carmenpeach · 1 year
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Sonic and Tails are dead... in the midwest! chapter 3
ch 1 ch 2 ch 4
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watching walker finale FINALLYYYYY!!! here's me tryna review WHILE watching it.
Part 1
spoilers below!!
cordell just on that fine line between fucking rage and that soft look of helpless confusion of 'why did you do this?' is just so heartbreaking. i can almost feel him trembling with emotions.
omg the family "breaking into" stan's house, they look so happy!! i hate this *sob*
whenever they are happy someone or something destroys it
"dad looks so happy" shut up. don't touch me.
okay can we all talk about how joy inducing trey's mom is?? true she gives the 'you havin kids?' bit once in a while but shes just so ... jolly
tricki forever. i'm so sorry cordirez shippers. i just think they're cute okay???
cordi looks like he's trying not to cry but he still is so ... scary
puppy dog eyes + im bout to rip you eyes = chefs kiss
uh oh what's bout ta happen? nothing good happens when you leave the villain alone.
fuuuucckkkkkk cordell look at stan!!!! damnit all to fuck
i hope at least we get to see some whump lol
da moose huffs and puffs and ... damn he didnt blow stan down
little rays of sunshine!!!
the chips!!!!! what the fricking frackety ffuuck??!
uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh uh oh
jasdhgejhgdvwqm THIS IS SO FUCKING BADASS with the music and the slow mo and cordell's 'i'm fucking done, die mfs' attitude.
the walkers team effort AND a tricki teamwork!! woohoo!!
okay i need more snacks
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closetedisaster · 7 years
Spoilers for Spn 12x22
I won't say much, let's just get to it.. random thoughts throughout 12x22: - i still don't get why Ketch didn't just kill them 🤷🏻‍♀️ - what the fuck did they do to Mary!! I don't accept this!!! Mary has definitely been Winter Soldiered 😭 - ok I know they get out because of the promo so can it be quick? If not I know it will be painful af 😞 - Sammy my little Nerd! - ok I'm pretty sure you can't virginise Dean's blood 🙄 - aren't they using the oxygen even more by trying to break the wall? :/ - sammy baby don't blame yourself, BMOL played a good game. - YAAAAAS!!! Finallyyyyy... love this! This better fckng work! - Dean FTW baby! - ouch.. where's Caaaas, Dean's hurt hun! - no no no.. mary you stay the hell away from Jody - awww they called Garth, and they warned him of the BMOL! Good move writers - Jody is a BAMF! - I fckng hate this. Kill her now! (Lady Bevel I mean) - Lady they have literally faced the apocalypse, don't tell them they're done. - BMOL is weirdly reminiscent of Hydra 🙄 - Does this mean that Sammy is Captain America? Damn he gives good motivation speeches! - Dean.. 😭 - awww Donna, Jody, Alex and Claire *_* wayward daughters are life! - Bitch... Jerk... me: 😭😭😭 - Shut up Umbridge! - dafck kind of science is that? - awwww omg baby Sammy 😍and little Deaaaaan.. - piiie.. ok this is every fanfiction where Mary's alive ever.. Dean's hurting so bad 🙁 - ohhhh... 😕 This is a lot more emotional than I thought it would be. OMG 😱😱😱 he fucking aaid it!! Guys Dean said iiiiit... no it really wasn't fair hun. Oh Jess mentioned :( i love Dean in this ep, and my badass Sammy 🤤 - Dean crying is my weakness. I like how they did not make him hypocritical.. even if Mary comes back, i can't see her being able to live with what she's done. - fuck you Ketch!! The worse of them BMOL is with Dean now.. owww. Cas is gonna heal Dean right? He can't face Lucifer with that leg! Dean's fighting with whatever was in that injection! He's a fucking badass. - Please just let Mary have some peace now. - nahhh.. Crowley's a rat. - please don't spare her. Sam not again. Don't do it. Just don't.. YAAAAS! They are noooot worth it. - OMFG Jody took the shot!! - Mary had guilt.. 😕I kinda can't blame her because well the boys have all made more or less same mistakes.. - Jared's a moose. Final thoughts: Let's go to 23 shall we? I can't wait. (22 was less painful than I thought but hey 23 can fuck me up right?)
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