#Faitomon [IC]
digital-zone · 2 years
Summer Vacation!!
(An RP starter for astral-multiverse!)
Summer vacation had hit for the blond-haired teenager. He had his group ready, but they all seemed to be doing their own things during the time they have off. Sure enough, Shunya had plans set up for him by his parents. They wanted him to take it easy and spend time away from home. There was a family member that was willing to let him live with them for the summer break. So the teenager packed his things, got on a bullet train, and left for Tokyo.
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Of course, upon arriving in Tokyo, and getting toward his destination... He had arrived in Obaida. The scorching summer heat was baking the male alive, or that's what it felt like to the tamer. "Agggghhh... Why does today have to be stupidly hot?" Shunya complains, holding out his D-Virtualizer in front of him as a makeshift GPS. "My lord, do you wish to stop and take a rest?" Faitomon asked in concern. "I probably should..."
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With that, he sits down at a nearby bench. Looking at the screen of his Digivice. "Do you require something to drink, Lord Shun?" "No... I think that'd be too risky, seeing that there are a whole bunch of people around us. You might stir up a panic." Faitomon backs off. "Understood, my lord." Shunya did make a good call to stop and rest; it allowed him to wipe the sweat off his forehead, and breathe for a bit. Carrying a suitcase was hard!
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digital-zone · 2 years
bcclko replied: It may seem like malice, but have simple answer: Cute aggression.
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Cute aggression? Now that terribly confuses the Rookie. He's heard of the rough kind of affection before, but cute affection? That is a whole 'NOTHER league of affection he has yet to learn of.
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digital-zone · 2 years
@revenantvoid continued from (here)!
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"Humans? You mean the legendary humans that have been foretold in legends and tales? I thought they were only a myth... So they do exist?"
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digital-zone · 2 years
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"I know the New Year is upon us all already, but I heard that humans celebrate the occasion with a drink called champaign? I was thinking of getting some for me and my lord."
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digital-zone · 2 years
[HOLIDAY EMOJI DRABBLES] 🍪: Our muses baking cookies together // with Masaru @cpirits
(@cpirits's muse Masaru baking cookies with Shunya, feat. their partner!)
The weekend provided a good time to do something nice for himself and his parents before the holidays hit, and what better to do something nice than with a friend? This person he met from a Digital Zone had grown accustomed to them rather quickly! What was the idea for doing something sweet? Baking cookies! That's what!!
Faitomon could be heard making the actual dough, while Agumon can be seen managing the taking and placing trays of sugar cookies onto the counter! In addition to carving the shapes after the dough was ready to be cut into. Meanwhile, the tamers were decorating the cookies on the kitchen island!
(Cut here for the sake of people's timelines!)
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"So, Masaru-san... Did you ever do this with your mother?" Shunya asks, while painting a decent Christmas tree with green, brown & yellow frosting/icing. "Hm? Oh yeah, when I was younger. My mom is quite an awesome cook, so it was something I looked forward to doing around this time of year!" Masaru on the other hand, had gotten a gingerbread guy, and the result was... Very amateurish, to say the least. Not like his family cared about the quality of the art...
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"You can say that again. Though it'd be even better if my sister were still here..." The blond-haired male sighed sadly... Christmas was something he looked forward to with Yumeno. With her missing in his life? It makes it hard to focus... Without thinking of her anyway.
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However, Masaru quickly patted the teen's back with a good amount of force. Snapping him out of that depressive spiral of thoughts. "Oi, Shunya-san... Focus on the now! Not much you can do until you figure out a way. Though..." Masaru sets down his piping bag with a bit of a reminiscing smile. "I know the sort of thing you feel. I also have a younger sister, who I want to protect, no matter the cost. If that sense guides you, then you beat the hell out of those guys that took her!" The tamer grinned with a fist punching into his palm.
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"Y-Yeah. That's actually a good point... Thank you Masaru-san." Shunya replied with a kind smile. Resuming his focus on decorating the cookies. As they were finishing that last batch of cookies, Faitomon had finished making the last of the dough. "I have finished making all of the dough needed to make the cookies, my lord." "Aw sweet, thank you!" Agumon was about wrapping up cutting up the cookies himself. "Almost done myself, Aniki!" "Heh, great job Agumon!"
After that, the pair would join Shunya & Masaru in decorating the cookies. Faitomon decorated with excellence and precision, while Agumon's style was... very childish to say the least. "Faito-san... You really remind me of Gaomon! With how you act and speak!"
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"Hm? Well, while I do not know this specific Gaomon you refer to, I am quite honored to make you reminisce over someone you care about. If he has mannerisms and prose akin to my own, I think the two of us would get along splendidly." "You even bore me with how you talk..." Masaru chuckles some, overhearing the conversation.
It took a lot of effort, and some sweat was made... They all managed to decorate every single cookie with barely enough supplies to finish it all off. You had some of the classics, a tree, a snowflake, a candy cane, but there were some specific things like a Santa hat, an elf, Santa's head, and even his sleigh! With a whole slew of other shapes as well to give a nice variety to the pallet.
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"Whew... I think we are done. You guys are more than free to take some to eat. There is more than enough for me, Faitomon, and my parents to have over the month..." Faitomon nods. Raising an arm up like a typical butler does. "Please help yourselves, as a courtesy for taking time out of your day to do this with us." "Heh, don't mind if I do~!!" Agumon obviously eats a cookie rather quickly, and his eyes widen over the texture of the cookie.
Soft but fluffy, sweet but not sickly, and the right amount of resistance without being too hard or soft... The reptile fell in love rather quickly. So much so, he quickly tried to eat the ones that they were going to take. "OI! Agumon!! Save some for me and not hog them all to yourself!" "But they're sooooo good Anikiiii!!!"
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As they were fighting, Shunya shrugged his arms and shook his head with a slightly defeated smile. "I guess some things never change..." More so referring to his own group of tamers, but still... This was the type of thing that he has gotten used to. Both Faitomon and Shunya wanted it to keep it that way.
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digital-zone · 2 years
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After a long day of doing chores while Shunya is away at school, Faitomon deserves a bit of a rest. Regaining some of the energy he expended.
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digital-zone · 2 years
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"I do not understand the meaning of bullying rookies. Being grabbed by the scruff does not foster any sort of good, valuable experience."
"Or maybe I should come out and teach her a lesson~!"
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"On... closer inspection, I see nothing wrong with such methods."
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digital-zone · 2 years
(@digital-gateway continued from here!)
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"You have an older sibling? I must say, that is quite an interesting factoid..." This was news to Faitomon, considering he was not aware of Digimon having siblings typically.
Indeed, Faitomon was not from this area. Or world, for that matter!
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"Oh, please excuse my manners... I am Faitomon. It is a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. How about yourself?" The Rookie 'mon bowed so politely, it might be seen as strange to the other Digimon. "I suppose you could say I am from the Digital World, yes."
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digital-zone · 2 years
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No one tell Faitomon what he did in the Digital World... Who knows what'd his reaction be if he learned of the atrocity he made!
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digital-zone · 2 years
✘ - How would Faitomon feel if he was forgotten about?
The Next 10 Ask Questions Must Be Answered Honestly - Accepting!
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"Now where in pray tell does this line of questioning come from, my fellow civilian?"
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"Although... If I had to be honest with my own thoughts and feelings..."
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The feline-like 'mon puts on a solemn look. "It quite honestly would upset me greatly to no end. It would be something I could not let go of even if I tried my darndest. No 'mon would ever want to feel like they have been abandoned or forgotten about... That includes me."
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Faitomon began to tear up at the potential situation. "I do not want that to ever happen to me... I want to be loved and have a normal life, much like any other Digimon in this world. I detest such an occurrence... Please, do not ever leave me if we are close... I dread thinking of what may become of not only me but of my sanity and soul if I had learned of being abandoned or forgotten about."
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digital-zone · 2 years
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"I am quite curious as to what Mister Gulus meant by sinning... Does it really mean steal?" It seemed Faitomon was curious by what he was overhearing...
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digital-zone · 2 years
There's a snicker as Gulus pours a bunch of liquid chocolate into a balloon, then tied the end of it and tosses it at the digimon while hollering, "Watch out for a flying sack of shit!"
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"Hm?" His ears pick up both the Digimon's hollering, as well as the sudden gust of wind that the object created as it flew into the air.
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"?!?!" In response to the stimuli, the feline-like Rookie quickly ducks onto the ground, letting the liquid chocolate-filled balloon fly over him. Once that occurred, the Digimon gets back onto his feet and looked over toward GulusGammamon.
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"Excuse me, Mister Gulus, but may I get an answer as to why you felt the need to toss something so unclean my way? I can see that you are not a Sukamon, so that excuse & reasoning will not work here." The Faitomon was not exactly pleased with what occurred. Despite his wording indicating calmness, his tone expressed anything but calm. Conveying an indication of disapproval & gentle annoyance.
At least he goes over to examine the condition of the balloon. Hopefully it didn't spill its contents all over the place... Presuming that the Champion-level wasn't lying about its contents, at least.
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digital-zone · 2 years
Meeting by Fated Coincidence!
(An RP Starter for cpirits!)
It was a bright & sunny day in Osaka; business people, tourists, elderly, young teenagers, and more were out & about. Doing the usual later summer activities that can be found at this time of year. Laughs, smiles... All shared amongst themselves. Yet in this particular area of downtown Osaka... All of that would be upended.
The normally blue sky became a blueish-green color in a brief flash of light. The surroundings completely changing in shape. Where there was no plants, now there was even amidst the normal flora in the area. Entwining itself with the human-made structures nearby. The monsters as well, they appeared alongside the brief flash of light. With roars of lustful rage, the screams and panic of people began.
They chased after the defenseless humans, with them pretending to be dead, hiding behind buildings, or flat out hiding underneath/inside something. Data particles were placed on some places as well. All surrounded by a thick fog that no one could enter. Within the sphere of the area, there were old, ruined & ancient pillars scatters in some places, followed by totems, burnt torches, and in the visible distance... A building that could only be described as being similar to the Pantheon in Rome, Italy.
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"... A Digital Zone has appeared." Faitomon says, with widened eyes.
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digital-zone · 2 years
🧶 for Faitomon
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Faitomon takes the sweater and puts it on his body. It's... a little loose, but nothing too bad. "I may not know who you are, but I humbly thank you sir/mister/madam/miss/mx for this wonderfully thought-out present!"
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digital-zone · 2 years
IC Test
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"Ahem... Testing- Testing! Testing. Testing? Testing... 1,2,3!!!
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"... Lord Shun, why are you conversing with yourself for others to overhear so strangely?
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"Oh, no reason at all~!"
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"... I see. I shall not question it then."
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digital-zone · 2 years
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(Bold for Shunya, Italic for Faitomon!)
moody | short-tempered | emotionally unstable | whiny | controlling | conceited | possessive | paranoid | liar | impatient | cowardly | bitter | selfish | power-hungry | greedy | lazy | judgmental | forgetful | impulsive | spiteful | stubborn | sadistic | petty | unlucky | absent-minded | abusive | addict | aggressive | childish | callous | clingy | delusional | cocky | competitive | corrupt | cynical | cruel | depressed | deranged | egotistical | envious | insecure | insensitive | lustful | delinquent | guilt complex | reclusive | reckless | nervous | oversensitive
honest | trustworthy | thoughtful | caring | brave | patient | selfless | ambitious | tolerant | lucky | intelligent | confident | focused | humble | generous | merciful | observant | wise | clever | charming | cheerful | optimistic | decisive | adaptive | calm | protective | proud | diligent | considerate | compassionate | good sportsmanship | friendly | empathetic | passionate | reliable | resourceful | sensible | sincere | witty | funny
skills & hobbies.
art | acting | astronomy | animals | archery | sports | bird watching | blacksmithing | boating | calligraphy | camping | candle making | casino gambling | ceramics | racing | chess | music | cooking | crochet | weaving | exercise | swordplay | fishing | hunting | gardening | ghost hunting | ice skating | magic | engineering | building | inventing | leather-working | martial arts | meditation | origami | parkour | people watching | swimming | puppetry | pyrotechnics | quilting | reading | collecting | shopping | socialising | storytelling | writing | traveling | exotic dancing | singing | whittling
Tagged by: No one!
Tagging: Whoever would like to do it!
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