#Excel shortcuts
shanayasharma11 · 1 year
With OneInfini's online course on the Complete Guide to Excel, you can become an Excel pro in no time. Our course covers everything from the basics to the most advanced features, including VLOOKUP, conditional formatting, and data analysis, helping you become a master of this essential tool.
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Counting Rows in Excel: Learn How to Count Text, Numerical, Blank and Data Rows with Functions
Counting Rows in Excel: Learn How to Count Text, Numerical, Blank and Data Rows with Functions
Counting the number of rows in an Excel worksheet is a basic yet crucial task that helps you manage and analyze data effectively. In this tutorial, you will learn how to count different types of rows, including text, numerical, blank and data rows, using various Excel functions. To count text rows in Excel, you can use the COUNTA function, which counts all non-empty cells in a range that contain…
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prostocupoftea · 2 months
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Someone in kinitomap discord asked for him so have this
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iraprince · 8 months
god i feel u so much on the not being able to use fancy detail brushes thing, i also use a textured brush (idk abt you but it stops me from obsessing over the lines being 100% Absolutely Perfectly Neat & Even) and i cry every time i see a cool brush that would just look totally out of place in comparison lmao. i keep telling myself someday ill make a whole bunch of custom ones that match my main brush... someday.....
I REALLY THINK THAT'S JUST WHAT WE GOTTA DO.... i do feel like by slowly playing w other ppl's custom brushes (i have to really recommend @robogart, @inspiderwiht and @pharanbrush as artists who create custom brush packs that i REALLY love!), i'm starting to understand very gradually what all the different settings and tweaks and adjustments do, which helps a lot + does make me feel like eventually i can work my way up to tackling my own...!
when i first started out the brush settings panel was SO overwhelming, so it felt like any time i downloaded a brush it was like. either i like it or i don't, and one tiny gripe abt it could ruin my experience w a brush that could otherwise be super useful and fun for me!! bc i didn't really feel capable of really getting into the guts of it and fucking around (also esp when u are on deadlines and stuff it's like. bro i cannot afford to Find Out rn and also i simply do not have time to spend an hour trying to figure out if i can make the pressure curve on this thing play nice w me). BUT giving myself a little bit of time whenever i'm doing personal doodling or warmups or w/e to experiment and mess around has been really really good for making me feel like i can take more control over the tools :D
I GUESS i am rambling majorly and a lot of this has nothing to do w the actual point of ur ask (esp the kind of. stamp brushes or fully drawn stuff like clothing trim/buttons/etc where it really IS like okay either it can blend w ur art style or it can't) BUT my point is just. grips ur arm in solidarity. by fucking around a tiny bit each day. one day we will understand digital brush composition + function enough to make our own. and then it's over for all of you bitches
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dravidious · 2 months
Typing Tips That I Stumbled Upon Randomly:
The Ctrl key lets you jump between words really quickly. If you hold Ctrl and press the left or right arrow keys, instead of moving your cursor 1 character you'll move it a whole word; if you want to edit that word that's 3 words back, you can just hold Ctrl and left-left-left, and you're there.
Even more useful in my opinion, if you hold Ctrl and press Backspace you'll delete the entire word you're on. That's just really nifty because a lot of the time when you're deleting you want to delete the whole word, so this is much faster.
Also, idk how well-known this is but holding Shift and moving your cursor will make you highlight any characters you move over. That's useful on its own, but combining that with Ctrl lets you quickly highlight whole words or sentences, so you can easily copy+paste them. You can also hold Shift to edit any selections you made with your mouse or something.
Also it took me too long to realize that the Home and End keys are actually really nice sometimes. Home takes you to the start of the line you're on, and End takes you to the end. Hold Shift while doing that and you can highlight the whole line. Very nice for programming. Also holding Ctrl and pressing Home or End takes you to the top or bottom of the page, but I barely use that.
A similarly useful key that I also overlooked is the Delete key. It's like the Backspace key, but it deletes the character in front of your cursor instead of behind it. Just like with Backspace Ctrl+Delete lets you delete a whole word in front of your cursor.
Also Ctrl+A lets you highlight the whole page.
Also even when you're not typing and instead just browsing a web page or something, you still technically have a cursor; if you click a piece of text, then hold Shift and press the arrow keys, you'll start highlighting text.
Practice Exercise: Click on the t in this word, then hold Shift and press left and right on the arrow keys! Now try holding Ctrl+Shift while you press the arrow keys! Hold Shift and press Home or End! Hold Shift and use your mouse to left-click on different spots in the paragraph and see how your selection changes!
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etupside44 · 5 months
You can use strikethrough in Excel in a variety of ways. Check out our guide on strikethrough shortcut in Excel to know the steps. Keep reading.
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techalertr · 6 months
5 cool MS Excel shortcuts you must know | Cool Shortcuts for you 😎😎😎 Full video on : https://youtu.be/w0Ut9utNZPk #techalert #excel #shorts #technical #howto #viral #trending #technology
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aiopsconsulting · 8 months
Windows Excel Word PowePoint shortcuts — AI Ops Consulting (ai-ops-consulting.com)
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pinejay · 2 years
alright i've migrated to firefox for most purposes but i really cannot live without my chrome tab groups for work and on mobile, and cmd+shift+V to paste values into google sheets :( i basically have a chrome window dedicated solely to a "scratchpad" google sheet to paste values that i then copy and paste into excel lmao
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I really don't have an issue with running pre-made DnD adventures. But I do draw a line at all these men. If you can make a character female, do so. And so far I've never met a character that didn't improve significantly through that practice.
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jonathonpoe · 4 months
Microsoft Excel, a powerhouse...
To start out put on this groovy music by Justin Timberlake ~ Or Not… It whatever your learning style permits. For me it’s rock out with ya books out… corny I’m aware… I’ll make a good vanilla pops one day lol or at least there is possibly a market for me to make bad dad jokes… Lol that being said our third day together has arrived. I’m motivated to contribute. I wanted to create materials to…
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suraj2356 · 4 months
Mastering Efficiency: Excel Shortcut Keys Unveiled
Are you tired of navigating Excel's endless menus? Discover the power of shortcut keys! In this blog, we'll delve into essential Excel shortcuts, empowering you to boost productivity and streamline your workflow.
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coffee-bat · 6 months
i have acquired a computer mouse. hopefully-less-hand-pain, here i come
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pythonjobsupport · 7 months
All Computer Shortcut Keys | Windows, MS Word, Excel, PowerPoint | Important Questions
Hey guys…. In this Video, You will learn “All Computer Shortcut Keys” FOR ALL COMPETITIVE EXAMS & INTERVIEW Topics:- … source
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digilearnteach · 8 months
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