jasmehraj · 4 years
For Flashpoint week 2020, day:2 "I'm your wife Barry!" @maribatgetin
Barry jolted awake and his gaze fell on the computer screen in front of him.
Amazonians at war with Atlantians, when will we get peace?
He let out a confused noise and went out of his office.
"Going to your Mrs. so soon? You sure miss her a lot." His companion asked. Barry furrowed his brows. Nobody ever said something like that to him. 
He didn't answer but ran outside. Everything looked different. He scratched his head in confusion. "What is happening?" He mumbled to himself.
"Maybe I should go to Iris office." He said to no one in particular and made his way towards her office.
"How can I help you?" The familiar lady on the reception asked him with no emotion or sign of recognition on her face.
"Seriously Hannah? I'm Barry I-" he cut himself off when he found Iris standing a few feet away from him.
"Thank you. There's no problem now." He had only taken a step towards her when another man with a small girl in his hands went to his wife and kissed her.
His eyes widened, the family made their way to the door, laughing and joking. Panic took over him.
But he didn't reach far as a very familiar voice that he had longed to hear, stopped him in his tracks. 
"Barry? What are you doing here honey?" He couldn't believe his eyes so he grabbed his mother's shoulders, and hugged her. She was real. She was here.
His mother chuckled. "Thank you for the hug Barry, but what are you doing here? Marinette is trying to find you everywhere!"
"Mom I- wait, Marinette? Who's Marinette?" A car pulled next to them before his mother could answer.
A bluenette came out of it and hugged his mother, "Oh my God, it's been such a long time. Why don't you come live with us?"
His mother chuckled, "You already know sweetie, it will be too lonely, I don't want to be a third wheel-" 
The woman's eyes softened, "You are like a mother to me, you are Barry's mother. You are the only mother figure I have. We love you. You are not a third wheel." He could see tears in her eyes.
His mother wiped her tears and pointed at him, "I found Barry."
The woman looked at him and a look of mock anger took over her features.
"Bartholomew Henry "Barry" Allen You are in so much trouble." He freely showed his confusion.
"And who are you?" That seemed to be the wrong question as his mother raised a disappointed eyebrow.
"Uhhh you must be umm.. Marinette! Yes, Marinette. It's nice to meet you umm... mam?" He tried.
"I'm your wife." She answered crossing her arms over her chest.
"But I don't even know you!" He whisper shouted.
"I think you should solve this at your home." His mother said, watching the increased crowd around them.
Marinette sighed and opened the car door and motioned with her head to get inside.
Barry felt a hand on his shoulder. He looked into its direction to find his mother's gaze at him. She nodded and whispered to Barry, "She's been through a lot. Don't joke about such things, or she will start doubting herself again."
He sat in the back of the car. They drove off.
"You don't have to work there you know. We can open our own company. Not that it matters." She chuckled. The ride was silent.
Barry noted his own clothes were looking expensive. The car looked expensive too. His wife, Marinette, was beautiful. She had midnight hair pulled in a ponytail, Bluebell eyes and a charming smile which got dimmer and dimmer along the ride. He couldn't help but feel guilty. They pulled in front of a big gate.
She motioned him to get out. They started their small walk towards the very big mansion. How did he get that rich again?
"I went to Cyborg again. He refused to take me in, just like you wanted. I want to fight those-those." She let out a long exhausted sigh.
"You won. Now I am not going to any war-" another sigh "-I'm sorry, Barry. Please, please" he realised she was crying and side hugged her awkwardly.
"Please.. do-don't leave *sob* me." He himself was conflicted. Just like his mom said, she is doubting herself and saying sorry for something she didn't even do.
"I promise I will- I will not- not try to fight anyone. Just- please-I forgive me-" He put a finger on her face. She stopped and gave him a very fake smile and wiped her tears clearly not satisfied. 
They reached the mansion and she led him to the living room.
"What did I do wrong?" He looked at her in her eyes. Something about her screamed him to tell her.
"I'm the Flash." She furrowed her brows in confusion.
"The Flash, the hero of Central City?" He said but got no reaction out of her.
"There's no hero by the name of Flash in Central City." She crushed his whole world at once.
"W-what?" He felt the world around him spin. What happened? He took out zoom just yesterday, what is going on? His mother is alive, he is a billionaire, this woman claims to be his wife….
-no need to read this part of you don't want to read the kiss scene
He was pulled out of his daze when he felt something soft against his lips, he cupped his hands over her face and melted into her kiss, she smelled like strawberry cake? Cookies? She tasted like, he tasted her properly by shoving his tongue in her mouth. He doesn't care what she tasted like, she just tasted good, like Iris,
-you can read from here.
When he realized what he was doing, he broke the kiss and tried to catch his breathe. He felt his head pound as his head was filled with flashbacks with Marinette, all the time they spent together. He thought about Iris, but felt nothing. His heart didn't flutter like it would have before the kiss, and when he looked at Marinette, he felt himself overwhelmed by the emotions. He realized he was clutching his head and so was she. He went to her side. She was breathing heavily.
She took a deep breath and looked at him, eyes wide. He hugged her, knowing how bad he's messed up from the last 4 hours. 
"I'm sorry Mari. I didn't mean to say those things." They looked outside. It was almost dark.
"Save everything. I just want to go to bed." She stood up and then looked at him, "You coming?" 
He was feeling very guilty for her lost smile, her each tear, now that he knew how much they meant to each other. So he just couldn't say no. He smiled at her and she gave an exhausted one back. He looked outside.
How did it get so dark? Wasn't it like 4-5 pm when they came back?
He went to his room now that he had memories of this world and changed his clothes.
He went to the big queen size, wow how is this so fluffy? Marinette came in, in black shorts and a comfortable t-shirt. Is it okay to say she's looking beautiful? She's his wife? But this world is wrong. She sat next to him.
"I just had a- like a memory? Which never happened? Like other worldly?" She admitted.
He looked at her as it all clicked, "This is an alternate timeline. Someone tipped off the whole timeline."
"Which created an alternate reality but why did you remember it all? Why now?" He ran a hand through his hair.
"I had powers, I could run faster than the speed of the light, my power also helped me vibrate through things and I can go back in time too." She didn't interrupt him. Listening like they aren't talking about other worldly stuff.
"Zoom was my opposite? He was the reverse Flash, my nemesis. He is a speedster too. He did it. He must have changed the timeline." He tapped his finger on his chin.
"I saw a creature, a small one coming out of my earrings, me fighting monsters in polka dotted costume with a boy in cat costume." She touched her black earrings. 
He looked at them carefully, "The one you always wear."
"Precisely, My parents never got killed, I saw my childhood. That's it. But I caught some words I said again and again. Tikki, spots on." Light engulfed the room. Barry had to cover his eyes to stop the light.
When he opened them, she was sitting right where she was, just in a red uniform with polka dots. "Tikki spots off." The uniform disappeared.
"Tikki…" she whispered, nothing happened. 
He stood up, "I need to fix this."
"Where are you going?"
"To Batman."
"You know who Batman is?"
"Yes." With that he was out of there.
Permanent Taglist: @nathleigh @jalaluvsu @togetherwekill @stackofrandomstuff @qualitypeacepainter @greatcatblaze @shewhorises-tjyj @myazael
Taglist: @galla02006 @toodaloo-kangaroo
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maribatgetin · 4 years
Maribat? Get in! is pleased to be hosting a week-long event:
"Flashpoint paradox week".
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This event is a maribat event-based on the dc movie "flashpoint paradox". We have two separate calendars for artists and writers with a week of prompts and three substitution.
The event will start the second week of November ,2020.
This event is entirely for fun. There will be no prizes but 4 works will be chosen by our team and displayed on the leaderboard of our server and blogs.
Anyone on ao3 (archive of our own), Wattpad, and Tumblr can participate in this event.
For Tumblr, you will need to tag our blog @maribatgetin and add one of the tags FLASHPOINTWEEK2020, Flashpointweek2020, or FW2020 to your work, so that we are able to reblog it.
For ao3 users, please add the tag FLASHPOINTWEEK2020 to your additional tags.
For works uploaded on Wattpad, tag our account @MaribatGetIn at the start and the end of your chapter. (You will need to follow us).
Join our discord server for more information about our future events and to connect with fellow maribat lovers.
To join our discord server click here.
We hope to see you soon.
Taglist: @jasmehraj @marianeamine @damianxmarinette @whatthechickenfriedfuck @sophieherondale1878 @a-grapevine @m3owww @violet-sparrow @the-flapdoodle-noodle @trickstermiraculous @100401-angel @pawsitivelymiraculous @sadpotatoondrugs @thornrose270 @miraculouspenta @dino-lovingreen-angel @0-sourapple-0
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jasmehraj · 4 years
This is for Flashpoint week 2020, day 1, hosted by @maribatgetin
"*Sigh* this is the third time in this week." The man whose body was half machine rubbed his human temple when the guard informed him of the arrival of-
His train of thought was cut by the sound of heels indicating the arrival of his guest.
"Mrs. Allen." He greeted her.
She shot him a smile. "Victor."
"It's Cyborg for you mam." She ignored what he said and continued to pull out a box.
"Here are some cookies and macaroons for you and I gave some to the receptionist to distribute so that you don't have to share." Cyborg smiled and took the box. This was the favourite part of her visit. Her treats were heavenly. He scolded himself to get distracted and wore a tough expression.
"So what did we do for the goddess of fluff and happiness to come here and meet us." There was a moment that something flashed in her Bluebell eyes but it was gone before he could decipher it.
"We both know what it is." She stated, the smile on her face never flattering.
Oh boy, this is going to be a long day. He sighed.
Even after 15 minutes, nobody had come out of the office. The conversation was either casual or not there at all since they couldn't hear anything from the outside.
"What do you think Joe? What's taking them so long?" Michael, the guard at the door looked at his partner.
"I don't know, she is a very calm and collected lady. They say she delivers rainbows wherever she goes, some unicorn in disguise." Joe just joked, shrugging, which caused Michael to raise an unimpressed eyebrow.
"I don't think so, she must be some witch in disguise who made her way to the top seducing other rich people. I mean she's got looks and a perfect body, anybody will pay a fortune to kiss those lips." Michael licked his lips subconsciously.
"I gotta say that too. That Allen guy is very lucky. But I don't think she is some whore. She cares deeply about everyone around her. I say she will even apologize to a pole to bump into her." Joe didn't like the lust in his partner's brown eyes or the way he was insulting everyone's favourite person who treats them with so much respect.
"Hmm. I say she is some Amazonean who will seduce the soldiers and then after having some fun, kill them like the witch she is." The brunette on his side frowned.
"Okay, enough of that s*** Michael-" the raging guard was cut off by a loud sound of something colliding with the table from inside. Everyone went near to be able to hear the heated conversation.
"MRS. ALLEN, we can't just take random people in!" Cyborg tried.
"So random people are crazy enough to be wanting to fight alongside 'the supposed to be heroes' in a world ending war." Her blue eyes sparkled with joy as she raised the glass of water to her lips.
"No Mrs. Allen. I- the president won't approve of us endangering civilians?" Cyborg tried again but it sounded like a question.
What happened next surprised everyone. The sunshine incarnate woman's ever lasting smile fell and she narrowed her eyes at tin man.
"Try again." A nervous look took over Cyborg's face.
"Tell me why you are trying to keep me away this bad?" She spoke every word clearly as if she was talking to a kid.
"You don't have any superpowers." A gasp escaped her naturally pink lips.
"So this is what this all is about? I'm not a meta, so I'm not good enough." She made hand gestures as she talked.
Cyborg looked troubled. Everybody knew not to start an argument with Marinette Allen because it would be over before it even got started.
"It sounds bad if you put it like that-"
"Soldiers are made from strong will, determination, their dedication to the cause." She slammed her hand on the table. "You can't expect everyone to become like you."
Cyborg hit his thigh in annoyance, "Mam, we are just trying to protect you!"
Marientte opened her mouth to say something but Michael bursted in having enough of their conversation.
"Why can't you just shut the f*** up and leave? You are just a billionaire wanting to take credit of the work we do while we will be stuck protecting your a** instead of fighting the real enemies. This isn't some video game! This is real life. You want to seduce the soldiers into turning away from their real goal but that ain't happening. Go f*** your daddy dear in that little castle of yours. Your money ain't going to get you past us. If you want to I can-" The Glass of water in her hand was now laying on the ground in pieces.
Before anyone knew, Michael was on the floor struggling to get up as the ravenette put her heel on the man's chest who was desperately trying to get up.
"How. Dare. You?" Her tone sent chills down everyone's backs. Michael felt sweat run down his forehead.
"A piece of advice. Do a background check before you assume things about a person. I was born to two middle class bakers in Paris, who I saw burn in front of my eyes at the age of 10. I survived on the streets. Made money by fixing clothes. Paid my school fees myself. Got sold at the age of 15, nobody came to help me. I helped myself. I raised to the top with my sole hard work. The only trustworthy person I have in my life is my husband. And you don't wanna know how much I'm trained, this was just what I learnt while living on the streets. What you are doing is your duty. Don't think of yourself as high and mighty for doing your duty which looks like you need practice in."
She glared at the speechless guard once more. She made her way to the door and everyone parted to give her some space having seen her wrath. She stopped at the door and without looking back said,
"You are saying that you are not taking me in because I don't have superpowers and going out without powers on my own is a crime-"
"I didn't-" She raised her hand to stop him.
"-which makes me a villain-" She looked at her side but not at the paralyzed cyborg.
"-Then I guess I am a villain." With that she made her way towards her car, not even sparing a glance at the star-stuck expression of the people around her.
She relaxed in her driving seat. She knew one thing. She is not going back in there. She sighed and traced the steering wheel with her fingers. Yes, she is a billionaire but she doesn't want a driver, at least not after the last three times she hired a driver due to her busy days who just gave her off to some random mob-boss for money.
She opened the pocket watch Barry gave her and smiled fondly at the picture of her husband. When she met him, she kicked him in the shin and how the tables have turned. She chuckled.
The alarm brought her out of her daze. "It's time to pick Barry up."
She smirked when the engine roared to life and slammed her heel into the accelerator. The world is coming to an end anyways, why not have some fun?
Taglist: @nathleigh @jalaluvsu @togetherwekill @stackofrandomstuff @qualitypeacepainter @greatcatblaze @shewhorises-tjyj @myazael
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jasmehraj · 4 years
Meeting the night of vengeance
This is for Flashpoint Paradox week day 3, "he was my friend too, if we can bring him back, I'm in." @maribatgetin
Barry marched inside the Wayne Manor. It looked even darker than he remembered. It seemed that the light was afraid to enter the building, it looked like no one had ever tried to clean up the place. The dust that covered the walls made it look abandoned and inhabited. It had no signs of life.
"Alfred?" Barry yelled in the empty manor.
"Bruce!" He tried again.
"Bruce! It's Barry!" Still nothing.
He continued calling out for Bruce and Alfred but eventually gave up. He decided to go to the batcave.
The batcave was looking very different. Too different than what he remembered. Everything was dusty. The cave looked like an actual cave. There was no batcomputer, fancy cars, dinosaur skeleton or that big coin or the batsuits and Robin's suits, okay he can't even count the things that were missing. He moved further into the cave. There was a board with cards, covered in blood…. pinned on it and a gun covered by glass container with a family photo on its side. He could tell it was Bruce and his family before they died. He saw the same picture while exploring the manor with Alfred.
"You were the James Bond of superheroes Bruce, what happened to you?" He was about to lift the container when something hit his head, hard. He looked back to see Batman. With red lenses instead of white, he was looking much older and agrressive…
His train of thought was cut short by another blow from Batman. He didn't have his powers, and he wasn't skilled in martial arts like Batman.
"BRUCE! STOP IT'S ME BARRY!" The Bat's eyes widened and his gun hit him hard. He felt his vision blurring as blood filled his mouth.
"Who are you? And how did you get here?" Batman lifted him up easily, shorter in height but still very powerful.
"Bruce I-" He was punched right in his face and his lip started bleeding.
"Mention my dead son again and you're dead!" His eyes widened comically.
"Thomas Wayne…" He whispered. The Batman took his hand-
"Wrong answer." And broke his finger. He screamed in pain.
"You have nine fingers left, answer wisely." He felt his vision clear and then blur again. His mouth was filled with the mattalic taste of blood.
Batman broke another finger. He screamed in pain again. He tried to speak but blood came out of his mouth instead. 
"My patience is wearing off. On the second thought, you are better off dead." He waited for the blow but it never came. He looked up from his spot to see the back of a familiar woman, she had blocked the punch of Batman.
"Marinette." She looked at him and tears streamed down her cheeks.
"Barry…" She helped him stand and laid him on the cot. 
She looked at Batman with teary eyes. He looked guilty.
"You need to keep your anger in control uncle Thomas." Barry's eyes widened.
"He shouldn't have come here in the first place and he kept saying my son's name." Batman growled an answer.
Marinette just let out a dry chuckle, "Beating him isn't going to help bring him back uncle. If I hadn't come, you would have made me a widow." Then she glared at him. Batman met her glare with his own.
Batman looked at Barry with a look he couldn't decipher, but anger was definitely in there, "So you are Allen.
Barry finally found his voice, "U-Uncle Thomas?" 
She kissed his cheek and stood up to get medical supplies. 
"I met Bruce when I was 5. The Waynes came to our bakery. We both immediately clicked. We were best friends. Nothing could separate us.-" She wiped the blood from his lip.
"-Mr. Wayne here and his spouse, came there often and even invited me to their house when he saw Bruce laugh.-" Barry looked at Thomas to see him drinking looking at the far end of the cave.
"Bruce was the one who died in the alley that night." Barry mused in realization.
"Yes. I was there that night. We went to the movies. The man shot Bruce, but before he could shoot me, uncle Thomas beat him to death." Marinette looked sympathetically at Batman. 
"I-I saw Aunt M-martha, hu-hug Bruce and her-her hands covered in-in blood as she hugged Bruce…." She took a deep breath as tears welled up in her eyes.
"I touched her, she-she covered her mouth with her bloody hand. She-she must have felt her hands were slippery, because she- laughed. Laughed like a mad person. Thomas took Bruce from her, checking for anything, any sign of life. I was too scared to go near Martha, I looked at the wide blue eyes of Bruce, t-th-th.. blood…" She broke and sobbed loudly. To Barry's surprise, Batman put a hand on her shoulder and she hugged him. He just patted her back.
"Then Mrs. Wayne became joker… and you became Batman to get rid of the crime. Marinette went home but she was greeted by a burning bakery." Barry said, everything clicking into place.
"I was too busy caring for Martha, who was getting worse day by day. I told her that she doesn't smile anymore. That day when I came home, she had cut her cheeks, the only thing keeping her skin together was two staples. I knew it was too late for her. But I never expected her to become a serial-killer. I forgot about Marinette. She survived on the streets on her own. After so many years, she came to my door, and introduced herself." Batman took off his cowl.
"Now why are you here?" Batman or rather Dr. Thomas glared at him.
"I was the Flash, in-in another timeline. My power was superspeed. Everything was different. Me and some other heroes made a justice league. Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Green Lantern…. And Batman or Bruce Wayne were my friends. I-" Batman cut him short.
"How can I believe you? How can I know that you haven't hit your head somewhere or aren't faking it. I always knew you were wrong for her." 
"I-I…." His eyes suddenly catch the glimpse of his ring. "I can show you! My suit was in my ring." 
A suit did come out of the ring. But it wasn't his…. Barry jumped out of the cot and grabbed the suit, hands shaking.
"Isn't that what you were expecting?" Batman had put his cowl on and Marinette was standing a little away.
"Of course! Zoom did it!" Marinette gave him a confused look while Batman glared at him.
"Zoom came from the future, he repeated the experiment that gave me powers and came back in the past to kill me. He called himself reverse Flash. He created this timeline! This is his suit!" Barry growled.
Marinette waded in, cutting whatever Batman was about to say.  "He's telling the truth, I also remember my childhood. Much different childhood, no streets, no-" She clutched her head. Batman supported her.
"Bruce…." Marinette uttered.
"What?" Batman looked at her face.
"He shot you! That man shot you and Martha! Me and Bruce-" Batman put his finger on her mouth and turned to Barry.
"You mean we can bring back my son?" Barry nodded.
"He was my best friend so if we can bring him back I'm in. But what about you uncle?" Marinette looked like a kicked puppy.
"Bruce can take much better care of you than me. There will be no joker. No world ending war, the world is better off that way." Marinette nodded, eyes hardening and muttered under her breath looking away, " I'll miss you." 
"So what do we have to do?" Batman looked at Barry still clutching the suit angrily.
"First we need to get my powers back." 
Taglist: @toodaloo-kangaroo @galla02006
Permanent taglist: @nathleigh @jalaluvsu @togetherwekill @stackofrandomstuff @qualitypeacepainter @greatcatblaze @shewhorises-tjyj @myazael
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maribatgetin · 4 years
Calendars for "Flashpoint Paradox Week"
The calendars for Flashpoint Paradox Week are out. To get information about the events quickly join our discord server by clicking here.
This calendar is for writers
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This calendar is for artists
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We hope you have a great time reading, writing, or drawing. This event is for fun, so don't feel pressured to do all of the prompts; do as many as you would like, just stick with the theme. For more information click here. For rules, click here.
Don't forget to join our discord server and feel free to ask questions. We will be happy to answer them.
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maribatgetin · 4 years
The rules for "Flashpoint Paradox Week" are as following:
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Click here to know more about the event. Click here to see the calendars.
If the team felt that fic/art is not matching the theme/prompt, the fic/art will be disregarded.
You can use any Mlb/Dc characters but Flash/Barry Allen and Ladybug/Marinette Dupain Cheng are to be included. You can change their forms like use Marinette as Ladynoir or dragunbug, but the character has to be included in your works otherwise it will be disregarded.
If your fic/art is angsty, fluffy or salty add it to your tags.
The name of our Wattpad account is "Maribat? Get in!" Click here to open it and make sure to follow us. Tag us at the start and end of your chapter.
The same is applied for ao3. Add the additional tag: FLASHPOINTWEEK2020.
It is important to start the summary of your ao3 work with For Flashpoint Paradox Week 2020.
To make things clear you don't have to put all three tags together on Tumblr. Just choose one of them.
One of them will suffice. But don't forget to tag the blog @maribatgetin in the starting or the ending of the chapter.
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