cupylove · 5 years
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-A su servicio Cariño-
este era una pequeña imagen que estuve trabajando hace dos días, lo termine ayer pero hubo un problema con la luz y no pude publicarla pero bueno espero les guste :3
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cupylove · 6 years
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Me encanta hazvin hotel! obviamente hacer mi propio Fc de su serie el cual me encanta mucho su diseño :3 
Personality: serious, somewhat angry, sinister, perfectionist, a little narcissistic (flirtatious only when working 7w7) Tastes: what paid for their services, sweets with alcohol, wine, smoking at the end of their services, sing in mafia bars, elegant dresses and weapons of all kinds Cory Willvi or Cory Witx. She died in 1992, when she was alive, she had a normal life until she was kidnapped at age 15 for unknown reasons, used as a mule to try new drugs, used as a boxing bag and sex toy, and forced to prostitute herself and killing those who did not pay for her "work", giving her a sinister personality when she killed, also thanks to the fact that she survived all the drugs that were given to her by force, so that her body was immune to said drugs or poisons, she escaped one night of her bosses but she was knocked out, tortured and killed by mutilation (that's why her arms are separated, she does not have her right eye and she has stitches in almost the whole body made by her when she gets to hell) her right eye bleeds a very lethal poison that whoever consumes it will be their food ... (those who do not pay for their "services" both sexually and as a hitman) have a type of shackle on their neck that can not be removed. The last thing she had worn before being murdered was the shackles and stockings that she owned that were her old clothes, the cobweb mark she has under her visible eye is the property mark left by her former bosses. I hope you like this cute little demon ^^
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