shadowtoons · 1 year
✔ - Barnaby @ Oliver (@ghoulishsweets)
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mayanoelle · 3 months
closed starter for @olivcrashford who: maya jackson and oliver ashford where: latte love, just before closing time
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It was almost closing time and the soft glow of the evening sun cast a golden hue over Latte Love. Maya loved the way the light filtered through the large windows and just made the entire café feel magical. The café was quiet, with most of the customers having left for the day. The only person remaining was Oliver, who sat by the window, absorbed in his latest sketch. Maya glanced at the clock, and then over at Oliver, a smile tugging at her lips. She’d gotten used to his presence during these late hours and welcomed the company. She wiped down the counter one last time before grabbing a plate with a fresh cranberry orange scone. She walked over to Oliver’s table and set the plate down in front of him. “Hey Oliver. I have a new pastry I’m testing out. Thought you might want to be my new guinea pig?” she said with a playful smile. “Sketch anything good today?”
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butchdykenormallen · 6 months
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hello fanartist. in front of you is a character who is canonically fat, and mentioned to be fat in the media. you have 30 seconds to explain to me why you've drawn them skinny and box shaped without saying "its my style," "i don't know how to draw fat people," or "i didn't know they were fat" before i push you onto the landmine behind you. the timer starts now.
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Oh no Padraic, from the Bi-Queer Polycule-d family member you instantly deyassificated into the cringe uncle
This wholly started from this drawing
Also i must say the second panel came to my mind after that scene from Ice Age with Manny menacingly asking Sid to pooopy check the baby
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parti-poppers · 2 months
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sunshowersz · 6 months
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kagome kagome redraw with child vocaloids!
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mangledbite · 6 months
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My pins came!!! YIPPPEEEEEEE!!!
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quick-catton · 8 months
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i'm fucking quite literally lightheaded
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deckandcodaylight · 2 months
@oliverxandersxn cont'd from (x)
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Oliver had been working on one of the ATVs he had brought with him to camp, just a little pass time, something people didn't expect from high maintenance and prissy Oliver who was normally more concerned with how his hair looked than if his car worked. But he found it relatively simple and fulfilling to work on the ATVs.
He was just riding it back to where he could stash it when he saw Declan on the porch of his families cabin looking quite sad. "Curly Top, why are you so upset?"
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Declan opened his eyes while still laying down on the steps and slowly sat back up so he could see better, the nickname was something new. Surprisingly, nobody had ever called him Curly Top. That felt nice, for some reason. "I broke a string on my guitar. It's fine. I'll get over it." he sighed and relaxed a little bit, his legs extending down to reach the bottom of the steps. "It's just frustrating when you're trying to learn something and you're like... Really bad at it, you know?"
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bluetorchsky · 3 months
Happy Father’s Day, lemme tell y’all about Accordion’s dad, Lucifer Arc, in my own AU, Deities and Dragons (DAD!AU)
Tw: Mentions of Abuse
I don’t have much to say about Violin’s dad aside from him being a transphobic, alcoholic asshole, with previous ties to some criminal gangs. Lucifer, on the other hand, was a quiet and timid man growing up. He was fine with inheriting the family business, Arc. Co (specializing in building and repairing bridges), and pretty much went along with what people told him to do.
He did learn how to assert himself later on, especially after meeting his future wife, Vivian. They both hit it off pretty well during their last few years in university. They married after graduating and started working together in the family business. Everything went smoothly at first. The business was booming, Lucifer was getting the hang of his new healing powers that appeared during their honeymoon, Vivian shared her secret of the hidden gem business she and her family had, and they both had their only child, Oliver Arc.
However, things started to change after Oliver was born. Vivian’s personality started to change, with her wanting more profit for the bridge and gem businesses, and Lucifer was experiencing blackouts and gaps in his memory. Eventually, Vivian told him that every time he came to from his blackouts, he seemed to be a different person each time. After some visits to a doctor, they concluded that Lucifer had DID, and had two distinct personas signified by his eye colour changing: Yellow for a more daredevil side, and blue for a cunning, dark side.
Lucifer still tried to run the business and be the face of the company, but he was deemed unfit to run the place because of his DID and after some debate, the control of the company was handed over to Vivian. He tried to reason with her but it was then he saw the woman he once knew turn into someone he truly feared: a tyrannical corporate owner hellbent on making herself richer. And if she had to beat him to get that goal, she would do so. This was around the time Oliver turned ten years old and he would not face her wrath until he became thirteen and endured the same abuse his dad faced for the next six years of his life.
Vivian was equally cruel to both Oliver and Lucifer, especially when she would beat her son at night for not following her orders, or failing any of his tests. When she beat Oliver, Lucifer refused to hurt his son but she made him heal his wounds so she could beat him all over again. The one time he refused, she laughed at him before stabbing him in the chest for his defiance. Oliver begged his mother to save his father, on the condition that he marries whichever person she chooses.
It was basically a living Hell for the two of them, but Lucifer did everything in his power to make sure his son was safe and happy, going as far as to help his son sneak out at night to see Trent, to keeping him away from his mother on special days like his birthday. Lucifer knew his son resented him for not being able to do more to stop his wife from abusing them, but he had no support from his family, who refused to see the abuse, and for his DID, as he struggled to understand and live with it.
Until Lucifer met Dr. Clara, who sensed his injures and the mental struggle he was going through. This would be around the time Oliver turned seventeen and was planning on leaving the city alongside Trent, who had enough of his own abusive parents degrading and ignoring him, while praising his younger siblings.
Dr. Clara would help guide Lucifer with his DID and other mental illnesses, and he was starting to find the courage to become assertive once more. This all came to a head when Oliver and Trent left with the help of Lucifer, once they were both nineteen. Vivian was erratic, blaming Lucifer for pushing away their son and accusing him of cheating on her with another woman (implying she had people spy on him while he was with Dr. Clara and her team). However, Lucifer was ready to fight back against Vivian, but not physically. With help from Dr. Clara, Justin Woods (Trent’s boxing instructor and former Wall employee), Wiles Merit (Parody of Miles Edgeworth, defense attorney and private detective), and Jerry Allwork ( @capturecharlesau ; A young businessman who took Lucifer’s side after learning of Vivian’s changed behaviour), Lucifer was able to get enough evidence to put Vivian behind bars. Specifically at The Wall, where Dmitri Petrov was more than happy to take in the corrupted businesswoman.
But in present day of the timeline, Vivian never made it to the Wall. She managed to escape during the ride to The Wall with help from her siblings, and planned to get revenge on Lucifer before trying to track down Oliver and drag him back to the business, one way or another. However, when she infiltrated the Arc Mansion and attempted to kill Lucifer, the mansion was suddenly covered in blue crystals, caused by the power of the Austrian Sapphire.
While Lucifer managed to escape but Vivian would meet her fate, caught and mutilated by the crystal, Lucifer would be knocked out and kidnapped by an unknown group of people, the same ones who unleashed the Austrian Sapphire’s powers, alongside some other gems across parts of Europe. Where he is now is a mystery and his location would be revealed once the Toppat Station reaches space, and some other events happen.
That’s all I have for him for now. I would love to try and do something else for Accordion and Violin, especially as being new dads to Aurelia and Florence, but I realized I never did talk about Accordion’s dad that much, especially since he is important to my AU in some ways. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.
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conjuringgh0sts · 1 month
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when you. when the. well you see. when two men love each other very much.. uh. @fangwhoria
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boydykepdf · 1 month
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beautiful caprese salad i am going to live forever
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thewinedarksea · 10 months
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we went to iceland! (pt 2, colorful version)
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wanderinglcst · 8 months
"Hey, that's a nice journal you got there." It was the end of the school day and Andrew had finished letting out the third grade students when he had spotted Ava waiting for her grandfather. "It looks like a lot of love went into putting that together for you." He smiled casually at her. "I'm surprised your grandfather allowed you to keep it."
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scribblyspaceskeleton · 11 months
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Some AU related doodles.
I thought my Rayman hyperfixation was finally dying out, but Captain Laserhawk brought it right back.
Enjoy my first scribbles on this topic in over a month!
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fragmcntedsouls · 5 months
oliver reine ✦ riley shaw & briggs mikaelson
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Holding up the keys to the mancave basement of the autoshop, Oliver tugged them back before anybody could grab them. "Alright, house rules -- no messin' with the power tools, lock up when you're finished, and for the love of god, don't burn the place down." The wolf paused for thought, his features contorting as he made sure to cover all bases "oh and no tellin' Sid, or Rory about this, you both got that?"
@vilisisms & @ofmoonlitmagic
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