fatherofmachine-a · 4 years
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@thewhiirlwind​  | ❛ Could I maybe steal a kiss,  before you go ? ❜  from Dr. Renard Lachlan
It was a QUESTION that Harold honestly hadn’t  expected.  Not only because of it’s gentle DIRECTNESS (  which,  oddly,  he appreciated  ),  but because this had been their FIRST TIME out,  together,  since Harold had finally given in  &  EXPLAINED the risks  Renard would be taking to get this close.  It could ruin the normal,  conventional life he’d worked hard to build,  after leaving the Russians.  Renard had ACCEPTED the risks regardless,  as if getting closer was worth it—–which,  Harold could hardly BELIEVE,  but it elicited a unfurling,  fluttering  warmth to EXPAND within his chest all the same.
A part of him had WONDERED,  afterward,  if he’d offered the same honesty  &  CHOICE,  if Grace would’ve done the same ?  Perhaps he hadn’t because the mere thought  of any kind of harm coming to her stirred up emotions so uncontrollably strong,  emotions that TERRIFIED him ?  Would this be any  different ?  Harold was somewhat AFRAID to find out.
They’d arrived to the cafe some time after  3am,  as Harold had FINISHED with a number shortly beforehand,  his usual  bouts of pain WORSE from the excessive activity  &  a particularly difficult  experience with a patient had been keeping Renard awake.  They’d shared the experiences of their day  &  it didn’t take long at all  until their hands rested upon the tabletop,  entangled QUITE earnestly.  Conversation flowed between them EASILY,  albeit it was engrossing  &  addicting,  to the point where they’d long since forgotten about TIME in it’s entirety. 
The faint light  of DAYBREAK was what finally  reminded them that the world was still turning—–&  that Renard had a very normal job to get back to in the morning.  It was then,  after they’d both stood,  when the question drifted between them within the practically DESERTED cafe.  Harold was quite  private,  especially in regards to RELATIONSHIPS,  but ... the only other people in the building were a waitress  &  cook who were out of sight,  likely preparing for customers.  Customers that wouldn’t  be in for another few hours. 
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 ❝ You wouldn’t have to steal  one, ❞
Harold found himself saying,  chin tilting upward whilst dark brows ARCHED.  He stood with his normal  rigidity,  his heavier jacket having been DRAPED over his left arm whilst his right hand rested atop,  fingers curling  into the fabric.  Taking a couple LIMPING steps forward,  a smile,  reserved  &  careful,  curled at the left corner of his lips as he continued,
 ❝ It’s YOURS,  if you want  it. ❞
Renard’s answering expression was RADIANT,  nearly beaming  with warmth  &  an undercurrent of giddiness.  The sight practically swiped  the AIR from Harold’s lungs  & ... a brief whisper  of FEAR dug it’s claws into him.  Would the depths  at which he slowly SUNK into harbor emotions deeper  than he could fathom ?  He had no idea,  but Renard’s gaze swept over him before he moved in CLOSER  &  he found himself leaning forward still—–
The press of lips was SLOW,  gentle,  with a soothing kind of softness  &  Harold utterly,  HELPLESSLY,  melted.  Worries  &  fears dissolving entirely,  he reciprocated in kind,  curious  &  now confident,  but at a GRADUAL pace that was simply  ... perfect.  The feeling of Renard’s hand carefully  resting at the back of Harold’s neck did something TIGHT  &  twisting  within his heart—–an attempt to PREVENT extra nerve pain.  Letting go of his own  jacket in order to REACH OUT  &  curl his fingers into Renard’s jacket lapel,  Harold was once again dangerously  close to completely losing track of TIME ( especially  as Renard’s fingers lightly threaded throughout the short hair at the back of Harold’s head,  eliciting the SLIGHTEST shiver ).
It had technically  been MORE  than just one kiss as,  just like their conversations,  kissing was quite  addictive—–but they managed to part,  STILL lingering close.  Harold exhaled,  his breath barely wavering  &  the words slipped  out of his mouth before he was able to think BETTER of them,
 ❝ That ... was more than one, ❞
The light,  TEASING edge of his tone was followed by a quick  upward curve of lips ;  albeit,  this time,  the wideness of it lingered  a couple seconds longer before somewhat SHRINKING.
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