#Fabian Schreyer
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sheltiechicago · 3 years
. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid
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Fabian Schreyer
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thingsdavidlikes · 7 years
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. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid http://ift.tt/2es0CzU
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herzfee · 4 years
. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid
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nachrichtenmuc-blog · 7 years
Fotoausstellung: Via! - Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo
Fotoausstellung: Via! – Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo
(fs) Ungewöhnliche Alltagsszenen erwarten Besucher der Fotoausstellung „Via!“ vom 6. Oktober bis zum 19. November in der Pasinger Fabrik. Der Bilderkanon ist das Ergebnis eines 2014 in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institutinitiierten Fotografieprojektes. Zielsetzung von jeweils fünf deutschen und fünf italienischen Beteiligten war es, mit den Mitteln der Straßenfotografie über den Zeitraum eines…
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teekay0711 · 6 years
Out now! A very nice and unique overview of german streetphotography. Feat. Kay van Aspern, Mario Cuic, Siegfried Hansen, Marco Larousse, Christopher Reuter, Fabian Schreyer, Max Slobboda, Nicole Struppert, Martin U. Waltz (Coverphoto) and me.
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andaradagio · 3 years
. da Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid
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architectnews · 3 years
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments, Vienna
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments, Vienna Housing Building, Austrian Architecture Project Photos
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments in Vienna
20 May 2021
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments
Design: BFA x KLK Location: Vienna, Austria
The Gudrunstraße project offers fifty business apartments and six offices were constructed in a new building on an empty lot in Vienna. The first phase focused on supporting work for the necessary rededication.
In further phases, optimal light conditions were achieved by orienting all of the apartments facing South-East. Noise pollution was reduced by the same measure since the orientation towards a more quiet side street acted as natural sound abatement.
Following the client’s brief of modern temporary living spaces, these affordable micro-apartments offer maximized spaciousness and comfort. Each apartment is accessible via an arcade and external staircase and features a balcony. The compact floor plan consists of a generous main corridor, a bedroom area, sanitary facilities, and a living space with a pitched roof oriel and a balcony. Minimizing the results of the adjacent room in a bright and generous living space that meets the dynamic needs of the future residents.
The building’s facade is comprised of stacked traditional Viennese Schrebergardens (small, intimate garden communities), expressing a strong character in terms of urban development in a neighborhood characterized by predominantly commercial use.
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments in Vienna, Austria – Building Information
Architects: BFA x KLK Location: Gudrunstraße 1, 1110 Wien Client: Private Developer Architecture/Interior Design: BFA x KLK (BFA Büro für Architektur | Architekt DI Heinz Lutter & BÜRO KLK) Lead architect: Heinz Lutter Team: Heinz Lutter, Christian Knapp, Jonathan Lutter, Fabian Lutter, Jürgen DePaul, Xaver Kolleger Gross Built Area: 3900 m2 Completion: 2021
Site supervision: Oberressl & Kantz ZT-GmbH Structural engineer: Oberressl & Kantz ZT-GmbH Project management: Oberressl & Kantz ZT-GmbH Structural physics: Bauklimatik GmbH Building services: Bauklimatik GmbH Fire protection: IMS Brandschutz Ingenieurbüro GmbH
About BFA x KLK BFA x KLK stands for two offices that have successfully completed several projects in the last years. BFA x KLK pursuits the approach of facing diverse situations with curiosity and putting original ideas into practice. The collaboration is characterized by a common passion for experimentation, profound expertise, and a fine sense for the aesthetical. This results in an interdisciplinary practice that unites the fields of architecture, design & interior, project management, and urban strategies. It is in this wide spectrum where two generations with an awareness for the interplay between people and space find each other.
Photography: David Schreyer
Gudrunstraße Business Apartments, Vienna images / information received 200521
Location: Vienna, Austria, central Europe
New Vienna Architecture
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mybenia1 · 7 years
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maximtruhin · 7 years
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. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid on Flickr.
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photowerkberlin · 7 years
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#last view on the #StreetProjections thanks to all the participating artists: Remi Chauvin (AU) Mischa Christen (CH) Enrico Essl (A) Hossein Fardinfard (GE) Tejal Mewar (IN) Marcello Perino (I) Anaïs Perry (F) Christian Reister (D) Fabian Schreyer (D) Hanko Ye (D) What a great experience this was !
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Fabian Schreyer
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thingsdavidlikes · 5 years
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. by Fabian Schreyer // shootingcandid https://flic.kr/p/2h7YZFi
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nachrichtenmuc-blog · 7 years
Fotoausstellung: Via! - Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo
Fotoausstellung: Via! – Straßenfotografie von Hamburg bis Palermo
(fs) Ungewöhnliche Alltagsszenen erwarten Besucher der Fotoausstellung „Via!“ vom 6. Oktober bis zum 19. November in der Pasinger Fabrik. Der Bilderkanon ist das Ergebnis eines 2014 in Kooperation mit dem Goethe Institut initiierten Fotografieprojektes. Zielsetzung von jeweils fünf deutschen und fünf italienischen Beteiligten war es, mit den Mitteln der Straßenfotografie über den Zeitraum eines…
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Fabian Schreyer from Germany tells us how Photography made him to appreciate subtleties of everyday life
This guy keeps it very simple yet super amazing and inspiring. Meet Fabian Schreyer from Germany who loves to go out and capture the raw factors of street photography.
In this brief interview with 121clicks.com, he shares certain interesting concepts, his inspiration and a few lot more. Speaking about his photographs, the real feel of decisive moment and identifying the right aspect for the street photograph is quiet evident. The colors are intriguing and b/w are classy. Drawing inspiration from the grand masters, Fabian’s style falls well within the contemporary style of street photography. Take a look at these portfolio and stay inspired.
Could you tell us a bit about yourself and what you do?
Sure. I’m 32 years old and I’m living in Augsburg/Germany. After studying in Passau and spending some time in Berlin, I moved back to my hometown, which is located near Munich in Bavaria. Since 2008 I work as a journalist and PR-freelancer, doing public relations in the music business.
What first drew you to photography and how did you discover it?
When I was a kid, I mainly took pictures during family vacations. I started with an analogue compact camera and later switched to an analogue Nikon SLR. During my time at university, I had access to a photo lab, which intensified my interest in photography. When I moved to Berlin for an internship, I took my camera with me and started getting to know the city as I always do when coming to a new place – by walking.
Roaming the streets every day before or after work, I instinctively captured everything that caught my interest. By taking candid pictures of the people and their urban environment, I was hoping to gain a better understanding of the city’s spirit and structure. The camera turned out to be the perfect companion for those random walks through the different neighborhoods.
Back then I realized that there’s not only a whole bunch of like-minded people, but also a term that describes this approach quite well – street photography. So I started doing research off- and online and confronted myself with the work of both the masters and those from the contemporary SP-circuit.
What makes street photography so special for you?
I was never a fan of science fiction or fantasy movies and that kind of stuff. Reality and real characters always seemed interesting enough to me. It’s interesting to see, how little attention people pay to what’s happening around them, although daily life in public offers such a variety of interesting scenes to observe.
Everyone seems to be focused on his own business or detracts himself by using all kinds of technical devices. I liked the idea of turning my attention on something, which is visible for everyone and at the same time beyond most people’s perception, selecting it, running it through my “filters” and thereby shaping and showing my subjective version of it. Observing all these little encounters and stories and capturing those meaningful details from my point of view somehow started making sense to me.
For Fabian, what does it take to make a good street photograph?
Intuition, patience, empathy, experience, the ability to anticipate, a unique and quick perception.
One thing that photography had taught you over the years?
Photography taught me to appreciate the subtleties of everyday life and to look closer at my environment; it brought me to new places and made me meet new friends.
Can you please choose one picture from your portfolio and share the story behind the making?
This is a shot that I took in Barcelona in July 2014. I was sitting in this tiny café in Barrio Gótico sipping an Espresso and taking a rest from my walks up and down Las Ramblas and surroundings. There was this couple sitting at the next table. They were talking to each other and I was observing them for while. Suddenly the guy’s mobile phone rang. He answered the call, immediately stood up and went outside in a rush. When he was outside of the bar, he realized that he had not even said goodbye to the girl. He was really busy to leave, so he didn’t come in again, but just kissed her through the open window. As I was observing the whole scene from the beginning, I was ready to capture this nice moment.
Your achievements?
Not sure about achievements, but here are a few recent things I did recently: In 2013 I founded “The Street Collective”. This year some of our collective attended the Miami Street Photography Festival to show our work and right now we are planning a big collective show in Sweden for summer next year. In 2014 I initiated a long-term photography project called “Via!”. The results of this bi-national project, which features five German and five Italian street photographers, will be shown end of January 2016 in Museo di Roma in Trastevere and later on in a traveling exhibition all over Italy.
Your favorite photographers?
Of course a few oldies like Elliott Erwitt, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Saul Leiter, Garry Winogrand and Lee Friedlander. Also many contemporary photographers like Matt Stuart, Jesse Marlow, Jo Wallace, Jack Simon, Nils Jorgensen, Pau Ll. Buscató, Tavepong Pratoomwong, Peter Kool and many more.
Your favorite photography quote?
Even though I’m not much of a fan of his work, I’d agree with this line from Bruce Gilden: “I love the people I photograph. I mean, they’re my friends. I’ve never met most of them or I don’t know them at all, yet through my images I live with them.”
Apart from Photography, tell us your hobbies and interests?
I’ve got quite a few, so I barely find time for work. I love traveling, seeing art-house movies, playing billiards, watching soccer, cooking Italian dishes, having drinks with friends etc.
What camera do you use the majority of the time?
For the last few years I was mainly shooting with a Fuji X100, which I just bought a few days after it was released in 2011. After they fixed a couple of bugs, it worked quite well for me. Although I’m not much of a gear-porn-fan, I’m thinking about getting a newer model some day to use the X100 as a backup. For me a good street camera has to be small, solid, silent and the picture-quality has to be good. Apart from that I don’t care much.
Any tips for aspiring street photographers out there?
Check other people’s work in books, museums or online and talk to people. Don’t focus too much on equipment. And most importantly: Have a good time! In the end it’s all about going out and enjoying what you do.
You can find Fabian Schreyer on the Web :
The Street Collective
Copyrights: All the pictures in this post are copyrighted Fabian Schreyer. Their reproduction, even in part, is forbidden without the explicit approval of the rightful owners.
Source: 121clicks Via: NewsPhotography.eu
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