irrfahrer · 2 years
"Thank you..but it's time for you to go, Ziv."
Darth Drears laboratory was a big hall with the walls either of a balck colour naturally or dyed by the thick blackness hanging in shadows like veils around them and only interrupted by the small flashlight Ziv had put on the dark tiled floor where they had sat down so she could treat the Human. It was not quiet, far from it, with even their quiet breaths echoing to the high ceiling loudly, accompanied by the quiet noises of the Undead past the walls scratching on the thick walls demanding to be let in to the fresh blood and beating hearts. Small paws working nimbly, she pulled the needle out of Kuns vein as soon as the blood-pack was emptied, pressed a patch on the injury for a moment, before she cleaned his arm, the needle and her paws with vinegarwater which stark scent mixed freshly in the air stinking of rusted metal, dust and rotten flesh. It was only when she put the medical tools back into her rucksack- eyeing the fact that the blood-tranfuion-packs had almost ran out and deciding not to mention it and instead hid that fact behind a annoying little wink in Kuns direction- that what he had said was actually understood. From one moment to another the Tynnans ears perked up as if she was an alerted animal: 
"Kriff I must have something stuck in my ears because-”, she finished packing her rucksack and shouldered it, yet she never stopped her river of words: “-I am pretty sure I just heard you thank me and if I actually heard that that would mean that the impossible just happned and you just fell off your high as Kriff horse, hit your head on the way down and actually thanked me. Like what the Kriff happned? Are you turning kriffing old and senile that you forgot that I happned to be a non-human and adorable little fluff-alien? Did you stub your toe and are suddenly overcome with a kriffing wave of sentimentality caused by the painsignals crushing through your kriffing neurons? Has my kriffing adorable little face finally worn you down? Kriff, make sure you get back up on your high horse right kriffing now, this is kriffing creepy even for your all-so-deluded-sith-standarts." A second too late she registered what exactly Kun had said, which was also the reason when the young woman stopped ranting and instead looked up promptly, her ears turned up and her eyes suddenly fixated on him like from teh carnivore she still was, fixating on a prey: "...what the Kriff are you talking about?" Her voice echoed from the old walls and was swallowed by the blackness hanging from the high ceiling like by an eager mouth.
"Exar, I am not leaving, I can still kriffing help you! What the Kriff crawled through your ear into your brain and died there? Knock it out and get a kriffing grip!", automatically her pelt poofed up like from electricity. She thought about the dvindling numbers of blood-packs in her rucksack and automatically bristled her fur with a low growl vibrating behind her words lowly. Behind the thick stonewalls the Undeads noticed the growl in the Tynnans voice or just felt that she was irritated because the noise of their to bone ripped down fingers scratching against the walls became more hectically, more desperate, more dangerouse, naked bones clashing against stonewalls they had clashed against since Darth Drears death and which they had in all those millenias not worn down, yet they were dead and they were patient and they had another million years left. Ziv rose a paw, trying to point at everything around them- the high black walls, the books and scriptures covered in dust, the frost growing like flowers white on the dark stone, the ceiling that was swallowed by blackness high above their heads: "Also, I have dreamed of this palce since I was a kriffing eleven year old pup and the orchid bored its little meptahphorical roots telepathically into my kriffing amazing brain and I do not know if you had ever made any kriffing expierences with trying to sleep when an infant orchid is playing kriffing violine on your neurons telepathically but it is not a nice expierence,really not, and I had been a kriffing insomniac since almost kriffing twenty years running on maybe two hours of sleep and its not kriffing nice, like really its kriffed up, so no, I am not kriffing leaving now when I can learn some things here! Over my kriffing dead, kriffing fluffy body, Kriffer!" It was not a joke, far from it- The Murakami orchid had bound to Zivs lifeenergy without asking her, and while the flower had been and was still an infant who had not the maturity yet to realize that they had taken Zivs chance to make a choice in that matter, the Tynnan would have never dared to leave behind another beeing to die  even if that meant giving up her chance of choice or having a chance for a life that did not included the rotten shadow of Drear that had been thrown over her life before she had been even born. It had not been her choice to take the Murakami Orchid along, it had not been her choice to having herself been bound to the Sickness following the Orchid, but it was her choice to be in this library, and it was her choice to learn about the things she was bound to. There was a rustling of cloth when the Murakami Orchid, who had wrapped long roots around Zivs neck like a necklace and usually lay with their flowerhead against the fur of her chest, peeked out of the womans tunics collar with their petals crumbled almost looking as of they were frowning. Ziv huffed, gave Exar Kun a glare with her ears pinned back and her teeth bared, before she just rolled her eyes and then turned to the side to gently pat her clawed, thick fingers against the flowers petals, talking to them with a mumbling, high voice like the Murakami was a small toddler: "Nothing against you baby-angel-puppy, sweet thing, but you do turned me into a kriffing sleepless zombie before my brain was even developted completly and let me tell you- having teenager-emotions, pimples and a kriffing telepathic flower knocking on your natural mindshield until you have a permanent migraine crushing your skull on a kriffing daily basis is really kriffed up and I am kind of kriffing salty about that even after I finally finished puberty."
[ @sithisms ]
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