jeaneenrichard · 2 months
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Grand Court 2.0 Shoes by adidas https://shopstyle.it/l/b9uXU
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amanshoes · 6 months
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thetunesclub · 7 months
FLYKICKS's Brilliant Song 'Think Twice' will take your Pop Playlist to the Next Level
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erikluna622 · 2 years
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Y si mejor me echo otra fiestecita #😴😴😴 #😋 #😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃😃 #flykicks #domingao (at León, Guanajuato) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfjsPW7uYEw/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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shrimpng · 11 months
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His networth is 3 cents
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lara635kookie · 7 months
My Ship Ranking:
Okay so a few warnings about this:
1-I added all the ships I could find. If there is any missing, let me know and I'll add later.
2-This is my opinion and it isn't meant to be offensive to anyone. You can agree or disagree and it's totally fine. If you wanna do your own rankings, I would love to read it.
3-It's a long post that I've been writing for weeks. I made revisions but if something passed through me and you guys notice, you can tell me.
1-Red Crackle:
Is that even a surprise to anyone? Red Crackle is my whole life and owns my entire soul lol. But jokes aside, these two are just so linked and have a foundation not even time and space can separate. Even when they're apart by circunstances, they meet again. They always comeback to one another. Duane Capizzi said in this interview Carmen and Gray "will definitely meet again":
And I haven't seen other interviews yet but in this specific interview the person just says Duane said Carmen doesn't see Gray in a flirty light and brushes it off asking about Carulia. Then Duane just talks more about Julia's character and then says, "if it's there, it's intentional" which indicates, from what I got, that the double meaning is there, you can choose how you see and interpret it. They could have made the carulia interactions more clear and chose not to do so on purpose. So I imagine the same thing applies to Red Crackle, Carmivy, Jeantonio, etc. The show ended so now is up to us to interpretate with what we have. Even if Duane, and the whole crew of the show overall, ship something, we can ship something different. As the show is not romance focused, we can choose from what we have. And no way there's no people who ship Red Crackle among the show staff. Michael Goldsmith(Gray's voice actor) seemed to ship. This guy seems to as well(not sure tho) considering the way he directed the holy trinity of Red Crackle episodes:
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Gray's character is fundamental for Carmen to be the person she is. Can you picture Carmen jumping from the plane with El Topo, Le Chevre or Tigress? She trusted only Gray enough to do that. Without him she wouldn't have jumped, and would not realize what V.I.L.E. truly is about. And if so, a lot later, maybe too late. And at the end, they could have chosen Devineaux, Zari, Julia, or even Ivy to save Carmen with the A.C.M.E. machine. I think it would be kinda nice if it were Ivy so she would have an interaction with evil Carmen, like Zack had at the ferris wheel, and would impress A.C.M.E. instead of just randomly joining it with Zack out of nowhere at the end. But I'm glad it was Gray and then Shadowsan finished the job. The thing that gets to me is that she looks to the crackle rod on the floor and screams:"Gray!". The person she always prioritized the safety of the most was "dead", by her. Then she asks what has she done and I think here she could have also shown some concern for Devineaux and Julia. Specially Julia. Because Devineaux was there, standing, and depending on the impact of the thing that fell on her head, she could have died. And she seemed to faint under a curtain that also could kill her by asphyxiation if she didn't wake up on time. But the only thing she cared about was Gray. She could have remembered on screen she hurt other people too by seeing the crackle rod, but she only remembered Gray and I was like:"But what about Julia? Aren't you worried about her? Carmen is not gonna care about her at all? Really?" "That's it? That's the ending?" I believe that if there was no red crackle shipper there, the show would be a lot different. Gray's character wouldn't be so important as it was if that was the case. Speaking of which, I want a red crackle week because I never participated in one and I want to write an AU about what would have happened if Gray decided do join Team Red on the train to Paris and on the Himalayans and red crackle week is the perfect excuse for that. Also one if Carmen decided to go back to V.I.L.E. on the train to Paris to destroy them from the inside. If we have a Red Crackle Week it could be in December with a Christmas-themed vibe, @redcrackle-week ? Christmas is my favorite holiday and Red Crackle is one of my favorite ships, perfect combination.
Again, no surprises. I've got nothing to say about this two that I haven't said before. They are so in love and they have my heart. I'll never understand why they are so underrated, they deserve more appreciation.
It's almost a crime that they aren't first place, but they were so close. They are like, the only ship the whole entire fandom agrees it's canon and I got mad respect for them for being able to unite the shipers because everyone likes them and wants to protect them(specially El Topo). They were clearly dating and were romantic boyfriends and I would do pretty much almost anything for them.
The same thing with Jeantonio, they are just a little bit lower because they don't have the general consent and less moments but to me they are a married couple.
I think they would be the greatest girlboss and malewife ever. Devineaux is a dumbass but he would be Zari's dumbass. The little they interacted I could tell they would be an amazing couple. I just can see it. I can picture all their interactions perfectly in my head. When Zari fell into his arms, and the way Devineaux held her. Zari telling Devineaux not to be in her way and slowly getting softer to him with time, like, they would be such a good storyline. I wanted them together so badly so they deserve this place at my top 5.
These two are a little bit lower because I'm not sure about them. At the start, they are a definite no. But after the fourth season Devineaux was prasing Julia the way she deserves to be praised and treating her better, redeeming for his past actions towards her and actually listening to her. He admited that he was wrong with Julia and did better. They are such adorable dorks together and while I love them as a platonic ship, I feel like they could also work romantically. It would be an interesting plot. I feel like most people think romance and friendship can't coexist but it can and it should. These two combined are one of the factors that make a good and healthy relationship and I feel like Devineaux and Julia have potential to be that way. I would like to know more about their Interpol days like why they were partnered together and how did they got to Carmen Sandiego, etc. So because of their wholesome platonic relationship that may or may not be affected my romance, they are a little bit lower but they are amazing and I love them.
This one, I did not expect to be this high up. First, the ship name is just as funny as "Red Crackle". Carmen and Devineaux did have quite a few number of car chases. Second, I'm aware that they have a 12 years age gap but I have a pretty high tolerance for age gaps. While I would rather not have an age gap too big for romantic relationships, 17 years age gap or less I don't mind. It bothers me a little, but it's not that big of a deal. If it's 18 years or more, it bothers me because I go like:"They could be their dad/mom." I just think they would be so funny together. The idea of them is surprisingly good. It makes me laugh when I think of Coach Brunt calling him handsome and Carmen being so done and after maybe going like:"He ain't ugly"(Carmen Sandiego is that kind of show that the animation is so pretty nothing and no one is ugly). And Carmen not wanting to see Devineaux because it's "really not a good time" and then seeying him even more to the point she doesn't mind it and even starts appreciating it. They would be a hell of enemies to friends to lovers story. They interact more than Carulia, but not as much as Chasulia so seventh place sounds about right for them. Not my favorite but I approve.
I don't know what their official ship name is but they are assigned partners and that, by V.I.L.E. standards, for me, usually means they make out. I wanted more development for both of their characters, which we don't know much about, so eighth place sounds nice. They clearly work well together and have a great harmony so I would say they are a cheaper version of Red Crackle. Like: "Kid:Mom, I want Red Crackle. Mom:We have Red Crackle at home." And they are the Red Crackle at home in question. Still, it works. Of course they are nothing compared to Red Crackle, but they still work. In the, idk three times we saw Spin Kick and Flytrap, you can tell they have the chemestry to convince people they are a romantic couple so this place is well deserved for them.
No, you haven't read wrong, it means Shadowsan and Lady Dokuso. Just hear me out:I can picture it perfectly:They meet at V.I.L.E. academy, they fall in love, they start dating. But then, Shadowsan is promoted to a member of the faculty, a position Lady Dokuso also wanted, but she was happy for her boyfriend anyway. Then, it ends up not working out a faculty member dating a mere operative and then they break up but still love each other, but their relationship was full of ups and downs and they are both bitter and salty about it. Then, Shadowsan backfires V.I.L.E. and joins Team Red and Lady Dokuso can finally have a chance as a faculty member but at the cost of destroying Shadowsan. The drama, the angst, the complexity of loving each other but being different and being in two sides that can't collide or meet in the middle. If you stop to think about it, they are basically a toxic version of Red Crackle that went wrong(Yes, I use Red Crackle as a parameter to measure other couples because they are the standard). So why are they so high up? Because a sad ending love story can also work. Representativity matters and tragic love stories deserve to have some spotlight sometimes.
It wouldn't be me if these two didn't make it to the top 10. I know Paper Star is a psycho so she can't actually feel love or empathy for anyone other then herself, but hooking up without commitment works for these two. It would also hold some drama like:Paper Star and Tigress start being passive aggressive to each other, then they start being assigned to even more and more missions together and get to know each other better, Tigress falls in love for Paper Star and Paper Star starts caring for her a little bit more than the others and they start confiding in each other and telling things about themselves they wouldn't tell anyone else, and they try a secret relationship because Tigress accepted Paper Star's condition, but they end up not working out because of the V.I.L.E. work and the missions that they put in first place other than the relationship because they aren't El Topo and Le Chevre, unlike them, Tigress and Paper Star have other priorities and other things to worry about than each other. As you can see, I really love some angst, and they had the chemestry for that. Their versatility could also hold some fluff and funny moments like:Tigress judging Jeantonio for cuddling then doing the exact same thing with Paper Star, Tigress saying Paper Star isn't that bad to them(she is bad to everyone else tho, she would only be "soft", in her strange way, for Tigress), them trying each other's clothes and weapons, them teaching each other stuff, going out on dates, they would be V.I.L.E.'s IT couple like evil Carmen and Crackle were people, there's no way around it.
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tragedyslut · 2 months
bully abby x nerd reader. LET'S THINK ABOUT IT
♡ shes totally not your type ♡
✶ [a.anderson] ✶
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🩷 SUMMARY — you could never like abby. she was nothing but a bully, she's totally not your type. pt2 🪽
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there was no way you could ever like Abby. she was so mean. she was in most of your classes, and you couldn't stand her presence. she was everything you weren't. athletic, muscular, tough.
every time she saw you, it was either a nudge, a snicker, or some sort of tease. she couldn't stand you, obviously. you were a nerd, so to speak. you weren't muscular, or tough, or athletic. and you could tell she hated that.
on one specific day, you were hanging around out the back of the school. you just, liked it back there. it was quiet, somewhere you could think.
you thought nobody was there, until you felt someone push you out the way. it was Abby. of course it was.
she pushed you up against the wall, getting really close to you. you were so close you could practically be considered conjoined at the hip, it was definitely not comfortable.
" what the fuck are you doing out here? " Abby growled out, grabbing your shoulders and getting even closer. she smelled like lynx men cologne. the most obnoxious one, which wasn't surprising. (yes she wears lynx men. fight me.)
" .. nothing.. just- walking around. I like coming here to think.. " you mumbled out, intimidated by her being so close.
she scowled, roughly pushing you against the wall. you hit your head, and you felt your vision go black for a minute.
you saw Abbys face turn from pure hatred to fear when she saw you get visibly dizzy.
" fuck- are you okay? I didn't mean to hit you that hard- " she said, visibly panicked as she shook you to get some kind of reaction. she was clearly freaking the hell out, which was new.
" yea.. just.. dizzy. I'll be fine. " you said, staggering a bit. Abby gave you a look that said 'whathefucknoyouarenot' before dragging you over to the bleachers which sat nearby, she sat down with you on one of them. you felt a bit less dizzy, mostly just really confused. why the hell was one of the most popular, (most sexy) , and more importantly, your biggest bully, trying to help you right now?
you were convinced that you were somehow dreaming. that this was all one big joke. you half expected Abby to flykick you off the side of the bleachers about now. but instead, she was sitting there staring. she kept mumbling out 'im sorry' s and 'areyouokay's but you didn't really answer her. seeing her up close, when she wasn't ready to tear your face off and beat you up and down the school.. she was really pretty. you couldn't help but get lost in her. she was so mean.. but also so nice.
your fantasies were interrupted by Abby roughly shaking you. " you gonna answer me? are you okay? still dizzy? " she said, still seeming slightly panicked. you couldn't respond, just staring at her.
" .. do you uhm.. like girls? " you blurted out. maybe you hit your head too hard, or maybe suddenly you had the ego of a 6'2 jock. either way, you had just said that, out loud to her.
the look she gave you could've killed 20 soldiers. she was looking at you like you had grown horns.
" what the hell did you just say to me?! how hard did you hit your fucking head?! " she yelled. you couldn't make out her tone this time over your embarrassment. that also meant you didn't notice her blushing. the way she was stuttering and jumbling your words.
of course she liked girls, I mean look at her. but she wouldn't admit that to anyone. especially not you. you were so.. below her. but yet, you were so attractive to her. your eyes, your hair. everything.
for once, she wanted to blurt out her entire life story to someone. she wanted that person to be you.
so, she swallowed her pride,(quite literally),clearing her throat a few times before she mumbled out a quiet,
" .. yea. uhm.. I do. "
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grindset · 4 months
*flykicks channie out of the way and catch the bouquet he was holding out to u sheepishly* hiii grindset wont 2 be my valentine🫶🏻🩷💐
STFUU THIS GOT ME HOWLING 💀 saur true esteeméd catboyanon our beautiful love got christopher pressed like a panini
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slayhamkennedy · 2 years
Headcanoning that Keeley has pulled an Amy Winehouse at least once and flykicked a paparazzo who followed her and Roy during a date
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srkizer · 2 days
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ginzan giving marus a flykick is great
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sexmayhamwhatever · 3 months
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f0xd13-blog · 1 year
They just dropkicked them jajaja
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honeychildoz · 2 years
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Happy birthday to my #1 nephew A-Aron!!! You Scroopy Nupes are one of the best things about my life in Australia. I have so many wishes for you. I wish you good health, prosperity, and happiness, obviously... But more than that I wish you deserved successes. Quality comrades. Sweet sacred love. Joyful work that turns into a passionate career. International travel and true contentment. I love you Aarons.x #happybirthdayaaron#flippynips #myfavoriterussianmobster #flykicks #hiphopjunkie #steakmeals #cleosservant #endlessbowlsofcereal #rainbowfro #swole #yourethebestest https://www.instagram.com/p/CZYHgaRvmfq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Spinkick: I LOVE YOU
Flytrap: I know
Spinkick: ...aren’t ya gonna say it back?
Flytrap: It Back
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cijai · 3 years
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silinou75000 · 3 years
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#kickstagram #shoeporn #sneakerhead #sneakerfiend #photooftheday #shoe #solecollector #sneakerholics #kicks #shoegasm #shoes #walklikeus #sneakerfreak #fashion #flykicks #sneakeraddict #nike #instashoes #soleonfire #nicekicks #sneakerporn #sneakers #instakicks #sneakerheads #igsneakercommunity #fresh #sneaker #instagood #sneakershouts #swag https://www.instagram.com/p/CIwv34zh52R/?igshid=4nc1ekq401w7
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