height: 57kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Long gun Special Skill: Tidiness, Mechanical tinkering Interest: Writing, Model building, Astronomy | Likes: Weapons Dislikes: Disorders, Breaking rules Favourite Food: Crab gratin, Beef stew Disliked Food: Liver, Celery | Favourite Place: Church
オスカー Oscar (CV: 前野智昭 Maeno Tomoaki) "The Brave Swordsman"
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One of the few swordsmen in Aquilegia Empire, which surpasses even the devils. He rose from the rank of private through innumerable military accomplishments and now acts as the adjutant to Claude's squad. Outside of battle, he seems to be a lazy, but land owners do rely on him whenever he's needed and his older brother counternance earns the admiration of many. He may seem to be cheerful, but his upbringing and experience in the military as well as the complicated past that he embraces is where his dark side lies. He is strong and is always supportive of Claude and Eric who are prone to dangers.
Race: Human | Birthday: 27 March | Age: 26 y/o | Height: 190cm Weight: 79kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Saber Special Skill: Martial art - Taijutsu, Culinary Interest: Billiard, Guitar | Likes: Being the kids' opponent Dislikes: Rules, Formal occasions Favourite Food: Whiskey, Spare rib | Disliked Food: None really Favourite Place: Casa (Tavern)
聖地ジプソフィラ Holy Land of Gypsophila
The sacred territory resided by [Angels].
It is a sacred land that exists in the Heaven Realm and is closely tied with [Forest of Blessing], the centre of Sherglen. This paradise is where the angels that exists since the time of eternity, and where their lord is referred to as God stays in. They watch over both the Devils and Humans, and will at times intervene to maintain the harmony of the world.
Through Mere who loves and accepts all and every thing in the world, Kai who can't escape from his feeling of sadness, and Tis who indulge in the fleeting freedom, the three of them will fulfil the grand mission given by their God.
メーレ Mere (CV: 櫻井孝宏 Sakurai Takahiro) "Angel of Adoration"
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A Principality that is born as the seraphim to the emotion of [Love] in the Heaven Realm and one of the Twelve Angels that rules the world. Given the mission to [Fix the world order] by the God, he asserts control over both Devils and Humans. Giving unconditional love to all regardless of their race, he pours an unusual amount of "motherly" love to all "children" that he created. As a result of not understanding love correctly, in the end he is merely just imposing his values upon others. On top of having thought process that are different than normal, he is also an existence shrouded in mystery.
Race: Angel | Birthday: 30 September | Age: 8008 y/o Height: 185cm | Weight: 66kg | Dominant Hand: Ambidextrous Weapon: Holy scripture Special Skill: Playing instruments (piano), Fortune reading, Celestial knowledge Interest: Reading | Likes: His children | Dislikes: Apathy Favourite Food: Strawberry tart | Disliked Food: Chicken Favourite Place: Chapel, Library
カイ Kai (CV: 豊永利行 Toyonaga Toshiyuki) "Angel of Grief"
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An angel born from Mere's emotion of [sorrowness]. He collects and makes many teddy bear out of his attachment to it and the reason that it gives him a sense of security in touching them. He has quite the flat personality and is shy and quiet. With a strong sense of inferiority, he has a negative personality and tends to capture all of his own mistakes and faults. However, he also has quite the harsh and sharp tongue, which comes as a surprise to those around him; and if he is angered, he will refuse to help out. He treats Tis who is created later than him out of Mere as akin to his younger brother.
Race: Angel | Birthday: 14 January | Age: 1997 y/o | Height: 173cm Weight: 56kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Teddy bear Special Skill: Singing | Interest: Making teddy bears Likes: Teddy bear | Dislikes: Himself, Crowd, Being abandoned Favourite Food: Chocolate mint ice cream (less sweet) Disliked Food: Pizza | Favourite Place: His room, Lake
ティス Tis (CV: 西山宏太朗 Nishiyama Koutaro) "Angel of Pleasure"
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An angel born from Mere's emotion of [pleasure]. As someone with a cheerful personality, he always has a bright smile on his face. With [fun] being his creed, he is passionate in seeking for intriguing things and challenging them. A hedonist that is loyal to his desires, he acts freely and capriciously. Although he is an angel that is not supposed to be swayed by his own emotions, he still shows his emotions reagrdless. Him taking action on his priority over his curiosity that disregards the danger that it may impose tends to cause him being involved in troubles are all what he perceives as having fun.
Race: Angel | Birthday: 11 July | Age: 1666 y/o | Height: 172cm Weight: 56kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Flying kick Special Skill: Sports | Interest: Travelling, Collecting Likes: Upbeat music | Dislikes: Boredom, Patience, Sleep time Favourite Food: Pineapple burger | Disliked Food: Mint Favourite Place: Lively place, Barnas (a club in Devil Realm), Casa (tavern)
魔都ベラドンナ Belladonna, the Devil's City
A city in Devil Realm where [Devils] reside in.
Governed by [Belladonna Family], one of the [Six Devil Families], where people are allured by the void luxury and grandiose, where the Devils' schemes and betrayal swirls. As the Devil Realm exists underground, the residents tend to come out only in the night.
Through their oppression of fear, they - Adder the devil who plans to rule the world and threatens the Human Realm, Rosé who immersed himself in questionable research, and Vanis the fallen angel seeking refuge after escaing from the Heaven Realm, will dominate the world through any means possible.
アダラ Adder (CV: 諏訪部順一 Suwabe Junichi) "Ruler of Devil Realm"
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The current head of Belladonna Family, one of the devil families ruling the Devil Realm. With a father who is the Devil King and former head of Belladonna Family, he is expected to be the next Devil King in line for his strength, wits, and charisma. He takes action for the sake of protecting the position of being the strongest among the [Six Devil Families] and with his hatred for Humans and Angels, he begins his plan for Devils to rule over the world. Being someone who is very prideful, he has a wall that keeps others away from him and is arrogant in the face of others. He has others obey him through the fear from his overwhelming presence.
Race: Devil | Birthday: 13 August | Age: 135 y/o | Height: 189cm Weight: 73kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Handgun Special Skill: Gourmet, Gambling Interest: Music appreciation, Fragrance | Likes: Kiseru, Lucid dream Dislikes: Incapable, weak people Favourite Food: Belladonna Specialty Wine, Caviar Disliked Food: Very spicy food, Rose syrup Favourite Place: Belladonna Manor, Garden with sense of elegance
ローゼ Rosé (CV: 河西健吾 Kawanishi Kengo) "Bewitching Witch"
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The mad witch who threatens the Human Realm for over reaping the souls. Taking advantage of his position as the second son of the Belladonna Family, this genius researcher conducts various questionable researches. As he is dull to both physical and mental pain, he is indifferent to whether his opponent is injured or not. His thoughts are unique to himself and his erratic and frenzied words and action throws those around him off. That said, his strangely charming and captivating behaviour earned him quite some enthusiastic admirers. He dotes on his weak and cute younger brother, Espada, a lot.
Race: Devil | Birthday: 29 October | Age: 120 y/o | Height: 181cm Weight: 60 kg | Dominant Hand: Left | Weapon: Scythe Special Skill: Invention - Research Interest: Being fashionable, Nail art Likes: Luxurious trip, Blood collecting, Durable humans Dislikes: Contingency, Abstinence Favourite Food: Rose syrup | Disliked Food: Onion, Garlic Favourite Place: Secret laboratory, High-end boutique
ヴァニス Vanis (CV: 逢坂良太 Osaka Ryota) "The Empty Fallen Angel"
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The fallen angel staying in the Belladonna house. He is a former angel that was the very first emotion to be cut off and left on his own from Mere - born out of Mere's emotion of [wrath]. Good at having others wrapped around his fingers, he established his position by charming people with his words. Adder allows his stay due to their common interest, where he will bring in useful information from somewhere. He may seem frivolous and soft-hearted at first, but he is in fact a very smart man and it is difficult to gauge him. As someone in the middle of nowhere who is neither a Devil nor an Angel, he is in quite the unstable state both physically and mentally.
Race: Fallen Angel | Birthday: 13 May | Age: 3945 y/o | Height: 186cm Weight: 63kg | Dominant Hand: Right | Weapon: Black Quill Pen Special Skill: Socialising | Interest: Drawing, Aquarium Likes: Lapis lazuli paint | Dislikes: Restraints, Past self Favourite Food: Apple | Disliked Food: Strawberry, Mutton Favourite Place: On a sofa, Atelier
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They have officially released a list of the playable characters' Birthday! Unfortunately I don't really share a birth date with any of them, but how about yours?
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merrichi · 3 months
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fallingangeltl · 3 months
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Adder and Vanis' Relationship Story - The Head of House and the Freeloader
Eng proofreading by @clownery-tr
Chapter 1
Vanis: ………
Hey, Adder. You’re busy today too, huh. As expected of Belladonna’s head of house.
Adder: You have spare time today too it seems. Are you gracefully napping like a freeloader?
Vanis: Oya, how unexpected. It’s not that I have free time.
I was waiting because I thought I’d be able to meet you right away if I stayed here.
Adder: If there’s something you have to say, come to my room. Don’t fake an ambush.
Vanis: Since we were able to meet like this, wouldn’t you like to hear the details anyway? It’s something that has to do with you…… It’s about mana.
Adder: Don’t tell me you’re hungry because you don’t have enough mana.
Vanis: It was unexpected. I’ve been having trouble acquiring pure mana lately.
Won’t you help me out with it? With the power of the great House Belladonna.
Adder: …… That’s a fairly naive statement, you know. If you’re that hungry, you can just eat human souls.
Vanis: How awful, even though you know how things work. Didn’t I tell you? As a fallen angel, I need to extract mana from humans without killing them.
Adder: You haven’t forgotten that just because you’re staying in House Belladonna, you won’t be getting any special treatment, have you?
Why don’t you handle your own living expenses? I’m sure you’ve got a plan.
Vanis: …… What do you mean by that?
Adder: You can be thankful that I’m not pressing this further. I suppose you’ll have to ask your many patrons to do something about it.
If you have nothing else to say, then I’m leaving.
Vanis: …… Ahh, I’m in trouble. If I starve to death, I wonder what will become of Adder’s position.
Adder: —Is there something you want to say?
Vanis: If that happened…… I think it would be very troublesome.
I wonder if a scary demon would say something about it? Like…… For example, your father.
Adder: ………
Vanis: He’s the most troublesome existence in the demon world. Even though you’re not afraid of anything, he’s still the most troublesome opponent for you. It’s scary just to think about.
Adder: Heh…… Kukuku. I wonder what you were saying, are you trying to threaten me with something like that?
Vanis: …… Heeh, how can you say that I’m just speaking without thinking?
Adder: Even if one freeloader died, that man wouldn’t think anything of it. Even if that freeloader happened to be a rare fallen angel.
And it’s the same for me. If you die from not eating enough mana, then you’re not worth using to begin with. I don’t care if that kind of person disappears.
Vanis: Both Adder and his father are cold.
(Adder moves in closer)
Adder: …… I’m telling you this because it’s a good opportunity.
—You can charm smarter people, right?
Vanis: ………
(Adder backs away)
Adder: If you want your food, show me a better performance. Until that happens, you’ll stay hungry.
Vanis: A better performance, huh…… Good grief, it’s that easy, isn’t it?
Chapter 2
Adder: …… How much rations do we have left?
Servant: It would probably be enough for two months when distributed to all the servants.
Adder: I see. Then, for now let's harvest the souls of all the humans we’ve captured.
Servant: Certainly.
Adder: …… We’ll need to replenish our supplies above ground soon. I wonder if I should let that Rosé go. You better get ready too.
Servant: Understood.
Vanis: You’re always so enthusiastic about your work, aren’t you.
Adder: Don’t enter without permission. Since you’re a freeloader, why don’t you show some basic courtesy?
Vanis: That was impolite. But, when I’m hungry, I just don’t have the time.
Adder: What? You’re hungry again and come here to beg for food?
Vanis: I’ve given up on that. I’m thankful just being able to live in your home.
Today, I have something you’d like to hear.
The servants were making a fuss about it earlier. The number of captured humans and the number of souls harvested don’t match.
Adder: What?
Vanis: The servant earlier said that there was only two months worth of rations left, but didn’t it decrease too quickly?
Adder: (Internally) Certainly…… They must have captured a sufficient number of people.
Vanis: Well, I’m sure there’ll be a report on it soon, but since I happened to hear about it, I thought I’d let you know right away.
Adder: Hmph, what special consideration from a freeloader.
Vanis: Are you willing to give me mana now?
Adder: Don’t get carried away. You were just reporting on the situation that’s happening among the servants.
Vanis: It was a joke. Well, of course if I could receive mana that would be better.
Adder: If you have time to spout nonsense then you have time to find some mana yourself.
Vanis: Yes, yes. Then, excuse me.
(Internally) …… Alright, this is good.
(Internally) That senior aristocrat was the perfect tool for a better performance.
Vanis: To be able to collect so many souls…… I’m sure you know of a good hunting ground.
Senior Aristocrat: Hehehe, it wasn’t hunting.
It was presented to me by a servant from a certain family. The family where someone wrapped around my finger lurks.
Vanis: Well, well, well. How scary. If I do something incorrectly, my life might be in danger.
Senior Aristocrat: Hehehehe……
Vanis: (Internally) Don’t talk so proudly and glibly when flattering me…… Don’t worry about me being in Belladonna.
(End Flashback)
Vanis: (Internally) —I was the one who told the servants about the problem. In other words, Adder was able to figure out the issue early thanks to me.
(Internally) However, I won’t dare tell him “it’s all thanks to me.” That way, he would have received my help without realizing it.
(Internally) Things will continue on like this, and one day he’ll realize the truth, and come to know just how thankful I am.
(Internally) By then, I’ll already be your favorite. I’m sure you’ll become a convenient pawn for me.
Chapter 3
Vanis: ………
(Internally) As expected, I’m starting to feel hungry…… It doesn’t seem like I can expect much from Adder, so I might have to rely on some other noble……?
Adder: …… Are you sleeping again this time? Your reputation is as good as ever.
Vanis: You don’t need to worry one bit. I don’t feel like disturbing your work today.  Don’t have that much energy.
Adder: I have something for you. Take it.
Vanis: ……?
Adder: Open it. 
Vanis: This is…… pure mana……?
Adder: This is all you need.
Vanis: Wait, Adder. Why did you suddenly change your mind?
Adder: You’re just like that angel in that you feign ignorance and don’t show your true feelings.
Vanis: …… That angel?
Adder: Heh, wouldn’t it be kinder to go ahead and say “Mere” to the incompetent freeloader?
Vanis: ………
Adder: You were the one who told the servants the number of souls didn’t match, weren’t you?
Vanis: (Internally) ……! He already noticed……?
…… What makes you think so?
Adder: I swiftly figured out who was stealing the souls. It was easy to make him spit out that he was the dog of that senior aristocrat.
And I know you’ve often been hanging around that senior aristocrat lately.
Vanis: (Internally) …… He found out this much in such a short amount of time? Moreover, he was aware that I was on good terms with that aristocrat.
(Internally) Good job, Adder. I underestimated you. It’s my loss this time.
Haha, I can’t compete with you. As expected, you truly are the head of House Belladonna. You can see everything this freeloader does.
Adder: You also did a good job for a freeloader. So I’m giving you mana as a reward.
Vanis: (Internally) …… But by forcing me to take the reward, you’re saying you don’t owe me anything, right?
(Internally) I’ll be paid the exact amount for the work I do, and there will be no trouble in the future. The only reason you keep me by your side is because we have the same interests. 
(Internally) He’s thorough. It seems like he has no intention of being indebted to me.
I didn’t tell you because I dislike being patronizing, so it’s a shame you found out.
Adder: Hmph. I guessed you were secretly planning on expressing your gratitude to us all at once. Which is more effective for putting us in your debt.
Vanis: It can’t be helped if I was that obvious. It’s not so easy to win over the head of Belladonna.
But maybe one day I’ll win you over and destroy you? Is it really okay to keep such a dangerous being in this house?
Adder: Dangerous? Heh, then isn’t this a security error?
Vanis: …… Huh?
Adder: As long as you make light of me and try to manipulate me, you won’t be a real threat. It’s just wasted effort. At best, you’re devising strategies as you please.
Vanis: …… You’re talking pretty big aren’t you. Well, I’ll take your word for it and let you go.
Because it’s convenient for me to be in Belladonna.
Adder: Do as you please.
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valkieds · 7 months
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Angel siblings from Evil Prince and the Puppet
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noramthe · 4 months
Beginning my journey of trying to make more people know about evil prince and the puppet..🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️🏃🏻‍♀️
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naerwenia · 7 days
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I've been playing Evil Prince and the Puppet, which is a joseimuke gacha game, and the art is beautiful! I am not completely caught up with the story, as I don't speak Japanese, so I mostly skip the story when I want to just play and go back to read the story with screen translate (or you can read the translations here on Tumblr thanks to wonderful translators, like @akuaya-stories-tl and @evilprince-puppet-translation , I have to thank them for their work, they are helping people enjoy all the aspects of the game via a more accessible method and more accurate translations).
What first caught my eye was the art, because it's so pretty and has cute idle animations with even cuter expressions! Love it 💕
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I like the gameplay, it fills the spot the end of Crash Fever left in me, even if it's a bit simpler and more hectic here. Also there's a room decoration/design part, which is also pretty fun, and cute!
For now, I like playing the game, but I really wish we got an English translation and global release, because the game is really well made and would likely have a small but dedicated player base. So try it! Even if you don't speak Japanese well or at all! There are resources to help you get started and familiar with the app.
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clownery-tr · 2 months
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AKUAYA Card Story ENG Translation
[SR] Eric: Noble Guard
Controlling Evil with Talent!? 🔗 https://s.id/28EZI
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megastrikeback · 4 months
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i keep posting on tumbr bcs i dont like posting doodles on insta. becuase this is supposed to be a doodle. Yes it did take more that an hour and a half still a doodle
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akuaya-eng · 3 months
☆ Main Story ☆
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4
Episode 5 - Episode 6 - Episode 7
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3 - Episode 4 - Episode 5
Episode 6 - Episode 7 - Episode 8 - Episode 9 - Episode 10
☆ Events ☆
Vampire and the Silver Moonlight •
Prologue - Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
Bewitching Showtime •
Prologue - Episode 1 - Episode 2 - Episode 3
Episode 4 - Episode 5 - Episode 6
☆ Cards ☆
Dia SSR - Each One's Determination in Their Hearts
Kai SSR - Clumsy Messenger of Love
Rosé SSR - Splendid Cabaret Bunny Rosé SR - Night of the Kickoff Party
Vanis SR - Daily Like in Chagran Vanis SR - The Fallen Angel Waiter
☆ Other channels ☆
(General links and other accounts that might help -- only the subreddit is associated with this blog)
Translation Masterlist - Unofficial EN Discord
Crow's Tumblr - Stories Archiver Tumblr - Falling Angel Tumblr
Amateur Translator Tumblr - Akuaya_EN Twitter - Akuaya Subreddit
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akuaya-stories-tl · 3 months
A story of a prince who destroyed his beloved kingdom and became a Devil —
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akinosenoragami · 4 months
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My latest obsession
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Tis Birthday Voice Line (2024)
Tis: Today is my birthday! Hehe, but I don't really feel that special, I'm living the way I like the best everyday after all!
Kai: Happy birthday, Tis. If you want your present then come get it in my room, since I won't be going outside.
Mere: Happy birthday, Tis. Mere guesses Mere will overlook the fact that you skip out the lecture for today.
Dia: Just as I thought why is Tis noisier than usual... so today is his birthday huh.
Espada: Birthday, huh. Tis, how about you grab this chance to improve yourself a little?
Fiori: Tis HBD~! Tada~! Try and have a taste of my special cake ♪
Claude: Happy birthday, Tis. I hope this year will be a fun year for you.
Eric: Tis, happy birthday to you. You shouldn't go and cause too much trouble for Master Mere.
Oscar: Happy birthday, Tis. As a celebration for growing up, let's go meet up at the bar tonight!
Adder: Looks like you're having fun, Tis. I don't understand why something like a birthday is enough reason for you to make a racket.
Rosé: It's the cheerful lamb's birthday! Should I invite him to a fun experiment this time~♪
Vanis: Congratulations, Tis. Please continue to stay by Kai's side for me.
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Espada - Visual Novel: Evil Prince and the Puppet
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