#FYA FEST 2017
the64thfloor · 7 years
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cameronnunez · 7 years
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Starting 2017 with 360 and multi-cam sets
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emisonme · 5 years
PR time line.............
Some can't seem to understand, how Shmila could have helped Camila get out of the PR with the con man. Let's explore the time line and maybe you'll have a better understanding of where I'm coming from.
Camila's debut album, had an original release date, of September 2017. She would have signed a PR contract with Ew, probably late August. These PR contracts are usually for a period of time, but the start and end dates, are flexible, because of the release dates of the Artists music being flexible.
Camila probably found out, sometime in late August, that her release date was being pushed, to November. That's why she followed the con man on SM, in October. They were preparing to unleash the PR, after the release of her album, in probably early December. Just in time for the holidays.
But, her album got pushed, yet again. The new date was January 12, 2018. She does the Elvis Duran radio show, on January 11. That is the first time we hear her or anyone else, utter that fuckers name.
The next morning, she does GMA. They schedule Con to appear on the same show. Why? To give us a PUBLIC reason for them meeting and the ensuing "relationship".
Three days later, Camila does Beats 1, with Zane Lowe. That's when we got the "maybe" when asked if she had a special someone in her life. Also, the whole, "I can't say your name without smiling" bullshit.
Then on February 9. 2018, we got the E-News exclusive Mexico beach photo-shoot. That's the day the actual PR began. They had signed the actual contract, MONTHS before, but because the album kept getting pushed, so did the start date for the PR.
That being said, I'm almost certain, they only signed a 1 year contract. I'll explain. We got their one year of public bullshit, but it really got laid on thick towards the end. If you notice, they did the same thing with Lauren and Tyrone. (It stayed pretty much SM until closer to the end, when they started doing red carpets and showing up to Industry events together.)
They did the "family" holiday thing, with both families, in December and January. Then on February 1, we got the pap pics of them leaving the movies, where Camila looks upset, and Con looks pissed. We also get turfers and "fans" taking to SM saying they had been arguing and Camila had been crying. That was the start of the "trouble in paradise" narrative.
The 10th was the Grammy's. After that, they both left for Dubai, and Camila's performance at Red Fest. They spent a few days hobnobbing around the Arabian Desert, taking lots of pics. Supposedly all happy. Then on February 25, Camila took his ass to that Vanity Fair shin-dig. That was their supposed public coming out, together. Camila had zero desire to be there with that fucker, and it showed.
Then, we got Camila's birthday post, on March 3. The things she learned when she was 21. A very interesting post, indeed. Number three, on that list, was talking about how complicated life and relationships are. How the right opportunity comes at the wrong time, and having to do something hard and uncomfortable, to be happy. (yeah, like PR)
Then she talks about how falling in love is the best thing ever. That leads us to number 8. There she says, life is to short, to hang with people you don't like, be in relationships with people that don't make you happy, or do things you hate. (yeah, like PR with an asshole)
Then MFP was released on March 25. In a song, with a video dedicated to people in relationships, Camila tells the world, she dedicated MFP to her favorite person, her little sister. (that's so sweet...but also very telling)
Why are those two things important? Because I firmly believe, the "split" announcement, and the official end to her PR, was supposed to happen in March.
So, what happened? Just like there is no official start date in a PR contract, there isn't an official end date, either. It's just a suggested time frame, of 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, etc. There are no hard dates built in, because in the Music Industry, everything is about timing.
Here's how I think it was supposed to go down. I think the announcement was supposed to come, just before the release of MFP. That would have explained the dedication to her sister, and would have given that song more promo.
But probably more importantly, It would have been perfect timing for FYA, if things had played out the way they were supposed to play out. She recorded that song with Mark, back in January. I think FYA was the song Mark was planning to release, with the pre-order link, which was on April 12. It would have been the best song to release with the link, and a public "split" would have been perfect timing for the release with the pre-order link. It would have gotten a shit load of media attention.
Instead, Epic got pissed, because Camila wasn't doing what they wanted her to do. It wasn't a damn song with Canada, Camila didn't want to do. She's game to collab with Canada, and just about anyone else who wants to collab with her. It was a PR relationship with him, they wanted her to agree to, but she didn't want to do.
When are some of you going to open your eyes and realize that. Her and Canada are real life friends. She'd probably agree to release a collab a year with him, if that's what he wanted. It's just music. A PR relationship, on the other hand, is a completely different story.
Epic, Island, and maybe Andrew, didn't JUST want a song. They wanted that song, to come with the bullshit we are getting now. Camila agreed to the song, but not the PR. So, what did Epic do? They delayed the official "split" with the dickhead.
Camila bought her house in April. They delayed the announcement of the purchase, until May 13, and had his name inserted into the damn article. Making it sound like she was going to be sharing her house with his ass. Did he ever step foot in her house?
Camila went to Italy in early May. They made it look like he went with her. He may have been there, but he didn't go "with" Camila. He was there to promote one of his books. She was there to get away from all the bullshit. They did have her walk through the airport with him, when they arrived back to LA, on May 12. The 13th, we got the article about the house. May 14, was the last pics we got of the two together.
On May 20, Camila posted one of the saddest pics, I've seen. You could tell, she was anything but happy. That's the day they want us to believe Ewmila "broke up". So, what could have happened between their supposed happy romantic trip to Italy, and the 20th? Absolutely nothing...with Ewmila. They were nothing to each other. Camila just wanted that motherfucker out of her life.
On May 24, we got the post saying, "the calm before the storm, with the 6 tornado emoji's. 4 days, after that very sad looking pic, she warned us this shitshow was coming.
On May 27, we got the pics of Camila and Canada eating outside, and the first media hits, asking "are they dating". Publicist planted that shit. May 30, FYA was released. June 8, Camila went to perform on stage with Alejandro Sanz, with no con artist in sight. June 18, she went to have her little chat at Cannes. She posted a pic, with the caption, "looks put together on the outside, but a mess on the inside". (or something close to it) That's also the day we got the first teasers of Senorita. The song and video was released on the 21st. Nothing but PR bullshit after that.
That's the time line, of how all this shit went down. That sad emotional pic, on the 20th, was a genuine sadness. She was an emotional mess, and NOT because of a "break-up". I think, that is the day, she gave in to the pressure, and made the decision to do the PR with Canada.
She wanted out of that PR shitshow with dickhead. The Label could have kept it going, as long as the dickhead agreed to keep it going, and why wouldn't he. It was getting him the attention he wanted. He didn't give a shit, it was causing her anxiety and emotional distress. (Matthew Hussey is a NARCISSISTIC PRICK, that's all about himself. The Label didn't give a shit, either. They just wanted their artist to do what they wanted her to do. IN MY OPINION!!!)
It really doesn't take that long to record and master a single. By the time they were seen eating together, on the 27th, they had probably already recorded the song, and were discussing the visuals for the video. They filmed it the first week of June or so.
I'm pretty sure, in my thoughts, that Camila only agreed to do this shit, if it was the song of her choice, the video visuals of her choice, and her team doing it. The song she chose, was HER song, Señorita. It wasn't difficult to figure out who that song was about. That's why Epic wouldn't allow her to release it, on her own. But, in a duet with Canada, they were fine with it.
This was all decided on, and done very quickly. That's how they were able to keep it a "secret". From agreement to roll out, it was all done in a months time.
So yeah, that's how I came to my conclusion, that Canada actually "helped" her get out of her PR shitshow with the Con man. How it was her song that was chosen. Her Label was pressuring her, to do this PR stunt with Canada, since 2018. Island and Epic, both wanted it. The song was just the pathway to get the PR started.
Camila is getting shit on, for something BOTH sides were pressuring and down right manipulating/coercing her to do. SHE DIDN'T WANT TO DO IT!!! Canada didn't really want to do it, either. But he's so damn scared of getting publicly outed, and it ruining his career, that he was willing to do anything to keep that from happening.
The only BAD GUYS, in all this shit, is Epic, Island, Andrew, and Roger. THEY are the ones so hell bent on keeping their clients "straight", and making a shit load of money off them, while they are being locked in their glass closet.
Roger should have put his foot down, and told Epic to make the public announcement, of the "split" back in May. Hell, he should have "leaked" the shit himself, on the 20th, when Camila posted that pic, if nothing else. That's why I place blame on him, for the way Camila is being portrayed by others.
The Sun, had the information for a while. They were told to sit on that information, until Epic was ready for the public announcement to be made. That's why the report started with, "I can reveal ...". Not, "this just in", or "Sources have confirmed", but "I can reveal".
The definition of reveal, for those who aren't sure...reveal: make (previously unknown or secret information) known to others....Yep, they sat on the info, until they were told to "reveal" it.
Agree or not, believe or not, that's my take on all this shit. This is how my mind connected all the fucked up dots.
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deadly-nightshade · 7 years
Strife - Live @ FYA Fest 2017  
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Bind - Florida Hardcore (yes, again!)
Let's start with something very cliché like introducing the band. Who is who, side projects any different bands with Bind members?
My name is Mike and I sing for Bind. Jake and Cory on guitars, Cheech on bass, and Austin plays drums. Me and our guitar players are in a band called Crisis Unit which we are currently writing a new release for sometime this year. 
It's fair to say that 2016 was very successful year for you. Can you tell us a story of the way you went from recording demo to the place you are now.
Thanks! It was absolutely an awesome year and experience for us as a band and i have a feeling 2017 will be even better.
We started the band after putting to rest an older band of ours and using a couple songs we wrote for that band on the demo. We put out a song for people to get an understanding on the direction we were taking and just go from there. We got an awesome response to it and got asked by Plead Your Case records to put out the demo. Later that year, we released the demo on a tape, played some crazy shows and then in the winter of 2015 we toured the east coast with a band called Vatican. After returning home we started hashing out new material and recorded a two song promo that we released ourselves and then later was released as a tape by Plead Your Case for This is Hardcore fest. After we released this promo we then went to tour Texas and back with Truth's Last Horison which was an incredible experience through and through, some of the best kids in hardcore. Once we returned home, we got word from Plead Your Case that he wanted to put out a Bind 7". We  already had new songs drawn out so we began preparing. In fall of 2016, we returned to Warhouse with John Howard, who had done all of our previous work, to record a four song 7". Once mastered, we had it sent off for pressing and Dillon Perino from Sanction drew us up some amazing artwork and we released the 7" by winter and got an incredible response from the release. To start off 2017, we played FYA fest and from there toured the east coast with Drawing Last Breath from SFL then played Midwest Blood fest and now we are back at home planning some very exciting tours. 
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Let's talk about inspirations. Can you name few bands that had biggest influence on you both personally and bandwise?
As inspirations go for our music, I think I'd say Strain, Crown of Thornz, Leeway, and early Earth Crisis and Strife would be the biggest. Personally my biggest influence is Maynard Keenan of Tool and Jody Taylor of Strain. 
I love the sound of your EP. Who is standing behind mix and mastering?
Thanks! Love how the 7" came out soundwise. We've been going to the same guy, John Howard at Warhouse, for two years now and he's the man behind the curtain for everything, mixing mastering, tones, he's a madman. There's too many for me to even recollect, we've became really close with him over these years and I don't think any band I'll ever be in will ever not record with him.
Lyrically 2 songs are exceptionally interesting. I mean Absolution and See through. Can you extend your idea standing behind the first one and tell readers was there any particular situation that push you to wrote See through?
Absolution is my stance on Christianity and veganism. In every discussion I've ever made with someone who is against veganism, they're only reasoning is "the word of God". But as someone who believes in God, Absolution is my stance that whatever higher power above us watching is disappointed in what we've done to animals and we shall be judged in the end for what we've done. The lyrics of See Through are in reference to the Aiyana Jones/Joesph Weekly case where a white police officer murdered a 7 year old black girl in a drug raid in 2010 and went completely unpunished for his actions. There are no words for situations like these other than pure disgust for the judicial system and the men and women who unjustifiably murder innocent lives with no consequence simply because they are granted a gun and a badge. 
I guess most of the bands from USA don't care that much about animal rights as it is in case of bands from Florida. You are vegan. How about the rest of the band? What makes you to go that way?
I would like to believe that's not entirely true but a good chunk of Florida kids are vegan and I've noticed more & more are becoming vegan/vegetarian as time goes on. I've been vegan a year come May! I did my research in early 2016 and I began to realize the damage i was conflicting on the lives of so many and it just became apparent that now was the time to make a change. 
Going to even more political part of the interview: it is couple months since Trump became president. How would you judge his duty so far?
There's not words to describe the man and his election other than disappointment and psychotic. He is beginning to send this country back to the Stone Age with every racist, transphobic, sexist, and ignorant bill he plans to pass. 
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To chill after politics related issues: how funny was the situation with Oscars?
It was sort of unbelievable, not even in reference to how unprofessional it was to announce an award for a film and then, on television, revoke it in the middle of their speech.. the fact that they took away such a deserving reward from Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling is just beyond me. 
What are your plans for the future? Lp? World tour?
A west coast tour in May/June that'll be announced within a month or two and talks of hitting Europe are undergoing as well. Currently, as music goes, we have some songs demo'd out but nothing official until after we return from these tours. 
If you have any last words, final thoughts - please go ahead.
Thanks for having me. Listen to Ecostrike!
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maentglobal · 7 years
Earsplit: Bands in the Van
#ACEPHALIX : 1/17/2018 Cryptatropa - Olympia, WA w/ Mortiferum, Fetid, Scolex 1/18/2018 Highline - Seattle, WA w/ Mortiferum, Fetid, Scolex 1/19/2018 Tonic Lounge - Portland, OR w/ Mortiferum, Fetid, Scolex 1/20/2018 Golden Bull - Oakland, CA w/ Mortiferum, Fetid, Scolex #ALLOUTWAR : 12/16/2017 The Chance - Poughkeepsie, NY 1/27/2018 Bovine Sex Club - Toronto, ON 1/28/2018 Foufounes Electriques - Montreal, QC #AMENRA : 1/13/2018 Gaité Lyrique -  Paris, FR 1/19/2018 Stevenskerk - Nijmegen NL 1/20/2018 Doornroosje - Nijmegen NL 1/28/2018 Festsaal Kreuzberg - Berlin, DE 1/29/2018 Colos-saal - Aschaffenburg, DE 2/14/2018 Thekla - Bristol, UK w/ Boris 2/15/2018 Heaven - London, UK w/ Boris 2/16/2018 Arts Centre - Norwich, UK w/ Boris 2/17/2018 Rescue Rooms - Nottingham, UK w/ Boris 2/18/2018 Gorilla -  Manchester, UK w/ Boris 2/19/2018 St. Lukes - Glasgow, UK w/ Boris 2/20/2018 Brudenell Social Club - Leeds, UK w/ Boris 2/21/2018 Aeronef - Lille, FR w/ Boris 2/22/2018 Drucklufthaus - Oberhausen, DE 2/23/2018 Beatpol - Dresden, DE w/ Boris 2/24/2018 Progresja - Warsaw, PL w/ Boris 2/25/2018 Palac Akropolis - Prague, CZ w/ Boris 2/26/2018 A38 - Budapest, HU w/ Boris 2/27/2018 Kino Siska - Ljubljana, SL w/ Boris 2/28/2018 Locomotiv - Bologna, IT w/ Boris 3/01/2018 Monk - Rome, IT w/ Boris 3/02/2018 Santeria Social Club - Milan, IT w/ Boris 3/03/2018 Jubez - Karlsruhe, DE w/ Boris 3/04/2018 Patronaat - Haarlem, NL w/ Boris 4/06/2018 Depot - Leuven. BE 4/07/2018 Durbuy Rock Festival - Durbuy, BE 4/08/2018 Cactus Club - Brugge, BE 4/13/2018 Eden - Charleroi, BE 4/14/2018 MOD - Hasselt, BE #ARKAIK w/ #Exhumed : 12/08/2017 89th Street - Oklahoma City, OK #BELLWITCH : 12/09/2017 Café Coda - Chico, CA w/ Monarch! 4/21/2018 013 @ Roadburn - Tilburg, NL 4/22/2018 Het Patronaat @ Roadburn - Tilburg, NL #BIG|BRAVE : 12/12/2017 7th St. Entry - Minneapolis, MN w/ Unsane 12/13/2017 Cactus Club - Milwaukee, WI w/ Unsane 12/14/2017 Grog Shop - Cleveland, OH w/ Unsane 12/15/2017 Loving Touch - Detroit, MI w/ Unsane 12/16/2017 Hard Luck Bar - Toronto, ON w/ Unsane 12/18/2017 Once - Boston, MA w/ Unsane 12/19/2017 Kung Fu Necktie - Philadelphia, PA w/ Unsane #BROKENCROSS : 3/16-18/2018 Oranssi Ry - Helsinki, FI @ Judas Chair Collective Festival [info] #CENTURIES w/ #PortrayalOfGuilt : 4//28/2018 Klex - Greifswald, DE 4/29/2018 Gothenburg - Sekten, SE 4/30/2018 Firestorm Fest - Stockholm, SE 5/01/2018 TBA - Malmö, SE 5/02/2018 TBA - Copenhagen, DK 5/03/2018 TBA - Hamburg, DE 5/04/2018 Utrecht Fest - Amsterdam, NL 5/05/2018 Privat - Cologne, DE 5/06/2018 Kavka - Antwerp, BE 5/07/2018 La Comedia Michelet - Paris, FR 5/08/2018 TBA - CH/FR 5/09/2018 Juha West - Stuttgart, DE 5/10/2018 TBA - Bielefeld/Weimar, DE 5/11/2018 Miss The Stars Fest - Berlin, DE #CHILDBITE w/ #Unsane , Big|Brave: 12/12/2017 7th St Entry - Minneapolis, MN 12/13/2017 Cactus Club - Milwaukee, WI 12/14/2017 Grog Shop - Cleveland, OH 12/15/2017 Loving Touch - Detroit, MI 12/16/2017 Hard Luck Bar - Toronto, ON 12/17/2017 L'Astral - Montreal, QC [no Big|Brave] 12/18/2017 Great Scott - Boston, MA 12/19/2017 Kung Fu Necktie - Philadelphia, PA #CLAMFIGHT : 1/19/2018 Century - Philadelphia, PA *Record Release show w/ Kings Destroy 1/26/2017 Guido's Speakeasy - Frederick, MD w/ Rukut 1/27/2017 TBA - Charlottesville, VA with Rukut #CORROSIONOFCONFORMITY w/ #BlackLabelSociety, #Eyehategod (12/29 - 1/20; 2/11 - 2/27), #RedFang (1/26 - 2/09): 12/27/2017 Ogden Theatre - Denver, CO 12/29/2017 Anthem at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - Sioux City, IA ^ 12/30/2017 Uptown Theater - Kansas City, MO ^ 12/31/2017 Pop's Nightclub - Sauget, IL^ 1/02/2018 Sokol Auditorium - Omaha, NE^ 1/03/2018 House Of Blues - Chicago, IL ^ 1/04/2018 Egyptian Room at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN ^ 1/05/2018 The Fillmore Detroit - Detroit, MI ^ 1/07/2018 Upstate Concert Hall - Clifton Park, NY ^ 1/08/2018 M Telus - Montreal, QC ^ 1/09/2018 Rebel - Toronto, ON ^ 1/10/2018 20 Monroe Live - Grand Rapids, MI ^ 1/12/2018 Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City, OK ^ 1/13/2018 Bomb Factory - Dallas, TX ^ 1/14/2018 Emo's - Austin, TX ^ 1/15/2018 House Of Blues - Houston, TX ^ 1/17/2018 House Of Blues - New Orleans, LA ^ 1/18/2018 Marathon Music Works - Nashville, TN ^ 1/19/2018 Bogart's - Cincinnati, OH ^ 1/20/2018 Center Stage - Atlanta, GA ^ 1/26/2018 Jannus Live - St. Petersburg, FL * 1/27/2018 House Of Blues - Myrtle Beach, SC * 1/28/2018 The Ritz - Raleigh, NC * 1/29/2018 The Fillmore Silver Spring - Silver Spring, MD * 1/31/2018 PlayStation Theater - New York, NY * 2/01/2018 The Palladium - Worcester, MA * 2/02/2018 Aura - Portland, ME * 2/03/2018 Electric Factory - Philadelphia, PA * 2/05/2018 Town Ballroom - Buffalo, NY * 2/06/2018 The Goodyear Theater at East End - Akron, OH * 2/07/2018 Stage AE - Pittsburgh, PA * 2/08/2018 Eagles Ballroom Club Stage - Milwaukee, WI * 2/09/2018 Myth Live - St. Paul, MN * 2/11/2018 O'Brians Event Centre - Saskatoon, SK ^ 2/12/2018 The Ranch Roadhouse - Edmonton, AB ^ 2/14/2018 Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, BC ^ 2/16/2018 Bowes Event Center at Revolution Place - Grande Prairie, AB ^ 2/17/2018 MacEwan Hall - Calgary, AB ^ 2/19/2018 Showbox SoDo - Seattle, W ^ 2/20/2018 Roseland Theater - Portland, OR ^ 2/21/2018 Ace Of Spades - Sacramento, CA ^ 2/23/2018 House of Blues - Las Vegas, NV ^ 2/24/2018 The Marquee - Tempe, AZ ^ 2/25/2018 Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque, NM ^ 2/27/2018 The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA ^ ^ w/ Eyehategod * w/ Red Fang #DARKBUDDHARISING : 12/13/2017 Klubi - Tampere, FI w/ Sum Of R #DARKESTHOUR w/ #Warbringer , #Exmortus : 12/12/2017 Strummers - Fresno, CA 12/14/2017 1720 - Los Angeles, CA 12/15/2017 Gideon's Hall - Upland, CA #DEAFKIDS : 12/17/2017 Festival Cardápio Underground 2017 - Bragança Paulista, BR 12/21/2017 Hotel Bar - São Paulo, BR EXHUMED w/ Arkaik: 12/08/2017 89th Street - Oklahoma City, OK EYEHATEGOD w/ Corrosion Of Conformity, Black Label Society: 12/29/2017 Anthem at Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - Sioux City, IA ^ 12/30/2017 Uptown Theater - Kansas City, MO ^ 12/31/2017 Pop's Nightclub - Sauget, IL ^ 1/02/2018 Sokol Auditorium - Omaha, NE ^ 1/03/2018 House Of Blues - Chicago, IL ^ 1/04/2018 Egyptian Room at Old National Centre - Indianapolis, IN ^ 1/05/2018 The Fillmore Detroit - Detroit, MI ^ 1/06/2018 Saint Vitus - Brooklyn, NY * EYEHATEGOD only 1/07/2018 Upstate Concert Hall - Clifton Park, NY ^ 1/08/2018 M Telus - Montreal, QC ^ 1/09/2018 Rebel - Toronto, ON ^ 1/10/2018 20 Monroe Live - Grand Rapids, MI ^ 1/12/2018 Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City, OK ^ 1/13/2018 Bomb Factory - Dallas, TX ^ 1/14/2018 Emo's - Austin, TX ^ 1/15/2018 House Of Blues - Houston, TX ^ 1/17/2018 House Of Blues - New Orleans, LA ^ 1/18/2018 Marathon Music Works - Nashville, TN ^ 1/19/2018 Bogart's - Cincinnati, OH ^ 1/20/2018 Center Stage - Atlanta, GA ^ 2/11/2018 O'Brians Event Centre - Saskatoon, SK ^ 2/12/2018 The Ranch Roadhouse - Edmonton, AB ^ 2/14/2018 Commodore Ballroom - Vancouver, BC ^ 2/16/2018 Bowes Event Center at Revolution Place - Grande Prairie, AB ^ 2/17/2018 MacEwan Hall - Calgary, AB ^ 2/19/2018 Showbox SoDo - Seattle, W ^ 2/20/2018 Roseland Theater - Portland, OR ^ 2/21/2018 Ace Of Spades - Sacramento, CA ^ 2/23/2018 House of Blues - Las Vegas, NV ^ 2/24/2018 The Marquee - Tempe, AZ ^ 2/25/2018 Sunshine Theater - Albuquerque, NM ^ 2/27/2018 The Fonda Theatre - Los Angeles, CA ^ ^ w/ Eyehategod #FETID West Coast Tour w/ #Mortiferum : 1/17/2018 Cryptatropa - Olympia, WA w/ Acephalix, Scolex 1/18/2018 Highline - Seattle, WA w/ Acephalix, Scolex 1/19/2018 Tonic Lounge - Portland, OR w/ Acephalix, Scolex 1/20/2018 Golden Bull - Oakland, CA w/ Acephalix, Scolex 1/22/2018 The Garth - Las Vegas, NV 1/23/2018 Cottage House - Flagstaff, AZ 1/24/2018 The Cave - Santa Fe, NM 1/25/2018 Reno's Chop Shop - Dallas, TX 1/26/2018 White Swan - Houston, TX 1/27/2018 Lost Well - Austin, TX 1/28/2018 Apt. 512 - El Paso, TX 1/29/2018 Master's Chambers - Phoenix, AZ 1/30/2018 Til-Two Club - San Diego, CA 1/31/2018 Que Sera - Long Beach, CA 2/01/2018 Resident - Los Angeles, CA 2/02/2018 Blue Lagoon - Santa Cruz, CA 2/03/2018 First Church Of The Buzzard - Oakland, CA #GENOCIDEPACT : 2/02/2018 Rock And Roll Hotel - Washington, DC w/ Mammoth Grinder [info] 2/03/2018 Strange Matter - Richmond, VA w/ Mammoth Grinder, Occvlta, Organ Donor [info] GOATWHORE: 2/01-05/2018 70000 Tons Of Metal - Ft. Lauderdale, FL [tickets] w/ Sepultura, Obscura, Fit For An Autopsy: 2/23/2018 Conne Island - Leipzig, DE 2/24/2018 Masters of Rock Café - Zlin, CZ 2/25/2018 Barba Negra - Budapest, HU 2/26/2018 Orion Club - Rome, IT 2/27/2018 Magazzini Generali - Milano, IT 3/01/2018 Explosiv - Graz, AT 3/02/2018 Majestic Music Club - Bratislava, SK 3/03/2018 Proxima - Warsaw, PL 3/04/2018 B90 - Gdansk, PL 3/06/2018 Columbia Theater - Berlin, DE 3/07/2018 Docks - Hamburg, DE 3/08/2018 Garage - Saarbrücken, DE 3/09/2018 LKA Longhorn - Stuttgart, DE 3/10/2018 Backstage - München, DE 3/11/2018 Tivoli Ronda - Utrecht, NL 3/13/2018 SWX - Bristol, UK 3/14/2018 SWG3 - Glasgow, UK 3/15/2018 The Tivoli - Dublin, IE 3/16/2018 Hammerfest  - Pwlhelli, GB 3/17/2018 Foundry - Sheffield, UK 3/18/2018 Koko - London, UK 3/20/2018 Elysee Montmartre - Paris, FR 3/21/2018 Zeche -Bochum, DE 3/22/2018 Hirsch - Nürnberg, DE 3/23/2018 Rockhouse - Salzburg, DE 3/24/2018 Kofmehl - Solothurn, CH #IRONMONKEY : 4/13/2018 Rescue Rooms -  Manchester, UK 4/14/2018 The Underworld - London, UK 4/21/2018 Ruby Lounge -  Manchester, UK #JESUSPIECE w/ #Vein, #Typecaste, #Separated : 1/02/2018 Middle East Upstairs - Boston, MA w/ Dead Heat 1/04/2018 Jaycees - Wilmington, DE w/ xServitudex 1/06-07/2018 FYA 5 - Tampa, FL 1/08/2018 The Roach Motel - Decatur, AL 1/09/2018 Rockhouse Live - Memphis, TN 1/10/2018 Northside Yacht Club - Cincinnati, OH 1/11/2018 Spinellis - Louisville, KY w/ #KnockedLoose, #Terror , #Stone : 2/28/2018 The End - Nashville, TN 3/01/2018 Blind Tiger - Greensboro, NC 3/02/2018 The Masquerade - Atlanta, GA 3/03/2018 Crowbar - Ybor City, FL 3/04/2018 1904 - Jacksonville, FL 3/06/2018 Walters Downtown - Houston, TX 3/07/2018 Alamo City Music Hall - San Antonio, TX 3/08/2018 RBC - Dallas, TX 3/09/2018 Davey's Uptown - Kansas City, MO 3/10/2018 Marquis Theatre - Denver, CO 3/11/2018 In The Venue - Salt Lake City, UT 3/13/2018 El Corazon - Seattle, WA 3/14/2018 Analog Theater - Portland, OR 3/16/2018 924 Gilman - Berkeley, CA 3/17/2018 Teragram Ballroom - Los Angeles, CA 3/18/2018 Chain Reaction - Anaheim, CA 3/19/2018 Nile Theater - Mesa, AZ 3/21/2018 89th Street - Oklahoma City, OK 3/22/2018 Sokol Underground - Omaha, NE 3/23/2018 Amsterdam Bar & Hall - St. Paul, MN 3/24/2018 Bottom Lounge - Chicago, IL 3/25/2018 Skully's Music Diner - Columbus, OH 3/26/2018 The Magic Stick - Detroit, MI 3/27/2018 Velvet Underground - Toronto, ON 3/28/2018 Theatre Fairmount - Montreal, QC 3/29/2018 California Brew Haus - Rochester, NY 3/30/2018 The Palladium - Worcester, MA 3/31/2018 Brooklyn Bazaar - Brooklyn, NY 4/01/2018 Underground Arts - Philadelphia, PA #KHEMMIS - #DecibelMagazineTour w/ Enslaved, #WolvesInTheThroneRoom , #Myrkur : 2/15/2018 Theater Of Living Arts - Philadelphia, PA 2/16/2018 Irving Plaza - New York, NY 2/17/2018 Royale - Boston, MA 2/18/2018 Corona Theatre - Montreal, QC 2/20/2018 Phoenix Theatre - Toronto, ON 2/21/2018 Agora Ballroom - Cleveland, OH 2/23/2018 Metro - Chicago, IL 2/24/2018 Cabooze - Minneapolis, MN 2/25/2018 Granada Theater - Lawrence, KS 2/26/2018 Gothic Theatre - Englewood, CO 3/02/2018 MacEwan Ballroom - Calgary, AB 3/03/2018 The Starlite Ballroom - Edmonton, BC 3/05/2018 Rickshaw Theater - Vancouver, BC 3/06/2018 El Corazon - Seattle, WA 3/07/2018 Hawthorne Theater - Portland, OR 3/09/2018 Regency Ballroom - San Francisco, CA 3/10/2018 The Observatory - Santa Ana, CA #LIFESICK 12/15/2017 Ungdommenshus - Fredericia, DK #MAYHEM : 4/01/2018 #DecibelMetalAndBeerFest @ The Fillmore - Philadelphia, PA w/  #Carcass, #Repulsion, more [info] #MORTIFERUM : 1/17/2018 Cryptatropa - Olympia, WA w/ Acephalix, Fetid, Scolex 1/18/2018 Highline - Seattle, WA w/ Acephalix, Fetid, Scolex 1/19/2018 Tonic Lounge - Portland, OR w/ Acephalix, Fetid, Scolex 1/20/2018 Golden Bull - Oakland, CA w/ Acephalix, Fetid, Scolex 1/22/2018 The Garth - Las Vegas, NV w/ Fetid 1/23/2018 Cottage House - Flagstaff, AZ w/ Fetid 1/24/2018 The Cave - Santa Fe, NM w/ Fetid 1/25/2018 Reno's Chop Shop - Dallas, TX w/ Fetid 1/26/2018 White Swan - Houston, TX w/ Fetid 1/27/2018 Lost Well - Austin, TX w/ Fetid 1/28/2018 Apt. 512 - El Paso, TX w/ Fetid 1/29/2018 Master's Chambers - Phoenix, AZ w/ Fetid 1/30/2018 Til-Two Club - San Diego, CA w/ Fetid 1/31/2018 Que Sera - Long Beach, CA w/ Fetid 2/01/2018 Resident - Los Angeles, CA w/ Fetid 2/02/2018 Blue Lagoon - Santa Cruz, CA w/ Fetid 2/03/2018 First Church Of The Buzzard - Oakland, CA w/ Fetid #NECROT : 2/17/2018 Eli's Mile High - Oakland, CA w/ Mammoth Grinder 5/31-6/02/2018 North West Terror Fest - Seattle, WA #OMOTAI : 1/26/2018 The Secret Group - Houston, TX 2/03/2018 Faust Tavern - San Antonio, TX #POWERTRIP : 1/18/2018 Astra Kulturhaus - Berlin, DE ^ 1/19/2018 Tivoli Ronda - Utrecht, NL ^ 1/20/2018 Eventwerk - Dresden, DE ^ 1/21/2018 Backstage - Munich, DE ^ 1/22/2018 Komplex - Zurich, CH ^ 1/23/2018 Schlachtof - Wiesbaden, DE ^ 1/24/2018 Sono - Brno, CZ ^ 1/25/2018 Stadthalle - Lichtenfels, DE ^ 1/26/2018 De Mast - Torhout, BE ^ 1/27/2018 Turbinenhalle - Oberhausen, DE ^ 1/28/2018 02 Forum Kentish Town - London, UK ^ 3/11/2018 Live Music Hall - Koln, DE # 3/12/2018 Turbinenhalle 2 - Oberhausen, DE # 3/14/2018 KB - Malmo, SE # 3/15/2018 Fryshuset Klubben - Stockholm, SE # 3/16/2018 Rockefeller - Oslo, NO # 3/17/2018 Arbis - Norrkoping, SE # 3/19/2018 Cable Factory - Helsinki, FI # 3/21/2018 Pustervik - Gothenburg, SE # 3/22/2018 Pumpehuset - Copenhagen, DK # 3/23/2018 Huxleys - Berlin, DE # 3/24/2018 Täubchenthal - Leipzig, DE # 3/25/2018 Progresja - Warsaw, PL # 3/27/2018 Roxy - Prague, CZ # 3/28/2018 Majestic - Bratislava, SK # 3/29/2018 Durer Kert - Budapest, HU # 3/30/2018 Simm City - Vienna, AU # 4/01/2018 Tvornica - Zagreb, HR # 4/02/2018 Kino Siska - Ljubljana, SI # 4/03/2018 Phenomenon - Novara, IT # 4/04/2018 Komplex - Zurich, CH # 4/06/2018 Sala Santana - Bilbao, ES # 4/07/2018 Teatro Barcelo - Madrid, ES # 4/08/2018 Sala Razzmatazz - Barcelona, ES # 4/10/2018 L'Usine - Geneva, CH # 4/11/2018 Tonhalle - Munich, DE # 4/12/2018 LKA-Longhorn - Stuttgart, DE # 4/13/2018 Bataclan - Paris, FR # 4/15/2018 Trix - Antwerp, BE # 4/16/2018 O2 Academy - Bristol, UK @ 4/17/2018 O2 Academy - Birmingham, UK @ 4/19/2018 O2 Academy - Glasgow, UK @ 4/20/2018 Academy - London, UK @ 4/21/2018 Academy Brixton - London, UK @ 4/27/2018 Welcome to Rockville Festival - Jacksonville, FL [info] 4/28/2018 Fort Rock - Sunrise, FL 5/04/2018 Carolina Rebellion - Concord, NC 5/18-20/2018 Rock On The Range  Columbus, OH [info] 5/27/2018 Modified Ghost Festival III - Vancouver, BC [info] * w/ Cannibal Corpse, Gatecreeper & w/ #Gatecreeper ! w/ #Suicideyear ^ w/ #Hatebreed, #Madball, Terror, #BrokenTeeth, #InsanityAlert # w/ #Trivium, #VenomPrison @ w/ Trivium, Venom Prison, #CodeOrange #SCOUR : 12/15/2017 The Rail Club - Fort Worth, TX [tickets] 12/16/2017 Come And Take It Live - Austin, TX [tickets] 7/07/2018 Roskilde Festival - Roskilde, Denmark [tickets] #sect #SOTHISISSUFFERING w/ #Whitechapel , #Carnifex , #RingsofSaturn , #Entheos : 12/12/2017 Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City, OK 12/13/2017 Come And Take It Live - Austin, TX 12/14/2017 Scout Bar - Houston, TX 12/15/2017 Hi-Tone - Memphis, TN 12/16/2017 The Intersection - Knoxville, TN #SPIRITADRIFT : 4/01/2018 Decibel Metal And Beer Fest @ The Fillmore - Philadelphia, PA [info] #STEVEVONTILL : 1/20/2018 Cosmo Senior's Centre - Saskatoon, SK w/ Respectfulchild [info] #SUNLESS : 12/15/2017 The Wisco - Madison, WI w/ Northless, Aseethe, Corridoré 12/16/2017 Cactus Club - Milwaukee, WI w/ Northless, Aseethe, Pig's Blood 1/13/2018 The Handsome Daughter - Winnipeg, MB w/ #InvertedSerenity , #Sphygmus , #NecroticLiquefaction #SWEETCOBRA #THEDREADCREWOFODDWOOD #LawfulEvilEuropeanTour2017 : #THEOBSESSED w/ #Clutch, #DevinTownsendProject 12/12/2017 Gillioz Theater - Springfield, MO 12/13/2017 Bourbon Theater - Lincoln, NE 12/14/2017 Livewire Lounge - Chicago, IL 12/15/2017 Limelight Eventplex - Peoria, IL 12/16/2017 Marathon Music Works - Nashville, TN 12/18/2017 Golden Pony - Harrisonburg, VA * 12/20/2017 Middle East - Boston, MA * 12/21/2017 Geno's - Portland, ME * 12/22/2017 Photo City Improv - Rochester, NY * 12/23/2017 Black Cat - Washington, DC * 12/27/2017 Upstate Concert Hall - Clifton Park, NY 12/28/2017 Starland Ballroom - Sayreville, NJ 12/29/2017 The National - Richmond, VA 12/30/2017 The International - Knoxville, TN 12/31/2017 Express Live - Columbus, OH * THE OBSESSED only #THEOXFORDCOMA : #TREPANERINGSRITUALEN w/ #Batushka , #Schammasch 1/10/2018 013 - Tilburg, NL 1/11/2018 Biebob - Vosselaar, BE 1/12/2018 Thekla - Bristol, UK 1/13/2018 Rebellion - Manchester, UK 1/14/2018 Islington Assembly Hall - London, UK 1/15/2018 Petit Bain - Paris, FR 1/16/2018 Kulturfabrik - Esch Sur Aslette, LU 1/17/2018 Turock - Essen, DE 1/18/2018 Rockhouse - Salzburg, AT 1/19/2018 Hellraiser - Lepizig, DE 1/20/2018 Szene - Vienna, AT 1/21/2018 Hafen - Innsbruck, AT 1/22/2018 A38 - Budabest, HU 1/23/2018 Futurum - Prague, CZ 1/24/2018 Backstage - Munich, DE 1/25/2018 Kronensaal - Hamburg, DE 1/26/2018 Iduna - Drachten, NL 1/27/2018 Lucky - Rijssen, NL #TWITCHINGTONGUES : #UFOMAMMUT : 5/24-27/2018 Maryland Deathfest - Baltimore, MD UNSANE: 12/12/2017 7th St Entry - Minneapolis, MN w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/13/2017 Cactus Club - Milwaukee, WI w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/14/2017 Grog Shop - Cleveland, OH w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/15/2017 Loving Touch - Detroit, MI w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/16/2017 Hard Luck Bar - Toronto, ON w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/17/2017 L'Astral - Montreal, QC w/ Child Bite 12/18/2017 Great Scott - Boston, MA w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite 12/19/2017 Kung Fu Necktie - Philadelphia, PA w/ Big|Brave, Child Bite #WHITECHAPEL - #ADecadeOfDefilementTour w/ Carnifex, Rings Of Saturn, Entheos, So This Is Suffering: 12/12/2017 Diamond Ballroom - Oklahoma City, OK 12/13/2017 Come And Take It Live - Austin, TX 12/14/2017 Scout Bar - Houston, TX 12/15/2017 Hi-Tone - Memphis, TN 12/16/2017 The Intersection - Knoxville, TN #WVRM w/ #FuneralChic : 12/13/2017 Beauty Bar - Las Vegas, NV 12/14/2017 Burt's Tiki Lounge - Albuquerque, NM 12/15/2017 Reno's Chop Shop - Dallas, TX 12/16/2017 Vino's - Little Rock, AR 12/17/2017 Rockhouse Live Midtown - Memphis, TN 12/18/2017 The Earl - Atlanta, GA #ZUD : 12/16/2017 193 Exchange St. - Bangor, ME w/ Manic Abraxas, Combatant [info]
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deadly-nightshade · 7 years
Indecision - Live @ FYA Fest 2017: 360 Degree Video (Partial Set)
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