rocketdive · 1 year
i cannot find my original weeb ranking post, and recent discoveries have been occupying my brain so i need to dump them in this post
current rankings (subject to change as i update this post)
megan thee stallion - 110% would risk catching covid and being a fire hazard if she wanted to take me on an anicon date
nick r (bad omens) - this man is a fucking weeb (affectionate) and that crunchyroll interview is enough proof (also not my weeb ass watching that entire interview)
noah (bad omens) - demoted from 1st place coz he wasn't caught up with aot
niko (blind channel) - i don't really go here but i have seen enough of this blorbo-in-law to know that this man is a weeb
alpha wolf - specifically lochie and sabian because my weeb radar is (unfortunately) stronger than my gaydar but that 2024 album most certainly has some certified weeb reference titles why tf do i know all this weeb shit when i don't watch anime
within destruction - currently lumping them into a group because i don't stalk their individual socials enough but pls see: 1) anime merch 2) more anime merch 3) technically not full weeb but still kinda weeb if y'all seen their drummer's back piece 4) vocalist is def a weeb on main 5) did i mention anime merch 6) also touring TWICE with the band that did the attack on titan themes was also a choice
bmth - i feel like someone has some degree of weeb influence but isn't heavy handed in it (cough oli and his animu drop dead shirts cough) but also all the jp game references and also HELLO MR. KOJIMA?????. update 1) nex gen happened
[uhhhhhh we are moving into "not (heavily) weeb on main" / "casual anime enjoyer/probably not a true weeb" territory after this]
stand atlantic - idk who is a weeb in this band but i'm pretty sure they had a naruto inspired tee at their merch table back before the pandemmy (factoring out their bassist since i don't think he was an official member at that point)
will ramos (lorna shore)/courtney laplante (spiritbox) - have publicly documented weeb references but i also cba to read either article so i'm putting them both here
vinny (miw) - tbh idk enough about his weeb tendencies so he's lower than will and courtney but he did mention that he likes attack on titan
jolly from bad omens - i don't have solid evidence except that one interview where he got mentioned in passing and i also get euro vkei copy band vibes from his earlier photos
knocked loose - they set off my weebdar but i haven't dug around enough. there is that pic of 2/5ths of the band with piccolo (or was it some other DB character, i can't remember) but i am ranking bryan over nicko unless someone has solid proof that it should be the other way around
turnstile - SOMEONE PUT AJIKAN ON THAT ONE SPOTIFY PLAYLIST but that's all i have for now
basically anyone on this list has already set off my weeb radar to some extent (using the term weeb realllllly loosely in some cases)
honorary mention(s) - lupe fiasco
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It all starts with the change of kushina’s death. To try to save her life she is escorted to the Uzumaki village, where she would give birth and there they are attacked. The village is in ruin, kushina is dead and her child is lost.
Minato had gotten there as quickly as possible and there he fought the rampaging nine tail and attacker. He is hurt, and after sealing the fox into his son, the only possible vessel for the nine tails as their chakra was too large for anybody without the genes to hide it
So Minato dies also, and old man sarutobi gets there and doesn’t know what to do
He knew from Itachi that something was going on.
And the attack exemplified there were traitors in the mids of hidden leaf and  more importantly inside the anbu and inside the kage council.
So he calls the only person possible to help him.
He calls Jiraiya, Naruto’s godfather, and tells him to hide Naruto from everybody
As far as anyone knows, all the namikaze family died and the nine tails is lost
The thing is, in this situation after seeing the state of Tsunade and everything else Orochimaru decides to act quicker gets into anbu to try to get closer to the secrets of the hidden leaf.
And he stumbles over the Danzo’s little experiments with the hashirama cells
He knows he needs to spill this
But thinking this is his one chance to power and immortality he waits until he can get his hands on those experiments first
But danzo gets wind of this and pins everything on orochimaru
Which makes ororchimaru a criminal and he needs to run and hide
At this point tsunade becomes is mia and emotionally broken so she will be out of the story for a while
Ororchimaru manages to get to jirayia
And trough some wonders jirayia listens to him and tries to get sarutobi to see danzo is corrupt
There is some animosity as jirayia had not taken the role of kage
Which led to mint becoming it, dying
And sarutobi and jiraya both believe if jiraya had stayed and helped the deaths could have been avoided
They do agreee they need to be careful
Danzo is not the only bad guy and they need to see how far the corruption runs and just where from danzo got all those bad secret super dangerous jutus
Meanwhile itchy and shinsui get into anbu
And shit hits the fan when shinsui gets hurt
So itachi hides shinsui and tries to heal him
Then danzo asks for the death of the uchiha
And then they go to see danzo and there they fight him
shinsui is badly hurt and is almost surely dyeing
At the same time, Izumi finds about the plan and goes to the kage and jirayia for help change itachi and shisui’s mind
Thinking that shisui died itachi kills danzo
Everyone thinks that itachi is a murder  
Izumi stays in the village and using some genjutsu she manages to postpone the uchiha riots
Meanwhile shisui was helped miraculously by Shizune who was traveling inside the village
Jiraya helped itachi and shisui find her after the Danzo incident
So shisui doesn’t die YET ? MAYBE ?
I mean I have to paths here: shisui dies and kisame replaces him in the relationship role/ shinsui lives/ both kisame and shisui become part of itachi’s life
For now what is important is that they use itachi’s “crime” to arrest all the people plotting the assassination of the kage
And  that ostracises the uchihas
Not only that but both sasuke and fukagu are traitors
So he  really starts to hate the village
Naruto is being raised by the sanins
You see, after escaping to one of the other smaller hidden villages orochimaru tries one more thing to obtain immortality trough the sage mode
He goes to the snake cave and actually fights his way and is almost killed by the venom
Jirayia actually finds this and runs to help orochimaru’s ass
After that, jirayia actually says he will take half the poison greatly hurting him to save orochimaru’s sorry ass
After all this time emotions hit orochimaru like a bitch and gets, in his late twenties, the whole empathy and bond thing
That starts anew the relationship between the tree seeing
Orochimaru writes to tsunade about his life
And tsunade stops feeling so alone
Returns to the village to push for reforms and becomes a very hard working and proactive politician greatly loved by the people and one of the most important factors to combat the corruption inside konoha
Meanwhile orochimaru settles down
And only sometimes experiments on himself
But now he only has the goal of making the largest library of jutus ever and documenting unique forms of jutus
So all the people would still be there only not addicts
The first cases to take in for healing are Izumi itachi and shisui
And he’s like: ”the fuck, when did I become a foster house for the uchihas”
But it work cause they look after each other and so on \
And because jirayia has to leave some times
And orochimaru is the only senin that has a “home” he ends up babysitting quite a bit
And naruto ends up calling calling jiraya dada and and orochimaru “mama” cause he has pretty and soft hair
The uchihas and eventually kabuto become “brothers”
Kabuto goes and studies under tsunade, wishing to finally change the system that done him dirty
Becoming one of the best medic nin in the while- specialising in genetic
Karin is beyond herself to finally see another uzumaki
After their village was destroyed there was a massacre
Having happened during a war the uzumakis had been hunted by lesser ninjas for their secrets sealing techniques and high chakra supply
She had been born in captivity and had barely escaped
Anyways, naruto grows up very different
Highly uprooted due to most of his time spent on the road
After itachi goes to join the akatsuki to obtain inside intel, orochimaru’s lair is quite lonely and till the Toka team arrives
and he never spent as much time with tsunade as by this time she was filled with paperwork and in line for the next hokage
So she couldn’t leave the village
Anyway all this changes when he turns ten
Jirayia sends him to school in the hidden leaf
There he lives supervised by tsunade and get to know each other better
The thing is that in school he does pretty sucky
At first everyone is super excited about him
There are never many new students
And he had such a close relationship with tsunade and the hokage
But his chakra is so unstable that he cannot do jutus correctly
And he is too impatient to use taijutsu and genjutsu
Combine that with his annoying happy go lucky attitude and be quickly becomes the class buffoon
He end iruka get to become good good friends
The events of the first episode still happen
And for the next few episodes too
Only sasuke gives a much scarier aura, since he very much hates the village
Naruto recognizes sasuke as Itachi’s lil bro and seeing how the village hates the uchias and the state of sasuke kind of make him…think, feel stuff
And they just don’t get along
They hate each other
Here I want naruto to know about the attack of the nine tails and they are sealed In him
So when irk tells him about how his parents had died
He again is said
Some talk and everyone agrees they can trust iruka and he is told the truth
Iruka gets over his pain
And their relationship is stronger
Naruto also finds out about how the bijuus are treated and seen
After the attack of the first and nine tails they became outcasts
Going back to team saven
Sakura is still there and this time she plays a quite different role
She, her fallout with ino happened because shikamaru didn’t stop his communication with sasuke
Both were pretty laid out with chill personalities
And shikamaru liked that he didn’t need to put effort in that relationship
But most people hated sasuke
Sakura was very social savvy and as soon as ino started spending more time with sasuke she was quick to fight
She was also jealous
Ever since they had started their ninja training ino had began training as a part of inoshikacho
And subsequently left sakura on her own which pushed sakura to become a ninja and be better than ino
In their teamwork test there is a lot less protest than in the original
Sasuke and naruto have more of actual animosity than a rivalry
And they are pretty much ready to fail
But after sakura is cornered and put under a genjutsu
Well they help her get out and together make a plan that still fails
But they do earn their respect and finally get on to their first mission
And for the next couple chapter things go their way.
The zabuza  arc is the same
With some changes in the character interactions
Naruto and sasuke  end up paired together and learn to trust each other
They talk about how they both feel left out inside the village and bond over their lonelyness
This is the first time sakura feels a sense of overwhelming
She becomes aware of her teammates’ situation and after the mission she vows to become stronger
next arc!!!!!
The chunin exam
Here is where things divert
So sakura actually gets the highest score in the exam and takes both minato and itchi’s records
Shikamaru could have gotten it <and would have actually gotten a higher mark but due to laziness he only did enough to pass>
Also, during the zabuza arc naruto had used the fox chakra
The zetsus found him as such and this is where the akatsuki came into play
Itachi hears of this plan to get naruto and heads out for the hidden village as he cannot find jiraya
Meanwhile orochimaru is at the the second part of the chunin exam to protect team seven from the sand nin
They run into ino’s team who was attacked by the gaara’s team
Things go bad when they are attacked and after using the fox chakra, naruto passes out
But the sand team leaves them
Hinata’s team also arrives after kiba smells blood and nejii’s team watches from afar
Due to each team having both scrolls they end up in  standstill of sorts, a strange peace agreement
This is the first time all the leaf genin interact fully and get to know each other
One the fight dulls down sasuke and sakura find naruto passed out and  ororchimaru nearby
This fear has sasuke awaken the sharingan in full form but before they can get to blows naruto stops sasuke
“hey orochimaru-sensei ….”yada yada
Naruto says that he is not allowed to say anything and orochimaru leaves saying that he needs to be careful of the sand nin gaara
Orochimaru leaves and naruto tells them not to worry
The kage knows about all this
So they leave it be for now
This is where sasuke get into a bad mindset
He is used to being the best: no amount of isolation could ever diminish his accomplishments
Yet in the last situation, naruto protected them against foe again
They make it out the forest and into the other round
This is where I leave it for now
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tsukinobherzhoka12 · 7 years
The Sass Squad chapter 1
The Sassy Squad
The awkward drunk
Disclaimer: I don't own naruto and any of the characters here if I did they would meet each other and have an unlikely alliance
AU: In this AU it is where the Akatsuki is just a mercenary group who where doing odd jobs and confidential missions for the sake of the shinobi nations,Kakashi,Yamato and Sai is the same, Itachi is like in the Au in the road of ninja but Sasuke is still in his Emo mode like in the canon even Itachi is in the village side even though, and Ino is still the same attitude but sometimes gambles for money when needed and only a member of the Yamanaka clan on her mother's side Inoichi is her uncle in her mother's side. she always travels from konoha to the capital of the shinobi nations, every half of the year.  back and forth, unless she had mission that she needs to travel from places.
At the Himitsunoe Manor
''Sharky what is the theme of the portraits in the hallway today?"Ino asked him while watching her favorite TV series alongside with him
"It's aesthetic of the things that makes us peaceful ,like  Portrait of Sai with his creations in the field, Mine half naked in the waterfall,with samehada while meditating, Kakashi lying in the field with his ninkens, Yamato with trees shading himself from one of them.
While you lie in a field of pastel flowers surrounding you as you lie with it like in a sleeping beauty position,also you wear a flower crown in your head'' Kisame informed her
"Also our group picture is like in a Gothic Victorian period, like in the crimson peak kinda vibe, Kakashi was the center this time, sitting like a boss while we surrounded  him like we are his henchman,we are so very formal"
Kisame sigh"Its a stunning portrait actually,we really like we had the pictorial for a magazine realistic even I,need to have another look"
Ino's favorite place to wander in the manor was the hallway of expressions where portraits of the occupants in the manor always changes ever week, there are different  themes being shown in the portraits that describes themselves either joyful until to their darkest moments that  really symbolizes the six of them. While it was Ino's favorite,it was Kakashi's least favorite part of the house.
Because its too personal, it even shows every symbolism in his past,depends on the theme every week. and it was located in the big hallway entrance.
But like Kakashi, she would also be nervous if Shikamaru and Chouji would be able to find and locate this place,she would come here if those two are in mission or they are spending the day with only the two of them . she would not imagine their faces when they found out about this place and secrets she intended to keep only for herself. not to mention The team seven are the last persons to be the one who will enter and saw their pictures in the hallway.
Itachi is also worried if Sasuke was able to find this manor. even if it’s lot was really big, there is a seal for the intruders not to find this place. He really needs to have time for himself so that is why he was here for his inner peace (even though this place is really big for six occupants and very noisy )
" Piglet, does your father know that your not staying at your home right now?"Kisame asked while watching his most awaited television series now on Blue-ray DVD, 'Game of Thrones' he just watch it on DVD because he cannot watch it in the Tv since he and Itachi would likely had a mission when the series would air he watch the pilot episode so he is now interested to the show. He currently munching his popcorn right now.
"He is currently in a mission with the Ino-Shika-Cho, something about stopping an enemy to assassinate a nobleman or something" Ino Yamanaka answered while also eating her popcorn she sat beside Kisame as they watch Game of thrones. She sneered while they watch Cersei and Jaime scene
" Ugh Kami-sama pls... I know its forbidden love or something, I hate Incest especially those two,they pushed Bran out to the tower,The things we do for love my ass!"
Kisame just laughed" Oh come on we already know Cersei is just manipulating him ever since they where children" he snickered" and besides, we already know that she was also fucking her cousin Lancel and because of that King Bobby B (Robert Baratheon) is dead,being gorged by a boar" he grinned " So offensive for you since they used your animal sign to kill him"
"Well if you make a boar as your prey, kill it at once ,no second chances, When you leave a boar alive, no hunter will be safe, Where do we inherit our name and stubbornness from?" she let out a chuckle and goes back on watching the series. she let out a shocked expression when they saw Joffrey Ordered Ned Stark to be beheaded while Sansa and Arya watched and also much to everyone's surprise. While Kisame was also in disbelief.
"OHHH NONOONONOO YOU LITTLE VICIOUS SHIT!!! YOU FUCKIN INBRED!! I HATE YOU! KAMI-SAMA NO!!!!"Then she watch Arya's expression" Poor Arya you little small bean, Poor Sansa for being such a sheltered brat. FUCK JOFFREY!!"
"The world was really full of lies, but to kill the most honorable people on the seven kingdoms? Mind blown!, I will now watch this series really! Not your ordinary TV show! Still terrified of the white walkers though"
" It's because your a sadistic fuck Kisame!" Ino mocked him" and besides why are you terrified of them, you had the same color"
" Well Your the one to talk, your terrifying when your tantrums are shown, your prone to irrationality"Kisame smack her head playfully "Your racist by the way"
"Ouch why you-"
Suddenly Yamato appeared and he appears to be drunk.  He was walking funnily and landed on the other couch, he let out a laugh and a few hiccups. He also had look them and giggled
"What was he thinking right now?" The two thought in unison while looking to their drunk companion. Then Yamato let out a smirk
"Hey, do you want to see my wood?"
Ino and Kisame watched him in disbelief while staring at him for a second.
"WTF! WTF was that Yamato!?" Kisame roared in laughter he never really thought that a  serious,uptight person like Yamato would say that when he is sober 'Man, he must be wishing for a one night stand, Unfortunately he just wandered to the house where everyone would laughed at his drunk stupor Like the Blondie rolling in the floor right now and banging her fist in the floor. '
Kisame, realizing that he has the mood to take advantage of Yamato's drunk state, he turns off the tv and join the two who was still in the same position as  he last leave them
"Well, I can assure you ladies my wood is longer than you anticipated"
Ino burst out an unladylike like laugh with tears in her eyes while Kisame holds his stomach to prevent it from hurting
"Oh Kami, normally I would punch you right now senpai if your just like the others, creepy and disgusting" she wiped her tears of laughter "But when those words comes to your uptight mouth its just pure hilarious!"she finally recovered and turns to Kisame while he tries to recover himself from laughing
" Lucky for you, Kakashi is on a mission, Itachi is sleeping or maybe in his Batman mode, and Sai is with Kakashi, and We are the only one to laugh you right now,"Kisame snickered in a good way and goes to the kitchen to get an aspirin and water.
" The sharky is right, Yamato-senpai. Good thing Kakashi-sensei is not here or else he would record it into himself and use it to blackmail you to pay for his expenses, You know how expensive those Icha-Icha books,especially those best sellers! " Ino help Yamato to his drunken state and laid him down in the sofa "Kami-sama, Your heavy!"
"You know your flower can be satisfied if it is finally connected to my-Ouch!"Yamato was smacked in the face by a thick book that Ino must have randomly take Yamato stop slurring and became unconscious.
"Okay, lay low,stop now, Two jokes about your 'wood' is enough just don't include the badly covered term for the female organ."Ino sigh while adjusting the pillow for his head.
"Hey,Piglet, I brought the things needed, I will put it at his bedroom"Kisame shouted from Yamato's room ''You can carry him now!"
'OI!Help me here sharky! what do you think what we are carrying here? a sack of rice?"Ino retorted while she can see Kisame approach her with a mocking grin
"awww weak little piggy need some help"
"Shut it Sharky! It would be awkward if I drag  him to the bed, besides its to heavy for me you and you can carry him by one hand!"Ino reason out while glaring at him
"Fine,fine you got a point for that"then the shark nin carried the wood user towards the latter's bedroom then they started adjusting the pillows, helping him undress half naked and Ino used a wet clothed to clean his upper torso while Kisame get some of the clothes from the cabinet and help Ino dress the unconscious man and set him to bed. finally when they are done they sat on Yamato's mini living room. his room was a suitable room for a environmentalist like him. Clean,green and fresh in the eye.
"When he woke up, I swear I'm going to attack him with questions! Woodman never easily get drunk like this,and about his wood jokes, man this is hilarious!"Kisame can't help but chuckle while Ino sat in front on the other couch let out a sigh " Don't torture him like that, he is the mother of this mansion and Kakashi is the lazy bum father who threatens us to eat sashimi"
"Piglet, you're the only one who hate eating sashimi and kakashi is acting as a father figure because you're a rebellious and pigheaded girl"Kisame casually commented while Ino let out a pout. but she let out a chuckle
"Do you remembered the day that we met here in this mansion, how this mysterious mansion appeared and had a convenient interior for us hired people like me and itachi, a runaway royal outcast like you, men without past identities about their heritage like sai and yamato and a self-loathing and a mystery called kakashi?" Kisame casually remembering the past
"Duh, we always fought all the time, You on your mockery on my height and eating tendencies and how it suited my name and me mocking you for your height and how will you never get laid because no one will lay down on a shark because your harsh and too honest, your habits and etc."Ino snickered
"But I realize that your one of the people who I can follow my shenanigans and always with me on casinos when I needed money, and heck you became a drag queen because of me and of course you treated me an equal, my virtues as a woman"She concluded and let out a giggle" Your a huge slap of reality to my face so I appreciated your honesty since you can't really stand flowery words. Thank you"
"hmmn? you have womanly virtues? where?"Kisame feign innocence "I can't see it"
"Can you please kill  yourself ,like right now!"Ino throws a pillow from the couch and Kisame easily  dodge  it while laughing
"Piglet, you're a good person, not just appearance and not your temperamental mode
I hope someone can see that beyond skin deep"Kisame commented
"So anyway,midnight marathon ,we will watch K-drama?"Ino suggested
"ooh, Legend of the blue sea?"Kisame suggested
"That was last time ,and we watched it twenty times!"Ino complained
"how about Goblin!"Ino suggested
"We watch that for 25 times Piggy! and it's just that you like older men, I always knew you like daddy kink"
"Hey no kink shaming here! At least I’m not  prone to bestiality!"
"You and your weird accusations piglet! Fuck you"
"No thank you, I will decline the offer"
they stare at each other and laugh at each others faces
"Hey ladies, can I have you beautiful flower?" Yamato suddenly talk in his sleep, mumbling about his lame pick-up lines to his sleep
"I swear I will use it as a blackmail when I needed something to him"Ino tried to hold her laughter
"Likewise Piglet, Likewise "Kisame had tried to hold his laughter before it burst out and silently exited from the room and went to their respected rooms to rest for a day.
AU: I hope you like the first chapter, please review if you want another prompt. and this story will not be a reverse harem, this is a friendship between people who will unlikely  to be allies in canon except to Yamato ,Kakashi and Sai. and in the side of Itachi and Kisame. They are called to fabulous to die squad after all
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animesavior · 7 years
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"Eren, stop, that isn't true [that you're a worthless little kid]. Hey, thank you. I've been meaning to tell you that. For fighting, for always standing by me. Thank you. For pushing through, for showing me how to live with purpose. I'm greatful. My scarf, for always wrapping it around me. Thank you."
-          Mikasa Ackerman, Attack on Titan (Ep. 37)
"Mikasa, I will always wrap your scarf, always and forever. That's a promise."
-          Eren Jaeger
The Toonami Trending Rundown for July 22-23, 2017. A milestone night for the better cartoon show as the nerd world celebrates San Diego Comic-Con week, with Attack on Titan completing season 2 as Eren looks for revenge on the Titan that killed his mother, while Hunter x Hunter begins the Greed Island story arc as Gon returns to his quest of getting in the game, and Hinata defends Naruto while he is down in his battle against Pain, among other great moments.
On Twitter, both Dragon Ball shows, Attack on Titan, Lupin the 3rd, and Naruto Shippuden would trend during their respective East Coast airings, as well as Attack On Titan and Lupin the 3rd during or after their respective West Coast airings. Dragon Ball Super would also trend on tumblr. Unfortunately, Hunter x Hunter coming up short in making the trends ends its 60 week trending streak that has gone since week 1 (excluding holidays when the show wasn’t the marathon). It was fun while it lasted. On the other hand, this isn’t bad, considering that we’ve also heard reports from viewers that there were several glitches that hindered DirectTV users from viewing that night’s Toonami broadcast.
Finally, Dragon Ball Super’s buzz would help get the show on Nielsen Social’s top 5 most talked about shows on Twitter and Facebook on the day for the 14th time in the show’s present run, making it to the #2 spot. This is the 27th time a Toonami show has reached this list since we started recording this feat.
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There’s not much to say to what hasn’t been said about Attack on Titan by now. One of the smash hit anime franchises to be released this decade upon the anime’s original release in Japan in 2013 (and later its original Toonami run the following year), the AOT franchise has become one of biggest of the many symbols of anime’s resurgence during this decade. Although there was no doubt a sequel would be made following season 1’s successful run, much like any popular anime based off a long running manga, creators have to worry about catching up to where the manga is currently (most manga artists usually release a new chapter once a month, and an episode of a regular anime can easily cover several chapters) that the anime runs out of material.
Unlike most Shonen Jump shows and much like One Punch Man and Sword Art Online, Titan’s producers opted to have a hiatus between seasons to prevent having to do any filler arcs and with fans clamoring for more, a Gecko Ending (a la Akame, Soul Eater, and the original FMA) was out of the question. Unfortunately the wait would take 4 years (3 for those who jumped on during Toonami’s airing) for a season 2 to materialize. But good things come to those who wait, and season 2 would make its debut on April 1st in Japan. Toonami viewers didn’t have to wait this time around for the dub, as during that same day, it was announced that AOT season 2 would indeed be getting a broadcast dub from Funimation, which made its debut on April 22.
While the season has received much acclaim from fans as Eren and the scouts come one step closer to finding the truth of the Titans, it hasn’t been all rainbows and butterflies…then again, it never is for the scout regiment. Some Attack on Titan fans had concerns over the 12 episode count in season 2. There hasn’t been an official reason behind this, but according to animator and insider Thomas Romain, shortages of animator talent combined with high demand for newer shows and scheduling issues has made it very difficult if not impossible for many studios to greenlight high quality anime seasons/series that’s longer than 12 episodes in recent years. Indeed, many successful non-Shonen Jump shows nowadays have been presented in seasons or cours of 12 or so episodes at a time, with an off-season in between. Durarara x2 and My Hero Academia are such notable examples of this, and the new FLCL coming next year will also be doing something similar with its new seasons. No doubt, this is something the industry will have to correct if it wishes to continue growing, but as fans, there’s not much we can do other than help out the industry and support it through legal matters (Buying DVDs and official merchandise, watching on Toonami and other legal sources, and the like).
And of course there’s the big elephant in the room. While ratings, DVD/Blu-Ray sales in Japan, and general interest both inside and outside Toonami’s scope are pretty satisfactory to good, they are much to be desired compared to the juggernaut ratings and buzz seen worldwide in season 1. Some of this can be explained with ratings erosion happening across all of television as viewing sources and viewing habits diversify, but many have pointed out that trying to keep interest for a show in this so-called “instant gratification” era, with hundreds of new franchises being released and continued every year, it can be very difficult for a show to keep its momentum going with a long hiatus. And with a 4 year wait since the last season, its no surprise that many have been slow to catch back on.
We’ve seen a bit of a correlation in that regard to our trending records. During the show’s run of season 2, the hashtag #AttackOnTitan trended in the US on Twitter on every week with the exception of week 8 and week 10 but did trend as well during the 4th of July weekend marathon. In addition, #AttackOnTitanSeason2 trended during week 1 as well as during two occasions during the run-up to the premiere, and we also received a character trend in Eren during week 9. Attack on Titan would also trend on tumblr during 9 of the shows 12 weeks as well as during the April Fools announcement and during the 4th of July weekend marathon.
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Regardless of these issues, the Attack on Titan franchise overall continues to go strong, and Wit Studios is presently hard at work producing Season 3, set for release in Spring 2018. And with series creator Hajime Isayama set to wrap up the manga pretty soon, we could very well see the show’s end within the next few years, depending on how things go.
Whether Toonami will be bringing back Titan for Season 3 onwards is something to be determined as the time comes, but with the ratings and overall interest by viewers and the investment in the show from Toonami themselves, I think it would be a real stunner if Toonami doesn’t run Attack on Titan to its end. Of course, if you do wish to help the cause in seeing season 3 and perhaps beyond, continue to give you support to the show and the anime industry overall, and of course, let Toonami and Funimation know you want to see more Attack on Titan on the better cartoon show. And as the wait for season 3 begins, season 2 will have an encore run at 3am for those late to the party or want to re-watch in anticipation. If you’re late to the party, use it wisely as not every Toonami show is given this opportunity to win over latecomers.
Whatever happens next in Eren’s quest to vanquish the Titans, I’m pretty sure it should be a good one.
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I was in Comic-Con myself this past week to help get you guys the latest Toonami news from San Diego, and unfortunately because of that among other personal reasons, this trending rundown was released later than usual. Our apologies for the inconvenience. There was some notable news that directly involved the better cartoon show from San Diego. Announced during the Toonami Pre-Flight taping at Comic Con, Toonami revealed the next Total Immersion Event, Countdown, set to air sometime in the fall.
It also should be noted that also during the panel, Jason DeMarco and Gill Austin mentioned that there was gonna be a special announcement for the block that was pulled back at the last second for as of yet unknown reasons. However, the following week’s Toonami, in addition to the return of JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure with the premiere of Stardust Crusaders, saw an expansion (which was announced just a day after Comic Con ended) with every present show moving up their respective timeslots by 30 minutes (Ex. Dragon Ball Super now airs at 11pm while GITS:SAC airs at 2:30am). Not long after that, Toonami announced the return of Outlaw Star beginning on August 19th. It’s unknown if that was the announcement all along or if more things are coming down the pipes, but nonetheless this fall will have plenty to look out for ahead.
We’ll have a full report on the events from SDCC ahead as well as the following week’s trending rundown hopefully sometime later today, but for now, we’ll see you again next time for another round of the better cartoon show.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
#Toonami [#5]
#DragonBallSuper [#25]
#DBZKai [#24]
#AttackOnTitan [#6]
#LupinThe3rd [#6]
#Shippuden [#10]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [3,609 tweets]
#AttackOnTitan [4,422 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#dragon ball super
Notes and Other Statistics:
#DBZKai: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @Kirbopher started the trend in the US.
#AttackOnTitan: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @JessicaCalvello and @CliffordChapin started the trend in the US.
#LupinThe3rd @WhoTrendedIT reported that @AlphaOmegaSin started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @mmorse1017 and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
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Only Toonami on [adult swim] on Cartoon Network.
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